• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,328 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

  • ...

The Prince Returns

Chapter Thirty Two: The Prince Returns

The last two days that Blueblood and Sleipnir had spent in Rancher's Ridge had been comfortable, and renewed the strength of both ponies even as they'd attended to their last goodbyes... both to Restless Languish, as well as to this little town and its inhabitants.

The funeral parlor hadn't been exactly happy with the plans for Lang, and they'd dragged their hooves through most of the process, from picking up the body to the meeting with the funeral director. He had spent most of the appointment trying to come up with reasons why Blueblood needed to buy a coffin or blathering on about how they normally required a full funeral to provide services and on and on and on. Blueblood had been annoyed, but he hadn't allowed himself to get angry or to allow the greedy funeral director to ruin his mood: he'd just continued to insist until Sleipnir had complained that he was getting bored, and promptly smashed his face into the funeral director's desk.

The little fit of pique had nearly broken the funeral director's desk in half, and the funeral director had hurriedly promised they could pick up the ashes in the morning. And as they had walked out, Blueblood had asked wryly how Sleipnir could be so happy and compassionate and such a giant bully at the same time.

Sleipnir had only shrugged cheerfully, and then they had gone back to the house, where they still had guests waiting for them. The night had been spent in good company, talking about old times, drinking and eating and... it hadn't quite been a party, but it had been close. And it had been enjoyable, and helped keep the lights going during this dark time.

Eventually, the guests had left, and Blueblood had settled down to sleep with the gemstone his father had given him. He slipped the band around his head, and felt the comforting weight of the gem settle just beneath his horn, the magic making the spire tingle faintly as he closed his eyes...

And his father had been waiting for him, to tell him that he loved him, to share a hug with him, and then... vanish. But Blueblood found himself in a great hall, lined with a hundred, if not a thousand doors, and he had wandered over to the closest before pushing it open...

Sound and light had assaulted him, surprising him before he stumbled into a busy university. But generic-looking, grayish ponies were walking right through him, and he didn't know quite what to think as he gazed around... until his eyes widened as he saw two ponies that stood out in vibrant color shyly standing in the middle of the square, the mare clutching a set of books against her breast as the stallion smiled at her and listened to her ramble away...

His parents. And Blueblood trembled as he realized what Lang had done: with the last of his strength, he'd poured countless memories into this gemstone: he had left his son a gift that he would never be able to thank his father enough for. He had left him a gift that truly allowed Blueblood to keep a piece of his father with him, forever.

The morning had come too soon, but Blueblood had never felt more invigorated, more ready in his entire life. And when they had retrieved his father's urn of ashes, Blue had silently hugged it against his chest, and promised that he would never, ever forget all the things that Restless Languish had done for him.

And Sleipnir, to his surprise, had a gift for him as well: one that left Blueblood awed and amazed. His armor had been heavily modified, new parts added and old parts swapped out, polished and repainted and... absolutely gorgeous. It gleamed brightly, almost as if greeting him, and it had only taken a touch for Blueblood to realize... this was what Sleipnir had done with the extra mythril. And he couldn't begin to express how honored he was by the stallion's effort and dedication and kindness.

He had suited up gladly in what was now a proper set of full plate mail, but felt only a little heavier than it had been before in spite of the segmented and flexible metal plates now protecting almost every inch of his body. And he'd been humbled beyond all measure when Sleipnir had presented him with a small shield of ironwood overlaid with thin mythril sheeting: the targe was polished to a reflective glint, and was bordered with a prayer for peace written in ancient runes.

It was all so much more than he deserved. And Blueblood wore it proudly now as they headed towards Canterlot, his satchels tight on his sides, his head high and helm gleaming, and the gemstone filled with his father's memories pulled down to rest tightly around his throat. It was probably going to stretch the band out, but Blueblood planned to move the gemstone to a proper amulet when he had the chance, or something like that. It was something he was going to want to have on him at all times.

The unicorn paused for a moment, then looked over at Sleipnir, asking curiously: “What would you recommend I do with this gemstone? I was thinking about an amulet.”

“Oh, nay. 'Tis too heavy.” Sleipnir said thoughtfully, and Blueblood cocked his head before the enormous earth pony explained: “Thou may not be able to fit it beneath thy armor, and if thou does, the movements of thy body and any strikes thou may take could cause it to fracture, sandwiched between solid steel and thy handsome stallion's chest.”

Blueblood frowned meditatively at this, muttering: “I didn't think of that. It is pretty big...”

“Oh aye, 'tis quite large.” Sleipnir said blandly, and Blueblood slowly looked over at the earth pony, giving him a dry look even as Sleipnir continued seriously: “But I must warn thee, that mine is far larger. Fear not, though, Blue: if thou fights and trains and lives with the courage of a stallion larger than thee, than I am certain that thou shall swell to sizes far greater in time.”

“I hate you. Alright, then should I put it in... I don't know. A collar or a choker seems too strange to me.” Blue muttered, looking thoughtfully away, and then he glanced up tiredly when Sleipnir giggled a little. “Now what?”

“Oh, 'tis just funny that thou should say that, 'tis all. For, thou sees, my little sister was very quick to collar both her mares, and they never did complain.” Sleipnir winked. “Although Scrivener Blooms, as I recall, was most reluctant to wear his pretty jewelry around me. I do not know why: I rarely tried to take advantage of the handsome creature!”

Blueblood sighed, then finally looked up and asked out morbid curiosity and possible masochism: “Just how many stallions have you slept with?”

“Oh, not many.” Sleipnir said pleasantly, shaking his head and smiling cheerfully over at Blueblood. “Stallions are more picky than mares about where they make their bed, I shall have thee know. Or at least the kind I have always been around, who so crow about their stallionness but act as whimpery as dandies should they be caught thinking a single impure thought about another stallion. And 'tis not as if I can blame any creature for having impure thoughts of me!”

Blueblood simply looked at Sleipnir for a moments, then decided it was better not to ask before he looked ahead down the road. “Is that Rider City in the distance?”

“Aye, I believe thou art right.” Sleipnir said thoughtfully, peering ahead, and then he smiled and nodded before saying cheerfully: “We are making good time, Blue! And once we reach the city, we shall be able to board a train and cut our journey's time to a few days!”

Blueblood's eyes widened in surprise, and he felt a weight drop in his gut as he asked disbelievingly: “You... you want to get on a train? But... I thought we were going to walk back to Canterlot, and... I mean...”

But Sleipnir only chuckled quietly, smiling reassuringly over at Blueblood and saying gently: “Now fear not, my friend. I do not have plans to leave for a long time yet: there is much that has to be done before the portal will be ready to test, even if we have friends working hard away at readying it for us. But I merely thought thou would enjoy seeing thy family again, and this one time, I will be willing to ride in a blasted, lumbering machine.”

