• Published 5th Aug 2014
  • 11,348 Views, 451 Comments

CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades - Diespitris

It is up to Twilight Sparkle to find a way to protect the Crystal Empire on her own. Yet, when its former king offers her a helping hoof, she has two choices: befriend him, or reveal him. Despite her choice, there will be consequences to face.

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Chapter Eleven : First Lesson as Darkness' Disciple

“What is the difference between dark magic and benign magic?”

“Benign magic is more natural than dark magic. While it can be found in almost everything, dark magic can not. It is what connects earth ponies to the earth, pegasi to the sky, and its the kind of magic that unicorns can directly manipulate with their horns.” Twilight held her hoof close enough to the fire to warm it. “Nothing and no one is brought into this world naturally imbued with dark magic.”

Across the way, Sombra nodded. “Correct, and that is because dark magic is born from benign magic.”

“Yes, it's a twisted version of its former self.”

“So, what causes magic to become corrupted in such a manner?”

Her eyes narrowed as she gazed into the flames. It was difficult to bring any information on the topic to mind, since dark magic was one of the few subjects that Princess Celestia outright refused to teach her. She didn't even know dark magic was real until she made one fateful venture into the Canterlot Royal Library when she was a filly. The library, of course, was where she spent the majority of her time when she wasn't under her teacher's instruction. She handled the overwhelming amount of literature systematically and, as the months passed, it was only a matter of time before she began to pluck tomes from the Starswirl the Bearded Wing. Books and reports ranging from time travel to alchemy were at her disposal.

Then, she came across a bizarre tome that was bound in leather.


The tiny filly eyed the book suspiciously as she levitated it off the top shelf. Her levitation, still unstable at the time, didn't keep it in the air for long; it landed on the floor with a flinch-inducing “thud!” She coughed when the thick layer of dust on its cover was disturbed. Through the irritating fog, she caught a whiff of the ancient leather. “Whoa,” she whispered, running a hoof over the uncanny binding.

She had never seen the material before. Prior readings told her that while it was used during Equestria's earliest years, it was currently considered both tasteless and morbid to so much as own anything of the sort. It was fascinating, and a little unnerving. Slowly, she opened the book to the first page. There was no author that she could see, so she continued turning pages until she reached some text: “Of all Equestrian forces, magic is the most abundant, powerful, and unpredictable force known to equine-kind. Given its nature, its understandable that dark magic would prove far more dangerous and terrifying.”

Her curiosity still peaked, she kept reading. “History has recorded only a couple incidents where it was proven to have reared its ugly head. The most recent, and the most disturbing, case that I was involved in was that of Jade Sugar. She, her husband Cinnamon Sugar, and their two foals were residents of Hoofington, where they owned a rather successful sweet shop. They lead a happy, peaceful life, up until the tragic death of their—”

She squeaked in surprise as the book suddenly lit up with a golden aura and slammed shut before her eyes. “Oh, dear,” sighed a nearby voice. “I thought I had hidden this one away.”

Twilight spun around, peering up at the approaching pony. “Princess Celestia!”

The Sun Princess chuckled and shook her head as she levitated the book away from her apprentice. “I apologize for interrupting your reading, Twilight, but this book is not for young fillies like yourself.”

“Why not? What's it about? It mentioned dark magic, but dark magic doesn't really exist... does it?”

Frowning, Princess Celestia kneeled beside her pupil—gently draping a warm, soft wing over her small body. “I will not lie to you, young one. Dark magic does, in fact, exist in our world.”

Twilight nuzzled the familiar feathers. “Whoa, really?” she whispered. “What can it do, Princess? Is it like those stories you always read to me, where it transforms princes into monsters and ponies into dragons?”

“I'm afraid it's not quite as harmless as that. It's a dangerous force, Twilight. It twists, corrupts, and destroys all that it touches.”

“Are you going to teach me how to use it someday?”

“I'm afraid not, for I've seen far too many of my little ponies fall to its temptation. All I can teach you is how to avoid and protect yourself against it.” She glanced at the tome, a look of worry sculpted on her divine face. “Someday, when you're older, I'll allow you to read this. Then, you'll understand why nopony should ever trifle with the forbidden arts.”


“Bit for your thoughts, Twilight?”

Lifting her head to look at him, Twilight realized that she was so caught up in the memory that she failed to think over his question. Her embarassment made her blush. “Sorry, Sombra,” she mumbled. “I was thinking about something else.”

“It's all right. Care to tell me what you were thinking?”

“Well, I was thinking back to when Princess Celestia told me that dark magic actually existed. Before, I believed it to be nothing more than a story element fabricated by adults to frighten their foals into behaving themselves. But, when I was only eight years old, I came across a strange tome in the Royal Library.” She shuddered. “It was bound in leather, and it was the first book I ever read that mentioned dark magic. I didn't get to read the whole thing, though. Princess Celestia took it from me before I got to the next page. She said that I wasn't old enough to read it.”

A chuckle rumbled in Sombra's throat. “Well, in all honesty, dark magic is a rather macabre subject for an eight-year-old filly.”

