• Published 4th Jul 2014
  • 780 Views, 16 Comments

Two Worlds, One Destiny - Charles Spratt

When an abstract entity elliminates Rainbow Dash and Blossom from their respective worlds, can they join forces to save both worlds from total destruction?

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Rainbow Dash reentered the atmosphere of her world, flying toward Ponyville as quickly as she could. She entered the cloudspace just above Ponyville and looked down. Right away, however, she noticed something was very wrong with Ponyville: it looked more like the Crystal Empire than anything else, and it had a sickening amount of purple all over. Not to mention, she couldn’t see the colors of any of the other residents, despite the fact that most of them would stand out like a sore thumb in front of this much purple. Confused, Rainbow flew in closer, and instantly discovered why nopony’s color stuck out: They didn’t stick out because everypony in town was now purple and crystalized. The only reason they could be seen from this angle at all was because they all had eyes and cutie marks that were glowing in a bright yellow color. Rainbow realized that everypony must’ve been possessed by the stuff that got Fluttershy. Thankfully for her, nopony seemed to notice her in the clouds, meaning that she was able to just lie low and think of an attack plan.

Rainbow had just started thinking about how she was going to search Ponyville without being detected, when suddenly an incredibly loud noise was set off right next to her ear, badly hurting her eardrums. She rubbed her ear and looked to her side to see a Pegasus staring at her with an almost sadistic smile. She was holding an airhorn in one hoof, and a few letters in the other one. It was a little tough to tell who it was, but Rainbow was pretty sure it was Derpy, due to her eyes not quite looking in the same direction. However, who it was ultimately didn’t matter, as that airhorn blast got the attention of the entire town, causing everypony there to drop whatever they were doing and immediately start attacking Rainbow. Rainbow got blasted off of her cloud by several unicorns, and was launched back a few feet. She immediately tried to fly away, but she was unable to get very far before she got slammed from above by a few pegasi who zoomed in from out of nowhere. At that point, Rainbow knew that she had no choice; she had to fight. She turned around and glared down at the crystalized ponies for a second, before saying, “So, you wanna do this the hard way? Fine, we’ll do this the hard way!”

Rainbow immediately soared down into the town below, heading straight for the unicorns, who by this point had gathered together in a group. The unicorns began firing their beams at her, with the intention of knocking her out. Rainbow was able to dodge these with relative ease, but the blasts just kept coming. She was within feet of the horde when she got hit by one of the blasts, which launched her sky high. After a few seconds, she landed on one of the clouds in the sky. Once she landed, she started to tend to her injury that came from the blast. The injury didn’t appear to be too severe, just a slight magic burn that could’ve been fixed in just a few minutes. However, Rainbow only got a few seconds before she got knocked off the cloud she was on by a Pegasus who was going too fast to identify. Immediately, she changed her strategy, ignoring the unicorns and instead opting to take out the pegasi, so she could at least tend to her injuries in the clouds without interruptions. She immediately soared after anypony who was in the air. She was able to knock a few out of the sky, but was ultimately outnumbered and outgunned, due to the fact that the unicorns were constantly firing their magic at her, forcing her to split her focus between two objectives.

After a while, a large pegasus who Rainbow was able to identify as Bulk Biceps, grabbed Rainbow in a head lock and flew her to the top of the highest row of clouds. Rainbow tried her hardest to break out of his hold, but this proved to be a fruitless endeavor, since Bulk was essentially pure muscle. Bulk landed on the top layer of clouds, still holding Rainbow in the head lock. He watched her struggle for a bit, then chomped down as hard as he could onto one of her wings. Rainbow screamed in agony as she felt her wing getting crushed by his jaws. She glanced down at the cloud below, blinking through her tears, and saw that the white cloud they were standing on was starting to become a deep shade of crimson, no doubt from the blood that her wing was releasing. She then heard a loud cracking sound from behind her. Almost immediately after hearing it, Rainbow let off another scream and clamped her teary eyes shut, unable to take the intense pain her wing was feeling. She looked down at the shadows on the cloud, and saw something long and thin in Bulk’s mouth. The shadow immediately spit out the long thing, and it landed right in front of her. Rainbow wasn’t positive, but she was pretty sure that thing was one of the bones in her wing. She then heard a loud “YEAH!!!” from behind her, that she was pretty sure had come from Bulk. At that point, she began to feel a bit light headed from blood loss. Regardless, Rainbow knew that she had to keep awake, or else she was dead. She immediately started trying to think of a way to break out of this headlock before Bulk could finish tearing her wings off.

