• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 7,334 Views, 366 Comments

Getting Even - Mint

After falling in love Twilight must decide whether to stop Luna from stealing the throne or not.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Twilight felt as if she were floating in water. Light, like it was shining off of ripples, was dancing around her. The unicorn felt disoriented and confused. She wasn’t sure where she was at first. Then she remembered everything. What was this? Luna’s mind? Was she swimming inside Luna’s head? She was about to ask a million questions, but remembered Luna’s warning. One question at a time, one answer at a time. Twilight tried to speak, but the words only stayed in her head.

‘How does this work?’ She asked. That was when she felt something odd. It wasn’t words per se, more like a feeling of intention, but Twilight understood and formed it into her own words.

All you have to do is ask, and it will be shown to you. The unicorn decided to test it out.

‘How old are you and Celestia?’ Almost immediately, Twilight could sense an overwhelming feeling of annoyance. Apparently Luna was incredibly irritated by that question, kind of like how a middle-aged mare would be. ‘You promised.’ Then came a feeling of reluctant acceptance. When numbers appeared in Twilight’s head she checked them over and over, to make sure they were right. If she could move her mouth it would’ve been hanging open.

Luna was 19,574 years old.

Celestia was nearly 21,000, Luna wasn’t sure, as Celestia never really told her how much older than her she was. Twilight couldn’t believe it. They...it...they were older than the ancient ruins around Equestria! The things they must know! Why did they never talk about it!? Twilight then got more things in her head.

What would the alicorns say? Oh that’s so funny, it reminds me of a joke I heard 5,000 years ago?

‘Point taken.’ Twilight thought. What else could she ask? The unicorn let her mind wander. ‘Where are you from?’ Twilight briefly felt a gush of sadness, but she didn’t have time to analyze why Luna felt that way. Abruptly the ripples of light around her transformed. She was now floating above one of the most beautiful places she had ever seen.

Much to her surprise, it was tropical. It was what appeared to be a cove, with a narrow entrance to it from the ocean. At the center of the cove was a tiny island with a single palm tree. There were cliffs around the cove with grass and small trees growing on them. There was a small waterfall off to one side that fell into a pool made by rocks and mortar, which then leaked out onto the ocean. There were palm trees, lush grass and bushes all around. Every time the water from the cove washed up on the beach it shimmered in the sun. Everything in this place seemed completely picturesque, perfect...a paradise. As Twilight turned to gaze up the cliff she saw a cave. An emotion she was familiar with washed over her. That cave was home, Luna and Celestia’s home.

‘A cave? Really?’ The scene faded and almost instantly Twilight was in the cave. It was more than she expected. There was actually a cloth screen near the entrance, to keep moisture from the ocean out. Stones had been places in the perfect pattern of a swirl and fit so well together that there wasn’t an open space between them. There were ornaments hanging from the ceiling, a stove, cabinets and a bed. There were even different sections of the cave with their own cloth barriers, apparently all the other rooms whether for Luna, Celestia or storage, were apparently perfectly tiled with rocks. There were candles in the walls, with mirrors behind them to increase the light in the place. There was a hole on the ceiling of the cave, and Twilight was informed that it was more significant than just an opening. It was shaped to let cool air fall and hot air to rise, making the cave almost always cool in this tropical weather. The spiral stone tiles were even slightly angled just right so that when it rained the water from the hole would flow out of the front of the cave. There were intricate drawings on the walls, depicting such things as alicorns frolicking through flowers or flying proudly in the sky with amazing accuracy. In short, this place was nicer and better put together than any house in Ponyville. This would have taken a lifetime and a fleet of craftsmen to pull off today.

‘You lived in this place?’ Twilight was now outside again. She was compelled to look at the pool from the waterfall. It was no longer empty. Twilight felt shocked and overjoyed at the same time by what she saw. She saw what appeared to be a foal Luna and filly Celestia in the pool, being scrubbed by two fully-grown alicorns. The floating unicorn realized something. Those must have been their parents! The baby Luna was splashing around, giggling happily. Some of the water got all over her sister.

“Momma!” Celestia complained. “Luna’s getting me all wet!”

“You’re in the bath dear.” The grown female alicorn stated, her voice warm and gentle. “You’re supposed to be wet.” The young Celestia crossed her arms and sat grumpily as the male alicorn took some soap and began scrubbing it into her hair.

‘Is that...are those...I don’t even know where to begin!’ Just to see their princesses, who in all of Equestria history have always been as they are, as little foals left Twilight shocked. ‘Those are...you’re parents?’ Twilight was in the cave again. She saw what must have been their mother. She was a beautiful pony with a brilliant green mane. Her coat was white and shimmered in the sunlight. Her cutie mark comprised of a sun, like Celestia’s, but different. The emanations from the sun indicated heat. She could apparently control when summer came around. Twilight’s image was of her delicately painting the walls. Her eyes were blue and matched the sky. She was sitting on her hind quarters, with a distended stomach from an apparent pregnancy. With every delicate stroke of the brush, more of the picturesque and perfect scenery came to life. Despite the fact that her power was based on seasons, she had a passion for painting. Her paintings were featured in art galleries all over, as perfect examples of what her craft should be. Her name was Aestiva, Lux Aestiva. Abruptly, her husband walked over. He kissed her cheek. They both smiled and nuzzled against each other happily.

Now Twilight saw the image of the male alicorn. His mane was a brilliant silver. His coat however was burnt gold and practically shined like the sun. His cutie mark was that of a snowflake, showing that he controlled winter. His eyes were green, like emeralds. He was on the cliff above the cave, over the hole that led down to his house. He was dangling a string with a weight on it down the hole. He was also rubbing his chin with his hoof. He was apparently trying to figure out if the tunnel was shaped right for temperature control. Despite the fact that he controlled winter, his favorite hobby lied in architecture. Before they came to this place he built grand cathedrals, temples and opera houses, in apparent designs that Twilight recognized as ancient ruins. His name was Hiemo. His wife shouted up from inside the cave. He gazed down and saw his wife with a baby Celestia in a sash around her shoulder. She waved up at him and he responded in kind.

‘They were great ponies.’ Twilight thought. ‘They built cathedrals and wonderful works of art. Why are they living here, on a beach with no pony around?’ The answer, Twilight understood, was so complicated, mysterious and earth-shattering that she would have trouble understanding it. It went back to why there was a dark age just before the current one, why Luna was doing what she was doing and why it was important to the whole world. Just feeling the emotions from what was trying to be expressed made Twilight’s mind boggle. ‘Start from the beginning.’ There was a pause as if taking a big breath from a dive, then it was all laid before her.


