• Published 5th Aug 2014
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CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades - Diespitris

It is up to Twilight Sparkle to find a way to protect the Crystal Empire on her own. Yet, when its former king offers her a helping hoof, she has two choices: befriend him, or reveal him. Despite her choice, there will be consequences to face.

  • ...

Chapter Seventeen : Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Ponyville was blanketed in a thick layer of fog. Twilight didn't consider herself a fan of it at the moment, considering she could hardly see her own hoof when she held it in front of her eyes. But, she knew she was home. Despite the impossibly soup-like nature of the mist, she could easily identify the distinct shapes of the Golden Oaks Library and Sugarcube Corner in the distance. What little light was present lead her to believe it was either early in the day, or late in the afternoon, yet she couldn't see or hear another soul. There was only dead silence.

“Hello?” she called. Her voice echoed. “Is there anypony out there?”

Upon being met with silence, she then walked forward—her hoofsteps muffled by the dirt road on which she strolled. It wasn't long before she came across the empty marketplace, where she stopped. While the streets were, as usual, lined with stalls, there was nopony around to sell wares. She sighed, dragging one of her front hooves across the cold, soft soil. Between the mist and the sheer, unforgiving emptiness... Twilight felt so very, very alone.

It was more frightening than anything, because it was just as familiar to her as the marketplace—as Ponyville was as a whole. She recognized it as the same oppressive sensation that nearly drove her to the point of no return when Discord turned her friends into selfish, lying, and all-around unpleasant jerks. And, not too long ago, it returned in full-force following her bold confrontation at her brother's wedding rehearsal.

She drew in a shaky breath. “Where is everypony?” she whispered. Her ears pressed flat against her head as she stepped forward. “Hello? Please, someone...! Someone answer me! Please!” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes—threatening to cascade down her face at any given moment.

It seemed her simple prayer saw fit to fulfill itself only when she was on the verge of tears, for it was then she finally heard a noise. She perked up, swiveling her ears to catch the sound once more. It was a faint scraping, reminiscent of somepony dragging their hooves. “Who's there?” she called, galloping ahead. She ran until she passed a small, hidden road that wound its way between two or three houses. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement there. Cautiously, she back-tracked and peeked around the corner.

Much to her delight, she discovered her eyes had not played a nasty trick on her. Within the alleyway stood a tall figure. The silhouette told her it was another pony; the flick of their tail lead her to believe she was currently faced with their backside. “Um, excuse me,” she called softly. “Can... Can you help me?”

They turned their head, regarding her with a suspicious brand of curiosity.

She bit down on her bottom lip. “I'm afraid I don't know where everypony's gone. Would you happen to know?” She nervously awaited an answer, even stepping closer in hopes of evoking one.

However, when she neared the other pony, something strange occurred. As though agitated, they grunted and shuffled their hooves. The movements became somewhat erratic—traveling up their body until the quakes plagued only their head.

Twilight was taken aback by the anomaly. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Do you need help?”

Somewhere in the distance, the school bell rang without warning. Its dull, even tones echoed over Ponyville, though it was hardly the innocent sound associated with the end of a school day. The bell sounded louder than usual—droning and ominous.

The unicorn's blood ran cold. “That's not right,” she muttered, looking in the direction of the schoolhouse. “Why does it sound—?” She returned her gaze to the only other soul around, and she screamed. She was face-to-face with her twitchy acquaintance. She was mistaken to assume they were a pony. The spasmodic face inches from her own wasn't even really a face; it was a stitched-together collage of burlap stretched tightly over its head, which was attached to a quadrupedal, fur-less body clad in a filthy smock.

She had no idea what the creature was, but she didn't stick around to find out. She ran.

She fled from the marketplace, into the open streets of Ponyville. As the bell continued to groan, the sky darkened. It was a blackness that transformed into a nightmarish downpour—poisoning and corrupting Twilight's surroundings. Walls cracked, paint peeled, glass shattered. Foliage, trees and flowers alike, wilted and died.

A choked sob hitched in her throat when she saw it happen to the Golden Oaks Library, but her path didn't change. Just as the dilapidation touched the door, she forced it open and she threw herself inside. It took little effort to pull the books from their shelves and pile them in front of the door to form a makeshift barricade. “Spike!” she cried, unaware of the tears on her face. “Are you here?!”

The pounding on the front door was her only reply. It was loud, forceful, and it was definitely not the baby dragon. Twilight flinched, distancing herself from the frightening noise. “No, go away,” she whispered. “Please, leave me alone.”

A harsh scratching joined the knocking, as if to purposely defy her. She ran into the kitchen, where she ducked under the table and promptly covered her ears. “Go away, go away, go away!” Stars, she felt so pathetic and powerless. She tried her best to shut it all out, so much so that she was unaware of the cleansing light that suddenly poured in through the windows.

