• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,328 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

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Slime And Malice

Chapter Ten: Slime And Malice

Blueblood panicked, struggling wildly and uselessly against his bonds as Sleipnir only hung in his own, still scowling even as the slimes began to crawl up the wall towards them. The unicorn couldn't focus any magic through his suffocated horn, however, and the hardened slime around his limbs was like cement, stopping him from jerking free.

The emaciated pony was watching them greedily, rubbing his front hooves together... before he blinked in surprise when Sleipnir suddenly asked curiously: “What is thy name?”

“Uh...” The dark pony looked caught completely off guard by this, and then he gritted his teeth and shook his head before snapping: “None of your business! You're going to be dead shortly!”

“Very well then. None Of Your Business, I fear I must humbly request that thou reconsiders thy actions. I do not wish to do any harm to thee, for I feel thou art nothing but a victim of a much more malevolent force.” Sleipnir said gently, and the dark pony scowled uneasily before Sleipnir smiled gently, even as one of the slimes began to crawl up over his body. “Search thy heart, friend. Thou does not desire to hurt us. Thou does not even desire to hurt those unicorns who did harm to thee. Thou just desires for a little recognition... and we can help with that, can't we, Blue?”

Blueblood screamed in terror as a slime crawled up onto his body, feeling a horrible burning sensation beginning to spread through his breast, and then Sleipnir smiled before saying pleasantly: “Blue agrees. He is simply... anxious, that is all.”

The dark pony shifted nervously back and forth, licking his lips a few times before he shook his head hurriedly, half-turning away almost as if ashamed, and Sleipnir gave a small sigh before he said almost sadly: “Well, if 'tis what thou desires, then so be it.”

And a moment later, the enormous stallion suddenly lashed a foreleg forwards, ripping through the cemented slime and knocking one of the slimes free from his body. It shot down and smacked loudly into the face of the dark pony below, knocking him rolling backwards across the room with a squeal before the enormous earth pony braced himself against the wall, then flung himself forwards, ripping free of both ooze and black stone to land easily on the floor.

He turned quickly, sweeping a hoof up and yanking another slime off of Blueblood before he flung it across the room. It splattered loudly against a wall as Blueblood gasped for breath, then gaped when Sleipnir easily slammed a hoof through the bonds around his hind legs, shattering cemented slime into black dust as he called mildly: “Brute force is not always the wisest way to deal with things, Blue! Now... oh damnation.”

“Get him, get him!” screamed the dark pony as he sat himself up, pointing furiously at Blueblood and Sleipnir as more slimes rapidly slithered their way into the wide, circular room. They almost floated across the ground as they rushed for Sleipnir, and the earth pony flexed his body before he lunged suddenly forwards into the fray.

The slimes did their best to cling to him, but Sleipnir struck with so much strength that the gelatinous constructs were reduced to nothing but black droplets from his strikes or sent rocketing across the room. Some of them managed to pick themselves up, while others simply dissolved; but they piled fearlessly, constantly on as the dark pony screamed and danced back and forth on the other side of the cavern.

Blueblood squealed as a bit of black ooze splattered over him, kicking his hind legs wildly before Sleipnir shouted: “Concentrate thy magic! Thou must burn away that sheath and then conjure up light if we are to escape here!”

“What are you talking about? Light didn't stop them from catching either of us!” Blueblood howled, kicking his rear legs wildly. “And... and this goop on my horn is too... I can't burn through it, are you insane?”

“Thou must!” Sleipnir shouted, and then he winced as several slimes managed to cling to one of his forelegs before spreading rapidly upwards as they attempted to yank him off his hooves, the stallion swearing under his breath before he gritted his teeth as the dark pony cheered on his constructs. “Oh damnation, 'tis like when I stuck my leg in that log on a silly dare... how was I supposed to know 'twas full of damnable fire ants?”

He shook his foreleg wildly, then suddenly straightened and roared, lashing his limb out and sending slimes flying in all directions... but others tackled him from every side, trying to force him down, and Blueblood's eyes widened in terror as the dark ooze flooded over the earth pony...

“Sleipnir!” Blueblood trembled, then clenched his eyes shut, concentrating all the magic he could into his horn, swearing under his breath as he focused every last ounce of power he had...

And then he slumped, gasping for breath and trembling, the black ooze around his horn steaming as streams of black gunk flowed down it like melted wax... but it wasn't enough to free it. He could still feel it barring his magic as he stared helplessly down at Sleipnir, watching as the slimes converged over him, covered, consumed the earth pony completely...

The unicorn moaned weakly in his throat as the dark pony across the room cackled, throwing his forelegs in the air as he declared: “Yes, yes! Yes, I've proven without a doubt that-”

With a mighty roar, Sleipnir smashed his way up through the dogpile of slimes, sending black oozes flying in all directions to splatter loudly against the walls as others were reduced to nothing more than messy, watery chunks from the raw force of the enormous stallion's lunge. Then the earth pony grimaced as he reached up and peeled another slime off his body before flinging it grumpily to the ground, splattering it into nothing but black water as both Blueblood and the dark pony gaped.

Sleipnir reached up and moodily ran his hooves through his mane of vines, many of which now looked distinctly chewed and uneven. The earth pony scowled a little, and then he looked grimly across at the dark pony, saying pointedly: “'Tis playing with fire to do harm upon my mane, I fear I must inform thee. Now, I shall give thou the chance to apologize, and perhaps we can still make the better of this situation.”

The dark pony stared disbelievingly at Sleipnir for a few moments as the remaining slimes picked themselves up and began to worm their way towards the enormous earth pony. But then Sleipnir cleared his throat loudly and looked pointedly down at the approaching goo, and the strange, emaciated stallion squeaked a bit before raising a hoof, waving it wildly as he said hurriedly: “S-Stop, wait, I... I am going to... uh... negotiate with the officer!”

