• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 3,459 Views, 53 Comments

Child Of Misery - Nebula Star

Four thousand years ago alicorns ruled over all other mortal races. Then the mortal races rebelled against their tyranical masters. The alicorns were hunted down and either killed or imprisoned. They should have killed them all.

  • ...

Chapter 7: The Sisters

Child of Misery
By Nebula Star

Chapter 7: The Sisters

“Luna... please, you have to resist. I don't want to fight you.” Celestia said softly, taking a step toward her fallen sister.

Nightmare Moon smirked at her words, her draconic eyes betraying no compassion nor pity. “Whether you want to fight me or not does not matter. I intend to punish you even if you choose not to resist.” She smiled wickedly. “Though it will be far more enjoyable for me if you do, and my name is Nightmare Moon.

“You don't really want to do this, I know she's controlling you somehow...” Celestia pleaded.

Nighmare Moon burst out laughing, the same haughty infuriating laughter that she'd used at the Summer Sun celebration. Celestia watched as the laughter went on and on. Just what had Achlys done to her?

Finally Nightmare's laughter came to an end and she smiled wickedly at her once more. “You think that I'm being controlled? That my choices aren't my own?” She tilted her head back, looking down at Celestia chuckling. “Go ahead, see for yourself.”

Celestia understood what she meant; she would allow Celestia to look into her mind, to search her for any magic that may be controlling her. For a moment she hesitated. Why would she allow Celestia to see if she was being controlled? Was it some kind of trap? She knew though that she would. She had to know.

Reaching out with her magic, she began to carefully scan through Nightmare Moon's mind and magic. She knew that if she did anything threatening, if she went too deep or tried to alter anything, that Nightmare Moon would retaliate. Still she was as thorough as she could be. She found the source of the Nightmare's power, Luna's connection to the dream realm had somehow been strengthened far beyond normal.

But that was all. There was nothing else. Nothing was controlling her.

Tears in her eyes she retracted her senses from Nightmare's mind and looked up at her. “Luna... why?” She breathed.

Nightmare cocked her head to the side raising her snout and looking down at Celestia with cold hatred in her eyes. “Luna is dead, Celestia. You killed her, more than a thousand years ago. I am Nightmare Moon, and I'm here to punish you for that heinous crime.”

“But... the Elements, they cleansed you... You were Luna again!” Celestia cried.

She snorted. “The elements cant change who a pony is, Celestia. They did however strip me of my powers, and changed me physically back into my weaker form. When I realized this, I knew I would be no match for you, so I played along. I pretended to be the precious little sister you wanted me to be. I had intended to search for Achlys in the dream realm once more to renew our deal, but when you told me about your encounter with her, I knew it was only a matter of time before my queen would return seeking vengeance. So I continued to play along, biding my time until that day arrived.

“And now it is here. Finally, I will see you suffer, I will make you pay for your crimes against me.”

Celestia looked up at her tears flowing freely. “Luna... please. I'm sorry.”

“Sorry?” Nightmare sneered. “Sorry doesn't make up for the way you and all the ponies that loved you and your sun neglected me, ignored me, even reviled and feared me. Sorry cannot make up for a thousand years in cold exile, existing without a body. A millenia as little more than a consciousness merged with the moon's magic. No, Celestia, I will not forgive you now, nor ever again.”

She stepped forward and an aura of darkness surrounded her. The aura flowed into two forms on either side of her solidifying into two curved swords. One curving inward, claw-like, the other curving outward. Both blades were steel so black that they seemed to drink in all the light that touched them, while the sharpened edges shown brightly like slivers of a crescent moon. “It is time for your punishment, Celestia. Lyssa and Limos are thirsty. It has been so long since they've had anything to drink.”

For a moment Celestia just stood there, with her eyes closed and head down, tears steadily falling to the throne room floor. The others looked toward her, unsure what to do. Then slowly Celestia raised her eyes to the Nightmare; fierce determination shining through her tears. “I don't want to hurt you Luna. But if I have to, I will not hesitate.”

A beam of light, bright as the noonday sun, blasted through the ceiling engulfing Celestia. Everypony was forced to look away or be blinded by the intensity. Then the light faded and Celestia stood at the ready, her shield, Soter, attached to her left shoulder, and her spear, Arete held in her right fore-hoof.

