• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 2,734 Views, 159 Comments

The Other Ones of Me (A Mass Effect Crossover) - DragonsHeart

Commander Shepherd, saviour of universe multiple times, arch enemy to the Reapers and the greatest hero ever... Or was she? How many Shepherds failed and how many succeeded, who went paragon and who went renegade, and who is the real Shepard.

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Chapter 3 - Pretty Sights & Gunfights

The alien is not happy. It has lost quite a lot of blood and I mean a lot, surprised it had not fallen unconscious or died. It feels sore all over and feels really sick. It’s also most likely hallucinating, could those odd colourful creatures be real? There are also a mess of voices screaming in its head.

A lot of voices yelling, ‘Just kill them!’

Other voices say, ‘Just talk to them and find out what they want!’

There are a few quiet voices, but it can’t hear them over the two large groups going ‘Kill’ or ‘Talk’.

It feels like throwing up. Suddenly a huge wave of voices block out all other thoughts. ‘KILL THEM!!’. It feel itself pulling the internal trigger of the sniper. That purple creature is going to die! Then a second wave of voices block out the first yelling ‘DON’T!!’. It jerks the gun sideways.

Twilight feels a prickling on her neck. It feels like somepony or something is watching them.

“Girls, do you have the feeling were being watc…?” something burning hot scrapes against her neck. She screams in pain.

TWILIGHT!!” yell her friends, as they run over to her side. She is bent over, holding her hoof to her neck.

She pulls her hoof away, it is covered in her blood. “I was hit by something!” She turns to her friends who are looking at her with fear. “Don’t worry, it didn’t get anything important.” She’s trying smile, but her neck is really hurting and she can feel the blood slowly trickle down her neck and onto her back.

“Twilight, look at that!” Fluttershy says.

Twilight looks and gasps. There on the tree behind her is a hole, and some of her blood. If whatever it was that had scraped her neck had actually hit her, she would be dead.

IT CAME FROM OVER THERE!!” yells Rainbow Dash, rage in her voice.

The alien is still caught in the battle of the voices in its head. Suddenly they stop arguing and speak as one.

‘We’ve been spotted!’

The girls see a red and silver figure jump out of a large bush where Rainbow Dash had pointed. When it hits the ground, it rolls in front of them landing on its feet before them, lowering its body into an aggressive stance. The girls can see their shocked faces on its reflective red visor. But before anypony can say anything a dark-grey metal device flies in a white aura from the figure’s back and hovers in front of it. It unfolds, and the creature starts to look down a tube on the top.

GET DOWN!! Rainbow Dash yells, knocking her friends away and taking to the sky herself.

Before anypony has time to complain, light flares out of the front of the device. It come in bursts, slowly, then faster and faster. A tree behind had exploded. The device is a weapon! The girls scatter for cover. The figure turns its weapon towards Twilight who is still in the open, a voice yells out.


The figure turns to see Rainbow Dash skydiving towards it.


With lightning speed a different device appears in front of the figure, and points at Rainbow Dash. She manages to stop in mid-air just in time as multiple small projectiles zoom towards her. Some graze her, causing her to yelp and fall, crashing through some trees she hits the ground. She lies groaning. Pinkie jumps out of a nearby bush, grabs her and starts to drag her away.

While the figure is fiddling with it’s weapon, Applejack, thinking it’s distracted, charges. The weapons swap back again as it turns to face her.

Applejack freezes, “Oh, Buck!” she says, closing her eyes.

When nothing happens she opens them again, and sees the figure struggling with its weapon as two auras fight for control. She realises that Rarity is trying to pull the weapon from the figures grasp with her own magic. Good old Rarity! She will take back every mean thing she said to her today. Applejack starts to charge again.

The figure makes a decision. A red glowing blade appears on the front of the weapon. Rarity watches in horror as it is suddenly hurled toward her given more speed and direction because her magic was pulling it. It flies right at her. It spins, causing it to only to hit her with the side of the weapon not the blade. Still hurt though. Rarity yelps as she swears she feels a rib crack.

RARITY!!” yells Applejack, she grits her teeth in anger and turns to face the figure, who is now right in front of her.