The darkness was banished, and blue skies reigned over Ponyville once more.

Through the haze of her fear, however, she heard a normal knock at the door... and a familiar voice. “Twilight Sparkle? My friend, are you in there?”

Cautious and curious, the unicorn slowly emerged from beneath the table. “Who's there?” she called as she ventured to the front entrance. Given the sunshine now illuminating her home, she was willing to chance it. She pulled the door open with a single magical tug, and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. “P-P-Princess Luna?!” she gasped.

Sure enough, the Lunar Princess herself stood on her front step with a look of concern on her face. “Yes, 'tis I,” she replied. “Given the state of things, I should have been here a lot sooner.”

Twilight nodded rapidly—resisting the urge to throw her forelegs around the alicorn out of sheer joy. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you!” she exclaimed. “I have no idea where everyone went! They're gone! I-I think those monsters—!”

Luna stepped forward, wrapping a wing around the young mare. “Twilight, Twilight,” she gently interrupted. “Do not fret. Everyone is fine. You are dreaming.”

“... What?”

“This is all a dream, my friend.” She offered a kind smile. “There are no real monsters, nopony is really missing.”

Twilight's brow furrowed. “Then, how are you...?”

The alicorn laughed. “It's a new trick my sister taught me! Impressive, is it not?” Respectfully, but urgently, she ushered Twilight back inside. “And, before you ask, I am as real as you are, my friend. Well, as real as one can be in this realm.” They seated themselves at the center table, where Luna made herself comfortable.

Twilight plopped down on one of the floor cushions as she wracked her brain to process the bombardment of information. “So, all of this is a dream,” she muttered.

The Lunar Princess nodded.

“But, you are not a dream, nor are you physically here.”

She nodded again.

“Your consciousness, through the use of a new spell, is here, but your physical body is still in Canterlot?”

Grinning, Luna nodded once more. “Celestia rightfully deemed it 'dream-walking.' It's a wonderful creation that will allow me to spend time with our subjects, even at night. Though, it will take me a while to perfect its usage. It's a miracle I was able to get into your dream at all.”

“But, why visit me?”

“I simply wished to check in on you and the others.” She then chuckled. “With the added bonus of showing off this new power. I knew you, of all ponies, would appreciate its craft and creation.”

Twilight's mind reeled. She did find herself fascinated by this uncanny spell, especially since her teacher created it specifically for Princess Luna. It was so much to absorb, and it was hard to restrain herself from asking all the questions she possessed regarding the so-called “dream-walking.” Stay on track, Twilight, she scolded herself. You can write Princess Celestia about it later.

Still, there was a part of her that dismissed the Princess Luna sitting beside her as another figment of this lucid dream. Yet, now that she was aware she was dreaming... it all made sense, and the awareness hit her like a tidal wave. Of course I'm not in Ponyville, she mused, blushing in embarrassment over her earlier behavior. I'm still in the Crystal Empire!

No, not quite right. Her friends were within the safety of the Crystal Empire's shield, with her brother and Spike and Cadance and Trixie.

Wait, Trixie...?

Twilight's heart rate suddenly skyrocketed, her eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. “Trixie!” she gasped, leaping up onto her hooves. She then spun to face Luna, who flinched at the unpredicted movement. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh! You're really here, aren't you?!”

Startled, Princess Luna's mouth fell open. “I... I'm sorry? Did I not make that clear?”

“Yes, but...!” She stopped herself, shaking her head. “That's not important! I need your help!”

“What's wrong?”

Automatically, the unicorn's legs carried her back and forth in a pace. “Oh, it's such a long story,” she murmured. Where could she begin? More importantly, what could she leave out...? The topic of Sombra was out of the question. To tell Luna of his return would break the promise she made him, and the circumstances surrounding the disappearance and then reappearance of her horn was much too bizarre to comprehend, even for her.

Biting down on her lip, she glanced at her silent friend. “Do you know of the Alicorn Amulet?” she asked.

Luna stared at her. Her expression was completely stoic. Albeit, there was a slight wobble in her knees, which the unicorn didn't notice. “Yes,” was her simple, yet cautious, reply.

Then, that was where Twilight began her tale. She was calculating with her choice of information, while remaining as honest as possible. Trixie possessed the Alicorn Amulet, which she used to not only brainwash the crystal ponies into thinking her their Queen, but to make the Crystal Empire's shield impenetrable. Plus, she had her friends and family as hostages. It was the truth, with only a few minor details omitted. Once she got through it all, she eagerly awaited Princess Luna's reaction.

But, the alicorn's eyes were fixated on the floor. “Are you certain the item is the Alicorn Amulet?” she whispered.

