• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 4,071 Views, 43 Comments

My best friend Toby - Utmostnut

"Oh hey guys, it's me, Scootaloo! You will never guess on what I found today! I found the most coolest looking creature I have ever seen in my life!!" "Well maybe not cooler than RainbowDash, but defiantly cooler than most pony&am

  • ...

My new friend part 2

The flashing light finally cleared from my sight, I can now see clearly of the area I am in, from my past experiences it is always best to examine the area or you might get ambushed by a hollow. It appears that I am in some sort of room I think I can't really tell since the only light is coming from that broken down door over their, if someone had to break down the door to get in here theirs probably some loot or weapons.

Enough side tracking I need to know who put down that summoned sign and why they put hmmm....now that I think about the door maybe someone wanted to come in and the guy probably needed some help that could explain it. Chances are his probably still alive somewhere.........and, so is the thing that was attacking him.

I quickly place my right hand on my broad sword and instantly turned around thinking that it was already attacking me from behind, but to my surprised there was nothing there, maybe......he probably got out in time and is hiding or.......


What.....the heck was that.....I think its coming from behind I turn around, and look down at my feet to see a......horse......no it's not a horse.....horses are bigger than that......I think it's...a pony? A talking pony....with wings.....huh that's knew at least it ain't threatening..............is it? I picked it up with both of my hands and start to examine it to see if it pose as any threat it should be pretty easy seeing that its small atleast that's what I thought if it didn't squirm so much!

"Hey what the heck are you doing put me down!"

I'll put you down just relax I just need to know if........oh so it's a female....."Hey put me down!" ok ok I'll put you down. I placed her on the ground as gently as I could not wanting to hurt her.

"Ok.......let's not do that again.....ok?"

Don't worry I already got what I need to know.......wait a minute if she's here then chances are she probably placed that summon sign well that's just great does that mean I have to guard a horse.......sorry I mean pony.....I'm pretty sure it is....anyways what could a pony want with me it doesn't seem to be endanger or.........did she call me because of what happened to the door...just to be safe I'll keep an eye on that door just incase it decides to come back and she seems to notice that I'm looking at it....

"Oh I can see you looking at the door.....and you're probably wondering what happened to?

I shake my head in agreement.


She places her hoof behind her head and I believe she seems to be......scratching I think since only people who are nervous or embarrassed of something do that.

"I kinda........broke it.."

Oh, so she broke down the door.......that is hilarious and very unnerving to know that, she might be stronger than I think she is, I shouldn't really underestimate her, but their still leaves one question....why did she....

"See look it's because I had a bad day at school and I was really upset when I came home and the hinges on the door were not screwed on tight enough or not properly place and I just pushed open the door really hard and....well yeah."

Nevermind then.....she's not really strong and there is no danger, so why did she placed down her summon sign if there is no danger.......(Sigh) well I have no choice now, so I'm stuck here until I die or she does and seeing how she's a child it's going to be a loooonngg time......or you know I could just jump off a cliff and just get it over with.

"So....anyways let's just forgot about that and let me introduce myself my name is Scootaloo, I'm a Pegasus and I live in Ponyville which is......a mile that way I think...."

Ok well at least I know her name and what she is and where the nearest town is, it doesn't really make it any better or it might who knows....hmm, but then again I don't really remember being in this part of the kingdom.....could it really be, maybe.....maybe it's just outside of the walls......and she did say that there is town nearby.....and a town means people and by people I mean pony's living in a town, could they be a new species that I haven't seen yet.

"Umm....this is the part were you introduce your self.......hello are you still in there?"

Oh yeah...that's right she told me about herself and this is the part where I introduce myself, but Im not really a....chatty person I like to keep thing to myself and just get the job done.....which is surviving and linking the fires....

"You do have a name right......or know who you are?

How dare she ask me that question of course I know who I am, I am a human, born in...........oh well I do know my name it's.........wait what is it again, it's.........no it's probably......no it doesn't really fit me what about...........no that's not it either..now that I think about I don't really know a lot about myself or my past all I remember was waking up in the asylum and people telling me that I'm the chosen undead.

