• Published 23rd Jul 2014
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The Other Ones of Me (A Mass Effect Crossover) - DragonsHeart

Commander Shepherd, saviour of universe multiple times, arch enemy to the Reapers and the greatest hero ever... Or was she? How many Shepherds failed and how many succeeded, who went paragon and who went renegade, and who is the real Shepard.

  • ...

Chapter 8 - Plans, Fire & Avoidance

Twilight paces around the room. Soon there is a knocking on the door and she rushes to open it.

“Twilight, we heard that Shepard has escaped. Is that true?” asks Rarity.

“Yes. She got out last night,” confirms Twilight.

“How?” asks Rainbow Dash.

Twilight looks ashamed, “She must have climbed out of my bedroom window.”

“How do you know that?” questions Rainbow Dash.

“The window was wide open, and I found scrape marks on the window sill that must have been made by the bracelets,” Twilight explains.

“Right, that makes sense, but why was the window open anyway?” questions Rarity.

Twilight looks even more ashamed, “I opened it to let some cool breeze in and forgot to close it.”

“Oh, Twilight,” says Rarity, shaking her head.

“So you’re saying it is just bad luck that Shepard escaped,” Rainbow Dash states.

“No, Twilight nearly always leaves her window open during Summer, and Shepard must have noticed it,” explains Spike.

“It's a habit!” whines Twilight.

“Look, were not getting anywhere by blaming Twilight,” Applejack scolds.

“Look I wasn't...” Rainbow Dash tries to say.

“I know Dash,” interrupts Applejack, “But right now we've really got to find Shepard before something happens.”

“Right, thanks. We better split up and look for her,” states Twilight, “If you find her, come and report to me and I will come and immobilise her with the bracelets.”

“And remember to be discreet, because Shepard is supposed to be a secret, and its better if no pony hears about what she can do,” adds Rarity, “We don't want anypony to panic.”

They rush outside to look for Shepard, agreeing to meet outside Sugercube Corner in an hour. All except Fluttershy who has stayed behind to talk with Spike.

“Umm, Spike, do you have any idea why Shepard would escape?” she asks.

Spike scratches the back of his head, “I don't know. Maybe she just wanted to get outside, it can't be nice to be trapped,” he says hopefully.

Fluttershy sighs sadly, “Well, we better get going and see if we can find out.”

Shepard walks down a road near the edge of the town. Totally invisible.

Is it really necessary to keep your cloak on,” asks Harbinger.

“I hear that Rainbow Dash flies around a lot and I don't want to be spotted, also I want to see how long this cloak lasts,” explains Shepard, getting tired of having to explain herself to a Reaper.

For what purpose?” Harbinger continues questioning.

“My cloak never lasted this long before,” she states. “It usually lasts only for a few seconds. It's pretty cool, this is probably what Kasumi feels like.”

Bad idea. Just thinking of Kasumi sends a pain surging through her mind. She staggers and nearly falls over. With eyes shut she grits her teeth as she fights the pain.

Shepard, if you keep thinking about your past like this you will be dead soon!” scolds Harbinger.

Because Shepard had her eyes shut and Harbinger is talking in her ear, she didn't notice the incoming scooter and since she is invisible, the rider didn't see her.


She goes rolling off the edge of the road, down the hill and into the nearby small creek.

'At least my head doesn't hurt anymore,' she thinks bitterly.

“Scootaloo, I think you hit somethin',” comes a small but familiar voice from up the hill.

“You think?” comes a smaller, higher voice.

“I didn't see anything,” a third voice replies, slightly raspier than the first two.

“Well considerin’ that we are lying in ah heap, I think we did hit somethin',” says the first voice again, her country accent evident.

'Must be kids,' Shepard thinks.

“We might have just hit a rock,” replies the second voice.

“No, last time this happened was when we ran into that fallen tree trunk,” answers the first voice flatly.

“I thought we agreed never to talk about that,” says the third voice angrily.

“Does it matter?” says the second voice, “Where's the wagon?”

Shepard looks beside her and sees a red wagon and is startled by a scream.

“OHMYGOSH A DEAD PONY!” shrieks a small grey Unicorn with a two-toned purple mane.

