• Published 8th Apr 2012
  • 7,332 Views, 366 Comments

Getting Even - Mint

After falling in love Twilight must decide whether to stop Luna from stealing the throne or not.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Twilight abruptly stopped, only halfway on her journey to Canterlot. She slumped over against a tree, gasping and panting. Both her horn and her hooves were tired. In a frenzy, she had dashed off from the old fairground. She alternated between sprinting and teleporting. There was only one thing that ruled her mind. She had to find Princess Celestia. How could Luna do this!? Twilight trusted her! After everything Luna had done, her friends, the fair...even helping everypony Twilight had ever known...just to do this!? The only reason Twilight stopped running was because she was ready to collapse. She had never felt so betrayed in her life. Every wonderful feeling she ever had about Luna turned to rage. The unicorn gazed up at the sky, finally catching her breath. She spied the moon, now currently a crescent shape. Luna would likely return there for this, maybe even forever. It was what she deserved.

Suddenly she felt a pang in her heart. It was a gush of pity and sadness. Luna would be gone...forever? Doubt suddenly clouded the unicorn’s mind. Did she want that? Is that what she really wanted to happen? The unicorn rapidly rattled her head around. Yes, it was what she wanted!! Luna was a traitor! Princess Celestia had to know! Twilight had to protect Equestria! The unicorn took another deep breath and resumed her run. She ignored the pain that continued to creep up in her heart. The love she felt was a lie. That’s what she kept telling herself.

As night descended Twilight finally entered the castle. Most of the guards recognized her and let her through, although they stared after her, perplexed. After running through several halls Twilight came to the grand doors to the throne room. The captain of the guard from the fair was standing at the door. The instant he saw Twilight bolting for the door he jumped in the way.

“Halt citizen!” He shouted, a sour expression on his face. “Commoners aren’t allowed to come inside!”

“I have...an urgent...message!” Twilight tried to say.

“If you want an audience, make an appointment.” The guard ordered. “The princess is about to retire.”

“I...have...to...!!!” Twilight could barely breathe, much less argue. The guard began shoving her backwards.

“I’m sorry, the princess has no time for...GUOH!!!” Much the guard’s surprise, Twilight leapt forward and smashed her head against his. Her horn rammed into his forehead through the gaps in his armor, cutting a gash. The guard instantly fell backwards, completely stunned. The other guard at the door attempted to intervene, but Twilight was too quick. With her magic she tore the door open and dashed inside.

Princess Celestia was already off of her throne and down the steps. She was talking to an attendant, apparently making the next day’s schedule. When the doors tore open she jerked her head up. Her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle came dashing over, covered in sweat and looking completely terrified. Princess Celestia instantly appeared concerned. She walked over and leaned down to her student.

“Twilight, what’s wrong? What is it?” She asked terrified.

“I’m sorry your majesty!” The bleeding guard said, dashing inside and grabbing Twilight. “She assaulted me and ran inside. I’ll deal with her!”

“That will be quite alright.” Celestia said to him, sounding quite civil.

“But your majesty...!!”

“You may want to have that checked.” The princess said, pointing to his head. “You might need some stitches.” The guard ground his teeth together, but obeyed as he released the unicorn walked out of the room. “Now what is it Twilight? Are you okay?”

“Luna...Luna is...she’s...” Twilight couldn’t talk without gasping for breath. The more she tried to talk, the less breath she had.

“What is it? What happened to Luna?”

“Not Luna...you...she...she...” Twilight took a deep breath so she could get it out. “She’s going to betray you!”

“She what!?” Princess Celestia abruptly lifted her head, a shocked expression on her face. “How!? How is she going to betray me!?”

“Yes, I’m also quite interested.” Twilight went rigid. Both of them turned their heads towards a column supporting the large hall. The purple alicorn came from around it. She leaned against the ornate support, crossing her leg over the other one. “How am I going to betray my sister?” Twilight narrowed her eyes. All she could feel was anger. Luna however appeared almost completely calm, as if she was completely uninterested to the whole situation. Twilight, however, was not to be deterred. She turned back to Celestia, who was now baffled.