Luna was outside, on the beach, playing with Celestia. They were butting a homemade ball back and forth with their heads. The apparent objective of the game was to keep it going back and forth, without getting it stuck on their horn. This was the only game they played where Luna had the edge. Her horn was smaller and stubbier. It was as they had played it a million times before, but something abruptly changed. Something fell out of the sky and hit the sand of the beach near the water. It fell so fast that neither of them had time to even sense it was coming. It landed with a wet thud. Both of the young alicorns jerked their heads around. What was now walking towards them was a pony as big as their parents, and for good reason. It was another alicorn, the fourth one that either of them had ever seen in their life. Their contact with the outside world was limited. They occasionally had contact with villages far from here or the rare fisher, but other than that the only ponies they knew were their parents. This new alicorn had a double-color hair, the outer layer of deep red and the inner with golden red. His mane was a vanilla-green and his eyes a warm brown. His cutie mark appeared to be that of a glowing orb, shining brilliantly. He looked even older than their parents.

“Hello.” He said to the two stunned fillies. “You must be the daughters of Aestiva and Hiemo, are they around?” For a few moments, neither of them said a word. It was Celestia that finally broke out of her stupor.

“Momma!! Papa!!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Their mother came dashing out, concerned about her children. The moment she saw the alicorn she stopped dead in her tracks and appeared annoyed. She then casually walked forward, standing in front of her children.

“Lucerna.” Aestiva said in acknowledgement.

“You are looking as beautiful as ever Aestiva.” Lucerna stated bowing to her.

“We didn’t tell you where we lived so you could come visit us.” Their mother stated.

“The situation has...changed.” He stated.

“In what way?”

“It has...deteriorated.” Aestiva narrowed her eyes. Her husband finally came trotting out. He appeared just as irritated as his wife.

“Luna, Celestia go inside.”

“But...!!” Celestia began, about to complain.

“Now.” Their father emphasized. Celestia appeared annoyed, but she walking slowly inside of the cave, Luna following her. The moment they entered the cave Celestia darted to one side, put her back against the wall and leaned her ear near the entrance.

“Quiet Luna.” Celestia whispered. “Come over here and we can both listen.” Luna was a little too young to understand, but obeyed her older sister. Their parents were too concerned to notice that their kids were eavesdropping.

“What are you doing here?” Hiemo asked, sounding angry.

“You look well Hiemo.” Lucerna began. “Rest assured that if I did not fear for you or your children I would not have come.”

“Speak quickly.” Their father barked. “We came here to avoid this.”

“The separate camps have turned into factions and tensions are rising.” Lucerna stated. “Refugees are flocking to us, and hidden among them are spies. Those running to us come bearing horror stories and those running back have information about our armies. I cannot delay it forever.”

“All of these are politics we want no part of.” Aestiva said scathingly. “Our note was clear. Our side is neither.”

“I fear that option is no longer viable.” Lucerna replied. “All the stragglers and loners are being recruited those that aren’t are being threatened, or worse disappearing.”

“I fail to see how any of this is our problem.” Hiemo stated.

“Aestiva, Hiemo, they know where you are.” Both of the adult alicorns growled and shouted.

“And whose fault is that!?!?” Hiemo said angrily.

“To be honest, no one, but if blame had to be placed, it would be you.”

“Under what theory!?” Aestiva shouted.

“Word travels. You can’t be hidden from the world forever. Tales have reached the ears of both sides of the family of alicorns that live on the beach. Everypony you meet passes on the story. It’s only a matter of time before somepony decides to act.” There was a moment of silence. Hiemo and Aestiva glanced at each other for a moment.

“We choose neither side.” Hiemo said firmly. “We just want to be left alone. You understand that and we will make them understand that.” Lucerna stood in silence for several moments, his face blank. He then bowed respectfully.

“As you wish. I truly hope that both you and your children remain safe.”

“Thank you very much for your concern.” Aestiva replied. “Now go and leave us in peace.” Lucerna bowed once more, spread his wings and bolted up into the sky, leaving an explosion of sand in his wake. Both of the alicorns remaining glanced at each other nervously. They then turned around and walked back into the cave. The moment they entered they saw Celestia and Luna waiting for them.

“What was that stallion talking about momma?” Celestia instantly asked.

“It’s nothing that nosy nellies need to know.” Aestiva replied, referencing them peeping. Celestia crossed her hooves grumpily.

“Luna? Are you alright?” Hiemo asked. The other two ponies turned their heads. Luna was sitting on her hind quarters, her eyes wide and she was shaking. “Luna? Luna!” Hiemo gave her a nudge for a moment. He then scooped her up in his arms. “Luna!!! Luna!!!!!” The purple alicorn finally flinched. She turned her head to the one holding her.

“Papa?” She asked.

“Of course it’s me, are you alright?” He asked, gravely concerned.

“Lucerna is going back to Numbria.” Luna stated.

“What?” Aestiva asked, suddenly interested. “Luna, how could you know what that place is?” Luna didn’t answer.

“He’s terrified.” Luna said. “I could feel it. He is scared to death for his country, for his ponies, for us. He’s terrified...of Nox.” Both of the parents quickly shushed their daughter.

“Don’t ever say that name!” Hiemo said firmly.

“Who is it!?” Celestia asked excitedly.

“Never you mind!” Aestiva barked.

“Luna, how do you know all this?” Hiemo asked.

“I can see it.” Luna said. “I can feel it. I can...sense it.”

“Her power.” Aestiva whispered.

“Hell of a time to kick in.” Hiemo muttered. “Listen Luna, you don’t have to be scared. We’re far away from all of that. We’re safe here.” Luna glanced at her father, then her mother.

“Then why are the both of you scared?” They both appeared surprised and uncomfortable. They glanced at each other yet again.

“Luna dear,” Aestiva stated. “It appears you can reach into pony’s minds. It might be good in emergencies, but it is impolite and inappropriate to do it all the time or without their permission. You are never to use this power on us or anypony else without it being absolutely necessary or an emergency, okay?”

“Okay momma.” Luna said, apparently obeying instantly as she stopped shaking.

“Now both of you get ready for dinner.”

“Okay momma.” They said in unison. Both of the foals scuttled off, apparently already forgetting what transpired. Their parents however remained behind.

“Do you think he’s really that terrified?” Aestiva asked.

“He didn’t look it.” Hiemo replied.

“He never does.”

“The only other explanation is that Luna got ridiculously lucky.” Aestiva now looked worried.

“He truly believes we are at risk.” She said.

“Hey, hey.” Her husband replied, lifting her chin with his hoof. “If...he...comes after us, then we will find another peaceful place to live. We’re not worth that much effort.” Aestiva smiled at that statement. They briefly kissed and nuzzled. “Now let’s go eat.”

Twilight could tell that now centuries had passed. Luna and Celestia were sleeping inside the cave, but they were much bigger now and Celestia’s hair had begun to flow. Luna abruptly woke up, yawning. She stared around the cave, groggily.

