• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 4,070 Views, 43 Comments

My best friend Toby - Utmostnut

"Oh hey guys, it's me, Scootaloo! You will never guess on what I found today! I found the most coolest looking creature I have ever seen in my life!!" "Well maybe not cooler than RainbowDash, but defiantly cooler than most pony&am

  • ...

My new friend

Let's see, let's see.....well I would say it all started when I was in school learning about subtracting or adding......eehh I don't know I was asleep half of the time, so I don't remember most of the details. So anyways after like......an hour I think....I was talking with my friends about what we should do next on getting our cutie marks and Sweetie Bell was suggesting on searching through some caves and try to find some diamonds or jewels like her big sister, but I knew she was lying. She just wanted to experience MineCraft in real life and AppleBloom manage to talk some sense into her by saying it was to dangerous and that we might cause a cave in, she said it wasn't true, but..........we had caused worse.

Through all the rambling we were causing we didn't notice that Miss Cheerilee was eye balling us and didn't seem to like that we were distracting everypony else she got mad at us and told us to keep it down that there were pony's here trying to learn and that we shouldn't distract them or whatever, we said sorry and she went back to teaching.........school stuff for a about a couple of minutes before she had to rush to the restroom to go do some business and she takes fooorrreeevvveerrr in there, but I don't complain it just means more time to sleep.

We went back to are original conversation until we got interrupted again except it was by Diamond Tiara, Celestia knows how much I hate her, but she just always got to say something about our flanks and that there blank and that we are nobody's and we should just give up, Ooohhhh I wish I could just show her a thing or two maybe then she'll leave us alone. Anyways she was on about.......well pretty much the same thing that I already told you she was saying,

"Are you 'Crusaders' still on about how to get your cutie marks why don't you just give up on it already and stop annoying the rest of us , if you haven't gotten it already then what makes you think you will ever get it?"

I just want her to stop harassing us about it already I mean jezz why is she so obsessed on bringing us down what have ever done to her we just want to find out on what were good at just like everypony else what's wrong with that? We tried to ignore her, but she continued and didn't seemed to stop I really, really wanted to say something, but AppleBloom beat me to it.......but this time her reaction was different I've never seen her this mad I mean it's normal for Diamond to make fun of us and we would just ignore it and.......yeah sometimes she'd get to us, but not this time I think she finally got to her....

"Why do ya always got to insult us Diamond what did we ever do to you!"

"It's not exactly what you did it's just the mere presents of you being here that offends me."

"Well I'm sorry that the sight of us is, sooooo offensive to you I'm sorry that were trying to find out who we are like everypony else!"

"Well unlike everypony else they have there cutie marks and what do you have!"

Ok at that moment I knew things were getting out of control and if somepony doesn't stop it soon it could get really ugly, what's taking Miss Cheerilee, so........oh yeah, well if no one is going to stop it it might as well be me, "AppleBloom stop it isn't like you to act like this, dont let her continue to get to you when Miss Cheerilee comes back and see's you acting like this you're going to get in trouble." It feels weird to be the voice of reason it's usually AppleBloom trying to calm me down.

"But she started it!"

"I know she did, but you can't......."

I tried my best to calm AppleBloom down, but I was cut short by one of Diamonds remarks.

"Oh look another one of your blank flank friends is joining in our conversation."

"She ain't joining into anything Diamond leave her out of this!"

I kept telling myself to calm down don't let her get to you or you might do something you'll regret that's what AppleBloom kept telling me anyways.......and right now she needs me....

"AppleBlooms right I'm not joining into anything I'm just trying to calm my friend down." Diamond then said,

"Oh and I suppose you are trying to be a better pony now, by keeping calm and trying to act mature when was the last time you ever tried to be mature into anything, heck I'm more surprised that you are the one calming AppleBloom down and not the other way around this is hilarious!"

Just calm down Scoots don't let her get into your head prove to her that you are more mature then she is, but she's making really hard too.

"What do you think being mature is going to give you a mark is it even a thing let alone something you'd be good at!"

Just calm down just calm down just, just........I can feel a tear rolling down my cheek from all the anger I'm holding in if this goes on I might explode! AppleBloom also notice the tear going down my cheek and so did SweetieBell, they gathered around me to try to calm me down......I guess now it's starting to make sense, Apple said, "Scootaloo calm down please look you were right I shouldn't have let her get to me.". Then Sweetie said, "Look school is going to be over soon so....", Sweetie stop at mid tracks to one of Diamonds remarks that I probably won't forget,

"Oh look is the little baby crying whatever happened to you being all tough and fearless, now look at you crying in class like a wimp kinda reminds of when you tried to fly, but kept failing and failing wondering to yourself, "Why can't I get it right." oh wait..you still cant fly your a failure as a pegasus and everypony knows it, I mean almost every pegasus here can fly except for you, if you can't even fly then why are you trying desperately on looking for a mark Hahahaha!"