“C’mon, Rainbow Dash, Think!!! How do I get out of this…?” She thought to herself. She looked down at the crimson colored cloud, then at her bone, then at the shadows, then back to the cloud. She stared at it for a second before she suddenly realized how obvious the solution to her problem actually was. She immediately slammed a hoof down on the cloud, stomping in just the right way to get a lightning bolt to come up right where Bulk was standing. Luckily for her, she succeeded on the first try, releasing a powerful bolt of lightning right into Bulk. The bolt didn’t kill him, but it was enough to get him to release Rainbow from her headlock. Rainbow didn’t waste any time, knowing she had to get some distance between Bulk and herself. She jumped straight up and hit him with a roundhouse kick, knocking him off of the cloud. She knew he’d be back later, but for now she had some solace.

Rainbow immediately collapsed onto the cloud, grabbed her bone, and looked up at her wings. Her right wing looked perfectly fine, as Bulk had yet to chomp into it. Her left wing, on the other hand, was far from normal. It wasn’t even something that could be recognized as a wing anymore! The top half’s feathers had been ripped almost completely off, revealing some of her bones, and the wing was pouring out blood by the gallon, which was drenching her coat, tail, and the cloud she was lying on in a deep red. She tried to fold her wings up, but only the right one complied. She wasn’t able to move the left one at all, and whenever she tried to get it to move, she just felt a sharp pain shoot through her body. Rainbow looked at her wing for a moment, then looked out at the horizon as she felt some tears build up in her eyes. She knew she needed some help pronto, but didn’t know who she could turn to in this dystopia that was once her home. With nopony to turn to, and the situation feeling completely hopeless, she lied down on the cloud, and began to cry.

However, after she had released only a couple of tears, a heavy force slammed into her from the side, knocking her off the cloud. She tried to fly, but was only met with more pain from her wing. She looked up and saw a Pegasus with a Wonderbolt outfit on giving her a salute, all while flashing an insanely sadistic grin that made Derpy’s sadistic grin look genuinely welcoming by comparison. She plummeted to the ground, but just before she landed, she felt a heavy blow to her side, one that was far stronger than anything she’d been hit by thus far (her broken wing not withstanding). She looked down and saw a large stallion wearing a harness (probably Big Mac) had been what kicked her. She was launched clean through a house before landing in an open area near the town fountain. She started to get back up, but was swarmed by an army of earth ponies before she could do so. Once more, she tried to fight back, but unlike last time, this time she couldn’t fight off a single one of them, due to every single attack they had hitting her with the force of a wrecking ball. Clearly, super strength was a natural ability in Earth ponies. She was beaten down like this for a few minutes until the Earth ponies backed off. Rainbow knew that the Earth ponies wouldn’t have stopped their assault unless she was unable to run or fight back, so she didn’t even bother trying to get up. Instead, she looked backwards to see how bad the injuries she had were. SWEET CELESTIA, WERE THESE SOME BAD INJURIES!! They were so bad, that even Rainbow Dash didn’t recognize herself! Her tail was stomped into a random mismatch of colored fur loosely connected to a cord, her legs ranged from bleeding to bending the wrong way, her cutie mark was either partially torn off, covered with blood, or both, her wing was still more reminiscent of a stump than a wing, her fur had bite marks, blood stains, and hoof prints all over it, and she had various cuts, bumps, bruises, and other things that she couldn’t even identify all over her body. In addition to that, Rainbow was also feeling extremely tired due to blood loss, and was struggling to keep her eyes open. She watched helplessly as the unicorns lined up for their final attack. They flashed another sadistic grin, lowered their horns, and fired a beam in unison. Rainbow clamped her eyes shut, waiting for the blasts to finish her off. However, they never came.

After a few seconds, Rainbow heard a voice that sounded a bit like Fluttershy yell out, “YOU??? I thought we’d killed you! How are you here??” Rainbow used all of her remaining strength to open her eyes. Once they were open, she saw Twilight standing in front of her, looking like she was fairly injured, but still able to fight. Rainbow then heard another voice say, “Ge…” before being cut off. The second that voice cut off, Rainbow immediately felt the atmosphere around her change drastically. Rainbow opened her eyes a little bit wider, and saw that she was now in some kind of lab. She looked up at Twilight, who was staring at her with a look that suggested that she was about to be sick, now that she’d seen just how bad Rainbow Dash looked. Twilight stared for a bit, before she gently put a hoof on Rainbow’s head. Rainbow gritted her teeth, no doubt due to her head hurting a bit, but it didn’t seem like Twilight’s hoof made Rainbow any more hurt than she already was. As a result, Twilight held her hoof there for a moment, before she finally started talking.

