• Published 24th Jul 2014
  • 5,174 Views, 148 Comments

Twilight's Human Boyfriend - Songbrony

In an attempt to get away from home and see a different world, I moved to Equestria. A lot of humans have recently, so it's not unusual for me to be here. While I'm still getting used to talking horses, I never thought I would actually fall

  • ...

Chapter 15

I sat next to Twilight, waiting for her to say something as she stared at the table. I knew she was going to be upset but I was hoping that she would understand why I had to do it.

"Twi, I know it's going to be difficult. But I need to be there. I want to make sure that they get everything they can so they can reopen the borders." I said.

"It's not that..." she said, hardly audible. "It's just....what if something happens...and you can't come back?"

"What do you mean?"

"I did some research on your home. The Princess was nice enough to let me view a few of her things that describe your home...and they weren't all good. There are some terrible, awful people there...and I'm just scared of what may happen..." she said, shakily.

"I'll be okay Twilight. I've lived there for all of my life until I moved to Equestria. And I was fine then. Those people aren't going to worry about me. I'm a nobody to them." I said, trying to reassure her.

"But think about it. You're a witness to what happened at the Gazebo. Whether or not they try to charge him with murder or some lesser crime could depend on whoever is testifying. And from what you told me, not everyone is as accepting of a place they don't understand. I don't want you getting hurt." she said, leaning next to me.

"Don't worry about me. I'm doing this so we can live here without anything to bother us. Sure I could've gotten the immunity, but I wouldn't have felt comfortable with that." I said.

"I understand that. I'm not saying it was the wrong choice." she said. "It's just not what I was wanting to happen. I had hoped by talking to the Council I could change their minds. But too many ponies made petitions and demands in a frenzy that hasn't been seen in a century...It shook them, so they obliged."

"You can't be upset with them. They're only trying to protect their home." I said.

"I know, I know. But not all humans are like that. YOU'RE not like that." she said.

I grabbed her hoof and held it. "I don't want to leave. But I have to. If I don't something could go wrong." She didn't say anything. "Besides...it gives us a both a chance to recover from Phil." I said. It was more for her than me, but I still thought it would help me.

"I'm fine." she said.

"Okay." I said. "But I still think it would be a good thing. The Princess said that she would help me send letters to you if you wanted to write back and forth." I said.

"Will they let you write anything while you're doing the trial? I thought they kept the trials secret, at least what was happening in them until after it was over." she said.

"That pertains more towards the jury. I'm sure there are some stipulations for witnesses, like not talking to the media or news outlet, but I'll find out more when I get there."

She sighed. "Okay. When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow. I take a ship back in the morning. Princess Celestia will be there too. She thinks it would be a good idea to arrive on a boat instead of teleporting there. Better to make a good impression than to scare them." I told her.

We stayed quiet, without saying much else. I don't know how long we just sat there before we heard a knock at the door. Twilight stood up and walked to the door to answer it. I sat at the table, just wondering about what to do when I got back home. I'd be in the capital, where I knew absolutely nobody. I was going to be given a free hotel room since I was a witness to the trial, but I had no idea what to do in my spare time. Hopefully they wouldn't keep me locked in my room like some sort of caged animal.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw both Princess Celestia and Luna standing behind Twilight. "Brendan." Luna said to me.

"Um, hi, Princess. What's going on?" I asked.

"I have some news regarding the trial and my involvement." Celestia said. "Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. The Grand Council wishes for me to stay back in Equestria, and hold a meeting with the other leaders from the countries around here to try and find a way to handle this situation. Some governments from the surrounding countries believe your species as being excessively violent and dangerous. They want me to try and convince them otherwise." she explained.

"What?" I asked surprised. "I thought they believed we were dangerous?"

"It's not that. They trust most humans, however the public outcry was too much for them to just ignore." she said.

Typical politicians. I thought. "So who's going to the trial? I mean I thought they wanted you there to help oversee the trial and make sure everything went well?"

