• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 8,024 Views, 481 Comments

Starswirl and the Purple Terror - ValdimarGreen

Starswirl the Bearded is not used to dealing with fans, not surprising since he never had one before. But when a certain purple unicorn of the distant future discovers time traveling, Starswirl soon finds his comfortable days coming to an abrupt end.

  • ...

Day 12, Part 3, FINALE

“That didn’t count,” Twilight said with a growl. “We are doing this all over again tomorrow. And this time we are NOT doing it in the future.”

Starswirl frowned at the purple alicorn, as she paced back and forth on the dirt road. The fading light were stretching both their shadows long. “But I did make a friend...” Starswirl said.

Twilight ground her teeth, “Do you actually think you and Scorpan are friends? You basically tricked him into betraying his brother! And I bet he doesn't care more about you than any other ‘cute pony’!”

Starswirl shrugged, he couldn't really argue with that assessment. “How long until the spell ends and we are returned to my time?” he asked.

Twilight sighed deeply, “Half an hour... more or less. Not enough time to do anything but wait.”

Starswirl sat down on the road. “Well, when we get back lets have some coffee and chocolate. Then we can decide this argument with a game of chess.”

Twilight sighed, “I would like that.” She gave him a tiny smile.


Clover spun the wheel that controlled the metal construction’s levitation field. She watched the crystal orb slowly sink to the ground, landing with a gentle thud. Putting her hoof on it, the white and pink light within seemed to intensify. Heart hammering, Clover quickly rolled it over the thick carpet, towards the newly lit fireplace. She would smash both the orbs into it, and the fire would take care of the rest.

Clover rose up on her rearlegs, holding the orb over her head. “BANZAI!” she shouted and hurled it into the fire. The room filled with the sound of breaking glass as the crystal container broke against the stones of the fireplace. The fire blazed up in a frenzy, and waves of heat flowed over Clover’s body.

“Woooow” Clover said, her voice full of awe. “That’s sooooo cool!”

Hurriedly she ran over the the other orb and lowered it just like she had with the first. The darkblue magic within, bubbled and spun in what seemed like, complete peace. Clover rolled it over to the fireplace and lifted it. She stopped for a moment, looking into the roiling white and pink flames. This was it, Clover the Clever, the hero of the ages was about to take her place in history.

Then there was a popping sound behind her, followed by a voice she knew all too well. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”

Clover felt cold dread down her spine, but she had come too far to stop now. “I am sorry Uncle Swirly, but this is for Clover the Clever!” And with those words Clover tossed the second orb into the fire.


Starswirl watched the orb fly through the air, as if in slow motion. All that work, heading right for the fire. Wait… why was the fire pink?! Don’t tell me...oh dear. The second crystal orb exploded inside the fireplace, darkblue magic mixing with pink flames. The room started to shake.

“What's happening?” Twilight shouted as she held on to him for balance.

“I don’t know!” Starswirl shouted back. “Clover mixed your’s and Pinkie Pies’ magic with each other. But that shouldn’t be possible! It doesn't make any sense.”

“Oohooruggu buuuut whhhhaaaaat fun is there iiinnnnn making sense?” the fire gurgled.

Clover shrieked in panic and galloped away from the fire, screaming, “IT’S ALIVE!”

“Alive… yeeeessss! But not yet complete!” the fire hissed as it rippled with every color imaginable.

Starswirl nudged Twilight in the ribs, her wide eyes turned and met his. “What?” she asked.

“Try talking to it,” Starswirl murmured.

“Why me?” Twilight hissed back.

“You’re it’s mother, aren’t you?”

Twilight’s eyes went wide, and her jaw dropped open. She slowly lifted a hoof and pointed to herself.

“Yes you,” Starswirl confirmed. “And Pinkie Pie too… you really ought to tell her.”

Twilight just continued to gape at Starswirl, her brain clearly not processing anything. Starswirl sighed before turning back to the fire. “Greeti-”

His greeting was drowned out as the sound of a drum roll filled the room. The flames coalesced into a strange elongated shape. Stepping out of the fireplace, it spread it’s newly formed arms wide. The drum roll ended. “TA TA!” it said, in a new happy sounding voice.

Twilight gaped at the creature, “Discord?!”

“Discord? Hmm, I suppose that’s as good name as any,” the thing said. “Yes, I AM DISCORD! Lord of… hmm I suppose I need to think of a good title.” He made a snapping sound with his claws. Every inanimate object in the room came alive and began running up the walls.

