• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 11,400 Views, 357 Comments

Discord's Reign - chief maximus

A few thousand years encased in stone is enough to drive anyone a little...mad.

  • ...

Ch.2 Summer Sun Celebration


Chapter 2- Summer Sun Celebration

The day of the Summer Sun Celebration had finally arrived, and everypony in Ponyville was excited about the impending day and night of festivities. Princess Celestia had once again chosen their small town to celebrate with her subjects and the royal court. This news was enough to send Twilight into obsessive cleanliness mode as she made sure every book, sculpture, shelf and ladder had been straightened, dusted, polished and greased respectively.

"She'll be here any minute Spike! Is the food ready?" she asked frantically dusting her bust of Starswirl the bearded for the fifth time.

"Yes Twilight. You know she won't care if the library isn't spotless! We've cleaned this whole place top to bottom twice!" he protested.

"Everything has to be perfect Spike!" Twilight snapped, "This is royalty we're talking about here! She has the power to send us to the dungeons if she wanted to!"

"And when was the last time you heard of Princess Celestia sending anypony to a dungeon?" he asked, arms folded. He had long since tolerated Twilight's manic behavior when it came to the princess, but this time he had had enough.

"Don't use your fancy dragon logic on me! Just keep clean-"

She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"It's the Princess! How's my mane?"


"And my tail?"


"And my-"

"Twilight! Answer the door." he said calmly pointing toward the knocks origin.

"Hello Princess, how good of you to stop by!" she said bowing in welcome, as the magnificent alicorn stepped into the library with Luna and her bodyguards in tow.

"Think nothing of it. No visit to Ponyville would be complete without seeing my faithful student!" she said happily as Twilight guided her toward a table of orderves Spike prepared.

"Please, you must be famished from your journey from Canterlot." Twilight said motioning with her hoof toward the table.

"Thank you Twilight, it looks delicious." she said as Twilight turned to princess Luna.

"How have you been since Nightmare Night Princess Luna?"

"We-I have been well Twilight Sparkle. I trust you and your skittish companions are doing the same? I also must remind you, that Luna will do."

"Yes P-... I mean Luna. Please help yourself to anything you like." she said offering the same thing she offered her sister.

After a short brunch, the princess settled onto a large cushion and addressed her entourage.

"Guards, leave us. I must speak to my student privately."

With a quick nod, the two pegasi excused themselves to guard the royal chariot outside.

"While I do enjoy our visits, munching on carrots and sipping tea is not why I'm here." she said as a lump formed in Twilight's throat.

'What could she want alone...with me?' she thought nervously as her highness continued, Luna looking rather disinterested in the whole situation.

"What's on your mind?" she asked timidly.

"I have had an uneasy feeling as of late...I can't quite place what it is...but it nags at me when I find myself idle. It's an impending dread that creeps into my thoughts...as if some catastrophe will soon befall us, and I don't know if I'll be able to mitigate it." the normally parental alicorn admitted to a quite shocked Twilight. Why would she be this open to her? No more than one of her millions of subjects?

The young unicorn was taken aback by her honesty, taking a few seconds to gather herself in response.

"I...see..." she stuttered to break the silence and give her more time to think of an appropriate answer.

"I tried to tell her Nightmare Moon was no more Twilight, but still her feelings persist." Luna added taking a sip of her tea, still with her look of apathy across her regal features.

"I couldn't tell anyone in the royal court. If word spread of what I have revealed to you, it may cause a panic among the subjects. I trust what I have said will not leave this room." Celestia added in a serious tone Twilight was unfamiliar with.

"Yes Princess...you have my word. I don't know of any omens or myths that coincide with our current month. I don't mean to second guess your feelings, but there are no tensions between nations, and no monsters that I know of threatening our borders...No real evidence of any impending disaster..." the studious pony trailed off, hoping the royal alicorn wouldn't be angry at her being dismissive of her feelings. She sighed in relief.

"Perhaps you're right Twilight. I have been under a lot of stress lately...This summer sun celebration will be just what I need to relax. Thank you for putting my fears to rest." she said, a smile returning to Twilight's lips as the Princess stood from her cushion, Luna following suit.

"I look forward to celebrating the summer solstice with you Twilight. Thank you for listening to an old mare's rants." Celestia said sincerely, Twilight bowing as she strode toward the door.

"Not a problem at all Princess!" she said smiling warmly at her, "Thank you for the visit."

Once Celestia had left, Spike and Twilight breathed a simultaneous sigh of relief.

