• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 8,024 Views, 481 Comments

Starswirl and the Purple Terror - ValdimarGreen

Starswirl the Bearded is not used to dealing with fans, not surprising since he never had one before. But when a certain purple unicorn of the distant future discovers time traveling, Starswirl soon finds his comfortable days coming to an abrupt end.

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Day 9

Day 9

The strange magic seemed to ripple within the crystal orb. Extracting the magic from Pinkie Pie’s blood sample had proven exceedingly difficult. When he had tried to pull on it with his own magic, it had reacted very strangely, morphing, shifting and generally misbehaving. The red streaked darkblue magic behaved like nothing he had ever seen before. After several hours, he had finally given up and had simply poured all of the blood into the magical orb. Then he had carefully extracted all the other types of magic, one by one. It had been tedious and difficult work, but it worked.

Starswirl, now armed with both quill and paper, took rapid notes on the state of the magic as he adjusted some of the crystal knobs on the metal structure that kept the orb

hovering in the air. He charged the knob that increased the temperature of the orb, and noted happily how the magical cloud shot out spikes of energy, making it resemble a Porcupine. Fascinating.

There was a brilliant flash behind him, briefly illuminating the walls. He had come to terms with the purple unicorns daily visits, he even enjoyed their discussions. But, at this stage in the research, she would only be a distraction. It irked him that he now would had to talk to her, why couldn't she just leave him alone to do his thing?

“Look behind you,” Twilight said sounding giddy.

“Oh, for goodness sake!” Starswirl said as he turned around, “Can’t you see I'm trying to concentrate over here?”

Twilight was wearing a full dress in pink, yellow and white, on her head rested a golden tiara and on her hooves there were hoof-guards, also in gold.

“Please, don’t tell me this is another costume you want signed.” Starswirl asked.

“What? No, this is real.” Twilight said with a smile, “My coronation just ended and I wanted to let you know.”

Starswirl frowned at her, “Coronation? What did you do? Marry a prince?”

Twilight blinked, “Oh whoops, I’m sorry. I’m not very good at controlling these things yet,” and with those words she unfurled two purple wings.

Starswirl the Bearded gaped at the feathery appendages, his mind in a state of complete shock. Moments past as Starswirl’s mind frantically tried to make sense of the situation “What?” he felt himself say. Then more forcefully, “WHAT?!”

Twilight shifted, clearly embarrassed, “I figured out the spell, you know the one you couldn't solve. And it turned me into an alicorn.”

Starswirl narrowed his eyes at her as he felt rage building within him. “Is this supposed to be amusing, Twilight Sparkle?! I don’t know what kind of joke this is, or what kind of illusion magic you are using. But you will cease it this instance!”

Hearing the anger in his voice, Twilight took an uncertain step backwards. “But, it’s no joke...”

“Oh please” Starswirl snarled, “You can’t just cast a spell and, Ta-Ta! Alicorn! That’s ludicrous, you would need to incorporate every single type of magical energy and weave them all together. And then you would need to keep it stable, despite the fact that some types of magic reacts to each other not unlike how cesium reacts to water.”

Twilight opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but Starswirl rolled over her.

“THEN you would have to transfer this magic into the subject pony, which would without doubt cause said pony to explode, leaving nothing behind but dust. And not to mention the need to break at least two fundamental laws of magic to do it. So please excuse my skepticism when you claim to have turned into an alicorn.”

Twilight adopted a serious expression, something Starswirl rarely saw from the her, “I know it sounds strange, but I had your notes, the elements of harmony and my friends. And together we made it happen.”

“Prove it” Starswirl said coldly.

Twilight frowned, “How?”

“Easy” Starswirl said, “We will simply take a look at your ‘new’ magical hoofprint.”


Starswirl stared at the parchment in front of him, he couldn't believe it, he just couldn't. The spectrum displayed a perfect rainbow, without a doubt, confirming her as an alicorn. How could this be? He let out a deep sigh. He was beginning to feel embarrassed over his earlier outburst, but he had been so sure that she had been toying with him.

He shook his head before turning to Twilight, giving her a wry smile, “I'm sorry Twilight. But, it's not scientifically possible for you to have transformed into an alicorn. You –” he pointed a hoof a Twilight “– are not scientifically possible.”

His proclamation seemed to strike the purple alicorn like a physical blow, she swayed a bit. “I’m... not?” she asked, sounding unsettled.

“Like creating energy from nothing,” Starswirl hissed.

Twilight flinched, “That bad?”

“Worse,” he replied, “But tell me again how you managed it. You said something about a spell I couldn't solve?”

“Yes on the last page in your private journal.” Twilight said.

“Wait” Starswirl said, “You aren't talking about my private journal, right?”

“Ehh” Twilight hesitated, “I believe so.”

