• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 4,071 Views, 43 Comments

My best friend Toby - Utmostnut

"Oh hey guys, it's me, Scootaloo! You will never guess on what I found today! I found the most coolest looking creature I have ever seen in my life!!" "Well maybe not cooler than RainbowDash, but defiantly cooler than most pony&am

  • ...

Strange creatures in the forest

I have been wondering through the forest for hours now, and I still haven't found any path that could lead me out of this forest. The longer I travel, the more I worry for my new companion I made in this world. Sure she is young, and weird,.. and a horse, but it doesn't change the fact that it's now my responsibility to protect her, after all she did summon me and as long as I'm here, I shall do my job to the fullest.

Whatever that thing was I just fought a minute ago, it sure didn't look like a natural wolf. I didn't care that much about it, the point is that I can kill it and that's more then enough.

Now, I'm sure that I have never been here before. This area looks like nothing I have ever been to. Well.. Except for one area it kinda looks like Dark root gardens except less, well, creepy. It kinda looks like a picture from a child's book.. Let me explain a little more in detail. The colors of this area have a moody color, but more of a illuminated dark, if that makes sense to you whatsoever. And let's say it possibly could be Dark Root garden.. But... where are the killer plant things, that sprout from the ground when I get near them? And the stone guardians? They couldn't possibly just gone and left the area. The only things that were hostile towards me where these wolves made out of wood and leaves. Something's very off here, indeed.

Well, looking at it this way, maybe it's a new creature, or maybe it belongs somewhere else and just happened to wander into this land. But that wouldn't explain what Scootaloo is doing here, places like this isn't safe for a child, heck, the entire kingdom isn't safe for her! What parents in their right minds would let their child wonder off here, or any sort of forest in that matter?! Plus.. she said that there was a village not to far from here. If there's a village then that means they have been here for a long enough time to make it impossible for it to be Dark root. I've travelled across the area plenty of times and I've never encountered any sort of village. I don't think it's even big enough to hold a village... Well... Maybe where the hydra is, but I doubt they could of handle that or the crystal monsters, for that matter. So.. Where exactly am I?

I was with Scootaloo for about a couple of minutes before she ran off into the mist before I could react... Now that I think about it... Nevermind, I probably wouldn't have asked her anyway.

Wait, I have another question. Why in the world was she, so... Trusting of me? Judging by her facial expression she seemed shocked, scared and a slight bit excited, but she didn't run away or scream. She just... Stood there and waited. I could of killed her instantly if I wanted to, but she didn't seem to care, and that was before she got the note. So what did she experience? Something far worse then my presence, or did her child-like curiosity get the better of her? Either way, it was odd. Didn't her parents ever tell her the dangers of life or at least playing in the woods?
I don't know anymore honestly, and I don't really want to think about this right now, my head is kind of aching.. Wait.. I think.....something is.....following me....

Could it be that strange wolf from before?.....Na I killed it I remember seeing it die, but........then again it was made of wood, so it's not just any ordinary wolf, so it probably can't die like one......I don't know this whole place is confusing first talking horses now.....tree wolfs what's next a chicken snake?

Ha that's pretty funny and no ones around to hear it, but then again it's not like I talk anyway......hold on is that.....talking I hear....I think it's coming from over there it's probably more of those talking horses......maybe they know a way out.


"Twilight how much longer are we going to be out here?" asked a very tired spike. They had been out in the EverFree forest for days now without having any rest, twilight responded, "Not much longer I've almost found it." To which spike rolled his eyes, "That's what you said ten hours ago, can we at least rest for a bit we've been looking for it for days and we haven't found any clues to where it may be.".

Twilight knew that here companion was tired, but she couldn't stop now not we she's, so close she can just feel it, she said, "We can rest when we find it I have a feeling we are getting very close.", Spike just lowered his head in defeat he knew there was no convincing her at least not at this moment, so for now his going to have to put up with it for awhile longer, but something click in his head.......what were they looking for again? It's been so long and plus the no rest didn't help with keeping his memory he decided to ask twilight what it was, "So...what are we looking for again?". Twilight scoffed silently in frustration, "Spike I've told you ten times already it's a very rare flower hidden in this forest that no pony knows what it's power are."

Spike was confused for a moment and ask, "So if no pony knows what it does why are we looking for it?" Twilight still continuing her walk answered his question, " Well if I were to find this plant first and discover what it does just imagine how impressed the princess would be, plus I can probably create a knew spell or find a cure for a certain diseases."

"Or it could be a new flavor of tea..."