Sleipnir paused, then added teasingly: “Besides, I had always thought that little colts like thou art enjoyed trains! 'Tis just like a bigger version of thy silly doll-toys, is it not?”

“Oh, ha ha, Sleipnir. You peasant.” All the same, Blueblood smiled despite himself, shaking his head briefly before he replied finally: “And I.. well, if you feel we should, Sleipnir... I guess it would be nice to actually travel in leisure for once. And it would be nice to surprise Auntie...”

Blueblood smiled a little, and Sleipnir nodded firmly. “Then let us make for the train station, and I am certain that we shall be able to burst in upon thy aunt and both rain kisses upon her before she even knows what is happening! Although in my case, Blue, I fear I may again have to sweep her off her hooves and off to bed before thou gets much of a chance to speak with her!”

“Oh, please don't.” Blueblood groaned, and then he glared over at Sleipnir as the enormous stallion only grinned cheerfully and winked at him. “There's honestly something very wrong with you. You can't live like a foal forever, you know.”

“Oh, aye, I certainly can.” Sleipnir replied stoutly, shaking his head quickly before he added with surprising seriousness: “It is not being childish that makes ruin of us, Blue. 'Tis being immature. And there is a vast difference betwixt a happy fool and a whimpering dandy who will not accept his responsibilities.”

Blueblood looked thoughtful at this, turning his gaze ahead, and then he said wryly: “So you're very... maturely childish, in other words.”

“Aye, if thou must make it sound so poetic!” Sleipnir said mildly, and then he winked, adding cheerfully: “Not all things must be broken down into silly, simple facts, I shall have thee know. Some things merely are: why can't thou simply be happy with this knowledge, Blue?”

The ivory unicorn smiled wryly in response to this, then he sighed and shook his head before saying dryly: “Probably because I can't help but ask logical questions in response to your completely illogical answers. It's a foolish habit, I know.”

“'Tis, but I still love thee, brother.” Sleipnir replied easily, and Blue laughed in spite of himself before he shook his head and smiled, turning his eyes forwards as amusement and a growing excitement ran through his body.

They were going home. Blueblood was going to get to set hoof in Canterlot again, see his Auntie, share with her everything he had learned and finally tell her in person all about Restless Languish. Then, they could build Sleipnir's portal, and...

And Sleipnir was going to leave. And he hated how that thought immediately sucked all the cheer out of his system, how it made him feel so... so bad. What was he going to do without Sleipnir, after all? The stallion was his brother, his best friend, his guide: he had taught him so much, and was still the pony he looked to for advice, depended upon, needed...

With him gone, what if he started to slip back into his old ways? And hell, without Sleipnir around... what was he going to do with his life? Sure, ponies called him the prince and all still, but he felt like that was more of a nickname than anything else now, and if anything, he was afraid of what it would mean if they tried to make him take the throne. Thankfully, that was very unlikely with his Aunts and now Twilight Sparkle... and oh, he really was going to have to apologize to her when he got home for how he'd treated her and all those nasty anonymous letters he'd sent to her.

Blueblood mused, head lowered, and Sleipnir only smiled faintly at the unicorn and half-led him onwards down the road, matching his pace to his companion's. It was going to hurt to leave here, he knew... but it had been so long, and he felt that things were still so very wrong back home. He really had no other choice but to make sure he left as soon as possible, to try and help his family however he could...

Except he had this awful feeling that he was too late to do any real good: that it had been too late the moment the dark god had whisked him and his wife away and thrown them into exile. And more than that, he was growing more and more sure that this portal simply wasn't going to work: he'd talked about it with Mother Nature, and Old Oak, and come to the conclusion that the portal couldn't possibly work because this world wasn't linked to any of the others.

For all he knew, the portal could backfire and rip open a hole to the Void: it made him hesitant to even finish this journey, and half-tempted to include some glaring flaw in his own designs, one that would make it impossible for the portal to focus magic or activate. But he also knew that there was a very slim chance the portal might just send a blind signal out through the realms that might just be able to touch upon another world... and if he could get to any world that was part of the endless chain that spiraled around the Core World...

He had to try, because if the portal failed, then he was either going to have to figure out how to teach the ponies of this world to open the Bifrost – which would be next to impossible for many reasons, not the least of which was that he couldn't do magic himself – or he was going to have to find another way home. And if even demons couldn't escape back to Helheim from this world...

But still, part of him wanted to believe there was a way out of here. Sure, he could probably settle down on this world, smile, and be comfortable... but oh, he missed his family. And his phoenix, his darling, beloved phoenix... he ached for her. Every day he thought about her, every night he had long conversations with her in his head, imagining that she was already safely back at home, fighting beside his friends against... whatever evil had survived.

He could sense that something was still terribly, painfully wrong, after all, and that whatever was going on was only worsening: the premonitions tortured him, but Sleipnir refused to give in to them, refused to allow them to poison his thoughts or his mood. Why worry, why be sad if there was nothing he could do about it? Why not continue to smile, and focus on what he could change, and the people he could help?

He would never, ever abandon his family and friends, but likewise, he knew that they wouldn't want him just mourning and whimpering. That wasn't what honorable stallions and mares were supposed to do! They were supposed to continue to fight, to help, to serve the hopes of justice everywhere they went, not cry and whine just because they couldn't find their way back home as quickly as they wanted to!

Sleipnir smiled and nodded firmly to himself after a moment. He could be sad, but it was better to just be happy, to not let heavy thoughts weigh down the head and the heart and make him selfish and stupid. It was better to keep himself moving than to slow to a stop, and stagnate, and worry pointlessly about things he couldn't do anything about anyway.

The enormous earth pony gazed ahead down the road, smiling: he could hear ponies now all going about their business, and hear the clanking of carriages and the distinct sizzling of electricity and machinery. Usually they weren't things he was so happy about, but it meant they were nearly back to Canterlot, and it meant he could steal a few days of peace with Blueblood aboard one of those infernal contraptions he barely fit in.

He wanted to spend time with Blueblood as a friend and brother, after all... and he also wanted to prepare him as much as he could for when he had to leave, one way or another. He wanted Blue to be strong, to uphold the honor he had earned, to continue to fight as a warrior and prove he was truly worthy of one day, being a great jarl: a leader of ponies.

But Sleipnir had faith that one day very soon, Blueblood would be.

The train ride back was... fun, in a word. Sleipnir had spent most it teasing Blueblood, seducing various mares, and generally being a nuisance to the train crew. But he was too charming and lovable for them to kick him off, thankfully... well, that and the fact that Blueblood was the Prince of Equestria and bound for Canterlot.

But Blue oddly felt... unhappy about that title now meaning so much again. And when they had pulled into Canterlot and the train workers had cleared the entire aisle for him to go first, Blue hadn't felt special, but instead embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Walking through the city had been a surreal experience: he felt so out of place, looking around at all these posh and happy ponies, who were all in suits and expensive clothes or had covered themselves in perfumes or makeup.

