• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 7,334 Views, 366 Comments

Getting Even - Mint

After falling in love Twilight must decide whether to stop Luna from stealing the throne or not.

  • ...

Chapter 1

(A/N: When I started writing this story season two had just begun, but Luna had not yet made her second appearance. So this story is written from the perspective that the majority of what happened during and after that episode did not occur. I do take certain elements from the later shows, but for all intents and purposes in this story they never happened.)

Part 1: The Usurper

Twilight Sparkle yawned, putting her hoof in front of her face. It was quite late, but she was dying to finish the chapter on magical transfiguration. She used her magical horn to turn the page, and glanced through the remaining paragraphs. She should have been taking notes, but she decided to re-read it in the morning and do that. How she wished her stenographer was still around, her perfect little helper.

Spike, the wonderful little dragon she met the day she got her cutie mark, eventually grew up. Twilight once read that dragons grew in spurts, usually four or five, in their lifetime. Spike hit his first and got big, bigger than Twilight herself. Spike tried to say that nothing would be different, but it was apparent that things couldn't stay the same. Dragons are naturally short-tempered, territorial and stubborn. Spike was raised by ponies and despite being nice while he was young, his instincts began taking over. He was extremely protective of Twilight, to the point of growling and breathing fire at other ponies he had known for years if they spoke too loudly. He would also often stomp around Twilight, swishing his tail on the ground. When he was brought back to his senses he would state that he didn't know why he had done that. When the bookworm pony set out to study dragon behavior she learned something that unsettled her. This was mating behavior. Rarity was gone by that point, and Twilight was the person Spike knew best. Through his instincts he was protecting and courting his mate. The final straw came when Twilight arrived home one day, to find the entire outside of her tree scratched to pieces. When she opened the door she discovered Spike circling around, burrowing through the floor and into the ground. When she asked what he was doing, he simply replied that he didn't want anypony invading his place. Twilight then pointed out the fact that they had guests all the time, earlier in the day even, and he wasn't offended. Spike gave her a blank look, thought for a moment, and then realized that he had no idea what he was doing. It was then that Twilight gave him a heartbroken look, one he returned. He couldn't stay. In the end, he was a dragon and he needed to go and be a dragon. It was extremely hard on both of them, but Spike said goodbye to everypony and they both walked into the mountains. Twilight found a nice cave for her life-long friend and gave a tearful and heart-wrenching farewell. The pony felt her heart break as Spike cried into his hands and sobbed that he didn't want to be apart from his best friend. Twilight hugged him and reassured him that they would always be friends, no matter how far apart they were, and she would visit him whenever she could. They then parted, to lead separate lives.

Twilight sighed and closed her book. She was getting too tired and her mind was wandering to thoughts she didn't want to ponder upon. Thinking about her adorable little assistant made her heart ache. With magic, she began putting away her things. So much had changed since those magical years with her friends. Rarity was a fairly popular fashion designer in Manehattan, although this was largely due to her husband. She married a much older stallion, but he was well connected in the fashion industry. Twilight got the feeling that their relationship wasn't based solely on love, but Rarity was happy all the same. She even had her own magazine and in every issue she appeared thrilled. Fluttershy married a rather serious and strong stallion. He was sometimes gruff and prone to yelling. Twilight didn't like him a bit, but Fluttershy seemed to get along with and often defend him to other people. Pinkie Pie, Twilight doubted she would ever settle down. The hyperactive pony was still bouncing around, throwing party after party. Twilight figured that there wasn't a single stallion in all the world that could keep up with her, and the mare remained a spinster, working out of the local bakery, being a party planner as well as shop manager.

Rainbow Dash, poor, poor Rainbow Dash, Twilight had always suspected, but kept her mouth shut about it. The rainbow-haired pony confessed her love to another...unfortunately that person was Applejack. Rainbow only had eyes for other mares it seemed. Applejack was quite nice about it and responded with a respectful "no" in her old folksy, congenial sort of way. If Twilight remembered correctly it was something along the lines of "Sorry hon, my barn door don't swing that way, I am real flattered though." Rainbow Dash was thoroughly embarrassed, although not because Applejack turned her down. Word got out and everypony in town began giving her odd glances and whispered about her. The poor pony never learned how to deal with failure, nor everypony's cruel rumors and jokes. In the end it caused the mare to break down. She was desperate to leave town. Twilight helped her apply to all the flying squads in Equestria, looking for an escape. Her dream, the Wonderbolts, turned her down, stating that in a year she'd meet the minimum age requirement, but not now. All of the other teams rejected her as well, except for one, the Fillydelphia Lightning Wings. It wasn't well known, and relatively new. They didn't really have an age requirement and based on Rainbow Dash's record they accepted, not really expecting her to say yes. It would have made more sense for her to wait a year and join a top ranked team, but due to the circumstances Rainbow Dash jumped at the opportunity, accepted the job and with only a quick goodbye to Twilight Sparkle was off to Fillydelphia. No one from Ponyville had seen her since, although Twilight used to write to her from time to time. The letters stopped abruptly when Twilight wrote that Applejack was getting married and that Rainbow Dash should come. Even if she had been embarrassed, Applejack still loved Rainbow as a dear friend. Rainbow Dash didn't come and no more letters ever arrived.

Applejack married a third cousin from Appleloosa, Apple Tree. He was a nice and simply pony and was excellent at harvesting apples. It was a good thing too, their apple farm was difficult to manage with just Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Applejack. It also wasn't long until their first foal arrived, a filly they named Apple Core. Despite the family's clear lack of creativity with names, they were wonderful and happy people. The brother of Applejack had never married, but it didn't seem to bother him much. He was a simple and laid-back guy and didn't ever get angry or even excited.