"What do you think the Princess is worried about?" Spike asked eating what was left on the table.

"I don't know Spike...It's not like her to be concerned over nothing." she wondered, eating a few leftovers as well.

"Maybe she's just stressed out. I can't imagine how hard it is to run a kingdom." Spike added jumping onto her back.

"I hope so. I'm getting really tired of disasters."

"Well then lets go have some fun!" he said as she trotted out the door and into the festive town for a little relaxation and Big Macintosh's apple cider.

Twilight met up with Fluttershy and Rarity in the town square as everypony in Ponyville danced to the live music on the stage. The Princesses oversaw the festivities, flanked as usual by their royal guards.

"Twilight! You look positively radiant this evening!" Rarity complemented as she strode up in a jeweled scarf she had spent all night making.

"Thanks..." she said distracted by looking for somepony in the crowded square.

"Thats a great scarf Rarity! You make it yourself?" Spike asked from Twilights back, staring blissfully at his crush.

"Why yes Spike, it is rather nice isn't it?" she said proudly, the only reason she had complemented anyone in the first place was so that it would get noticed.

"Um...Twilight...who are you looking for?" Fluttershy asked timidly, noticing how preoccupied she was acting.

"Huh? Oh! Nopony...just seeing who's here is all. Anyone seen Applejack or Pinkie Pie?" she asked quickly changing the subject.

Spike rolled his eyes. He knew who she was looking for, but he was promised under pain of death to never reveal the lucky stallion's identity to anypony.

"Applejack's selling her apples, and Pinkie is helping Ms. Cake move cupcakes of course." Rarity answered, finding it odd Twilight had forgotten that detail after having done this for four seasons now, "The same thing they do every year."

"Right...what say we go get some of that apple cider?" she suggested walking toward the large cask in the center of town, guarded by one of the stallions to keep the fillies and colts from getting into it.

They trotted over to the cask and ordered up a shot of hard cider for each of them. Fluttershy politely refused hers, giving it to Spike.

"This is your one for tonight Spike!" Twilight said as she and Rarity slammed their drink, the warmth of the fermented apples tracing their necks and warming their bellies.

Rarity shook her head to try and ease the burning in her mouth as she sharply inhaled. Strong drink warrants this kind of reaction, Twilight twisting her face as the burning of ethanol faded, leaving only the smooth apple finish. Big Macintosh was good at only a few things. One of those things included distilling a fantastic, yet stiff apple cider. Spike noticed whom Twilight had been previously searching for and sat forward on her back, whispering in her ear. Her ears shot straight up as her whole body stiffened in apprehension, causing Spike to tumble off her back. She whipped her head around and saw her stallion. The enigmatic and reserved, Big MacIntosh.

"Looks like he's coming this way!" Spike whispered teasingly, grinning with excitement. He always got a kick out of watching Twilight's normally well calculated and rational demeanor crumble whenever he came around. She was paralyzed by indecision.

'Oh no! He's coming this way! What do I do? What do I say? Ugh...why does he do this to me?' she thought frantically. Before she knew it, he was standing right next to her.

"Hello there Ms. Twilight." he said gently, his calm personality a stark contrast to her own proactive one. She smiled at him and blushed, having lost herself in her inner monologue without having thought of something meaningful to say.

"Hey Big Macintosh..." she cracked, much to her embarrassment, adding to her already crimson cheeks.

He smiled at her, but she wanted nothing more than to shrink up and disappear. Spike was behind Fluttershy's leg barely containing his laughter, a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Are y'all enjoyin the festival?" he asked earnestly.

"Very much so." Rarity answered, "You did a great job on the apple cider as usual."

"Aw shucks...thank ya kindly..." he mumbled with a slight blush, though to anypony else it was invisible beneath his red coat.

Rarity flung her scarf over her shoulder in hopes Big MacIntosh would take notice.

"That's a mighty fine scarf ya have there Ms. Rarity." he said as he poured himself a cup full of his hard cider.

"Oh, this old thing?" she said smiling flirtatiously at him, "It's just something I whipped up at the last minute."

"And please dear, call me Rarity."

Twilight felt a weight drop in her stomach when she noticed her friends flirting with her crush.

"You're lookin' pretty this evenin' Ms. Fluttershy." he said merely adding to Twilight's uneasiness.

"Oh...well...thank you Big Macintosh...I hope you didn't mind, I haven't had any of your hard cider...but I'm sure it's delicious..." she said softly, blushing furiously at his complement.

