• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 1,734 Views, 92 Comments

The Black Apple - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom has met her father and the two seek to change Equestria forever.

  • ...

Tirek and Cherry Blossom

Equestria had come a long way from a thousand years ago. The three races of ponies used to hate each other, now they lived in harmony. This sense of harmony was the most clear in Ponyville, the model of modern Equestria. This was why Tirek chose to hide out in Ponyville. He wanted to learn about the customs of modern-day ponies to learn how to best destroy them.

Tirek built a cottage near Everfree Forest where he lived. His biggest problem was figuring out how to get the animals away from him. He didn't want to harm them but he was forced to kill one of the rabbits when it intruded on his property. The animals quickly got the message after that and never visited Tirek again.

Tirek had one regret after all of these years...he never had any children. He had a strong sexual drive and many partners in the past, but he made sure that none of them had his children. If a mare got pregnant, he needed to either force her to abort the baby or kill the mare himself. Tirek had to take both routes. However, Tirek wanted that child. He felt that he was close to death and wanted his genes to survive. Tirek needed a suitable partner..a bad partner could make his child useless and weak like every pony else. He needed a son or a daughter like him.

Tirek put on a cloak which made him invisible and headed to the town square to find that wife, but what Tirek was looking for was at Sweet Apple Acres.

Tirek saw two earth ponies on the farm: a stallion and a mare.
The stallion was a tall and muscular orange-colored pony who wore a straw hat. He looked like a pony well-suited for farm work. He had a large red apple as a cutie mark.

The mare was dainty in comparison. She was a yellow-colored mare with a slight figure, one who didn't seem as well-suited for farm work. Her cutie mark was that of a cherry blossom.

"Mah dear", said the stallion, "the only way you're going to get good at helping for the harvest is getting out there and do it."

"But Appleseed, I can't be as productive as you. Not all of us were blessed with your farmpony genes."

"There you go with your science-y talk, Cherry Blossom, you're an Apple now. You have bore two healthy and strong foals. Now you need to help with the harvest."

"I can do the best I can and that's all I'll do."

"It better be your best. Now get to work!"

Tirek watched as Cherry Blossom and Appleseed walked over to apple trees to buck apples.
Appleseed gave the tree one powerful kick and all of the apples came down.
Cherry Blossom tried kicking the tree but only sprained her ankle in the process.

"Oww", groaned Cherry Blossom.

"You're doing it all wrong", said Appleseed angrily, "how useless are you?"

"I'm not useless at all", responded Cherry Blossom with equal anger, "the only mistake I made was moving out of Manehattan to live with you. You're going to turn our children into brain-dead farmers like you."

Cherry Blossom hobbled away from Sweet Apple Acres with tears in her eyes.

"She'll be back", mumbled Appleseed. He continued his farmwork.

Perhaps that mare wasn't a bad match for Tirek, he could probably manipulate her to betray her husband. They wouldn't have a dull-minded farm pony, that was for sure.

Tirek followed Cherry Blossom. She was crying. Was her husband always so uncaring? It didn't matter. Tirek was good at pretending he was caring.

Tirek took off the cloak and said softly, "don't cry, my lady."

Cherry Blossom turned around slowly and them couldn't turn away.

"I am Tirek, a friend. Why do you cry? The world is a beautiful place."

"You won't want to hear. It's stupid."

"I doubt it. You don't seem like a stupid mare."

"I'm tired of fighting with my husband all the time. He brought me to this farm and... I love him but..it's too much for me and he doesn't realize it."

"A beautiful mare like you shouldn't be wrecking your body with such work anyway."

"Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course I do." That wasn't a lie.

"What are you anyway? A centaur?"

"Yes I am. Ah, a well-educated mare, I love it."

Cherry Blossom smiled at Tirek. Yes, thought Tirek, he was winning over the young mother.

"It looks like you got hurt. Farmwork?"

"Yes and he didn't care."

"You're lucky that I do care. Let's go to my cottage. I know a spell to heal up that sprained ankle nicely."

"Thank you. You're a sweetheart."

Tirek carried Cherry Blossom to the cottage and healed her ankle.

One thing led to another. Tirek and Cherry Blossom were in bed together. After that, Cherry Blossom bid Tirek farewell.

"What happened after that", asked Apple Bloom.

"You were born. I knew I chose wisely. You look like your mother but you are more like me in so many ways."

"I would have told you to fuck off if you snuck up on me like that."

"Not surprised, alicorn Apple Bloom."

"So, you told me before that she chose Appleseed over you..tell me more about it."

"Very well..."

Tirek never knew he was capable of falling in love, but it happened. He had become obsessed with Cherry Blossom. He had spied on her many times after that and learned that she was pregnant again. Appleseed was proud of his wife for bearing another child. Incredibly proud..little did he know that the baby wasn't his.

Tirek left a message for Cherry Blossom : "Meet me by the cottage".
That was all he could do. Either she would show up or not.

It was late at night. Tirek was ready to go to sleep but he heard a knock.
He rushed to the door and saw it was Cherry Blossom.

"I'm having your kid", said Cherry Blossom, "I haven't had sex with my husband in two years."

"Congratulations", responded Tirek with a smile.

"What if the baby comes out looking like you, he'll know,something is wrong. Every pony will."

"Centaurs, especially me, have great magic. I promise you that your baby will look like a pony. If it doesn't, you can kill me."

"I trust you. I do. It's just that we can't be seeing each other."


"I like you a lot. You are better than Appleseed in a lot of ways but I can't destroy the family."

Tirek looked sad but then said, "I understand, but this child is going to be different than your other ones. It will look pony but it will be much like me."

"Then a piece of you will always be with me."

"I love you, Cherry Blossom."

"I love you too."

The two kissed. Cherry Blossom ran off.

Tirek wasn't sure how Apple Bloom would react to the fact that he was responsible for the timberwolves who killed her parents, so,he decided to leave that information out. He never wanted to kill Cherry Blossom. Appleseed was the only target but she had to fight the goddamn wolves and they fought back, tearing her up to shreds.

"I wish I knew my mom, she sounds like a good mare", said Apple Bloom.

"I wish you knew her too", responded Tirek. That wasn't a lie.

Author's Note:

Next chapter will bring us back to the action.