And him, on the other hoof? He was dressed in armor, sword and shield both on his back and rawhide bags strapped to his sides. His helmet was off, but with his shaggy mane and the scars over one side of his face, no one could recognize him. Sure, ponies were staring at him, but not because they knew he was the prince: because he was such an exotic sight, just like Sleipnir was.

Sleipnir, of course, had just happily trotted along with him until they'd finally reached the castle, and here, Blueblood lingered. All he had to do was cross this bridge, and announce who he was to the Royal Guard on duty. They would let him in, and he would be able to see Auntie Celestia, and...

And then what? He was so excited and so nervous and so anxious and... and yet he wanted to turn around and just leave. He already felt the country and the road calling him to resume his adventures, outside of these marble walls, away from this monstrosity of a castle. He didn't want to be here... as much as he loved his aunts, he wanted to be anywhere but here.

He flinched as Sleipnir gently clapped him on the shoulder, the unicorn looking up before the earth pony said kindly: “Come now, Blue. It shan't be so bad, and thou has much to speak of to thine Aunt Celestia, does thou not? Art thou not eager to see her?”

Blueblood nodded hesitantly, and Sleipnir smiled kindly, saying gently: “Then focus solely upon that, my friend. 'Tis the best thing thou can do, here and now.”

“I... alright, Sleipnir. I'll try.” Blueblood said quietly, and the enormous earth pony gave him a warm look before Blueblood took a slow breath, then rose his head proudly before striding calmly over the bridge with the enormous earth pony trundling happily along behind him.

The Royal Guard were all staring at him, and Blue looked calmly back at them before he bowed his head and said politely: “Please let me through, and tell Princess Celestia that Blueblood has returned from his journey with Sleipnir the Mighty.”

The guards stared, then looked at each other before one of them asked nervously: “Sir, uh... well, where is the prince? Is he on his way?”

Blueblood looked blankly back at the guards for a moment, and Sleipnir giggled before clearing his throat and looking hurriedly away when Blue glared at him. Then the unicorn took a slow breath before looking back ahead and saying firmly: “I am Blueblood, and I would like to go inside and see my aunt.”

The soldiers traded looks between themselves, and then one snorted laughter as another rolled his eyes, and the guard in front began mildly: “Sir, I don't know what you're trying to do, but unless you give me your real name I can't let you into the castle.”

Blueblood sighed, then he looked moodily over at Sleipnir before the earth pony said cheerfully: “Well, thou cannot blame them, Blue! Thou hast grown into a handsome, mighty stallion. Perhaps they would believe thou if thou acted a bit more like thine old self, though...”

Sleipnir winked knowingly at the unicorn, and Blueblood looked mildly up at the earth pony before he sighed, cleared his throat, and then threw his head back and howled: “I demand you peasants get out of my way and let me in to see Auntie right now, right now, right this moment!”

Then Blueblood dropped his head forwards, glowering at the guards as they all stared. Then one stallion began to mouth wordlessly, pointing at him with disbelief as another paled and a third wobbled on his hooves, and Blue groaned loudly before almost pleading: “You can't honestly be that amazed!”

The Royal Guard who had been wobbling on his hooves fainted, and Blue looked down at him dumbly before the officer apparently in charge hurriedly bowed several times, blurting: “P-Prince Blueblood, it's so... we didn't... you look great! Great! Please just go right on inside and please... just... please, go right inside!”

“Please, just... calm down, everypony. I'm not mad at any of you. I'm just a little bit... surprised, that's all. Do I really seem that different?” Blue asked quizzically, and Sleipnir snorted in amusement, which made the unicorn scowl up at him. “Well of course I seem different to you, Sleipnir, you've-”

“I have been with thee, training thee for the three and some years, Blue, and I am still amazed by the transformation that has blossomed in thee.” Sleipnir replied kindly, gesturing easily at the unicorn and winking at him. “'Tis not their fault they still remember the old thee instead of the new Blueblood... although 'tis rather sad there has apparently been so little news of our mighty conquests here in Canterlot!”

The guards all traded awkward looks, and then one of them cleared his throat before gesturing lamely again at Blueblood, saying hesitantly: “If you like, we can... send along a messenger or... have you escorted up to the Princess, she'll... she'll be very happy to see you, I'm sure. Sir. Prince, sir.”

Blueblood only smiled briefly, shaking his head before he replied gently: “That's very generous of you, but I'm more than happy to make my own way up to see Auntie Celestia. I'd like to surprise her. Is she in her throne room at the moment?”

“Attending to audiences, yes sir, Prince Blueblood.” the soldier replied, saluting quickly, and then he tilted his head when the unicorn only smiled wryly and rose a hoof.

“There's no need for any of that. I haven't done much here to earn anypony's respect yet... and anyway, we all know I'm not really a prince. Just call me Blue.” The ivory stallion answered, and the soldier was left gaping.

But this time, Blueblood quickly patted him on the shoulder before clearing his throat and shouldering gently past the line of amazed Royal Guard. Sleipnir laughed loudly, then followed after a moment, playfully bodychecking one of the guards out of his way as he passed and saying teasingly: “Careful, friends! If such a little thing as this leaves thee shellshocked, then I fear what death may pass over the castle when all of thee find just how deeply our wild-hearted friend has changed!”

Blueblood gave Sleipnir an amused look at this, then he shook his head slowly as they walked down the halls... halls that felt so familiar, and yet so alien to them both, as the unicorn said mildly: “You know, I know what you're doing.”

“I am doing nothing, Blue.” Sleipnir replied innocently, and then he paused for a moment before adding thoughtfully: “But Blue Heart... or Wild Blue.. or perhaps Blue Wildheart Earthwalky.”

“Earthwalker.” Blueblood corrected dryly, and then he sighed before shaking his head and smiling a little, glancing down at the floor and murmuring: “And if there's one thing I've learned, Sleipnir, it's that no matter what your name is... you're still the same person.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly several times at this, and then he said kindly: “Aye, precisely. And thou hast always been a strong stallion, Blue, that is what I see. Perhaps thou wert not so well off at first in this life, aye, but that was not even all thy fault, was it?”

“I don't know, Sleipnir. I really don't.” Blueblood said honestly, smiling briefly again up at the stallion. “What... what if it's this place? Canterlot, being a prince... I... I'm afraid that...”

“Now, cease that.” Sleipnir said gently, and the two halted in the middle of the hall before Sleipnir reached up and took the unicorn by the shoulders, saying softly: “Thou art not weak. And thou art well on thy way to being a true leader of ponies, Blue. And I do not believe thou art going to fall or fail, because... thou hast learned some of the hardest lessons thou can in this life and the next.”