“Yeah, she wasn't wrong, but she did let me read it eventually. Shortly before I left Canterlot to live in Ponyville, I took the time to pick up where I left off. I discovered that it was the journal of a Royal Guard who lived over two hundred years ago. He used it to keep a few case reports of crimes committed with dark magic.” Her brow knitted together. “They were... sad, like unfortunate gamblers who used it to rob stores and banks, and victims of domestic violence who used it against their abusers. The most disturbing case, however, was dubbed the 'Hoofington Incident.' It involved the Sugars—an earth pony couple who owned a candy store there.” She sighed sadly. “Well, they lost one of their two foals to pneumonia. The mother, Jade Sugar, slipped into a deep depression and, according to information recovered by the guard, she began to disappear for short periods of time. During one of those absences, she stole multiple scrolls from Hoofington's public library. During another, she... she dug up her son's coffin and stored it in the basement of their home. She turned to dark magic in an attempt to bring him back from the dead.”

“Goodness, I hope she wasn't successful.”

“She wasn't.” She crossed her forelegs. “Since the foal's body wasn't large enough to contain the kind of magic needed to reanimate him, Jade stored it in a bloodstone instead—forming a magical connection between her son and the gemstone. But, she messed up the spell.” She glanced at Sombra. “She ended up projecting the spell, instead of containing it.”

The stallion opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it again when Twilight held up her hoof. “No, it didn't raise the dead,” she interrupted. “The signal wasn't strong enough to alter the deceased, including Jade's foal. No, the dark magic caused Hoofington's pegasus population to turn violent.”

“What? Why the pegasi?”

“My guess is that the pegasi were afflicted because Jade's son was a pegasus. His magical link to the signal caused the dark magic to seek out only other pegasi. Anyway, it was absolute chaos. The pegasi physically assaulted everypony they could get their hooves on. Some ponies were even lifted high into the air, only to be dropped a short time later. A lot of ponies were critically injured and some were even killed. Cinnamon Sugar, Jade's husband, was even affected by the signal due to the pegasus blood in his veins. So, believing that he could fly, he jumped off the roof of their shop. He lived, but he broke most of the bones in his body as a result of the impact.”

Humming, Sombra held a hoof to his chin. “I've never heard of dark magic backfiring in such an unnerving manner,” he said. “When and how were the pegasi stopped?”

“Oh, the chaos went on for about two hours, until Jade finally emerged from her basement after she gave up on reviving her son. As soon as she discovered her husband, she discovered the horrors she unleashed upon Hoofington. She then returned to the basement and she destroyed the bloodstone herself. Once the signal was gone, the pegasi returned to normal. Well, as normal as they could be, given their ordeal. It's only natural that they demanded Jade's life when she was finally arrested.”

“Was she executed?”

“No, she was imprisoned in an asylum. The guard mentioned that her husband began to see a psychiatrist once he was discharged from the hospital, as did many of Hoofington's residents.” Twilight frowned. “With that story in mind, as well as the others from the case reports, it's safe to say that the most common form of dark magic is born when a pony's natural magic is corrupted by his or her negative emotions.”

Sombra nodded. “Yes, when the heart falls into darkness, magic has a tendency to follow,” he replied, his voice deep with a grim seriousness. “That's why we must take great caution, Twilight. Fear, anger, sorrow, bitterness... There are so many emotions that can be embraced to call upon dark magic. As frightening as it sounds, you will have to embrace these emotions as well.” Absentmindedly, he smoothed a wrinkle out of his cloak. “Part of you probably knew that, however.”

Twilight grimaced as a myriad of past thoughts flashed across her mind's eye—the same thoughts she used to first ignite the corrupted power when Sombra's door got in her way. “I guess I do know the basics, at least,” she muttered. “But, is it normal to feel a chill inside you when you use it?”

“Yes, it's normal. Trust me. While it may be uncomfortable, it's a better feeling than satisfaction.” He looked into the fire. “You don't want to like using dark magic. Once you begin to like it, you lose.”

Unknowing how to properly respond, she watched his face as he drifted into memories more demanding of his attention. She could see the flames as they reflected off his eyes. Those rich, emerald orbs reminded her of a few things she hadn't recollected in a while. Applejack's eyes were green, though they were a lighter shade of the color. Fluttershy's were kind of green. If she had to guess the name of the exact shade of teal, then they were aquamarine. If anything, the color of Sombra's eyes more closely matched the color of Spike's.

Spike... The girls...

She dropped her gaze to peer at the ground. She missed them, she was so worried about them. Yet, despite the Alicorn Amulet around Trixie's neck and in light of her own absence, she clung to the hope that their bond would protect Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack from the vengeful unicorn. Hang on, girls, she thought, gently biting down on her tongue. Princess Celestia made me her student for a reason. I'll have dark magic down in no time! Granted, she wouldn't like it if she knew I was learning it, especially from Sombra, but I need it to save you and the Crystal Empire. I just need a little bit more time. Just... watch out for each other until then. I will come for you, I promise!

Author's Note:

Thus, the training begins!

If the story of Jade Sugar sounds familiar, it's because it was inspired by this fanfiction. (Don't read it before going to bed! It's terrifying as hell!)