• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 11,400 Views, 357 Comments

Discord's Reign - chief maximus

A few thousand years encased in stone is enough to drive anyone a little...mad.

  • ...

Ch.14 'D'-Day

Chapter 14-'D'-Day

Applejack sat on the balcony, wondering what could have upset Rainbow Dash so badly. It was her parents that died, and Dash had brought the whole thing up to begin with. Surely she had known there would be a reason no one ever saw the orange earth pony's mother and father. She lifted her gaze to the still glimmering city of Couldsdale, a city that seemingly never slept.

Her thoughts drifted back to the last time Rainbow Dash was upset out of the blue. The headstrong earth pony gulped in apprehension as she considered the idea that her cyan marefriend could have cheated on her again.

"No! She said she loves me!" Applejack said aloud, for no other reason than to comfort herself. "And I love her..."

Still, she knew Rainbow was hiding something. She only acted like this when something huge was on her mind. The country mare wracked her brain trying to think of what in Equestria it could be. At least when she had cheated on her she had the wherewithal to tell her immediately, though in a rather abrasive manner. She lazily drug her foreleg across the fluffy could balcony, her mane billowing softly behind her without her hat to hold it back. It was getting rather late, and she had to get back to the farm early in the morning to do her chores. She turned to take a step back inside before the fluttering of wings drew her attention.

Rainbow had perched on the railing, the eye makeup she still had on now beginning to run down her face through the tears she had been shedding.

Worried as she was about what her marefriend was going to tell her, she was more concerned with having to see her like this. Applejack hated to see any of her friends upset, but seeing Rainbow's pained expression tore at her heart.

"Sugarcube, you want to tell me what's been botherin' you?" she asked softly.

Rainbow stepped off the railing and joined Applejack on the balcony, unable to look her in the eyes.

The country mare knew that wasn't a good sign. Her heart began to sink as she mentally prepared herself for any kind of heart breaking admission from the winged pony.

"Applejack..." she began, taking in a long calming breath after her name, only to exhale it in nervous bursts.

Applejack knew she had to be as strong as she could for her. She took a step towards her, but kept her distance. A cold wind rushed over the balcony, causing Rainbow's wings to shutter involuntarily as she pulled them close.

"Lets head inside, it's gettin' too cold out here." the country mare suggested opening the double doors. In silence they walked into the luxurious suite and stared at each other, each too afraid of what the other was going to say to make themselves comfortable.

"What is it, darlin'?"

The anticipation was killing her. Applejack nearly wanted to shake it out of her for as long as she was drawing this out, but somehow knew that whatever she was about to say had to be devastating to have her acting like this.

Rainbow finally raised her head, looking into Applejack's worried emerald eyes as she gathered the strength to continue.

"Your parents died because...because of a tornado?" after a long flight by herself she finally was ready to admit what she feared most, "Didn't they?"

Applejack released a soft gasp. How in Equestria could she have know that? She hadn't even mentioned how they died!

"And the wind from the storm...caused the apple silo to...to..." Rainbow couldn't finish, not that she needed to. Applejack was dumbstruck. How could she have known exactly the way her parents died?

"Rainbow...how in the wide world of Equestria did you-"

"I did it." She added softly.

A mix of relief and confusion settled over Applejack's features, somewhat relieved that she hadn't cheated on her again.

"No you didn't, that Sleet Fall feller did. He got run out of town for it an everythin'." she assured her watching more tears slowly gather on Rainbow's chin before dripping off.

Applejack noticed Rainbow grit her teeth and wipe away a few tears before continuing. She normally hated crying, and only did it when she was sure she was alone, if she did it at all. Anger was how she generally dealt with any painful emotions, and this time was no different.

"No he didn't. It was my third day on the job..." she began, recounting everything Discord had shown her.

"...He took the fall so I wouldn't have to. He lost his job, and you lost your parents...because of me." she finished, just hearing the words out loud was like a railroad spike through the heart. It was her fault Applejack was an orphan. There was no contributing factor, no partial blame, the responsibility was placed squarely on her cyan shoulders. Rainbow didn't dare look in Applejack's direction. She couldn't stand to, not with the immense guilt weighing on her soul like an overburdened cart.

Applejack was at a loss for words once again. How could this be true? How could she have known? How was she able to recall details about the day that had been burned into the country mare's mind for all these years as if she were right there?

Unless she was telling the truth.