"She's.....she's right... I am a failure and a wimp....every Pegasus here can fly except for me, if I can't fly then I probably won't be able to find my mark either." I felt like dirt in that class room I wanted to crawl into a rock or some dark cave far into the everfree and just....disappear. I ran out of that class room with tears covering my face, I can hear AppleBloom and SweetieBell calling my name from behind me, but I didn't want to talk to them I didn't want to talk to anypony I just wanted to go home.

I didn't want to go to the orphanage or the treehouse....I wanted to go somewhere where I can really be alone....I remember I made a little fort out in the Everfree sometime back I made it so I can......well I'm pretty sure you already know. It's like my little tree house....except it's on the ground and.....not in the tree.....look the tree house I have with AppleBloom and SweetieBell is cool, no its awesome, but I wanted to built something on my own you know something that I can be proud of...well anyways I finally made it and rushed inside as fast as I could and tried to forget this day.

Out of anger I pushed opened the door way to hard and it broke off its hinges and fell to the ground, "I'll fix that later." I said to myself I'm not really in the mood for fixing things even though the place looks like it's falling apart.

I got on my bed and just let all my feelings out on the pillow I've never cried this hard in my life. My eyes were stinging, my throat was hurting and my head felt woozy, I really wanted all of this to just go away...."Why does she have to been soo mean." I said to myself, "What did I ever do to you huh is it because I have no mark is that really the reason, not everypony has a mark, so why don't you pick on somepny else instead of us what makes us, so special!" I slammed my face into the pillow and yelled at the top of my lungs and didn't stop until there was no air left inside.

Hours have past and I've managed to calm myself down a bit, but the words she said is still there in head word for word....I just can't seem to forget it, so I thought that maybe if I hanged out with my friends then I would forget all about this, plus they must be worried about me since I ran out of there and never told them where I was going, "Yeah maybe sometime with my friends would help." I jumped out of my bed and started walking to the door.....well I guess more like hole in the wall and try to get out of here, but I tripped over something as I was walking, "Whoa, Aaahhh!" I fell to the ground with a thump. It hurt for only a bit, which was a good, but what the heck tripped me? I picked myself up with my front hooves and turned around to see what did it, "Ok what the heck..." wow it was probably the most weirdest looking thing I had ever seen.

It was a white rock, but.....it was a big white rock, "What the heck is this?" I picked it up with my right hoof to get a better look at it, I was surprised to know that it was pretty light annnnddd well it was.......white there really isn't much to say about then it looking strange
it also seemed to have a point and it's sides looking like sword as if someone sharpened it or something, it also had this brown cloth wrapped around it for.......some reason over all it didn't seemed to do anything besides TRIPPING ME! "What the heck does it even do or what's it even doing here no one knows about this place, so nobody could of brought it here and there hasn't been any storms lately, but even if there was one I doubt it would find it's why in here.", so like anypony else who was curious about a strange looking thing I started to move it around and look at every corner of it, but still nothing.

I shook it, I bitten it, and even it banged it onto objects and walls to see if it did something, but.....no still nothing, "Ok look rock I've been having a pretty bad day and when I was finely getting over it or starting to you just made it worse, so the least you could do is just show me that you can do something I mean you're strange looking and almost everything that looks strange here must do something, so..........do something!", nothing happened it just quietly rested on my hoof, "(Sigh) Look at me I'm yelling at a rock." maybe I do need to hang out with my friends I think I might be loosing my mind at least thats what I thought until it shocked me!

"Ow this thing shocked me why you did you have to do that is it, because I yelled at you a bit over sensitive don't you think?" it didn't reply, "(Sigh) I'm doing it again I should head out already before I start to asking it how it feels or what it's dreams are.", so I just threw it on the ground and tried to forget about it.....at least I tried the rock.....was actually.....doing something. A white, bright flash came from the rock it only lasted for a second, but it was enough to freak me out. I walk up to the rock and noticed something strange under it.....it seemed to.....well I think they were words to me it just looked like a bunch of scratches on the floor.

"Seriously this is what you do you got me frustrated over this SCRATCHES all you did was destroy my floor!", and it still didn't say anything, "Oh Celestia the stress is really getting to me look I'm going leave and when I'm back I'm throwing you into a lake!" still nothing, "Aahhh I'm doing it again what's wrong with me!" I had enough with this I was going to leave, hang out with my friends, throw this rock away, but........it did something again, but........it wasn't coming from the rock.....it was coming from the sign. "What the heck is going on!" and a white, bright light surrounded my room, thank goodness it only lasted for a second except.......there was now a strange creator in my room wearing a full suit of armor the only things that were going my mind was fear, and curiosity well.......it mostly curiosity, but I was still pretty scared and the only thing I said during that moment was, "Coool...."

Author's Note:

Welp I'm done with this fic and I wanted to say that I was pretty excited on writing this so expect more fics in the future......that's if you like of course anyways I'm looking forward to your comments about it and what I need to work on to make it better and what you like about it.

The story takes place around season three just incase you were confused.