• Published 24th Jul 2014
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Twilight's Human Boyfriend - Songbrony

In an attempt to get away from home and see a different world, I moved to Equestria. A lot of humans have recently, so it's not unusual for me to be here. While I'm still getting used to talking horses, I never thought I would actually fall

  • ...

Chapter 6

As I opened the door Twilight slammed into me. "Whoa! What's the rush?!" I asked.

"Brendan! I'm so sorry! But Phil's at the hospital!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, doesn't he work there?" I asked.

"Not like that! He's been admitted to the hospital!" she said running off.

"Hey, wait!" I shouted chasing after her. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I was just told that something happened and he had to be put there." she said as we ran. It didn't take us long to get there, running full sprint and out breath. She ran up to the front desk. "I need to see Phil."

The brown haired lady at the front desk rolled her eyes, set the magazine she had been looking through down, and looked through some files. "What room number is he in?"

"I don't know, I was just told he was here."

"Okay. And your relation to him?" the secretary asked.

"I'm his...uh...girlfriend." she said, stumbling.

"Oh, that's right, he's the one who's all for that beastiality fetish." she said.

"Oh shut up. Just where is he?" I asked.

"Second floor in room 209." the lady said, returning to her magazine.

We headed towards the stairs and something she said at the desk bugged me. "Hey Twilight? Why did you hesitate to tell her about you being his girlfriend?"

"That's the secretary Phil's told me about. She holds her parent's views very very close." she said.

"Oh." I said. We didn't say anything more as we walked up the stairs to his room. I was trying to figure out what could have caused him to be in the hospital. He's fairly fit. I mean, other than my own personal vendetta against him, there really wasn't anyone I knew of who would want to send him to the hospital over something.

We reached his room and Twilight rushed in, almost knocking over one of the nurses. "Phil! What happened? Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I had a heart attack. Apparently, I've been working too hard. It's why I've been a little short tempered with you." he said.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're all right."

"But you're in great shape. How did you have a heart attack from over working?" I asked.

"Well heart disease runs in my family. It's not surprising that I had one. I'm just wishing it would have come at a later time." he said. "But I'll be okay. I won't over work myself again so I can avoid another one."

"Just keep taking care of yourself and you'll be fine." I said.

"Hey Twilight, could you do me a favor?" Phil asked.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Could you run by my house and bring me some change of clothes for when I'm checked out? I don't want to be stuck in a gown when I leave." he said chuckling.

She smiled. "Of course. I'll be right back." she said giving him a kiss on the forehead and leaving the room.

I stayed in the room, unsure of what to do. "She's something you know?" Phil said.

"I know what you mean." I said leaning against the wall.

He sighed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Like what?" I replied nervously.

He sat up in his bed. "Has something been bothering her? You're one of her closest friends, and I really don't see too much of the others. Has she said anything to you?"

I thought about it, and there wasn't anything specific that I could think of that would be bothering her. I mean, I had my own assumptions, but nothing that she had told me that Twilight didn't already tell him. "Nothing that I can think of. Why?"

"She just seems distant. Almost like something is troubling her. Usually she tells me what's going on, but it's like an issue that is messing with her head. Sometimes she's completely zoned out when I say something and then snaps out of her thoughts without telling me what it was."

"Maybe she's been given a lot of studying materials from the Princess?" I suggested.

"No, it's not that. She's never been one to hide what she's been studying about. You should know that." he said.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess your right. Maybe it's something she's just too embarrassed to say what it is." I said, speaking my mind aloud, realizing it too late.

"What do you mean?"

"Uh...well...you know her curious nature. And you two have been together for awhile...I mean...maybe she's...looking into some of our more...personal moments." I said, without blatantly saying it.

"Really?? You really think so?" he said. "I don't know. That's a little...weird." he said.

What? I thought. "What do you mean by weird?"

"Well...she's a pony. I'm a human. That...that wouldn't really work out. Biologically speaking, we're two complete different species." he said.

That's...not something I thought he would say... I thought, surprised. "I guess. But you're both intelligent and speak a sentient language that we all understand. They have their morals of right and wrong, and even here, interspecies relations aren't uncommon. I mean, have you seen how Spike is around Rarity?"

He laughed. "I guess so. But it's way out of left field for us. You know, back home, being with an animal is wrong."

I held back my tongue. "But she's not an animal. She's a sentient species." I reminded him.

"Yes yes, I know, but that's not what I meant. I meant, that back home, ponies aren't like how they are here. And it's looked down on heavily and is illegal in some areas." he said. "It's just way different to what I'm used to."

