• Published 5th Aug 2014
  • 11,351 Views, 451 Comments

CoH (Book One) : Of Magic and Masquerades - Diespitris

It is up to Twilight Sparkle to find a way to protect the Crystal Empire on her own. Yet, when its former king offers her a helping hoof, she has two choices: befriend him, or reveal him. Despite her choice, there will be consequences to face.

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Chapter Nineteen : Within the Crystal Walls

Spike hated everything about his forced position: dusting, polishing, washing. All of it was terrible. The stupid maid apron he was forced to wear was the worse part, however. It was black and white, which wasn't so bad, but the stupid lace... It looked like a dress at first glance, which he suspected was the cruel intention. It was fancy, frilly, and obviously meant for a filly. He ripped it off in frustration numerous times to make it more bearable.

Unfortunately, Princess Cadance was always the one to fix it as soon as she saw it. Every time, she was surprised. “Oh, no! Your apron!” she always exclaimed, as if in horror. “Don't worry, Spike, I won't let you walk around Queen Trixie's halls without looking your best. I'll fix it for you!”

And, oh, how he wanted to scream, “Trixie can fall off a cliff for all I care!” That was truly how he felt, too. He wasn't a maid, and the magician wasn't his ruler. Yet, he was unable to throw a tantrum and proclaim his feelings, because he knew better. Cadance wasn't to blame. She wasn't the one who brainwashed the crystal ponies—wasn't the one who exiled Twilight to the freezing cold.


The baby dragon turned away from the bookshelf he was halfheartedly dusting. He missed her. He missed home. With a forlorn sigh, he dropped the feather duster and he looked around the silent guest room. Cadance left him a while ago to retrieve clean rags, and the other servants were scattered about the palace—all preoccupied with tidying up for the coronation. There was never a more perfect time for a break, and Spike took full advantage of it.

On carefully quiet feet, he left the lifeless room in favor of the chaotic mess that was Rarity's workspace. It set on the second floor, and was once one of the many empty rotundas. Now, however, it was the unicorn's appointed prison. Rolls and scraps of fabric were strewn about the floor, accompanied by ribbon, lace, crystal shards, and even bits and pieces of metal. Yet, the bright colors seemed dull in the light of Rarity's stress.

She stood at an armored ponnequin, furiously chipping designs into the metal with the combined efforts of her magic and a chisel. It was only one set of many, and the sweat dripping down her lethargic face spoke of how long and hard she'd been working. Spike was hesitant to bother her. The desire for her company, however, guided him forward. “Rarity?” he softly called.

He was startled by the chisel thrown at him—clacking off the wall next to his head. “They're not done yet, you impatient brutes!” the seamstress shrieked. She held a pair of shears menacingly above her head, and the dragon shrank from her crazed gaze to take cover behind a ponnequin.

“Whoa, whoa!” he cried. “Rarity, it's me! It's Spike!”

Silently stunned, her eyes widened in recognition. She slowly lowered the scissors as tears of guilt gathered at the corners of her eyes. “Oh, oh Spikey,” she breathed. “I'm so sorry. I thought you were another one of Trixie's goons.” Her legs trembled. Not even a second later, her rear dropped onto the floor like a rock. “Oh, Celestia, I'm so tired.”

Spike ran to her side. “When's the last time you slept?”

She groaned. “I honestly can't remember. Every time I attempt to rest my eyes, a guard saunters in here and demands their new suit of armor. Even Shining Armor heckled me to hurry it along! Oh, I don't know how much more of this I can take...”

“Don't give up, Rarity! We'll get out of here any day now!”

“You really think so?”

“Twilight's still out there. I'm sure she managed to get to Canterlot! It's only a matter of time before the Princesses show up and kick Trixie's butt!”

Rarity allowed him to help her onto a nearby cushion. “Oh, Spike, I hope it's true,” she replied, resting her chin on her forelegs.

Spike twiddled his thumbs. It nearly broke his heart, seeing his friend so exhausted and disheveled. He couldn't imagine the state of the others, especially with Applejack still toiling away in the kitchens and Rainbow Dash confined to a cell. Thinking of them made him feel guilty. Compared to their servitude, his was a walk in the park.

