• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 780 Views, 16 Comments

Two Worlds, One Destiny - Charles Spratt

When an abstract entity elliminates Rainbow Dash and Blossom from their respective worlds, can they join forces to save both worlds from total destruction?

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An Akward Reunion

Rainbow Dash opened up her eyes. The second that she did so, however, she wished that she had just kept them shut, as where she had ended up was blindingly bright. She squinted for a moment, allowing her eyes to adjust to the blinding light. After her eyes had finally adjusted, she took a look around to see where she had ended up. However, all she saw was white. There was a floor, considering she was lying on it, but other than that, it was just empty white space in every direction. She then remembered where she was last, and launched upward, yelling, “HELLO?? Can anypony hear me?? Is Discord gone? What’s going on??” However, her shouts were just met with silence. Clearly, no one could hear her. She then looked down, and saw that her element was missing! Once she saw that, her blood froze as she thought, “Am… Am I… Dead?” She quickly shook off the idea though, since thinking negatively like that could only make things worse. She then wondered if she was in a dream. However, that also seemed unlikely, as she was pretty sure she would never have a dream this boring. However, just to make sure, she flew up a little distance, and then soared down at the ground. She merely hit her head, causing her to grasp it. That settled it; this was real. After she recovered from the head injury, she flew out in a random direction, hoping to find… well, anything really.

Meanwhile, Blossom had just recovered. She immediately soared up a little distance, and started yelling, “Bubbles? Buttercup? Where are you two? Where’s Townsville? Where am I?” However, she too was replied to with nothing but silence. She then went through a similar process that Rainbow Dash went through, except minus the element bit. After she’d stopped massaging her head to get the pain out of it, she looked carefully in the distance and saw a very, very faint outline of something that looked kind of like a plank in the distance. Immediately, she zoomed off towards it, hoping to get a clue about the situation.

A few minutes later, she suddenly rammed into something that was also flying by at a high speed. The two of them bounced back a few yards, and then got up and glared at one another. However, the second they looked into one another’s eyes, their expressions changed. Blossom’s eyes switched to a look of surprise, and Rainbow’s eyes switched to a look of fear. Blossom was about to say something, but Rainbow beat her to it, saying, “Oh no, not you again!!”

“Ummm… yes me again?” said Blossom in a questioning voice, despite clearly being able to tell that Rainbow remembered her.

“STAY AWAY!!!” yelled Rainbow, as she backed away from Blossom in panic.

“Wait, I just wa…”

“I SAID STAY AWAY!!!” yelled Rainbow Dash, as she soared off in the opposite direction. Blossom immediately gave chase, knowing that if she lost track of this rainbow colored pony, she’d have lost a potential lead and ally. The two of them soared away at top speed for 10 minutes, before Rainbow suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, almost like she were a fly zooming into a windshield. Blossom didn’t have time to react to this, and as a result, crashed into Rainbow Dash. The two then slowly slid down the invisible wall, eventually lying down flat on the ground. Blossom didn’t waste any time, and wrapped herself around Rainbow right away, taking care to hold down both wings. This kept Rainbow Dash from fleeing, but it also cost Blossom her eardrums, as Rainbow was constantly screaming words of anger and panic at a volume that was unmatchable.

After a few minutes of this, Blossom got sick of her yelling, and put one of her hands over Rainbow’s mouth, quieting her down just enough for Blossom to communicate if she shouted. “STOP STRUGGLING AND LISTEN TO ME!! I DON’T WANT TO BRING YOU HOME THIS TIME! I ONLY WANT TO TALK!!” yelled Blossom. This got Rainbow to stop screaming, as she looked up at Blossom with a bewildered look. Blossom nodded and said, “Look, Rainbow Dash, I just want to say one thing. You probably hate me because of our last interaction, but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about our behavior. It was really inexcusable, considering we tried to take you home without even asking you if you were ok with it. I honestly don’t know what we were thinking that day. Now, you probably won’t trust me, but I would just like to put it behind us for now. Can we?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow and said, “You’re right, I don’t trust you. I mean, you kidnapped me and brought me to a weird white world! Do you have any idea what that’ll do to my home?! Ponyville is probably floating sideways inside of a jug of apple juice, all because you took me here while I was battling Discord! I sure hope you’re happy.”

Blossom furrowed her brow, and replied with, “First of all, that sentence didn’t make sense. Secondly, I didn’t take you here!”

