• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,329 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

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Chapter Five: Goldeye

Blueblood sat back in the hotel's common room, still dirty, still dressed in his armor, but doing his damnedest to actually try and be nice to Sleipnir. After all, now the prince had come to realize that maybe, just maybe this giant of a pony might deserve a smidgen of respect... and who might also make a very useful servant, if Blueblood managed to play his cards right.

Of course, his manipulations were far less subtle than he thought they were, and Sleipnir was acutely aware of both what the prince was trying to do, and why he was suddenly acting so strange. But for now, he just continued to smile and play along: he was curious what Blueblood would ask him to do if he eventually convinced himself that he was going to listen to anything that the young prince commanded him to do, out of a need to keep him 'safe.'

Sure, Sleipnir wasn't the smartest pony around, and he had never been. But that didn't mean he wasn't perfectly aware of when someone was trying to manipulate him... or worse, when someone was afraid of him. And the earth pony would honestly prefer that a childish pony like Blueblood busied himself attempting some game on his head instead of cowering in front of him, because the colt was afraid of him.

Sleipnir looked thoughtfully at Blueblood as Blueblood smiled at him through grit teeth. Oh yes, the young prince was trying very, very hard to be nice to him, while playing this awkward little game of his. He was rather surprised that this colt-like stallion was so... absolutely awful at any game of politics or diplomacy, however: he was beginning to wonder just how much Princess Celestia had actually schooled Blueblood in persuasion and discussion, and how much Blueblood had been left to try and figure out on his own.

Clearly, the answers were too little and too much, respectively: and the young prince's rather spoiled, colt-like behavior really wasn't helping matters much. It seemed even when he was trying to fake kindness, it just amplified his own narcissism... no, that was a cruel way to put it, and for all his selfishness, Sleipnir didn't think Blueblood was a narcissist at heart. Rather, the young prince struck him as... very much afraid of other ponies, and very desperate to cling to what he had.

Sleipnir didn't feel anger for Blueblood, or even irritation: he just felt pity for him, and felt his heart yearning to reach out to the young prince, to try and show him that the world was not without trust, and that he didn't have to stay in his little island of princedom in order to be happy. But at times, even the ever-positive earth pony felt a little disheartened at how much effort it took just to get Blueblood to trust him even for a moment...

But they were on their way there, weren't they? One way or another, he thought Blueblood would come around. It just... was almost a physical pain that right now, the unicorn thought so little of him that he feared being struck or squashed if he did something wrong.

The two looked at each other across the table, neither speaking, both lost in thought, before an old stallion hesitantly approached and asked carefully: “Excuse me, sir, but you wanted to know when your room was ready...”

“Oh, thank you.” Blueblood sighed in relief, nodding hurriedly before he cleared his throat and quickly gestured to Sleipnir, saying awkwardly: “I am... going to rest for a few minutes. But... but I'll most certainly be back down to uh... greet our comrades on their return. Arrival. When they get here, I mean, when they. Get here for the first time but come back to us.”

Sleipnir only smiled wryly at this, then he said kindly: “If thou does not mind, I shall be up in a few minutes to fetch thy equipment. Thou hast some scarring and damage to thy armor. I shall polish and mend what I can for thee... although 'twould be nice if thou would observe the process, so that thou may learn how to do it as well. 'Tis most important.”

Blueblood nodded awkwardly, then studied the stallion for a moment before he gestured at him almost hesitantly: Sleipnir frowned a little at this, and then Blueblood asked finally: “Why aren't you wearing your own armor?”

“Oh!” Sleipnir chuckled at this, then he smiled warmly and reached down to pat one of his sidepacks of equipment. “To get a feel for this world, that is all. My armor is a mark of honor, but I need to feel the air and the wind upon my body. I need to roll in the grasses and experience nature's call... aye, there is a time when we must shed our armor, just as there is a time for it. There is a time for all things in this world, Prince Blueblood, thou needs merely keep thine eyes open for when 'tis right.”

The young prince couldn't help but grimace a little, unable to stop himself from mumbling: “Rolling in the dirt, yes. That sounds like a wonderful way to... experience nature.”

Blueblood shifted awkwardly, then cleared his throat before pasting on his uncomfortable, false smile, saying lamely: “Excuse me, Sir Sleipnir. I... must retire.”

With that, he shoved himself away from the table and hurried off, and Sleipnir and the old stallion both watched him leave before the earth pony reflected: “'Tis always the troubled colts who give the greatest reward. But they do oft work so hard to deny any aid.”

The old stallion only smiled awkwardly, and then Sleipnir gave him a kind look, saying gently: “Go rest thy hooves a while, thou hast been most generous to us. And I think 'twill be at least another hour yet before our friends arrive. They will have to wend the long way around the mountain... but they should be safe, at least. The worms shan't stray far from their territory.”

“Alright, sir. If there's anything I can do though, please let me know.” the old stallion said respectfully, and Sleipnir chuckled before reaching out and patting him on the shoulder.

“As I said, fear not. Rest, rest! We shall take care of ourselves.” Sleipnir paused, then stood and picked up his satchels as he asked thoughtfully: “Although perhaps thou can do me one favor, old friend. Does thou have flint and tinder?”

“I have a lighter somewhere around here that you can borrow if you want...” the old stallion said slowly, cocking his head curiously.

“Excellent.” Sleipnir smiled warmly, nodding firmly. “'Twill do fine. I shall borrow it but for an hour's length at most, I need merely make a small signal fire and fear I have not the patience for making flame myself. 'Tis rather annoying work, I shall have thee know.”

The old stallion looked at Sleipnir curiously, but then he only shrugged before striding away. Sleipnir waited patiently, and then the stallion came back and calmly passed him a lighter, saying hesitantly: “Well, please just watch this old house... but I suppose it's safe enough if you're going a little further into the mountains. Although you might have a problem finding tinder.”