He almost left the unicorn as she slipped into a nap, until a soft noise of movement came from the doorway. Rarity heard it as well, and she looked up in alarm. “What was that?” she asked, her voice quiet with fear.

“Hold on, I'll check it out.” He carefully moved to investigate the source of the noise. He feared it was Cadance at first—ready and willing to drag him back to work. Nopony was there, however, only a small cardboard box. Rarity's name was written neatly on one of the loose flaps. He picked it up and he carried it to the seamstress. “Hey, you got a package!” he exclaimed.

She raised a brow. “A package? Let me see.”

Gently, he set the box before her, which she opened with her magic. A loud, startling gasp from her made him jump as she lifted a polished, crystal item into the air. “It's a brush!” she joyfully cried, her eyes sparkling like diamonds. “Oh, Spike, someone brought me a brush!” Exhilarated by the unexpected gift, she looked into the box to see if there was more. She was surprised to see the bottom lined with colorful confetti, in which set a small note. It read, “Your friend said you really, really, REALLY needed this. We hope it makes you smile. Keep it secret and safe. C.S.

“C.S.?” she whispered.

“What?” inquired Spike.

She showed him the note, which he immediately read. “Who the hay is C.S.?” he mused. He glanced at the confetti. “I thought for sure this was from Pinkie Pie. It sounds like something she would do.”

“Oh, Spikey, this is from Pinkie Pie.” She nuzzled the brush. “I just know it! Oh, I should've known Trixie's dreadful magic wasn't strong enough to truly take Pinkie from us! I'm so grateful to her and her friend for this.” She couldn't recall the last time a mere hairbrush looked so beautiful. It filled her with a welling sense of hope she thought she'd never feel again in this dismal place. She had confidence in Twilight, yes, but to know for a fact one of her friends was able to shake the brainwashing was almost enough to make her weep.

There was the matter of her mysterious friend, of course, but Rarity neither worried or surprised. Pinkie worked in mysterious ways.

With a content sigh, the unicorn proceeded to brush her hair—the clean feeling washing over her like a refreshing Spring breeze. Yes, she would be all right.


Beryl Prose stared in horror at the unconscious beast lying at her hooves. It was a crystal sheep—a ram, judging by the horns. But, what happened to the poor thing? The horns were too large, and the ram itself was unusually hostile. She was fortunate she was so quick with her magic, or the animal would have put her in a world of hurt. This was surely Trixie's doing. There was no other explanation. Only she would concoct such a monstrosity for guarding the palace corridors.

She silently thanked Celestia the ram's armor wasn't magic-resistant. There was only a short period of time before he awakened, however, and so she quickly went on her way. It was hard to tell where the guards and their... pets were stationed. The only guards she spotted so far were out patrolling the streets. Yet, there was nopony at the front doors and it was surprisingly easy to get inside.

Trixie was awfully content in her position of power, it seemed, as her arrogance dictated. If, for whatever unfathomable reason, Beryl were in her horseshoes she would've sealed up all the doors and windows with barrier spells accessible only by herself and her most trusted staff. On top of that, she would've kept the guards in the same building she inhabited, not that she wasn't relieved by the lack of defenses. It was a lot less to deal with.

The hallways felt empty up until she reached the third floor, when a soft, cheery humming drew her into a room that appeared to be a study. The back wall was lined with sparkling bookcases. Set before them was a large desk of polished crystal. Dusting said desk was a friendly face Beryl had longed to see. “Cadance!” she exclaimed.

The pegasus (as Trixie had obviously returned her wings), startled, dropped her feather duster. “Huh?” she gasped. “Who's there?”

Containing her enthusiasm, Beryl calmly approached her; she struggled as to not recite their typical rhyme and dance. “Oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to startle you,” she said.

Picking up her cleaning tool, Cadance chuckled. “It's all right! No harm done. What's your name? I don't believe we've met before.”

“I'm Twi—Beryl Prose.”

“Pretty! So, what brings you to this little corner of the palace? Did Queen Trixie send you?”

Her ears folded against her head. She couldn't detect any irritation or ill-will in the other mare's voice. It wilted her previous joy, as Cadance was just as deluded as everypony else, and now she had to think on her hooves. “Uh, y-yes, I was sent by our mighty Queen,” she hastily replied, feeling sick for saying it. “I-I just saw you in here and I was curious as to what you were doing. That's all.” She smiled, glancing rapidly around the room.