“Really!” a small orange pegasus with a darker purple mane peeks over the edge. Her eyes widen, “OH MY GOSH! What do you think happened?”

“Maybe we killed her when we hit her with the scooter!” says the unicorn.

“But I didn't see anypony!” wails the pegasus, terrified to think she might have killed somepony.

“She ain't dead,” comes a small voice of reason from a small yellow pony with a dark pink mane and even pinker bow, “I can see her breathin'.”

“Really?” says the Pegasus, relieved. The unicorn has to be sure.

“Excuse me, are you alive?!” she yells.

“Barely,” Shepard finally answers.

“Are you ok?” asks the pegasus, nervously.

“Now there’s a question,” Shepard replies, starting to get up.

“Do you need a hoof?” asks the yellow pony, who has walked down to the edge of the creek.

Shepard shakes her head and grabs the wagon, lucky it is a shallow creek. She brings the wagon to the bank and climbs out.

“Here you go,” she says, handing them back the cart.

“Thank you,” replies the yellow pony.

“Umm, miss, why were you in the water?” asks the orange pony.

Shepard sighs, “Well I wasn't looking where I was going and accidentally run into your cart.”

“OHMYGOSH! WE ARE SO SORRY!” the small grey unicorn yells, in such a loud voice that even Shepard felt the urge to cover her ears, “WE DIDN'T SEE YOU!”

“That doesn't surprise me,” answers Shepard, waiting for her ears to stop ringing.

“But I didn't see her,” whines the orange pegasus.

“Maybe you were distracted?” asks the grey unicorn.

The pegasus is about to respond, but is interrupted by the yellow pony. “Listen we can argue about what happened later, but right now this pony is drippin' wet.”

“Oh yeah,” says both the unicorn and pegasus.

“Why don't we take her to your house,” the grey unicorn asks the yellow pony.

“I guess we could,” the yellow one says cautiously, before her face suddenly brightens, “Maybe we could get our Cutie Marks for helping people!”

“Didn't we already try that,” asks the pegasus.

“No harm in trying it again!” replies the unicorn.


Shepard who has no idea what a Cutie Mark is or even more so what Cutie Mark Crusader is, could guess that they are going to try and help her, “Listen, it's ok, I will probably just dry off soon anyway...”

She is halted halfway by the look the three little ponies are giving her: 'Please let us help, we really want to help, please.' Shepard is having trouble saying no to their cute begging faces. “Alright, fine, I will come with you,” she gives in.

“YAY!” the three yell.

“It's not far, is it?” Shepard asks.

“No, it's just around the corner,” the yellow pony answers.

“Let’s go then,” replies Shepard.

“Ok,” they all reply.

Shepard watches as they hook the cart back onto the scooter. The pegasus hops onto the scooter and the other two climb into the cart.

“Want us to give you a ride?” asks the pegasus.

“You’re joking, right?” Shepard says, deadpan.

“No, we give ponies rides all the time,” the pegasus says confused.

'This place has no road safety!' Shepard thought but what she says is, “No thanks, I think I will just run beside you.”

“Suit yourself,” replies the pegasus, as she starts off.

Shepard follows.

“So what’s your name, miss?” asks the grey unicorn.

“Call me Shepard. What's yours?”

“I'm Sweetie Belle, and this Applebloom,” the grey unicorn says pointing to the carts other occupant, “And this is Scootaloo,” she says pointing to the scooter driver.

“Nice to meet you,” huffs Shepard, who is now in full gallop beside the cart.

“Likewise,” answers Applebloom, who is looking at Shepard's flank, “If you don’t mind me askin’, how did you get your Cutie Mark?”


After a brief run (and lots of questions!) they reach their destination.

“Here we are - Sweet Apple Acres,” announces Applebloom.

Shepard looks around. She doesn't know about the 'Sweet', but it definitely lives up to the 'Apple Acres'. Apple trees extend as far as the eye can see. She wonders how they manage it all.

“What're you kids doin' back so soon?” comes an elderly voice with that same familiar country accent.

Shepard turns to see the oldest looking pony she has ever met (which is actually not a lot, but she is surprised, she didn't think it was possible for furry creatures to get wrinkles).