Sleipnir reached up and firmly tapped a hoof against his own breast, and Blue smiled faintly before he nodded slowly, closing his eyes. Yes, that was right: the ponies he'd lost at the Fortress of Exile, and Cerulea, and his father, Restless Languish... and Sleipnir, of course. He had to honor Sleipnir, even after, especially after...

Blueblood took a steadying breath, then looked up at him before he said quietly: “I get scared, though, because when I was Prince... very little in me recognized that what I was doing was wrong. It all felt justified, and I was bitter, and angry, and... I honestly believed you were trying to take away my throne, that everypony was out to get me. I couldn't see the mirror past... my own fat, I suppose.”

Blueblood smiled briefly, reaching up to silently rub the armor over his now-toned, solid stomach, and Sleipnir shrugged easily before replying simply: “Well, if thou becomes a great marshy-mellow again, thou shan't fit in thy armor anymore. And I have seen how fond thou art of it! Therefore thou shan't become slothy and slovenly again, I am sure.”

“Oh yes, Sleipnir, a great reason why I'm not going to go down that road.” Blueblood said ironically, and then he hesitated before silently reaching up to touch the purple gemstone on the stretched band around his neck, asking hesitantly: “What if I... what if without you to guide me... I use all this strength you've given me for bad things?”

Sleipnir softened, and then he shook his head slowly before reassuring quietly: “Blue, if there is one thing in this strange world I have faith in... it is that thou hast never been a tyrant. Thou hast never been malicious, nor cruel. And thou hast worked too hard and gained too much to throw thy honor away for something so silly and worthless as a bit more power.

“But most of all, Blueblood... tyrants and monsters, at the end of the day, are nothing but the castoff, the slake, forged from hate and fear, and broken by it.” Sleipnir said softly, meeting the stallion's eyes evenly. “Thou hast overcome even thy worst fears, though, and shown compassion and love to even those thou had every right to hate. Thou hast learned to quell savagery with mercy, and to strike with surety... but only when there is no other choice.”

The two looked at each other for a few moments, blue and chestnut eyes gazing deep into one another's and seeing the faith and trust and admiration they shared... and then Blueblood smiled faintly before he lowered his head and murmured: “I don't deserve the trust you have in me.”

“Thou deserves that and more.” Sleipnir replied firmly, shaking his head before he stepped back and said kindly: “Now come. If thine Auntie is anything akin to the Celestia that I know, then I fear by now she must already know we are here and the surprise is all ruint.”

“Ruined, you mean. Ruined, Sleipnir. Enunciate. It's bad enough you have to talk in that strange dialect of yours and all.” Blueblood retorted, and Sleipnir huffed loudly before smacking the back of Blueblood's head, almost knocking him over. But instead, he turned his stagger into a brisk walk, raising his head high and pretending that his ears weren't ringing as he grumbled: “Oh yes, solve all your problems with violence, peasant.”

“I shall solve thy problems with my... violence.” Sleipnir argued lamely, and then he huffed again before complaining: “And thou art all the ones with strange accents! Thy twisty and turny words, 'tis like shards of glass in mine ears! Oh, sure, my big sister would agree with thee that I am of strange discourse and speech, but she is terribly stuffy when it comes to such things. Are not my sweet words as music?”

“Not really.” Blueblood replied dryly, and Sleipnir gave a disdainful sniff. The two bumped against each other as they walked along, and the unicorn wondered both how he and Sleipnir had managed to work together so well for three years... as well as how he had ever gotten along without this stallion by his side.

Although the answer to that, he realized, was that he kind of hadn't... and the unicorn smiled despite himself before he glanced mildly over at Sleipnir as the enormous earth pony asked cheerfully: “Art thou having impure thoughts about me, Blue? For I remember when we were aboard the train and forced to share that cramped little compartment, I awoke to a rather stiff pokery one morn...”

“Oh shut up.” Blueblood huffed, looking away in embarrassment. “And that was... that was merely my hoof!”

“'Twas a small hoof.” Sleipnir remarked cheerfully, and Blueblood glared over at the earth pony, one eye twitching before the enormous earth pony added, waggling his eyebrows: “But I suppose that not all ponies can have hooves nearly as large as mine own!”

Blueblood sighed tiredly: but thankfully they had reached the audience chamber... or rather, the hall outside it. And as always, the corridor was crowded with ponies, many of whom were visiting nobles, others who had honest problems, and as always, a few who were just here to sort of hang out. Blueblood grimaced as he thought about all the times he had used to do things like that: mingling with a captive audience, gossiping with nobles and stirring the pot and generally throwing his weight around... sometimes literally, with how heavy he'd used to be.

Sleipnir looked quizzically back and forth, then he reached up and rubbed at his head thoughtfully before remarking: “How strange! I feel as if I have encountered this precise scene before.”

“Well, it's possible. Auntie always tries to do as many audiences as she can, but... she always ends up overbooked, and usually by privileged ponies who know the right people to ask, have the right connections.” Blueblood said dryly, and then he shivered a little, Sleipnir cocking his head curiously at this. “Oh, it's... nothing. Just thinking about how I used to think that kind of nepotism was okay.”

Sleipnir nodded wisely, and then he winked over at the unicorn, saying cheerfully: “Aye, it all comes back to me now. As I also recall...”

The earth pony looked back and forth, then smiled and strode over to a stallion in an expensive suit. The well-to-do pony scowled up at pony, then winced a bit when Sleipnir said brightly: “Hello!”

The rich pony only snorted, then looked away with a huff, turning his nose up in the air. Sleipnir studied him for a few moments, then he glanced up as well before asking curiously: “Are we looking for rain? We are indoors, so thou had best not hope 'tis about to rain, for if it were to come inside, 'twould be quite heavy.”

The pony slowly looked over at Sleipnir with a moue of distaste, and then he started to open his mouth, and Sleipnir frowned as he leaned down before asking curiously: “Would thou perhaps have any more of that chocolate thou hast been eating on thee? I am rather hungry.”

The rich stallion's eyes widened as he reached up and covered his muzzle, and then he looked embarrassedly back and forth before hurrying off. Blueblood stared in disbelief as Sleipnir smiled brightly, then turned and trotted over to another pony, greeting brightly: “Hello!”

Blueblood watched with amazement as Sleipnir wandered from pony to pony: he solved problems, debated, teased, and did basically anything and everything he could to get ponies to leave. And he was very, very good at it, managing to clear almost the entire audience hall before Celestia's attendant emerged, then did a double take... before glaring furiously at Sleipnir, pointing at him and shouting: “You! You!”

“Oh, good! Look, Blue, we are being invited in!” Sleipnir said cheerfully, and the attendant glared before he began to shout furiously for the Royal Guard, but the earth pony only called clearly over his yells: “Oh, nay, nay! There is no need for an escort, we are well enough known here!”