“I am not an officer. Merely an adventurous stallion.” Sleipnir said mildly, reaching up and patting his own breast lightly. “I do not wish for thou to think I have any influence upon this realm, after all.”

The dark pony gave an uneasy smile, shifting nervously back and forth before the enormous earth pony shook himself out, then asked in a kinder voice: “Now, shall we discuss what is bothering thee? I do not desire to be rude, but... I think thou art not quite suited to a lifestyle of nefarity. Let us instead see if we can solve thy problems through more peaceful means.”

The strange pony shrank a little as Sleipnir smiled at him benevolently, and Blueblood looked disbelievingly down at his companion before he shouted: “Are you insane? You want to... to talk to him after everything he just put us through? Why... why aren't you punching him or something?”

“Because that is not what hooves are for, young Blueblood.” Sleipnir replied pleasantly, looking over his shoulder at the white unicorn before he said easily: “Now, perhaps while I chat with our new friend, thou could work on freeing thyself? All thou must do is concentrate thy magic, and hold that concentration. 'Twill be good training.”

“W-What?” Blueblood stared disbelievingly down at Sleipnir, then he shook his head vehemently before snapping: “That is not acceptable, I... I am a prince, and I demand that you get me down from here immediately!”

Sleipnir only gave a kind smile, shrugging easily before he replied tactfully: “Well, I would, but that would be rude to our host. And 'twould not be a good way to start our negotiations, now would it? So instead, Blueblood, I pray that thou shall give me some moments of peace while we speak. Think of it... as a challenge, perhaps. We shall see if thou can free thyself before I can finish making peace.”

Blueblood groaned loudly, then he wrenched his forelegs uselessly against the black goop restraints as he kicked his legs helplessly. He swore moodily under his breath, then glared balefully before his eyes widened hopefully as the dark pony said awkwardly: “Well, Mister, uh-”

“My name is Sleipnir.” The earth pony gave a beaming smile. “And thou?”

“Oh, uh... well, I was actually working on a new name for myself. I was thinking... Black Harvest or Lord... something, but... well... my real name is Jerry Rig.” He laughed awkwardly. “Always been good at making something out of nothing, you know?”

Sleipnir smiled warmly again, nodding firmly. “Now there is an admirable talent, Jerry Rig! And perhaps 'tis a little rude of me to ask, but wouldst thou mind removing thy costume? I would like to speak to thee face-to-face, as it were.”

“What? Oh, gosh, you're the first pony to ever see through this getup.” Jerry Rig looked lamely back and forth over himself, then he sighed and nodded awkwardly, mumbling to himself before he muttered something aside to one of the slimes.

Immediately, several tendrils of ooze reached up and helped Jerry out of his cape as another slime slid forwards and began to twine itself around the stallion as it hummed loudly. Blueblood merely stared in horror, but Sleipnir giggled, half-covering his muzzle as he said like a delighted foal: “By the Gods! What fantastical little creatures thou hast made! Truly, can they do anything?”

Jerry smiled and began to answer... and then one of the slimes crawled over his face, and he flailed uselessly for a few moments before the slime pulled away. And Blueblood gaped in disbelief as the oozes finished their work cleaning their master and hopped off what was now a rather normal-looking tan stallion, whose blonde mane and tail were both cropped quite short.

His red eyes blinked a few times, and then he wrinkled up his mouth before turning sideways and spitting out the fake teeth and gums that had been in his mouth. He absently flexed his jaw a few times, then said almost shyly: “There, uh... is that better, Mister Sleipnir?”

“Nay, 'tis not better, 'tis best!” Sleipnir laughed and stomped a hoof a few times, saying warmly: “Truly thou art a master of disguise and invention! By the Gods, thy disguise was so complete, 'twas better than the polymorphs of my most beloved sister!”

“Aw, shucks. You're just saying that. I mean, you saw right through it and all.” Jerry said embarrassedly, fidgeting on his hooves but unable to hide a pleased smile.

“Oh, nay, nay.” Sleipnir smiled kindly, then he leaned forwards and tapped his own nose with a wink. “'Twas not mine eyes that saw through thy disguise, in any event. But thou used charcoal in thy dye, and I could smell it on thee, which made me think to inspect thy guise further. Thou painted thyself well with it, but thou made one small error of judgment: thy cape.”

Jerry cocked his head curiously, and Sleipnir explained: “Thy cape was large and loose, and as thou moved about, the fabric dragged and caught against thee. It caused the charcoal to blot and blur.”

Jerry slapped his own forehead at this, mumbling: “Of course, oh, darn. Why didn't I think of that? I feel like such an idiot. The makeup department would have my head for a mistake like that.”

“Oh? I do not understand, what does thou mean, makeup?” Sleipnir cocked his head curiously, and Jerry Rig looked up at him with surprise before the enormous earth pony smiled and tapped at his own breast. “I fear I am not familiar with the customs of this nation. Thou could say I am from another place... perhaps even another time.”

“Oh, that explains your... talkingness.” Jerry said awkwardly, then he blushed a bit before explaining: “Well, uh, see, before I tried to patent my worker slimes, I used to work for a costume and design company. We made all sorts of mascots and movie monsters and all kinds of really fun stuff, it was great. I even got to design the monsters for Horses of the Apocalyse IV!”

Sleipnir nodded a few times, smiling with genuine interest, before both earth ponies looked up as Blueblood said crankily: “This is all very fascinating, but would one of you please get me down? Sleipnir, I am sick and tired of being treated like a lackey and... you aren't even negotiating with him!”

“Nay, I am doing far better.” Sleipnir replied jovially, and then he smiled over at Jerry Rig, gesturing to the pony as he said in a gentler voice: “See? Thou art no villain. Thou art a talented young stallion who should not need the approval of others. Thou wert part of an acting guild, aye? So perhaps the dark pony thou played, 'twas nothing but a game, a character to thee... but revenge has very real consequences, my friend. And I think if thou looks inside thy heart, thou will see what thou hast done here was very wrong.”