Cadance blinked. “Oh, well, I'm the Palacekeeper, so I and my maids are making sure everything is nice and clean for tomorrow's coronation.”

Beryl recognized an opportunity when it presented itself. Maids possessed almost unlimited access to their place of employment. It was a traditionally-strict rule they were to be seen and not heard. As such, it was easy for them to pick up on whatever secrets they overheard, though they more often than not kept their mouths shut for fear of the consequences. Then and there, however, she wasn't worried about consequences. By Celestia, she wanted those secrets—Trixie's secrets—and this was the most ideal position in which she could find herself. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “Then you're the pony I'm looking for! I'm new here, you see. Just got recruited to the palace staff.”

Again, the pink mare blinked. “Oh, I wasn't aware Queen Trixie needed more staff.”

“Well, she didn't. I'm a librarian, you see, at the elementary school. But, with the uprising of our glorious Queen and her upcoming coronation, work has been... nonexistent.” Once more, she grinned wide. “So, I volunteered! I wanted to make myself useful, you know?”

To her relief, Cadance seemed touched. “That's so sweet of you, Beryl! Let's find you an outfit and get you right to work! Please, follow me!”

She did as she was so nicely asked, and she did so closely. “So, what exactly needs doing around here?” she inquired.

“Only cleaning, and that's mainly because Queen Trixie's Royal Party Planner is an enthusiastic entertainer.” As they entered into a different corridor, she nodded her head towards a room near the farthest end. Music could be heard there—music that naturally grew louder as they neared. The chaotic combination of winds and drums was almost nostalgic to Beryl's ears. Pinkie Pie...

She cleared her throat and asked, “Would it... Would it be out of line of us to see?”

“Of course not! It's quite a sight, but keep in mind we can't stay long. There's work to be done.”

“Understood.” She held her breath as she and Cadance peeked in on the scene. As she expected, Pinkie Pie was inside, and she stood proudly on a small box as she played a multitude of instruments for a small band of guards. Among them was Shining Armor. Beryl restrained herself from going in, but Cadance did not. The princess promptly approached her husband, touching his shoulder with a wing. “Shining, love, shouldn't you and your squadron be on patrol right now?” she asked.

He greeted her with a warm smile. “We've been on patrol since sunrise, Cadance!” he laughed, pulling her into a hug. “I'm sure Queen Trixie will understand. Besides, we were just about to go back out.”

She nuzzled his neck. “Well, alright.”

“It'll be fine, you'll—” Suddenly, his eyes locked onto the doorway, and they widened to the size of dinner plates.

Beryl nervously shifted her weight between her front hooves. Was he looking at her? Did her spell wear off, or did she somehow allow it to dispel in the presence of her family? … No, it was something else, as the other guards soon took notice of Shining's frightened stare. Once they followed his gaze, they all—the Captain and Palacekeeper included—stood at attention and bowed.

Her blood ran cold. Uh, oh... Slowly, she looked behind her, only to see the last pony she wanted marching towards her. She automatically bowed low to the floor. Pleasedon'tnoticeme, pleasedon'tnoticeme!

Trixie didn't appear at all happy as she stomped past the timid crystal pony (and Beryl remembered to breathe in relief), instead focusing on the small party within. “What is the meaning of this?” she demanded. The Alicorn Amulet around her neck twinkled ominously in the light.

Pinkie Pie, seemingly unaware of the unicorn's irritation, kept playing; somehow, though, she managed to lower the volume so she could be heard. “Oh, hello Queen Trixie!” she exclaimed. “What brings you here?”

“Your Queen demands to know why everypony is slacking off!”

Shining Armor stepped forward. “Forgive us, Your Majesty,” he said. “The Royal Party Planner saw fit to grant us a mere reprieve from our patrol. It was never our intention to shun our duties.”

She arched a brow. “I see, and is the Royal Party Planner your Queen?”

His shoulders slumped. “No.”

“Is she the Captain of the Queen's Royal Guard?”


“So, should she be making such decisions?”

“... No, Your Majesty.”

“Then, get back to work!” The amulet sparked. “All of you!”