“I watched her having a secret meeting with Retussians!” Twilight explained quickly, now that she could finally speak. “They were talking about bringing troops into the capital, secretly! They’re going to be here tomorrow!!” For a few moments, Celestia had a blank look on her face. She then smiled and giggled slightly.

“Oh Twilight, calm down.” The princess said.

“Wh-what...?” Twilight suddenly felt completely flabbergasted.

“I signed off on the troops.” Celestia explained. “We’re borrowing a few hundred from Retussia. Luna’s a bit of a nervous nelly, so she convinced me on the deal. I know all about it.” Twilight face and heart sank. What? This...this wasn’t...?

“But...she had a secret meeting...” Twilight said. “They...were going to sneak inside the castle. They said that...you wouldn’t be able to stop them once they were inside.”

“Did they...?” Celestia asked. She gave her sister a curious glance. “What is that about?” Luna sighed. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

“I...might’ve given them a second order.” Luna stated.

“Second?” Celestia asked, sounding annoyed.

“I asked...for twice as many soldiers as you did.” Luna was relating this like one would to a sister over a broken toy.

“Luna!” Celestia said, in a disappointed sister kind of way. “We agreed on two hundred! Why would you go and order four!?”

“I’m sorry!” Luna whined. “I wanted to be sure! I’ll pay them, I promise.” Now it was Celestia’s turn to sight and shake her own head. She appeared more annoyed than angry.

“Alright, it’s not that bad.” She said. “Let’s just both agree on something from now on before we go behind each other’s backs, okay?” Luna nodded reluctantly. Celestia turned back to her student. “So you see Twilight, this was just a little spat, nothing quite that serious.” Twilight’s knees began to quake. A horrible feeling of humiliation and terror came over the unicorn. Her face became pale and her stomach felt like ice water. She slowly turned towards Luna, who had a cold, steely gaze fixed on the smaller pony.

“L-Luna...I...” Twilight tried to speak.

“You accused me of treason Twilight.” Luna said.

“Now, now Luna...she’s was only...” Celestia tried to say. Luna however lifted her hoof.

“Da-da-da!” Luna said, silencing her sister. “Just from one overheard conversation you were ready to throw me to the moon?”

“I wouldn’t have...” Celestia began. Luna stuck out her hoof towards sister, this time showing she was angry. Celestia shook her head, but stayed silent.

“After all I did for you, you just made such an easy snap judgment?” Luna continued.

“I...I’m sorry...I just...” Twilight began to cry. It felt as if her heart was cracking apart with pain. Incredible sorrow washed over her. She had accused one of the most wonderful ponies she knew with one of the most terrible crimes...which she didn’t commit.

“Just what!?” Luna shouted. “You accuse me...of treason?”

“I...I...” Twilight was shaking. After all the things that had happened, all the happiness and wonderful events...it was all crashing down. Luna turned around, giving Twilight a cold shoulder.

“Go home Twilight.” Luna said coldly. “I don’t want to look at you.” Twilight lurched for a moment.

“Luna...please I...” The purple alicorn’s horn lit up. Twilight shrieked as she flew into the air. She was thrown backwards, zipping out of the room. Before the unicorn had time to do anything the doors to the throne room slammed behind her. The moment they were alone Celestia gave her sister a harsh stare.

“Was that really necessary?” She asked grumpily. “You broke her little heart.”

“She accused me of betraying you and this nation.” Luna stated. “Was I supposed to treat her like she stole the last cookie?” Celestia sighed and shook her head.

“She’s probably crying her little heart out!”

“I’ll go and make up, don’t worry.” Luna said, making a duck face. “I just want her to be more careful before charging off again.”

“You’re always quick to start a fight.” Celestia said. “You both need to calm down before talking again. Why don’t you sleep here and go see her tomorrow?”

“That’s okay sis.” Luna said, walking towards the doors. “I’ll walk back to Ponyville. Maybe I’ll see her on the way.”

