• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 780 Views, 16 Comments

Two Worlds, One Destiny - Charles Spratt

When an abstract entity elliminates Rainbow Dash and Blossom from their respective worlds, can they join forces to save both worlds from total destruction?

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Blossom slammed into the monster's side, trying her hardest to knock it to the ground. Despite her strength, the monster remained unphased, and simply turned to face her. It then tried to blast her with its fire breath. Blossom quickly dodged, but the monster just kept trying to blast her. This was just what Blossom wanted, as she kept the creature distracted while Bubbles and Buttercup got behind it. While the monster tried to incinerate Blossom, Buttercup grabbed Bubbles' ankle, and started to spin her around as quickly as she could. After a bit, Buttercup released Bubbles, launching her toward the beast at top speed. Bubbles rearranged her body into a kicking position, and slammed the monster at full force. This caught the monster by surprise, as it started to fall down onto Blossom. Blossom immediatly flew up, and unleashed a powerful uppercut on the monster, launching it up a few yards. It probably would've flown higher, but it was dropkicked by Buttercup before it could do so, sending it speeding back to the ground. The monster slammed into the ground, creating a large crater in the street below. The three Powerpuff girls then reunited a little distance above the monster. They looked down at the creature for a moment, who wasn't getting up, but was still clearly alive.

"So, should we finish him?" asked Buttercup with a determined grin. Blossom didn't answer right away, and instead looked at the monster's eyes. The creature's eyes showed nothing but malice as it desperately tried to get back up. Blossom then turned to her sisters and nodded. They nodded back, and flew quickly into the air. After getting about 500 yards up, they joined hands and flew right back down at the monster at top speed, all while spinning like a drill. They got within a hundred yards of the monster, when suddenly a bright flash of light appeared right in front of the three girls, blinding them temporarily. Bubbles was the first to recover. Once her sight returned, she saw that Blossom had disappeared! Without a third person to hold on to, Bubbles and Buttercup lost control, causing them to slam into each other for a bit before launching them in opposite directions. They ended up getting launched through a Toys R Us and Burger King, respectively. Despite this, Buttercup remained relatively unscathed, and soared into the hole in the opposite building to find Bubbles. She didn't have to look for long, as she quickly found Bubbles, who had passed out on a large teddy bear. Buttercup nudged Bubbles arm, forcing Bubbles to reopen her eyes. Once they had opened, Buttercup began talking.

"What the heck was that? Why'd you let go, Bubbles???" Buttercup asked.

"I never let go!" replied Bubbles defensively.

"Really? Then how'd we end up crashing during something as mind numbingly simple as a drill finisher?" asked Buttercup with a raised eyebrow.

"Because Blossom disappeared!" Bubbles answered.

"WHAT??" Buttercup exclaimed.

Bubbles nodded and said, "After I recovered from that flash, I saw that Blossom was gone! Without a third person to hold on to, we lost control! We need to find her now!"

"Not just yet, Bubbles" said Buttercup.

"What? Why not??" asked Bubbles. Buttercup simply pointed her head toward the hole in the wall. Bubbles soared to the wall and looked out, to see the monster was almost fully risen.

"Oh..." said Bubbles quietly. Buttercup flew around her and rushed straight for the monster. However, she ended up getting slammed to the ground. Bubbles gasped and flew down to pick up Buttercup from the cement. Once Buttercup was back up, the duo flew right at the monster. Unfortunately, this time the monster was prepared. Before the girls could do anything, they got slammed back to the ground. They then tried splitting up and attacking the monster from the front and the back, kind of like they did back when Blossom was around. Sadly, the monster just ducked when they came at different angles, causing Bubbles and Buttercup to just slam into one another. The duo were then knocked several blocks away by one swing of the monster's tail. When they landed, they tried to get up, but didn't have enough strength to get back up. They looked at each other, then looked up at the giant monster who was looming over them. Bubbles closed her eyes and cringed in anticipation of the monster's finishing attack. Buttercup held Bubbles close to her and glared up at the monster. She then fired her laser vision at the colossal beast, as a last ditch effort to make it go away. The creature, however, didn't seem to be discouraged by her beams, and raised its foot right above the Powerpuff girls, with the intent of stomping them into the dust. Just before it did however, it suddenly disintegrated in a flurry of purple smoke. Buttercup smiled, clearly pleased with this turn of events... for about two seconds. When she saw the view that the creature had been blocking, her smile quickly switched to a look of both shock and fear. Buttercup started shaking Bubbles to get her to opened her eyes. Once they were open, the duo stared at the incoming purple haze that was beginning to consume the sky...


Discord laughed while he sat atop his throne, savoring the sweet taste of victory. He had all of the Mane 6 corrupted, Twilight was leaving Ponyville forever, ensuring that the elements would never be used against him, and Ponyville had officially lost all logic, making it the chaos capital of the world. There was truly nothing that could stop him, and that was truly something heavenly for him.

"Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing!” said Discord to himself as he filled a cup with the chocolate rain coming from the cloud next to him. He was on top of the world… until he heard a feminine voice yell out to him.

“Not as wonderful as friendship!” the voice said.