Twilight sighed as everything was finally put away. So much had changed. Years could do that. Most of her dear friends had left Ponyville to follow their own paths. With so much heartache and separation the letters to Princess Celestia even dried up. Friendship meant dealing with the happiness and sadness together. All the same, Twilight didn't ever feel like writing about the dark times. As the pony began climbing the stairs to her loft where her bed was, she heard shouts from outside. She turned her head towards her window. In the dark she saw various ponies running to and fro, checking behind barrels and yelling at one another. She squinted in the dark, trying to get a batter look. They all looked like faceless shapes, scurrying around. Then, quite suddenly, the door to her house slammed opened. Twilight jumped and jerked her head around. As the door slammed shut her eyes widened. There, standing in her home, was Princess Luna, her once great enemy.

The princess kicked the door closed and threw her back against it, huffing and puffing. She had a worried expression on her face.

"Wow, they're fast!" Luna muttered.

"P-Princess Luna!" Twilight shrieked. The dark pony gasped and turned towards the other pony. She paused for a moment, as if trying to remember something.

"Oh, it's you, uh...Twilight Sparkle." Luna said. "What a coincidence. Of all the houses I could have hidden in..." Abruptly, there were some shouts from just outside the door.

"The screaming came from this way!" A male voice shouted.

"Hurry up!" Shouted another.

"Oh for pony's sake..." Luna whined. She zipped up the stairs and past Twilight. She darted under the bed. "Tell them I'm not here! Tell them I went to the Everfree Forest, please!" There was now a loud and continuous banging at the door. Twilight Sparkle stood stupefied for several seconds, her mouth agape. What was going on! Just a few seconds ago everything had been as it was for years. Now Princess Luna was in her house asking her to lie for her. What was she supposed to do? Her hooves led her to the door. When she opened it she discovered that the royal guards were standing at her doorstep, appearing very frazzled.

"We heard screaming coming from this direction!" One of the white ponies shouted far louder than needed. "Are you alright!"

"Y-Yes...I'm...alright." Twilight said, cringing a bit from his loud voice.

"Have you seen Princess Luna?" He ordered. Twilight gulped, her mind racing. She wasn't sure how to respond. In the end, she made a very fateful choice, one in which the ramifications would echo across Equestria.

"I did." Twilight said.

"Where is she!" The guard bellowed.

"She...she...I saw her flying towards the Everfree Forest!" Twilight shouted. The soldiers instantly turned and began running towards the black woods.

"Thank you for your assistance citizen!" They shouted back, moving away at a breakneck speed. Twilight closed the door, sighing exhaustively. When she turned around Luna landed in front of her, causing her to jump backwards, ricocheting off the door and landing in a heap on the ground.

"Thanks!" Princess Luna stated, grinning widely. "They're a lot faster than I thought." She grinned widely. "I'm free, I'm finally free!" Princess Luna reared back and laughed loudly. "Mwahahahahahaha!" The laugh was distinctly similar to when she was Nightmare Moon. Twilight stared blankly, not entirely sure what to think. Luna abruptly stopped, realizing that Twilight was staring at her. "Uh...too over the top?"

"Just a little." Twilight said, raising her hoof.

"Sorry, a little excited." The pony turned around and began walking around the house, happily. "Nice place, I didn't know you could have a home inside of a tree. You certainly have a lot of books." Using magic, a book came off the wall and hovered it in front of her. "Oooh, history." She began turning the pages. She commented on each subject she glanced over. "Wrong, wrong, didn't happen that way, it was an Ursa Minor...didn't mention me at all...mostly right...he only had three foals..." Twilight was standing in the same place, her hoof still in the air. Her mouth was moving but no sounds were coming out. What was going on!

"What did you do!" Twilight asked. Luna turned around, a quizzical look on her face.

"Nothing!" The princess stated. Twilight narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Honest!" Twilight offset her jaw. "Really..." Luna's eyes gazed away. Twilight leaned forward, causing the princess to lean backwards. "I didn't..." Twilight growled a bit. "Okay!" Luna finally shouted, causing Twilight to finally lean backwards. "I ran away! I hate it at the castle!"

"What's so bad about it?" Twilight asked.

"It's boring..." Luna whined. "I've been there for years with nothing to do...I might as well be banished. Sis says that people need to get used to me being good again and that I shouldn't do anything stupid or dangerous. I just keep going to these royal parties with people from other nations, week after week. What am I supposed to say! Sorry I threw a tantrum and tried to make it night forever wanna apple fritter?" Twilight tilted her head. She had no idea Luna was really like this, of course she only met the real her for less than a day.

"So you just run away?" Twilight asked.

"Oh...I'll go back, I just want to get out for a little while, stretch my hooves." The Princess widened her eyes and gave Twilight a pleading expression. "Can I stay here, pweeeeeaaaaasssssseeee?"

"Uh...eh...I don't..."

"I won't be any trouble, I promise!"

"I...oh...alright...just as long as you go back."

"Don't worry, my trouble-making days are over!" Luna smiled and put the book back on the shelf. "So, what are we doing?"

"I'm going to bed." Twilight remarked, suddenly remembering how tired she was.

"Oh phooey, all everypony ever does at night is sleep. There's so much to do at night! There are plenty of beautiful things to find!"

"Okay, okay, we'll hang out at night sometime, for now I just want to sleep."

"Can I sleep too? I never slept in a regular bed in ages, I want to try it."

"Yeah sure, I've got an extra bed."

Twilight Sparkle lay quietly in her bed, attempting to simmer down from all the activity that had just occurred. Luna was lying on the spare bed, relocated beside Twilight's so that she could feel "more at home." The regular unicorn was having a tough time drifting off to sleep however. Luna continued to move around and gyrate on the bed, not in discomfort but in apparent happiness, enjoying the texture of the mattress and covers. Occasionally she would coo and stretch, apparently joyful at being in a new place. Twilight realized that it was doubtful she was going to get any sleep. The princess lived and played in the moonlight, as such she wasn't going to rest now. Twilight turned over towards the princess, who seemed to blissfully happy.

"Hey." The unicorn began.

"Yes my dear?" Luna asked happily, turning towards her as well.

"Why did you do it?" Twilight asked.

"I told you, I got bored and ran away." Luna repeated.

"No, I mean...turn the world into night forever." Luna flinched before making a face and looking at the ceiling.

"Like I haven't heard that question a million times."