“I expect an update.” Celestia said as her sister opened the doors to the room. “I don’t want to see my most faithful student so upset again.”

“I got it, I got it.” The doors shut behind Luna. Instantly, her expression became grave and dark. She turned to the remaining guard at the door. “Where did she go?”

“When the doors slammed she burst out crying.” The guard stated. “She ran off, wailing about how she wanted to go home and never leave again, your majesty.”

“Peachy.” Luna snarled. “Thank you.”

Luna began walking out of the castle. The dark gaze never left her face. When she crushed Twilight she felt something. In order to even sense it Luna did something she almost never did and was against her own rules. She had to make sure the unicorn didn’t do anything stupid, so she reached deep into Twilight’s mind. What she found was something of which she had been afraid, something that almost made her break her act. The alicorn could sense all the affection Twilight felt for her melt into sorrow and regret. It consumed her in a matter of seconds. It was like watching a wonderful, sparkling blimp catch fire and burn to ashes. From the depths of her sorrow and anguish that the princess had once felt herself, Luna finally knew the truth. Twilight loved the princess, more than anything...and Luna had just humiliated and crushed her for a scheme.

“Rather cruel don’t you think?” Luna’s face instantly curled into anger. She didn’t need this right now.

“I told you,” Luna said to the air. “if you’re going to talk to me, stay in my line of vision.” Something suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the castle, standing on it upside-down...only Luna saw them however.

“Touchy!” Nightmare Moons stated. She dropped to the floor casually and began circling Luna. “I had no idea you were such a mare-killer! Look at you!”

“Not now.” Luna said flatly, marching straight out of the castle.

“Oooooooh...acting tough now!” Nightmare Moon said. She began walking beside Luna. “You seem angry, what’s to be angry about?”

“What’s not to be angry about?” Luna retorted.

“Well, let’s think about this.” Nightmare Moon tapped her chin, gazing at the stars. “The troops are on their way, Celestia doesn’t suspect a thing and any suspicions she could have had were just thwarted in that room. I must have missed the part where the whole thing went to pot.”

“Twilight.” Luna said. “Twilight is where it went to pot.”

“Oh?” Nightmare Moon stated. The vision of her fell over Luna’s back and began lounging. “I seem to recall a certain pony stating that she would never care about love again. Of course it was surrounded by the blackness of space...” Luna bumped her off. Nightmare Moon floated into the air, but just as easily floated back down onto her feet. She continued following Luna.

“I didn’t forget.” Luna said. “It’s just...here...it’s different.” She gazed at the ground as she walked along. “It’s easy to swear everything off when it’s empty...and cold. I’m submerged in it here. Everything is warm, kind...and adorable.”

“You love that little pony?” The vision asked, sneering a bit.

“What’s not to love?” Luna asked, finally smiling. “She’s excitable like a bunny, so easy to please and only wants to help those around her. How could I not?” Nightmare Moon was silent for several moments.

“And there hasn’t been countless other like her over the millennia?”

“Not like her.”

“You say that every time.”

“And I mean it every time.” Nightmare Moon sighed.

“Your heart shattered into a million pieces last time.”

“That wasn’t my fault!” Luna abruptly growled at her invisible companion.

“It wasn’t, but the pony responsible still hasn’t gotten what they deserve. Don’t forget that.” Luna scoffed and turned back to the road. She was now exiting Canterlot. It was the dead of night with the moon high in the sky. “You’re willing to jeopardize everything for a single little pony?”

“What? Like you don’t like her?” Nightmare Moon pulled her head back and put her hoof to her chest.

“Who, me?”

“You didn’t think she was adorable when she snuggled up on your shoulder?” Now it was Nightmare Moon’s turn to scoff and look away. That made Luna smile. “Maybe...I can have it all.”

“All?” Nightmare Moon asked. “You want your cake and to eat it too?” Luna sighed.

“I’ve...never gotten what I wanted.” Luna said, a sad expression coming over her face. “Never in my life. I’ve always been somepony’s daughter, somepony’s sister, the other princess, the other one...the one that was evil. Just once...just this once...I want it all.”