Discord looked up and saw that the Mane 6 were in front of him, all with their elements in tow.

"Oh, this again?” he said smugly, as he drank the glass that the chocolate rain was in. Upon finishing that, he threw the milk away, letting it safely explode a few feet away.

Applejack took a step forward and said, “That's right! You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!” Discord simply rolled his eyes and levitated AppleJack’s element to him, which dragged AppleJack along with it.

"Oh, Applejack, don't lie to me. I'm the one who made you a liar” He said just before he levitated the other necklaces to him, dragging their bearers with them. “Will you ever learn?”

Twilight Sparkle gasped and teleported between her friends and Discord, putting up a bubble shield around them to break Discord’s hold on her friends. After she brought them gently to the ground, she turned to Discord and said, “I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord. We've learned that friendship isn't always easy. But there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!”

Discord teleported right in front of Twilight and said, “Ugh, gag. Fine, go ahead, try and use your little Elements, ‘frenemies’. Just make it quick.”

He then teleported back to his throne and sat down, before saying, “I'm missing some excellent chaos here!”

Twilight Sparkle let off a determined grin and called out to her team, “All right, ladies, let's show him what friendship can do!” All of her friends got into position. Well, all except Pinkie Pie, who quickly excalimed, “Wait wait wait!”

The others turned towards her, and saw that she was underneath one of the cotton candy clouds, guzzling the chocolate milk rain that came out of it. The other members of the Mane 6 rolled their eyes, but allowed her to finish her drink. After a moment, Pinkie rushed back to the others and growled at Discord. Once that was finished, the Mane 6 began the element process. Discord simply yawned and closed his eyes, all while showing a smugly confident smile. However, after a bit he felt something breeze past his ear. He opened his eyes and saw that the elements were firing at him.

“Huh. What's this?” he said. After a second though, he realized that the elements were actually working. His eyes became wide, as he knew what was coming. Twilight opened her eye lids, revealing eyes that were pure white.

“NOOOOO!!!” yelled Discord, as he braced himself for the incoming rainbow of doom. However, just when Twilight’s eyes opened up, a bright flash of light was set off right behind her. Twilight didn’t notice, as she was looking the other way, but the other five sure as heck noticed it. The light blinded them, and they immediately covered their eyes. Next thing anypony knew, the Mane 6 were falling to the ground. After she landed, Twilight looked up, and saw that the attack had apparently failed, as Discord was still on his throne bracing himself. Twilight then looked backwards, and instantly saw why it had failed. Behind her were four of her friends, who were getting back up after the crash. However, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. The only thing left was her necklace, which was lying right below where she had been just a few seconds ago. Twilight then turned toward Discord, who by this point had stopped bracing, and was now just staring with a slight grin on his face.

“Discord, what did you do with Rainbow Dash???” yelled Twilight in anger.

Discord stared at her with a confused expression for a moment before responding.

“I did nothing. She was here, now she’s not. Pretty convenient, if you ask me.” He answered.

“Stop lying, Discord! Bring Rainbow Dash back, right now!!” yelled AppleJack angrily.

“I’m not lying, AppleJack. I haven’t a clue where she went. Perhaps she’s not as loyal as you five always thought she was.”

“Then how do you explain her leaving in the middle of an assault, while not taking her necklace with her????” asked Rarity

“Who knows, who cares?” Discord replied smugly. “I guess when you’re one with chaos, things just go your waaaAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!” yelled Discord, as he was interrupted by a beam from the sky that blasted him, causing him to evaporate in a flurry of smoke.

Once he was gone, all of the chaos in Ponyville dissipated, returning the town to normal once more. The Mane 5 stared for a moment, trying to comprehend what the heck just happened. After a bit, Pinkie Pie jumped in joy and started saying in a rapid tone of voice, “WOOOOHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WE WON!!! Y’KNOW WHAT THIS CALLS FOR??? A PARTY!!! OMIGOSH, I’LL GET EVERYPONY TOGETHER AND…” Once she noticed that none of her friends were smiling, Pinkie stopped talking. Everypony except for Twilight gathered around Rainbow’s element of Loyalty. They looked down at it for a moment, before Pinkie asked, “Umm, guys, is Rainbow…”

“I don’t think so, Pinkie. Rainbow is a tough pony; I don’t think she would be downed this easily.” Said Fluttershy

“Alrighty then, what do ya’ll think happened to her?” asked AppleJack.

“I don’t know, but I don’t think that’s our biggest concern at the moment.” Said Twilight, who was still staring out in a different direction

“Not our biggest concern?!?! What could possibly be a bigger concern than having one of our friends mysteriously vanish??” asked Rarity. Twilight didn’t answer, and instead kept staring out at the horizon. After a moment, the others looked up and saw what Twilight was staring at: A purple haze that appeared to be consuming the sky and parts of the ground in the distance, as well as turning a few small animals into purple crystalized versions of their normal selves, complete with glowing yellow eyes and an inherent desire to spread this purple stuff to both the environment and other creatures. Rarity looked over at Twilight and asked, “That stuff?”

“That stuff.” Twilight said in response

To Be Continued…