"I'm...I'm so sorry Applejack...it wasn't supposed to be a storm, it was just a shower that got out of-"

A range of emotions came over Applejack's lightly freckled face, not sure what to make of what was just revealed.

"I...I need a minute." she said stepping past her and towards the balcony, closing the door behind her.

She nearly stumbled to the edge of the railing, catching herself with her forelegs as tears began to well in her eyes. This couldn't be happening. It was as if the universe was throwing everything it could between her and the mare she was trying so desperately to love. First Spitfire, now this? What was next? Was she the one who freed Discord too?

Applejack fell to her flanks sobbing, the revelation recalling all her fond memories with her parents. She heard the door creak open, but snapped her head around sharply, a glare in her eyes as she snarled uncharacteristically "Alone!"

Usually Rainbow would have an insult or comeback ready, but not this time. For the first time in her life, she couldn't even fathom anger. Dash had killed her parents and she was going to get mad? Even in Rainbow's guilt rattled mind, that didn't make much sense.

She quietly closed the door. Through the glass she could hear Applejack crying, the sound pulling straight at the young pegasus' heart. She took a few steps and flopped onto one of the couches, where not an hour ago they had been expressing their love for one another. Now it was only left with the scent of what once was, and what Rainbow was certain would never be again. She cursed Discord's name and herself for not just keeping what he had shown her bottled up inside her forever. Surely keeping a secret from Applejack would have been easier than the heart wrenching pain the two of them were going through?

Rainbow buried her head in the cloudy couch cushions, her tears flowing just a freely as Applejack's did outside.

Tear filled minutes past before Rainbow picked up her ears, noticing the sound from the balcony had ceased. She went into the bathroom and removed the makeup than ran down her cheeks and eyes. She glanced toward the balcony as she exited, seeing Applejack still seated on her flanks, beginning to shiver in the cold night air of the high altitude. Rainbow grabbed the blanket off the bed and opened the door gently, expecting another reprisal from Applejack. To her surprise and relief, none came. She opened it loud enough for her to hear in case she still wanted to be alone, but got no acknowledgement of her presence. Dash walked slowly behind her and draped the blanket over her still shivering shoulders, Applejack still not daring to look anywhere near her.

Rainbow sat down a few feet from her on her flanks, her tears dried up but the pain still fresh in her heart. Minutes that felt like years of silence followed. Rainbow didn't have the courage to utter a word, even afraid of breathing too heavily. She gazed out at the city like Applejack had been doing, the searchlights from Cloud 9 still scanning the heavens in their predictable pattern.

Dash had no idea how long they had sat out there, pulling her wings in close to fight the cold as she somberly waited for Applejack to acknowledge her presence.

'Silence must run in the family...' she thought casting a quick glance toward the stoic Applejack, her tears now gone but the trails they had left still evident across the freckles below her eyes.

"Do you know...what it was like, to watch your parents die in front of you?" Applejack asked coldly, almost glaring out across the distance.

Rainbow wasn't sure if she should even respond. Her mother had raised her when her father skipped out on them after she was born. It wasn't a perfect family, but it was still better than the alternative.

The cyan pegasus slowly shook her head.

"I had nightmares about it for years." she added in a monotone Rainbow found disturbingly unlike her normal voice, "I had to sleep in Big Macintosh's bed for months afterward."

The cyan pegasus still held her silence. She figured her mouth got her in this much trouble, listening held the only hope of getting her out.

"Applebloom didn't know how it happened for years. Neither Mac nor myself could tell her." she added, "Granny Smith had to do it."

Rainbow bit her bottom lip to keep herself from crying again, disgusted with how weak she thought it would make her look. She had orphaned her marefriend, and she was the one crying? Pathetic.

"She cried for days. Why? She would ask me; Why don't I have a mommy and daddy like the other foals?"

"Because you have me and Mac, I told her. Without Ma and Pa there, Mac and I's foalhood ended. Granny Smith was able to help at first, but soon it was just the two of us lookin' after Applebloom and runnin' the farm." she continued, turning her gaze away from the city and down to her forelegs.

"Mac had to quit school, and so did I. The farm became our life." Applejack's tone took on a heavy forlornness, "Up until recently, we were one bad harvest away from losin' everything."

Her words hammered away at Rainbow's heart like so many hooves on apple trees. Not only had she killed her parents, but also sentenced her to a life of hardship, robbing her of one of the basic things foals need before they have to face the real world, and all the problems that come with it. A carefree youth.