"I realize that but the books say it was because you were jealous of the day and wanted people to appreciate the night more." Luna sighed before turning back to Twilight.

"That was part of the reason yes, and in the history books it makes me sound more vengeful and evil so the story took. There were a lot of reasons actually."

"Tell me then." Twilight instructed.

"Well..." Luna began, looking Twilight in the eyes. "Our parents were like us, winged unicorns or alicorns and very magical. They controlled the seasons. So after we were born, they told us that we would control the night and day. I went along with it and my cutie mark became a moon. When our parents passed away we had to start controlling the seasons, later by manufacturing the clouds, beating the leaves off the trees and so on. That's when the ugliness started. You see, the work was supposed to be equal. Each of us got an equal share of the work and admiration. Over time things began to change. The ponies began to favor the day over the night. All of the work for the seasons took place during the day, while everypony slept at night. While I slept during the day I missed so much of everything, the rainbows, ponies working, the singing, the parties, the joy. I asked my sister if we could shift some that workload to the night. She said that she would, but knew that no one would sign up for it and indeed they didn't. While I was annoyed at all of this, I wasn't really angry until it came abundantly clear that I was becoming second to my sister. Ponies began to fear the night and, by extension, me. Everypony would shrink in fear as I walked by. Ponies began calling me "the other princess" or "Princess Celesia's sister" or simply "the other one."" Luna turned onto her back and threw her front hooves into the air in frustration. "It's not my fault I'm purple like the night sky! And it's not my fault that you're so afraid of the dark! Without the moon and night, the entire country would be boiling hot under eternal daylight! Don't you know you need me!" Luna abruptly stopped, realizing she was going on a rampage. "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright." Twilight said, suddenly fascinated. "Keep going." Luna sighed before turning back to Twilight.

"I put up with it, knowing that it certainly wasn't my sister's fault. As time went on, I grew more and more angry. I was very powerful and magical myself, but no one thought I was very strong. Everypony thought I feasted on children during the night and did black magic over a caldron during the day. The people were becoming very, very ungrateful. Whenever I visited a town I was largely avoided and the only people who did approach me were children who were quickly retrieved by their parents out of fear. The only conversations people ever started with me were about my sister. I started to resent her because she was so pretty, popular and loved while everypony was ignoring me. Did they know how hard I worked to put the moon in the right place? Did they know how much magic it took to move the moon across the sky? Did they notice how beautiful something could be in the pale moonlight? No! All they could ever do was huddle around lighted fires, fearing everything they made a bump or a scrape they wouldn't have thought twice about during the day. The final straw however came one day while my sister was very tired. She had been working all day and the sun hadn't quite set yet. She decided to go to bed early, which delighted me. I finally had something to do. I had to meet this prince from somewhere, Prince Blueblood I think. He was from this haughty little family that names every firstborn male Blueblood." Twilight thought for a moment. She had heard that name somewhere before... "Anyway, the second he saw me enter the room he went off. He began raving "I don't want to see this dark, witchy little weakling! I want to see the real ruler of this country, not her weak, backroom little sister!"" Even Twilight had to cringe at those words. "Well, I lost my temper. I flew up into the air and glared down at him. Magic I didn't even know I had started pouring out of me. I got bigger and bigger until I was the same size as my sister and my mane became this purple mist." Luna smiled and sat up in the bed. She lifted her arms up, as if triumph. "He was cowering in fear. I shouted, "Weak! You think I'm weak! You think I'm a witch! You think I'm horrible! Well, I'll show you horrible! I'll show you just how strong I can be! If you won't love me, then all will know my name and tremble! Mwhahahahahahahahahahaha!" Luna did that laugh again that sounded exactly like when she was Nightmare Moon. Twilight could have sworn there were lightning bolts flashing around her as she did it. The unicorn gave the Princess the same critical stare she had before. Luna stopped for a moment, blushed a little and put a hoof over her mouth. "Oops, too much?"

"Just a little." Twilight said sarcastically again, raising her hoof. Luna snuggled back under the covers, slightly embarrassed. She stared off into space now, as if in another place.

"The whole land got dark and I kept it night with my magic. If they were going to be afraid of me, I was going to give them a good reason. If they thought I was weak, I was going to prove them wrong. If they weren't going to love me as my sister, then so be it. I made an ultimatum that until I was appreciated as I should be, the sun would remain set. Night after night passed without anypony trying to stop me, my sister figuring that I would cool off eventually. Ponies began to complain to her that they couldn't do anything at night. I would jump in and respond that they could do just as much at night as they could during the day, they just never tried. My sister began asking me stop all this foolishness, but I had already drawn my line in the dirt. If I went back on what I said now, I would be just as weak as they said I was. After a while however, tension began to grow. People from other countries began complaining and threatening to take action. They would come and threaten me only to leave cowering and screaming. I wasn't the tiny little pony I was before. I was a nightmare, so they dubbed me Nightmare Moon. I liked the title, as it made people see me as strong and terrifying. Just a little longer and they would respect me, which I felt was a form of love at least. My sister however finally had enough. She approached me, giving me her ultimatum. Either I stop this never-ending night or she would be forced to do something about it. I couldn't stop now; otherwise they would be right about me being weaker than my sister. I refused. She then brought in six young ponies, a lot like you and your friends. There was a shining light and I realized what she was doing. The elements of harmony were very powerful and with them she easily overpowered me. She apologized and said that she wished she didn't have to do this. She banished me to the moon for one thousand years so I could think about what I've done. The next thing I knew I was there. You know what it's like being on the moon for a thousand years?"


"It's boring. So, so, so boring. If I had stayed much longer I would have lost my mind. Good thing I apologized so quickly."

"What...you didn't mean it?" Twilight asked, suddenly surprised.

"I like how I got banished for one thousand years and then I had to apologize. Still, saying "sorry" sounded better than "I felt justified in what I did, but please don't send me back to the moon! It's like prison!" Luna's tone was eerily similar to Rarity's whining voice. "It worked all the same. I now see that I might have overreacted just a tad."

"Really, a tad?" Twilight asked. Luna sighed at the ceiling.