“Well... we had an accident,” Applebloom says, sheepishly.

“Mmmm,” went the old pony, “An' what happened?”

“We knocked a pony into the creek,” Applebloom answers.

“Is the pony alright?” the elder asks, disapprovingly.

“Yeah, she's right here!” Applebloom says, quickly showing Shepard as if to prove that they are not murderers.

The elder looks Shepard up and down and speaks, “Sorry about this, stranger.”

“It's alright, it was mostly my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going,” Shepard replies, not mentioning that she was also invisible at the time.

“Well you just wait on out here, I'll just get some towels,” the elder says. She turns to the three children, “Applebloom, you go help Big Mac with the chores.”

Applebloom groans, “But Granny Smith, I have already done my chores!” she whines.

“I know,” explains the elder, now known to be Granny Smith, “But your sister still hasn't shown up yet and your brother can't do it all.”

Applebloom hangs her head, “Sorry girls, we all will have to do our crusaderin' later,” she says sadly.

Sweetie Belle pats her on the back, “It’s okay, we can help so you finish quicker,” she smiles.

“We can?” asks Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle steps on one of Scootaloo's back hooves, causing her yelp.

“Yes, we, can!” Sweetie Belle answers, glaring at Scootaloo.

“Thanks,” Applebloom answers happily, “Let's go,” and the children run off, most likely to find this ‘Big Mac’.

Shepard smiles as she watches them go, but soon a voice catches her attention.

It is Granny Smith, “Here's a towel,” she says smiling.

“Thanks,” Shepard takes the towel and starts to dry herself.

“You’re welcome.”

There is silence for a moment as Shepard rubs herself down, until she feels the need to break it. “So... where’s Applebloom's sister?”

“Oh Applejack is always runnin' off with Twilight and her friends on their adventures to save Equestria and whatnot, I'm thinking I should start chargin' Twilight for borrowin' my Applejack,” she jokes. She notices that Shepard had stopped drying herself, “Are you alright?”

“Oh, I'm fine, I just got distracted,” she answers. She then thinks, ' Oh dear, I knew I had heard that accent recently. I think I know where Applejack has run off to.'

“Well I hope she gets back soon,” sighs Granny Smith, “We have a lotta work to do.”

“Can I help?” asks Shepard, feeling guilty that she is inconveniencing this nice family with her escape.

Granny Smith cocks her head, “Ever done manual labour before?”

“Well I have done about 12 years of military service if that answers your question,” Shepard replies.

Granny Smith smiles, “That'll do,” she then yells at top her voice, “Oi, Big Mac, come here.”

Soon a huge apple-red male pony comes around the corner.

“Eeyup?” asks the huge pony called Big Mac.

“Miss...” she pauses, “I'm sorry, I done forgot to ask for ya name?”

“It's Shepard,” she answers.

“Well Big Mac, Miss Shepard here is sayin' she can help out with some of Applejack's jobs,” Granny Smith says.

“Eeyup,” he says and walks off the way he came.

Shepard follows.

Why are you helping them, Shepard,” asks Harbinger in her head.

'Oh there you are! Why haven't heard from you since I was hit by the cart?' she thinks back.

That doesn't answer my question, Shepard,” it counters.

'Because I can!' she inwardly shouts, 'Now answer my question!”

I was checking your mind, and calculating how long we have to live,” Harbinger tells her.

'Oh... How long is it?' she quietly thinks.

I haven't finished my calculations,


With this short time we have left it is more important to find your name instead of helping others,” states Harbinger.

'But by helping people don't I strengthen myself and that gives me more time?'

Harbinger processes this, “That might be true. Continue.

“You alright?” asks Big Mac, who had noticed that Shepard seems to be out of it.

“What? Oh, yes I was just thinking about something,” she replies.

Big Mac accepts this and continues to walk, Shepard follows again.

After a few seconds of walking it's Shepard's turn to break the silence.

“Where are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?” she asks.

“Gathering kindling,” he answers.


More silence.

“Nice day,” Shepard tries again.

“Eeyup,” he answers.

More silence.

“You don't talk much do you?” asks Shepard.