“If you tell her the truth, what’s to stop her from running back to Celestia?” Nightmare Moon spat.

“Nothing I suppose.” Luna said. Abruptly, Luna’s other half jumped in front of her. She bared her teeth, apparently furious.

“You’re willing to let everything fall apart for one little pony!?” Nightmare Moon shrieked. Luna didn’t stop. She walked right through her vision.

“Yes.” Luna said. “I would have thought by now you would know that much about me.” Nightmare Moon sighed.

“You know the stakes, why would you do this?”

“If I can’t have anything happy in life why should I even care? I’m tired of being the sad one, the one on the outside, the one who is second. If this doesn’t work, I’d rather be on the moon for ten thousand years and let them have it all.” Nightmare Moon stared at her other half. Luna had that smile on her face. That reckless smile she had when she was betting everything, when it was all on the line and she regretted nothing. The last time that happened all she got out of it was a prison in the darkness of space.

“It’s not your funeral, it’s ours.” Nightmare Moon said. Luna merely scoffed.

It was almost dawn as Luna arrived back in Ponyville. For the first time, in nearly one thousand years, Luna was afraid. This was something that had been in the making countless eons ago. Now she was betting it all on her heart. Luna could feel her heart pound as she approached the library. When she got to the door she paused, put her hoof to her heart and gulped.

“Don’t do it.” Luna closed her eyes and shook her head.

“You know me better than that.” Luna stuck her hoof out and the door opened.

Almost instantly, Twilight head jerked up. There were fresh tears in her eyes, with multiple more on the carpet beneath her. She hadn’t even bothered to make it to her bed. She ran to a corner and collapsed, sobbing on the ground. The most terrible pain of her life gripped her. Every good thing she had ever felt had been flipped around. As good as they were, they were that bad now. Between terrible wails and sobs, the unicorn could barely breathe. So when the door to her house opened and Luna entered, she was understandably shocked. The alicorn stood in the doorway, one of her hooves crossed over the other. She had a soft smile on her face. Twilight’s tear-glittering eyes stared at her, dumbfounded.

“Luna...I...” Twilight tried to say. Luna however, briefly chuckled. Twilight shrunk back a little, terrified that Luna had merely come to heap more coals on her.

“Save it.” Luna said. “You know, you are quite the piece of work.”

“What...?” Twilight was now confused.

“One of the most intelligent unicorns I ever met.” Luna elaborated. “I thought with all your books and planning you wouldn’t just go running off like that. Even when Fluttershy was being used you managed to stop and form a plan.”

“What?” Now Twilight was becoming worried.

“That might have been your mistake.” Luna said. “Rushing off without a plan.” Luna began walking forward, towards the unicorn. “Simple, quick plans are easy to crush.”

“Are you...are you...?” Twilight began to look hurt, but in a different way. “But...Celestia...she...”

“She wrote the first order.” Luna stated. “I wrote the second. How could she possibly know what the second one said? I can make up anything I want.” Twilight’s eyes narrowed. She appeared angry.

“You...You humiliated me in front of the princess! You made me so sad I wanted to die! I’m so...so...!!”

“Angry?” Twilight flinched. Luna was right in front of her now. The soft smile never left her face.

“Yes! Angry!” Twilight shouted. “And I’m...”

“Going to Celestia?” Twilight flinched again. Luna didn’t sound concerned.

“You think I won’t?”

“No.” Now Twilight took a step back.


“I was scared.” Luna said. “I was terrified that you would hate me, run off to Celestia and I would be alone forever. Not anymore.”

“Are you crazy?” Twilight asked. Luna laughed.

“Are you?” Twilight still appeared to be confused. “You can’t hide anything from me Twilight Sparkle. There’s not an ounce of malice in you.” Twilight’s eyes widened. She then quickly gazed at the ground. “You’re not angry, you’re relieved. Care to tell me why?” Twilight gulped. “I could read why, but I would rather you tell me.” Luna leaned close to Twilight’s face. “Well...?” There was silence. Luna could sense an air of distrust. She sighed and gazed at the sky through a window on the wall. There were a few moments of silence.