"Oh well, I won't do it again. Turns out there are fates far worse than being disrespected and not loved. Who knew?" Twilight felt something for the first time. She felt sorry for the poor princess. So much anger and jealousy and then she was put in a prison for a thousand years. It must have been hard with nothing to keep her company but her own sour thoughts. Luna abruptly looked very sad, reminding Twilight that she had just made the princess relive some of her most painful memories. Twilight shuffled across her bed and onto Luna's. The princess jumped as Twilight wrapped her arms around her body.

"Wha...huh...?" Luna said abruptly.

"I'm sorry." Twilight remarked. "I made you think about some bad things. I shouldn't have done that."

"No...it's...fine..." The princess's body was stiff, not used to somepony being so close. They were both silent and still for several moments, the princess unsure of what was supposed to happen next. Was she supposed to hug Twilight back, do nothing, move over? The princess turned to the person holding her.

"Twilight?" Luna asked. Her response was a snore. Luna sighed and rolled her eyes. "Good grief..." Twilight shifted in her sleep. Her horn was right in front of Luna's face. The alicorn thought for a moment. She had heard of Twilight and knew exactly who she was, even better than Twilight did. Perhaps...Luna could have a little fun. The princess leaned her own horn forward. She brought their tips together. A small light of magic passed between them. Twilight began moaning in her sleep.

That night, Twilight had a dream. Images swirled around her as a strange narrative seemed to play in her head. There wasn't a voice so much as the words being deposited in her mind. It was very unusual, and at times hard to follow.

"A long time ago, a group of beings arrived on this planet." Twilight saw several beautiful figures. They were like ponies, but they had antlers. They appeared to made of glass and left smoke trails as they hopped around. "They were like gods, able to wield the very energy that flows through the entire universe. They came upon this land, only to be saddened with what they found." Twilight saw them gallop through space and arrive on their planet. It looked different however. The land appeared like the color of rust and the water dark. "This planet had been lush when they came upon it last, but the intelligent beings that lived upon it had destroyed themselves." The glassy stags hung their heads as they saw abandoned buildings, bigger than Twilight had ever even imagined...and these were just ruins. "They sought out what life remained and were amazed to see that beings had survived the great extinction of their planet." The glass creatures galloped across the land, until they came to field with some very sparse grass. Twilight saw ponies, or representations of them. They were made of wood, as if they were puppets. They acted like real ones, walking around and grazing. "These creatures, these "horses" impressed the visitors. They decided to grant these beings with gifts. Some would care for the land, some would fly through the air...and some would be bestowed with the very power of the gods themselves..."

"Wake up sleepy head!" Twilight sat up, her mind full of cobwebs. She stared around for a moment, trying to see if those glass stags were still hopping around. It took her a few moments to realize that it had been a dream. Luna was trotting around downstairs, in a very happy manner. It was daylight outside now, actually much later than Twilight usually awoke, considering she barely slept last night. The unicorn stretched and hopped out of bed, shaking herself off like a dog. She instantly smelled something quite delightful. As she proceeded downstairs she saw that Luna was sitting at her dining table, several plates of food spread across it. There were warm pies, toast, jams and oatmeal sprinkled with cinnamon. Twilight stood dumbfounded as the Princess smiled over the food, as if she had accomplished something grand.

"You made this?" Twilight asked, her mouth slightly agape.

"Of course!" Luna shouted. "I'm the house guest, it's only right!" Twilight gave Luna that same judgmental stare she had previously. "Honestly!" She offset her jaw. "Really..." Twilight began leaning forward. "Okay! Magic might have been involved, feel better?" Twilight scoffed before sitting down at the table. She took a bite of the oatmeal and instantly stopped. It was wonderful, warm and tasted amazing. Twilight's ears sagged as she enjoyed the taste. "Do you love it?" Luna's eyes were large and sparkling.

"Yeah..." Twilight said, quickly taking another bite. Luna sat down as well, but seemed less interested in eating.

"Tell me," Twilight asked. "How long do you plan on staying?"

"Hmmm..." Luna began, glancing out the window. "A little while at least, sis isn't mad yet, she's still in that "oh that silly kid" phase, so I'm good for now."

"How can you tell?" Twilight asked.

"I can sense emotions." Luna stated matter-of-factly. Twilight briefly choked on her oatmeal.

"Wha...really?" She shouted.

"Every alicorn has a unique ability." Luna stated. "You ever wonder why my sister doesn't worry about you and seems to know where you are every second of every day? I think she has the ability to know where ponies are, no matter how far they go."

"You can...sense emotions?" Twilight asked.

"You didn't hear anything after that did you?" Luna asked back, her eyes half-shaded.

"What am I feeling?" Twilight inquired.

"I don't think you want me to say." Luna stated flatly. "I don't get to pick and choose what I sense."

"Come on! I want to see if it's real!"

"You may not like what you hear..."

"Tell me!"

"Really, I try not to pry into people's minds. I sense things that people don't even want to know about themselves. You. Won't. Like. It."

"I'll risk it! Come on!" Twilight felt like the old analytical side of her beginning to emerge. She was determined to somehow quantify this in terms of her understanding of the world. Luna took a deep breath.

"You're angry about Spike growing up, but you know you can't blame him for being a dragon so your anger is directed at yourself for getting attached to him. You experience anger, sadness and guilt when you think about him, somehow believing that with all your magic you should've been able to do something about it. You're angry at Rarity for leaving all of her friends so she could pursue her own dreams and because she broke Spike's heart when she left, with barely a word. You loathe the fact that she married a stallion she didn't really love just for a better position. You hate Rainbow Dash for leaving with even less of a word than Rarity and that she didn't have the courage to stand up for herself. You're angry at Applejack for being so blunt with Rainbow Dash instead of understanding and gentle, causing Dash to run away from her pain and embarrassment. You're frustrated with Pinkie Pie because she doesn't just try to make things happy; she ignores the bad things, pretending that Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Spike leaving doesn't bother her. You wish for one moment she would be serious and you two could have serious conversation about what happened to everypony. You're angry at Fluttershy for being weak-willed and unable to stand up for herself and allowing herself to be bullied into a marriage by an overbearing colt. Most of all, you are angry with yourself for having these feelings of indignity and hate at the people that are closest to you in life, yet you can't come to terms with these emotions unless you see them again, but they are so far away you can't, so all you can do is let these emotions fester." Twilight was stone-still, unable to move. Every barrier she had built around her emotions were torn to shreds in a matter of moments. She realized two things. One, Princess could read emotions quite easily and two, Twilight felt absolutely awful. She buried her face into her hooves and began crying. All the anger, hate, guilt and sadness after all of these years boiled over. Luna instantly appeared sad.