"No ma'm, I brewed a special batch for those who'd rather not partake of spirits." he said rolling a much smaller cask out from beneath the bar with his hoof.

"Care for some?" he asked, easily lifting the heavy oak barrel onto the bar and twisting in the tap.

"I suppose...if there's no alcohol." she said as the bartender produced for them five glasses.

"To a long summer." Mac cheered as they all enjoyed the smooth yet spicy taste of his soft cider.

"That is good! Big Mac, your cutie mark should have been a still!" Spike said finishing his entire glass in one gulp, a small burp producing a tiny jet of blue fire. The workhorse smiled as he rolled his special cask back under the bar for safe keeping.

"T'was nice seein' y'all, Ah'm gonna help Applejack with the apple stand. You ladies enjoy your evenin'." he nodded as he walked toward where his sister had a steady line of customers. As soon as he left, Twilight regained her wits.

"You know Twilight, you generally engage those you admire in conversation if you want them to notice you." Rarity said almost smugly. Had she really been that obvious?

"What? I don't 'admire' Big Macintosh! He's just Applejacks brother! I've never said more than two words to him!" she snapped defensively, only further proving Rarity's point.

"You can say that again..." Spike chimed in jumping back on Twilight.

"Dear, do you really think I can't see the signs? I'm a fashion designer for goodness sake, I know infatuation when I see it! It's nothing to be ashamed of Twilight. I can certainly see the appeal." she added looking wistfully into the crowd he had entered, "A big, strong stallion who isn't afraid to work hard for his bits, or his mare! It almost sounds like a romance novel!"

"C'mon Twilight...even I could tell there was something wrong with you." Fluttershy said trying to coax her friend out of hiding her feelings. The normally quick witted unicorn hung her head in defeat. Apparently she was that obvious.

"Will you guys please not tell anypony?" she asked softly.

"Of course dear, your secret is safe with us. Now what you should do is build up your courage, and go talk to him." Rarity advised.

"Talk to him? You saw me just now! I can't get more than a few words out, and the ones I can get out generally aren't very seductive." Twilight sighed in dismay. She had read every book in the library about romance, relationships, even the art of seduction! But as soon as Big Macintosh came around, it was like she had forgotten all of that. Butterflies filled her stomach and no amount of magic could alleviate the feeling.

"Oh Twilight, you aren't trying to seduce him!" Rarity laughed at her suggestion, "You just want to get comfortable talking to him! Seduction is for later. All you want to do now is figure what he likes, what really makes him the stallion you find so enamoring." she explained as the sun sank below the hilltops. "The rest will come after."

"Okay...but I'm going to need a bit more courage." she said ordering another round of hard cider.

As they drank, the Wonderbolts performed with Rainbow Dash in their formation, pulling off every stunt perfectly and wowing the crowd with their incredible aerobatics. They cheered for their friend as she finished up her performance and landed near where they were standing in her blue uniform and goggles.

"Did you guys see that! The Wonderbolts! And me! Performing! Together!" Rainbow squealed, her unparalleled excitement evident in her voice and fragmented sentences.

"You were amazing Rainbow! So how does it feel to have flown with the Wonderbolts?" Twilight asked, her friend only responded in a girly squeak.

"It was everything I've ever wanted! They're all so cool! I'm never taking this uniform off!" she said, still on cloud nine as the moon finally rose.

"How do your wings feel?" Fluttershy asked, remembering her injury from the airshow.

"They hurt. So much. But that doesn't matter because I flew with the freaking Wonderbolts!" she exclaimed, hugging them all tightly around the neck.

"I'm gonna go catch up with them, see you guys later!" she said trotting over to where the other stunt fliers mingled.

After a few more drinks, Twilight was feeling pretty courageous (if not just a teensy bit intoxicated), but still had some doubts about talking to her crush.

"What if he doesn't go for me...I mean I'm just a nerdy unicorn who lives in a library."

"Twilight Sparkle! You are most certainly not some nerdy unicorn!" Rarity insisted, pushing her towards where he was last seen as Spike stayed behind, "You are a scholar, and gifted in magic, any stallion should thank his lucky stars if you even speak to them! Now you trot over there and spend some time with Big MacIntosh!"

"Good luck Twilight!" he called after her as she disappeared through the crowd.

'Okay...hey Big Macintosh! Great cider! No, we just talked about how good the cider was...umm...maybe...scoin' on Big Mac? No! this can't be as hard as I'm making it!' she thought as she walked through the crowd trying to find him, but to no avail.