Blue laughed despite himself as he ran quickly up after Sleipnir, ponies staring in disbelief as the earth pony approached the double doors and simply shoved them open, almost knocking over the two Royal Guard that had been coming to see what all the ruckus from outside was about.

They both stared as the enormous earth pony boldly strode past with Blueblood, both stallions ignoring the attendant as he fluttered back and forth around them, shouting angrily as Celestia straightened in her throne... and then her eyes widened, her mane visibly flared with light, and she gave a cry of joy that stupefied the attendant into silence.

Celestia leapt down from her throne, and Blueblood looked up in surprise.. then laughed when Celestia almost pounced on top of him, hugging him fiercely against her body as she exclaimed: “Blueblood! Oh, Blueblood, I've been so worried about you, it's... it's so good to see you! Oh, Sleipnir, it's so good to see you, too, both back here in one piece, with everything your letters said I was getting so... I got so...”

Celestia drew back, and then trembled a little as she reached up and silently touched Blue's face, tilting it to the side as she gazed silently over the scarring across his cheek. She bit her lip for a moment, then took a slow breath before stepping back and looking at him. She was still smiling, but it was much weaker as she studied him silently before whispering: “Oh, Blueblood... you've... you've grown up so much.”

Blueblood smiled faintly, shrugging slowly before he straightened in his armor, letting her gaze over him, take in every detail of the plate mail, the sword and the shield, how his features had matured into deeper handsomeness and yet lost their coltish charm at the same time. He was a stallion now, she saw: he was no longer young, dependent, needy Blueblood... and strangely, part of her ached at that thought. At the fact that now, he was a strong stallion who no longer needed her.

“Sunstroke, please spread word that Prince Blueblood has returned. And in honor of him and Sir Sleipnir, I want tomorrow to be a day of celebration. Invite everypony, our doors will be open to all.” Celestia said warmly, and then she blinked in surprise as Blue smiled awkwardly and held up a hoof. “Yes? What is it, Prince Blueblood?”

“Just... just Blue, please, Auntie Celestia. I'm not worthy of being a prince.” Blueblood said honestly, and Celestia stared at him with surprise before the ivory unicorn added: “And I appreciate the thought and the gesture, but... Sleipnir and I are just happy to be here. It's just... it's wonderful just to see you, Auntie. We don't need a big celebration.”

“Well, thou may not, but I certainly do!” Sleipnir said cheerfully, nudging Blueblood playfully before he winked across at the stunned-looking Celestia. “Fear not, we shan't reject thy kindness, 'twould be rude. Blue is merely being silly and worried. He is as anxious as a frog amidst serpents.”

The unicorn rolled his eyes even as he blushed a little, and Celestia cleared her throat before she said finally: “Well, Pr... I mean, Blueblood... I'd like to do this for you. You and Sleipnir deserve it, and... I'm sure all of Canterlot is eager to see how much you've changed. That you've grown into a fine, strong stallion.”

Blueblood smiled awkwardly, and then he shrugged a little before saying after a moment: “Well, I just hope that I'm on the way there, at least.”

Celestia studied him almost curiously, and then she cleared her throat before saying finally: “If you'll excuse me, though, I... I suppose I should try and get through the rest of these audiences, but then I'll be right up to see you, Blueblood. Perhaps your Aunt Luna is up: she's been asking about you quite a lot lately. She missed you.”

The unicorn chuckled at this: he doubted Aunt Luna had missed him at all, really, but he nodded and bowed his head respectfully to Celestia before murmuring: “Okay, Auntie. I think Sleipnir and I both have to settle in, anyway. I'll be looking forwards to seeing you tonight.”

Quiet. Respectful. Kind and honest. Celestia gazed with wonderment as Sleipnir waved to her happily before he turned proudly around with her adopted child, and led him back out of the throne room. All the ponies looked just as amazed and confused as she felt, but Celestia forced herself to snap out of the daze she had fallen into before she cleared her throat and asked: “Who... who is next on the list, Sunstroke? And will you please send out that message as soon as possible?”

“I... yes! Oh, yes, of course!” her attendant said hurriedly, shaking his head wildly before he turned and scurried for the open doors. Celestia stood for a moment longer, watching as the Royal Guards awkwardly stumbled back to their own positions and a sense of normalcy started to return to the throne room.

She returned to her own throne, completing the illusion that things were going on with business as usual... but even as ponies began to come in and out with requests and complaints and questions, she answered and reacted mostly on autopilot, her mind still focused almost solely on Blueblood.

He was so different than she remembered... maybe after all the years he'd spent here as nothing but her admittedly-sometimes-infantile nephew, she'd forgotten that, well... he wasn't immortal. He wasn't going to be young Prince Blueblood forever... now he'd found his heritage, and who he thought he was meant to be, and he'd become somepony she could barely even recognize.

But he seemed so strong now. And she had seen humility and modesty in him: things that the old Blueblood had never learned. And... the fact that he had changed so much in a few short years, and she was actually almost sad to see him so strong and happy and independent... did that mean that the way Blueblood had been really had been all her fault? That she really was that awful of a... a mother-figure?

Celestia fidgeted even as she did her best to listen to ponies, to help them, but... she had her own problems right now, and so many of them had requests she honestly found hard to take seriously. And others were complimenting her and telling her so nicely how nice and good she was, as if she didn't have a hundred other ponies waiting at her doorstep, as if she could afford to take half an hour to talk about herself with a complete stranger who just wanted to brag about his or her audience with the Princess...

Time ticked onwards, and Celestia became more anxious: she just wanted to see Blueblood, see how much he had actually changed... make sure that he still remembered her. A few years wasn't a long time at all to her but... it really was quite a long time to a mortal pony, wasn't it? And he was still so young, and... what if he was just trying to impress her? What if he was afraid that she didn't remember him? What if, what if...

And finally, Celestia cleared her throat when a pony left, and Sunstroke looked curiously up before the Princess of the Sun instructed: “Tell everypony outside that they'll have to come back tomorrow. I have to go and speak with Prince Blueblood and Sleipnir, find out what's going on and... talk with them about the long-term guests they requested us to look after.”

Sunstroke saluted sharply and nodded, then turned and headed quickly out of the room, shouting at the ponies outside even before the doors fully opened. Celestia couldn't help but smile wryly: he was a little high strung, maybe, but he was a good, dependable stallion, and a pony she was glad to have on her staff. Even if he did clearly hate Sleipnir with a passion, and even after the years that had passed, Celestia still sometimes fondly remembered... well...

She shook her head out, then composed herself before climbing down from her throne and heading to a side door that took her away from the crowded main halls and down a private corridor to a secluded set of stairs.

Celestia wended her way through the halls, careful to avoid as much contact as possible, quickly excusing herself whenever ponies tried to stop her or draw her into conversation. She hated to be rude, but she felt it was important to see Blueblood as soon as possible and... well, assuage her own fears as much as find out just how much he had changed, how much he had learned on his journey with the strange earth pony.