“Oh, nay, I need but a few sticks and 'twill be perfectly fine.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, nodding a few times before he bowed his head politely to the old pony. “Thou hast my thanks.”

Sleipnir turned and headed back outside: the land around the house had been lovingly tended to, with well-kept stone paths and thin grasses that were struggling in this arid soil. There was a small, precious garden to one side that Sleipnir was tempted to help himself to, but he kept his hooves to himself: nature might belong to no one and all ponies at the same time, but he was well aware of how many ponies felt when you helped yourself to their food.

He chuckled to himself as he made his way towards the rugged mountainside: they were in a bit of a nook here, with a few short cliffs and hills at their back standing sentinel between the inn and the rolling plains beyond, and the larger sprawl of rock and mountain on their front and sides. It was a very pleasant little place, Sleipnir thought: not quite a valley, but more just a nice little patch of solid ground between all the rock and dirt.

There was scrub and a few clinging trees, at least, and Sleipnir was able to gather a few pieces of kindling on his walk before he finally halted on a nice little square of rock. He tossed the kindling aside for a moment, then quickly started to sketch shapes in the dirt, murmuring softly: “Now, let us see if I can recall this... oh, eldest sister, the look I can just imagine on thy face to know I am doing this... although our dearest little sister would be delighted, wouldn't she?”

Sleipnir chuckled as he finished drawing a circle of ominous-looking runes, and then he stacked the kindling he'd gathered carefully inside this in another distinct shape before picking up the lighter, saying reflectively: “'Tis most wonderful that I no longer have to rely upon flint and tinder or mine own hooves, though, for all this work. How much easier the witch's life must be these days!”

The stallion smiled slightly to himself, and then he flicked the lighter on, studying the flame intently before murmuring: “By the Aesir, I hope this works.”

He hesitated only a moment before lighting the kindling: what he'd gathered was so dry that it burst into flames immediately, and Sleipnir watched intently as the flames spread over the pile of sticks, seeming to grow unnaturally large as they burned in the shape of the rune he'd formed. And then the stallion took a slow breath before forcing himself not to hesitate as he plunged a hoof into the flames, grimacing as fire scorched around his limb and he said in a surprisingly-steady voice: “I offer sacrifice and sacrament to thee, spirit of flame, to lend thy magic to this spell...”

The flames burned higher, and Sleipnir gritted his teeth as he smelled charring skin, felt his foreleg trembling as the fires licked greedily over it... but he forced himself to take a slow breath and conquer the pain even as the burns spread...

And then there was suddenly no more pain, even as the flames whooshed upwards. But they had become a deeper crimson now as they danced and twisted into an almost serpentine shape before the rising pillar suddenly collapsed on itself, spilling over the runic circle and dancing over the symbols he'd drawn, making each of them glow.

The flames whiffed out after a moment, but the runes continued to glow as Sleipnir slowly shook out his foreleg, taking a few slow, steadying breaths. But otherwise, he didn't betray the agony in his forelimb even as it trembled weakly and steamed visibly. Instead, he focused on the circle, waiting patiently for a few moments...

“Oh, you are a brave one, aren't you? And such old, precious magic...” whispered a silken voice, and Sleipnir smiled slightly, only raising his head a little as he felt hooves tenderly grasp his shoulders. “And fearless, too.”

“Well, 'tis all relative, really.” Sleipnir said easily, looking over his shoulder with the same gentle smile... but his eyes were serious, measuring the mare he looked at calmly and carefully. “My name is Sleipnir. What is thine?”

“So pleasant!” the mare laughed as she stepped backwards, and then she smiled tenderly at him: she had a gorgeous red coat and serpentine gold eyes, her unicorn's horn slightly curved. Her long black hair framed vainly-beautiful features, and she had adorned herself in gemstone jewelry and beads of all shapes and sizes.

She could easily pass for a pony, he thought, even if she didn't have a visible cutie mark. Sleipnir studied her thoughtfully as she bowed her head slowly to him, answering in her sonorous voice: “My name is Invidia. It has been many, many years since I have been summoned by a pony. And never before has an earth pony used such a strange ritual to call upon me...”

“Invidia... thou art very pretty.” Sleipnir said kindly, and the mare gave a pleased smile and curtsy before the stallion turned around so they could face each other, standing up and only favoring his burnt foreleg slightly. “My name is Sleipnir, and as thou art no fool, I am certain thou knows I am not of this world. Does thou know of the other realms?”

Invidia bowed her head, saying humbly: “I know that you have the smell of Heaven on you, mighty stallion wanderer... and it is both my deepest pleasure and regret to welcome you here. I've met other demons who have been exiled here by Hel, although never an angel like you, and... while I am happy for your company, I fear that there are certain things you should know about this world...”

Sleipnir frowned slightly, tilting his head curiously, and Invidia laughed quietly before she gestured calmly towards the sky. “I don't know how you came to this place, but this world... it's a dead end, and a lonely trap. I've met dozens of demons who have tried countless ways to escape... but all of them had the same beginning, and the same end.”

“I do not understand. Speak plainly, please.” Sleipnir said slowly, and Invidia looked up at him with a sad smile... but her eyes burned with an almost malicious glee, a lonely delight: they were the eyes of someone who had been long punished, and was only able to find solace in watching pain visited on others.

“Why, it's very simple. I don't claim to know how the worlds work, or how many exist: but this world has fallen loose from the others. I'm sure you've felt it: nature is powerful and bountiful, and she regenerates her mountains and her treasures like the body regenerates flesh and blood...” Invidia calmly reached out, gently taking Sleipnir's wounded foreleg before her horn glowed, and the stallion did his best not to tense up as magic spilled over his limb, numbing his pain and healing the worst of his burns. “But souls here do not rise to Heaven nor fall to Helheim. They are pulled into nature's embrace, where they are washed clean and then reincarnated. We have no gods here, and no devils.”