“Well, FIRST of all, neither does Discord, and SECOND of all, you obviously did. I mean, look at this place! It’s empty except for two beings, you and me. Who else could’ve done it? And now you come to me with a fake apology, trying to throw me off guard before you kidnap me. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t buck you across this dimension.” Said Rainbow, as she got on her guard.

Blossom almost bursted in rage, but regained control of herself at the last moment and calmly said, “Simple. I was also taken from my world while battling a monster.”

“NOT GOOD ENO… wait a minute, say what?”

“I said, I was also taken from my world right when I was about to finish fighting a monster.”

“Hmm… I need some details before I believe that story. Tell me how you were going to finish that monster, and what brought you to this world.” Said Rainbow Dash with a hoof to her chin

“Gladly.” Said Blossom, who was clearly relieved to finally just talk with her on a mouth to mouth level.

“You see, we were fighting a giant monster, and…”

“Hold it! How big are we talking?” asked Rainbow Dash

Blossom tilted her head, and said, “About the size of a skyscraper. Why?”

“So, roughly the size of a large hydra then?”

“…Sure. Why not?”

“Alrighty then, carry on.”

“Anyway, after some intense fighting, we had knocked it to the ground, and decided to finish it with a drill finisher, as I saw no remorse in its eyes. We soared up about 500 yards, and zoomed down, all while spinning like a drill, with the obvious intent of drilling a hole through it. However, once we got down to about 100 yards away, I saw a bright flash of light right in front of me that blinded me. Next thing I knew, I was in this place.” Said Blossom. Rainbow Dash just stared at her with a face that revealed not a single obvious thought. Blossom stared back for a moment, before saying, “Well? Was that like your experience?” Rainbow nodded in response, and said, “Yes, it’s a lot like my experience. There’s only one major difference.”

“And what might that be?” asked Blossom with her head tilted slightly.

“The only major difference is that you’re sick.”

“WHAT?!” yelled Blossom angrily.

“I’m sorry to say so, but that’s the case. I mean, you were going to drill into that monster, spilling his blood all over the city?? I mean, sure, it seemed irredeemable, so purification is out of the question, but why didn’t you just depower or petrify it instead of killing it in the most gory way possible?” Rainbow asked.

“Because, if we had done it that way, it could’ve just been repowered by some over villain, and then we’d be back at square one!”

“So that’s a reasonable excuse to gore it alive??”

“Well… Yes!”

“As I said, sick.”

“WELL, THAT’S…” Blossom started yelling before she regained herself again.

“…not the point. The point is, we both need to get back to our worlds on the double before they get wrecked. You probably still don’t trust me fully, and I’m not sure I trust you fully, but in this case, we really have no choice but to work together. Truce for now?” asked Blossom as she held a hand out for Rainbow. Rainbow stared for a moment, carefully considering Blossom’s offer. On the one hand, she did remember that time where she was in Townsville. She knew this little girl was a strong ally. On the other hand, if she let down her guard, she could be forever stuck as this girl’s personal house pet. She thought for a second, then decided that any world would be better than here. At least if she was in this girl’s world, she could do some research on how to get back to Equestria, and sneak out in the night or something. She then looked up at Blossom and put her hoof on her hand, saying, “Very well, truce for now.”

Blossom smiled and said, “Ok, good, glad we’re on the same team. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Blossom. I already know your name, Rainbow Dash, since I did a bit of research after our little…‘episode’.”

“Ok then, Blossom, what should be our first goal? I haven’t seen a single thing in this dimension yet!” said Rainbow

“Well, I was rushing over that way toward something that looked like a plank in the distance. Then I rammed into you and blah blah blah, you know the rest of the story. I say we should go check out that plank first.” Said Blossom

“Lead the way!” said Rainbow. Blossom nodded and zoomed off toward the right, with Rainbow Dash following close behind.

