• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 11,401 Views, 357 Comments

Discord's Reign - chief maximus

A few thousand years encased in stone is enough to drive anyone a little...mad.

  • ...

Ch. 25 Endgame

Chapter 25- Endgame

Princess Luna found herself in a rather familiar setting. The endlessly-cratered and dead landscape of the moon stretched before her, though unlike the other ponies around her, she knew exactly where she was and what had brought her here.

"Make haste Discord, We haven't got all day," she called into the void, as if summoning the god of chaos. He appeared before her with a look of discontent.

"You're no fun. I must admit, your subjects were much more entertaining."

"Preying on the minds of the unfamiliar? How low can you sink?" she growled.

"Come now, it was all in good fun! After all, your sister is the main attraction. Any chance she'll be arriving to save you all sometime this millennia, or has she finally realized my power is undeniable?"

Luna scoffed. "We defeated you once, we will do it again."

The moon princess was unshaken by his threats, steadfast in the face of what appeared to be assured defeat.

"Time will tell, my dear," Discord mused. "but while we wait, there's someone I'd like you to meet." he snapped his talons, and a beast Luna knew had been banished from this realm came trotting out of the shadows: the black form of Nightmare Moon, her mane shining like blue fire, and her eyes glowing white like the sun. The essence of her transgression stood before her, ready to attack at a moments notice.

"Your tricks do not scare us, Discord," she snarled. The god of chaos simply cocked her head at her response, and a blast of magic suddenly filled her vision, flinging her into a nearby crater. It took her a moment to realize that the attack had not come from Discord.

Impossible… Luna thought, forcing herself to her hooves. Nightmare Moon was gone, wasn’t she? Panic clawing at her throat, she hurled herself out of the crater and flung a concentrated spear of power at the apparation, only to have it pass straight through.

"Now, is that any way to treat the energy that nearly brought your sister to her knees?" he asked as Nightmare Moon simply laughed at her attack.

"You aren't here to fight, you're here to become whole again!" Discord extended his talon, giving the signal Nightmare Moon had been waiting for. The darkness charged Luna, galloping full speed with magic charged in her horn. Just as she was about to slam into her, she became a cloud of black smoke upon contact. The noxious cloud quickly enveloped Luna, choking her in darkness as she fired spells wildly to try and hurt the evil magic.

"Don't fight it princess, Celestia imprisoned us both for 1000 years! Why would you take up her mantle after all she has done to you?"

"I love her! I'll never betray my sister again!"

"Betray her?" Discord chuckled, "Is that what she told you? Surely being on the moon didn't erase your memories too? You were to lead your army in glorious rebellion against your tyrant sister! Who do you think built the hellish pit of despair that is the Canterlot dungeons? Who purged the land of Equestria of non ponies by any means necessary? Who installed herself as supreme eternal leader over an entire race of creatures?"

Fight though she did, Luna could feel the darkness beginning to seep into her core. The shroud of hatred closed tighter and tighter around her like a python, cutting off her senses one by one until she fought for every breath. As she gasped, the darkness smothered her face, choking her completely. So this is it, she thought numbly. This is how it ends. I’m sorry, ‘Tia. I wasn’t strong enough.


White-hot magic tore into the dark cloud, flinging it away from Luna’s body and into the dust of the moon. Luna looked up, shocked, unable to believe what she was seeing. “‘Tia?”

Her sister didn’t respond, instead flinging another blast of magic at the prone form of Nightmare Moon, rending the illusion into a hundred screaming scraps of shadow.

Discord whipped around in annoyance to see his primary target standing a few paces away.

"Let them go, Discord." Celestia growled. "Your quarrel is with me, and me alone," Another blast of magic sent the Nightmare Moon screaming into oblivion as the god of chaos smiled.

"I'm glad you're here—Now the real fun begins!" he snapped his talons, and the lunar backdrop melted away to be replaced by the middle of the street from which they had first teleported. Celestia had been providing a shield against the torrent of madness that raged beyond.