"Hey Twilight!" a country accent called from behind her. She had unwittingly walked right passed Applejack's stand, though she was sold out of apples.

"Hi Applejack! Business was good?" she asked noticing the empty cart.

"You bet! Sold every last one! Spike said you were lookin' for Big Macintosh, he's over there by that tree." she said pointing to a small field on the edge of town with a solitary tree in the middle of it with her hoof. A silhouette of a stallion laying on his back on a blanket in the grass gazing up at the stars visible under the tree.

'I am going to seal that dragon's mouth shut!' she thought to herself as her friend pointed her in the right direction.

"Thanks!" she said with fake gratitude. She turned away from Applejack and took cautious steps toward her crush, as if she was approaching a sleeping hydra.

'Okay Twilight. You're just gonna talk to him. Find out what he likes. You just have to be cool.' she thought to herself as she continued her steady walk.

'Who am I kidding, I've never been cool in my life!' she somehow couldn't stop her hooves from progressing forward toward her secret crush. Big MacIntosh heard hoofbeats behind him and craned his neck and saw what he thought was his sister.

"Ready ta head back ta th' farm?" he asked.

'The farm? He wants to take me back to the farm?!' Twilight thought to herself in complete shock. She was not expecting him to be this forward. When he didn't get a reply, he turned his head to get a closer look at who was behind him, and saw that it was Twilight.

"Oh! Ah'm sorry Twilight, Ah thought you were Applejack." he admitted embarrassed, raising himself up on his forelegs.

"Oh that's okay! I'm sure the farm is lovely..." she repeated back to him before she found herself staring at him and smiling in embarrassment. As they both looked at each other, Twilight panicked.

'Say something! Anything!' she begged herself, lest Big MacIntosh think she was completely nuts.

"Somethin' Ah can help ya with, Ms. Twilight?" he asked breaking the solid ten seconds of awkward silence.

"Uh...yes and please, Twilight is fine..." she said, managing to string a group of words together that made sense.

"Okay then Twilight. What is it?" he asked genuinely interested, still propped up on his forelegs.

"What is what?" she asked, completely forgetting that she had just told him he could help her with something.

"The thing Ah can help you with?"

"Oh! Um..."

'Think quickly Twilight! You're losing him! Say something you know he likes!'


She went beet red with embarrassment as her ears flattened. If it wasn't already dark, her face would be as crimson as Big Mac's fur. If she wasn't in front of him she would have put her hoof over her face in shame.

'Very smooth...' she thought, having convinced herself that he now thought beyond the shadow of a doubt that the young unicorn was off her rocker.

"Ya want me ta help you...with apples?" he asked raising a confused eyebrow.

"No...I got tired of dancing and wanted a place to rest, I saw this field and came over..." she said, even though it wasn't the truth.

'That wasn't so hard now was it?' she thought to herself as she made out a smile on the stallions face, sliding over on his blanket.

"That's fine. It's a beautiful night out tonight. So long as ya don't mind sharin' a blanket with a workhorse like me."

On the outside she was calm, but on the inside she could buck for joy! She couldn't believe the thing she had been stressing over all night was as easy as that!

"Thanks." she said laying down next to him, looking up at the stars as he did. After a few seconds of silent stargazing she decided to say her next group of carefully planned words.

"So what are you doing in a field out here by yourself?" Normally the red stallion was a pony of few words, but he found something very accessible about Twilight, something he couldn't quite place, but made her easy to open up to.

"Well...Ah brewed a new batch of extra hard cider I'd made for the occasion, but Ah didn't want to pass it 'round without testin' it first." he said tapping his hoof on a mason jar full of amber liquid to his right.

"Ah would have got up to greet you, but this stuff has made walkin' a bit tougher than I s'pected."

She leaned over him to look as it glistened in the moonlight, about a third of it already gone.

"Care to try some? I gotta warn ya now, this ain't for the faint of heart." he added as he passed the jar and set it between them on the blanket. She could barely stand to swallow the regular hard cider he brewed. Extra hard cider? That seemed like a tall order, but she certainly didn't have a faint heart! How bad could it be?

"I guess I could try some...just to let you know how it is." Twilight reasoned as he unscrewed the top and she lifted the jar with her magic, bringing it to her mouth. The smell alone burned her nostrils as she took a tentative taste on her lips, then a short gulp, and instantly regretted her decision. Her eyes began to water immediately as her gag reflex nearly brought it back from her throat as she forced what she could only assume was liquid fire back down to her stomach. She almost dropped the jar as her concentration was broken by what she imagined was how Spike felt breathing fire. Her tongue flopped out as she gasped for air, trying to get fresh oxegen into her still burning mouth.