“Rainbow, I need to know: is that bone you’re carrying yours?” asked Twilight. Rainbow nodded in response, and then cringed a bit, as even the smallest of movements at this point hurt at least a little. Twilight then nodded, and gently draped Rainbow over her back. Once that was done, Twilight walked over to an odd pod like machine, and pressed her hoof on a control panel. It then flashed green and a door to the pod opened up. Twilight gently levitated Rainbow off of her back, and placed her into the pod, along with the bone that used to be part of Rainbow’s wing. She then closed the door and pressed a couple buttons, which in turn started filling the pod with an odd green liquid. Rainbow looked up, and said, “W…What is…”

Twilight put a hoof on the glass, right in front of where Rainbow’s mouth was. Rainbow took that as a hint and quieted down. She then heard Twilight say, “Don’t worry, Rainbow, this liquid will not drown you. This machine should heal you right up. All you need to do is just close your eyes and breathe. Do that, and you will get better, I promise.” Rainbow nodded and relaxed, allowing the green stuff to fully submerge her. Once she felt her hair floating, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. At first, it came as a bit of a shock that she could breathe in this liquid goo, but the goo felt soothing enough to make Rainbow’s shock just fade away. After a couple minutes of this, she felt a bit of her fatigue wear off. She continued to breathe, and with every breath she took, she felt her strength slowly return to her and her injuries slowly fade away. After about 15 minutes, she felt completely revitalized. She knocked on the glass, letting Twilight know that she felt better. Twilight nodded, and placed a hoof on the monitor for a second. After Twilight released her hoof, Rainbow noticed the green liquid draining out of the machine. After it had completely left, Rainbow shook like a dog, getting the rest of the stuff off of her. Once that was finished, Twilight opened the door, letting Rainbow out. Rainbow rushed to Twilight and gave her a huge hug, saying, “Omigosh, Thank Celestia that you came!!! I thought I was dead, but you saved me!!! Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!!!!!!”

Twilight didn’t answer, and simply gasped for air. Rainbow took the hint, and let go of Twilight, letting her get her breath back. After Twilight did so, she looked at Rainbow and said, “Before I say anything, just let me heal up, ok? Just flick the screen when my body monitor is all green, and the machine will do the rest.” Rainbow nodded, and let her friend get in the pod and go through the process. Since Twilight’s injuries were nowhere near as severe as Rainbow’s, the healing only took a couple minutes to finish. After she got out, she gave Rainbow a hug and said, “Rainbow… I’m so glad you’re safe! When you disappeared during our Discord attack, we assumed the worst, and boy did we get it. I’m so happy you’re still alive.”

Rainbow nodded and returned the hug. After a minute or so, the duo pulled apart and looked at each other. This lasted for a couple seconds, before Rainbow began to speak:

“Alright, now that we got that out of the way, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO PONYVILLE?? Why does everypony want me dead? Why did Fluttershy of all ponies seem disappointed that she hadn’t killed you??? What’s going on????” asked Rainbow.

Twilight sighed and said, “I guess I owe you that much, since you almost lost your life. Let me explain…”

“It all started after you’d disappeared. We were being talked down to by Discord, when suddenly, he disappeared in a puff of smoke that came from a laser from the sky. We looked up and saw a purple haze coming right at us, turning the world and its inhabitants into evil purple crystalized versions of their normal selves. The others and I tried to fight it off, but no matter how many crystalized creatures we took care of, we just couldn’t win, since that purple stuff was constantly possessing new creatures every moment. Eventually, we started to get worn out, and then it started hitting us the hardest, not just taking over easy to purify animals, but also ponies. Our techniques weren’t effective on ponies, meaning we were just getting swarmed by more forces every day. I called Celestia for help, but both she and Luna were busy fighting this stuff in Canterlot, meaning we were truly on our own. After two days of fighting these purplized ponies, it started to affect us. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy were all taken by the haze on that day. Over the next week, AppleJack and I did our best to fight them off, but all we could do was take their elements off of them. No matter what we tried, our past friends just wouldn’t give up. After a few days of this, after we had won in an intense battle with some crystalized timberwolves, AppleJack collapsed in pain, and slowly started to crystallize. I tried my hardest to break the crystals with my magic, but it just didn’t work. AppleJack realized what was happening fairly quickly, and handed me her element, saying that I needed to run. I tried to refuse, but she put a hoof over my mouth and said, ‘Twilight, listen. It’s too late for me. Ya have all of the other elements, which means that ya have all of their power. If you or the elements get taken, then all’s lost. Get outta here, before I start having to hunt ya down. Please, Twilight.’ I released a tear and gave AppleJack one quick hug before I started running. I got about a mile before she and the others caught up with me. I got slammed around a bit, then used a ‘fake out’ spell I’d learned recently. This spell left a copy of me that appeared to be dead, while the real me teleported back to my tree dome lab. This fooled my friends, but I don’t think it fooled the possessed royalty, who still had my wanted posters up. I’ve been here ever since, quietly spying on the above world, occasionally taking things to hinder the crystalized ponies progress, like the healing machine from Dr. Whooves, for example.” Said Twilight.