“Nnope,” he answers.

Thankfully they soon reach their destination, an old fashioned barn.

“We need to move an' unload these carts,” explains Big Mac, pointing to three laden carts in front of the barn.

“Simple enough,” replies Shepard.

“Take that one,” suggests Big Mac, pointing to the one with the least on it.

'Oh, trying to be gallant are we?” thinks Shepard, but what she said is, “No I think I would like to take that one,” pointing to the one with the most on it.

Big Mac looks surprised, “You sure, miss?”

“Yep, it doesn't look that heavy.”

Big Mac shrugs and harnesses himself to the medium one. Shepard smiling walks over to the heaviest looking one. When Shepard has harnessed herself to the cart, she gives the cart a experimental pull. It moves.

'That's good. Because if I couldn't move it I would look a right fool,' Shepard thinks.

“This way,” calls Big Mac, heading into the orchard.

Shepard follows, pulling the cart behind her.

Twilight wipes the sweat off her forehead as she waits outside of Sugarcube Corner. She has been spending the best part of an hour looking for Shepard, and she hopes her friends have had more luck than she has.

“Anything?” asks Twilight hopefully to each of her friends as they show up.

The shaking of their heads destroys that hope.

“Nothing,” adds Applejack.

“Maybe she already left town?” worries Rarity.

“I wouldn't think so,” answers Twilight, “We still have her equipment.”

“Maybe she's at Twilight's house right now and stealing her equipment!” exclaims Pinkie.

Twilight eyes widen, “Maybe I should go home to check.”

“Don't worry Twilight. Fluttershy and I closed the door when we left, she can't get in,” reassures Spike, “by the way, can you make it so I can open the door, if I need to?”

Twilight, now slightly calmer, nods her head, “Yes, I think I can. Give me your hand.”

Twilight takes his hand, suddenly a vision of last night's nightmare comes to her mind. A little claw bereft of body. Twilight's heart quickens.

I told you I will kill everyone you ever cared about,” a voice whispers beside her.

Twilight's head whips around, only to find nothing there.

“Are you ok, Twilight?” asks a concerned Fluttershy.

“What! Oh, yes fine,” Twilight quickly says.

“Only you’re hugging Spike rather tightly,” continues Fluttershy.

Twilight looks down to see that she is nearly smothering Spike. “Oh! Sorry Spike,” she apologises letting him go.

“Its ok,” he says, brushing himself off. He guesses her actions are something to do with the dream. Twilight quickly cast the spell on Spikes claw, which lets him open the door. As she does so, she occasionally looks over her shoulders as if she expected something to be there.

“Are you sure you’re ok, sugar,” asks Applejack.

Twilight looks around to see her friends concerned faces.

Faces hanging from trees.

Twilight shakes her head trying to get rid of the thought. “Yes I'm fine, just... tired,” she says trying to change the subject.

“Do you think we should warn ponies about Shepard?” asks Rarity, getting back to their mane problem.

“No, we don't want everypony to panic, Shepard is supposed to be a secret,” explains Twilight.

“Fair enough,” agrees Rainbow Dash.

Rarity sighs, “Can we at least ask anypony if they have seen her?”

“Fine, but be discreet,” Twilight warns.

“Don't worry dear, discreet is my middle name,” boasts Rarity.

Applejack rolls her eyes.

“Let’s check the edge of town,” suggests Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, lets go,” agrees Twilight.

“We will meet back here in a two hours,” adds Applejack.

There are nods of agreement and everypony heads off.

Unloading a cart.

Shepard never thought unloading a cart could be so challenging. But using a combination of hooves, teeth and back she manages to start removing the contents of the cart… God she misses hands.

Big Mac watches Shepard. He notices that, while she is very strong, she isn’t very good with her hooves and there is something else that puzzles him.

“Why don’t you use your magic?” he asks.

Shepard stops and gives him a long stare before answering. “Good idea.”

They get back to work with Shepard using her magic this time.

‘God I feel like an idiot,’ Shepard thinks as she works.

Soon the first cart is unloaded, and Big Mac leaves to get the last cart, leaving Shepard to continue unloading the second one. She watches as Big Mac leaves.