“I will protect the ponies of Equestria. No matter the cost.”

Nightmare smiled looking eager.

“Excellent. However we can't have any interference from those five, now can we.” Achlys cut in, gesturing toward the others. “So, if you would, Deimos. Keep our other guests entertained and out of the way.”

The dragon rose to his feet. “As you command,” he said then stepped past the throne. The five friends took defensive stances, as if they would fight to stay at Celestia's side. Deimos didn't give them that option. He slammed one fore-claw down hard and a wave of stone tore through the throne room floor tossing the five of them into the far corner of the room. Before Celestia could react he leaped past her, putting himself between her and the friends. She almost tried to get past him anyway, but he threw her a glare in warning. His meaning was clear; he would kill her if she tried.

“Now,” Achlys said when only Celestia and Nightmare Moon stood before her. “You may begin.”

Celestia turned back to her opponent just in time. Nightmare Moon leaped into action, throwing herself into a spin, her dual swords levitated by her sides, spinning around her like a deadly whirlwind. Celestia raised her shield just in time as Nightmare opened up from the spin to deliver a powerful blow to Celestia's left side. The sound of sword striking shield was nearly deafening and Celestia had to take a step to the side to steady herself.

Pressing her advantage, Nightmare lunged forward with her other sword only for it to be deflected by Celestia's spear. Another strike from the left and Celestia had no choice but to leap back to avoid the blade. Even so it sliced across her armor, scoring the heavy steel. Nightmare was taking advantage of being able to levitate her blades in order to counter the longer reach of Celestia's spear.

She deflected another thrust of Nightmare's sword and this time lit her horn attempting to rip the sword from her grip, knowing that Nightmare's hold would be weaker the further the sword got from her body. It was still too strong for Celestia to overpower.

Her attempted did not go unnoticed. “You think I'd be foolish enough to risk losing my swords for a little more reach? Who do you think you're dealing with, Celestia? I was always the better fighter,” she taunted with a smirk, then lunged in to attack again.


Deimos glared down at the five mares. He had his orders, he was to keep them from interfering, and he'd follow them. He knew better than to openly oppose Achlys.

Predictably, as her heard the sounds of clashing steel behind him, Rainbow leaped up trying to go to the princess's aid, or perhaps to attack Achlys herself, it didn't matter. He opened his wings blocking the way and with quick flick, sent the hotheaded pegasus tumbling back by her friends.

“You're not going to get past me,” he told them simply.

“Spike, darling, I'm really sorry about this, but we have to help the Princess. So if you won't move, I'm afraid I'll just have to move you.” Rarity lit her horn and her eyes glowed white as she cast another powerful kinetic wave.

Flames erupted briefly in front of Deimos forming a barrier that her magic splashed against harmlessly. “You think those toys make you a match even for me!? I am an Orithian dragon, the elemental fury of all dragons flows within me! My power rivals even that of the alicorns!” He snorted contemptuously. “How far has pony kind fallen that the paltry amount of power those necklaces grant you is considered great? The alicorn blood that once made all pony races into the dominant species of this world has truly become diluted.”

His flame barrier spread out around them, blocking off the corner he'd trapped them in. “I warned you what would happen!” He growled. “You will never get past me, and you will watch Celestia's defeat! You were all fools to come here!”


Celestia was in trouble, it was all she could do to deflect or block Nightmare's swords, putting her entirely on defense. If she didn't get an opening soon, Nightmare would wear her down and break her defense. The only good thing was that, so far, Nightmare seemed content to fight only with weapons, allowing Celestia to conserve her magic as well. The light knew she'd need it if she somehow managed to defeat Nightmare Moon and had to face Achlys.

Nightmare forced her back step by step, controlling the fight. She lunged again, leaping forward as she did and Celestia turned to block the sword with her shield, watching for Nightmare's other sword that could strike from almost anywhere. She saw too late that Nightmare Moon had spun on her fore-hooves in front of her, by the time she realized her mistake, Nightmare had delivered a powerful buck into Celestia's shield.