"I tried to warn you...oh!" Luna quickly bounded around the table. She wrapped one of her arms around Twilight's shoulder and put her head in the other pony's hair. Twilight leaned on her shoulder and sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have opened those wounds."

"You're right though." Twilight said through sobs. "I feel that way...all the time...I just...hic...cover it up with something else...so I don't have to think about it..."

"Twilight, no else is supposed to know these things." Luna said. "And I try my hardest not to read them. We all have feelings we can't control, but those are only the bad things, that's not all that's there!" Twilight raised her tear-stained face.

"It's not?" She asked.

"No! You also care deeply for all of them. Above all those bad things, you want them to find happiness and live their lives the way they want. Most of all, you want all of your friends to be together. That's what I sense most of all. So don't cry, all of us have bad parts of ourselves, but your good side is much larger than that." Luna wiped some tears away from Twilight's eyes. "So don't worry so much. You have friends that will love and care about you no matter what."

"Yeah..." Twilight said, recomposing herself.

"Now come on, finish eating and show me around town."

Luna followed Twilight across the square, the former wearing a dark cloak to hide her appearance. Despite the fact that the guards were wandering around the Everfree Forest, there was no telling when they would come back. Luna took glances out of her cloak, happily taking in the local sites. Ponyville had yet to really change since Twilight first arrived. Other than the fact that most of her friends left, it was all the same, the same people, shops and buildings. Twilight really didn't have much to show Luna, except her friends that did remain. They both entered the bakery that Pinkie Pie worked inside. The excited pink pony was bouncing around the room, hanging streamers from various things. She had already blown up many balloons which floated around from time to time

"Oh! You're early!" The hyperactive pony shouted, hopping right over to Twilight.

"E-early?" Twilight asked. "Early for what?"

"Gummy's after-after-after-after-after-after-after birthday party!" Pinkie Pie stated, hopping in place. "And my -after-after-after-after-after birthday party!"

"That's a lot of parties." Luna muttered.

"She's been throwing them compulsively since our friends began to leave." Twilight whispered back.

"Who's your friend!" Pinkie Pie asked happily. She gazed under the hood, her eyes bulging. Luna took the cloak off her head. The pink pony leapt up into the air, gasped deeply and flailed her legs back and forth spastically. When she hit the ground she shrieked, causing the whole room to shake. "NIGHTMARE MOON!"

"Huh?" Twilight asked.

"Wha?" Luna asked.

"You're not taking the sun away this time!" Pinkie pie shouted. In one great leap through the air she was behind her counter, stacked high with pastries. "Prepare for battle!" The pony picked up a cake and reared it back.

"What the..." Luna began. She didn't get to finish. The cake flew through the air at the princess. Twilight dived to one side, while Luna flew upwards. The pastries didn't stop flying however. At an impossible speed, Pinkie Pie flung the pies, cupcakes and fritters like a machine gun. Luna bobbed and weaved around the room, avoiding the barrage. Once however, a pie flew a little too close. Luna leaned over and managed to take a bite of it before it flew past her. It tasted divine. Now the princess was flying around with her mouth open, gnawing on the food as it flew by. Twilight tried to tell Pinkie Pie to stop, but the hyperactive pony was shouting about how she would personally save all of Equestria from this menace.

"Pinkie...stop...she...she's a princess...you...I...PINKIE PIE!" Twilight's shout caused the room to shake. Everypony in the room froze. With Luna's eyes averted at Twilight, a pie that had been in-flight struck her face. She quickly began licking it away, happily. Twilight was huffing and puffing, trying to catch her breath. "We saved her, remember? She's Princess Luna now, one of our rulers?" Pinkie thought for a moment, as if she was processing the information.

"Oh!" Pinkie shouted. "Duh! I forgot! Stupid Pinkie Pie!" The pony began knocking on her head, as if punishing herself.

"Yeah...don't forget again." Twilight Sparkle remarked. The entire bakery was now covered in confectioneries. It was just the usual mess that followed in Pinkie Pie's wake. "You better clean this place up, or the Bake's will be made at you."

"Okie dokey lokey!" Pinkie stated, giving a quick salute. She swarmed around the room, her nose to the floor and began eating the sweets like a vacuum. Although Twilight figured that was unsanitary, she knew there was no stopping the pink pony.

"C'mon Princess, we better leave her to clean...what are you doing!?" The princess of Equestria had her mouth to the floor, taking bites out of a smashed cake. Luna lifted her head up, her cheeks full of food.

"Ish good!" She exclaimed. "I wanna help!" Abruptly however, something bit onto the Princess's legs. It wasn't painful, so the purple pony gazed down without panic. She saw a rather large reptile trying to gnaw on her knee. The princess shrieked, flew up into the air and began flinging her legs around spastically. "What-a-what-a-get-a-whoa-whoa!" The reptile eventually fell off, harmlessly landing on the floor. "What is that!?" The princess clung to the top of a shelf, her face terror-stricken.

"That's Gummy silly!" Pinkie Pie remarked, hopping over to her pet. "It's okay, he doesn't have any teeth!" The alligator instantly began gnawing on the pink pony, but only got giggles out of her.

"Why do you have an alligator for a pet?" The Princess yelled.

"Because no one else does!" Pinkie pie replied.

"You ever think there might be a reason for that!" The pink pony on the ground tilted her head, as if she didn't understand the question.

