• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 2,732 Views, 159 Comments

The Other Ones of Me (A Mass Effect Crossover) - DragonsHeart

Commander Shepherd, saviour of universe multiple times, arch enemy to the Reapers and the greatest hero ever... Or was she? How many Shepherds failed and how many succeeded, who went paragon and who went renegade, and who is the real Shepard.

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Prologue - A New Beginning

As the last ships leave the system though the Sol Relay, the Crucible fires. The Citadel and the relays are damaged, but the Reapers are finally defeated, meaning victory for all. Earth Space is still, no movement can be seen among the stricken ships and fragmented fighters that comprised the ruins of war. But something moves across the erstwhile battlefield, disturbing the morbid tranquillity. Its giant angular black hull built in a mockery of the mass relays, its core a sphere of dark monochrome lightning, sending sparks cascading through space. As it approaches the ruins of the Citadel, the lightning reaches out and began to caress its surface, the cascading energy dancing over the hull in an apparent search. As the black relay came to a stop in front of the massive structure, the arcs of energy began to zero in on a small section of the Presidium. The beams then concentrating further, until only a tiny piece of hull is highlighted. Then, with the care of surgeon, the piece is removed along with a room, leaving a precise incision. The room is dragged over to the black relay and was held by its side, the black lightning crackling harmlessly across its surface encasing it. The black relay then drifts off, room in tow. Inside the room a female human lies among the wreckage and the pools of her own blood. It is hard to tell if the she is alive or dead. Something approaches the female, it appears as a near formless mass of shadows, devoid of feature. It hovers over the female and then smiles down at her revealing a mouth, and rows of razor sharp teeth. It then speaks:

"Shepard," it says in cold ancient voice, "You did well and your long and hard journey is over, but will you ever be able to find peace in this galaxy. War and conflict always seems to find you, Shepard."

If the female hears, she shows no sign. The being continues anyway, "I wish to help you find peace, Shepard. The path I will send you on will be long, hard and painful but if you succeed you will finally find some peace." It pauses for a moment, before adding ominously, "But if you fail you will die alone and far away from home."

The female still doesn't move or show any signs of having heard. The being sighs as more creatures enter the room, bringing with them two metal boxes. The creatures are human in shape, but their limbs are long and lanky, their fingers are pointed, their faces and heads lacked any features, except some had pairs of glowing dark purple eyes. Their skin is pitch black. The creatures start to place the two boxes on the floor, the first in front of the female and the other in far corner of the room with a sheet of metal to cover it, most likely to hide it. Another creature hands a spherical device to the being, who then places it next to woman's left hand. Her Omni-tool lights up, and begins transferring data from the small device into its own database. A small beep is heard as it finishes, and one of the creatures grabs the small device taking it away. The women's Omni-tool, now a blood red instead of a bright orange, fades as well. The creatures all leave the room, leaving the being alone with the women. It leans over the women, looking down at her face.

"I'm going to get in a lot of trouble for doing this, Shepard, but honestly I don't really care," it says, while reaching out a shadowy finger and placing it on her forehead. As it touches, her body is enveloped by wispy shadows, forming into a roughly spherical shape around her. The shadows then seem to harden, forming a black cocoon like shell around her. "That cocoon will protect you for the journey to your new home, as well as make some... changes, to better suit your new environment." The black relay comes to a stop in an otherwise unremarkable area of space. "We have arrived, Shepard, don't waste this chance. It's the only one you get," it says as it disappears.

The relay turns towards a starless point in space. The being, almost invisible in the blackness of space, hovers over the front of the relay, its voice somehow carrying across the void of space, "Let's send her off," it says with a wicked toothy grin.

Black energy climbs up the front of the relay and arced off into space, before striking some unseen surface. The arc of energy is met by four black beams originating from the back of the relay. Then the beams slowly part, opening a massive fissure in space of inward surging black energy. It crackles with an unnatural power. And from it is shooting arcs of black lightning, striking the relay and the empty space around it. The being smiled as the black energy surges around it.

"FIRE!" it yells in a voice that somehow carries across the empty void of space.

The room is launched forward by the relay toward the gaping maw. As it approaches, the fissure seemed to lunge forward engulfing it. Slowly, the black mass collapses in on itself, dissipating into nothing, leaving the black relay and the being alone in space.

"Good luck, Shepard. We won't ever see each other again. Not that you saw me in the first place," the being says, as it and the black relay also disappear.

The room flies though the darkness, while inside the black cocoon that holds her, great changes are happening to the woman. Everything is being changed right down to her own DNA. All over her skin, cerulean blue fur starts to grow. Her face become more elongated, her eyes starts to grow bigger, her black hair becomes longer and thicker and at her rear a short black tail appears. Her bones start to move about and change shape. New bone joints appear, her hand and feet retract into a hoofs, a horn sprouts in the middle of her forehead and finally the symbol N7 appears on both sides of her rear.

As her transformation comes to an end, so too did the journey across the darkness. The room appears over a beautiful starry piece of space, almost as if had been painted on the sky. The piece flies past the small moon and sun that orbits the large flat green and blue planet. It heads toward the planet, and, more specifically, to a small town called Ponyville.

Author's Note:

This is my first story I have ever published.
So be kind.