“Alright Twilight.” Luna said. “Let’s tell each other the truth.”

“The...truth?” Twilight asked, giving a sideways glance to her.

“Let’s make a deal.” Luna said. “You tell me the truth, and I’ll tell you the truth...all of it.”

“You’ll...tell me everything?” Luna nodded. “Your past, what you’ve been doing...why you’re doing this?” Luna abruptly appeared uncomfortable. Then she nodded. Twilight thought for a moment.

“Okay.” Then, all was spoken.*

“Why?” Luna asked. “You’re not angry and you don’t hate me, even when you know the truth, why?” They were staring into each other’s eyes, both of them close enough that their breath could be felt on each other’s nose.

“I...” Twilight tried to say. ‘I...When I was running here...I felt...sorrow, sorrow that I couldn’t have even imagined. I thought it was because I made a wrong accusation, but when you walked in...I knew that it wasn’t the truth. I thought...” Twilight bit her lip.

“Go ahead.” Luna said.

“I thought...I’d never see you again.” Twilight finished. “Ever since you came barging in my life, all you’ve done is help me. You brought Spike back to me, you saved Fluttershy, you threw the biggest fair in the history of Equestria, just to bring my friends and I back together. Everything you do...it just...brings me joy. What I did snuffed every bit of that away. You were gone forever...and whatever happiness I felt was crushed.”

“Joy?” Luna asked, a smile on her face. Twilight flinched. She bit her lip again.

“I...” Twilight said. “Whenever I’m around you I feel so happy. The scent of your hair is my favorite smell. The sun doesn’t shine in the morning until I see your smile. When I hear your laugh, it’s my favorite sound. Seeing you sleep next to me is my favorite sight. The...the night...” Twilight gulped and briefly closed her eyes. “The night of the fair...I saw your mane sparkle in the moonlight, your smile shine gently, your heart lift from all the ponies enjoying what you love. You were...the most beautiful pony in the world. The more time went on though...the more I...felt empty.”

“Empty?” Luna actually sounded confused.

“Something was missing. When I was around you I never wanted to leave...but a pain began spreading. Just...being around isn’t enough. I want more...I want to be...complete. I...I have to tell you something, but I’m afraid...more afraid than I ever been in my entire life.” Twilight took another deep breath.

“So tell me.” Luna said, smiling again. “Tell me how you feel.”

“When I ran out of that castle...” Twilight began. “I thought you were gone forever. I would never see you again. The thought of that was...was too much...” The unicorn’s eyes began to water. “If...if I run to Princess Celestia now...she will make sure you go away. I can’t let that happen. No matter what you plan...I can’t...” Twilight wiped her eyes briefly. “May everypony in Equestria forgive me...but I can’t let you be banished. I...I care about you too much.”

“Ask me Twilight.” Luna said, leaning even closer to Twilight. “Ask me what’s on your heart.”

“I...I...” Images flashing in Twilight’s head. She saw Luna at the fair, the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. She saw Nightmare Moon, Luna’s fury, beating Bridleburg with sticks. She saw Luna face-to-face with Aecor, anger in her eyes. She saw Luna with her hair close to the ground, completely flat in sorrow. She could feel Luna’s warm mane and coat as Twilight rubbed against her and comforted her in her depression. She could see Luna’s sweet face as she slept in the sun. She could see Luna awkwardly trying to handle one of the Cake’s foals, completely unsure of what to do. She could see...Luna plotting with the Retussians, giving them treasonous orders. She could see Luna lying and making her look bad in front of Celestia. She made her out to be a bad guy and made her feel like the worst person in the world.

She’s a liar.

‘I know.’

She’s a deceiver.

‘I know!’

She’s a traitor.

‘I know!!!!’

“I...” Twilight kept saying. “I...” Twilight took a deep breath, steeled her will. She gazed into Luna’s green eyes with her violet ones.

“I love you.”

There was a deafening silence in the room. Twilight dared not move or even speak, in case she would dissolve into fits. Luna let out a sigh.