She couldn't stand herself. Though it was an accident, her impatience had started a chain of events that would inadvertently ruin the lives of one of the ponies closest to her. Rainbow had never felt more worthless in her life.

"I...I know I can't say anything to make this better. All I can say...is I'm so, sorry Applejack." she stuttered, finding the courage to speak at long last.

It was Applejacks turn to maintain her silence. She still hadn't even so much as looked at her, still as stoic as her brother as she pulled the blanket tighter around her.

The uncomfortable silence was broken by two scrolls appearing in a flash of green before the both of them. Inscribed were the plans for convincing Luna that Discord was masquerading as her sister. Applejack stood up, still with the blanket around her and turned to head back inside. Rainbow sat on the balcony for a second longer as she let a few tears drip from her eyes. The thought of getting Applejack back only to lose her again was devastating. She stood up and headed toward the door, half expecting it to be locked, but finding it open.

Applejack had already climbed into the bed, and rolled over to one side, blankets pulled around her snugly. She already appeared to be asleep.

"I guess I'll be on the couch..." she said softly, not thinking Applejack was even awake.

"Suit yourself." the earth pony shot back coldly.

Rainbow let out a defeated sigh as she threw herself onto the same couch from earlier, the clouds still wet from her tears. She put a pillow beneath her head as she cried silently.

'Alone again. Good job Rainbow, you really have a talent for screwing up what makes you happy.'

Discord sat on Celestia's throne contently, gazing at all he had accomplished in a few short days. He could feel the misery of those imprisoned in the dungeons under Canterlot castle flowing into him, giving him more strength with each passing minute.

His arms twitched sometimes as he sat idly, not being used to this kind of power since he hadn't held it in a thousand years. A grin settled over him as he noticed Luna directing her guards to pack certain items from around the throne room.

"Dear sister, where are you going?" he asked, arching his mismatched fingers against one another curiously.

"The subjects in Ponyville have chosen to honor their princess with a...oh what the devil do you call those things..." she thought to herself putting a hoof to her regal chin in thought, "A party!"

"Really?" Discord asked, genuinely intrigued, "By subjects, you mean Twilight Sparkle, and the like?"

"Yes, I believe her and her eclectic group of companions wish to praise my well kept night sky! I certainly won't have their exaltation go unheard." she added, her guards packing an array of seemingly random items. Luna didn't go to many parties, so she wasn't exactly sure what one would need at such an event.

Discord's smile faded for a brief second before instantly being replaced.

"Well have fun!" Discord said cheerfully, "Do send my regards to my faithful student!"

"Oh I won't be leaving until tomorrow, but one shouldn't procrastinate!" she added taking leave to her chambers.

Discord's mischievous grin belied the turning gears in his mind.

'So Twilight Sparkle has enlisted Luna in an attempt to free Celestia from her righteous punishment?' he mused.


Two nights, minimal sleep. Rainbow felt like she was running on fumes. Their checkout was at 9, but she had already heard Applejack up and about earlier than that.

The sunrise was beautiful, she imagined. She missed that by a couple hours, not that it mattered. Nothing felt right anymore. Even though it had only been a few hours, which had been preceded by a few of the happiest moments in her life, it seemed like those blissful times were years behind her.

Checkout wasn't for another hour, but Applejack was ready to leave. The orange pony took a few steps toward the couch where a pair of cyan hind legs lay dangling off the end, not coming around it but staying behind.

"I'm gonna take a cab back to the farm. I 'spose I'll see you at Twilight's thing." she said. Her tone hurt Rainbow the most. Before this point she had always had a warmth accompany her words, a caring she could pick out from the way she addressed anypony else. Now that was gone, every syllable spoken as if she was some stranger she was politely greeting in passing.

"Okay..." Rainbow muttered weakly, not bothering to move from her sprawled out position on the couch.

Without another word, she heard her hoof beats walking away. She had to say something.

"Applejack." she said in a slightly stronger, but still cracking tone.

The muted orange pony stopped with a hoof on the door handle, not looking back, but acknowledging her call.

"What does t-this, mean for us?" Rainbow asked rather boldly. She could have guessed, but the masochist in her wanted to hear it straight from the mares mouth.

A sigh floated across the room as Applejack gave her a cursory glance. "I don't know."

With that, she left Rainbow alone in the room with nothing but the sound of silence and the soul crushing burden of her guilt to keep her company.

The angry tears she was sure she had no more of, flowed freely once again.