Sleipnir lowered his head, frowning uneasily as Invidia smiled at him and shrugged slowly. “Some of the demons I spoke to referred to this as a 'shielded world,' as well... they say that not even their goddess Hel can look inside, or affect the state of this world. Instead, her demons are discarded here, and then they are left to struggle to return to the place from whence they came: but their portal magic will not work, as there is nothing to connect us to all the other worlds. So welcome, my sweet, to the end of the universe. But don't worry. I'll make your stay very comfortable.”

Sleipnir was silent even as the mare took his healed hoof in both of her own, gazing at him with... affection almost, and excitement, and that same bittersweet malice... and then the stallion chuckled quietly before looking up and murmuring: “I have the feeling thou hast said this many times before. Thy words have an air of practice to their poetry.”

“I have, my darling. And I have always adored the theater of it all.” Invidia's golden eyes gleamed before she whispered: “You have hope, and strength. They all do at first, though, and I will admit... I enjoy watching them crumble. But do not fear: I will be there to comfort you once you too fall, handsome angel.”

“Oh, I am no angel, fear not. Although I can see how that may make me more appealing to thee, Invidia.” Sleipnir paused for a moment, and then he gently squeezed her hooves, saying kindly: “I pray thou shan't find me cruel for this, but I think thou hast spent too long in the grips of thine own envy. I am sure thou would not feel such a string of loneliness if thou would cherish thy friends for their pleasures, not thy pains.”

Invidia stiffened, and her features hardened as her eyes narrowed coldly... before she suddenly smiled again and lowered her head, murmuring: “Naive fool. No, you shall learn in time yourself that whatever rules you once lived by are now meaningless, in time. For even the strongest of demons are churned like butter into this planet's cycle of rebirth after they die. Unless they are fortunate enough to find the void waiting for them instead, that is...”

Sleipnir only smiled and shrugged, replying easily: “Well, I do not fear whatever may await me. I have always wondered what life must be like as a tree, I shall have thee know.”

The demon laughed quietly at this, and then Sleipnir gently pulled his hoof away before he said kindly: “Thou hast been most forthcoming with me, and it is appreciated. I fear that our business is now concluded, though, much as it pains me to step away from such a pretty mare. But it seems that thou cannot fulfill my requests, and I do no desire to waste thy time.”

“Oh, I have all the time in the world, Sleipnir. All the time and more.” Invidia replied tenderly, and then the demon leaned forwards and studied him intently, smiling slightly. “It is very... boring here, you see. We live for eternity, but... there is little point in playing with these mortals' lives, apart from sating our own hungers. There are not many other higher-order demons, either: only a hoof-full like me exist, born from the darkness of this world, although primal demons and the undead number in the many... some souls struggle against the process of rebirth violently, you know. But the ponies do their best to deny their existence, and they are mostly successful. Mostly.”

Sleipnir nodded thoughtfully a few times, and then Invidia leaned forwards and half-lidded her eyes. “Allow me to come with you, my darling. You are handsome and radiate an energy that is delicious to me. And your emotions are so... difficult for me to understand. You are a newcomer and a puzzle... and I have been so very bored...”

Sleipnir smiled at her pleasantly, and then he bowed his head and said softly: “I mean thee no disrespect, Invidia, for thou art a most pleasant sight to my eyes and thy voice sets me at ease, even if I admit I listen to thy tone far more than thy words. But I have a friend upon this journey whom I must protect... even from gorgeous mares such as thee.”

Invidia studied Sleipnir for a few moments, and then she replied in an equally-amiable voice that did little to hide the edge of her words: “Well, darling, it is your choice... but your choice is whether you allow me to accompany you willingly, or I follow you and your friend across Equestria. And I do not think I would be half so kind if I were forced to take the second option. I would be very much offended... and my kind does not bear well with offense.”

There was silence for a few moments between them, and then Sleipnir sighed even as his eyes continued to study the demon carefully. She was cunning, talking quite a bit but never revealing anything she didn't want to. Anything that didn't help her, really: everything she had told him had been calculated to try and get under his skin, make him feel helpless... maybe make him depend on her, or angry at her. Demons like her fed on emotions, after all...

But it was more than that. She wasn't just looking to use him as a free meal or entertainment. Even if she had a voice like silk and was as ruthless and cunning as his eldest sister, the intensity of her golden gaze betrayed that she had something else she wanted from him. That she had some deeper desire she was looking to fulfill...

Hesitantly, Sleipnir gave a nod, but then he quickly held up a hoof before the demon could speak, saying softly: “But before I bring thee back with me, we must settle our terms and thou must make me an oath. I shall bind thee by word and blood, and favor thee with the same in return.”

Invidia scowled slightly at this, but then she gave a slow nod, saying in a moodier voice: “I... very well. If that is what is required.”

Clearly, the demon didn't like what Sleipnir was asking... but she was also willing to do it to get whatever she was after. It made the earth pony both more curious and a little more worried: demons, after all, couldn't lie or break their promises without dire consequences. Maybe the rules varied a little on this world, since everything else was so different, but he somehow didn't think it could be all that different, considering her reaction.

They looked at each other for a few moments as Sleipnir thought quietly to himself, and then he leaned forwards and said quietly: “If thou desires to travel with us, thou must respect the decisions of myself and my companion. Thou must not try and manipulate or play upon his emotions, and thou must not feed upon him.”

“You may use his name. Prince Blueblood, correct?” Invidia smiled slightly, tilting her head to the side as she closed her eyes: Sleipnir was admittedly a little surprised. At least, until the mare said softly: “Fear not, I have no plans to try and take his throne from him. I'll leave that to others.”

