• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 1,732 Views, 92 Comments

The Black Apple - Duke of Canterlot

Apple Bloom has met her father and the two seek to change Equestria forever.

  • ...

The Summer Sun Celebration

Scootaloo's father waved the gun around like a retard and terrified the three cowering fillies.

"Daddy", said Scootaloo softly, "please put the gun down. I'll do whatever you ask."

"Don't stop me from trying to get back in your mother's life", slurred the drunk dad, "and you'll be fine, my dear."

"Mom kicked you out because of your behavior."

"I like a little drink once in a while, what's the big deal."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. What does little mean to him then?

"Besides", continued Scootaloo's dad, "you can't fly because your mom was a little heavy on the bottle herself."

"You made her do it", argued Scootaloo.

"It's not like you're damaged", said Scootaloo's dad, "I see you got that scooter cutie mark."

"No thanks to you."

Scootaloo's dad flew up to the ceiling holding the gun. He pointed the gun to the floor and pulled the trigger.

The three fillies ran as far away as they could. The bullet wasn't for them, but it did make a small hole in the floor.

Sweetie Belle cried, this was getting way too out of hoof.

"Now, who's in fucking charge here", slurred Scootaloo's drunken father.

The three fillies couldn't speak. They huddled up into a corner, waiting for somepony to put an end to all of this.

Suddenly, they heard laughter.. it didn't sound like that of Scootaloo's dad.

The three fillies couldn't believe it. Apple Bloom entered right into the house. Except for her cutie mark, Apple Bloom looked like the same filly who used to be their friend.

"Well, did you all miss me", said Apple Bloom with a smile.

Sweetie Belle didn't think it was possible to be terrified. Twist and Scootaloo were tightening themselves into balls.

Scootaloo's dad was more cocky.

"Apple Bloom, the yeller filly with the red bow", said Scootaloo's dad, "you're even smaller than I remembered. Since you decided to visit, why don't you join your little friends at the corner?"

"I would love to", said Apple Bloom, "but ah got something small to take care of first."

With impressive speed, Apple Bloom jumped into the air and stabbed a syringe right into the heart of Scootaloo's father.
He croaked and fell to the ground. Scootaloo was now fatherless.

Apple Bloom could see that the three fillies were still crouched at the corner.

"Aren't you going to thank me", said Apple Bloom sweetly, "I killed a bad pony."

"He was my father", sniffled Scootaloo, "he had a lot of issues.. but he was still my dad."

"Oh well", said Apple Bloom with a shrug, "feel free to tell your moms that I killed him. It's not like any pony is gonna catch me anyway."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both looked down at the ground nervously. They knew it would be useless to try.

Twist laughed and said, "Mitherable filly, you think you are tho thpecial, huh?"

"I thought you got the hint when I dumped you for those two", said Apple Bloom pointing at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"I know your gameth, Apple Bloom. Thcootaloo and Thweetie Belle are much better friendth than you. What are you going to do, kill me?"

"Me, kill you? Naw, why would I do that? But I think I know someone who will do the job."

It suddenly became pitch black. There was a loud whoosh and a chilling masculine voice, "get ready to die, Twist."

The lights turned on. Twist was dead. Her neck was snapped. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were all alone. They hugged each other and began to cry. Who could stop Apple Bloom?

Apple Bloom laughed out loud and said, "Daddy, it worked. It really worked."

"Of course", responded Tirek with a smile, "pity that those fools aren't grateful to you. You killed an abusive drunk and all the flightless pegasus filly can do is hate you."

"Ah suppose I did enough last year to make her hate me forever.. and Sweetie Belle."

"What idiots", muttered Tirek, "you should have let me kill them as well."

"Be patient, Tirek", said Apple Bloom softly, "killing Scootaloo's drunken retard father might have not gotten Scootaloo back on my side.. but soon enough, I think Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle will be useful assets."

"Useful assets? They are so weak and pathetic, how can they help us?"

"Never underestimate loyalty, father", said Apple Bloom, "it's a tool that can be used quite well."

"Bah", spat Tirek, "you can't trust anyone. You can't make anyone truly loyal to you."

"I think you're wrong. Once ponies truly understand what my cause is all about, they will follow me.. at least the worthy ones."

Tirek shook his head and said, "the Summer Sun Celebration is almost beginning."

"Yes", said Apple Bloom, "let us shrink."

Twilight Sparkle stood at the podium. The Summer Sun celebration was supposed to be a fun time of year, but, with Apple Bloom escaping Tartarus, it was one with a tone of fear. Twilight couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right. Every pony probably felt the same way. Most of Apple Bloom's victims never saw their deaths coming. Twilight hoped that word wouldn't get out that Tirek had escaped too, that would really cause chaos.