Twilight had read through nearly every ancient tome in the library searching for some way for princess Luna to create alternate elements of harmony. So far she was out of luck, not a single page described the process for creating them. It was as if princess Celestia had just willed them into existence.

An idea made all the more worrying by the fact that Discord had somehow managed to trap Celestia in stone.

The lavender unicorn sat at her desk, sipping her eighth cup of tea. Her bedraggled mane indicative of her lack of sleep. Spike had long since passed out on his bed, and even Owlowiscious had called it a morning. The sun was already well into the near noontime sky as Twilight heard a gentle rapping at the door.

"Spike can you..." she glanced toward the sleeping baby dragon and hopped down from her workspace with a sigh.

"Nevermind." she headed toward the door, rubbing her eyes with one hoof before descending the stairs.

A shy yellow pegasus waited beyond her entryway. "Hey Fluttershy."

The pegasi withdrew behind her mane seeing Twilight's rather unkempt appearance.

"I'm sorry for being so early...I hope you don't mind..."

"Not at all!" she added through a yawn, "Spike's been asleep for hours, I could use the company."

Twilight stepped aside and let her in, taking her time closing the door.

"How's the research going?" Fluttershy asked noticing the overall state of the library.

The lavender unicorn sighed, "Not so well...I can't find anything on how to create the elements. We just have to hope princess Luna knows how."

Twilight began putting books back on the shelves as Fluttershy examined some of her notes. "It looks like it took a lot of energy to create the elements."

"Yeah, the folklore said Celestia had to rest for a month afterward." Twilight answered walking next to the canary yellow pegasus. "But folklore isn't any substitute for facts, and so far I've got nothing."

"I hope Princess Luna can figure out how Celestia created them..." The lavender unicorn admitted in a worried tone. This was their only shot at stopping Discord. Without the elements of harmony, they had no chance. Even with them there was no guarantee Discord's power wouldn't have grown so much as to render them useless anyway. Still, Twilight knew she'd rather go down swinging than roll over and give up.

After a few more hours, the other element bearers filed into the library. They stood in front of the frozen princess as Twilight filled them in on what she had discovered.

"Alright, princess Luna will be here before sunset. When she gets here, we just have to calmly and articulately explain that her sister is Discord and her real sister is trapped in stone in my living room."

"Sounds simple enough!" Pinkie added, the dip in her mood from yesterday only lasting a scant twelve hours.

Twilight wished she shared her pink maned friends optimism. It seemed as though Rainbow Dash and Applejack were sharing her lack of energy. The earth pony just looked tired, but the cyan pegasus looked downright disheveled.

"Rainbow, are you okay?" Twilight asked, breaking her out of the thousand yard stare towards the floor.

"Huh? Oh! Y-yeah, I'm fine..." she answered, putting on a fake smile, though the hurt in her eyes was more than obvious. Twilight didn't have time to probe further, as Discord making good on his threat to have every pony in Equestria hunting them still loomed over her head.

"Right. She thinks this is a party in her honor, so hopefully she'll have left her guards in Canterlot." Twilight added as a commanding knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Twilight! Your lunar princess is here to listen to your praises!" an unmistakeable voice from beyond the door declared.

The lavender unicorns ears shot up.

'It's barely noon! What is she doing here so early?'

The other five looked around in confusion.

"Twilight! I thought you said she was coming at sundown!" Rarity whispered, "My mane isn't nearly ready to greet royalty!"

"I thought she was too!" the lavender unicorn shot back defensively, "Well we can't just leave her waiting out there."

Twilight stepped towards the door and opened it with a smile wide across her lips.

"Princess Luna! So good of you to join us! Though you are a little early."

Twilight breathed an internal sigh of relief, noticing Luna had only brought herself.

"Yes, I was talking to Celestia and she insisted I go...oh what did she call it...fashionably early!" Luna added happily, "She informed me it's how one shows up to a party in ones honor nowadays."

Twilight's jaw dropped in disbelief, "You...you told Celestia?"

"Oh yes, I needed her advice on what one does at a party in ones honor. Don't worry fair Twilight, I didn't spoil her surprise party tomorrow!" she added trotting into the library.

As the princess entered, Twilight closed and locked the door.

She entered the main room and saw the statue of Celestia, taking a gasp in awe of its realism.

"Is this the way you've chosen to honor my sister tomorrow? Oh she'll absolutely adore it!" Luna took her time taking in the entire work, though noticing something rather odd about the statues expression.

"Why is she crying?" Luna asked examining the tear frozen in time on her cheek, "That seems a bit of an odd expression for a tribute to hold."