Cadance and Shining Armor shared a pained glance, causing Beryl's heart to clench. It was bad enough to hear Trixie talk to them like that, but to separate the loving couple... It was hard to estimate the last time they saw each other but, either way, it was heartless and it took everything in her power to not make a grab for the Alicorn Amulet. Even if she managed to get her hooves on the item, she didn't think her minute amount of dark magic was enough to yank it from around the unicorn's neck.

She kept the twinkling crystal floor within her vision as she listened to Pinkie Pie's music. She still played, and Trixie was well-aware of the sound. She wasn't as pleased as everypony else. It made her head throb. The room seemed to spin; the throbbing slowly grew into full-blown pain.

Out of the corner of her eye, Beryl saw her raise a hoof to her temple. She heard her groan. Restraint was crucial, but it proved even more difficult when the self-imposed Queen sharply and suddenly turned to Pinkie Pie and shrieked, “Stop making that accursed noise!” Her tainted magic wrapped around the earth pony's tiny pedestal and she promptly pulled it out from underneath her. There was a collective gasp from the crowd as Pinkie fell backwards—her instruments flying out of her bizarre grasp in every direction. Cadance darted forward to catch her before Beryl could move a muscle, and Shining Armor easily shielded Trixie from the musical barrage.

The magician pressed against the Captain, her countenance betraying the horror she felt towards her own actions. Beryl was surprised to see it, yet it was gone in the blink of an eye. Trixie scowled and pulled away from Shining Armor... only to bump nose-first into his shield. “Sun and moon!” she growled, her voice nasally whilst she rubbed her muzzle.

Beryl snickered under her breath; nopony heard.

“Shining Armor!” she snapped. “Your Queen commands—!” She looked up and him and ceased the order. The bright blue of her Captain's eyes caught her off guard and, for a moment, she couldn't help but stare at them. Her violet orbs remained on his cyan, until Cadance’s uncomfortable cough broke the spell. She looked away, shaking her head. “Get rid of this shield, Captain,” she muttered. He did, and she backed away.

She then shifted her attention to the Palacekeeper and Pinkie Pie; the latter stood unusually silent behind the former. “Your Queen finds herself with headaches from all the preparations for her coronation,” she said. “She kindly asks you refrain from any loud noises until further notice.”

Despite what was done to her, Pinkie Pie saluted. “Yes, Your Highness!” she exclaimed. The wince on the Queen's face caused her to falter. Quietly and quickly, she added, “Yes, Your Highness...”

“Good. Now that's settled, everyone is forgiven, and I'm feeling suddenly generous.” She looked over her shoulder at Shining Armor, a motion that made Beryl suspicious. There was a good reason for it, as the magician proceeded to say, “Shining Armor, Queen Trixie feels you will better serve her here in the palace.”

The stallion bowed. “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

“Then, you're promoted. You're now the Queen's Royal Bodyguard.”

Beryl gritted her teeth. Great, another obstacle between me and her.

Shining Armor bowed again. “I'm honored, Your Majesty.” Hesitantly, he looked up. “What of your Royal Guard? They need guidance.”

Trixie lazily waved her hoof. “Oh, don't worry about them. Your duties are henceforth passed onto Lieutenant—uh, Lieutenant...”

“Lieutenant Flash Sentry, Your Majesty.”

“Ah, yes, Flash Sentry. Him.” She gave another wave of her foreleg. “Inform Flash Sentry he's now Captain, by order of the Queen.”

Flash Sentry... Beryl guiltily admitted she had forgotten about him—the kind pegasus who was carrying out simple orders of aid from the Princesses, and another innocent pony caught up in the mess. She was reminded of how many lives, how many free souls, depended on her success. There would be no repeat of history if she had anything to say about it, and there was plenty she wanted to say. It wouldn't happen today, as much as she wished it, but it would happen. She swore on the sun, the moon, the stars. More importantly, she swore on every little drop of magic in her body, both benign and dark, that silently awaited her to unleash it.

Author's Note:

AGH. This was supposed to be up a week ago, but then our internet freakin' died because a tree fell on the lines.

Then the Verizon strike happened. Is happening. Ugh. Everything was terrible, BUT IT'S OKAY I'M BACK AND I'M SORRY Y'ALL HAD TO WAIT FOR THIS.