Sleipnir smiled in return, and then he asked curiously: “So for how long hast thou been watching and listening to us? I see now why thou wert the first demon to reply to this beacon: it is because thou hast been following us... following me.”

Invidia looked up in surprise, and then she gave a short laugh... but the fact that she didn't answer told Sleipnir more than enough. Then again, he also wasn't completely surprised: Invidia was clearly a demon of Envy, and one who took especial delight in watching others struggle to try and escape this cyclical world.

Finally, Sleipnir said courteously: “I do not believe I have any other requests for thee: I merely wish for thee to respect my ward. I shan't force thou to protect him, though, any more than I ask thee for any other favors or tokens. Acceptable?”

“Very well. In return, give me your word you won't leave me behind, and that you'll do all in your power to protect me for as long as I travel with you.” Invidia smiled kindly, bowing her head politely. “I won't try and manipulate you, Sleipnir, don't worry. I understand why you think very little of me, but I'm a better pony than you think.”

Sleipnir only smiled in return, shrugging easily before he replied kindly: “It matters little what I think, Invidia, it only matters what thou does. Besides, I do not think little of thee at all. I will admit, however, that I am very curious as to why I have struck thy interest so: I am rather certain thou hast not made deals with the other demons who have ended up in this realm, after all.”

Invidia shrugged, replying pleasantly: “Maybe you just entertain me more than they do, that's all. But if you want me to be blunt, you are an angel. You have had further to fall than any demon who was thrown out of Helheim, no matter how great their status. You have been taken away from your Heaven; your longing to return will sustain me in a way that my compatriots' never could.”

The earth pony smiled faintly, then he said softly: “Very well, keep thy reasons to thyself, Invidia. But know that thou art only half-right: I am no angel, even if aye, I have been ripped away from my paradise. But Heaven, much like Helheim, is not a simple place: 'tis a state of being.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Invidia sniffed loudly before extending her hoof and saying calmly: “Let us make the vow.”

Sleipnir nodded firmly, fearlessly reaching out to take her wrist as her own hoof locked on his: he knew full well that this was the most crucial moment of the whole process. If she wanted to, she could try and sap his life force or use their connection to yank him into some other unpleasant ambush, or even possess him: but for now, he'd decided to trust in her.

Their eyes met as the demon's horn began to glow, and Sleipnir breathed slowly as he concentrated his own energies forwards before they both grimaced at the spark of pain and heat that ran through them. And then Invidia swore quietly as she clenched her eyes shut and shrank a little, her whole body shaking as she whispered: “Amazing...”

Sleipnir only smiled faintly... and then, after a moment, it was over. They pulled apart, their vow sealed, and distinct red marks on either foreleg: in time, they would heal, but Sleipnir couldn't help but chuckle as he thought of his wife. Even if years passed, he knew she'd still know he'd made a vow with another demon... and she'd probably make him sleep on the couch for a week for it, likely after she knocked his teeth out of his head.

Invidia frowned at him, tilting her head back and forth before she muttered: “What's this... I feel the essence of another demon in this blood. A... a pact? You're pacted to another demon? But... but you're an angel!”

“I just said I was not, did I not?” Sleipnir said pointedly, but he gave the incredulous demon a friendly smile after a moment, shrugging and saying softly: “I am more than pacted to her. She is my wife, my love, my keeper and soulmate. I would say 'twould be an honor to introduce her to thee, Invidia... but I fear she expresses herself much more... empathetically than I do, to use a funny word that my brother taught me.”

Invidia laughed weakly, and then she shifted uncomfortably backwards, studying him nervously. Sleipnir only continued to look at her with kindness, however, before he said gently: “I have felt a hint of thy emotions in thy spirit, but I leave thy thoughts and counsels to thyself. Thou shall tell me what thou deems necessary. It is enough for me that thou did not try and corrupt the vow, and thou hast promised to be kind to my ward. Now come, it has been quite some time. I must return this fire-maker and I must attend to Blue.”

The demon nodded, then strode up beside him and studied him thoughtfully. Sleipnir looked back with the same open ease as he had before, and after a moment Invidia nodded slowly again to herself, looking musing as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.

Then she suddenly relaxed, raising her head and looking into his eyes before she said thoughtfully: “You are a strange one, aren't you?”

Sleipnir only shrugged easily, and then he turned to begin leading the way back to the hotel, replying cheerfully: “I merely am what I am, that is all. And now, Invidia, I know that thou art not required to do what I ask, but I have a few other requests I would humbly make of thee. 'Twould have been very rude to force thy cooperation, after all.”

“Yes. Yes, you are strange indeed. And perhaps a bit of a fool as well.” Invidia remarked calmly, and then she bowed her head politely to him when he only looked at her with amusement. “But feel free to make your requests, Sleipnir. I know you recognize that I don't need to honor them.”

Sleipnir nodded agreeably, smiling back at her. “I do not, but I do not think thou art unreasonable, either. Thou art a curious one, much like Blue is. Perhaps 'tis because of this layer... if all of thee are reborn-”

“I am not reborn.” Invidia cut Sleipnir off with surprising sharpness, and the earth pony cocked his head curiously even as the demon quickly recovered, smiling and turning her gaze back ahead. “Don't be silly. Those like us are different from all the rest. No mere mortal soul could be the base for us: we are molded from... better. We are the result of vows that can never be broken.”

Sleipnir shrugged after a moment at this odd turn of phrase, then turned his eyes back ahead as he replied: “I am not so sure myself, if I am to speak plainly. I think there is better mettle in the souls of many mortal ponies I have met than there could ever be in mine: if a champion was born with all his strength and valor, then what is to admire in his struggles?”

Invidia looked over at him for a moment, and then she turned her eyes away, saying calmly: “Make any request you like.”