She staggered back, almost falling and slamming the butt of her spear into the ground at the last moment to catch herself. Then she saw Nightmare continue her rotation, leaping toward her once more, her inward curved sword, Limos, lashing out with speed and precision. Imbalanced with her spear holding her up and her shield all but immobile, there was nothing she could do as the sword slashed across the inside of her left foreleg where there was a gap in her armor.

Pain erupted through the leg and she stumbled several steps back recovering her balance and moving into a ready stance once more though pained her. The wound wasn't deep, the leg would still function; but it was painful. Still it could have been far worse.

But why?

Celestia looked up at Nightmare warily. She'd been at her mercy, Nightmare could have sliced her leg to the bone, but instead she'd barely grazed it. She knew better than to think it was anything but intentional, so why had Nightmare spared her from such a crippling blow?

She didn't have time to think about it however. Raising her spear, she prepared to defend herself once more.

Nightmare attacked again almost the instant her spear was raised. Celestia barely managed to deflect the slash with her spear, then seeing an opening she lunged forward, thrusting her spear toward Nightmare's shoulder. Nightmare's second sword was suddenly there, knocking Celestia's thrust wide and throwing her off-balance once more. Too late she realized that she had fallen right into Nightmare's trap. She saw a glint of dark steel rushing toward her neck. There was nothing she could do and so she closed her eyes expecting a fatal blow.

It never came.

After a moment Celestia slowly opened her eyes, finding herself looking down the length of Nightmare's blade, the tip hovering by her neck, just below her jaw where her helm offered no protection.

Why did she stop? Was Luna still in there somewhere?

She looked up at Nightmare Moon and what little hope that thought gave her was struck down again by the wicked smile on the dark mare's face. “Did you really think I'd make it that quick, Celestia?” She asked, her voice cold. “Oh no... I suffered for a thousand years at your hooves. I'm going to take my time tormenting you.”

She made a small thrust with her sword, slicing a shallow gash just under Celestia's jaw and she recoiled in pain as red began spread through her pure white coat.

With a smirk, Nightmare turned her back on Celestia and took a few steps back toward the throne. “Shall we go again?” She asked tauntingly as she turned to face her once more.

New tears began to fall from Celestia's eyes. She should have known better than to let herself fall prey to false hope. With a cry of outrage at Nightmare's cruelty, Celestia leaped at her, beating her wings with all her strength to propel her across the distance between them, thrusting her spear toward the base of Nightmare's neck just above her armor.

Darkness enveloped her and flowed around Celestia, where Nightmare had stood there was nothing and Celestia stumbled as her weapon met none of the resistance she'd expected.

“You'll have to do better!” Nightmare taunted and the sun princess was kicked hard from behind, sending her sprawling with a loud clatter of armor at the base of the steps to the throne.

“How does it feel, Celestia?” She looked up sharply finding Achlys standing over her, smiling at her suffering. “Knowing that you've failed to understand your sister once again? That I understand her better than you ever have?”

She leaned down close and with one hoof raised Celestia's snout, forcing her to look at her. “How does it feel to know that the two ponies that you cared for most were nothing more than illusions, masks hiding those that would bring about your downfall?” For a brief moment Achlys's eyes changed to a familiar violet reminding her of Twilight.

Tears filled her eyes once more. What little hope she had fading. She knew she couldn't win, she couldn't even beat Nightmare Moon, how could she ever compete with Achlys?

Then booming laughter filled the room. Not taunting, or contemptuous, but true laughter.


Deimos could not believe what was happening, he had the five contained within his force-field, he'd expected keeping them subdued would be an easy matter. He hadn't counted on their... unconventional fighting methods. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were strait-forward enough on their own, even Rarity's magic was somewhat predictable. Fluttershy not wanting to fight at all was hanging back and Pinkie Pie... well, she was Pinkie Pie.

Alone, none of them posed a threat, but together... Applejack would run in when he was distracted and manage to get a powerful buck against his chest, sides or legs, often managing to knock him off balance, then Rainbow or Rarity would strike sometimes managing to knock him down. And all the while Pinkie Pie kept appearing almost at random, distracting him and providing the others with plenty of openings. True he was holding back because he still didn't really want to hurt them, but even so, this was getting ridiculous.

He slammed his claw down hard sending a shockwave to ward off Applejack as she tried to get in another attack, then had to act quickly to deflect Rarity's magic. She was trying to put him to sleep. Why she knew a sleeping spell, he could only guess.