Sleipnir... had she been right to trust him? Blueblood had returned in one piece, looked healthier, stronger than he'd ever been... but he also looked like a warrior, with scars upon his face and in full armor and a sword and shield...

But one thing that reassured her was that Blueblood was easy to find: just like she'd hoped, she'd come upstairs and found Sleipnir, Luna, and Blueblood sitting together in the old, large den that she and Blue had always had family time in. Sleipnir had a foreleg around Luna, who was laughing as Blueblood smiled warmly... then looked up as Celestia entered, standing quickly with a blush. “Auntie! It's good to see you, I... didn't expect you'd be up so early.”

“He is not such a dick anymore, Celestia. At least, not in the bad way.” Luna said approvingly, and Blueblood gave the sapphire mare an amused look as Celestia glowered at her sister... but smiled maybe just a little, all the same. “Well, it is true. We all agree on this, do we not?”

“We do, aye.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, winking down at Luna as he squeezed her playfully up against his side, and then he flailed his other foreleg, adding brightly: “Celestia, come, we have saved a spot for thee right here on mine other side! For 'tis very lonely on my left, with only one pretty mare snuggled all up against my right!”

Celestia sighed and shook her head as Blueblood rolled his eyes, then remarked wryly: “I think it's your brain that's the most lonely of all, though, Sleipnir. Where did you forget it, again?”

“Oh, who knows, but 'tis the least important part of me, at least.” Sleipnir replied jovially, and Blueblood laughed and shook his head, Celestia gazing at her nephew with amazement at how... how changed he was. How he was talking and laughing and sharing teasing with his friend, and... standing up, out of his armor, she could see how toned and strong his body had become, not an ounce of flab left on a body that was...

She softened, her eyes filling with concern for him as she saw more scars here and there: they were well-hidden against his ivory coat, but they were there all the same, and... oh, she saw the signs of weapons, and of magic, and...

Blueblood shifted nervously, and Celestia forced herself to shake herself out, taking a slow breath before she said softly: “You've grown up so much. You've... changed so much, too, and... oh, Blue, are you... are you okay?”

The prince smiled faintly at this, and then he nodded before striding forwards. Celestia gladly met him in a tight, fierce embrace, the mare bowing her head forwards, mane half-wrapping around the stallion as he said quietly: “I... I'm better than okay, Auntie. Don't worry about me. I'm... I'm only sorry about all the pain I must have caused you. I never meant to cause you so much trouble, I just... I was never able to look beyond myself in the past. But now...”

Blueblood hesitated, and as they parted, he smiled up at his aunt as her mane gently, almost gingerly stroked along the stallion's side. “Now I want to make sure that I go above and beyond what ponies expect of me. That I live with honor and dignity and... that I take care of others. When I focus on other ponies, it helps me put aside my own selfish desires. It helps me be a better pony, and... it makes me proud of who I am.”

Celestia smiled warmly at this, gazing down at her nephew radiantly... and yet part of her still hurt, and craved... “I'm so proud of you, Blueblood, I just... this is hard for me. You've changed so much, and while I'm used to taking care of ponies, I'm also used to moving in and out of their lives... but not yours. You're a son to me, more than a nephew, and... and I suppose I'm feeling what every mother must. A little... helpless, as I watch you... growing up and... pulling away. Finding your own way, and realizing now that maybe I... maybe I always indulged and encouraged you as a prince because I was always afraid of losing you.”

Blueblood softened, and then he shook his head before replying quietly: “You'll never lose me, Auntie... I promise. I think about you every day, Auntie... I think about the lessons you tried to teach me and... I hope that... you're not disappointed in me, or angry with me for this path I've chosen.”

Celestia laughed quietly and shook her head, replying softly: “How could I be? You're... Blueblood, I was never afraid of what you'd do if you learned... how to defend yourself, or how to fight. I was... I was always afraid of you getting hurt. I wanted to protect you, and I wanted you to be a part of a world that... that maybe you don't entirely belong in. I wanted to keep you close because I was always afraid you'd... go away.

“But I can't stop you from being who you are, and I won't stop you from... following the path you want to, Blueblood.” Celestia murmured, lowering her head almost humbly to her nephew as they gazed into each other's eyes. “But I still want to protect you, and be there for you, and help you. I still want to make sure I am a part of your life, Blueblood... so if you'll allow me to, I'd like to teach you some magic that I hope will help you on your journeys.”

Blueblood smiled warmly, and then both ponies winced in surprise as Sleipnir hammered a hoof against the table in approval, declaring happily: “Wonders never cease! Aye, thou art as wise as mine own sister back home, but only half so stuffy! 'Tis a grand joy to see!”

Luna seemed to approve as well, a small smile quirking at her muzzle as she added: “I have to admit, it is a nice change of pace to see, Celestia... I just hope this isn't like the time you promised me that I could have any pet I wanted, and then saddled me with that damned fish.”

“Which you killed within two days.” Celestia said pointedly, laughing a little as she rose her head and looked fondly at her sibling and the enormous earth pony. Then she softened and turned her eyes back towards Blueblood, adding quietly: “But I promise to help you, Blueblood, and to teach you. And I want everypony here to make sure that I hold myself to that promise. Because it's so easy to... forget, sometimes.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly, hammering a hoof against his chest, and Luna looked thoughtfully at Celestia before she gave a brief smile and murmured: “Now that is a promise I'll soon make you regret making, big sister.”

Blueblood gazed up at his aunt with warmth and happiness and... a little bit of embarrassment, maybe, feeling like he didn't deserve this kind of treatment. But he knew better than to reject his aunt's gifts, especially when she sounded almost... guilty. “I appreciate it, Auntie, and... I'll do my best to learn as much as I can. But I've never been very good with magic... the most I ever usually manage is a light spell or two.”

“Aye, but when I was pressed into a corner by the rage spirit, thou leapt to my aid, did thou not?” Sleipnir smiled warmly and winked over at Blueblood, who blushed deeply: he was amazed that Sleipnir still remembered that. “And I still owe thee that life-debt, do I not? For without thy help, I know I would have been far sorer by the end of the conflict.”

“Sorer, but not dead. It's not a life-debt, Sleipnir.” Blueblood said embarrassedly, waving a hoof before he added lamely, as he looked up at Auntie Celestia: “And honestly, the spirit was vulnerable to... simple light. A foal could have done it.”

“Sometimes, a little light is all you need.” Celestia smiled a little over at Luna, who looked back curiously before the ivory mare said softly: “Maybe you and I could both share our own versions of light with Blueblood, then. Daylight, and moonlight.”

The sapphire mare perked up at this, and Sleipnir grinned widely as he winked over at Blueblood, saying easily: “See? Thou truly art in good hooves here... but speaking of good hooves, I fear I must steal thee away from thy nephew, and speak seriously for a moment on an important subject, abject as it makes me to be the fun-ruiner for tonight.”

