• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 3,456 Views, 53 Comments

Child Of Misery - Nebula Star

Four thousand years ago alicorns ruled over all other mortal races. Then the mortal races rebelled against their tyranical masters. The alicorns were hunted down and either killed or imprisoned. They should have killed them all.

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Death of an Alicorn

Child of Misery
By Nebula Star

Chapter 8: The Death of an Alicorn

The throne room was silent, save for the sound of blood dripping to the floor from the tip of Nightmare's sword. Everypony stood staring in various states of shock at the scene before them. None more so than Celestia, who stood apart from the other two alicorns.

Finally, Achlys coughed, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, her eyes wide, shocked as everypony else at what had happened. Then Luna thrust the sword deeper, twisting it slightly to cause her more pain while with a powerful slash of her other sword, she shattered the darklight staff, scattering the pieces across the floor behind the throne. Smiling smugly she leaned close to Achlys.

“The Elements of Harmony cured me of my madness; did you honestly believe I would willingly serve you again!?” She said softly with hatred dripping from every word.

“YOU WRETCH!” Achlys shouted, swatting her away with her wing and magic. Luna was thrown across the throne room to slam into one of the columns with a crash that cracked the stone before falling to the floor where she laid, unmoving.

“LUNA!” Celestia cried, seeing her sister fall. But she quickly focused. She couldn't let Luna's efforts go to waste. She had no doubt that Achlys could survive such a wound, even though the sword had clearly pierced her heart. But the wound would weaken her severely as much of her magic would be drained to keep her body functioning and begin the healing process. Possibly even enough to put her at Celestia's mercy. Achlys probably realized this and would be looking for a way to escape.

On that thought, Celestia quickly cast every ward against teleportation and other forms of magical movement that she knew, watching Achlys carefully as the other alicorn used her magic to draw the sword from her side and toss it away, clenching her wings tight over the wounds to stem the loss of blood.

That done, she coughed again, bringing up more blood and began to cast her eyes around, clearly considering her chances and looking for ways to escape.

Celestia began to advance on her, Already Achlys's magic was reduced to her level and it still seemed to be getting weaker. Celestia grinned triumphantly realizing just how well Luna had planned; dragging out the fight with physical weapons, knowing Celestia would wield her spear by hoof and so would be able to conserve her magic. Though she was wounded as well, her wounds were all minor enough that very little magic was needed in the healing. Magic wise, she was still nearly at full strength.

Achlys seemed to be realizing this as well, and stepped back from Celestia's advance, her eyes like that of a cornered animal, desperately searching for a way out. Celestia didn't let her guard down, she knew that even weakened as she was, Achlys could be dangerous.


Celestia's eyes widened; the dragon! Even with how much magic she still had, she doubted she could fight off Deimos. But she would die trying before she let the dragon save Achlys's hide once more.

He didn't move. Deimos just stood staring at them seeming almost stunned, then slowly he sat down, looked Achlys in the eye, and shook his head. “Not this time, Achlys,” he said softly and at the same time his barrier imprisoning the others faded away.

“YOU WOULD BETRAY ME!?” Achlys screamed in outrage.

Deimos just looked back into her eyes. “I loved Twilight.”

Achlys's eyes widened in panic, stepping back away from Celestia.

“It's over Achlys.” Celestia said grinning. “You've turned everypony, everydragon, against you, there's no escape this time.”

Desperately Achlys's eyes darted around for a few moments more, clearly searching for some way out, but with Deimos against her as well, she knew there was no escape for her. Celestia alone she might have been able to escape, but Deimos knew many of her secrets. She looked at Celestia with a hateful glare. “Fine! But if I'm going to die, I'M NOT DYING ALONE!”

Her horn lit brightly and her entire body began to glow. Celestia's eyes widened in shock; Achlys was forcing all of her magic, even the magic that had been healing her wound, out of her at once, using it all in one final spell. Doing so would kill her, but with that much power, her final spell may just kill all of them as well.

She saw a shimmer of dragon magic and knew Deimos had put up a barrier to protect himself and the others. Celestia knew how strong he was now and knew that his barrier may just be able to hold. But there was one other pony in the room, one that couldn't get to that safety in time.