"Ahh! How can you drink that!?"

Big MacIntosh's face was holding back a grin in the moonlight as he finally couldn't contain himself.

"Ah...Ah told ya...it was...strong!" he said in between gasps of laughter. At first she was upset, but then the ethanol began to relax her mood as she too, began laughing.

"Ah'm sorry Twilight...I shouldn't be laughin'." he admitted as he set the jar back beside him and put his head back down.

"It's okay, I didn't think it'd be that bad..." she said, putting her head back down beside his. His inhibitions long since lowered, Mac decided to drop a rather forward hint.

"You came from Canterlot didn't cha?" he asked.

"Yeah...The Princess sent me here because I didn't have any friends there. Said I had to make some here, and send her reports on the magic of friendship." she answered matter-of-factly.

"Really? I'll bet you had your pick of stallions there huh?" he asked, watching her face to see how she would take this veiled complement. She nearly laughed at him, but managed to keep herself in check as she answered.

"No...I didn't really get out much. I spent most of my time studying." she said sheepishly, "Hard to believe, I know."

"You know..." he started. He was really going to be up front (by his standards) with her now. He took a deep breath and turned his head to look at her as she still gazed at the stars. The way her mane fell around her head and neck mesmerized him as he almost forgot what he was going to say. "Mares as pretty as you shouldn't stay inside all day..." he said as she turned her head to look at him, their faces only inches away on the blanket. She blushed heavily and let out a nervous laugh. Inside her mind however, she was ecstatic!

'He thinks I'm pretty! Me! Pretty!' Twilight tried her best not to break out in the goofy smile she was barely containing on the inside. At that moment, she felt a strange urge, one she had never felt in the presence of another pony before. She wanted to kiss him. She was certain it was the cider talking, and she wouldn't have even thought of trying that tonight before this very moment, but something inside told her to go for it. She inched forward right as he turned his head to face the sky again, she found her lips pressed against his warm cheek, feeling it grow even warmer as he blushed. In consolation, he put his hoof onto hers as she rested her head on his shoulder.

'Well Twilight, you blew it. Great job.' her ecstatic mood was swiftly crushed. Luckily she only had a few seconds to believe this was the case before Big MacIntosh put her fears to bed.

"Ah'd be lyin if Ah said Ah didn't like you Twilight...but we've both been drinkin'. Ah can't rightly take advantage of you like this. But Ah'll tell you what. How bout Ah take you out to a proper evenin' on the town, and we see where that ends up?" he offered, his sense of honor only working in his favor to increase his chances with Twilight. He turned on the blanket to look into her soft sapphire eyes, something he wouldn't mind finding himself lost in. She smiled in response, the heat from her face still present in her red cheeks. No stallion had ever treated her like this before. She could definitely get use to the feeling.

"I'd like that..." she whispered back to him, snuggling up against his warm shoulder as he rested his head on top of her own affectionately.

"You won't believe this, but it took me four hits of this here for me to get up the courage to come talk to you and your friends." he said tapping with a hoof on the lid of the mason jar containing the liquid fire.

She couldn't believe it. He had to work up courage to talk to her?

"I guess we have your cider making skills to thank for this then don't we?" she said rubbing her cheek against his shoulder as he still held her hoof gently. Even she was amazed with how forward she was being with him. She would never have dreamed yesterday that she would be where she found herself tonight, sharing a blanket with someone who genuinely returned her feelings.

"I suppose so. Now what can you tell me 'bout these constellations?" he asked as she gazed back toward the brilliant night sky.

"Well...that one's Orion...There's Perseus...That's Gemini...Look!" she said extending her free hoof toward the sky tracing it's path. "There's a shooting star!"

"Wow! You better make a wish!" he said as she quickly did.

"Well?" he asked looking down at her.

"Well what?"

"What'd you wish for?"

"I can't tell you! It won't come true!" she said back as he turned back to face the stars.

"Alright then...What are those four stars 'round the moon there?" he asked pointing them out.

"Those...are...I'm...I'm not sure what those are. I don't remember any stars being around the moon last night..." she said, wondering why what she was seeing felt so familiar.

"Big MacIntosh! You over there?" Applejack shouted from her fruit stand, now all packed up and ready to be pulled, only waiting on the stallion to pull it.