Before she can do anything she feels its front right leg connect to her face in a right hook. She is sent flying sideways. She yelps as she hits the ground tumbling. When she finally stops she looks up to see a small red weapon pointed at her head, on it is a pony skull. Applejack stares up at the creature, its visor reflecting her terrified face. Then a rock hits its head, making a ‘clunk’ noise. The creature spins to see Pinkie Pie throwing rocks.

LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BIG MEAN ALIEN!!” yells Pinkie, throwing more rocks.

The figure points the weapon at Pinkie and fires it, powdering the rock in her hoof. Pinkie looks at her hoof and then, giving an awkward grin, quickly ducks behind a tree. The figure turns back to Applejack, who is gone. The figure looks around and cannot see any of the other ponies. But it hears voices coming from behind a very large fallen tree. Behind the red visor it smirks. It pulls out a long black tube which unfolds, it looks though the scope on top of it and can see the ponies as red silhouettes huddled behind the tree.

Behind the Fallen Tree

Twilight looks over her friends. Most of them are injured including her. The only ones that aren’t are Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

“OK! What the buck just happened?” asks Rainbow Dash, who is bleeding slightly from multiple large and small cuts. “I mean, we just got our flanks kicked, and there is only, like, one of them!”

“It can throw a mean punch, I’ll give it that,” says Applejack, rubbing her swelling cheek, “Also, thanks for getting me out of there.”

“Anytime,” replies Pinkie smiling.

“You’re welcome” says Twilight, who had teleported her out of there.

“The brute! I think it broke one of my ribs,” whines Rarity, wincing as she touches a large bruise.

“Here let me take a look at it,” says Fluttershy.

There is an explosion. Fluttershy turns around and gasps, there is a hole right where her head was a second ago. Pinkie’s tail twitches and she ducks her head, another explosion and a new hole where her head had just been.

“Back away from the tree girls!” Twilight yells.

“It can get us from behind that! Is nowhere safe?” asks Rarity, panic raising in her voice.

“That thing is unstoppable,” says Rainbow Dash, fear in her eyes.

As they creep backwards they keep expecting something to happen.

Nothing does.

“Do you think it went away,” Pinkie says hopefully.

But before anypony can answer, there is a sound of something small hitting the tree, then a beeping noise. The tree explodes - raining them in splinters and fire. Twilight slowly gets up, even though every muscle in her body tells her just to stay down. She can hear her friends groaning, which is good, it means they are still alive. She looks back to the fire and her eyes widen in horror. Walking though it is the figure, the fire licking harmlessly against its armour. It looks around, locating Twilight and her friends and advances towards them, two small weapons hovering in front. Twilight projects a shield, and just in time too, because the figure starts to fire. The first wave of projectiles bounce harmlessly off the shield, but as the figure gets closer the hits come harder and stronger. Some get through, grazing her face. Her cheek burns with a searing hot pain, but she has to keep up the shield or they are all dead. All her friends are have fear in their eyes. Pinkie and Fluttershy are hugging each other for comfort, and Rarity holds onto Applejack while Applejack pats her on the shoulder. Twilight can’t fail now. She puts more power into the shield, more power than she should. She can feel herself growing weaker. The figure is getting closer and closer.

Rainbow Dash flies high above them. She is waiting for the right moment to attack. As the figure closes on Twilight and her friends, she starts her dive. Front hooves stretched out, she starts to gain speed. She is seen. The figure turns her head and the red weapon aims at her. Rainbow Dash eyes widen in fear but doesn’t pull up. A shot scrapes her side, but she continues anyway, slamming into its back. The figure screams. The front of its face seems to light up, and there is the sound of something shattering. The Alien and Rainbow Dash are violently hurled apart.

RAINBOW!!” yell Pinkie and Fluttershy as they run to her side. Applejack and Rarity help Twilight, nearly collapsing as she let go of the shield.

“I'm fine,” says Rainbow Dash, waving off the help, and getting up, “I just got slightly zapped. Are you OK, Twilight?”

“It’s just magical exertion, I will be fine in a second,” Twilight says wearily, as she is helped up by her friends. “Anyway, we have no time to wait around,” she adds, pointing toward the collapsed figure.