“I... I guess I got carried away, yeah.” Jerry Rig lowered his head in shame, blushing a little before he mumbled: “Oh colt, you're right. I... I know you're right. But it was so fun being a bad guy and all and... I mean, I worked so hard on this place...”

“Well, there is no real harm done, aye? And none are beyond redemption, young stallion.” Sleipnir said kindly, smiling encouragingly over at Jerry Rig. “We shall help thee make up for thy mistakes, and... I do not believe thou acted alone, in any event. Tell me, what inspired thou to pursue this path of anger and revenge? Did another whisper it in thy ear, or did evil dreams infect thy mind?”

Jerry Rig shifted uneasily, and then he hesitated before reaching up and mumbling: “I... I don't know, I mean... I just got so mad. That's all I remember. And I really feel angry and unhappy still, but I... I do know it's wrong.”

Sleipnir nodded sympathetically, and then Jerry Rig shifted a little before he looked over at his remaining slimes, watching as they shifted uneasily around him. “Maybe this is all my own fault. I got so excited when I accidentally made my first slimes, I... I even left the design company. I feel so awful about that now. I shouldn't've left all my friends behind, especially since none of it worked out at all...”

“Now, now, there is no need for that.” Sleipnir smiled as Blueblood rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath. “Why would thou leave the company, though?”

“Well, I... I wanted to be taken seriously?” But it sounded more like a question than an answer, Jerry Rig frowning and looking away before he mumbled: “Maybe I wanted them to think I was ready to get to work right away... all I remember is that I was so excited after making my second batch of slimes that I suddenly decided...”

“Where did thou make thy slimes? No, more important than that, where did thou get the materials?” Sleipnir was still conversational, but Blueblood had been around the enormous earth pony long enough to pick up the sudden, hidden urgency in his voice, and the prince frowned a little as he let himself relax in his restraints, looking curiously at the stallion.

Jerry Rig looked quizzically at Sleipnir, then he answered finally: “Well, uh... at my house? I had a makeshift lab in the basement. Not exactly professional-level, but like I said, I've always been good at making something from nothing. And the first batch I made by accident with a bunch of stuff I just kind of had lying around. Well, okay, I knocked a bunch of stuff over.

“But then I figured I needed better materials for the next batch, so I went over to this guy I know, specializes in weird stuff. I bought a whole bunch of things from him! Powdered blackroot, ebony scale, some dyes and herbs and... you know. Stuff like that.” Jerry Rig shrugged easily, then added: “And of course, I had to get better equipment! But he sold me this nice alchemy cauldron real cheap, along with-”

“May I see the cauldron?” Sleipnir asked curiously, and Jerry Rig frowned in surprise, but the vine-maned stallion only said kindly: “I cannot help but be very curious about thy process, that is all. And I suppose I am rather a connoisseur of bowls.”

The eccentric inventor looked oddly at Sleipnir, but then he simply shrugged before gesturing over his shoulder, saying finally: “Me and the slimes will go get it, then. It's in my bedroom, which is uh. Kind of a mess and all, so I'll bring it out here.”

“Very good. Thou hast my thanks for thy generosity, Jerry Rig.” Sleipnir smiled warmly, but his eyes were sharp as he watched the stallion turn and head back towards the archway apparently leading to his room. Prince Blueblood frowned uneasily... then looked down with surprise at the earth pony as he said quietly: “Thou must focus thy magic and burn through thy restraints by thyself. Otherwise, I shall leave thee shackled to the wall, because that is where thou art safest if thou has not the concentration and power to dissolve the slime.”

Blueblood shifted nervously, feeling chilled by Sleipnir's sudden seriousness before he asked worriedly: “W-What do you mean? What's going on, Sleipnir, I-”

“Shush.” And Blueblood shrank at how firm Sleipnir's voice was, swallowing a little and feeling like he had when he had been a small colt, and just upset Auntie Celestia.

But then Sleipnir sighed before smiling over his shoulder, and even if his eyes remained serious, Blueblood couldn't help but be reassured by that warm, honest expression, as the earth pony said gently: “I apologize for being short with thee. But there are some things thou must do upon thine own. And there are some things... thou art not ready for.”

Blueblood shifted... then looked worriedly up as Jerry Rig came back with his slimes carrying an enormous metal cauldron. And for some reason, the sight of it made the prince cringe: the huge metal pot was covered with the grimacing, screaming faces of monsters and demons embossed all along the metal in a freakish jigsaw pattern.

Sleipnir only smiled as Jerry Rig's slimes set the cauldron down, the stallion absently patting the metal pot as he said amiably: “It's not the prettiest thing to look at, but... hey. It works really well, I'll tell you that. Ever since I started mixing my slimes in here, they've been coming out way better. In fact, anything I mix up in here seems to come out a thousand times better than usual.”

Sleipnir chuckled at this, and then he said kindly: “Thou art too hard upon thyself, Jerry Rig. 'Tis not the tools, but the carpenter who determines the worth of his craft. And thou art truly a most marvelous carpenter.”

The eccentric inventor blushed a bit... but then frowned as Sleipnir said gently: “Now, I must ask for thou to step away from that pot. I fear that it has done thee more harm than good.”

“I... what are you talking about? No, no, I... I need this cauldron.” Jerry Rig said anxiously, shifting on his hooves... and Blueblood could swear that he saw the pony's red eyes flash, saw an unnatural tremble run through Jerry's body.