"Oh.....well from the silence..(even though you haven't said anything at all) I'm guessing you don't know then...well that's ok if you don't have a name then that means I get to give you one then SAY NO IF YOU DONT WANT A NAME!"

Oh ok now that's not really fair.

"Yeesss since you didn't say anything I get to name you...this is exciting it's like naming a new born baby!"

You can't compare me to a baby I mean come on look at me I'm three times your size, I'm wearing armor and carrying weapons!

"Oook...let's see...well you're wearing a lot of armor aaannnddd it's made of steel, ssoooo......I got it...Steel Armor."

That.....name....is terrible it just describes what I am wearing, and plus it's not even a name,....but then again what kinda of name is Scootaloo...

"Ok you know what I take that back it sounds pretty bad.....and lazy now that I think about it."

Alright I'll give her some credit for realizing that it was a pretty bad name.

"What about.....Steel Sword!"

What's with her and steel is it because that's all I'm wearing.......come on kid think, think really hard on a good name be creative, I'm trusting you on not to give me a cruddy name.

"No..no that's just as bad as the last.......Oohh I got it Toby!"

Toby? Why Toby that's......that sounds kinda boring at least the last two names you thought of sounded it kinda cool even if it just described what I have on, but that....at least reconsider it.

"Now hear me out ok don't judge it too quickly, (chuckles) even if you don't do much (chuckles) ok, ok look it's kinda like those names that actually have more meaning to it like o.m.c which stands for Oh My Celestia, well your name T.O.B.Y stands for something much cooler like the T stands for totally cool, the O stands obviously cool, the B stands for Badass....don't tell rainbow I said that, and Y stands for yes you are cool, do you get it now?"

Well.....at least she made it more....easier to handle, even if it just stands for me being cool and.....that one part was just...uncalled for especially at her age. It'll take to some getting used to, but.....I think I'll.....start...to like it....I guess.

"Alright that settles it then right, but for where you come from I really can't say, I mean I could make up a place for you, but.....I really shouldn't...I don't get why you can't just tell me where your from or who you are?"

Oh believe me Scootaloo I'm going through the same question you are asking me the only answers I can think of is that this is another part of the kingdom that I haven't heard of or havent explored yet and you are probably a new specious or something, because as of right now we both have unanswered questions.

"Alright fine don't tell me then......huh what's that?"

She seems to notice something, but I don't really know what it is, she seems to see something right by my left foot, so I pick it up to see if I'm stepping on it. As I pick it up I notice that it was a piece of paper I pick it out of the ground with my left hand and brought it closer to my eyes, and then I notice something there's writing on it, aaanndd I think it's meant for Scootaloo, so I pass the paper to her.

"Huh what is....oh it's a note....and it's written for me..it says Dear Scootaloo this is a gift from....well it doesn't really say anyways....who ever comes from the sign well always protect you and well never leave your side, he or she will always be your friend I hope you enjoy his or her company I know you well need it...and it ends right their."

Ok who ever wrote this is lying to her that's not how summoning works, well the protecting part is right, and the never leaving, but it doesn't really mean that I got to be her friend, it just means that I'm going to fight along side you....for only a short time well it's mostly do to the fact that they die really fast and I get sent back, but the point is it's mostly lying to her.

"So.....that means that you are my new friend........that is, so cool, I mean look at you, you look, look....well awesome I got to go show you to my friends their going to think the exact samething I just know it!"

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa your going to bring me to your friends?

"Say no if you don't want to see my friends!"


"Ah I knew it trust me you are going to love them!"

She walks towards me reachs up to my right hand....well try's, but she's really short, so just be kind I lowered myself, so she can reach and we start to walk out of the room.

"Oh and when we get back we are going to fix that door."

Author's Note:

Hey guys here's part two and just a heads up I might post my chapters late cause I'm going to be taking classes, so I can go for my GED and I apologize for this one being really short I'm not going to promise that I'm going to make the next chapter longer, but I'm going to do my best.

And for those of you that are confused this is a Darksouls 1 crossover