They walk towards the figure, finally able to take a good look.

“It looks a lot like a pony, doesn’t it?” asks Rarity.

“It looks like a unicorn,” states Applejack. “Look it even has a horn,” she says, pointing toward the top of its head, where armour covers a point on it’s forehead.

“It can’t be! Unicorns are not that strong,” states Rainbow Dash. “Umm, no offence,” she says, to the Unicorn and the once-Unicorn glaring at her.

Rarity, sighing, turns back to the figure and says in a worried tones, “Is it still even breathing?”

Rainbow Dash starts to panic in her head, ‘Has she killed it?

“Calm down, its most likely we can’t see it breathing is because it is wearing armour,” reassured Twilight. The rest of the girls sigh in relief.

“Can we get it out?” Fluttershy asks.

Twilight looks over the armour and says, “Sorry, I can’t see how?”

“Oo, let me have a go,” says Pinkie. She rushes forward and starts to fiddle with the helmet.

“Pinkie, be careful!” warns Twilight. Pinkie ignores her.

Nothing happens for a few minutes, then they hear a hissing noise like air getting released. “I did it!” Pinkie says happily. The girls crowd around, as Pinkie slowly removes the helmet. They didn't know what they were expecting, but it is not this. It is a Unicorn, a mare in fact! With jet black hair and a coat similar to Rainbow Dash. It has glowing scars across its face, which are fading quickly.

Pinkie breaks the silence, “That’s not an alien!”

“No, it’s not?” says Twilight confused. She turns to Pinkie and asks, “Can you remove the rest of the armour, Pinkie?”

“Okie, Dokie, Lokie,” Pinkie says, getting to work.

After a few minutes she had removed the armour, along with some bloody clothing too blood soaked to ever wear again. There revealed, is a young unicorn mare. She has cuts and wounds all over her body, and her fur is matted in blood. But they can see her chest is still rising and falling.

“She is really hurt,” Fluttershy says, concerned, “Maybe that’s why she attacked us. Because all the pain confused her?”

“You mean tried to kill us!” says Applejack bitterly.

“Wait, where are her weapons?” asks Twilight, looking around.

“Here they are,” says Pinkie, standing next to the small pile she had just made.

Twilight picks up one of the weapons. It is red with a boxy shaped body and handle with a pony skull on each side. It also has tally marks across its body. ‘I wonder what she was marking, kills perhaps?’ The thought sent shivers across her mind. There’s a lot of tally marks.

“Twilight, we really need to get back to town,” says Fluttershy with a serious look. “You and Rainbow Dash need to get your wounds cleaned, Applejack and Rarity need something to stop the swelling… and then there’s her?” Fluttershy finishes, pointing to the unconscious bloody mare.

“Let’s just leave her here,” growls Rainbow Dash, hate in her eyes.

Fluttershy gasps and then, to Rainbow Dash’s surprise, slaps her, “How can you say such a horrible thing, Dash?” scolds Fluttershy.

“She tried to kill us, Shy! I won’t care if she is eaten alive by Timber Wolves!” Rainbow Dash spat back.

The two continue to glare at each other.

ENOUGH!!” Twilight yells, glaring, “We won’t leave her here and that’s that!

Fluttershy smiles happily and Rainbow Dash looks betrayed, “But why?” she whines.

“We need answers, Rainbow! We won’t get any if she dies here!” Twilight explains crossly.

Rainbow Dash frowns, but accepts it.

"Alright girls!” Twilight says, going into full organizing mode. “Applejack could you carry her?” Applejack looks nervous but nods and starts walking toward the unconscious mare, “Then everypony else carry one item each and I’ll carry this one” holding up the one she had already been holding, “and the armour!” Twilight says, picking up the armour with her magic.

“Celestia! She’s heavy!” whines Applejack, lifting the mare up.

“What? She doesn’t look much heavier than me!” says Rarity, who has picked up the weapon that had been thrown at her before.

“You try! She nearly weighs just as much as Big Mac,” Applejack says, adjusting the mare to make sure she didn’t fall.