“Nay, thou does not, my young friend. And this is no normal cauldron... thou knows of the arts of alchemy, aye?” Sleipnir smiled, and Jerry Rig shifted again on his hooves, his red eyes unnaturally focused on Sleipnir as his head twitched slightly to the side, like he was struggling to listen, but also fighting to resist some growing urge... “I suppose this was sold to thee as an alchemical pot. And in a way, 'tis true. But this pot-”

“No, shut up! You're a liar! You just want my formula!” Jerry Rig screamed suddenly, leaning forwards as his eyes glowed, and Blueblood's own widened in shock before the inventor stumbled backwards, grasping at his face and looking horrified by his own outburst as he whispered: “I... I mean... I c-can't...”

“'Tis not thy fault.” Sleipnir said softly, looking with quiet sympathy at the smaller pony, while Blueblood could only stare with fear as he felt that awful malignancy in the air growing. “That rage and paranoia does not come from thou, Jerry. It comes from the demons and lost souls sacrificed to empower that wicked pot.”

“You're... you're lying! I... I won't...” Jerry Rig trembled, then grasped at his head, red eyes glowing again before he snarled and looked up, hissing: “You think you're so smart, so special... you're not! You're like all the rest of them!”

“Resist it, Jerry Rig.” Sleipnir smiled faintly, reaching up and touching his own breast. “Thou art stronger and better than this. Hatred and anger only seem endless and indomitable: but both are as harmless as the wind against the mountain that is mercy.”

Jerry Rig shivered, then shook back and forth, screaming loudly, and Blueblood whimpered as he curled back against the wall, staring in horror as the inventor fell to the ground. His slimes twisted and writhed around him, and Sleipnir closed his eyes before he murmured quietly: “I am sorry for what I must do, my friend.”

Sleipnir began to step forwards... and then the earth pony's eyes narrowed as he set himself when Jerry Rig suddenly arched his back with a miserable shriek. His eyes glowed with hellish light as a black mist steamed up from his body, and then he suddenly collapsed forwards on his face, falling still and unmoving.

The remaining slimes went still for a moment, then all of them quivered before slowly reshaping themselves into black, rubbery ponies. Three of them stood silently around the cauldron as the horrific metal pot emanated an awful malice... before Blueblood stared in horror as a red claw reached up and seized into the edge of the pot.

A spectral, monstrous shape hauled itself upwards, featureless as the slime-ponies but emanating a vile, violent malice. It was misshapen and hideous, its form constantly changing and shifting as it leaned over the edge of the cauldron, and Sleipnir gave a thin smile before he called calmly: “Spirit of rage and hate, I implore thee to sleep! Sleep, and I shall free thee from thy prison, so that thou and thine shall know peace! Thou hast spent long enough trapped, visiting thy rage upon others: I do not wish to harm thee, and I shall not fight thee with the rage thou desires. I shall not give thee war: I shall only do what must be done to release thee from thy torments.”

The specter hissed in response, then pointed with one malformed arm, and the slime-ponies all turned towards Sleipnir. They shivered for a moment, then each rippled and grew, becoming perfect replicas of the stallion... but Sleipnir only smiled, then stomped one hoof firmly. “If that is thy answer, then I shall honor it. Good luck to thee... but thou shall need more than shadows to win!”

The specter hissed, and the three slime ponies all broke into sharp runs, charging straight at Sleipnir. The earth pony only laughed, however, and Blueblood stared in disbelief as he ran into combat fearlessly, happily... and yet without hatred, without anger. With...

Blueblood didn't know the word. He was only able to watch as Sleipnir smashed the copy that charged straight at him backwards, then ducked as the other two attempted to pincer him; one struck high and missed completely, while the other tried to smash both hooves down on Sleipnir's head... and found its attack not just blocked, but caught before Sleipnir lashed the slime creature to the side, flinging it into the second copy with enough force to knock them both sprawling.

Sleipnir immediately ran towards the cauldron, but the specter lashed one of its arms out as the limb stretched like rubber, smashing into Sleipnir and knocking the stallion skidding backwards as his eyes bulged in surprise. The earth pony wobbled on his hooves, then swore under his breath as he shook his head quickly, distracted-

The three slime-ponies tackled Sleipnir at once, then two shoved him down as the third began to slam blow after blow down into his face. Blueblood shouted a denial, eyes widening in horror.

Sleipnir gritted his teeth, head twitching with every vicious strike before he suddenly rolled his forelegs forwards, seizing the slime copies that were pinning him before he flung them both forwards into the pony in front of him as he lunged backwards. He breathed heavily, bleeding from the mouth, one eye already swelling a little before he suddenly grinned, absently rolling one of his shoulders as he muttered: “My phoenix would mock me heartily for such foolishness. Of course thou attacks the spirit, not the physical.”

The stallion watched as the three copies picked themselves up, noting that they were already beginning to imitate him: the slimes learned fast, and they were much more powerful with the magic of the specter boosting them. He turned his eyes to this entity, analyzing it sharply and refusing to be rushed even as the three copies all charged him at once...

Blueblood shouted a wild warning, struggling against his bonds before he stared in surprise when Sleipnir simply leapt into the air when the three slime-ponies tried to tackle him: instead, they passed beneath him before the earth pony landed and launched himself into a sprint with a wide grin.

The specter hissed, then slashed outwards with one limb as Sleipnir drew close, the limb not only extending but zigzagging itself wildly: but Sleipnir dropped into a slide as he twisted his body, avoiding the attack completely before he dove into a roll and kicked both rear hooves outwards.

He smashed a massive dent in the cauldron as it was sent rocketing across the room, bouncing off the ceiling, then hammering into the wall and crashing along the ground like a ball as the specter dissolved. But the pot itself seemed to shriek as red light pulsed wildly out of it, before Sleipnir crossed the room in a flash and slammed another front hoof into the cauldron with enough force to send it shooting into the wall... and this time bury halfway into the hardened earth in a burst of grime and dust.

Sleipnir was in front of the cauldron in a moment, slamming blow after blow into the metal pot, every punch leaving an enormous dent in the artifact as screams echoed from the pot and red light flashed out of every crack and its gaping maw.