After about ten minutes, the duo arrived at the plank, and found out that it was really… just a plank. Aside from a crudely drawn smiley face on one end, nothing really stood out about it. However, the stuff around it garnered some attention. Around it was a large mess of other objects, including a paddle ball, a katana, a collar with an SD tag on it, a wrench, a pipe of some description, a large golden tooth with a hole in it, several pairs of sunglasses, some sort of Boy Scout attire, and a cornucopia of other random mismatched items just strewn about with no rhyme or reason. They duo didn’t waste any time, and immediately started to dig through this junk, hoping to find any sort of clue that could lead them in the right direction. After a couple minutes, they uncovered a button that appeared to be attached to the floor. Rainbow immediately pressed it, which caused a bit of the floor to open up a little distance away from the pile of random stuff. Rainbow and Blossom took cover behind the junk, just in case whatever came out of the floor was dangerous. However, when the smoke from the rising floor panels had finally subsided, they saw that all that had risen was an ordinary looking box. It was just a partially transparent black box with a purple trim. However, it was the inside that really caught the girl’s eyes. Inside of it were two glowing white spheres that gave off a powerful aura that could be felt even from the safe distance. Blossom and Rainbow Dash stood there for a minute, taking in the feel good aura, before Blossom looked at Rainbow and said, “I have a feeling that those spheres should help us get out of here. Wait here, I’ll go open the box.” Blossom was about to grab the box, when suddenly Rainbow yelled out, “WAIT!!!”

Blossom stopped in her tracks, and asked, “What’s wrong, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow stared at the box for another second, before she said, “I don’t know. I’m just getting a terrible feeling of dread from that box. Sure, the sphere’s aura feels good, but when I look at this box, I can just feel my tail bristle up. It’s as if every bone in my body is saying that I’m in real danger from that box. I think I know why that is. Just give me a moment.”

Rainbow slowly walked up to the box. When she got within a few feet, she grabbed a nearby elvis wig and threw it at the box. Once the wig hit the box, the wig immediately dissolved into ashes. Blossom gasped when she saw this, terrified that she was that close to becoming ashes herself. Rainbow, however, remained relatively calm. “Thought so.” Said Rainbow Dash to herself. She then turned towards Blossom, and asked, “Can you create a cloud?”

“A what?”

“A cloud. I need a cloud to get rid of this type of magic.”

“Umm… Sure, I can create one…”

“Good. When I say now, you fire your heat vision at the box. I’ll tell you when to stop, and then I’ll take care of the rest.”

Blossom simply shook her head, completely stumped as to what Rainbow was planning. Regardless, Blossom made a cloud, and then sent it floating up to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow grabbed it, and then stood on it. After a moment, she yelled, “Now!”

Blossom complied, and started firing her heat vision at the box. After about 90 seconds, Rainbow yelled out, “Ok, that’s good!” Blossom stopped firing her eye lasers, and watched as Rainbow started jumping up and down on the makeshift cloud, quickly making it into a raincloud. The cloud then released a heavy downpour on the box, which lasted for twenty seconds before running out. Once it had stopped raining, Rainbow kicked the cloud away, and then flew over next to Blossom. Without stopping to say anything, Rainbow gently flapped her wings, creating a light breeze. The second this breeze hit the box, the dark magic on the box gently blew away, leaving nothing but a glass cube with two bright orbs inside of it. Blossom then turned toward Rainbow Dash, staring up at her in pure fascination.

“So, how was that? Awesome, right?” asked Rainbow.

Blossom nodded and simply stated, “How did you know what to do against that magic?”

Rainbow chuckled and said, “If you had a friend like Twilight, you’d probably know what to do against that magic too. Anyway, enough of that, let’s open this box!”

Rainbow slammed her hoof into the box, which broke the glass, releasing the two glowing white spheres. They rolled out of the box, and stopped right in front of Blossom. Blossom tossed one orb over to Rainbow and kept the other one in her own hands. The two of them stared at the orbs in confusion, trying to figure out what they do.

“So, now what?” asked Rainbow Dash

“I don’t know…” began Blossom. However, the second she said those three words, the orbs shot into the bodies of their respective holders. The duo collapsed to their knees, grasping their stomachs in complete agony. They looked up at each other for a second, before Rainbow yelled, “Was this a trap?”

“Let’s hope not…” yelled Blossom back. After another moment of intense abdominal pain, Rainbow and Blossom suddenly heard a rhyme inside their heads. The voice reciting that rhyme said, “It’s time to look at your home sweet home, and see what’s happening since you left it alone.” Blossom and Rainbow Dash grasped their heads, as they felt something inside their heads burn. After a bit of this burning, Blossom and Rainbow felt their eyes become pure white, and then collapsed to the ground, powerless to fight against this feeling inside of their bodies. As their consciousness slowly slipped away, the only thing that they could do was hope that this wasn’t an elaborate trap…

To Be Continued…