“Mom?” She asked. There was no answer. Luna paused for a moment before daring to use her power. She often utilized it when it was forbidden, just for convenience. She sensed some powerful emotions coming from outside. Luna stood up, stretched for a moment and trotted outside. The moment she reached the entrance she froze. She quickly darted around the edge of the cave and peeked around. Her parents were both outside, arguing with another alicorn. This one...this one was different, to say the least. It was a male, from what Luna could tell. His coat was jet black, without a hint of light. His mane, by contrast, was stark white. Neither of them glittered at all. His cutie mark was that of a red hoof gripping a spear, leaving Luna confused as to its meaning. Finally his eyes were bright red, almost like that of blood. He was absolutely terrifying.

“We told you no.” Hiemo said. “We meant it.”

“And I told you,” The male pony began. “That is not an option.” His voice was unlike any Luna had heard before in her life. It was insanely deep, almost sounding artificial. His eyes had a terrible glare, like that of a tiger.

“We hold the same stance we always have.” Aestiva reaffirmed. “We will have no part of this.”

“The rules have changed.” The other pony stated, sounding angry. “You are either our enemy, or our ally. I suggest you choose wisely.”

“We are neutral!” Hiemo replied, equally angry. “We are neither!!” For a few moments the dark pony glared at them. He then grinned, but it didn’t contain an ounce of joy in it.

“Have it your way.” He stated. His wings spread and in an instant he was gone. Both of Luna’s parents instantly relaxed. They were incredibly tense, but not nearly as tense as Luna. The purpled alicorn reached into the dark alicorn’s mind, feeling his emotions. It was cold, so cold. His anger, his rage, his pleasure, his pain, his happiness...everything was cold. There was no light in his soul, like it had all been sucked out. He did not feel empathy, love or caring. He was like a machine, one whose hooves are soaked with blood.

“His followers are getting worse.” Hiemo stated.

“We’re going to have to move.” Aestiva stated. “Somewhere where there are absolutely no ponies, at least until this whole thing blows over.”

“I fear it may not just blow over.” Hiemo replied. An odd wind began passing over them. Gazing out into the sea they saw a storm that was incoming. It was dark, even in the dead of the night, with lightning dancing across it.

“A storm is coming.” Aestiva stated. “We have to take shelter.”

Now it was days later. Celestia and Luna were curled up in a corner of the cave, huddling with their mother. The storm had not abated in those days, not even for a moment. Water continued to pour in through the hole in the ceiling. Every now and again, Hiemo would stick his head out of the cloth entrance, only to see the same thing as always.

“Any sign of stopping?” Aestiva asked.

“No.” Her husband replied. “The ocean keeps creeping closer and closer too.”

“Is this...a natural storm?” Aestiva asked. Her husband gave her a nervous glance.

“If this keeps up, we’ll just simply leave.” Hiemo replied.

“Where will we go?” Celestia asked nervously. “We’ve always lived here!”

“We’ll make it.” Aestiva said. “Just be patient and...”

That was when the whole cave rattled. The alicorns could feel the earth rumbling, as if there were a great earthquake. “What was that!?” All of the alicorns then dashed outside. In the howling wind and rain they gazed around. Luna could barely see, but what she could see frightened her. The clouds in the sky were black and swirling. Lightning danced in between the clouds ruthlessly. The rain came down in powerful and often painful sheets. This was the worst storm she had ever seen. That was when she heard a noise, unlike any she had heard before. It was coming from the sky, but rumbled like an earthquake. Luna could feel the power of it all the way into her gut. That was when something came barreling through the clouds, briefly parting the storm. It was like a ball of fire that zoomed over their heads. The sheer noise of it made Luna hold her ears closed. It soared down past them and their home. When it landed on the ground, far behind their home, they could feel the impact rattle the entire earth around them.

“Meteors!?” Hiemo shouted. He immediately spread his wings. “I’m going to go look.”

“Be careful!” Aestiva shouted. In the blink of an eye the male alicorn was up and away, soaring high into the clouds. All of the alicorns on the ground waited anxiously for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he came falling back to the ground, like one of the meteors themselves. He landed roughly, sending up a huge cloud of sand. He immediately dashed over to his wife.

“It’s bad!” He announced. “There have to be thousands about to come raining down, some of them big enough to blast the entire southern region to dust!”

“We have to leave!” Aestiva shouted.

“What about all the other ponies!?” Celestia shouted.

“There aren’t that many!” Aestiva shouted, trying to drag her daughters away. “We can’t help them!”

“There are plenty!” Celestia shouted. “There are over 125,763 ponies in the southern region!” Even in the pouring rain, the howling wind and crackling lightning both of her parents stopped and stared at their daughter.

“How do you know that?” Aestiva asked.

“I just do!” Celestia shouted. “We can’t just leave them! We have to save them!” Hiemo and Aestiva both looked at each other. There was some kind of understanding passing between them. Luna looked at them both, confused.

“Aren’t we leaving?” Luna asked.

“Stay in the caves.” Aestiva ordered. Both of the alicorns spread their wings.

“No! Don’t leave!” Luna shouted.

“Good luck!” Celestia shouted instead. They both nodded. Then, in an instant, they were jetting up into the sky.

“No!” Luna shouted, spreading her own wings. Celestia quickly grabbed her sister however, preventing her from flying.

“Stay here Luna! We can’t help them!” Celestia shouted. Luna however kept kicking and screaming.

What followed were many minutes of nervous waiting. There were loud noises, like that lightning above the clouds. A few meteors streaked through, but at odd angles. Some of them veered wildly into the ocean, other hit land only to shatter harmlessly. Finally, the meteors seemed to abate. Two objects then fell from the sky. Luna shrieked once she saw that they were her parents. Her mother helplessly hit the sand. Their father landed in the ocean, but not too far away. Luna dashed over to her mother, screaming and wailing. Celestia dived into the choppy water and quickly swam to rescue her father. Using her magic, she managed to drag him onto the sand, and lay him next to their mother.

“Mom! Mom! Are you okay!?” Luna shouted. “Answer me! Mom!!!”

“I’m afraid...” Hiemo said, coughing up water. “That...she’s...slipping...”

“No! Don’t say that!” Celestia shouted.

“She...took one to the head. I tried...to intercept it directly...but it broke my horn off.” Luna gazed up from sobbing on her mother to see that, indeed, his horn had broken in two. “After that...I was pummeled.”

“Y-You’ll make it!” Luna cried. “It’s okay! It’ll grow back!”

“It took all my magic...to divert that big one.” Hiemo continued.

“B-Big one?” Celestia asked nervously.

“It would have completely destroyed the southern region...all I could do was drive it into the ocean.” He glanced at the sea. “It will make a tidal wave. This place will be...” He started abruptly coughing Blood began coming out his mouth.

“Dad!” Both of the young alicorns shouted at the same time.