Celestia dashed across the throne room and threw herself over Luna, putting a barrier around them, as small as possible, just as Achlys's spell erupted from her. The throne room became a swirling inferno as if they'd been plunged into the depths of the sun itself. Celestia felt the flames roaring against her shield and screamed as she felt her magic being drained at an alarming rate. She poured all her strength into it, trying to keep it up. It seemed almost an eternity. On and on the inferno raged.

Her barrier fell as her magic failed and her armor's enchantments were overwhelmed in an instant. She felt the flames burning away her fur and feathers, still she kept her wings outstretched, trying to cover Luna, protecting her little sister with her body. Her flesh began to be seared away where it was exposed and unprotected by her armor. But she didn't care, only Luna mattered.

Then, it was over. The inferno faded revealing the entire throne room scorched black, the thrones themselves completely destroyed. Smoke rose into the air in several places from what little remained of the room's decorations. The tiles near and on the dais where the thrones had stood glowed with heat. And in the center stood Achlys, or what was left of her. As the charred corpse collapsed all that made it recognizable as Achlys was its size and the emerald crown still clinging to the blackened skull.

Celestia didn't care, she just laid there holding Luna, protecting her, hoping she was alright.

“Princess!” She heard Rarity cry, hoofsteps echoing across the throne room. There was a loud cracking sound followed by a crash as part of the ceiling collapsed.

Finally Celestia began to pick herself up off of Luna.

“Princess, your injured!” Rarity gasped.

“I'm fine!” Celestia insisted pulling off Luna's helm and gently cradling her in her fore-legs. “Luna... wake up, please wake up...” She whispered softly, tears falling from her eyes that had nothing to do with her own pain.

Finally though, Luna slowly opened her draconic eyes. She blinked a couple times, then looked up at Celestia and smiled weakly. “Hey, sis... sorry I put you through all that...” She said softly.

Celestia laughed and wrapped her hooves around her hugging her tightly. “You rascal. You had me so worried!”

“I... I had to wait until she lowered her guard, and I wanted to make sure there was somepony there to finish her in case I couldn't. It's a good thing I did too... You'd think I would have learned better than to gloat like that.”

Celestia smiled squeezing her tightly. “Old habits die hard. You do tend to monologue sometimes.”

Luna hugged her back, glad that Celestia understood what she'd done and why. But then her hoof brushed against one of Celestia's burns causing her to tense in pain and at the same time she noticed the smoke in the air and the smell of burnt flesh. “Celestia! You're hurt!” She exclaimed then remembered that a fair number of Celestia's injuries were from her. “I mean other than what I did!”

“I'll be alright.” Celestia assured her.

Luna looked up at her a moment concerned, then slowly nodded. “Tia, I... what I said, and did...”

She smiled understandingly and gently put a hoof to Luna's snout to silence her. “I know why you did it. I know it wasn't true.”

Luna looked down. “Well, it wasn't all lies...” she said softly, then looked up and smiled. “I can't forgive you when there's nothing left unforgiven.”

Celestia smiled joyfully and hugged her once more. “I'm just glad to have you back.”

“I'm glad that it's finally all over,” she said, and let out a relieved sigh. “What happened after I...” She began realizing that she didn't know for certain if it really was.

“She's gone,” Celestia assured her quickly then went on to explain. “After she knocked you out, she was weakened, she knew that she wouldn't be able to escape on her own and that she couldn't fight me as injured as she was. So when Deimos refused to help her escape, she tried to kill us all...” She nodded toward the dais where the thrones had been, and the remains lying sprawled at the top of the steps.

Luna stared for a few moments to confirm to herself that it was indeed over, but then her mind went back to something else Celestia had said. “Deimos refused to help her escape?”

“Yes, I did.” The dragon's deep voice came from somewhere behind Celestia, And Luna raised her head to look past her sister to where the dragon stood. “Had I known you were plotting against her, I would have helped you,” he said then gave her a wry smile. “You played your part well. Perhaps even too well.”

“And I thought you were loyal to Achlys.”

“I'm ashamed to say I was. Out of fear, I was loyal to her,” he said softly, averting his eyes. “I... I should have been willing to oppose her openly. I was such a coward.”