Starswirl felt that feeling again, the one with which he had become familiar with since meeting this purple terror. It was a mix of horror and awful inevitability that tended to settle in his gut. “How did you get your hooves on my private journal” he asked quietly.

“Princess Celestia sent it to me” Twilight replied, with a smile, “She believed that I could solve your unfinished masterpiece.”

“So… Celestia got her hooves on my private journal, read it and then spent decades passing it around to whomever she chose?” Starswirl asked, feeling oddly numb.

“I guess so” Twilight said frowning, “But I don’t see what you are worrying about… It’s not like there was anything embarrassing in it.”

“THERE WASN’T?” Starswirl asked, sounding both surprised and relieved. Then he blinked, something clicked in his mind, a puzzle piece had fallen into place, revealing the whole puzzle. Starswirl tossed his head back and laughed uproariously, “HAHA I see, I get it now!”

Twilight frowned at him, “What?”

In answer Starswirl levitated down his ‘current’ journal from the bookshelf and proceeded to start ripping out pages. “Lets see” Starswirl murmured, “Page 14, 16 and 22 definitely must go –” he ripped them out “– Ah, page 42, no one must ever see that one. Hmm, next is Page 68 122 and 132…” He continued in the same fashion, throughout the book, Twilight looking on in confusion.

“I take it you have the older journal with you?” Starswirl asked, “Knowing you, you were probably hoping to discuss the spell with me.”

Twilight nodded warily, levitating out the old tome from a satchel he hadn't noticed before, “What are you planning?”

Starswirl grinned mischievously as he grabbed the proffered book with his own magic, then he spun it around and opened it on the last page. He quickly scanned the text, before grabbing a pen.

Twilight looked on with growing unease as Starswirl copied everything that was written in his style from the old journal into the current one, on its empty last page.

“A mark off one's destiny singled out alone fulfilled,” he murmured as he finished. Then he grinned wide at Twilight, snapping the book shut and holding it up. “Oh woe is me” he said, his voice thick with sarcasm, “ I have worked so long on this spell, BUT I JUST CAN'T MAKE IT WORK, TRULY THIS IS MY SECRET UNFINISHED MASTERPIECE.”

Twilight stared at him, her face a mask of horror, “You...you can't do that!”

“I just did,” he said smugly.

“But aren't you worried about time paradoxes?”

“Twilight, don’t you think it’s a bit late for you to start worrying about time paradoxes,” Starswirl said sounding amused, “But if it makes you feel any better, know that there is no such thing as a time paradox.”

“There isn't?” Twilight asked doubtfully.

Starswirl, enjoying Twilight’s confusion, replied, “Let me give you an example.” He thought for a moment before asking, “Who invented cake?”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, then paused, frowning.

“Ah, I see you understand,” Starswirl said, “Celestia got the recipe from Pinkie Pie whom probably got it from her mother, who in turn perhaps got it from a friend of her parents and so on, back all the way to Celestia. The truth is, cake has no inventor, it was spawned by an infinite loop in time.

Twilight frowned, “But surely every loop must has a beginning?”

“There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time” Starswirl intoned gravely.

The purple alicorn pondered that for a moment, “Okay what about this: What if I were to travel back in time five minutes from now and tell myself not to go?”

“Well,” Starswirl replied, “Since you weren't here five minutes ago, that would be impossible. If you tried, there would be something ultimately preventing you from doing it.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“What you don't believe me?” Starswirl asked, “Here –” he tossed his current journal to her “– try destroying this. I promise you, somehow it will end up unharmed.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked, “What if we completely mess up time?”

“There!” Starswirl said, pointing a hoof at her, “The first obstacle presents itself. Uncertainty if it would be safe. As you can see it’s a very probable reason why you wouldn't go through with it.”

Twilight stood up and shot the older unicorn a defiant look, then she hurled his journal into the fireplace. They both looked at flames as they licked against the sides of the journal. Time stretched, but the journal remained unharmed. Suddenly Starswirl slapped a hoof to his forehead, “Ah, that's right! I flameproofed it way back when, I had totally forgotten.”

Twilight looked at him incredulously, “This can’t be for real, are you saying that if we keep trying something will keep getting in our way like this? Like if you hadn't flameproofed it, a wormhole would have appeared and teleported the book back to the shelf?”

“Nah the probability for such a thing is way too tiny” Starswirl replied, “It would be much more likely that you suffered a stroke and died before you could toss it.”

Twilight gaped at him, she had clearly not considered that possibility.

“Now that I think about it, trying to cause time paradoxes might be a lot more dangerous than one would think.” Starswirl said with a grin.

Author's Note:

And there it is, hope you liked it. And I wrote that reference without even thinking.

Keeeep on turning!