“Ce...Celestia...” Hiemo croaked. “You...You have to...protect your sister. Make sure...you two are safe. Stay away...from Nox...and his soldiers. Don’t fight them...He’s...He’s...He’s evil...”

“I will dad.” Celestia stated. Luna continued to wail, holding onto her father with all of her strength.

“Go...the southern region is safe...but this place...is done for...” He said. Celestia nodded. She began prying Luna’s stubborn hooves off of their father. The young filly was kicking and screaming, not wanting to let go. Finally, using magic, Celestia pried her off. The older sister seized Luna and instantly began flapping her wings desperately. She rose as quickly as she could in the sky, her sister fighting her every step of the way. Luna could still gaze down at the beach. She saw her father edge his way over to their mother. With a smile on his blood-stained face, he wrapped his hooves around his wife. There they lay, wrapped around each other on the beach. That was when they heard a very loud boom. Both of the young alicorns turned their heads. It was coming from the ocean. Something large and on fire had struck far off shore. In a matter of seconds, a massive tidal wave began sweeping towards the shore. Luna began shrieking again and Celestia began flapping, trying to desperately get them away. The younger sister watched as the powerful wall of water obliterated their cove, swept up their parents and disintegrated the cliff. Everything they had ever known was gone.


Do you want to continue?

Twilight was overcome with shock and sympathy. In a matter of days everything Luna had based her life around were gone. Her parents were dead, her home was destroyed and she was an orphan without a place to go. Judging from the way Celestia acted, one would never be able to guess that all this was true. However, that question remained.

Do you want to continue? It only gets worse from here.

‘Worse?’ Twilight thought. ‘How could it possibly get worse?’ The question still remained. Twilight thought only for a few moments. She wanted to know everything. She couldn’t bail now, even if the truth was painful. ‘Yes. Show me more.’


It had been even more centuries now, centuries of wandering, occasional reprieves and often living off of the land. Some ponies were nice, others were hostile. It was essentially a hit and miss game. Centuries weren’t long in the life of an alicorn, but when there was constant worry and almost no relief they felt like an eternity. That was until they both found a wonderful place.

It was simply called Brightvale. It was far north of where they used to live and was quite different. It wasn’t tropical, but temperate. A quiet farming village filled with nice ponies who didn’t reluctantly give them some food and tell them to leave. They invited Celestia and Luna into their homes. There was actually a fight over whose house they would stay in, as multiple ponies wanted them to stay. They seemed delighted to have alicorns living in their village. It was a wonderful place with rolling fields of green grass, pleasant cows, and a calm, if slow, disposition. Everything about this place was like a paradise to the two wayward sisters.

One day Luna woke up to the sunlight on her face. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She gazed out the window and squinted in the sunlight. She was older now. Her legs were much longer and her hair was starting to flow. She was nothing like Celestia though, who was now only a little shorter than the tallest stallions in the village. Despite the fact that Celestia and Luna were far older than probably everypony in the village combined, they introduced themselves as teenagers and were treated like them, although Celestia was almost an adult now. An older couple happily took them in, although many volunteered. They seemed like they would be the most parental.

Luna finally got out of her bed and brushed her hair. She didn’t have anything of particular importance to do that day. The two alicorns had practically made hard work obsolete in Brightvale. With a swish of their horn they could do an entire day’s work. As Luna finally became satisfied with the way she looked she trotted down the stairs. Their “aunt” was working in the kitchen, grinding flour to make bread. Their “uncle” was away at the moment, most likely working.

“Good morning auntie.” Luna said.

“Good morning Luna dear!” She replied, flashing Luna a smile. She was past her middle years, with wrinkles on her eyes and mouth. She was an earth pony, like the vast majority of the village. Her hair was silver with age and her fur was the color of a red delicious apple. She also had incredibly warm brown eyes, which was what attracted Luna to her. “You don’t have to worry about the harvest, Celestia left early and hopped right into the fields!”

“After Leo no doubt...” Luna muttered.

“What was that dear?” Her aunt asked.

“Nothing.” Luna replied. “I think I’ll just go see how the fish are biting.” While the ponies themselves didn’t eat them, other animals they took care of did.

“You sure do love fishing!” Her aunt replied, tossing a pear at the alicorn. Luna caught with her magic and took a big bite out of it.

“I sure do...” She muttered.

Luna began walking through the village. It was certainly a picturesque place, littered with log cabin homes, wooden fences and individual gardens. Everypony Luna passed gave her a wave and a “hello.” All the ponies of the village were instantly receptive to them, but were even more gracious when they saw what the alicorns could do. Now they were practically shoo-ins for the position of mayor (should they want it). As Luna passed by the hay barn however she spied something white with rainbow hair out of the corner of her eye. Luna kept walking a few paces, the image not registering. She then stopped, hopped backwards a few paces and turned her head incredulously. Celestia was casually sprawled on a pile of hay. She had a stalk of cinnamon sticking out of her mouth and she appeared very relaxed. There was only one reason she could be like that. Luna trotted over to her sister, who didn’t even notice.

“Are you comfortable?” Luna asked. “Would you like a drink?”

“Would you Luna dear?” Celestia asked, not even looking at her sister.

“I thought you were harvesting the right field.” Luna stated.

“I did, and I finished. Took me less than a minute.”

“Celestia if we do everything they’ll get lazy.”

“Doubt that.” Celestia then stretched and changed position to something even lazier.

“Off with Leo I take it?” Luna asked, cocking her eyebrow.

“No, Tom.”

“Tom? What happened to Leo?”

“Broke up with him last night. He uttered the break-up words.” The oft-mentioned “break-up words” was an apparent phrase that sent Celestia running. Although Luna didn’t know for sure, she had her suspicions on what it was.

“I love you?” Luna asked.

“Mind your own business.” Celestia stated. She still hadn’t even glanced at her sister yet.

“Whatever.” Luna said. “Listen, the harvest festival is in a week and we need to bring something.”

“We are, our glorious presence.”

“That’s not funny.”

“It wasn’t meant to be.” Luna sighed. After Celestia had her fun she wasn’t much one for conversation.

“At least think about it.”

“Oh I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about it.” Luna turned and began walking away.




‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!’ Twilight thought quickly. What she saw abruptly froze in place. ‘That really happened!?’

It did.

‘You two...called each other that?’

More than once.

‘You two...are nothing like that.’

It was over ten thousand years ago. A lot can change in ten thousand years. Back in the day Celestia enjoyed the company of stallions immensely and Luna was nosy and often judgmental, times change however. Do you want to continue?

‘Yes, yes. Good grief.’


Luna continued from the barn and trotted through the fields. She passed by various fields of cows, many of whom hailed her with greetings. The alicorn occasionally stopped, made small talk with some of the ones she was more familiar with. Speaking with the bovines was often refreshingly simplistic. It was always about how the grass was, how their children were doing and how well milk was going. Eventually Luna bid them all goodbye and began approaching the tree line.