Tentacles of red energy erupted suddenly out of the cauldron, but Sleipnir ducked beneath their sweep and gritted his teeth as other tendrils smashed down around him, sending up smoke as several of them scratched his sides before he slammed a hoof up into the underside of the cauldron. It was torn loose from the wall, revolving lazily once as the red energy burst apart into motes, before Sleipnir caught the cauldron as it fell and turned sharply, roaring as he flung it viciously into the slime copies just as they began to charge across the room.

One of them was splattered to nothing but a puddle of muck as the others were hammered in either direction, bouncing bonelessly across the floor and into the wall. The pot, meanwhile, smashed into the wall near Blueblood as he squeaked, before the broken, badly-battered cauldron hit the ground and rolled brokenly to a halt on its battered face.

Whimpers and red light stuttered out of the cauldron as Sleipnir cracked his neck, and then he set himself as the remaining pair of slime copies faced him unevenly. For a few moments there was silence... and then red light began to glow steadily out of the cracks in the cauldron as the two slime creatures both shivered before they distorted, becoming more monstrous as thorns and spikes sprouted across their warped frames.

“So the game continues.” Sleipnir smiled slightly, lowering his head slightly before he called cheerfully: “Very well! Come to me, then, show me what thou-”

The cauldron suddenly popped upwards, and a blast of red energy vomited out from the maw of the monstrous metal thing, streaking like a comet for Sleipnir. The enormous stallion barely had a chance to twist his body out of the way, gritting his teeth before the cauldron half-propped itself up with tentacles of crimson light, firing more blasts of red hell at the earth pony as both spiked slime-beasts charged for the stallion.

Sleipnir ducked under a blast of crimson before he slammed an uppercut into the first spiked creature, but then he flinched in pain as the second monster swiped his side, digging shallow gashes with its barbarous thorns. Then it simply attempted to lunge on top of him, but Sleipnir threw himself into a sideways roll, landing on his back and driving both rear hooves into the monster's stomach to launch it away.

Then he flung himself to the side, rolling back to his hooves as he narrowly dodged another gout of crimson energy. But the earth pony was being hard-pressed now, and Blueblood swore under his breath, struggling against his bonds and trembling hard before he looked up towards his horn and gritted his teeth.

Sleipnir was in trouble, and he, the Prince of Equestria, was... he was useless! He swore under his breath, clenching his eyes shut as he trembled violently... then hissed through his teeth before focusing all the magic he could.

He felt his horn struggling to light up, felt energy gathering... but oh, he was scared. What if something went wrong? What if he hurt himself? What if, what if, what if... all the anxieties and questions bounced around in his head, terrified him, stopped him from-

He heard a cry, looking up sharply, and then he stared in horror as he saw Sleipnir standing with one bloody foreleg raised in defense, forced back into a corner by the two spiked monsters as they viciously pummeled on him. He wasn't able to move as blasts of red energy splattered the area around him, keeping him pinned down...

Blueblood breathed hard in and out, trembling hard before he dropped his head forwards, grinding his teeth together as he grabbed wildly at every bit of energy he could scrape up and shoved it all into his magic, his body flexing as he yanked against the restraints...

Agony ripped through his head, and he cried out as he arched his back... before there was a tremendous blast of light and force from his horn that dissolved the waxy muck covering it. The cauldron was rattled by the burst of energy that splashed outwards, and both slime-monsters flinched and buckled, the bright, focused light causing them to freeze up and lose consistency-

Sleipnir moved like lightning, seizing one by the neck and slamming it down into the ground before he stomped it savagely, crushing it into a puddle of ooze. Then he flung himself forwards, tackling the other backwards and hefting it up before he flung it with a roar straight at the shivering cauldron.

It smashed into the pot with enough force to explode into muck and brackish water, the pot rolling backwards as Blueblood gasped, his eyes wide with shock, his horn still glowing like a beacon as he looked down into the cauldron and saw some awful, hideous beast curled up in the bottom of it, shrieking and covering its face to try and hide from the light shining down into it, before the prince looked up as Sleipnir shouted: “Pour thy magic into the pot, now!”

Blueblood reacted even before he'd fully processed the order, slashing his horn down and launching all the built-up energy in a magical flare straight down into the cauldron: it exploded in a tremendous burst of light, and there was a terrible scream from inside the cursed pot as the beaten, damaged thing shuddered violently... then suddenly exploded, Blueblood howling in pain as scorching energy and shards of metal flew past him, shoving him back into the wall before the restraints binding him shattered into dust.

He fell to the ground with a thud, then swore in pain as he landed on something sharp and painful, flinging himself backwards with a gasp and scuttling backwards... before falling backwards and staring in disbelief at the bonfire of energy that burned where the cauldron had once been, as a dark shape twisted and writhed inside it...

And then the shadowy shape dissolved, and the flames burned for only a moment longer before dissolving into motes of energy, leaving Blueblood gasping weakly for breath. Then he whimpered and twitched as Sleipnir gently grasped his shoulder, looking up at him dumbly as the earth pony smiled down at him. “I owe thee a deep debt of gratitude, friend.”

Prince Blueblood laughed weakly, then he reached up and touched his own chest before flinching in pain as he brushed against something... painful. He looked down... and then paled at the sight of the piece of metal lodged in him, and worse... at the blood that had run down his chest, staining his coat.

He shivered for a few moments... and then his eyes rolled up in his head before he simply collapsed in a stunned heap, gurgling once. Sleipnir looked down at the white unicorn for a few moments with surprise, and then he simply smiled before shrugging, reaching down and absently brushing most of the splinters of steel free from Blueblood's chest before he remarked kindly: “Aye, that is fair enough, young prince. Thou deserves a bit of rest.”