"Someone will still be there. Instead of me, my sister, Princess Luna, will be accompanying you." she said.

"We know that we don't know each other very well, but we assure you, we'll do everything we can to make sure that this trial goes as well as we can." Luna said.

"I have the utmost confidence that my sister will be able to handle this." Celestia said. "She'll also be reporting on the dealings and the hassles of the trials to me. You can send any letters for Twilight through her."

I sighed. I liked Luna, her nights were always something I admired. But I felt like she wasn't as experienced with public relations like Celestia was. Especially if it got out that she had been Nightmare Moon.

"Do you have any questions or concerns? We would understand if this was worrying." Luna said.

"No, no it's fine. Just unexpected." I said.

"We have a few more issues we have to attend to before you and my sister leave tomorrow." Celestia said.

They turned and walked back to the door. Twilight didn't walk them out and just stood there, not saying anything, like she was deep in thought. "Something bothering you Twilight?" I asked.

"Hm?" she said, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh, no. I just don't understand why they're sending Luna instead of Celestia. Luna doesn't have much experience with Public Relations since her return. I'm not sure what Celestia can do here with the ponies that Luna couldn't do. She's become pretty well liked since Nightmare Night last year."

"Who knows. It's politics. I'm sure there is some underlying reason for what they decided to do." I said.

"Well I don't like it." she said. "No offense to Princess Luna, but I don't know if she's the best qualified for this."

"Hey, wasn't it Celestia who sent you to Ponyville when Nightmare Moon returned? She knew you would find a way to beat her. I'm sure if Celestia was really concerned about Luna going, she would've fought with the Council and made sure she would have been the one who went to the trial." I said.

"Maybe..." she said quietly.

"Hey, it'll be okay. We're going to set this straight." I said, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. I had a strange feeling, like something was wrong. I pushed it out of my head and just held her.


The following day I woke up earlier than I needed to. I had packed most of my stuff the past night. I wanted to get there early, even though I didn't need to. The Princess was giving me a place to myself on the boat, while the other humans who were the first to be sent back home would have to find a place to sit or lay on the deck. It was going to be packed, but being a witness did have some advantages.

I put my backpack on, and walked back to Twilight's room. I'm glad I didn't wake her up when I got out of bed. I didn't want to make this worse for her by seeing me leave. I leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead before walking back down to the library.

I looked around me. This place had been my home for months and I was sad to be leaving. But it wasn't permanent. At least I hoped it wouldn't be. I would go to the trial, do my best, and pray for everything to work out. I walked out of the door, giving the library one last look before walking to the train station.

The sun was barely up above the horizon and most of the ponies were all still in bed. I didn't see many humans out, whether they were trying to hide and not leave or just wanted to spend as much time as possible with their friends here. I couldn't. It was hard leaving, but I didn't want Twilight to see me leave. It would be hard for her and I didn't want to do that to her. She'd been through a lot.

I sat down on a bench at the station. It was empty, only a few people were there, probably for the same reason I was. Easier to just leave without having to say goodbye to the ones you'll miss. I sighed as I leaned back. I knew it was going to be hard to be back home, but I kept telling myself it was the right thing to do.

"I hope so." I said to myself quietly.

"Brendan?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned and saw Pinkie Pie walking up to where I was sitting. "Oh. Hey Pinkie." I said.

"What are you doing here? It's super early." she said.

"Yeah but I wanted to get to the pier early."

"Are you avoiding talking to Twilight?" she asked.

"What? No, why would you think that?" I asked.

"Well, you're here, not at the library where Twilight obviously is, and you look sad." she said.

"Of course I'm sad, I'm leaving. I think anyone would be sad to leave this place." I told her.

"Well duh silly! But your sad looks like the kind of sad that not even a famous Pinkie Pie party could fix."

"A party is the last thing I need right now." I said.

