• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 1,734 Views, 92 Comments

The Black Apple - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom has met her father and the two seek to change Equestria forever.

  • ...

Difference in Beliefs

Tirek had finally completed the wall. It was an enormous, wooden fence which surrounded his castle. The centaur was close to complete domination over Equestria. Everyone would soon bow down to his will - there was only one challenge left in his way - his daughter, Apple Bloom. He needed his daughter to get to where he was now. Without Apple Bloom's rise to alicornhood, fear would not have been strong enough among the ponies for his reign. Apple Bloom was too much like Tirek though: both were brilliant and ruthless in pursuing their goals. The alicorn filly would never truly bow down to his will. Tirek needed to figure out what is best for him. Unlike the weaklings, Tirek could destroy his daughter if he wished to do so.

Tirek's thought was interrupted by a sweet yet oddly calculating, "Hi Daddy!"

Tirek saw Apple Bloom flying within his line of vision.

"My daughter, the wall is done."

"Perfect. We are on our way to a better world. Ah was thinking that we could implement a caste system in Equestria. Perhaps, give the ponies some tests and separate the desirables from the undesirables."

"Tests", scoffed Tirek, "you are a teacher's pet, just like your mother."

"Think about it."

"Apple Bloom, I am going to let you on a little secret. I think that there are many more undesirables out there than you could have imagined. Essentially, there is only one easy test that can be given. Are they my kin? If the answer is no, then that being is an undesirable."

"But according to that logic, you need to mate with an undesirable to create a desirable unless you wanna jump into incestuous territory."

"That is true. Your mother was an undesirable."

Apple Bloom scowled at Tirek and then said, "Ah disagree wholeheartedly with that."

"You didn't even know your mother for that long, I put a stop to that. You didn't know her like I did."

"Yes, and I should hate your guts for that!"

"Cherry Blossom was chosen by me for her good looks and her gullible personality... she thought I actually loved her - poor mare.. she only had partners who used her, but it was all worth it in the end. You look like a lot your mother, in fact, a part of me always feared that you would turn our more like her than me. I am glad that I was wrong."

"You're just saying all of that about her because she turned you down for Appleseed.. ah saw.."

"What? Zecora's voodoo magic. Her stuff is hogwash."

"It certainly isn't. What planet are you on? You know that ponies have been brought back to life because of her. In fact, Zecora taught me how to make potions, including the one which assisted us in murdering Celestia."

"I was correct to fuck an earth pony mare. They certainly are the most resourceful."

"Are you even listening to me?"

"I am. You have done incredible things. I am proud of you for bringing us this far, but, as your father, I order you to do what I ask of you for now on. If you do so, things will be good for both of us."

"I don't have my mother's 'gullible personality'", snarled Apple Bloom, "ah know when you say that, it only means that was is best for you."

"Think about all the ponies who have cased you harm. Don't you want to punish them? Don't you want to destroy them?"

"I do.. but.. not necessarily in the way we are doing it.."

"It's the only way, Bloom. You are young. I have been around for a long time. I know what works and what doesn't."

"This just seems kind of like what happened to the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago."

"I suppose it is similar", responded Tirek with a smile, "to me, that is a good thing."

"Okay, let's think through what could still destroy us."

"Bringing Celestia back to life."

"And when Gilda brought Zecora back, she couldn't get the resurrection spell away.. who knows where it is now? With that said, it's better that we have Zecora in our custody. Gilda did a fine job, but those two cronies of hers... I don't trust them. Greedy, egotistical, and dumb brutes...perhaps, they stole Zecora's work and are talking with somepony like that goddamn Twilight Sparkle and figuring out how to tweak it to destroy my work. Ah will tell Gilda to seize those two and bring them in to me."

"And kill them?"

"Most likely", responded Apple Bloom with a smile.

"You may not want to admit it, but I think your love of killing is stronger than your desire to improve the world."

"Perhaps, but ah can't go around following every desire I have."

"That is something from your farm pony training, take those useless beliefs out of your life."

"I don't know if you would like the result of that."

"Ho ho", laughed Tirek, "you think you could kill me."

"I know I could kill you. The only question is: do I want to kill you?"

"Sometimes, I am asking the same thing about you, if you want to know the truth."

"Like father, like daughter. Ah will go talk to Gilda and tell her to find those two idiots."

Apple Bloom flew off.

Tirek sighed. He couldn't believe it. He was actually feeling a little scared of this alicorn filly. If the two were to battle one another, who would win? Tirek had years and years of experience behind him, which gave Tirek a glorious advantage. However, Apple Bloom was an excellent reader of others and she had already figured out the centaur demon's weaknesses. Tirek decided that he needed to take the biggest risk in his life - he was going to attempt to take away Apple Bloom's alicorn magic.

Author's Note:

Who will prevail?
To be continued.