Celestia smiled and nodded, and both she and Blueblood turned towards the table... and the rainbow-maned mare was admittedly touched and delighted when Blueblood actually pulled out a chair for her to sit down in before returning to his own. He was so different...

But she didn't let herself get distracted, nodding her thanks to Blueblood before she replied: “I actually wanted to speak to you about a few things too, Sleipnir, and I suppose we should get those out of the way first before I start asking you both about your adventures. For example, the... uh... ponies that you sent us...”

“Oh, yes. Jerry Rig, and Auros and his people. I apologize for asking so much of thee, Celestia, but I was confident that they would find fair lodging here... and I am certain they have been working hard, have they not?” Sleipnir smiled, and Celestia couldn't help but nod almost grudgingly. “Good. I had great faith in those ponies, after all.”

“I must admit, I wasn't comfortable with them at first...” Luna looked meditative as she rested back against Sleipnir, before continuing thoughtfully: “But it has been quite a welcome experience to no longer be the most feared and hated pony in Canterlot. Why, I have even been able to gossip about Auros behind his back!”

“Oh, but if thou art anything at all like the Luna I knew, then I am quite certain thou insults and derides him to his face as well, aye?” Sleipnir said inquisitively, and Luna nodded firmly several times as Celestia sighed and shook her head slowly. “Good!”

After a moment, Celestia decided to simply press on, looking calmly between her nephew and the enormous, handsome stallion as she said: “It's been very strange, and while I respect what you've been trying to do here, Sleipnir, giving them both work as well as a chance to try and live peacefully... I'm not sure they can live peacefully here. Jerry Rig, certainly, has settled in well at the Magic Academy and his talent with making constructs of all kinds is extraordinary, but... I admit I feel uncomfortable giving Auros even limited access to the Academy, and his... citizens... make all of Canterlot nervous.”

“I did not feel Canterlot was nervous. Why, these walls seemed as tall and proud as ever, and the stone beneath my feet warm and welcoming.” Sleipnir replied jovially, and Celestia gave him a wry look before he brightened a little. “Oh, thou meant that the ponies are afraid of them! Well, aye, but they only fear them because they do not understand them. And, if I may be so bold, because thou art a little afraid of them, art thou not?”

Celestia shifted awkwardly, and Sleipnir chuckled before shaking his head and saying kindly: “Fear not, my friend. Aye, they are different, and different is often feared, especially when what we know of those who stand apart from us are mainly fears and myth. But they are good ponies. I will wager my life upon that fact.”

Luna nodded hesitantly in agreement, chipping in after a moment: “Auros can be patronizing, but he seems like an honest stallion. I trust him.”

“I... I know. But a Lich, still...” Celestia bit her lip, then looked across at Sleipnir. “No matter what I believe, I have to do what's in the best interests of Canterlot. I want to discuss this with you because I don't want to simply... send them away after we find a way to send you back home.”

“Maybe... we could send them to Rancher's Ridge.” Blueblood suggested hesitantly, and Sleipnir looked up with interest as the princesses both looked curiously at the ivory unicorn... and again, Celestia was amazed by how much Blue had changed. Politely putting forwards his own ideas with confidence, not just... yelling or begging for attention... “The tundra is inhospitable to most ponies, but Auros' people certainly aren't most.”

Sleipnir lowered his head thoughtfully... and then he nodded slowly, a smile spreading little-by-little across his face before he firmly slammed a hoof against the table and declared: “Aye! 'Tis an excellent idea, Blueblood! We shall have to speak to Auros about this and see what he thinks... besides, 'twill be good to have an excuse to catch up with friends.”

Blueblood nodded in agreement, surprising Celestia as he said: “I've been anxious to see him myself. I want to find out how he's been doing.”

“Aye, we shall do that tomorrow, then, and we shall see how the portal is coming along.” Sleipnir agreed, and then he turned a smile towards Celestia, pressing tactfully: “And of course, that leads to a question I cannot help but ask...”

Blueblood shifted a little as Celestia hesitated, then said finally: “We've been taking every precaution with this... it's unfamiliar magic, and I understand that if something went wrong, it could be... dangerous. I also understand that if this really is a portal to another world... it's important that we protect it.”

Sleipnir nodded a few times, and Luna looked pointedly at her sister, who sighed a little before admitting finally: “We'll need at least another month to finish the secure shelter. Once that's done, then I'll allow the work on the portal to begin... but I honestly wouldn't feel right authorizing it before then. I'm sorry.”

“For what?” Sleipnir only smiled, and Blueblood looked strangely relieved as well before the enormous stallion said cheerfully: “As I have told Blue again and again upon our journey, 'tis no wisdom to act with unnecessary haste. Aye, I am certainly eager to return home, but I have no desire to put anypony at risk... so nay, there is no need for apologies. Instead, I am gladdened by thy wisdom and dedication to protecting thy people, Celestia. 'Tis wonderful to see.”

Sleipnir paused, then winked, holding a foreleg wide and declaring: “Now come, my side is now cold as well as lonely and requires a mare's touch! Thou and Blue shall have all time to catch up, and I fear my need is far the greater than his!”

Celestia sighed, but Blueblood, surprisingly, only laughed before he stood up and said wryly: “Oh fine, Sleipnir, have your fun... but please, Auntie, don't let him talk you into anything silly. You don't want to imagine the places he's been.”

“Oh, shush, thou hast been to the same places as I!” complained Sleipnir, and then he winked at Luna as he squeezed her playfully close. “Although I was always the stallion who got to better learn every nook and cranny.”

Luna laughed, and Celestia held a hoof up to Blueblood, saying quickly: “Blueblood, you don't have to go, I promise that-”

“No, Auntie, I don't want to listen to Sleipnir's whining all night. It's fine.” And Blueblood smiled, then he blushed a little as he added: “I... wanted to go and speak to some ponies around the castle, anyhow. Reacquaint and... if I'm lucky, reintroduce myself. I should do it while Sleipnir's distracted, too, otherwise he won't give me a moment alone, Auntie. He's very needy.”

“Oh, shush, thou art just as bad!” complained Sleipnir, but then he softened and gazed with honest affection and pride at Blue as the prince only waved to him as he left, before the earth pony said gently to the stunned-looking Celestia: “Fear not for him. He has become strong, but a stallion may never become so strong he does not need a mother.”

Celestia blushed a little, and Sleipnir winked at her before flapping his open foreleg again as Luna laughed. “Now come, without a gorgeous mare on either side, my balance is all off and I fear I may soon tip over, and then Luna and I will be upon the ground and thou will be forced to watch as I-”

“Enough, Sleipnir, enough!” Celestia sighed, rolling her eyes and promising herself she was going to resist the stallion's charms... and less than a minute later, she found herself sulkily cuddling up to his other side, the enormous earth pony grinning as Luna laughed at something he had just said. All Celestia could do was wonder if Sleipnir had some kind of hidden power, or if he really was just that... charming and cheerful.