"So you are avoiding talking to Twilight! That's not very nice." I rolled my eyes. "You should at least say goodbye!" she exclaimed. "She didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Phil, how do you think it would feel if she didn't get to say it to you?" she said bluntly. "She'd be devastated! And then she'd spiral into a world of doubt and worry! 'Why didn't he say goodbye? Was it something I said or did? Does he still care about me!?'" she said getting more dramatic with each sentence.

"Pinkie!" I shouted angrily. "It's just easier this way!"

"Easy for who?" she asked.

"For...it's just so...it makes sense, okay?" I stammered. "This is going to be difficult for Twilight. I don't want to make it worse for her by having her watch me leave." I said.

"But Brendan, she cares about you! Just give her a hug and say goodbye! It would mean a lot to her! Especially since the party I was planning had to be cancelled!" she exclaimed.

"What party?" I asked.

"It's why I haven't talked to you much the past couple of weeks. I kind of have a big mouth when it comes to surprises, so I made a Pinkie Promise not to say anything about it. But since it's cancelled I'm able to tell you!" she said with a smile.

"What? But doesn't that go against what a Pinkie Promise is?" I asked.

"Nope! Rule number 3.14-e6 states that in the event of a cancelled party, a Pinkie Promise is no longer in effect." she explained.

"Oh...well, okay then." I said confused. She has a list of rules for a Pinkie Promise? I thought.

"Yep! It was suppose to take place at the Gazebo under the stars to since there was going to be a super amazing awesome meteor shower next week! But the Gazebo has been closed until the investigation and repairs are done." she said.

"Really? Man I would've loved to have seen that." I said.

"Twilight thought so. It's why she had me plan it! She kept it secret so it would be an even bigger surprise!"

"Well that was very nice of her and you to do. But it still doesn't change the fact that I can't say goodbye to her. It would just make things worse." I said.

She sighed. "When will you just say it and not be a big chicken? If you're scared because you don't want to break down crying, just say it." she said.

"Wait, what?" I asked. "That's not-"

"But it is! Come on just say it!"

I sighed. "Pinkie that's not the reason. I just don't want to put Twilight in a situation that will hurt her or make her upset more than she already is." I explained.

"You're really dense, you know that right?" she said, tapping my head.

"Hey cut it out! It's been a hell of a week and I don't think Twilight needs to say goodbye to another person she cares about!" I said, once again.

"You keep saying that! But I think it's just so YOU don't have to say goodbye to someone you care about it!"

I groaned. She was right, that was one of the reasons for why I left as early as I did, but I also knew Twilight was going to be a wreck if she saw me leave. I didn't want that.

"Besides, the train doesn't arrive for another hour. What were you planning on doing here for that long?" Pinkie asked.

"Sulk." I said grumpily.

"That's no fun! Listen, we're going to go back to the library and you're going to say goodbye to Twilight!" she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bench.

"Or I could just follow him to the station." I heard Twilight say.

"Oh, hey Twi!" Pinkie said. "Could you believe that he was going to just leave without saying goodbye first?!"

"I can actually." she said.

Pinkie's mouth dropped. "But why? He's been avoiding closure!" she exclaimed.

"That's not what I think it is." Twilight replied. "Pinkie do you mind if we could talk for a minute? Just me and him?"

"But I just got here!" she said.

"I know, but I'd appreciate just a little privacy." Twilight said.

"Oh alrighty then. Geez it's like I'm written in just to be used as a bridge or something." Pinkie said before walking off.

We ignored her comment and waited for her to be out of earshot. And then waited a little more just in case.

I looked to Twilight and she just looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye." I said apologetically. "I just wanted it to be quick and over with."

"I know...but I wanted to wish you well. I hope everything goes well over there.

"I'm sure it will. I have some ideas that will help us win the trial. And with Luna's help, it shouldn't be too hard." I said.

"Nothing illegal." she said.

"Fine I won't create a Death Note and write his name down in it." I said jokingly.

She rolled her eyes at me. "Brendan I'm serious. I want you to be able to return here as soon as possible. Don't do anything that could jeopardize that."