“Good, I've been dying to try this,” she says to herself.

She swiftly surrounds herself with a biotic aura and lifts out the contents of the second cart. Using a combination of magic and biotics she quickly guides everything into place and she is done in minutes. She smiles at her handiwork.

“Well, magic and biotics work well together,” she says as she wipes the sweat from her brow, “But boy, is it tiring!” She lies down by an apple tree and closes her eyes while she waits for Big Mac. ‘It's so peaceful,’ she thinks, lounging in the mid-morning sun. Then she hears someone screaming for help, “Scratch that!” she says as she leaps onto her hooves and gallops towards the sound.

She discoverers a troubling scene. The three children, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, are stuck up a tree surrounded by a large number of creatures that resembled wolves, but seemed to be made of wood. ‘They'd be Timberwolves,” she thinks, to Harbinger.

Shepard, do not get involved. You are unarmed and unprotected, and with your current mental state, it would be unwise to engage them. Leave the three children and get somewhere safe,” Harbinger warns.

Shepard has to admit there is reason in what Harbinger says. She is outnumbered and faced with an enemy she knows nothing about, without any kind of weapon or even her armour. Any military advisor would tell her to sit tight and wait for backup. She looks at the three girls faces, they are terrified and crying. Sweetie Belle screams as one of the Timberwolves leaps up in an attempt to grab her. Suddenly something deep within Shepard screams at her to save the children. It isn’t the other Shepards or Harbinger, it feels personal.

Three children… children… a child.

“I’m going in!” she says.

Shepard. Don’t!” Harbinger warns again. But it is too late, Shepard gallops into the fray.

She crosses the distance quickly, glancing down at her collar. It still has a slight blue glow, meaning that it is still activated. But from what Shepard has read about it, it should allow self-defence and when it does it will glow bright red.

‘Come on deactivate you stupid thing,’ she curses inwardly.

A Timberwolf turns and sees her, it won’t be long until they attack.

Oh to hell with this!” she yells as she charges[1]. Just before impact, the collar changes to red.

The rest of the Timberwolves turn to see what’s coming towards them and are greeted by a blue bolt breaking through them scattering wooden pieces in its wake. The bolt hits the tree and disperses, leaving an angry mare in its stead. The broken Timberwolves start to rebuild themselves and the others start to close in.

Shepard looks around, she could charge her way out, but… she looks up and see the scared and surprised faces of the three children. She backs up until her ass is against the tree. She watches and waits as the Timberwolves surround her. The first leaps. The rest follow. Shepard jumps. Using her biotics she rockets into the air, grabbing the three astonish children on the way past. There is a crashing sound as the wolves smash into the tree below.

Shepard puts the kids down as she lands. “Run as fast as you can away from here! I will stay here so they won’t follow you!” she yells.

“But…” Scootaloo tries to say.

“No arguing! Now GO!”

Eyes wide they bolt back toward the farm. Applebloom turns around and sees three Timberwolves break off from the pack to chase the runaway fillies, but they dont get far before a weird bolt of fire[2] crashes into one of them and all three are destroyed in a large fiery explosion.

No more Timberwolves go after the girls, they're all concentrating on Shepard. One charges her. She waits for the right moment and then with a flaming hoof, punches it in the chest and it burns away.

She looks around to see that she is totally surrounded again. She smiles.


Big Mac pulls the third cart to where he had left Shepard. Walking next to him is Granny Smith who is coming to check on their unexpected helper and to bring some refreshments.

Suddenly Applebloom and her friends come shooting up the road, running like Discord himself is after them. When they see Big Mac and Granny Smith relief shines on their panicked faces and they rush up breathless.

“Shepard ‘pant’ Timberwolves ‘pant’ Help!” Sweetie Belle blurts.

“Whoa, take a deep breath and explain slowly,” Granny Smith says trying to calm the fillies down.

“We were gathering kindling near the forest and we saw this big piece of wood. When we went to grab it we found out that it was a Timberwolf tail. We managed to climb up a tree, but soon we were surrounded. Shepard suddenly appeared and attacked them and saved us, but she stayed behind to distract them while we escaped!” Applebloom frantically explains.