Sleipnir chuckled, then absently pulled the one remaining tiny shard of metal out of the stallion's breast and wiped away the little bit of blood that had trickled out of the gash. He studied the unicorn thoughtfully for a few moments, then reached up and gently knocked on his smoldering horn before saying softly: “Thou showed great mettle today, my young friend. I knew I was right to put my faith in thee... now I just hope thou shall put thy faith in me, and together I am sure we shall weather the worst this world has to throw at us.”

Blueblood groaned quietly as his eyes fluttered open, before he sat up... and stared around in surprise as he realized he was in a comfortable bed in a clean, mostly-empty room. He looked down at himself with a wince, but his wounds had been bandaged: he felt almost queasy at the sight of the scratches and bruises over his body, but then he shook his head out and shivered a little: it could have been so much worse. And that thought didn't bring him as much relief as it scared the hell out of him.

He dropped his face in his hooves, closing his eyes and trembling a little. Why lie? He'd been excited to be on this stupid adventure, felt like he was going out to be a hero and prove himself, and... hide behind Sleipnir and suck up all the glory. And instead? He'd nearly been killed. No, it was worse than that. He'd gotten them both captured, and then he'd nearly gotten both himself and Sleipnir killed, and the pony he'd been convinced was the villain of the entire piece had been nothing but some poor slob manipulated by... by an evil force he had never imagined existed.

Oh, he couldn't do this. His nightmares were bad enough, but this? He didn't even care where he'd woken up: his whole body hurt and all his princedom meant... absolutely nothing out here in the wild. He was cut and bludgeoned and beaten and... and...

Blueblood shivered weakly... then looked up as the door opened, and Sleipnir leaned in. The earth pony was bruised and bandaged himself, but he was smiling, like... like it was any other day. Like nothing was wrong with the world, like it didn't matter that apparently there were horrible monsters lurking around every corner, like he somehow didn't care that they had almost died and he was covered in wounds and bruises and- “Thou looks as if thou hast swallowed a pecking bird. Worry not, Blue. We have won, and saved a life. Saved an entire village, as a matter of fact! And I have already found a tremendous supply of ironwood, so luck has favored us greatly.”

Blueblood laughed dryly, looking away and fighting back tears as he hugged himself, and Sleipnir frowned a little as he let himself into the room. “What is the matter?”

“What... what's wrong? Everything! Everything's wrong... everything.” whispered Blueblood, trembling violently before he lowered his head and shook it weakly. “I can't... I j-just can't...”

Sleipnir strode up to the young prince, looking down at him, and Blueblood looked miserably back up. And then the enormous earth pony simply leaned down and hugged him firmly, and Blueblood's eyes widened in surprise, freezing up... then trembling and dropping his head forwards as the earth pony said softly: “'Tis alright.”

There was quiet for a little while as Blueblood felt himself relaxing in the embrace, until Sleipnir finally sat back and smiled down at his friend. Blueblood looked back up, feeling more embarrassed now than anything else... but as he rubbed at his face, he was surprised that... he honestly did feel better. He gave a lame look to the earth pony, not knowing if he could even manage a 'thank you,' but Sleipnir simply gave that warm, open, friendly smile in return before he reached up and patted him on the shoulder. “Come outside when thou art ready, there is something thou should see.”

Blueblood frowned a bit at this, but Sleipnir left without another word, and the prince scowled a little at the door before he reached up and moodily rubbed at his face. He stretched out a little, then hesitated before getting to his hooves, taking his time with looking himself over.

He didn't seem... too bad, overall. He felt a little tingly and achy, but as he moved around, it got easier to deal with. And he felt more stable and awake now, too... and... well, he didn't want to stay cooped up in here, wherever he was.

The unicorn uncertainly approached the door, then grimaced and straightened before he let himself out into a large den room. And almost immediately, he was greeted by happy cheers, the stallion blinking in surprise before he found himself swarmed by ponies, rearing back in shock as they clapped him on the shoulder and babbled at him and-

“Friends, friends! Cease, give him a moment to breathe!” Sleipnir laughed loudly as he strode forwards, easily pushing the ponies back before wrapping one companionable foreleg around Blueblood, making the unicorn wince... then stared around the room at the ponies who were all looking at him with something like awe. “Aye, we all owe Prince Blueblood a great debt of gratitude. He saved my life, and we fought side-by-side against the fiend that had enslaved poor Jerry and was responsible for the attacks upon thy homes. He has truly proven himself noble and sturdy! Sturdier than one would expect such a pretty prince to be, at least!”

The ponies laughed as Blueblood glared over at Sleipnir... but only for a moment, before the ponies all began to congratulate him again.

It was almost a blur, as they thanked him, offered him food, asked him all kinds of questions and treated him like... like he was some kind of hero. But he didn't feel like a hero, as much as he wanted to: every time he started to feel too proud of himself, a twinge of pain or a glance over at Sleipnir reminded him of how he'd almost gotten then killed in the first place.

He didn't feel all that proud of himself, but... he did feel something good, when he looked around at these ponies. Oh, sure, in the past the adulations of these little hicksville ponies probably would have been worthless to him, but when a colt came up to him and asked for his autograph, of all things, and called him a hero... Blueblood almost felt himself choking up. He hadn't really helped these ponies after all, and they were treating him like he was their savior instead of Sleipnir, and... and...

“It really wasn't me.” Blueblood confessed, not even knowing why, as he looked around at the party of ponies all clustered into this big, comfortable den. “Sleipnir... Sleipnir is the real hero here.”

“Nay, Blueblood, I am not. And without thy help, the fight would have been far the worser. I was foolish and underestimated the ferocity of our foe... I owe thee a life-debt now.” Sleipnir said warmly, shaking his head and smiling over at Blueblood... and maybe it was because he was already feeling so vulnerable, but the unicorn couldn't help but feel... awed and inspired by this earth pony's humility. By Sleipnir's never-ending fountain of kindness, mercy, and sheer goodness. “Thou deserves these praises. Thou art growing up, colt!”

