• Published 24th Jul 2014
  • 5,173 Views, 148 Comments

Twilight's Human Boyfriend - Songbrony

In an attempt to get away from home and see a different world, I moved to Equestria. A lot of humans have recently, so it's not unusual for me to be here. While I'm still getting used to talking horses, I never thought I would actually fall

  • ...

Chapter 12

I groaned. My head felt like it was split open as I opened my eyes. There were bright lights and a loud ringing in my ears. My throat felt like it was closed off. I moved my head and looked around. I was hooked up to a machine that was monitoring something. Probably my heart rate and blood pressure. I looked to my left and saw Twilight sitting in a chair, writing a letter to someone.

"Twilight?" I groaned.

She turned to me, relieved and smiling. "Brendan! You're awake!" she said, giving me a tight hug. I winced as a sharp pain shot through the left side of my chest. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said letting go of me. "How are you feeling?"

"Like my head is split open and my chest is on fire." I said. "What happened?" I asked.

"You were shot. By some asshole. The bullet hit your heart and you were trampled by a few ponies, but you're okay. You're safe." she said relieved.

"I was shot? How? By who?" I asked. Guns were illegal in Equestria and they were scanned for once someone arrived. All luggage was scanned before and after arriving.

"I don't know. The Princess is looking into it." she said. "I'm just so glad you're okay." she said, tears forming in her eyes. She gave me a kiss and a lighter hug.

I heard the door open as a nurse walked in. "Mr. Rogers?" I heard her say. "I'm Nurse Redheart. How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts and my chest is in pain." I said.

"Do you remember what happened?" she asked.

I blinked a few times as I tried to remember. "I was at the Gazebo...and I heard a loud bang." I said. I tried to move my back up but I felt a sharp pain in my left side of my chest.

"Take it easy." she said calmly. "You were shot. You're currently at Ponyville's Hospital for Humans." she said. "You're alright, we removed the bullet and your stable." she said.

"Wait...this is Phil's hospital right?" I asked. He was the only one with a human hospital in the area. "He was there as well, is he okay? What happened?" I said a little too frantically, hurting my wound.

"I don't know. A lot people and ponies were hurt. I'll go check and see what I can find out, okay?" she said. I nodded my head. "Is there anyone you want us to contact?"

"Um...no...no I'm good." I said, looking over at Twilight.

"Okay. I'll send another nurse in to get some vitals and painkillers for your wound." she said, patting my leg and walking out of the room.

I sighed. "How did someone get a gun here in Equestria? The screenings for coming over here are insane!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know. But I swear the Princess and I are going to find out how this happened." she said.

I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling. "I'm sorry." I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For everything. Just what I did and how it spiraled from there." I said. "I didn't want to make things complicated." I said.

She put her hoof on my hand. "It's okay. You don't have to be sorry."

"Do you know what happened to Phil?" I asked.

"No. They took him in for surgery and wouldn't let me in. I looked for you and waited for you to wake up." she said. "You were out for almost 12 hours."

"Feels like a lot longer." I said. "Was anyone seriously hurt?" I asked.

"Not that I'm aware. A few ponies and people were shot as well, but I don't think anything too serious happened. A few went into surgery but they've all come out okay." she said. "Both hospitals have been working hard to help everyone. They've sent some human doctors over to the other hospital and some ponies over here."

"Did they catch the guy?"

"No. He made ran out of town once some authorities arrived. But they're looking for him." she said.

I heard a knock at the door and saw Nurse Redheart walk in. "Hey." she said.

"Did you find Phil?" I asked.

"I did." she said. "He had a few wounds on his chest and legs. He was helping others escape the area and ended up saving a filly."

"Is he okay?" Twilight asked, nervous.

She walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry. He lost too much blood before he went in for surgery. By the time they started operating, it was too late." she said. "I'm so sorry."

I just stared at her. "No. That can't be right."

"I'm so sorry. He was a hero. He saved a lot of lives." she said.

I looked over at Twilight who was staring blankly at her, mouth agape. "I'll give you two some time. I'm so sorry." she said and walked out of the room.

"Twi....I..." I stammered. What could I say? Nothing I said would make this better.

I saw tears form in her eyes. "No..." she said quietly. "No...he's not..." I sat up, despite the pain in my chest, and pulled her into a tight hug. She started to cry into my chest, whimpering. "I'm sorry." I whispered. She started to cry harder and huffed in between sobs. I teared up myself. He wasn't that bad of a guy. He didn't deserve what happened.

We sat there and I let Twilight cry. I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. There was nothing I could do that would make this situation better, so I just gave her a shoulder to cry on. I heard the door open and saw Pinkie Pie and Spike walk in, followed by the others. "Hey Twilight." Spike said.

She looked up and sniffled, rubbing her eyes. "Hey." she said weakly.

"We heard what happened." Pinkie said as they walked over.

"We're here for ya' sugarcube." They stood around Twilight and they all just held her, not saying a word.

She cried harder now that everyone was around her. "Thank you." she said quietly.

I don't know how long we were there just holding each other. I ignored the pain and held Twilight not knowing what to do. She lost Phil completely now. Nothing could bring him back. But all I could do, all any of us could do, was to just be there for her, knowing that she was going to need time.