“Really? Let me try,” says Rainbow Dash, flying over to Applejack and trying to lift her up. Her eyes widen in surprise. “You’re right! She weighs a ton!”

This just makes Twilight more confused. How can she be so heavy? She must be pretty strong to be able to support her own weight. That then leads to a question that she thinks Applejack could answer.

“Applejack? Just how strong is she?” she asks, slightly dreading the answer.

Applejack winces at the memory of getting hit. “It is like getting hit by two Big Macs at once and in the same place.” She starts to rub her swollen cheek and then her eyes widen in realization, “And now I think about it, I don’t think she was trying to do more than knock me down before finishing me off!”

“What makes you say that?” asks Pinkie, as she picks up the long thick black rod.

“It was where she hit me. With the strength she used she could have easily broken my jaw or snapped my neck, and I don’t think she was even using her full strength either,” she says, frowning picking up her hat.

“What makes you think that she wasn’t using her full strength?” asks Fluttershy, who is carrying the odd silver round-shaped weapon that had been fired against the shield.

“Because!!” Applejack spat, “It looked like she was just slapping me, like Rarity slapping a naughty stallion. It was not even a real punch! And it was not the kind of strength that would be needed to tear through those thick doors!”

This worries Twilight. So not only is she super heavy, she is also super strong, and has weapons that spit death.

They start the walk back to Ponyville, deep in thought, worried and hoping that this strange and dangerous mare would stay unconscious for the journey.

All except Pinkie who suddenly jumps past giggling and swinging the black rod like a club.

“What are you doing, Pinkie?” asks Twilight.

“I’m trying to figure what this is? Oo, I bet it’s a club! For hitting ponies on the head. It’s heavy enough!” Pinkie says, now pretending to be a cavepony.

“Don’t be silly Pinkie,” Twilight says, shaking her head, “It’s not a club.”

“Oh,” says Pinkie, stopping and falling back into step behind Twilight. “Then what is it then?”

Twilight is about to answer when she realizes she didn't know. She didn't know what any of them were, actually.

“Does anypony know what these things are?” asks Twilight.

“I think these are guns,” states Rainbow Dash, who is holding the grey weapon that Rainbow Dash is sure had shot her down the first time.

“What’s a gun?” asks Twilight.

Rainbow Dash gave her a ‘really’ look and then sighed, “It’s like a small party cannon that you hold in your hooves and it fires metal instead of confetti.”

“That sound dangerous,” Rarity says, while trying pry open the flaps on the dark grey weapon she is carrying, but with no luck.

“Duh, it is a weapon,” says Rainbow Dash, rolling her eyes, then she starts to shake her own weapon.

“What are you two doing anyway?” asks Twilight.

“I’m trying to get it to unfold, dear,” says Rarity, who is examining the underside of it.

“Unfold?” Twilight says confused.

“When it hit me I closed my eyes because of the pain, and when I opened them it was like this” Rarity says, holding it up.

“Yeah mine was bigger too!” agrees Rainbow Dash.

“Odd…” says Twilight puzzled.

“Umm, Twilight” Applejack calls out, sounding nervous.

“What is it?” Twilight replies.

“I think she’s starting to wake up!” Applejack says, her voice betraying the panic she’s starting to feel.

To their horror, they see she is stirring - a slight twitch here and there, and her eyelids are starting to flutter.

“Oh no! What are we going to do, Twilight!?!” asks Fluttershy starting to panic.

“I don’t know!?!” Twilight says, actually panicking.


The mare slumps back down onto Applejack’s back. Pinkie is standing there with the black rod and a very surprised look on her face.

PINKIE, WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!” yells Twilight, shocked.

“I panicked!” says Pinkie, also shocked at her own action.

Fluttershy walks over to her and put a hoof near her face, “She is fine, she just unconscious.”

Everypony, now a lot calmer thanks to Pinkie Pie, restart their walk back to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

This took far too long to edit.
Also comment, I like feed back.
As long as it's feed back and not insults.
Also let celebrate, it's over 10,000 words.

EDIT: Wow! I thought I was going to get a shitstorm about this chapter.
That bit of a relief really.
Still, get you with the next chapter :)