“Unless my copy of Tales of Equestria's Lost Antiquities was horrifically mislabeled as a work of nonfiction, then I'm almost one hundred percent sure it's the amulet.”

Sighing, Luna ran a hoof down her face. “No wonder your dream was blighted...” She came to rest said hoof against her chest as she deeply inhaled, then exhaled. “I will inform Celestia of this unfortunate series of events at once,” she added, her voice carrying a stronger sense of certainty. “Between the two of us, I'm positive our magic trumps Trixie's power.”

There were no words to describe the immense relief that washed over Twilight. “Thank goodness,” she breathed. “I only wish I was able to tell you sooner, but without Spike I—”

“It's alright, my friend.” Luna again reached out with a wing. “Everything will be all right. We'll do all we can to—”

Without warning, their surroundings wobbled. Like gelatin, the bookshelves trembled. Some of the tomes faded in and out of existence, while the floor buckled beneath their hooves. “What's happening?” yelped Twilight.

“You are waking up!” replied Luna. She jumped into the air, spreading her wings and bringing the unicorn with her in a bubble of azure magic. “Your dream is falling apart!”

Piece by piece, the Golden Oaks Library dissipated into the vast, starry void that was the dreamscape. And, somewhere in the distance, a voice called Twilight's name. It was far away, yet growing closer. The vanishing dream didn't matter anymore, as the unicorn was instead drawn to the voice. It was deep, urgent, familiar.

Is that...?

Luna swiveled her ears, taking notice of the new sound. “Who is that?” she asked, bewildered.

Twilight's heart jumped into her throat. As such, she opted for the simple solution of pretending not to hear. “Uh, what?”

“I hear a voice.”

“Oh, really? I don't hear anything.” Oh, no...

The Moon Princess, eyes wide, glanced in her direction. “Is there somepony with you?”

“No. What makes you say that?” Wake up!

Her brow furrowed. “Perhaps it is merely a product of the awakening process...” she muttered, touching a hoof to her chin. She couldn't quite call herself an expert on dreams just yet. Although, she knew with certainty that literally anything could happen; disembodied voices weren't farfetched. However, when the unknown presence called out for the unicorn again, she quickly threw her doubt out the metaphorical window. “That is a voice!” she hissed.

Even in her dream-state, Twilight felt her heart beat a little faster. “No it's not!” Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Twilight Sparkle!

The unicorn squeezed her eyes shut. C'mon, c'mon! Wakeupwakeupwakeupwake—!

The remainder of the dream finally fell away, and Twilight woke up. She cried out, her limbs scrambling against the warm dust of the cave floor. Almost immediately, there were hooves on her, and the same voice from her dream again spoke to her. She looked up with a start, and saw Sombra standing over her.

“Twilight,” he said, for what felt like the hundredth time. “Easy, it's me.”

Groaning, she rubbed her eyes. “Yes, I can see that,” she grumbled.

“You were talking in your sleep.”

She blinked. “I was?” Weird. She couldn't recall anything worth talking about, other than the eerie sense of relaxation she now felt. I must have had a weird dream, she thought, standing to stretch out her legs. “So, how was the reconnaissance?” she asked.

“Enlightening, but troubling.”

“What's wrong?”

Sombra appeared to deflate in response to the question. His head lowered, his ears folded back. “We have less time than I thought,” he whispered. “Trixie's coronation is tomorrow night.”


“We have to act quickly—”

“What about my family, my friends?”

“Trixie split them up. But, physically, they're unharmed.”

It would have been a lie for Twilight to say she liked the news. She took what she was given, however. “Is there any chance for me to be ready by tomorrow night?” she softly asked.

He shook his head. “I won't lie to you. I thought we had an honest shot by cramming weeks of instructions and teachings into a few days, at least, but it can't be done in that short of time. I'm so sorry.”

“But, you just started teaching me!” She felt her knees quake. “I-I can't take on Trixie that soon!”

Sombra bit down on his lip. Stars, she looked like she would start crying at any second. “I know it seems hopeless,” he said, placing a hoof on her shoulder, “but I'm not going to let you face her alone.”

She perked up a little. “Pardon?”

“I'm not sending you into the manticore's den by yourself.” Effortlessly, he used his magic to pull parchment and a quill off the shelf. “As I said before, in spite of this troubling bit of information, my venture was not in vain. We have at least two things working in our favor—things we can use.”

Twilight seated herself in front of him—fresh hope in her heart. “And they are...?”

“First of all, the shield isn't as powerful as Trixie thinks. I'll be able to get you inside without her knowing.” He smiled. “And, secondly, your pink friend convinced her to hold a masquerade ball. Now, I have a plan. If I'm right, and if everything goes accordingly, that alone will be the key to her undoing.”