"Princess, why don't we let Pinkie Pie clean up for the party?" Twilight said, trying to defuse the situation. "Let's go visit some other places first."

"Good idea!" Princess Luna shouted, zipping through the air and out the door.

"We'll come to the party later." Twilight said, smiling nervously and walking backwards out the door.

"Don't be late!" Pinkie shouted ecstatically.

"He really is harmless." Twilight Sparkle stated, as they were walking down the street. Princess Luna appeared frazzled by her experience with the erratic Pinkie pie.

"Being unable to eat us and being harmless are two different things." Luna stated. "Is that mare really that oblivious?"

"I don't know." Twilight stated. "Sometimes I think she's just a complete airhead and sometimes she seems so smart. I just don't know."

"Where to now?" Luna asked, lifting her cloaked head up.

"Well..." Twilight began. "I'd like to go see Fluttershy, but her husband doesn't want her to be out of the house very much."

"Oh I have ways of making people change their minds."

The unlikely pair approached Fluttershy's house. The place had originally been stacked acre to acre with animal houses, as well as the accompanying animals. Now it was pretty barren, with only one house to shelter Angel, her pet rabbit. The entire place had once been filled the happy sound of animals, now it was deathly quiet. When Twilight and Luna trotted up the house, they saw that Fluttershy was out in her yard. She was digging, quite exhaustively, into the dirt. There was a tree with its roots wrapped in cloth. It was apparent she was about to plant it. Angel was sitting at her feet, staring up at his owner. He seemed to be waiting to get some attention, but Fluttershy was too busy.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight called. The Pegasus pony gazed up, wiping her forehead. Angel however, upon seeing new arrivals, instantly bounded over to them. Luna, smiling, began petting the rabbit, causing it to rub against her like a cat. Fluttershy only smiled weakly.

"Oh, hello Twilight." Fluttershy said in her weak voice. "Who's your friend?" Princess Luna casually flipped her hood off. The pegasus pony flinched and her eyes widened. She instantly kneeled. "Oh, forgive me princess, I didn't realize..."

"It's fine Fluttershy." Luna replied, waving her hoof in the pony's direction. "You don't have to worry about that."

"A-alright..." Fluttershy said. "I hope I didn't embarrass myself."

"Not unless you start throwing cake like Pinkie Pie did." Twilight stated. Luna laughed. It was the first time Twilight had ever heard her do that. It was short, but it sounded pure and melodic. Twilight found it quite beautiful.

"So why are you planting a tree?" Luna asked.

"Th-the light in the morning." Fluttershy stated, motioning her head towards her house. "It shines in my windows, I'm planting this so it won't happen anymore."

"But Fluttershy," Twilight began, a worried expression on her face. "You love the sun to wake you up in the morning. You told me so yourself."

"Oh...um..." Fluttershy gazed at the ground. "Not..anymore..." Twilight narrowed her eyes. She had a feeling she knew who really wanted to plant that tree.

"Fluttershy!" A voice bellowed from her house. The pegasus pony cringed, lowering herself closer to the ground. A large, grey earth pony stomped out of the residence. He had green hair, a very stern face and a shiny gold coin for a cutie mark. He was also twice as large as Fluttershy and his voice carried for miles when he yelled. His name was Bridleburg, and he didn't seem to like anypony. "What have I told you!" He walked up right beside her.

"I-I'm sorry...they...they walked up to me..." Fluttershy muttered.

"People aren't allowed on my property without my permission!" He said, yelling at the two ponies standing in front of him. "I'm not surprised about you Twilight Spackle." Twilight's eyes twitched out of anger. She couldn't stand that pony. "And who is this? Another addition to the gang of ruffians?"

"This," Twilight began, waiting for a moment like this ever since she met him. "Is Princess Luna." Bridleburg's face dropped and he went a little pale. Luna smiled haughtily. He audibly gulped and kneeled.

"F-Forgive me Princess...I did not realize..."

"Oh, it's quite alright. I look like so many other ponies after all." The royal pony's sarcasm was palpable. Just how many purple alicorns with crescent moons plastered all over them were there? "You don't mind if we borrow Fluttershy for a while, do you?"

"Uh...u-uh..." He began. He didn't want to agree, but knew he couldn't refuse his monarch. "C-c-certainly, of course."

"Wonderful!" Luna said, in mock happiness. "Come along Fluttershy dear, we have things to do."

"O-of course!" Fluttershy said, quickly jumping after the Princess as the three mares walked away.

"A bit high-strung isn't he?" Luna asked Fluttershy as they put some distance between them.

"He's under a lot of strain." Fluttershy said quietly. "He used to be from a rich family, but they lost all their wealth a few years ago. He's still trying to rebuild his name."

"Still, he could be a little nicer..." Twilight muttered.

"Now, now," Luna stated. "Let's go see your last friend and go to that party."

"Pinkie Pie is throwing another party?" Fluttershy asked.

"When did she stop?" Twilight asked.

"Let's be positive!" Luna interrupted. "I'm not in town very often, with these thousand year gaps, let's have fun while I am."

The three of them approached Sweet Apple Acres. Endless rows of apple trees lined the rolling fields, just as they had for generations. Twilight hoped it wasn't apple-bucking season. Otherwise they would have to spend endless hours searching the apple forest for the residents of the farm. The unicorn never could keep up when the harvesting season was. It seemed to be year-round with these ponies. As they approached the barn, a smaller version of Applejack darted out of the door, a candied apple in her mouth. The small pony weaved into the trees, giggling the whole way. The real-sized Applejack came running out moments later.

"Apple Core, you get your hind-end back here!" Applejack shouted. "I told you no fixin's before supper! Don't make me tan your hide!" All three of the arrivals stood in stunned silence. Applejack looked a lot like she did years ago. She was bigger, like all of them, and her hair was slightly shorter at the moment. She stomped the ground with her front hooves. "I declare, that mare is worse than a porcupine in a sneezing fit."

"Hey...Applejack..." Twilight said, not quite sure how to respond to that. Applejack turned her head.