“That's not true,” Celestia told him gently. “You knew better than anyone the terrors Achlys was capable of. You had every right to be afraid. In the end, you chose us over her, and that's what matters. And it's not like you didn't try to help us. You freed me from the trap Achlys had captured me in. I know you weren't ordered to do that, even if Achlys did intend for me to break free.”

Luna looked up at him. “So that's where you went yesterday.”

“Bet even then, I was a coward. I should have offered to fight alongside you.” He shook his head disgusted with himself.

“Try not to be so hard on yourself, big feller,” Applejack said putting a hoof against his fore-leg. “There's no shame in bein' afraid of somepony like Achlys. And when ya'll tried to help us escape, warned us not to, we all came here to fight anyhow. Ya'll had every right to be angry with us. Still ya sided with us in the end and even saved our hides from that crazy inferno.”

“Yes,” Rarity agreed. “I dare say if it weren't for you, we all would have been burned alive.” She glanced at Achlys's remains and shivered.

Celestia felt Luna moving and let go as she pushed herself to her hooves and went over to the dragon, looking up at him. “Deimos, trust me. It's best to learn from your mistakes, and try to do better in the future. It will do you no good to dwell on you could have done, or should have done, wallowing in your guilt. When forgiveness is offered by another, take it, but don't forget to forgive yourself as well.”

He looked down at her a few moments in silence, then slowly smiled. “Thank you, Luna,” he said softly and she smiled.

“Um... sorry to interrupt, but um... it's past time for sunrise and ponies might be getting worried...” Fluttershy said after a few moment's pause.

Celestia nodded and painful though it was, pushed herself to her hooves. “Yes, it's time we let our ponies know that their princesses have triumphed.”

“Tia, can you even handle the sun in your condition?” Luna asked worriedly.

She winced. Luna was right, all her magic had been drained in the inferno and what little was coming back was all going toward healing her wounds. As it was she would be lucky to levitate a feather. “No, I suppose not.”

Luna smiled. “Don't worry, sis; I'll raise the sun for you," she said then added with a grin; "just this once.” She let out a small laugh as she started toward the door that led to the nearest balcony to the throne room. “Should be amusing if anypony sees me. How would they react to seeing Nightmare Moon raising the sun.”

“I'm surprised the guard hasn't arrived already,” Deimos commented as Luna disappeared from view. “They have to have seen the inferno from the grounds with all the windows blown out, I'm surprised they're not rushing to their princess's aid.”

“I ordered them not to,” Celestia said in explanation of the guard's absence. “But I suppose we should let them know what has happened, before they get too worried.”

“I'll tell them! Then I can pass out invitations to my the-princesses-defeated-the-evil-meanie party!” Pinkie said and before anypony could stop her she was gone, the throne room doors swinging in their frames, creaking slightly.

Celestia looked after her a moment bemused. Twilight's friends were each so unique... Twilight... Any amusement she'd found in Pinkie's antics evaporated in an instant.

Slowly she turned and walked over to all that remained of Achlys... all that remained of Twilight.


Luna took a deep breath as she prepared to raise the sun. It had worked.

Some of what she'd told Celestia before they'd fought had been true. When Celestia had told her of the encounter she'd had with Achlys, she'd known that the alicorn would return. She'd begun making plans then of what to do when that day came. She wasn't sure what Achlys would do, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to fight her head on. Nor had she known whether Achlys would believe her if she claimed to be on her side. When she'd waken with the powers she'd had as Nightmare Moon restored, she had her answer and put her plans into motion.

Celestia hadn't known about the connection between Achlys and Nightmare Moon. Luna had never told her where or how she'd gotten that power. Now, at long last she could finally put that chapter of her life behind her, even if she looked like Nightmare Moon again.

Horn lighting up with indigo magic, Luna reached out to the sun. It was rare that she'd ever touch the greater celestial sphere. Still, it was familiar enough. The sun seemed to recognize her touch though it had been years. Sorry old friend, I know you prefer Celestia's touch, but she's injured and won't be able to raise you for a few days, she thought as she began to raise the celestial sphere. The horizon began to lighten, becoming a warm red, brightening to orange then yellow, finally the brilliant white disc of the sun began to rise over the horizon, casting its light over the land.