Princess Luna's body violently shuddered as her consciousness abruptly returned from the dreamscape. Her muscles twitched uncontrollably, her legs flailed, and she promptly went tumbling off the cushioned dais she'd been using. She gasped upon hitting the floor—a noise loud enough to alert the trio of Lunar Guards that soon burst into her room. “Princess?!” one called.

“Are you alright?” inquired another.

Gritting her teeth, Luna stood. “I'm fine,” she replied. As though her fall never happened, she turned to the guards and asked, “Would any of you happen to know the whereabouts of my sister at this hour?”

They were taken aback, and they exchanged bewildered looks. “Princess Celestia is in her chambers,” a mare—the only one amongst them—finally answered.

“Asleep,” added one of her cohorts.

That bit of information should have seemed completely obvious to the Moon Princess, and she mentally scolded herself for it, but she concealed her embarrassment well. Holding her head high, she strolled past the other ponies. “I have an important matter to discuss with her,” she said. “Please, remain here. I will return shortly.”

Albeit confused, the trio bowed—a silent agreement to obey her order. Not that she ever doubted their loyalty, of course, but this was a venture she had to make on her own. Once she was out of their collective sight, she took off down the corridor. Like a bat straight out of Tartarus, she flew through the hallways at an unbelievable speed. Her teeth continued to gnash together. How did a mere magician get her hooves on the Alicorn Amulet?!

A single thought resonated in the back of her mind, causing her to drift into a halting skid in front of Celestia's bedroom door. The robberies...! They had to be connected to the string of thefts; all of it aligned too perfectly. Although, she couldn't imagine why such a relic had not been confiscated and confined within the safety of the castle in the first place. It certainly should have been, a long time ago, but perhaps her sister possessed the necessary information to explain herself.

“Celestia!” she yelled, pulling the door open.

The other alicorn, who was in bed, immediately jolted into a sitting position—her mussed hair sticking out in an almost hilarious number of positions. “What?! What is it, Luna?!” she half-grumbled, half-yelped.

Luna ran to the side of her sister's bed. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in grave danger.” She gave no warning as she proceeded to then yank the covers off her sibling's sluggish form. “Arise, at once!”

Celestia didn't protest as she rolled off the bed, onto her hooves. “What has happened?” she asked.

“We must go to the Crystal Empire. A unicorn by the name of Trixie has taken control of it and its ponies.” She approached the taller mare, her demeanor urgent. “She has the Alicorn Amulet, sister.”

As though she experienced a slap to the face, the Sun Princess fiercely flinched. “And you're certain of this information?” she inquired. “From where did you receive it?”

“Twilight herself told me of their situation. I was able to visit her through means of the dream-walking spell you taught me.”

Just like that, the older sister was conflicted. On one hoof, she was thrilled to hear her spell worked. On the other, however, she was filled with dread; she never wanted to be right when something was wrong. “And we're certain it's the Alicorn Amulet?” she asked softly, her voice carrying a pleading edge.

“I asked the same thing. Yet, she is your student, my friend, and I trust her judgment.”

Celestia closed her eyes. “You're right. We must take action.”

“But, first, we must plan.”

“Do we have the time?”

“Twilight Sparkle is exiled, but safe, and it's safe to assume no bodily harm will come to the others as long as they make valuable hostages. It is wise to go in with a well thought-out plan, or our presence will endanger them. You know the outcome is possible.”

The Sun Princess's head lowered. “It's Sombra all over again...”

“The similarities are jarring. Of course, this Trixie is no Sombra. There is, perhaps, room for reason this time around. Yet, we will prevail in one manner or another. Have faith.” With a small smile, Luna passed a hairbrush to her sister. “Now, tidy up, and I will fetch a fresh pot of coffee.”

Said sister gratefully took the item. “That sounds lovely, Luna.”

“Well, we will certainly need it.”

Celestia continued to brush her hair as she watched the Moon Princess head out the door. Now alone with her thoughts, the process of fixing her mane became automatic, and her eyes drifted to the window. Outside, the unnatural lights of the Crystal Empire could still be seen. How much turmoil must the crystal ponies bear before they can finally live their lives in peace?

Sighing, she returned the brush to its rightful place on the vanity table. She knew Trixie. Not personally, but her personal student had described the unicorn in detail—as was often the case when it came to new faces in Twilight's life—in a past letter. Trixie was a traveling magician, a performer, a teller of grand stories. She carried an air of arrogance and selfishness, but not cruelty. No... Amulet or no amulet, she was no Sombra.

An imaginative, lively magician could never hope to stand on the same ground as a heartless, wicked warlock.

Author's Note:

Holy cow, this is long-overdue.

Enjoy this chapter, inspired by my morbid fascination with everything Silent Hill.