“After all these eons, those words still move me.” Luna said. Twilight’s eyes widened. Luna smirked briefly. “I love you too, Twilight.” The alicorn leaned forward. Then, in a moment that made Twilight’s heart feel as if it had stopped completely, Twilight and Luna’s lips pressed together.

Twilight didn’t have the words. It was like when a panda made a giant yawn. It was like when you rubbed your face in the fur of a pet for the first time. It was like the when you see the perfect sunset in that one and only moment. It was like the moment when you walk in on your surprise party and realize your friends hadn’t been ignoring you all this time. It was like that moment when everything clicked, when everything was perfect, when the whole world could burn down around you...and you wouldn’t care a single bit. It was like that. Time had stopped for Twilight. What seemed like an eternity passed with her shrunken back, wide-eyed. When function finally returned to her brain she rose back up, making sure their lips fit together perfectly. Then she closed her eyes and let her heart bask in warmth and delight. The unicorn however was inexperienced and soon found herself yearning for breath. She held on until she could stand it no longer. Much to her disdain she pulled away, gasping. Luna giggled.

“You have to breathe through your nose.” She stated.

“Sorry.” Twilight said.

“You don’t have to apologize.” Luna emphasized.

“I love you.” The unicorn repeated, as if making sure she still got the same response.

“I love you too.” The alicorn replied. Twilight leaned closer, but was met halfway by Luna. They kissed again, causing the unicorn’s heart to leap. This time she did it right, breathing through her nose. All the unicorn ever wanted to do was be in this moment forever.

After an eternity Twilight eventually let Luna go, although she was reluctant to do so. They lay curled against each other on the floor, the unicorn settling for having her face buried in the princess’s mane. Luna let her stay there, letting her do what she wanted. Now she was like an overly-attached happy little bunny. Even after the sun began to rise, Luna didn’t attempt to move. She was content to stay here indefinitely if Twilight liked, plots be damned.

“We had a deal.” Twilight finally said, lifting up her head.

“Hm?” Luna asked.

“Now you tell me the truth, everything.” That was when Luna remembered. She promised Twilight the truth. She had been so happy and content she had forgotten. She hadn’t felt joy like that in over a thousand years. However, the instant Twilight reminded her, the princess’s wistful expression faded into a serious one.

“What do you want to know?” Luna asked.

“Why are you doing this?” Twilight asked. Luna sighed and gazed at the wall.

“What a question.” The alicorn said. “I could spend years explaining it all to you. It all began so long ago with things I’ve buried for thousands of years.”

“I want to know.” Twilight said. “Even if it takes my whole life.” The alicorn thought for a few moments. Then she smirked and made a few motions with her horn.

“I can show you.” She said.

“You can show me your memories?” Twilight now sounded excited.

“It’s the quickest way. If you want to understand everything it’s also the best way. Here’s the thing, don’t try to take in everything at once. Ask one thing and get one answer at a time. If you try to take everything I’ve ever experienced all in at once it will drive you insane. This is incredibly dangerous, you understand?”

“I do.” Twilight said.

“Your body will be like a dummy until you’re done. Don’t worry though, I’ll take care of you.”

“I trust you.” Twilight was too excited to really be worried. All these months with the princess had been fruitless at digging into her past. Now it was going to all be revealed to her.

“One more thing.” Luna said, bringing their horns close. “My past...isn’t exactly happy. When you come out of it...don’t pity me. Celestia pities me. I don’t want it.”

“O-Okay.” Twilight said, not quite sure how to respond to that. Luna sighed through her nose.

“Close your eyes.” Twilight obeyed. “Remember, even if you decide to side against me after this...I still love you, and I don’t blame you.”

“Why would I...?” Twilight didn’t get to finish. Luna’s horn touched the tip of Twilight’s. In a split second Twilight’s mind was flooded with the memories of a pony that had lived an eternity.

Twilight Sparkle realized that she didn’t have a clue about anything, she never did, nopony in Equestria ever did.

* A line from my favorite book, The Scarlet Letter.