"Well, if it was way different, why did you decide to date her?"

"I don't know. I guess the human part of her is what got me. You know, her talking, her willingness to stand up for herself, hell, even the fact that she seemed more human than some of the people back home." he said.

He's got a point. I thought. "Well, there you go. She's already so different from what we know normally from our home. It just takes a little push." I said.

"Maybe. I'll think about it." he said. "Hey, thanks for chatting. We never really did just talk." he said. "You're not as bad as I thought." he said.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, a little irritated.

"Just that I thought you were a moocher who would take whatever he could get and not try to live by himself. You seemed like the type of person who stalked your own roommate." he said.

"Why in the hell would you think that?"

"You've been living with Twilight for a long time now. Normally, if this place were normal, I would have put a stop to it. However, seeing as things do work differently here and the currency exchange hasn't been determined yet, I let it all slide because you did need a place to stay. And the fact that you had that stalker like look about you. Which reminds me, when did you get a haircut?" he asked.

"Oh. Today. I got it done earlier this morning. I guess the stalker look was getting to me." I said, understanding what he meant. If she were a human back home, all of this would look really bad. He probably would've threatened me by now if we were back home. "You're not so bad yourself I guess." I said.

"And what do you mean by that?" he asked.

"Well, you always seemed to not care about what Twilight wanted to do. It seemed like you always wanted to do things your way and not compromise. It just irritated me." I said.

"Oh, you mean the museum thing? Honestly, I'm just not a fan of them. I get bored and have been known to fall asleep while standing in a museum. I can handle a museum about medicine and the history of hospitals, but that's only because it's in my field. I tried to compromise with that, seeing how she loves museums and I hate them, but I guess I can see how that would look on the outside." he said.

I chuckled. Oh god I'm starting to like him. I thought. "Hey, I've got to go back to the library and fix some things up. Spike was helping Rarity out last night and he's sleeping. So I've got to re-shelve everything." I lied. I didn't really have to do all that, but I wanted an excuse to leave. I was having a mixed arrange of feelings going through my head and I was getting a little worried with them.

"No problem. You go make a living and get out of her house before I force you." he said sarcastically and smiling.

"But that requires having responsibilities."

"And they suck." he said. "I'll see you later."

"See ya'." I said and left the room.

As I left the hospital and walked back to the library, I couldn't help but feel like I had misjudged him. I mean, yeah I never hung out with him or got to know him, but he always seemed so rude and obnoxious. It was like he was a completely different person than who I thought he was. "Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all." I sighed.

I walked into the library and began to fiddle around with the books. While they weren't out of place, it gave me something to do. No wonder Twilight was still with him. He seemed like a naturally cool guy. "So much for my chances." I said. I kept organizing as my thoughts spiraled out of control. He was basically just like every other guy. Caring, hard working, a little weirded out by the thought of inter species relations, but not too weirded out to accept them, and just a nice guy. I thought.

"You know, if you're going to mull over your emotions, you might want to do them in your head." I heard Spike say to me.

I jumped, completely forgetting he was even around. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I heard every word of what you said." he said walking over to me. "You know, if he's really such a great guy, than why does Twilight like you?"

"Spike, please, we're just friends." I said, turning my head and looking down at the books in my hands. I quickly placed them back on the shelf and moved on to the next row.

"Dude, are you blind? She's into you. She just doesn't know how to feel about liking both you and Phil." he said.

"And how would you know?" I asked.

"I've been chasing after Rarity for years. I know a thing or two. Plus, I've been with Twilight for a long time. I may just be a baby dragon, but I'm not completely blind."

I sighed. "Look, even if I liked Twilight that way, it wouldn't matter. She's with Phil. And Phil is okay I guess."

He gave me a look that said, 'Seriously?' "Okay, I may not be the best when it comes to getting the girl, but you've done so much for her! She thinks highly of you and everyone can see it. Why do you think Rarity was so quick to help you?"

"She said Twilight liked me, but I just saw her with Phil. I think she's more interested in him than me." I said.

"Oh, come on Brendan. She's dating him, yes, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you too."

"Spike, I know you're trying to help, but can you please drop it. She's with Phil, not me, and that's all that matters." I said.

"She talks about you in her sleep too you know." he said. "And I'm not going to say most of it. It gives me chills thinking about it. And you may not see it, but you are the only one who is able to turn her day around. No matter how down she is, she always seems to perk up around you. Her face lifts, her ears perk up, and she smiles more around you. I've only seen Phil do that a few times." he explained.