The earth pony was a little surprised by the mare's curtness, but all the same he nodded before answering: “I would ask thee to be gentle, that is all. I understand that thou might think little of mortals, but part of our travels will surely involve protecting the ponies that we come across. It would be best if thou could show them kindness... and better yet if thou could show mercy to our enemies.”

“I have no problem being kind to ponies who treat me well in turn, Sleipnir... but I'm a demon. I fear mercy is asking a little much.” Invidia smiled calmly over at Sleipnir, bowing her head politely towards him before she looked back ahead. “But I am not without kindness, certainly.”

Sleipnir didn't press the subject, and they were quiet for the rest of the walk: Sleipnir was at least pleased to see that the troupe of Royal Guard had arrived and several were standing around outside. He waved to them warmly, but was careful to watch Invidia out of the corner of his eye, studying the way she reacted to the soldiers with interest.

She wasn't afraid of them, and she was pleasant to them when she greeted them. She was a little tense, but remained nice as Sleipnir explained in his cheerful way that he had found her in the wilderness... except when he started joking with them, the moment he seemed to take his attention off of her, her face tightened, and he felt the annoyance that emanated off her... and annoyance turned almost to malice when the soldiers turned away from them completely.

She did a good job of hiding it, the only hint in how edged her otherwise-happy 'goodbye' to the Royal Guard was, but Sleipnir saw it. He wondered silently if perhaps it was because she had spent so long alone, stewing in her own envies and jealousies in this layer, likely without ever having a reason or need or even the knowledge of how to master herself, that she had become so... so...

He shook his head, then chuckled when Invidia looked up at him almost suspiciously even as he walked her towards a table. But he only looked at her with kindness, filled not with frustration or fear, but only sympathy for this poor, strange demon as he pulled out the lighter he'd borrowed and tossed it onto the furnishing. “Tarry here but a moment, will thou? I shall fetch Blueblood, so he can meet thee. And then I shall get to work, whilst both of thee get to know one-another.”

“Very well. I'll be patient.” Invidia promised, sitting back in the seat... and yet Sleipnir caught that strange, dark glint in her eyes when he turned away from her.

He forced himself not to look back as he strode calmly towards the room... and then pretended not to notice that Invidia had already gotten up and was sneaking along behind him, following him towards Blue's room.

The earth pony stopped in front of the closed door and knocked on it, absently glancing back and forth... and unsurprised that Invidia had quickly hidden herself. She was quite fast on her hooves, unhesitating and confident... but not nearly as perceptive as she thought she was, likely because it seemed like she spent all her time alone. She might consider ponies to be prey, and of no interest to her... but if you never studied your prey, you never learned how to properly hunt them.

Almost a minute passed before Sleipnir finally huffed, then suddenly leaned forwards and impatiently headbutted the still-shut door. He winced as it was knocked ajar with a loud screech, clearing his throat as he peered down at the cracked frame before smiling lamely and looking up... and his eyes widened in surprise as he saw Blueblood was sprawled over the bed, like he'd...

Sleipnir's heart skipped and he began to leap forwards... and then he simply stumbled and gaped when Blueblood gave a tremendous snore. For a moment, the earth pony had been terrified that the unicorn had been the victim of some kind of attack, but now he saw clearly that the only thing that had attacked was apparently exhaustion...

“By the Gods. He sleeps sounder than stone.” Sleipnir said almost admiringly, and then he absently kicked the door shut behind him, striding forwards and smiling a little despite himself as he looked over the ivory unicorn before carefully reaching up a front hoof and poking his side lightly.

Blueblood twitched, but only snored again, and Sleipnir rolled his eyes before glancing around the room curiously. Apparently the young prince had been halfway through unpacking, from the clutter around the room: his banged-up armor lay everywhere over the floor, but even if it made Sleipnir ache a little to see, he was sure that Blueblood would learn in time to show his armor the same respect he showed his own body.

Sleipnir's eyes alit on a strange charm on the little table beside the bed, and he cocked his head curiously before reaching out and picking this up. It looked almost like an egg that dangled beneath a hoop with a spiderweb in it... he thought he recognized it as an odd sort of dreamcatcher. Except this one wasn't just some knickknack or trinket: it had a very real magic about it.

“What a strange thing. I see a mixing of cultures in its design, but all the same... it seems to work.” Sleipnir smiled slightly after a moment, shrugging as he said thoughtfully: “But I suppose if all things cycle in this world, if all die merely to be reborn as another... then truly, under nature, we are all as one.”

Although that led to another question: why was it that the animals he'd met so far didn't respond to him as well as they always had back home? Mother Nature certainly was very happy to talk to him, after all. And if these beasts were the reincarnations of ponies and other souls, then he'd expect them to be smarter and perhaps more talkative, not less.

Sleipnir rubbed absently at the underside of his muzzle, and then he shrugged again and put down the dream charm. He looked thoughtfully at Blueblood as the ivory unicorn gave another loud snore, then he reached up and carefully prodded his cheek, saying mildly: “Thou art as loud as an Ursa Major. An Ursa Major with a most terrible cold.”

Blueblood didn't even twitch from the hoof poking his face, and Sleipnir sighed before he smiled slightly to himself, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he remembered one thing in particular that Blueblood had been surprisingly susceptible to.

The earth pony began to tickle along Blueblood's side, and the unicorn twitched in his sleep, then groaned and shifted back and forth before he began to sleepily giggle and paw at the air. Sleipnir leaned forwards, tickling faster along his sides, and Blueblood chortled like a foal before he kicked both hind legs firmly and flopped suddenly to the side, and Sleipnir winced as the young prince flung himself off the bed.

There was a tremendous thump, and Sleipnir simply looked awkward as he leaned backwards with a lame smile. Then a hoof slowly reached up on the other side of the mattress, grasping into the side of the bed before the young prince dragged himself to his hooves, looking groggily back and forth. “Where... where am I?”