Blueblood grumbled at this, but at the same time he felt himself smiling a little all the same. He scraped a hoof at the ground as the ponies cheered for him, then looked at Sleipnir almost embarrassedly, silently thinking that no, Sleipnir didn't owe him anything. If anything, he finally was starting to understand that he owed the earth pony... even more than he'd thought he did.

The party continued into the night, a few ponies coming, a few ponies leaving. They received adulation and apologies and even gifts. Blueblood didn't really know what to do with a lot of these tokens, feeling oddly ashamed of taking them. For one of the rare times in his life, he actually felt shy... too shy to even let one of the young mares lure him off, in spite of how much she whispered in his ear.

Eventually, Blueblood slipped out of the room and found himself outside, sitting under the light of a lamp and gazing up into the night sky. He breathed slowly in and out, the cool evening air feeling good against his skin as his ego and this newfound humility wrestled with each other... at least, until he felt a hoof on his shoulder, and he glanced up with surprise to see Sleipnir beside him, the earth pony smiling as he gazed up at the stars. The prince didn't think he'd ever get used to the fact that the giant lummox could apparently move like a ghost when he wanted to.

“I do not recognize most of these constellations. They are all different... some subtly, some greatly.” Sleipnir said softly, and then he shook his head before smiling down at the stallion. “I would like to leave early tomorrow morn. We shall awaken early, polish our armor, eat our breakfast and then leave for parts unknown. How does this strike thee?”

“I don't know.” Blueblood said honestly, looking up into the sky before he shifted a little, then said quietly: “I don't think I'm cut out to be an adventurer, Sleipnir. I'm... I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be anymore. I'm... sorry.”

Blueblood licked his lips slowly. He didn't think he'd ever said that word before, to anyone. Not even to Auntie Celestia... he'd always... made up some excuse or reason or just cried until she finally forgave him. And then he frowned a little as Sleipnir only chuckled, looking uncertainly up at the earth pony as he patted him gently on the shoulder.

“Nay, Blue. There is no other I would rather have on this adventure with me. Thou hast proven invaluable.” Sleipnir said gently, and then he shook his head and said softly: “I will not deny thou hast much to learn... but if thou will promise thyself to my tutelage, then I shall teach thee all I know. And I think that now, thou art beginning to understand the seriousness of this journey.”

The unicorn looked down, nodding a little before he reached up and rubbed at his horn slowly, muttering: “I... I don't know, Sleipnir. I'm not sure... I just... I'm afraid.” He looked up suddenly, blurting: “I'm scared, and I want to go back home, where it's safe!”

Sleipnir smiled at the young prince, then he reached up and squeezed his shoulder gently before saying softly: “And one day, I shall see thee home, I promise thou this. No matter what happens upon this journey, I shall walk thee through it.”

Blueblood shifted on his hooves, and Sleipnir studied him before he said quietly: “I do not blame thee for being afraid, for thy hesitance. 'Tis well understandable. But search thy heart and soul, young Blue: not for the easy path, or what fear and worry lead thee to, but what thou knows to be right to do. I believe thou shall make the right choice. And I believe we shall do much good here, in a world that seems to sorely need it.”

The young stallion lowered his head silently, then he closed his eyes and nodded a little. The two sat for a little while in quiet, and then Sleipnir simply patted Blueblood on the back before leaving him to think.

Sleipnir made his way down the road, humming softly to himself as he strolled through the liberated streets: the malignancy was gone, the ponies of the village were safe and happy, and he had already gathered a large store of ironwood. Jerry Rig had promised to return to Canterlot, too, and not only try and set things right, but provide all the help he could with building the portal: with his knowledge of alchemy as well as his talent for putting things together, Sleipnir was sure his help would be tremendous.

There was only one thing missing... and Sleipnir smiled slightly as he came to a halt on the bridge over the narrow creek, then turned to lean over the railing. And a moment later, he was joined by a golden-eyed mare who whispered tenderly in his ear: “You did very well with our precious.”

“I do not desire to only feed him, Invidia, I desire to teach him to feed himself.” Sleipnir said placidly, looking down into the water before he asked casually: “And where wert thou, whilst all this ruckus was taking place?”

“Oh, after I fed, I came looking for you both... but when I felt that awful malignancy, I felt that I was unprepared for the trials ahead. I decided to trust in you both, mighty stallions as you are... but of course, I was ready to jump in at any time, if something went wrong.” Invidia purred, sliding herself closer to Sleipnir and nodding a little too eagerly. “I would have just gotten in the way. And you used it as a wonderful opportunity to temper our lovely prince...”

Sleipnir chuckled quietly at this, saying softly: “Nay. I did not temper him; Blue has tempered himself. He is stronger than I think thou knows, Invidia. And I am not lying when I say that he saved me. That I owe him.”

Invidia's features hardened a little for a moment, but then she became sultry again, leaning in and murmuring: “And I owe you for taking care of him. How can I thank you? How can I... please you, my mighty hero?”

Sleipnir smiled over at the mare, then winked to her as he said kindly: “Thou pleases me enough by being present, Invidia, 'tis no need for anything more. Truly, I am fortunate enough as it is to simply have thee close: 'twould be rude to press my advantage any further.”

Invidia scowled darkly, then she suddenly shoved herself away and leaned grouchily over the railing, looking irritable. Sleipnir only remained pleasant and calm, however, and the two rested in silence for a little while before the demon said softly: “Only I can protect him. Only I can save him from his nightmares. Only I can give him a happy life.”

The earth pony glanced over at Invidia, then he said gently: “Nay. The only pony who can do those things is Blue himself, my friend. Do not take such burdens upon thyself.”