“Come on, Spikey. We know you don't really want to be a big meanypants!” Pinkie said, appearing under his chest hugging one of his forelegs. This wouldn't have been a big deal if it weren't for one thing, her curly mane was brushing against the sensitive skin under his fore-leg. It was his greatest weakness; something only Achlys and Twilight knew about.

He was extremely ticklish.

He burst out laughing, unable to control himself as he desperately tried to leap away only to have Pinking hang on to his fore-leg, her mane attacking his weak spot the entire time.


Achlys's voice echoed through the throne room. He froze, reared up on his hind legs as Pinkie finally fell loose landing next to him. Achlys was standing over Celestia glaring at him. “That isn't exactly the mood I was going for!” She shouted angrily.

Jaw hanging open, he just pointed at Pinkie Pie in explanation. When Pinkie saw of course, she pointed back at him.

Achlys just sneered, unamused. “If you can't keep her under control, then just kill her and be done with it,” she told him coldly then turned away, returning to the throne while Celestia climbed to her hooves, turning to face Nightmare Moon once more.

It was all too clear a reminder of the grave circumstances. Eyes hardening he swung his fore-claw at Pinkie Pie, catching her off-guard and sending her tumbling over by the others.

“Hey!” Rainbow objected angrily and leaped at him. He opened his jaws and flames erupted out of his maw, blasting Rainbow back, scorching her fur and blackening many of her feathers, the flames swirled around the five, enclosing them in a small dome of flame.

He stepped over to the dome, glaring down at them. They shied back seeing the anger in his eyes. “I warned you! I warned you what would happen! Now none of you will leave here alive!”


Celestia cried out as Nightmare's blade scored another long gash on the unprotected part of her hind leg. Already numerous gashes covered her body, her white coat marred with deep red stains. She limped back, her right hind leg could barely bear weight anymore, and there was hardly any part of her that wasn't sore. Nightmare was slowly picking her apart. Already she'd managed to slice off a few pieces of Celestia's armor and had subsequently added injuries to the exposed areas. And she wasn't letting up.

Celestia desperately raised her shield to deflect one sword, then spun her spear around to parry the other. She tried to get in a counter, but it was no use. Throughout the entire fight she'd only managed to put two scratches on Nightmare's armor.

Another block, another parry, step back to evade. Then Nightmare knocked her spear aside with one blade, and her claw like sword hooked behind Celestia's shield tearing it away. She couldn't recover in time, even as her shield clattered across the floor, Nightmare brought one of her swords to bear and slashed the inside of Celestia's left fore-leg near her chest.

As with all the other wounds she'd inflicted, the gash was long but shallow. Even so, the pain was too much and with a cry Celestia collapsed.

Nightmare backed off, but Celestia didn't even try to stand again. What was the point? She couldn't win, she was certain of it now.

In the silence of the throne room she heard clearly the sound of hoofsteps coming toward her. She looked up, knowing she wouldn't be able to defend herself, knowing she had lost.

Achlys was walking toward her; then, one step to the next, the world seemed to warp around her and she appeared to cross half the throne room in that single step so she was standing over the fallen princess. Everything else seemed to fade away leaving only Celestia and Achlys surrounded by darkness.

“What did I tell you, Celestia? 'When thine heart is broken and thy soul bleeds of misery, only then shall I grant unto thee death.'” She smiled wickedly. “But we're not quite there yet,” she said softly. Celestia almost whimpered, but determinedly kept silent.

“Do you know why this didn't help you?” She asked touching the amplifier still around Celestia's neck. “It is enhancing your abilities, yes, but not nearly as much as it could. Do you know why?”

The darkness pealed away to one side and Celestia saw the others, still trapped in within the flame barrier. “It's quite simple really. You see, they respect you as their leader, they love you as their princess, but they don't even know you. They're not your friends.”

Like an arrow to the heart, Celestia felt that cold truth cut through her. She couldn't deny the truth of her words. She knew a great deal about all of them, but what did they really know about her? Could they really call themselves her friends?

For so long she'd let her responsibilities as princess consume her, never taking time for anything else, never making time for friends. Until Twilight, she'd hardly let anypony really get to know her, she'd kept them all at a distance, never showing her true self. She'd taught her student the importance of friendship but at the same time ignored her own teachings.