“Last we saw she was surrounded!” cries Scootaloo, “She may already be dead!”

Big Mac wastes no time, he quickly unstraps himself from the cart and pulls out a heavy plank of wood. “Take us there!” he grunts.

The fillies nod and dash off with Big Mac and Granny Smith hot on their tails. Soon they see Shepard. She is still alive but still completely surrounded by a huge pack of Timberwolves. Granny Smith could see signs of battle, the ground is littered with pieces of smouldering Timberwolf remains.

“There are much more than before!” wails Sweetie Belle.

“Look! She’s hurt!” yells Scootaloo.

And she is. Blood leaks from scratches across her body but luckily there seems to be no fang wounds.

“We gotta do something!” cries Applebloom.

Big Mac readies his plank for battle. Granny Smith looks worried, they would need more than Big Mac to fight a pack this big, but there isn’t time. Then Shepard does something amazing.

Shepard pants, her heart beating hard in her chest and blood pours from the wounds she got when the Timberwolves got temporally lucky. She keeps one eye shut to keep blood from getting in from the gash on her head. She is nearly out energy, she shouldn’t have used her biotics before on the cart.

Shepard, on my command use this biotic power,” orders Harbinger.

Shepard feels a sharp pain in her head as data is implanted.

“Where did you get this?” she asks, not taking her eye off the Timberwolves.

It was a locked data cluster that just opened. They’re coming, get ready and wait for my signal.

Shepard watches the Timberwolves prepare to attack. Her one open eye narrows. Her right hoof raises and she concentrates her biotic powers into it. She becomes cloaked in a dark aura. The Timberwolves leap.


Shepard slams her raised hoof into the ground and causes huge explosions of fiery biotic energy[http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Annihilation_Field][3] around her. The wolves go flying, ablaze. One by one charred bodies fall to the ground, dead. The small number of surviving Timberwolves look at Shepard. She glares at them showing her teeth, her dark biotic aura making her glow with a fearful light. They whimper and run off with their tails between their legs.

Shepard turns around to see a group of five very shocked ponies. She gives them a weak smile.

“Got anything to drink?” she asks before slumping to her haunches.

The fillies rush to her side.

“Are you ok, Shepard?” asks a very worried Sweetie Belle.

“I’m fine, just very tired,” Shepard answers.

“You’re bleedin'!” Applebloom says looking like she is about to cry.

“It’s only a flesh wound,” Shepard jokes with a grin.

The girls stop looking like they will cry and instead they giggle at the weird line.

Granny Smith walks up to Shepard, “Thank you, Shepard, for savin' my Applebloom and her friends.”

“You’re welcome, I will take my payment in bandages, food and a drink,” Shepard jokes.

Granny Smith chuckles, “Fine. Macintosh stop standin' there like you ran into a wall and carry Shepard back to the house.”

Big Mac nods and walks over Shepard and lies down for Shepard climb on his back.

“Sorry if I get blood on you,” she apologizes as she gets on.

“S'fine,” he replies.

With Shepard on board the six of them head back to the Apple Family's home.

“That was so COOOL!!” Scootaloo yells to Shepard, who is getting bandaged by Applebloom. “You were like ZOOM, POW, BOOM.”

“How did you do that anyway?” asks Applebloom.

“Was it magic?” asks Sweetie Belle, “Do you think I can do it?”

“Are you a Super Hero and is that your power?” asks Scootaloo.

“Calm down,” Shepard says smiling, “It isn’t magic and I’m not a Super Hero.”

The girls look disappointed, “What is it then?” reasks Applejack.

“Think of it as my…” as Shepard thinks of a way to explain it to children without giving much away, she remembers the conversation she had with them earlier about Cutie Marks, “...Special Talent,” she answers.

The girl’s eyes grow wide and Shepard could swear they sparkled.

“That is so cool!” Sweetie Belle squeals.

“Its nearly as cool as Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom!” Scootaloo yells.

“All right fillies, that enough. Give the mare some space” says Granny Smith as she walks into the room.

“Awwwwwww,” the three children whine.

“Don’t aww me. Now wash up it's time for brunch,” she orders.