What in bloody tartarus… What kind of magic is this?! Starswirl spun on the spot, trying to take it all in. Then he noticed years worth of research journals flying out the window. “NOOOOOOOOO!” he shouted and flung himself after them. But before he could do anything, Discord snapped his claws again, and they were outside. Looking around, Starswirl couldn't help but to notice that his beloved tower was now a banana.

Starswirl gaped at the giant fruit that used to be his home. Feeling numb, he could only think, Well that explains why my tower was gone in the future…

Discord placed a claw on Starswirl’s shoulder, “No need to thank me, it was my pleasure! BruhahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The creature took a step off to the side, “Now if you excuse me, I have a world to improve!” And with another snap of his claws, he was gone.

Clover rubbed at the back of her neck before looking up with a sheepish smile. ”Whoops.”

“YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!” Starswirl roared, he was up in an instant, rushing the younger unicorn.

Clover shrieked and ran around Twilight, trying to keep the alicorn between herself and Starswirl. Twilight just sat in the grass, her mouth still hanging open as the two ponies darted around her.

Clover ended the stalemate by flinging a hoof-full of dirt in Starswirl’s eyes and then galloping away into the darkness. Starswirl rubbed at his eyes as he shouted profanities after her. He turned around and looked at Twilight, “Don’t just sit there we must go after that creature!”

Twilight blinked and met his gaze. “It’s no use! Discord will reign as the Lord of Chaos for roughly 500 years before Celestia and Luna are finally able to defeat him.” Twilight lifted a hoof and pointed to the sky. “Look he has already turned the sky green and the clouds into crabs.”

Starswirl glanced at the sky and saw that Twilight was indeed correct. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh, “Well then… I think I know what to do.”

Twilight tilted her head to the side. “What?”

“I’m going to timetravel away from now and rebuild my tower. I refuse to live in a land that is not going to make sense.”

“But what about all your research? All your journals?”

A pained expression came over Starswirl’s face, “Well… I believe I will cry manly tears over them later.”

Twilight grimaced, “I am sorry about all of this.”

“Don’t be Twilight Sparkle. In these two weeks you have taught me something very valuable.”

“I have?” Twilight asked doubtfully. Then her eyes widened, “Wait… you do intend to tell me where in time you are going to travel, right? So I can find you.”

“Nope” Starswirl said with a grin, as he turned and trotted off. He heard Twilight calling out after him, but he ignored her. They would meet again soon enough, since the time he planned to travel to, was in fact only a couple of thousand years ahead.

Because in that time, there lives at least one pony that is not a complete nincompoop.


Author's Note:

Okay folks, that's it. The End. I hope you enjoyed this headcanon story of what really happened back in the day. Now it's time to hit that thumbs up (or down) and let me know what you thought.

Then I guess it's Goodbye... unless you are following my new story. *cough* *cough*

Comments ( 95 )

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's Good, that it is, but... Damn it, Clover! :flutterrage:

Whelp, time to remove Clover's name from all history books as punishment.

“Oohooruggu buuuut whhhhaaaaat fun is thier iiinnnnn makin sense?” the fire gurgled.

I AM OKAy with this headcanon

Great story, although for Clover, for what you've done, I hope you'd turn into a mushroom.

Fixed "their" and "makin". I'm hoping that's all.

Hah- Twilight and Pinkie are Discord's mothers; this amuses me greatly. :rainbowlaugh:

:yay:Sequel please!
:fluttershyouch:T-that is, if you don't mind...

Will there be an epilogue?

That was amazing.... sequel planned? If not that's fine. Just curious.

Well that was unexpected. My mind is conflicted over whether to be happy, sad, laugh, facehoof, or do all at once with the power of ponies... :pinkiehappy::applecry::rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

So basically, my brain wants more, but spelt the incorrect way for some unknown reason (i.e. I need MOAR!!!!:flutterrage:)

A Sequel? Something like: Starswirl the Bearded is trying to fit into his new home in Ponyville. Little does he know that Celestia is still quite peeved with him for the whole Discord fiasco.
Meanwhile, Twilight and Pinkie are both trying to come to terms with the responsibilities of parenthood.:trixieshiftright:

I don't know... hmmmm.

Best story I've ever read (Twilight's My Most Favorite Pony/Character), Awesome Job, ValdimarGreen!! :twilightsmile: :pinkiehappy: :rainbowdetermined2:

Why would Celestia be peeved at him? Clover the not-so-clever was the one that screwed everything up, at Celestia's insistence.