Luna smiled, she preferred her night sky, but she still always felt a sense of accomplishment when she raised the sun for Equestria. And this sunrise was more meaningful than most. A new day was dawning.

Though Achlys was defeated, things could never go back to just the way they were. Including herself. She didn't know how to remove the power that Achlys had given her, and honestly, she didn't want to. She could do without the change in appearance, but it wasn't that big of a deal. She still found her appearance pleasing enough in this form. Perhaps a little intimidating with the pitch black coat and draconic eyes, not to mention the small fangs. But pleasing none the less. Appearing to be the dreaded Nightmare Moon again may cause some issues, but she believed that in time, the ponies of Equestria would come to accept her once more.

As for the rest of Equestria, there were other changes that their ponies would soon become aware of. Not the least of which was the loss of their newest princess. Luna sighed as her thoughts darkened. She never could have guessed that Achlys was hiding within Twilight. Next to Celestia, Twilight had been the one pony she'd been closest to. How had she not seen it? But even Celestia had never guessed Twilight's true nature, and she had arguably been as close to Twilight as Twilight's own 'mother.'

Sun raised and the day begun, Luna turned away from the balcony and headed back inside.

“What have you done to Princess Celestia!”

Luna looked up to see a mare pegasus guard, a sergeant by her armor, diving toward her on the balcony. She landed in front of the lunar princess and raised her spear, held in one fore-hoof. Luna just rolled her eyes, smiling slightly, she was a brave one at least. “I believe I just raised the sun for her since she's not able to at the moment.”

Her eyes narrowed and she looked like she was about to attack. Luna decided it would be best not to make anymore jokes. “Relax, sergeant, Celestia is fine. She was a bit wounded and drained of her magic during the battle, but she'll recover.”

“Why should I believe you, traitor!?”

She laughed to herself. “Follow me and see for yourself if you won't take my word. As for myself; I'm probably stuck looking like this, but now that Achlys is taken care of, I no longer have to pretend to serve her and can be myself again; though I understand if you won't take my word on that either.”

Luna turned back to head inside, but again she didn't make it two steps before...

“Found you!” Pinkie Pie said appearing out of nowhere right in front of the sergeant. “Here! You're invited to my the-princesses-defeated-the-evil-meanie party.” She pulled an invitation out of her mane and held it out to her. The other mare blinked in surprise and took the invitation. “It's not going to be 'til next week because Princess Celestia's going to need some time to recover so she can enjoy it.”

Luna smiled shaking her head. “We should head back to the others, Pinkie.”

“Okie dokie lokie! I already handed out all the invitations, so we're good to go!”

“So who all did you invite to this party or yours?” Luna asked as she led the way back to the throne room.

“The royal guard, castle staff, and all our friends of course.”

Luna raised a brow at her in surprise. “And you've already given out all the invitations?”

“Uh huh!”

“To all of them?”


Luna's eyes widened. “But the guard is spread throughout the city, and the castle staff... that's hundreds of ponies! Where did you even get that many invitations?”

“I always have plenty of invitations in case of party emergencies!” Pinkie said jovially. Luna stared at her for a moment as she continued to walk, but then they reached the throne room so Luna decided to let the matter drop and pushed the door open.

When she stepped inside though, she saw Celestia standing over the remains of Achlys staring down at the charred corpse. Tears were in her eyes and it only took Luna a moment to know what was wrong. What was tearing at Celestia's heart. Twilight. The others all knew as well, but they didn't know what they could do to help.

Luna quickly went to her sister's side and, careful of her wounds, put one wing around her, offering what comfort she could. She didn't know what more she could do. She was hurting too.

She felt Celestia trembling with soft sobs as tears continued to fall from her eyes. Luna gently nuzzled her cheek, sharing her grief. But it was too much, even for Celestia to bear. Throwing her head back she let out a wordless cry of anguish that echoed through the throne room.

Author's Note:

So, honestly, who saw that coming? Luna's been one of the heroes of this story all along. :pinkiehappy:

There's just one more chapter and an epilogue left to go. I'll be releasing both together, probably some time early next week, so it won't be long now. Then I just have to get back on my other writing projects.