Celestia, after all, felt herself loosening up, and even beginning to smile more and more as Sleipnir started to talk about Blueblood and the journey and all the friends they had made. It was wonderful, to think that Blueblood had made friends all around the country, that he had helped ponies far and wide...

And Blueblood was thinking of old friends as well, as he made his way slowly through the halls of Canterlot, smiling and feeling warm and happy and... good. He had already run into a few people he'd known, and they had all been so amazed by how much he'd changed... but Blueblood was working hard to not think too much about that feeling. He didn't want to get arrogant again, or spend too much time basking in their attention when he had so many ponies he wanted to see...

Then Blue frowned as something caught his attention, and he came to a halt in the mostly-deserted corridor, looking curiously over his shoulder. There was nothing behind him... except as he closed his eyes for a moment, he could feel it. Sure, in a structure like this, nature was suppressed... but as he'd learned, Mother Nature could never be tamed to the point where she was blinded or muted entirely...

“Excuse me, but... why are you following me?” Blueblood asked politely, and he felt the twitch from around the corner before the pony hesitantly stepped out... and Blue smiled a little, saying quietly: “Oh, uh... you're...”

The Royal Guard began to open his mouth, but Blueblood simply held up a hoof before saying quickly: “Velvet Hoof! You were one of the Royal Guard I left with... how are you doing, lieutenant?”

“Sergeant, sir, I was demoted. Sir.” Velvet Hoof almost whispered, and Blue frowned as the Royal Guard hesitantly approached, before the prince's eyes flicked quickly over him, widening slightly in concern. His armor was dented here and there, stained and uncared for, and he has a sickly pallor, his eyes dark and feverish... “S-Sir, I'm sorry to have followed you, b-but...”

“What is it? Are you alright?” Blueblood asked quietly, and Velvet Hoof smiled weakly and nodded a few times, blushing and lowering his head. “And 'sir' is not necessary. We're equals, you and I.. both stallions just trying to do our best for the ponies around us, right?”

Velvet nodded a few times, breathing slowly before he said honestly: “I... I just wanted to apologize to you for all the t-trouble I know I caused when I was traveling with you...”

Blueblood looked blankly at the Royal Guard, who blushed and lowered his head before whispering: “The... the dream charm, sir...”

“You... oh, yes.” Blueblood remembered now: Velvet Heart had smashed his dream charm for some reason, but... well, assuming from what he remembered about how he'd used to act... “We all have our bad moments, Velvet Heart, it's fine. It's long forgiven and forgotten and... I never used another dream charm after that. So perhaps you did me a favor, really.”

Blueblood smiled encouragingly, and Velvet looked hesitantly up before he gave another weak smile, nodding a few times. There was an uncomfortable silence for a few moments as the Royal Guard slowly lowered his head, and Blueblood shifted before asking quietly: “Be honest with me. Are you alright? You look... unwell.”

“I... I'm f-fine, sir.” Velvet Heart said hurriedly, raising his head and nodding a few times before he took a shuddering breath, then lowered his head and mumbled: “I just... haven't been sleeping well, that's all.”

“I would be happy to let my Aunt Luna know. I'm sure she'd be very glad to help you out personally.” Blueblood said gently, then blinked in surprise when the Royal Guard shook his head vehemently.

“N-No, no! No... I... no.” He petered out, lowering his head and flushing a little before he mumbled: “I apologize, Prince Blueblood, I... I'm just... I would rather not even the princesses... I mean, these are... personal. I'm sure you understand.”

“I... do, yes.” Blueblood said slowly, and then he shook his head briefly before saying finally: “Well, if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Those days were... trying on all of us, I know, and I'd like to help out the ponies who helped me so much at the start of my journey, whether I appreciated it back then or-”

“Where is Invidia?” blurted the Royal Guard suddenly, and Blueblood cocked his head with a frown before Velvet Hoof blushed and dropped his head. “I'm... sorry. I just... just remembered her, that's all. Just remembered her.”

“I'm afraid she and I... we had to go our separate ways.” Blueblood said quietly after a moment, and then he hesitated before saying gently: “I know. Let me walk you down to the outfitter's. We can polish your armor: I've always found that relaxing.”

But Velvet Hoof seemed to lose his connection with reality for a moment, glancing blankly back and forth. Blueblood frowned uneasily, reaching slowly up... but the moment before he could touch the stallion, Velvet suddenly snapped out of his daze, replying quickly: “T-Thank you, sir, but... I should really be going. I have to finish... my patrol. Finish my patrol.”

Blueblood shifted uncomfortably, and then he nodded slowly before saying finally: “I... hope you feel better soon then, Velvet Hoof. Please let me know if I can do anything for you, will you?'

Velvet Hoof only smiled blankly at Blueblood, then turned and stumbled slowly away. The prince watched the Royal Guard leave uneasily, shifting back and forth on his hooves before he shook his head slowly, then turned with a sigh... but he couldn't help but toss another nervous look over his shoulder all the same, feeling an uncomfortable chill run down his spine.

The Royal Guard had stumbled his way out of sight, however... and wandered blindly into an old, unused gallery, the few paintings still hung on the walls covered in dusty sheets. He drooled a little as he stumbled back and forth, before a voice called to him tenderly: “Velvet... Velvet, my darling, I'm over here... waiting for you...”

Velvet Heart turned blankly in the direction of the voice, then he smiled weakly as he saw the mare, with her glowing golden eyes. She flickered strangely in and out of reality as he approached, but he didn't even notice, couldn't process how unnatural that was...

And the shadowy figure giggled quietly as Velvet stepped up in front of it, tried to lean forwards to kiss it... but the creature caught the Royal Guard gently by the muzzle, whispering: “No, no. You have to earn your kisses...”

Another claw reached up, tenderly stroking over Velvet Heart's face, and he shivered... then moaned as the claws of shadow simply passed through his skin, sinking into brain beyond, the stallion mewling in pain as his whole body shook violently. But the creature drained him eagerly of emotions and experiences, hissing softly in delight before it bared fang teeth.

It was stronger, it was more than it had been before, and it had been right: all it had to do was hide quietly away here in Canterlot, right under the noses of the princesses. It could feed, and learn about its prey, and evolve as it waited patiently for its time to strike, now that Blueblood had returned...

Oh, everything it wanted was right here: souls and minds to devour, magic to learn and absorb, bodies to puppet and control. And soon, very soon... the perfect vessel for it to squeeze into. Strong, and resilient, and full of so much hope and courage and all those other emotions that were so delicious to squeeze out and drink down...

It would bide its time, and then strike. And when it did, no one would be able to stop it: because it had become powerful, it had become sly, and it had become many.