When the village was settled by refugees from a different country, they came across a river in the woods. It was said that after all the hardships their forefathers faced, this pure water source with the sun glowing off of it seemed like heaven itself. So they called the place Brightvale and settled. It had been several generations since then. The village moved to the fields around the forest, but the name stayed the same. Luna didn’t have to go far into the forest to find the fabled river. It was too wide, just big enough to have fish swim down it. The waters were also completely clear, making the fish completely visible. Luna arrived at the river, gazing left and right. She saw the net that was used by the fisher, but he wasn’t around.

“Skye! Skye!!!!” Luna shouted.

“Up here.” A calm voice said. Luna turned her head upwards. Up in a nearby tree was the only unicorn of the village. His name was Skye Watcher and his cutie mark matched his name with a spyglass. His coat was a light blue and matched the sky above him. His mane was two colors, alternating in patches of red and yellow. His eyes were a bright green. One of them was currently glued in a spyglass and was scanning the sky.

“What are you doing?” Luna asked. “Your net has fish in it!”

“They’ll stay.” He replied. “I’m looking for the cloud city.” Luna lifted off and landed on the other side of the tree, making sure that her branch was secure.

“Cloud city?” Luna asked.

“A city built in the clouds where pegasai live.”

“I know what a cloud city is, Skye.” Luna said, her eyes half-shaded. “I mean, why are you looking for it?” Sky lowered his scope.

“It’s been circling over there for as long as I can remember.” He said, gesturing with his hoof. “Making a huge circuit every few years, but now it’s gone.”

“You mean it’s off course?”

“It would have to disappear over the horizon. That would take weeks, not a single night. One day it’s there, the next there’s no trace of it.” He collapsed his scope and put it in his bag. He glanced at Luna. “Want to go have a look?”

“I’m fine here.” Luna replied.

“Just “fine.”” Skye replied, shimmying down the tree. Luna lifted off, slowly floating down with him. “And you’re perfectly happy with just “fine?””

“Well yes.” Luna said. “I have ponies who care about me, a comfortable life, plenty of food and it’s peaceful. Why would I leave?”

“Haven’t you ever wanted to know more?” Skye asked.

“About what?” Luna asked.

“Everything. What happened to that cloud city, what’s going on in the world, why that constellation looks that way, what kinds of ponies live over that ridge, how big the ocean is, how far away can I travel...everything.”

“I don’t really need to know any of that stuff.” Luna replied. Skye finally reached the ground. He dusted himself off.

“How interesting, an alicorn that acts like an earth pony.” Luna smirked.

“Well, maybe I just have something more interesting right here.” The alicorn brushed up against him, rubbing the top of her head against his chin. Skye then grinned himself.

“One kiss on the cheek and I’m never rid of you.” He said.

“I think it was the one on my lips that “hooked” me fisher.” Luna lifted her head away so they were facing each other. Skye leaned forward and they pressed their lips together.

Skye was different from the rest of the villagers. He was inquisitive, insightful and intelligent. He was known as the town bachelor, although unknown to everypony else that wasn’t true anymore. He had been grown for quite some time, approaching the halfway mark to middle age. Despite this, he never seemed to make any effort to marry, more content to keep his head in the clouds. When he first laid eyes on Luna however that changed. He was infinitely fascinated by the alicorns, wanting to know all he could. He also earned the admiration of the purple alicorn by being the only stallion to turn down her sister. In terms of comparative life spans he was much older than she was, but considering her massive lifespan they thought nothing of it. They finally separated, Luna having a large grin.

“Taking someone to the festival?” She asked.

“No one as of yet.” He replied, grinning slightly.

“Afraid to lose your title?” Luna asked, referring to him as the town bachelor.

“You mean to you?” He asked in turn.

“Yeah, to me.” Luna asked. He sighed and gazed away, mocking being pensive.

“I don’t know.” He then leaned down, although not very far, to Luna’s neck. He nuzzled against it, causing Luna to shiver. “I’ll have to think about it.”

“Well think quickly, a mare doesn’t get any younger.”

Much to Luna’s shock, a few days later, her aunt asked her for her body sizes. She was making both of the sisters a dress. Luna hadn’t worn a dress in her life, much less any clothes at all. The last time she went to the harvest festival she didn’t have to wear anything and now they wanted her to wear more than she had ever had in her life. While it puzzled the alicorn she wasn’t going to grill her aunt on the matter. It ate practically a whole day, considering that the alicorns were larger than most, if not all, of the mares. Much to Luna’s surprise her aunt and uncle had somehow acquired bright textiles. How they got them in this isolated village was a mystery. They seemed especially excited to get the rather rambunctious sisters in something fine and dainty. Their aunt spent the better part of the days leading up to the festivals making them. Celestia’s was especially hard due to her size. Finally, as the day of the festival arrived, Luna was shoved in the dress, poked, prodded and carefully groomed. It made the alicorn wonder if she was being shipped off to be married.

While Celestia seemed positively delighted to be dolled up so well, Luna felt uncomfortable. She walked awkwardly and felt itchy every step of the way. Her mother, so long ago, had done a bit of grooming on them, but it was nothing compared to what she just endured.

“My mane almost feels sore.” Luna said as they walked towards the village center.

“Really?” Celestia asked, her voice sounding kind of haughty. “I feel just like a princess!”


Epic foreshadowing.

‘I don’t need running commentary.’ Twilight thought.

Suit yourself.


“Why don’t you take Tom by the arm and waltz in there like you own the place?” Luna asked.

“I’m dating Silver.”

“Silver? Silver Plough!?” Luna looked incredulous. “Isn’t he the mayor’s son? When you break his heart, and you will, won’t the mayor be pissed?”

“Meh.” Celestia stated as they trotted into the center of town. “What are they going to do, fire me?” The white alicorn immediately waltzed away, seeking her latest beau who was at the head of the largest table.

“Skank.” Luna hissed. She then gazed around for her own stallion. It actually took her several moments. She finally spotted him, away from everypony with his eye back in that spyglass of his. The alicorn sighed, shook her head and smiled. Even without wings he always had his head in the clouds. She calmly trotted over to him.

“Do you ever look at the ground?” Luna asked.

“I talked to a trader today about the cloud city,” He stated, lowering his spyglass and collapsing it. “Apparently it really did disap...” Skye turned to Luna. The moment he did, he abruptly stopped talking and his eyes widened. “That’s...I...I...uh...” Luna tilted her head. What was his problem? “You...uh...that...you...look beautiful.” Luna’s face lit up bright red. Nopony had ever said that to her, apart from her parents. The alicorn, for perhaps the first time in her life, was completely stunned. “That dress is...it’s...wow...it...I’m sorry, what was I talking about?”

“I...don’t know.” Luna said. Her dress was a mix of bright red and yellow colors and had beautiful flowing look to it.

“Where did you get that?” Skye asked.