"Then why hasn't she left him?" I asked.

"Because she doesn't know what she's missing! It's why Rarity still hasn't taken a liking towards me." he said.

Actually I believe that's because you're a baby dragon. Emphasis on baby. I thought to myself. "You know, I try to show her what she's missing, and it goes right over her head." I said.

He sighed as he walked upstairs. "Give me a minute."

I rolled my eyes. I knew Twilight wasn't going to want to go out with me. Hell, she had had Phil, a Doctor making lots of money who was trying his best to make her happy. He was a decent guy who, no matter how jealous of him I was or what I tried to do, was going to be with Twilight. He walked back down the stairs with a book in his claws.

"Okay. So remember when you went to the Starswirl the Bearded museum in Canterlot?" he asked.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Well she took pictures and put them all in her scrapbook, just like she does with every one of her friends. However, you're different. She has a special place in it just for you." he said, turning it towards the back. I saw pictures of us where we made the funny faces, where we tried to see who was able to pull the Starswirl the Bearded look the best, and even just a few of me looking around.

"Well that could be because of anything. You know, I am her first human friend after all." I said.

"Than why isn't Phil in here with his own little spot? He's her boyfriend after all." Spike said.

"Why does it matter?" I asked, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Even if she liked me like that, and even if I were to ask her out, she'd probably say no since she's with Phil. Things would be awkward and I doubt we'd be able to stay as close as friends as we are now based on what I felt."

"It's a risk, but you'll have to take it. Trust me. Have I been wrong before?" he asked.

"Where do I start?" I said.

"Okay, okay, don't answer that. But believe me. She likes you. A lot. If Rarity already told you that, then it has to be true." he said.

"I doubt it. But if it makes you feel better, I'll take her out and see how it goes." I said.

"Don't do it for me, just do it because you like her and she likes you." he said. He left the scrap book for me and walked to the kitchen. I picked it up and looked through the pictures we took together. There were so many good memories and other times that I couldn't help but smile. I walked over to the center of the room and pressed the button to show the gift she made for me. I looked up and saw all the stars and planets. All the effort it must have taken to just get this done, and to keep it hidden while I was stuck at the library like a hermit.

I looked back to the book and rubbed my hand over a picture of us. Damn it. Okay. I'll ask her out... I thought. I really wasn't sure how I was going to do that, but it had to be done with just the right amount of tact.

The door opened and I quickly looked up. Twilight was walking in, a little pale again, but definitely looking better than she did this morning. "You alright?" I asked, turning the projection off.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" she asked.

"Well, earlier today you looked a really lighter shade of purple than usual. It's not so bad now, but it's still noticeable. Something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I'm okay. I was just tired from last night." she said.

"Okay. Well how's Phil doing?"

"He's fine. He's a little tired from the experience, so I let him get some sleep. There's nothing good I can bring to them there since he's sleeping and the Doctor's are more experienced than I am, so I figured it'd be better if I left." she explained.

"I'm sure he'll be in good hands." I said.

She walked over to me, curious about what I had in my hands. "What's that?"

"Oh this?" I said, closing it quickly. "Just your scrapbook. You have a lot of pictures of your friends in there. You all seem to have a great time at Pinkie's parties." I said.

"But how'd you get it?" she asked.

"Spike gave it to me." I said, throwing him under the bus.

"Of course. I tell him not to go through my things and he ignores me." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't be too hard on him. Remember, he's a baby and still has a lot to learn." I said.

"That still doesn't mean after the tenth time I tell him he can get away with it." she said, annoyed.

"Okay, maybe then he should be grounded from comic books for awhile." I said with a smile. We stayed quiet for a little bit. "Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" I asked.

"No. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Hay Burger? You seem to be a little down, so I figure it might be a way to cheer you up." I said.

"Do I really look that way?" she said.

"Just a little. But your still beautiful. Just need to add a smile to your face and it'll be perfect." I said, trying to flirt a little.

She chuckled. "Okay. I'll go with you. Just give me a little bit to get my purple coat back to normal." she said, walking up to her room. She took the scrapbook from me when she passed me by. After she closed the door, Spike came out of the kitchen with a sandwich.

"See? I knew you could do it." he said giving me a thumbs up.

"Yeah. But it's nothing fancy. It's just a place I know she enjoys." I said.

"Eh, it's still a date." he said, taking a bite.

Yeah...It's still a date. And I'm going to try and make the most of it.