“Oh, uh... thou art here.” Sleipnir informed helpfully, and Blueblood blinked owlishly at him a few times before the earth pony cleared his throat and quickly reached over to grasp the unicorn under the forelegs, then he hefted him over the bed like he was no more than a colt. Blueblood, at least, seemed too tired to realize what was going on, as he only looked up at Sleipnir stupidly. “Shall we go outside? The soldiers have returned and I promised to help thee fix thy armor, if I recall. And we have a... a new companion who will join us for this journey.”

“Oh, what? What? No...” Blueblood mumbled disconsolately, rubbing slowly at his eyes with his hooves, seeming very much like a little colt in that moment. “I thought it was supposed to be just you and me, Sleipnir, not... you and me and... someone else.”

Sleipnir felt oddly touched by this sentiment, giving a small smile before he shook his head and said gently: “Aye, but when thou meets her, thou shall better understand. She has promised not to harm thee, and she may be a great assistance to us... besides, I was not really in any position to deny her, whether I want her aid or not.”

Blueblood blinked a few times, and then he scowled moodily: Sleipnir couldn't help but note that the more he woke up, the far less-pleasant he became. “What? Some... floozy? You have some nerve, Sleipnir, finding some random mare... how did you even find a mare in the middle of nowhere to drag along with us?”

“'Tis a long story, and one I would prefer to tell when she is here to explain her side.” Sleipnir said kindly, even as he gave a slight smile. He was well aware that the demon was literally at the door, listening intently to every word he spoke. “Now come, Blue, I shall fetch thee some coffee to help wake thee up, and we shall take care of thy armor. I understand that thou art tired, but 'tis best to fight the urge to sleep for now. Thou can sleep tonight.”

“I was just so exhausted...” Blueblood rubbed at his forehead, and then he grumbled and glowered up at Sleipnir. “I can't believe you woke me up, and for this nonsense. I find it very difficult to sleep, you know. I have an awful condition that means I have nightmares almost every single night unless I have my sleeping charm and Auntie Celestia... uh... treats me with her magic.”

He halted awkwardly, not wanting to tell this miserable oaf what his goodnighties actually were, and then Blueblood quickly cleared his throat before continuing sharply: “Why, the fact I'm on this journey at all is pure madness! Every time I've slept on this journey, I've been... well...”

Blueblood halted, then frowned a little, lowering his head and rubbing thoughtfully at his chin. Actually, he hadn't had a single nightmare over the last few days. Even with his sleeping charm, he still often had the nightmares, after all... it was just that they diluted them, made them harder to remember.

Sleipnir smiled kindly at him, and Blueblood cleared his throat and waved a hoof, grumbling: “Well, it's only been one night, really, it's not important. Now I demand you let me rest.”

“Thou shall rest tonight, Blueblood. Remember, thou made a promise to join us, in any event... and I am sure that a strong cup of ale shall do much to help keep away thy bad dreams, too!” Sleipnir said cheerfully, reaching up and slapping the young prince on the shoulder.

Blueblood scowled and opened his mouth... and then his jaw simply remained open as the memory of Sleipnir easily punching the giant rockworm across the mountain came back, along with all the stupid plans he'd been so intent on making... and had just about nearly screwed up. No, as much as that seemed like a dream, it had been very much real...

The young prince slowly turned his eyes towards Sleipnir, then he closed his mouth and managed a weak smile before saying finally: “Very... very well, yes, I... forgive me. I was so tired that I forgot myself, and... well, you're right, I'm sure, I'm quite certain. About. Things.”

Sleipnir smiled wryly after a moment: and here he'd hoped that Blueblood had forgotten about his little manipulations. But he only nodded and smiled for now, shrugging and deciding to make the best of things, and hope that in time Blueblood would grow frustrated or bored with his pretending so they could make some real progress together. “Fear not, young colt. But gather up thy equipment, then. I shall wait for thee out in the common room with our new friend.”

Sleipnir turned, then looked at the door with amusement as he heard hooves scurrying away: quiet enough that a distracted Blueblood missed it, but like drumbeats to his own ears. He reflected for a moment that he was caught between two makeshift puppeteers, neither of whom had any real idea what they were doing, and then he shook his head before asking over his shoulder: “Wouldst thou mind if I leave my things here, in thy room?”

“Uh... well. Go right ahead.” Blueblood said after a moment, and Sleipnir smiled and nodded, shrugging off his satchels to put them aside. The unicorn looked at him almost warily, asking slowly: “But why aren't you leaving them in your own room, Sleipnir?”

“Oh, I did not rent a room.” Sleipnir replied easily, shrugging with a smile, and Blueblood gave a short laugh, like this was a joke, but the earth pony shrugged and gestured easily with one hoof. “This is a very nice place, aye... but since nature has told me tonight will be comfortable and warm, I will spend it outside, beneath the sea of stars. 'Twill be good.”

Blueblood didn't say anything, only looking moodily at the stallion before Sleipnir said amiably: “Take thy time, I am sure my companion and I can find things to talk about. I have never been short of subjects with any mare, after all.”

“Right.” Blueblood said dryly, and he rolled his eyes before turning away. Sleipnir turned back towards the door, then looked awkwardly at the broken frame for a moment before reaching up and pushing the cracked wood back together as best he could before letting himself out. He would take care of that later, after he and Blue were done fixing his armor.

Sleipnir headed back to the common room, and smiled amusedly at the sight of Invidia whispering to a soldier, who was blushing a little and shifting awkwardly back and forth on his hooves. Then the Royal Guard looked up in embarrassment when he saw Sleipnir before he hurriedly excused himself, and the demon smiled thinly as he fled, murmuring: “Stallions. Like clay.”