“Auntie made it.” Luna said.

“It’s...perfect. I mean...you’re really, really beautiful in it.”

“Th-Thanks.” Luna saw something in Skye’s eyes that she hadn’t before. He had always looked at her with happiness and a smile, but it was different now. He had been seeing her before, now it was like he was really looking at her. He walked beside her and held out his arm.

“Shall we go?” He asked.

“Oh...yeah.” Luna was completely shocked. Not only had he never been so forward, but now he wanted to be seen with her.

After all the ponies finally arrived, even the town drunk, everypony sat at their respective tables. The two sisters sat next to each other with their dates on the other side. Celestia gave her sister a curious glance once she saw who was with her, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge her. Finally however, the mayor called the place to order.

“Welcome one and all to our harvest festival!” The mayor was greeted with cheers and raised cups. “Today we appreciate all our hard work for the past year. This harvest festival however, we honor more than just our bounty.” While everypony else smiled, the two sisters appeared confused. “We’re also here to give our thanks to two very special ponies who have made our lives so much better.” Celestia grinned widely, but Luna’s face lit up bright red again.

“Oh god...” Luna whined, slowly sinking below the table.

“Don’t think so.” Skye said. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back up.

“Celestia and Luna!” Every face turned to them and Luna could feel her face burning. Celestia ate it up however. She pleasantly waved to everypony. “Tonight is also dedicated to you, two mares to whom we owe so much!” Everypony cheered and raised their glasses. Celestia grinned delightfully. She turned to her latest stallion and gave him a sneaky grin. Then, in front of everypony, they leaned together and smashed their lips together sensually. All the villagers instantly shouted and whistled, except for the latest stallions Celestia had dumped who merely glared. Luna rolled her eyes, but when she did her eyes rested on Skye, who was giving her an odd look out of the corner of his eye and a grin. Luna’s eyes widened.

“Don’t you dare.” Luna said. He merely chuckled then, for all the village to see, he leaned forward and kissed an uncomfortable Luna. This elicited even louder shouts and whistles, as well as some shocked chatter that the eternal bachelor wasn’t that way anymore. The kiss wasn’t long, unlike Celestia’s as they were still trying to climb each other. The moment he separated he saw that Luna’s face and neck were completely red and she had a seditious glare in her eye.

“I’m going to kill you.” She grumbled.

“I’m sure.” Skye replied.

“To love!” The mayor cried. Everypony cheered yet again and all took drinks.

Luna only stayed for a few minutes. She ate very little and waited until all the attention strayed away from the two sisters. Not for a single moment did her face stop blushing. It took longer than she wanted, as Celestia thrived on attention. Finally however most of the faces turned away.

“Let’s go.” Luna whispered to Skye.

“What? Now?” He asked.

“Yes now.” Luna stated. He appeared confused, but obeyed. Despite Luna’s bright dress, they managed to slip away. The alicorn dragged the stallion across the town, trying to find some place to hide. She eventually found the hay barn. They both rushed inside and Luna abruptly closed the door with her magic. No sooner had they closed then Luna broke down. She put both of her hooves to her face.

“Oh my god I’m so embarrassed!!!” Luna shrieked.

“Why? What’s the problem?” Skye asked, chuckling.

“You know what!!” Luna shouted, lowering her hooves long enough to glare at him. “Why did you have to do that!? Just because Celestia’s a slut doesn’t mean we have to copy her!!” Skye shrugged.

“Maybe I wasn’t copying. Maybe I just wanted everypony to see that such a beautiful pony was mine.” Luna flinched in shock. Why was he suddenly so different? What changed?

“You’ve never acted like this before.” Luna said. “You all always seem lost in thought and looked at the sky...now you’re just...focused.” Skye stared at her for a few moments.

“You really are beautiful in that dress.” He stated. “It brings out the color of your eyes and hair. You’re like a glowing flower, begging to be picked.” Luna blinked dumbly at that statement.

“Wh-What?” Luna asked, with a smile. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she was complimented.

“Luna, where are you from?”


“I’ve know you for years, but I’ve never asked.”

“W-Why do you want to know?”

“When I was a foal some travelers came to this town.” Skye began, sitting on a hay bale. “They were group of wandering performers. Among them was a mare, the likes of which I had never seen. She dressed in the most wonderful and colorful clothes I had ever seen. She could dance like no other pony I had ever seen in my life. When I asked her how she learned to dance like she told me that she simply listened to music, let it move through her heart and she became complete.” He reached into his pack and pulled out his spyglass. “Then she gave me this. The instant she did, my cutie mark appeared.” He gazed off to the side. “Ever since then, I’ve had my eyes on the sky and what’s going on outside of the town. I was desperately searching for that one thing, the thing that the dancer had found, the thing that would make me complete.” He gazed back up at Luna, grinning. “But when I saw you in that dress I...realized something.”

“Wh-What?” Luna asked.

“I’d been looking in the wrong place.” Skye said, grinning. “The mare from my childhood didn’t just have one thing to make her complete. She had a stallion that played her music for her. I’d found one thing that made my heart sing,” He tapped his bag that had his spyglass in it. “but that wasn’t all I needed. I had my eyes on the skies, looking for that other thing I needed. The moment I saw you...I realized...just how beautiful you were.” Luna blushed brighter than she ever had before. Apart from the occasional kiss and cuddle they had never done anything serious. It was becoming apparent however that he was asking for more.

“I don’t know anything about you.” Skye said, opening his hooves. “I never...I never thought to ask. Now I...want to know everything.” Luna gulped. What should she say? This was rather sudden. The alicorn sighed. She walked over and sat on the bale of hay next to him.

“I’m from a place south of here.” Luna said. “I don’t know if it had an official name, but we called it The Cove.”

“We?” He asked.

“Celestia and my parents.”

“Where are they?” Luna flinched.

“They died.” Luna said. Skye abruptly appeared uncomfortable. He fidgeted slightly.

“I’m sorry.” There was an awkward silence. “How did they...? You know what, I’m sorry, forget it.” Skye quickly looked away, not wanting to hurt Luna. There was more silence.

“There was a storm.” Luna said. The stallion jerked his head towards her.

“A storm?” He asked. The alicorn smiled solemnly.

“An earthly one and one from space.” Luna said. “The storm on earth was terrible, powerful and lasted for days. Then one came from space. Rocks came barreling down, threatening to destroy the entire southern region. My parents sacrificed their lives to save so many...only to be washed away from a tidal wave. Everything I ever knew was destroyed. The cove where I lived was gone. Celestia and I just...wandered, until we found this place.” The alicorn’s face hung low, her eyes both sad and wistful.

“I’m sorry.” Skye stated. He scooted over to her hay bale and wrapped one of his hooves around her shoulders. Luna leaned against him, her head rubbing on his neck. She could feel his breath beginning to become erratic and his pulse picking up. She could have easily read what he was feeling...but she wanted to believe him without cheating.