'Well, being blunt has gotten me this far...' Twilight thought approaching Luna from behind.

"That's not a statue. That is the real princess Celestia."

The learned unicorn wasn't sure how Luna would take the news, but quickly got her answer. She laughed.

"This must be one of those 'pranks' my sister always talked about! Oh how delightfully droll!"

Twilight looked to her friends with concern across her face. How could they convince her that they were telling the truth?

"Your highness, this really is her! Discord managed to escape and sealed her in stone somehow!" Rarity pled, only adding to Luna's uproarious laughter.

After she had regained control of herself, Luna addressed the mane six.

"That's preposterous girls! I just spoke to Celestia before I arrived!" she added wiping a tear with a hoof.

Twilight had to think quickly. There had to be some way to show her they weren't kidding.

'The elements! Of course!'

"Princess Luna, how much do you know about the elements of harmony?"

"I've studied them quite extensively." she answered, unsure of how this type of party was considered 'fun'.

"Then you know that if the elements were to ever falter, it would be because something terrible has happened to their creator." Twilight continued.

"Right...I suppose that's true." Luna added, still unsure if this was a party game of some sort. "The elements are locked safely in Canterlot tower! Only Celestia can access them."

"Only Celestia, and Discord. Last time he escaped he stole the elements of harmony, like the seal she placed was nothing!" Twilight argued, her horn glowing purple and producing the six talismans from the loft where she had been studying them.

"How did you get those?" Luna gasped. Not even she had the power to break her sister's magic seal.

"Discord gave them to us, because he is masquerading as your sister!" Twilight said, losing her patience, "Now watch what happens when we try to use them."

They donned their elements and powered them up briefly, before they flickered back to normal.

Luna was dumbfounded. Indeed the elements didn't work, and there was only two reasons they wouldn't. One was if the bearers minds were clouded by disharmonious thoughts, and the other was what Twilight had suggested the whole time. The statue before her was in actuality, her sister.

"Do you believe us now?" Twilight asked impatiently.

"I...How? How could he have imprisoned her in stone? How could he have escaped?" she stammered, the realization still slowly sinking in, "Only alicorn's and the elements of harmony have that kind of power!"

"We don't know. All we know is that with each passing day Discord gathers more strength."

Luna gazed into the face of her sister, an angry glare settling over her regal features.

"There is much to be done if we are to make Discord pay."

The chimera felt something faint. A brief spark of hope across an empty field of darkness. He stood from the throne and smiled.

'They've convinced Luna. Now the real fun begins'

Discord summoned a guard, "Gather all my subjects in Canterlot, I have an announcement to make."

Within hours, the entire city had shut down, as all who were able stood before the castle balcony, awaiting the arrival of their princess.

"The masses have been assembled for you, your highness." a guard said pointing a hoof in the direction of the balcony.

"Excellent." Discord hissed, taking in every step as he mentally prepared himself to finally put the lions share of his plan into action.

He pushed the curtains aside and was greeted by thunderous cheers from the populous below. Rose petals rained from the rooftops as he reached the edge of the railing.

'Rose petals? I suppose humility wasn't one of the six elements was it?' he thought taking a deep breath, a grin wide across his face in anticipation of what came next.

"My little ponies. I greet you today with an announcement that will affect each and every one of you! A new day is dawning, a glorious new tide is sweeping in to wipe away the old, and carry in the new!" he paused as the cheers erupted again, then slowly died back down.

"For too long, you have lived under the oppressive rules of an autocrat! For too long, you have had to send your sons to fight and die for this monarchy! For too long, your individual liberties have been stifled under laws deemed 'good for society'." there were no cheers this time, only confused faces and murmurs sweeping through the crowd.

"Well I'm here to tell you all, that I will lift your chains. I will free you from the yoke of order!" Discord held both hands out away from his sides, finger and thumb ready to snap.

'Here comes the fun part.'

With a flick of the wrist, all witnessed princess Celestia burst into flame, starting at her hooves, the fire slowly consumed her. To the crowds horror, the rising flames revealed something else entirely. A dragon leg on one side, a goats leg on the other. The flames continued to climb, revealing a sinewy thin body, until the visage of Celestia was gone, and a loud gasp emanated from the crowd.

"Thats right!" He added as the smoke cleared, resting both hands on the railing. His body was still smoking as he spread his wings. He could feel their confusion flowing through him, only adding to his power.

"Discord's back."