“Wait a minute.” Said Rainbow Dash, “That may explain why you were being hunted, but why did they try to murder me?”

“Well, I’m not the only pony with a wanted poster up. Everypony who isn’t crystalized is considered a dangerous criminal, and gets a wanted poster to their name. Apparently, after Celestia became possessed, she looked up the names of everypony who’s currently living in Equestria. If a pony is found who isn’t crystalized, they get a poster which details an insane ransom if they can be either a) taken to the ‘dark side’ or b) just flat out murdered. From what I can tell, we’re the only two in Equestria who still haven’t been crystalized.”

“But, I wasn’t in Equestria when this started! Why was I on the wanted list?”

“Because you still live here, and you had yet to be written in the archives as MIA. Not to mention, if we are to assume that this crystallization and you vanishing at that moment are connected, then the force behind this crystallization will no doubt prepare a failsafe, just in case you did manage to return to Equestria. Anyway, once you flew down, everypony in town identified you as a criminal, and that’s why you were beaten that badly by everypony. I noticed your mane up in that red cloud through my telescope, and knew that I had to blow my cover to protect you. I teleported out of the lab and took cover behind town hall. Once I peeked out, I saw the unicorns lining up to finish you off, death by firing squad, if you will. I teleported in front of you, and blocked the beams. Due to my magical resistance, I was able to shake the shots off. I teleported you to the lab, and now… here we are.”

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a moment, wide-eyed at this tale. Eventually, Rainbow got her composition together, and said, “I have a few more questions.”

“And I probably have answers. Ask away, Rainbow Dash.” said Twilight.

“Alright, first question: Are we really considered criminals now, or is that an exaggeration?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight shook her head and said, “It’s no exaggeration, Rainbow. I grabbed two of the posters the other day, and brought them here.”

“May I see them?” asked Rainbow.

“Be my guest.” Replied Twilight, using her magic to unfurl the two posters in front of Rainbow:

Rainbow stared at the posters for a moment, before she turned toward Twilight and asked, “Alright, 2nd question: How exactly has nopony found you here? I mean, it’s not like this room is that well hidden or anything, it’s literally just a door in the library. How has no pony found this lab?”

“Several reasons: One, I have used my magic to make that door invisible, meaning that only those with a keen eye for detail could find it. 2nd, if they do enter the door, they just find a small platform that suspends over a very deep pit. The door that leads to this lab is also invisible, meaning that even if somepony made it through the first door, they wouldn’t dare to try to find the 2nd door. And 3rd, no pony is going to bother looking for an invisible door.” Said Twilight.

Rainbow nodded and asked her 3rd question, “How long have you been down here?”

Twilight looked up for a moment, before answering, “Ummm, about fifteen days now, and the invasion began about a month ago. Why?”


“Hmmm… I guess wherever you were taken had a different sense of time then time here. I guess your ‘couple hours’ was our month.”

“I guess. How can we undo this?” asked Rainbow.

“Well, I don’t know for sure, but I have a suspicion on what’s causing this and how it could be repaired. You see, while I was monitoring the outside a couple nights ago, I noticed something odd in the sky. It looked kind of like a crystalized molecule. I looked through all of my astronomy books, but couldn’t identify what that thing is. Whatever it is, it’s only visible at night, and it seems to be made of the same crystals that this purple haze is creating. I would guess that if that thing were taken out, then this crystallization would be undone.” Explained Twilight.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” yelled Rainbow, as she dashed for the door. Before she could leave though, Twilight grabbed her tail with her magic, essentially anchoring her.