The three girls rush off giggling. Shepard gets up and follows Granny Smith to the kitchen and sits at the table.

“Aren’t you just full of horse feathers, Shepard,” says Granny Smith smiling, while serving brunch.

“I have no idea what you mean?” Shepard says smiling back.

“I don’t believe for a second that's your special talent.”

Shepard stays quiet.

“And I can tell that it aint magic either.”

“Well, aren’t you observant,” Shepard replies.

“All I can say is, that wherever it is you come from they sure train some mighty fine soldiers,” she finishes with a smile.

Shepard smiles back happy that she isn’t prying. Soon Big Mac returns and gives Shepard an odd look.

“You’re back quickly Big Mac,” observes Granny Smith.

“Only one cart,” he answers.

Shepard smiles, “Yeah, I unloaded the other cart while you were gone.”

Big Mac shakes his head. He doesn't know what to think about Shepard.

Soon the girls rush down and brunch starts. The conversation revolves mostly around Shepard. The girls keep asking what else Shepard can do and Shepard keeps trying to change the subject. By the time brunch finishes she has eventually shifted the topic to Ponyville. But that is soon interrupted by Harbinger talking into Shepard's mind.

The one known as Applejack approaches, and will be here in a few minutes,” it warns.

‘Thanks for the heads up. Good thing I put trackers on them when they argued with me. Well, except for the yellow one, I think her name was Fluttershy. She never visited.’

Shepard gets up.

“Is something wrong, Shepard?” asks Granny Smith.

“No I just have an appointment to get to and I realised that I might be a bit late,” Shepard explains, “So I should go.”

“We will walk you out,” offers Granny Smith.


Outside Shepard asks if she can cut across the orchard.

“Sure,” says Granny Smith smiling, “But please come again, you're welcome anytime.”

“Really?” asks Shepard.

“Yes, I think we all agree that you are a real friend to the Apple Family, even though we haven't known you long. Come anytime you like,” Granny Smith says warmly with nods from the rest of the Apples.

“Thanks, well, I should go. See you around,” Shepard says, galloping into the trees and out of sight.

They are about to go back inside when they hear more hurried hoof-beats and see Applejack racing up the path leading to the house.

“Granny Smith have you seen…” she tries to say.

“Where have you been, young mare?” scolds Granny Smith.

Applejack starts fiddling with her hat, “I’m helping Twilight with something,” she says weakly.

“Right when we have to prepare for the Applebuck season? First you come home beat up all black and blue and only a few days later you run off leaving Big Mac to do all the work,” she continues.

“Well I…” Applejack tries to explain herself.

“And because Applebloom and her friends had to do some of your work they were nearly eaten by Timberwolves,” Granny Smith finishes.

“WHAT! Are they ok?” Applejack asks horrified.

“They are fine,” Granny says pointing to the three fillies, “Luckily, Shepard managed to save them before they were hurt.”

“That good,” Applejack sighs in relief. Then her expression changes to shock, “SHEPARD!”

“Yes,” Granny says, not getting Applejack tone, “Applebloom's new friend. She did most of your work for today as well.”

“Where is she!?” Applejack demands, coming right up to Granny Smith.

“Oh, do you know her? She didn’t seem to know you?” she says confused, “She just left a minute ago.”

“Which way?” Applejack says looking around.

“She went that way,” Granny Smith says pointing toward the orchard.

“Thanks,” Applejack says dashing off.

“Wait a minute. You haven’t explained yourself yet,” Granny Smith yells to her, but it is too late. “That girl,” she sighs.

“Eeyup,” agrees Big Mac.

They were about to head back inside again, when this time a small voice interrupts them.

“Umm, excuse me, may I have a moment of your time… if that’s alright,” asks the timid pegasus.

“Sure Fluttershy, what is it?” replies Granny Smith.

Shepard watches Applejack run past. When Shepard is sure that Applejack has gone she comes out of the bush where she has been hiding and uncloaks herself. Smiling, she heads toward town.

Author's Note:

The chapter came out earlier than I thought.
Mostly because I was bored and I need something to do.
So I wrote this.
I hope you like it.
And the next chapter will hopefully come out early next month.
Please like and comment.
I need it.