“It's a pity really. It would have been a far more interesting fight between you and your dear sister if you had truly been empowered by the magic of friendship that the amplifiers can harness. But you're barely receiving a fraction of that possible strength.”

“What do you know about the magic of friendship!?” Celestia demanded in a hiss.

Achlys just smiled. “Yes, how could one such as I ever learn anything about friendship?” She said with a smirk. “Do you think I've never changed over the millenia I've lived? Everyone changes in time, Celestia.

“When I told you about Twilight and how her family raised her to be nothing like me, that wasn't exactly true. She was nothing like who I am now." Achlys told her. "But there was a time, when I was young and naive, that I was very much like dear Twilight. I was shy and not very outgoing, preferring instead to simply study the mysteries of magic. But even so, I eventually found myself with friends that I cared for deeply. And with them I studied the magic of Friendship. I even eventually found love and so had a chance to study its most potent form.” As she spoke a slight smile touched her lips, not a sneer, grin or smirk, but a true smile. “Together, we accomplished wonders such as the world had never seen...”

The smile slipped away before she went on. “But then, one by one, my friends were taken from me. I made more of course, but it was never the same. And bit by bit, the power we'd discovered, the magic of friendship, faded away. Finally I realized the fatal flaw of that power; great though it may be, it forced you to rely on others for power. I realized then that the only power that is worth pursuing is your own...”

“Friendship is more than just a source of power, Achlys.” Celestia told her.

Achlys just looked down at her a moment in silence. “You're right,” she said finally. “It is a weakness too.” She leaned down and with a hoof forced Celestia to look over at the others. “They may not even really know you, but I know very well just how much you care for them. I'm going to kill them, Celestia, one by one. Slowly. Painfully. And I'm going to make you watch as I do it.”

Celestia glared up at her, tears filling her eyes once more. “You're quarrel is with me! Leave them out of this!”

“You're the one that brought them into it. And now, you're the only one that can save them.” She paused a moment to make sure Celestia understood.

“I will spare their lives, if you swear fealty to me with a magically bound oath.”

Celestia continued to glare up at her. A magically bound oath could not be broken. She would be forced to live forever as Achlys's slave, having to do whatever Achlys ordered her to. But... if giving it would save their lives...


She looked at the sound of her name and saw Rainbow Dash just on the other side of the flame barrier. Their eyes met, and slowly Rainbow shook her head, her meaning clear.

Celestia smiled, her resolve restored by that simple act of loyalty. “I will never swear myself to you!” She said firmly glaring up at Achlys. “These five came knowing they may lose their lives! They were willing to make that sacrifice because they believe in what we are fighting for, and it would dishonor their sacrifice if I were to abandon our cause to protect them now!

“I told you once Achlys that the ponies of Equestria made me their princess because they loved me. But you're right; it wasn't me they loved. It was what I stood for! And I could never betray their trust and abandon the values that I've always striven to represent.” Despite the pain she was in, the princess of the sun forced herself to stand, raising her head high. “Kill them if you must, but each death will only serve to strengthen my resolve!” She took a step toward Achlys. “But you might as well just kill me now, because I will never break!”

Achlys stared at her a moment in silence seeming slightly surprised, but not concerned in the least. “I'd like to prove you wrong.” She said softly, clearly confident that she could. “But I can tell it would take a great deal of time and effort, and honestly you're just not worth it.”

She sighed heavily. “Now it seems this isn't going to be any fun anymore...” She turned and as she did, light returned to the rest of the world, the throne room fading back into view. Everything seemed to warp around Achlys again and she was back standing on the dais the throne sat upon. “Lady Moon, go ahead and finish it,” she ordered sounding bored already.

“As you command...” Nightmare Moon said softly raising her swords and stepping toward Celestia. She erupted into shadows that spread throughout the throne room casting everything into darkness for only a moment, then condensed again as she materialized next to her target. And before anypony could react, she plunged her sword, Lyssa, deep into the other alicorn's side, running her through.

Author's Note:

Nice place to end the chapter, huh? Don't worry, the next chapter won't be long. Just got to go over it one more time and it will be up by this weekend.