“Umm, Rainbow, there are several things preventing us from going there. One, I can’t fly. Two, everypony in town wants us dead, and now that everypony knows that I’m still alive, security around here is going to be upped tenfold. And three, you’re going to need a lot more power, as well some help from whoever it was that helped you escape from… wherever it was that you vanished to.”

“What do you mean, whoever it was? How are you so sure I didn’t escape solo?” asked Rainbow with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight raised an eyebrow back at Rainbow, and said, “Rainbow, I noticed that brownish redish hair in your coat when I brought you in here. Do you honestly expect me to believe that that’s part of your coat? And don’t even bother trying to say that it was fur that was stained by the blood, because that hair is still in the machine. If it was part of you, it wouldn’t have been left behind, but would’ve reunited with you.”

“…Good answer.” Said Rainbow, who turned a bit red in the cheeks.

“So, who was it that helped you escape? Do you know her name?” asked Twilight.

“Yes, I do. Her name is Blossom.” Replied Rainbow.

Twilight tilted her head and said, “Blossom? I don’t know anypony who just goes by the name of Blossom.”

“That’s because she’s not a pony. She’s a small pink thing with large eyes, white arms and legs, a black line across her stomach, and black and white feet. I’ve only seen two others who looked similar to her before, and that time all three of them were together.” Rainbow said, shuddering when she mentioned the three of them together.

“Hmm... I’m not really sure what that is. She sounds like she may be some form of human, but I’m not really sure from that description. Oh well, what she is isn’t important. What is important is that you need to find her.”

“Yeah sure, and what’s your plan there, Twilight? I almost got killed out there, and there’s no way I can outfly everypony.” Said Rainbow Dash in a somewhat cynical voice.

Twilight shook her head and said, “Maybe not yet, but you will be able to soon enough. I read a spell that can give you an exponential increase in your strength and agility.”

“Oh sweet! What spell might that be?”

“It’s a spell that’ll drain the elements power into your element of Loyalty.” Explained Twilight, “If you had more than one element’s power in your element, it would give you tremendous increases in strength and speed, as well as potentially give you some new abilities. If you had all of that, you’d have no trouble getting through the pony hordes.”

“That. Sounds. AWESOME!!!” Rainbow exclaimed. She then put a hoof to her chin and gave a confused look. Twilight tilted her head, and asked if Rainbow didn’t get something about the plan. Rainbow replied with, “Yes, there is something weird about this plan. Why didn’t you just use this spell on your element? You could’ve gotten the power of the gods! You could even have grown wings! You could’ve been the ultimate hero!”

“That’s true, I could’ve used it on myself. However, I had a feeling deep within my gut that you should’ve been the one to do it.” Said Twilight

“Huh? Why?” asked Rainbow

Twilight thought for a moment, before saying, “I think it was due to the fact that you were the one that disappeared. If this haze stuff just wanted to take over, why wouldn’t it have eliminated more of the bearers than just you? Wouldn’t it have been easier on it if it would’ve split us up in halves, with only three to fight the invasion, and three in purgatory? Not to mention, if it could only take out one of us, wouldn’t it have taken the one with the strongest element? No, the reason I think it eliminated you exclusively, is because it fears you, for whatever reason. I think there’s something about you that it just cannot stand, as is the case with this ‘Blossom’. I believed that, so I decided I’d wait about three weeks underground. If you didn’t come back by then, I would assume the worst, get the elements into my own, and launch out the lab to deal with that… thing myself. However, I think you would be far better suited for the task. Do you think you can handle it, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash looked down for a moment, then looked up at Twilight and nodded, all while flashing a determined grin. Twilight smiled back, gave Rainbow her element, and levitated the other elements around her. She then closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow. Rainbow’s element then started blinking in brightening/darkening colors. The other elements then reacted, blinking in sync with Rainbow Dash’s element. After a moment, the other elements started firing small beams of colored light into Rainbow’s element, turning it from red to more of a wide range of constantly shifting colors, from blue to pink to orange to white to red to green to whatever. All throughout this process, Rainbow felt strength beyond anything she’d ever felt so far entering her body.