“Some, perhaps, while others are as oak, and some even sterner stuff than that.” Sleipnir said cheerfully, and then he sat down with a wink. “I have always preferred my stallions to be firm, but not so solid they are as metal.”

Invidia gave Sleipnir an amused look, then she leaned forwards on her elbows, asking with interest: “What took you so long?”

“Oh, the silly young colt was asleep, that is all. Although I cannot blame him, it has been a trying day for him.” Sleipnir paused thoughtfully, looking around the common room before he picked up the lighter from the table, playing it between his hooves absently. “Hast thou seen the owner? I would describe him to thee, but well... as he would be the only stallion here not a soldier...”

“I haven't, no. Why don't you ask one of these Royal Guard to find him? I'm sure they're very eager to serve.” Invidia said easily, gesturing around at the soldiers.

“Well, that is not their duty. Besides, they are here to protect and aid Blueblood, and very shortly, they will be taking part in an important little exercise with him. But do not tell my ward.” Sleipnir winked at the demon, who only tilted her head curiously. “Well, I cannot spoil the surprise! And besides, 'tis very important the young prince finds the answer to my riddle on his own.”

“You wound me, Sleipnir. As if I would betray you like that.” Invidia said gently, putting a hoof against her own breast.

The earth pony only smiled at her, leaning forwards and replying cheerfully: “Oh, nay, I know thou would not tell him the right answer, my friend. Rather, I fear thou would mislead him in all the wrong directions.”

“How nice.” Invidia said dryly, but she seemed almost amused, at least.

They waited for a few more minutes in quiet, listening to the soldiers talking, studying each other curiously. Sleipnir fidgeted a little, wondering what was taking the young prince so long and whether or not he should go back and make sure Blueblood hadn't fallen asleep again... but not a moment later, the white unicorn emerged, looking grumpy and dressed in a fancy set of traveling clothes: that explained why it had taken him so long.

Invidia smiled widely as Blueblood approached with his armor in a carry-bag at his side, then she shyly rose a hoof and waved at him. Blueblood almost did a double-take when he saw the beautiful mare, stumbling a little before hurriedly straightening and giving her a smile that was... well, Sleipnir was fairly sure that Blueblood meant to come across as 'confident.' Instead, he looked more... anxious, was perhaps a better word for it.

The earth pony looked with amusement between the two, sitting back and opening his mouth, but Blueblood hurriedly interrupted him as the unicorn almost flung himself onto the table. “You must be our new... companion. My name is Blueblood, but I'm sure you know that. After all, I'm the Prince of Equestria.”

“Oh, yes, who doesn't know the Prince?” Invidia almost purred, and Sleipnir's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as they flicked towards the mare. “You're much more handsome than I had heard, though... and you look so big and strong!”

Blueblood almost visibly swelled in front of her... at least, until Sleipnir laughed loudly as he sat up and wrapped a foreleg around the stallion, making him twitch... then gape as the earth pony said positively: “A rare compliment to receive from a demon, Blueblood! Thou should be proud, for our new friend Invidia has told me she has met many other demons on her travels... to still impress her after all that means we must truly be on a good road!”

Invidia shot Sleipnir a curdling glare as Blueblood laughed weakly, looking disbelievingly over at the mare before he suddenly shook himself out, saying after a moment: “No, no, now don't play games with me, Sleipnir. She might look a little strange, but she's no demon.”

“I look strange to you?” Invidia's teeth grit, her features tightening and her golden eyes blazing, the demon's entire demeanor lost in a flash as Sleipnir winced. “Did I hear you correctly? I look strange?”

Blueblood slowly leaned back in his seat, biting his cheek and scowling at the mare: now he could believe she was a demon, or some other freakish friend of Sleipnir's... but the earth pony was quick to lean forwards and hold out a hoof to Invidia, saying apologetically: “Come now, thou knows he does not mean it! My friend is merely tired, and... well... strange is not such a foul word, is it?”

Invidia hissed through her teeth at Sleipnir, then glared at Blueblood, who laughed weakly before he forced himself to say awkwardly as the demon continued to lean dangerously closer and closer, her hooves beginning to grind into the tabletop: “You look... pretty, I meant?”

And in a flash, Invidia was back to sitting with a calm smile on the other side of the table, saying pleasantly: “Thank you, Prince Blueblood... coming from you, that means a lot. Everyone knows what refined tastes such a handsome stallion like you has.”

Blueblood didn't seem to know quite how to react, but Sleipnir only slapped the stallion lightly on the back before remarking cheerfully: “See? Then we are all in agreement, all is well. Aye, young Blue, she is most pretty! But look at me, prattling on like an old mare: I shall let the two of thee learn of each other, that would be best.”

Blueblood only looked warily at Invidia, but Invidia smiled almost eagerly at the young prince, saying quickly: “Yes, I agree. I'm sure the young prince and I have much common ground, though... even if he is royalty and I am nothing but a lowly demon. But I am very honored to meet him... and it is my delight to serve such a noble throne, in whatever ways that I can...”

The mare bowed humbly towards Blueblood, who smiled awkwardly but sat up, looking both embarrassed and pleased at the same time. He smoothed out some of the wrinkles in his traveling suit before saying in a half-mumble: “Well, it's... it's a pleasure to meet someone who actually knows their place. Sleipnir here certainly has never treated me with the respect that-”

“That you so deserve? Oh, I would not expect him to. But I do not want to speak ill of our friend: while he certainly may be envious of your position here, young friend, he also is most noble for swallowing his envies to protect you... even if I believe he could do so much more respectfully.” Invidia said calmly, smiling pleasantly over at Blueblood.