"Well howdy-doo!" Applejack said, trotting over. "Rare to see you Twilight." The earth pony's eyes drifted to Fluttershy. "Even rarer to see you, how ya been Fluttershy?"

"I'm great Applejack." Fluttershy replied, enjoying another pony's kind words for once. Then the earth pony's eyes fell on Luna, who took down her hood yet again. The pony drew back a moment. "Well crush my apples and call me sauce!" All three of the other ponies made an odd face, not quite sure what the country pony had said for a few moments. Applejack knelt briefly, but quickly came back up, excited. "'Been a long time since we had royalty on the farm, hope it's to yer likin'."

"It's...quite nice." Luna said.

"So what can I do ya for?" Applejack asked.

"Party...there's a party!" Luna replied, trying to get her words right.

"Pinkie Pie again?" Applejack asked. "She throws one every day. I can't play every day you know, got a farm to run."

"Yes, but the princess is in town." Twilight stated. "She's never been to one."

"Weeeeelllll..." Applejack stated, tapping her chin with her hoof.

"Come on," Luna said. "It's not nice to leave a princess waiting."

"Oh, alright." Applejack said. "It's been tough raisin' that little one. I guess I could use a break." Applejack turned her head back to the barn. "APPLE TREE!" All three of the other ponies stumbled backwards, holding their ears down. Applejack had yelled so loud that some apples fell off the tree.

"Yep?" Her husband asked, sticking his head out of the window of the hay loft. His father had been an Apple, but his mother was a country Orange. His coat was yellow in color and his eyes blue, like the Orange family, but his mane was Amber, like the Apples. His cutie mark was a half orange and a half apple stuck together, as he was apparently skilled at harvesting both.

"I'm goin to a party with a princess!"

"Okey." He stated.

"Find Apple Core and tan her hide okay? She ate before her supper."

"Aight!" He shouted.

"Simple stallion." Applejack said, turning back. "But he's real kind and a hard worker. Never once complained about my cooking neither."

"I wanna go! I wanna go!" Another pony came hopping out of the barn. This one looked a lot like Applejack, except that her mane was red and her coat was paler.

"Alright, alright Apple Bloom, don't throw a fit, you can come." Applejack stated. Apple Bloom was almost the size of Applejack when Twilight first came to town, but the poor pony was still without her much-sought cutie mark. Twilight knew it was because the young pony tried so many random things without really doing what she wanted to do, but couldn't make the filly see sense. In fact, none of the fillies in her little club had found theirs yet. They experience ridicule on a daily basis from their classmates, but never give up the search.

"I'll go get Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom stated, taking off towards town.

"She's quite old to not have a cutie mark." Luna remarked, once the pony had left.

"Don't tell her that." Applejack stated. "She'll probably do something dangerous to try to find one."

When the host of ponies arrived back at the bakery, Pinkie Pie began hopping around in joy. She hadn't had this many ponies come to a party in a long time. Luna mostly stayed away from Gummy. It was apparent she had something against reptiles, or at least alligators. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, their club still alive and well, were bouncing around the room with Pinkie Pie, wondering if their cutie marks would be balloons like hers. While Princess Luna sat and ate some of the delicious cake, Applejack showed off her square dancing skills, which she did with proficiency. Pinkie Pie attempted to do the same and only landed on her face, causing the Princess to laugh and launch cake from her mouth. Every time Luna laughed, it caused Twilight to stop what she was doing and listen. She couldn't really describe it, it was like music. Applejack then began to coax the princess to dance. Twilight tried to cut her off, she was surprised to see the royal pony stand up and proceed to the open dance area. All of them now got a surprise.

Luna was a masterful dancer. She twirled and hopped around the floor, as if she did it professionally. Every movement she made matched the party music exactly. When she finally finished with a twirl, everypony clopped their hooves on the ground in appreciation. The princess strutted away, back to her cake.

"How did you get so good at dancing?" Twilight asked as the princess sat down.

"What do you think I did on the moon for a thousand years?"

The party wrapped up when Pinkie Pie finally collapsed, too exhausted to continue. Gummy was chewing on her tail, quite content. Everypony cleaned up, congratulated Gummy and Pinkie Pie on their after-after-whatever birthdays and headed home, all of them laughing. As the sun set, Twilight arrived at her tree house with the princess. The unicorn was hopping around, happy for once.

"...and Applejack's face was priceless when Pinkie Pie said "It's called the aristocrats!" I thought she was going to throw up!"

"Pinkie Pie certainly can throw a party." Princess Luna stated, throwing her cloak on a hook.

"She always could, she'll throw another tomorrow probably, expecting everypony to come." Twilight stated, hopping and skipping up her stairs. Luna giggled. She looked like a happy little bunny. It was very easy to make that unicorn happy. Twilight dive-bombed her bed and stretched out on it. "Ooooh, that was exhausting. I haven't had that much fun in a long time."

"I'm surprised you don't go more often." Luna stated, climbing the stairs much more calmly.

"Well..." Twilight began, her face falling. "It gets depressing after a while. Most of us have left town, just being there brings back memories. I don't know if the others feel that way..."

"They do." Luna said, lying down on her bed.

"How...oh, right." Twilight said, remembering Luna's special power. "Even Pinkie Pie?"

"Strangest thing..." Princess Luna muttered. "Your emotions are easy to read, like my sister's. Your friends are more guarded. I can't get much from Pinkie Pie, her thoughts are so quick and random it's hard to make out little more than her love of gum drops, cakes and balloons. Applejack is difficult to feel, she seems to have her emotions all walled up around niceties and country hospitality. And Fluttershy..."

"What about her?" Twilight asked, raising her head in concern.

"She's hiding something." Luna said, thinking. "It's big, like a thick, sticky black cloud that filling her mind. Whatever it is, she walls it up so well that the only thing I can read is sorrow." Twilight became more concerned about her winged friend than before. She figured that that husband of hers was abusing Fluttershy in some way, but now she seemed more convinced than ever. "Don't do anything stupid."

"What...I...no..." Twilight said, quickly remembering that Luna can easily know what she was feeling. "I wasn't..."