Mac lifted his neck up and saw his sister's silhouette against the still brightly lit town square.

"Well, looks like Ah've got some work to do." he said standing on his still wobbly legs as she stood with him.

"Are you coming back out?"

"Probably not. Ah've got a lot of chores in the mornin'. But don't think Ah didn't enjoy our time." he said smiling warmly at her, giving her stomach a whole forest full of butterflies. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before he galloped to his sisters cart, the one act of his affection threatening to make her knees too weak to support her.

"You forgot your...blanket." she said, though he was well out of earshot.

"I guess I could hold on to it." Twilight said throwing it over herself as she walked back toward town. She caught sight of Applejack and her brother having a rather heated argument, though she could only catch snippets of their conversation from her distance.

"...Don't you go doin' that to her. Ah mean it Applejack! She's your friend..."

"...You tell me what to do! I'm just tryin' to look out for..."

"...Older than you! Ah don't need nopony lookin' out..."

She took a few steps back toward the town square before she was confronted by Applejack, whom she was certain was just a good twenty feet away.

"Oh! Hey Applejack. Having fun?" Twilight asked innocently as she was met with an inquisitor's stare from the earth pony.

"Yeah. Havin' fun with my brother?" she asked accusingly.

"We were just laying in a field looking at constellations. I guess it was kind of fun..." she admitted.

"What is this about exactly?" Twilight asked getting rather defensive to her friends stare.

"Nothin'...I just want to make sure you know what you're gettin' into." she said not dropping her serious expression as she left, heading back to the cart Big Macintosh had already begun pulling down the road. Twilight was utterly confused by her friends behavior. She was still somewhat in shock when she heard Appleblooms voice from near her hooves.

"So you like my brother huh?" she said looking up at her with a smile instead of a glare.

"Who told you that?"


'I am going to send him to the moon for this.' she thought angrily to herself as Applebloom continued with a giggle.

"I'm just kiddin' Spike didn't tell me. No mares ever spent time with him like you did. Anypony with eyes could see how nervous you get 'round him. And don't worry about Applejack, she's just over protective is all." the filly explained as Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, though somewhat concerned that even fillies could read her like the books she loved so much.

"Applebloom! Git a move on! It's way past your bedtime missy!" Applejack yelled from down the street.

"I gotta go...See ya later Twilight!" she said running off to join the rest of her clan. Twilight found Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all seated outside in the town square talking while Spike was passed out on the table.

"Twilight! How did it go? You simply must give me every detail" Rarity insisted as she sat on a vacant bale of hay.

"It...was amazing! He said I was pretty!" she said overjoyed that someone she liked had returned her feelings, her cheeks still red from his complement a good fifteen minutes ago.

"Who did? I feel like I missed something." Rainbow protested, still in her Wonderbolts uniform with her goggles up on her forehead, making her rainbow mane stick out at random angles.

"Can we?" Rarity asked, eager to tell their clueless pegasus friend of how well her advice had worked.

"Everypony will find out eventually..." she sighed as Rarity began.

"Our dear friend Twilight here has a crush on a certain eligible bachelor, and you'll never gue-"

"Big MacIntosh?" Dash interrupted.

"How does everpony know about this already?" Twilight asked putting her hooves on the table.

"Come on, he's like the only unmarried stallion our age in town!" Rainbow replied.

Just as Twilight was about to respond, the moonlight illuminating the town began to fade, drawing a simultaneous gasp from every pony still awake. Everypony in the square looked to the heavens as the four stars Twilight had seen around the moon earlier seemed to swirl into in its surface as a dark beam of energy shot from it down to somewhere in Canterlot, creating a rather sizable ball that rose up in the distance before dissipating. The music stopped as the ponies talked and speculated on what they just witnessed. Twilight looked to the Princesses as Celestia whispered something to Luna, then climbed aboard her royal chariot and headed back to Canterlot. Princess Luna stood on the table and addressed the worried crowd.

"Citizens of Ponyville, there is no reason to be alarmed. Princess Celestia is on her way to investigate the mysterious event that just took place. I command thee, continue celebrating." everypony still stared at her, uncertain of what to do. Luna narrowed her eyes, knowing the old fashioned way to get subjects to do her bidding.

"I said CELEBRATE!" the lunar princess commanded, lightning striking behind her as her eyes glowed white. They all went back to what they were doing as Luna took her seat between her bodyguards with a satisfied smile.

'I hope this wasn't what the Princess was worried about!' Twilight thought.