Sleipnir could sense her trying to read him, although he wasn't quite sure what she was trying to accomplish. She was digging into his emotions a little, and he could feel her psychic teeth nibbling at his mind, unsuccessfully trying to feed off him... but the stallion was shielded by his smiles, his optimism, his refusal to take any of her baiting. He had never been very good at being sad or angry: he knew there was a time and place for both, but otherwise, he preferred to be happy. And nature seemed to prefer him this way, too.

Whatever else, it seemed to frustrate Invidia a little that she couldn't get under his skin, but that just made Sleipnir feel sympathy for her. She was so strange, even by a demon's standards: the way she was both bitter and sensitive made her seem strangely... mortal to him. There was no better way to put it: she was a demon who didn't seem to really know how demons were supposed to act.

The earth pony leaned back as Invidia went back to buttering up Blueblood. Sleipnir only half-listened to the two, knowing that Invidia couldn't go too far with her manipulations: she couldn't break her end of the bargain, after all. And perhaps a little boost to his ego was what Blueblood needed right now. Sleipnir knew well enough you couldn't just take a proud drake and break it if you wanted it to serve with true loyalty, after all: you had to be gentle, and kind, and patient. You had to let the drake find its way to you, in spite of all its growling and rumbling and posing.

Sleipnir picked up the lighter and excused himself from the table to find the old stallion: he let himself linger here and there, chatting with soldiers, talking to the few other patrons he came across, studying them and enjoying the little bits and pieces of their lives that he was able to glimpse from these brief moments spent with them. He had always loved spending time with people, learning about them, knowing them.

Sleipnir returned to the table... and was very surprised by what he saw. Blueblood looked uncomfortable, and Invidia was leaning almost aggressively forwards, looking a little too excited as she continued to ramble away to him. And Sleipnir couldn't help the smile that quirked at his mouth as he thought that they looked like foals; a shy young colt who was still scared of fillies, and an overtalkative young mare who was trying desperately to get the attention of her crush.

He chuckled as he sat down beside Invidia, and the demon scowled over at him... then suddenly hugged his foreleg, almost burying her head against him as she grumbled: “Are we ready to go? I'm ready to go. Let's leave all these mortals behind.”

“Now now, cease that.” Sleipnir said kindly, reaching up with his other hoof to pat her childishly on the head a few times. “Besides, we shan't go far for now. Young Blue, hast thou gathered thy armor?”

Sleipnir looked inquisitively over at Blueblood, and the white unicorn grumbled a little before he nodded almost grudgingly, looking over at the bag on his side. “I... suppose, yes. I don't see why this is so important, though, you're the one who's supposed to take care of me and supposed to take care of this. This is a servant's task.”

The earth pony looked mildly at Blueblood for a few moments: on the one hoof, he was annoyed, but on the other, he was glad that Blueblood was at least being... Blueblood. Except after another moment, the white stallion seemed to awkwardly catch himself, saying hurriedly: “Not that... not that I'm sure it's without merit, of course, I'm... I mean to say, what I meant to say is that I'm sure it does have merit.”

Sleipnir sighed and shook his head slowly, then he said kindly: “Fear not, young Blue. For a moment I admit that I almost let my temper slip, but 'twas silly on my part. This sort of thing must be learned through doing: once thou begins to care for thy armor more, thou shall see that it is much more to our ritual than polish and labor.”

The unicorn only grimaced slightly, and then he shook his head and cleared his throat before asking sourly: “And what about your armor?”

Sleipnir shrugged easily, replying cheerfully: “Oh, my armor does not like to be polished during the day, unless 'tis battered and in need of healing. She is not so fond of baths. She much prefers to be tended to during the mornings and nights...” He winked over at Invidia, slinging a foreleg around her and squeezing the demon against his side even as she tensed up in shock. “Much like many other mares I've known.”

Blueblood gave Sleipnir a foul look as Invidia squirmed, then shrugged his foreleg off and hugged herself, rubbing her shoulders compulsively. She glared up at Sleipnir, and the stallion looked back at her with surprise: considering the fact she had been clinging to him literally moments ago... “I agree with the prince, it seems a strange task for such a noble stallion to involve himself with, especially when you can't seem to be bothered to deal with the same difficulties yourself.”

Sleipnir pretended to look injured as he placed his own hoof against his chest, leaning back as he cried: “And look! Already, the two of thee, ganging up on me like ravens! Oh, what a sorry sight I must make, and how cruel thy pecking beaks!”

Invidia only rolled her eyes, and Blueblood simply looked blankly at the earth pony for a few moments before Sleipnir smiled suddenly, adding cheerfully: “But 'tis very nice to see thee getting along at least. See, Blue? A companion shan't be so bad at all!”

Blueblood scowled a little, but then hesitantly peeked over at Invidia. The demon, meanwhile, frowned in surprise up at Sleipnir, as if she didn't entirely trust what he was saying... but Sleipnir merely smiled and shrugged, then said kindly: “And besides, thou art both being silly. 'Twould be rude of me to work upon mine own armor when I must teach Blue to work upon his. He will learn nothing from watching me mend and polish my shell.”

Neither of them had any argument for this, and after a moment, Sleipnir smiled before standing. He gently helped Invidia to her hooves, and the demon seemed surprised by the gesture before the earth pony smiled over at Blueblood, saying kindly: “Come, both of thee. Thou can talk whilst I check thy equipment over, at least: I am sure thou art both very curious about the other.”

Blueblood grimaced as he stood, looking warily at Invidia before he sighed, but he didn't give any other protests. And Sleipnir thought it was a good sign: even if the young prince was sulking, he wasn't complaining as much. He was trying to do what the earth pony told him, and it warmed Sleipnir's heart to see him listening to his guidance.

He thought he might be right about Blueblood after all, that there was someone better, stronger buried deep inside that stallion, just waiting to emerge... even if he hoped with all his heart he was wrong when he thought he caught a glimpse of jealous anger in Invidia's eyes when Blueblood looked at him instead of her.