“It is no burden, angel. But perhaps you don't understand that, with how you always need to be rewarded for your good deeds... and the rewards have to suit your fancy, too, don't they?” Invidia sneered, glaring over at him angrily. “Oh no, silver and gold aren't good enough for you, you need gemstones and platinum... you require tribute that matches your handsome, oh-so-wonderful self, isn't that right, mighty hero?”

Sleipnir only shrugged, then he said thoughtfully: “Well, I do dearly desire a clean set of socks. I have never owned socks, but apparently many ponies delight in these silly things. I do not know why, but now I feel I must have a set, perhaps with... stripes, yes. Or in all multitude of colors, can thou imagine it? And then when I ran, 'twould be like I was swimming through the Bifrost... does thou think that would make me go faster? Or perhaps allow me to run between worlds?”

Invidia stared at Sleipnir as he gave her an honestly-curious look, and then the demon scowled before reaching up and slapping him hard across the face. Sleipnir only blinked dumbly, then he reached up and absently touched his cheek. “Well. Usually I am not smacked by mares unless I have accidentally insulted them. 'Tis funny what some ponies find insulting these days, one would think complimenting the finery of a full flank would not go so foully.”

The demon only huffed, eyeing him moodily before Sleipnir shrugged again and looked back down into the creek. And rapidly, Invidia's mood began to change, first looking uneasy, then almost pleading as she fidgeted back and forth before almost throwing herself forwards into Sleipnir, clinging to the earth pony and breathing hard as she shoved her face into his neck, whispering: “Oh, forgive me, I... I didn't mean to hurt you or offend you, I just... need you and our prince, so badly. You understand me, don't you? You understand that I just... want what is best for us all, yes?”

“As best I can. 'Tis alright, do not fear, Invidia.” Sleipnir said gently, smiling a little over at the mare before he reached up and soothingly rubbed a hoof along her back. “We must merely... find the happy medium, so to speak.”

Invidia nodded a few times against him, still clinging almost desperately to the stallion, but Sleipnir only looked at her with sympathy before he turned his eyes ahead, letting her stay close. He didn't feel any anger or annoyance with her... only mercy and sympathy. She was nothing but a slave to her emotions, and a victim of her own envies and jealousies: he couldn't blame her for the way she lashed out, as frustrating as it could be.

Part of him worried about what she might one day do... the rest of him was just worried about her, and what she might do to herself. But he knew she was an important piece of their journey: she had a role to play yet, and some instinct nibbled at his mind, told him that finding out why Blueblood was so terrified of her would answer quite a few questions.

Still... it did bother him a little that she hadn't bothered to help them at all during their confrontation with the cursed cauldron and the rage spirit. Not that he thought she had wanted to see them hurt, but more because it made him wonder if she'd been willing to abandon her 'best, closest friends' completely. He didn't think Invidia was a coward, but he did wonder if she was callous enough to be willing to discard even ponies she honestly cared about if it was easier than lifting a hoof to help them. Fear he could deal with, but that level of narcissism or cruelty...

But he tried to put these thoughts aside for now, as he asked curiously: “So art thou ready to continue the journey tomorrow? We shall leave early in the morn, if all goes well.”

Invidia nodded a few times, curling herself against the stallion a little too eagerly. “Yes, oh certainly! I look forwards to traveling with you both, and to giving my prince the honor he deserves.”

“If thou wishes to honor him, Invidia, perhaps thou should use his name.” Sleipnir suggested kindly, and Invidia immediately scowled, looking up at the earth pony like this was some kind of cruel trick before he explained gently: “Thou art his friend, art thou not? A title does nothing more than separate the two of thee, as if thou art from two different realms. Call him by his name: respect him as Blueblood, not as 'prince.'”

Invidia looked thoughtful at this, lowering her head and chewing on her cheek before she suddenly gave a smile and nodded, looking up at the stallion with interest. “Yes. Why, that's not such a bad idea after all... of course I respect him for his handsomeness, his strength, how he carries his burdens so gracefully... not at all simply because of his title.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly, and Invidia snuggled herself closer to the stallion, looking strangely excited as she whispered: “Yes, it's a wonderful way to show my closeness... to get closer to him. I must get closer to him, after all, show him just how much he means to me...”

Sleipnir didn't let his kind expression fade, but he did feel a strange tickling through his stomach: not worry or fear so much as uncertainty. He knew better than to try and counsel Invidia against her obsession, though: she would just lash out, grow hostile again. It was better to let her make her mistakes with Blueblood and eventually learn how to properly treat other ponies her own way.

After ten minutes or so, Invidia eventually shifted and stepped back from the stallion, looking up at him with warmth. Sleipnir gazed back at her kindly, seeing all the reasons he was so patient with her in that look: he knew that no matter how she acted, they really did mean something to her. She was just such a damaged and convoluted creature that she had no idea how to repress herself, how to act when things didn't quite go her way.

“Will you walk with me? Just over to where I've been staying, outside of town. There's such a pretty little place, I think you'd like to see it... the fireflies make it so beautiful on nights like this.” she wheedled, and Sleipnir chuckled quietly, gazing at her softly. Oh, how she had reminded him of his daughter for a moment...

“Of course. I will even tuck thee in if that will help thou rest for the night, whether thou sleeps or not.” Sleipnir said kindly, and Invidia giggled like a filly, nodding and blushing a little. “Excellent, then let us be off. It has been years since I have seen fireflies. I am eager to see if they are as pretty in this world as I remember them being in mine own.”

Invidia bounced from hoof-to-hoof, then turned away and trotted happily off, and Sleipnir sighed wryly and shook his head before he followed in the mare's wake, smiling despite himself: even if the demon's entire personality seemed to change along with her moods, he didn't think right now he'd have it any other way. It made her as easy to read as Blueblood was... and it helped keep things interesting, too.

And Sleipnir had always preferred when things were interesting.