"I won't. I'm not stupid enough to try and pull something shady over their eyes. I'm not a lawyer." I said.

"You're not stupid at all, and that's my concern. You're smart enough to know what not to do, but if you get angry you get stupid. Don't let anything they say about us, or any of the ponies here get to you. If you let them get into your head your going to run into more trouble than Luna and you can deal with." she explained. "And I want to see you come next year." she said with a small grin.

I smiled back and pulled her in for a hug. "I love you." I told her, meaning it more now than ever.

"I love you too." We sat there for an hour and when the train arrived we reluctantly let each other go. "I'll see you soon. Okay?" she said waving to me.

"Real soon." I replied and waved back as the doors closed. As we pulled away from the station I saw her start to cry, but she held it together. If only just long enough for me not to see her. I sighed and took my seat next to a window. It wasn't a long train ride, maybe half an hour, but it felt like ages. There weren't many others on the train except for a few humans who figured it was better to get out of dodge early than be forced out.

We pulled up to the docks and the train ground to a halt. I stood up with my one backpack that had all my stuff, minus the books I left at Twilight's place for Spike to finish reading. I walked out as the doors opened and made my way to the boats. I saw Luna standing next to the boat I figured we were supposed to board, and walks over to her.

"Brendan. You're here rather early." Luna said.

"Yeah well I figured I should get the first boat out so I have a place to sit." I joked.

"No need to worry. We have our own compartments, away from anyone who would want to disturb us." she said.

"Right." I said.

"Did you get a chance to say goodbye to Twilight?" she asked cautiously for some reason.

"Yeah." I replied. "It went well. Better than I expected."

"I heard you tried to leave undetected. Didn't want to face her at first, hmm?"

"How did you hear about that?" I asked confused.

"We went to Twilight's so we could come to the docks and discuss a course of action for the trial. But she seemed a little worried when we arrived. You were not there and she wanted some time to talk to you face to face." she explained.

"Well I'm glad she did come." I said quietly.

"Don't fret, Brendan. I will send whatever letters you wish to send to Twilight. They arrive instantaneously, so you'll always be able to write to each other."

"You won't be spitting fire out of your mouth every time right? That may put a damper on our chances of winning the case." I said.

"Unfortunatly no. It would've been a handy scare tactic in the court room." she joked back.

I chuckled a little bit. We talked a little bit about the upcoming trial and I gave her some more information on my home, what to do, what not to do, and certain customs she should be aware of. "And please for the love of god do not use the royal canterlot voice." I pleaded.

"Of course. We wouldn't want to give the impression we're scary." she said. The boat blew its horn, signaling us to board. We climbed aboard the ship and made our way to our compartment. I put my bag on the chair and walked over to the window. I felt a weird sense like this was the last time I was going to see Equestria, but I quickly shoved that thought out of my head. There was no good in thinking like that. I grabbed my bag and opened it.

"You'll be pleased to know that I had this room outfitted with outlets to allow you to charge you electronic devices." Luna said.

"How'd you do that? I thought you all didn't have electricity here, or at least only in major cities."

"We had a human friend of ours put it together. He also wants to return, and wanted to make you comfortable on the way home." she said.

'Vague much?' I thought. I didn't say anything though. It would be nice to see the pictures of my friends and family from home. I hadn't seen any pictures of them for far too long. I flipped my laptop opened and plugged it into the outlet next to the chair. It didn't take long for it to turn on, and I waited as it loaded up. I was surprised to see my desktop had changed from its original hockey team I had it set to for years, but was quickly smiling when I saw what was in its place. A picture of me and Twilight, with a text saying, 'I'll always love you. No matter where you go.' I felt a tear run down my cheek, and knew that I was going to fight even harder to get back to her.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank everybody who kept up with this story, even after I let it sit idle for far longer than I should have. Thank you for reading, and if you have any questions, I hope to answer many of them in a future blog post. Again thank you all so much for your support and views. I'll see you all in the next story.