Twilight turned her head, "Spike I highly doubt that a rare flower hidden in the EverFree forest could just be a certain flavor for tea." Spike shrugged his shoulders to her response and said, "Well you may never know twilight I mean Discord became good, and we all thought that would never happen."

"Well that's because we had Fluttershy to look after him."

"And how much faith did you have with her?"


Spike smirk with satisfaction proving twilight that see could be wrong........wow that's a first which makes it a bit more sweeter for him, he said, "See, so it could be a tea flavor and all this days of searching could be for nothing.......unless it tastes good?"

Twilight was starting to get frustrated with spike it is NOT a new tea flavor it could probably hold a lot of magical power and twilight is for sure going to be the first to find it! (Snap) "(Gasp).....Spike.....did you hear that?"

"What a stick snapping?" Spike looks around the area to see if there was anything around, but to him there was no one in sight, it was starting to scare Spike, but quickly faded away when all he could hear was silences once he was calm he said, "What do you think could of made that.......do you think it was made by some animal?" secretly hoping that it wasn't a timberwolf.

Twilight narrowed her eyes a carefully scanning the area for any movement, when she couldn't find any she just assumed it was made by a harmless animal and probably ran away, she turned around and said to Spike, "It was probably just some deer or a bunny." Spike wasn't to sure that it was just a deer or bunny, but he took her word for it, he said, "Can we leave already this place is just getting scarier and scarier every minute we're here, plus I haven't slept in days."

Twilight knew he was right, she cant just keep pushing him like this he needs his rest and, so does she when was the last time she'd look at a mirror she probably has at least three bags under her eyes. The flower is going to have to wait for some other time she places her hoof on Spike's shoulder and says, "Alright will go home for today and you get to sleep for as long as you want I'm sorry for keeping you up this long." Spike just place his claw on her hoof and says, "It's alright Twilight I know.....I.....I-I.....I.." Spike couldn't finish his sentence from the amount of fear that was going through his body not understanding the sight he was looking at. Twilight was confused for a moment from Spike's sudden stuttering, but from the look in his eyes she knew that he looking at something else.......something.....horrifying. She didn't want to turn for her fear was getting the best of her,.........but so was her curiosity and so far......it was winning.

Twilight carefully turned her head around to probably get a quick look at what it was, but once she got to see it......it became a long hard stare......in front of her was a strange being covered from head to toe in full body armor. What made this creature strange was the fact that it was standing on it's hind legs and had these.....these claw like thing coming from it's........well she's not actual sure what it is it didn't look like a hoof just.....something a lot different. Also......it was just staring back at them not moving or......saying anything...heck she couldn't tell if it was even breathing!

Twilight slowly and carefully walked over to Spike side not wanting to provoke it into attacking them. Once she got there she carefully lend her head next to his ear and whispered, "Ok.....I want you to stand perfectly still....I'm going to count to three and when I get to three I'm going to teleport us out of here....ok?" Spike nod in agreement, "Ok.....one....two...". Then out of nowhere a timberwolf jump out from behind the trees and attack the armored creature from behind, it didn't knock it down, but the wolf did manage to stager it for a bit, before he turned around and kick the wold in the stomach launching it into a near by tree, to which it made a cracking sound.

The wolf pick it's self back up and shock it's head lowering it's self and growling showing that it still wants to fight, but not with out help as two more wolfs come out from the trees trying to back up their friend. Twilight saw the creature raising it's shield and placing it's......hoof? On it's massive sword drawing it out completely, also showing that it's ready to fight twilight took advantage of the brawl and teleported both her and spike out of harms way and into the safety of there tree home.

When they realized that they were home Spike ran up twilight and hug her right leg tight and said, "What the heck was that!" She didn't know what to say to him she was just as confused as he was that........thing was obviously not from their world, so where the heck did it come from? It was intriguing sure, but it was also clearly dangerous I mean did you see the size of it's weapon! It was clearly larger then both her and spike combine and yet it was carrying it like it was made of feathers! There was so many questions that need to be answered and her head was just aching trying to figure them out, until the front door slam open as if some pony was in a hurry to get in when twilight turned to see who it was she saw that it was Scootalo who slammed the door, she said, "Scootaloo you're supposed to knock first not slam the door right open and just let yourself in."

Scootaloo was breathing heavily showing that she ran all the way here, but what does she need, so badly? Twilight asked, "So why are you here?" Scootaloo lowered her head and tried her best to calm her breathing. When her breathing got to the point where she could speak she said, "I need....(breaths) your help." Oh, so she needs her help, but with what?

"What do you need my help with?" she asked.

"Finding....(breaths)...my friend."