Also, a sequel? Yes PLEASE! :pinkiehappy:

This doesn't entirely work, because it doesn't really allow for the events of Hearth's Warming.

How so? Princess Platinum has established Equestria to the north. Discord now takes over for 500 years. He is defeated by Celestia who then honors her promise to Clover and gives her an important role in the history books. (Even if it isn't the truth.)

Wait... are you saying Clover told Celestia the truth? :rainbowderp:

Thanks, I am glad you liked it!

Beautiful. Though, now we need modern Celestia and Discord's reaction to Twilight's new knowledge about everything, and to Star Swirl coming to the future. This was a great ride though.

Oh, I see. I generally take any event in the show to be true (with minor liberties taken for second hand tellings), while this fic establishes the events of the Hearth's Warming Eve play to be significantly, but not entirely, falsified.

...And then Twilight grounds Discord when she gets back. Discord complains 'You aren't my mother', and Twilight snarks back at him 'Wanna bet?' :pinkiecrazy:

History is written by the victors- For all we know, the ponies invaded the Windigos for their land after a massive snowstorm.

Well, not immediately, but I'd figure she'd grow the honesty to 'fess up sometime in her lifespan. If not, Starswirl has a trusty alicorn witness to vouch for him (or else).

Oohooruggu buuuut whhhhaaaaat fun is there iiinnnnn making sense?” the fire gurgled.

For a being of chaos his birth makes far too much sense...

This needs a sequel. In fact, this needs several sequels and a group.




I love me this story:heart::heart::heart:

Wait'll Twilight and Celestia talk about this. We know Celestia knows about her temporal activities.

So, Twilight's magic + Pinkie's Magic = Discord?

...Why does that make such perfect sense? :pinkiehappy:

Discord is a time paradox made of Pinkie and Twilight. I am perfectly fine with this.

I guess the moral of this story is always filly-proof your wizard's tower.

Also, methinks Clover needs to be thrown out a few more windows.

Noooooooooooooooooo this is like so amazing OMG. Priceless :twilightangry2: :applecry: :raritycry:
But anyways this was. EPIC. NOTHING ELSE CAN DESCRIBE IT. :rainbowkiss:

Celestia inadvertently created her most powerful and feared enemy, Discord, ultimately by trying to shut off knowledge of her own magic, and then when she figured out what happened centuries later, she tried to interfere with it again by asking Twilight Sparkle not to time travel. Oh, and on top of that, tormenting an old stallion for fun.

...Celestia's a bit of a manipulative bitch...

4790947 Just thought I'd throw this out there.
My father once told me that if he could ever time travel, he would not do anything big like win the lottery, save lives, or do anything notable. Because chances are, if you can time travel, others can. And these "others" may not like so much you changing a history that they've likely tuned for their benefit.
With that said, how does Twilight and Starswirl really know they're the first ones to time travel?
Just an idea. Take it as you will.

That would explain a lot of Pinkies abilities actually......

Awwww...the story has ended T_______T

At least it was a rather amusing ending!!

I hope to see a sequel with Starswirl in Modern Times!!

I guess Clover could retain her title as Clever instead of Moron since Celestia and Luna never learned that she was directly responsible for the creation of Equestria's third worst villain.

Yeah, totally called it. One doesn't forget plaid magic very easily. But yeah, serious comeuppance is required by law now.:twilightangry2:

I can't wait till Pinkie finds out she is a mom. :pinkiehappy:

4790947 Peeved with HIM!? she and clover were the ones who started the whole fiasco!

This is excellent. Great writing, original idea, good execution, and a perfect segue to a sequel.


Overall not bad, though the fic raises more questions than it answers.

Why didn't Discord ever mention Twilight was involved in his creation?
Why didn't Celestia ever mention Twilight visited her 1000s of years earlier?

Because Celestia doesn't want to mess up the time stream, or maybe she just thought it was a coincidence. As for Discord, salad.

4795659 The Misadventures of Starswirl


Pass it on!



"Dear Princess Celestia

Today I learned that pinkie and I are the parents of Discord and that it is clover the clevers fault .

Your faithful student: Twilight Sparkle

Huh. I always thought Pinkie was a larval Draconequus


Celestia is the one that set it in motion. So really, :trollestia: is to blame for it.

4796791 hmmm... We suppose thou art correct.

Oooh, I really want to see a sequel! Any plans for one?

See, with the way you set up that ending, you better give us a damn sequel.

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