Also at the podium were the other princesses: Luna, Cadence, and Celestia. Cadence was the most openly distraught of the princesses. She couldn't pretend to put on a brave face to the world. Celestia and Luna were more stoic.

"Everything will be okay", whispered Twilight to Cadence.

"I hope so.. I just can't believe it.. who would have thought Applejack's sister..."

"No pony saw it coming, we couldn't have done anything to stop it.."

"Yea we could of stopped this."

"How? Oh my Celestia", gasped Twilight, "are you thinking what I think you are thinking?"

"What? That we should have killed Apple Bloom when we caught her.. yes... I think so... she killed so many of our kind without a second thought. That day at the Everfree Forest was our best shot. Sending Apple Bloom to Tartarus was a mistake, putting her with another sociopath..."

"We are supposed to keep that quiet", said Twilight softly, "please.. Cadence. Every pony is already in a state of fear. It's up to us to stay strong."

"I'm sorry", snapped Cadence softly, "I guess I can't be as fucking perfect as you. Huh? I.. would like to be excused. Celestia?"

"Yes, you may be excused", said Celestia.

Cadence ran off the podium and over to Shining Armor, who embraced her.

"Mares and stallions of Equestria", boomed Princess Luna, "we would like to speak to you today about everything that is going on."

Celestia and Twilight looked at each other with worry, was Luna going to spill the beans on Tirek?

"As all of you have known, it is true that Apple Bloom, the filly who killed so many of our citizens in cold blood has escaped from Tartarus", said Luna, "this is a terrifying time for us all. Apple Bloom has proven to be a dangerous foe to Equestria as we know it. You must stay safe. You must. This is a filly who killed our guard, Cerberus, with a deadly poison. One which has come right from Sweet Apple Acres. The princesses shall vote on something most important. While killing is consider a horrible crime in Equestria, we will decide whether Apple Bloom and any accomplices will be brought to death without trial. I think it would be a wonderful thing to do."

"KILL HER!! KILL HER!!!", screamed many ponies in the audience.

"Wait", said Celestia with confidence, "we should not resort to killing any pony under any circumstance. It shall set a horrible precedent if we resort to murder to solve our problems."

"But dear sister", said Luna, "Apple Bloom is barely a pony anymore.. she is a demon."

"We can bring her back to good", said Celestia, "like what we did for you a short while ago. Remember Nightmare Moon?"

"The question is", said Luna, "was she ever good?"

"I think so, the poor filly is simply misguided."

"You're so naïve, big sister", said Luna with a laugh.

"Hold on", piped in Twilight, "Celestia has a point. We must try to see if we can get Apple Bloom to change her ways."

If any pony was listening carefully, they could hear a tiny cackle. Apple Bloom was no Princess Luna.

"So, we shall take a vote. Come on, Cadence."

"Kill Apple Bloom", snarled Cadence, "that is my vote."

The audience cheered.

"That is my vote as well", said Luna.

"I think we should not", said Celestia, "Apple Bloom is still one of us. We can make her good, like we did with Discord."

"A little darker than Discord, don't you think", responded Luna with a roll of the eyes.

"Have faith."

"I, Princess Twilight Sparkle, also think that we should not kill Apple Bloom upon capture. She is an incredibly intelligent filly with a lot of talents. If she can be turned good, she could do wonderful things for Equestria."

"So, we are at a draw", said Luna, "we will reconvene, but for now, my little ponies, please stay safe."

The audience cheered. The princesses' speech seemed to be as success, but suddenly... Celestia fell to the ground.

Twilight could see the magic seeping out of Celestia's body.

The audience began to scream. Every pony was looking around to see if there were any signs of Apple Bloom. Suddenly, the weakened Celestia had collapsed.

Princess Celestia was dead. Equestria would never be the same again.

"I change my mind", cried Twilight, "we will find Apple Bloom and kill her!! Hopefully, she isn't too far."

Suddenly, Twilight saw familiar friends run onto the podium... Zecora and... Spike?

"Twilight?", said Spike, "it was a miracle... I'm not dead."

"I really am happy about that, Spike.. but... as you can see", said Twilight with tears.

Spike saw the dead Celestia and ran over to Twilight, letting the tears flow.

"Couldn't we bring Celestia back to life too", Twilight asked Zecora.

"I am afraid we cannot do more, we could only bring back to life four", said Zecora sadly.

Twilight began to cry more. She couldn't believe that Celestia, who was supposed to be immortal, was dead. Where did her magic go? Celestia couldn't be killed with the alicorn magic. Oh no... thought Twilight... Apple Bloom and Tirek must have taken Celestia's magic, things would only get worse from here.

Author's Note:

Three deaths in one chapter? That's a record...
What will happen now?