"I'm serious." Luna stated. "I only met the guy for a moment, but I didn't sense any restraint in him. You shouldn't test him, he might just snap."

"All the more reason to do something, I have to save Fluttershy." Twilight said bravely.

"Fluttershy is a grown pony." Luna retorted. "She can make her own decisions. Unless you have definite proof that he's abusive: Don't. Do. Anything." Twilight frowned, not liking what her princess was saying. There was some sense in her words, but the unicorn just couldn't abide by them.

"Fine." Twilight scoffed, turning over. "I'll just wait and see."

Luna listened closely as Twilight's breathing began to slow. She was so tired that after only a few minutes, she was sleeping soundly. The princess wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what the unicorn was going to do. That was Luna's intent from the beginning. What Twilight didn't know was that the princess cared for Fluttershy too, but had to walk a fine line for a ruler. She couldn't interfere with people's personal lives. Twilight however, was under no such constraint and would do anything for any of her friends, even if they had abandoned her. That was what made her endearing. The royal pony shuffled over to Twilight's bed. She once again touched their horns together, allowing some magic to pass between them. Twilight groaned in her sleep, images filling her dreams. Luna flicked some of Twilight's hair out of the unicorn's face.

"Dream deeply dear Twilight." Luna whispered into the sleeping pony's ear. "For you are far more important than you realize."

Twilight's dream continued from the previous night. She saw the beautiful glass-like stags with their large antlers hopping and frolicking around. Their mist-like trails stretched on behind them. They danced around the tiny ponies running across the globe. The wooden representations of the earth ponies, pegasus ponies and unicorn ponies went about their lives, seemingly oblivious to the glass giants around them.

"The travelers reveled in the beautiful beings they had created." The narrative continued. "The ones of the earth, of the sky and of magic rebuilt the world out of the ashes." Twilight saw the little wooden ponies begin to build things, they seemed to move in fast forward, constantly building, destroying and rebuilding. "Their tribes allied together and became towns, their towns grew into cities and their cities grew into nations. However, the same problems plagued them as those that inhabited the planet last." Twilight saw plains across the globe. All of them were flooded with the small wooden pieces, this time colliding and stomping each other. Earth ponies, pegasus ponies and unicorns were fighting each other, and only those different from them. Twilight saw the crystal stags hang their heads in sadness. "The ones created by those that travel began to fight over resources and power. Eventually, hatred, racism and greed all spawned by these conflicts were consuming them. The very same problems that plagued and doomed the previous inhabitants were repeating themselves." All of the glass stags turned to each other and began communicating in a way that Twilight couldn't understand. Abruptly, they all became small and tangible. All of the wooden ponies on the ground could see them. The visitors mixed among them, their true identities hidden. They began to nuzzle against the wooden representations, the ponies responding. "The visitors loved and mixed with their creations, in hopes that their partial progeny would bring peace. Being part of this world and yet part of the fabric of the universe would give them the very powers to control the elements of this world..."

Fluttershy returned home in high spirits, but they were quickly dashed when she saw that the lights were still on. Her husband was still awake, and would no doubt fault her for going to the party. Angel, who had attended as well, leapt off her back and hopped into his house. Fluttershy would rather have avoided going home, but she shuddered to think of what punishment awaited her if she dared stay away for a night. The moment the Pegasus pony entered the house, she saw her husband. He was sitting in a chair, facing the door. Fluttershy instantly cringed, fearing what came next. The earth pony stood up, a glare in his eyes.

"Enjoy the party?" He asked, his voice scathing.

"Y-Yes..." Fluttershy muttered.

"I should hope so." He replied. "I hope you enjoyed falling behind on your work and losing money."

"It's only one day..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Time is money!" He shouted. Fluttershy's chin touched the ground and she lamented that she couldn't go any further down. "Because of today, you have lost the reputation of being perfectly on time! All because you wanted to hop around and eat cake, what kind of adult are you!? Don't you understand anything!?"

"I had to go..." Fluttershy said weakly, tears gathering in her eyes.

"They twisted your arm? Put a spear to your neck? Threaten your life?"

"The princess ordered me..." Fluttershy whined. "I couldn't...say no..." Bridleburg growled. Even he had been put down by that royal pony. The last thing he needed were guards in his face. The earth pony turned his back to her.

"Fortunately I convinced them to put it off until tonight. If you hurry you can make both." Fluttershy's face fell.

"But...that'll take hours! It's already late and I have four tomorrow, one early in the morning!" Her husband turned around and stomped over to her, anger in his eyes. Fluttershy cringed close to the ground, fearing his wrath. Bridleburg put his hoof on her head and pushed her face against the ground. Fluttershy tried not to make a sound, lest she anger him more.

"Perhaps you forget who you are talking to!" He bellowed. "Wealth does not gather itself! Do you want me to live in the dirty little hole forever!? Do you want to be a nopony forever!? Staying in this hick town only caring for birds and squirrels!? With every coin you earn we get closer to the goal!" He squashed her face against the ground rather hard. "Or perhaps you don't care anymore? Maybe I should tell all of your friends and family about your latest career path?" Fluttershy lifted her head up against his hoof, panic in her eyes.

"No! Please don't, I'll do...!" Fluttershy didn't get to finish. Bridleburg pushed her face against the floor, shutting her up. The Pegasus pony's wings flapped briefly in discomfort.

"Then you better hurry, you're not going to miss any more appointments ever again!" The earth pony finally lifted his hoof. Fluttershy stumbled backwards, shaking her flattened face.

"Now go, before I have to punish you more." Fluttershy briefly felt like crying, but knew that it wouldn't do any good. She turned around, opened the door and dragged her feet back outside. No matter how hard she worked, she never seemed to be done.

Luna finally left her bed and Twilight moaning in her sleep. She stood near the window, looking at the moon. She never slept very much, even less than her sister. The moon was in its waxing phase, meaning it was growing to full moon. It would be there in a few days. However, its color had a reddish tint and it was rising in the constellation of Scorpius.

"Interesting night." Luna remarked, reading the signs. "The moon signals that change is coming...but good or bad?"