After the elements were about a third of the way drained, however, a bright flash of light appeared between Rainbow and Twilight, temporarily blinding the duo. While they were blinded, Twilight suddenly felt a sharp pain that hurt more than anything she’d ever experienced shoot through her horn. She collapsed to the ground, grasping her head. Because of this, the spell stopped, halting the draining process and sending Rainbow and the other elements to the ground. Rainbow landed rear first, looked up, and rushed over to Twilight, hoping to do whatever it took to help her. She looked over her, not sure what to do, when suddenly, Twilight’s horn started glowing with an odd orange energy. Rainbow watched in complete bewilderment, since Twilight’s magic was normally purple. Why was it orange all of a sudden? A bit of this orange energy dripped out of her horn, almost like her horn had a runny nose. When this energy hit the ground, it created a fairly large explosion, knocking the two ponies into opposite walls. When they crashed, Rainbow discovered that she wasn’t hurt in the slightest! It was like she’d hopped onto a pillow! When Rainbow looked over at Twilight, however, Twilight seemed like she was hurting badly. She was still clutching her head, her lower hooves seemed to be turning a bit darker a shade of purple than normal, and… WAIT A SECOND!! Rainbow gasped as she remembered Fluttershy’s crystallization process. This was exactly like that! Rainbow immediately rushed to Twilight, and started slamming her hooves down onto the rising crystal as hard as she could. Despite Rainbow’s increased strength, the crystal didn’t even crack. This stuff was harder than diamonds! Regardless, Rainbow kept slamming her hooves down, hoping to break through. Twilight took one glance down when Rainbow had punched her, and instantly saw the crystals. Her eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks for a moment, before dilating back to normal size. She then looked up at Rainbow and yelled, “Rainbow! That’s your cue! You need to get out of here, before I become possessed!!”

“No way, No how! There’s no way I can leave a friend when she needs me most!” Yelled Rainbow, who was still trying to punch through the crystal.

“Rainbow Dash, this process isn’t reversible! The only way that it might be eliminated is if you destroy that purple thing in the sky! Go find Blossom, and destroy that thing! NOW!!” Yelled Twilight.

“I…I can’t leave you!”

“Yes… You… CAN!!!” yelled Twilight as she grabbed Rainbow Dash with her telekinesis and tossed her out the wall of the lab. Twilight then sealed the hole with her magic, as to prevent Rainbow from getting back in. Rainbow gave Twilight one last wave and started burrowing through the dirt back to the surface. “Good luck, Rainbow Dash…” said Twilight, shedding a final tear as she said that. The tear ran down her now crystalized nose and down her body. Twilight then felt her eyes start to burn from the inside out for a moment before lighting up in a bright yellow shade. Twilight had been possessed.

Rainbow blasted out of the ground and headed for the sky. However, just before she could get to the airspace, she felt some sort of light blue magic pull her back to earth. It then encased her and forced her to lie belly down on the ground. Rainbow looked up and saw that it appeared to be Rarity who was holding her. “What’s wrong, Rainbow?” asked the crystalized Rarity, “Why are you leaving so soon? We’ve yet to show you around!”

“I don’t WANT to look around!!” said Rainbow Dash through gritted teeth, as she tried to break out of the magic hold. Thanks to her strength boost, she was able to get one leg free, before it was brought down by another magic, this one being purple. She then turned her head and saw Twilight standing right next to her, with a sadistic grin on her face.

“That’s too bad, Rainbow, because the funny thing is, you don’t have a choice. Right, Rarity?” asked Twilight

“Yes indeed, Twilight! Now, what should we do first?”

“Let me go!!” yelled Rainbow Dash, who was trying in vain to break out of the combined magic of Twilight and Rarity.

Twilight and Rarity stared at Rainbow for a moment, and then gave a laugh that basically said, “You have got to be joking.” After they were done with the laugh, Rarity tilted her head and said, “You know Rainbow, now that I’m looking at you, I really do feel that you need a new look.”

“N-new look?” asked Rainbow, who was not liking where this conversation was going.

“Yes, a new look. Now, blue really is your color, of that I won’t argue, but I’ve always thought that you’d look simply ravishing in a nice purple or lavender. Don’t you agree, Twilight?”

“Hmm… I don’t know… Why don’t we give it a shot and decide?” Answered Twilight.

“NO!!!!” yelled Rainbow Dash in panic, obviously able to determine what they meant by that.

“Terribly sorry, Darling, but you’re outvoted. Next stop, Carousel Boutique!”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEPONY, ANYPONY, HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Rainbow at the top of her lungs, as she was levitated off the ground and dragged towards the boutique…

To Be Continued…

Comments ( 4 )

So, she's fine about going up in space to destroy some machine that turns everything into murdering amethysts, but she screams in terror at the mere mention of a makeover? Sounds about right for her.

4815638 It's a makeover of dooooooooooooooooooooomm....ah :rainbowlaugh:

Please make more! This is a really captivating story!!

Yo why did u cancelled it

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