“Skye?” Luna asked.

“Yes?” He replied.

“Why did you turn down my sister?”

“You really want to ask me that?”

“Yes.” Skye sighed.

“She’s beautiful.” He noted. That was a bad start. “In a sort of...glamorous, picturesque kind of way, but it wasn’t hard to see that she’s vain and shallow. Whereas the mare that came with her, possessing her own beauty and charm, was much more thoughtful and humble. She was much more interesting.” Luna smiled. There was even more silence. This one however wasn’t so much awkward as it was tense. Skye gulped. Luna turned her head up to the stallion so that their eyes could meet.

“Skye?” She asked.

“Yes?” He replied.

“If I asked you to stay in this town with me forever, would you?”

“Yes.” Luna leaned closer.

“If I told you to stop wondering about that cloud city, would you?”

“Yes.” Luna leaned even closer. They could feel their breath on each other’s nose.

“If I told you to get rid of that spyglass, would you?”

“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate for a moment.

“Good.” Luna said, smiling. “Do all that, but you can keep the spyglass.” She finally leaned forward all the way, allowing their lips to briefly touch. She backed away, only to see something she hadn’t before. He had a look in his eyes she didn’t recognize. They were filled with desire and glowed like they were on fire.

“Luna...” Skye pushed her onto her back on the hay bale. He hovered over her.

“I love you.” Luna said.

“I love you too.” He replied. He began laying kisses down her neck, causing her to shiver. She began panting his name in his ear as they enveloped their arms around each other.

Luna rose from her bed yet again. This time however, many years had passed. It was winter outside, although no snow had fallen yet. Luna was in the same bedroom as before, although everything in the room looked more worn. While she still lived in the same house, it wasn’t because she needed to. Her aunt was old now and after their uncle passed away she needed help. While Celestia was still spinning from stallion to stallion, Luna gratefully stayed at home, making sure that her aunt was well taken care of. The alicorn rubbed her eyes, as she usually did. That was when she heard a groan beside her.

“Must you get up so early?” Skye asked.

“Yes, I must.” Luna replied, smiling. The stallion rolled over, dragging himself to the edge of bed. He wasn’t as young as he once was, not anymore. His joints were starting to become stiff and a few grays were appearing in his mane. He also had wrinkles around his eyes. He was entering middle age. He sat on the edge of the bed, briefly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Thanks for last night by the way.” Skye stated.

“I know what you like.” Luna said, giving him a seductive wink. The stallion sighed, gazing up at the ceiling.


“Yes dear?”

“I’m old.”

“I’m older.”

“Yes, but in a few more decades I’ll be even older, and you won’t age a day.” Luna knitted her brow. She moved over on the bed, wrapping one of her arms around his back and kissing him on the cheek.

“Where is this coming from?” She asked. “After all of these peaceful years in this place you go and bring that up. Are the fish not biting anymore?”

“My bones are stiff in the morning.” He stated. “My hair is getting gray and it’s getting harder to see out of the spyglass.”

“You can still see me right?” Luna asked. “That’s all I care about.”

“Doesn’t it bother you?” He asked. “We’ve lived together for so long. One day though...I’ll be too old to keep up with you. What will you do then?”

“Stay home I guess.”


“Listen Skye,” Luna wrapped her hooves completely around him. “I love you, no matter what you look like. I’ll be happy as long as you’re with me.” She giggled. “No matter what mid-life crisis you go through.” He gave her a rather curious glance out of his eye. “Afraid to be stuck with an older mare?”

“You’re hilarious.” He stated. He groaned and stood up, some of the bones in his legs cracking. “Going to go see how the fish are biting.”

“You do that.” Luna said. “I’ll make breakfast for you and auntie. If they aren’t biting, come back for some afternoon delight!” Skye scoffed.

“I’m not a machine Luna.”

“Could have fooled me.”

Later that day, Luna had wandered out into the forest. Her sister and herself had drifted apart over the years, mostly due to their different lifestyles. The younger alicorn was actually rather shocked to see her sister spending her time with stallions that were sons of ponies she dated back in the day. Yesterday however she received a letter from her sister. She wanted to talk, about what Luna wasn’t sure. She instructed Luna to come to the place where they were first discovered by the town. The alicorn remembered the place mostly because of the odd twisted tree that they had hid behind when they first saw the ponies of the town. Luna arrived at the tree to see her sister already there. She looked the same as she always had been, stunning and bright with a certain air of finesse about her. She was leaning against the gnarled tree, a rather worried expression on her face.

“How are you sis?” Luna cried. Celestia briefly jumped, before smiling and turned to the approaching pony.

“Fine thank you.” Celestia replied.

“Still running around?” Luna asked, grinning.

“Still staying in?” Celestia replied. Neither of them answered. They were both referring to their social statues, with Celestia frequently running through lovers and Luna staying with the same one for years.

“What’s with the letter? You could just come over. Auntie would be happy to see you.”

“I know.” Celestia seemed different, almost as if she were agitated. “This is something I think only we should talk about.”

“What is it?” Celestia sighed, briefly gazing at the ground.

“One of the kids told me something interesting the other day.” She explained. “He said he saw a pony flying through the air. Supposedly they looked like us...only black.”

“Black?” The last black alicorn Luna saw, so long ago, terrified the hell out of her.

“Whoever it was seemed to be looking for something.” Celestia said. “I was concerned, so I actually left the village to check some other ones. Apart from the usual stares at my...looks, they told me some alarming things. They said that over the course of their lifetimes, villages have been wiped out.”

“Wiped...out!?” Luna said, utterly shocked.

“Do you remember that cloud city that used to hang around here?” Luna’s memory stirred, back to one of the happiest times of her life. It was something she made Skye forget about.

“Vaguely.” Luna said, becoming a little pale.

“Well they were apparently arguing with a group of alicorns. One day the entire place disappeared. There are rumors that the entire area under where it had been was littered with pegasus bodies, although I don’t know if that’s true or not as all the evidence of it was gone.” Luna was fast becoming nervous.

“The last time you told me you saw a black alicorn was just before mom and dad died.”

“Yeah. It...was one of Nox’s stallions.”

“Do you remember what they told us?” Luna nodded.

“Stay away from Nox...and his ilk.” Celestia sighed. She stared off into the woods.

“Maybe we should leave.” Celestia said.

“Leave!?” Luna shrieked.

“What if they’re looking for us?”

“Why would they look for us!?”

“We’re alicorns aren’t we? Remember what Lucerna said? No pony can be neutral anymore, at least that’s what they think. No matter where we are, we attract attention, it’s only a matter of time. If we leave now and see that we’re not here anymore they may just leave this place alone.” Luna scoffed. She whirled around, turning her back on her sister.

“It might be easy for you to leave,” Luna said. “but some of us aren’t as flighty as you.” Celestia gave her sister a little glare.

“No matter how much you love him, he isn’t like us. None of them are like us.”

“Celestia you...!!” Luna whirled back around to her sister. She had various venomous words to utter, but before she could Celestia pointed an accusatory hoof at her.

“You know what I mean!!” The white alicorn shouted. “You don’t think I have a reason to be the way that I am!? In a thousand years the dust from their bones will be gone, but we will still be here, left with nothing but memories!!” That shut Luna up. Celestia lowered her hoof. “Why should I get invested in anypony if that’s our fate?” They were both silent for several moments.

“I won’t leave.” Luna said. “I’m not like you.”

“I know that.” Celestia said. “But if worse comes to worse, we cannot fight Nox’s ponies. You know that.”

“I know.”

“Then we’ll just have to hope for the best.”

They didn’t have to wait long. Some weeks Luna got another letter from Celestia, this one telling her to meet in the forest again. This note looked hastily scribbled however. So, late at night, Luna began her trot into the woods again. The alicorn was quite annoyed by the letter this time. Their previous conversation made her all-too aware of Skye’s mortality. She wanted to spend as much time with him as she possibly could. As the purple alicorn approached their usual tree, Celestia was already there. She had one of the most depressed looks on her face her sister had ever seen.

“What is it this time?” Luna asked. Celestia shook her head and sighed.

“I’m sorry Luna.” Celestia said.

“About what?”

“They saw me.”

“What?” Luna voice dropped. “Are you sure?” Celestia closed her eyes and shook her head.

“I looked up in the sky and saw one. They stared right at me...and smiled. It’s only a matter of time.”

“We have to warn everypony!” Celestia looked away.

“It’s too late.” Celestia said. “If everypony tried to leave they would see it. I could only get you away. Without us there they will leave.”

“You don’t know that!! We have to...!!!”

“It’s too late.”

“What do you...?” Luna heard an explosion behind her. She whirled around, her eyes as big as they could go. Through the trees she could see flames. “No!!” Luna began galloping towards the village, but no sooner had she done so then Celestia tackled her.

“You can’t Luna!!!” Her sister shouted.

“Let me go! I can’t just leave them!!”

“You have to! Look at the sky!” Luna instantly obeyed. What she saw shocked her. Fireballs continually shot out of the sky. The flames were so bright that they illuminated those who were firing them. There were maybe a dozen. In the brief moments they were lit up Luna could see black alicorns with red eyes. They all resembled the one Luna had seen all those centuries ago. “They’re Nox’s soldiers! On top of that there are too many of them! If they see us in the village they’ll burn the whole thing down to get to us!! The only thing we can do is leave and hope that if we aren’t there they will leave them alone!”

“But...I can’t...” Luna said, sounding frustrated.

“Contrary to what you believe I care about them too. If we fight them however, all we will accomplish is our deaths.” Luna squeezed her eyes shut, crying softly. “Come on! We have to go!” Celestia finally stood and picked up her sister. She dragged her away, just as she had done all those ages ago on the beach. There was a rather large explosion. It made Luna’s head jerk to the sky. That was when she saw it. There was an alicorn flying in the sea of black ones. For a split second the purple alicorn saw a mane of red and a coat of blue, the color of the ocean. Then it all faded back to black.

It was morning now. Luna, now back in the town, dropped to her knees. Celestia merely stood still as a stone, with her eyes wide. The village of Brightsvale was gone. Every building, house, barn and field had been burnt to ashes. What had been done to the ponies was far worse. They were all in a pile, along with the cows and livestock. It was unclear at what point they had been slaughtered, but their bodies had all been burnt, with three exceptions. On a tree, three of them dangled. One was the alicorn’s aunt, one was Celestia’s current lover and the last...was Skye. It was apparent they had been tortured, as they had burn marks all over them, their eyelids cut open, their ears cut off and their cheeks sliced. Even their genitals had been horribly burnt and cut to pieces. Finally they were hung, horrible expressions on their faces.

“You...you said...you said they would leave...” Luna said, her voice quivering.

“I know.” Celestia replied, equally unsteady.

“You said...you said...” Luna abruptly jumped up and tackled her sister, pinning her to the ground. She had her hooves around Celestia’s neck, but her sister wasn’t resisting. Tears were freely flowing from Luna’s eyes. “You told me to run!!! You told me to leave!!! You said it was our only hope!!!!!!” Luna applied more pressure to Celestia’s neck. Still she didn’t resist.

“It was.” Celestia said. “If we had come...they would’ve killed...us too...” Celestia voice was getting weak.

“They were tortured!!! They were killed!!! Everything...everything...everything was slaughtered!!!! I’ve lost everything!!!!” Celestia could no longer breathe. She reached up with her hoof and gently stroked Luna’s cheek. The younger alicorn, completely thrown off, lightened her grip.

“Not...everything sis...” Celestia croaked. “You still...have me.” Luna froze. Slowly her hooves lifted off of her sister’s neck. She then collapsed and began sobbing. Pain began pouring out of her heart as for the second time in her life, everything good in her life had been utterly undone and turned into pain. Celestia wrapped her hooves around her sister, cradling her.

“I’m sorry Luna.” She said. “I’m so sorry.” As Luna wailed in terrible sorrow and pain, several tears escaped Celestia’s eyes as well. For what seemed like an eternity, neither of them moved.

“We have to go.” Celestia finally said, holding back a sob. “They’re coming back.”

“How do you know?” Luna asked weakly.

“I just do.”

“Where we go?”

“Where there is nopony. Where no pony can find us...and no pony can be hurt because of us. Come on.”


Twilight felt as if she were going to vomit, if she could in this state. She could feel overwhelming sorrow and a physical revulsion. Not only could she see what Luna saw...but she could also smell it. Never in the unicorn’s life had she smelled something so stomach-turning. It was the scent of burning flesh and rotting corpses. Twilight could feel the sheer pain and anguish that flowed through Luna and it made her want to die, just to escape from all of it. Even then, she knew what she felt was only a fraction of what Luna felt. The alicorn was skipping all those years she had spent with Skye, learning about each other, exploring each other and all the time they spent together. Loving somepony for a lifetime...only to watch them die in a horrendous way.

Do you wish to continue?

Twilight lifted up her head, or at least what she perceived as her head.

‘Does it get worse?’

It doesn’t get better. Do you wish to continue?

Twilight honestly considered quitting. From what she had seen of the princesses, they ruled by love and caring. There was little strife simply because of their just and magnanimous nature. No pony could possibly have guessed what sort of chaos and pain they had come from.

‘Should I?’

It’s up to you.

‘Will I know why you’re doing all these things now?’


Twilight closed her eyes. She had to know. She had to understand. Even if it meant enduring the worst possible pain imaginable...she had to understand Luna, the pony she had come to love.

‘Yes, I want to continue.’