The other ponies began to wake up, realizing everything Discord had shown them to be an illusion.

"Girls, this fight is between Discord and I. I must order you to retreat."

Twilight glared at Celestia for what was probably the first time in her life. "I won't leave your side, princess."

Celestia did not have patience to argue, an angry stare crossing her regal features as well. "Disobeying a direct order is treason, Twilight,"

"Then I'm a traitor to Equestria."

"And so am Ah," Applejack added.

"And me," Dash chimed in from behind her.

"And I." Rarity said.

"Me... too." Fluttershy mumbled, although she looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

"Don't forget me!" Pinkie pipped up.

"It appears as though you've got quite the bunch of turncoats, sister," Luna commented, standing next to her. "Now what say we put this beast back where he belongs?"

Discord smiled, ready to finish a fight thousands of years in the making, "Well then, let's get started!"

The fierce winds outside of Celestia's protective magic ceased blowing, retreating towards Discord, seeming to flow directly into his form. A gold aura of magic, the same color as Celestia's, gathered around his fists. The very fabric of reality began to warp around him as space and time bubbled and twisted his visage to unimaginable proportions.

"Can you feel it? Can you all feel the end coming?" he shouted, his voice warped by the sheer volume of chaos flowing through him.

"Elements, we must seal him in now!" Luna barked, charging a spell at the tip of her horn.

"Let's finish this, Girls!" Twilight commanded, as the magic flowed through her. She and her friends floated from the ground as the Elements of Harmony prepared for use once more. Discord eagerly awaited their attack.

"That's right," he mocked, holding his chest out, giving them a clear target. "I've taken everything from you, now destroy me!"

The magic of the elements united, forming the same prismatic beam of energy they had used to seal him in stone the first time they'd encountered the god of chaos. The energy constricted around him, slowly sealing him up from his mismatched paws to the tip of his horns.

The energy of the elements receded, and the fog began to dissipate.

Celestia smiled cautiously as a statue of Discord stood motionless where their foe had been standing.

Twilight gasped in relief, letting the tiara fall from her head, "We... we did it!"

As soon as the words left her lips, the statue shattered, revealing a very intact and very upset looking Discord.

"You'll have to do better than that!" he laughed, unfazed in the slightest by their onslaught.

"Impossible..." Celestia squeaked, unable to believe her eyes.

"Quit stalling Celestia, you know what it's going to take to defeat me!"

He released a swath of yellow energy toward the Elements and knocking them into the hard stone side of one of the ruins surrounding their makeshift arena.

Luna fired spell after spell at their foe, only to have it deflected away as if she were shooting peas at him through a straw. "What is he talking about?" she asked.

Celestia charged Discord, ready to destroy him or die trying.

"That's more like it!" he grinned.

Celestia fired a massive sphere of magical energy into his chest at point blank range, sending him tumbling backwards. It had merely knocked him off balance.

"Not bad, but tell me how you like this!" He dashed from the pile with unreal speed projecting five copies of himself around her. Unable to tell the real Discord from the copies, she took her only shot and fired into the one she believed to be her actual foe.

She was wrong.

A strong punch underneath her jaw sent Celestia skidding backwards toward her sister and the slowly recovering Elements of Harmony.

"Princess!" Twilight shouted, running to her mentor's aid as Discord readied another blast of chaotic energy.

Celestia shook the dust from her eyes, the unwelcome metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. She glared at Discord, who simply returned his same deviant smile, his eyes now completely yellow and pupil-less.

"I think it's about time we had some fun with the fog, don't you?"

"Luna, stand close to me," she coughed. "Girls! Come here, now!" Luna and the Elements gathered around her just as Discord released his fog, choking the ruined city once more.

In a flash, they left Canterlot and reappeared on a cliff, overlooking the battle zone that used to be the Equestrian capitol.

Once the others had realized they were no longer in danger, all eyes turned to Celestia.

"Why are we out here? We should be down there fighting Discord!" Twilight pled as her princess caught her breath.

"There is... but one way... to defeat him... now," Taking to her hooves and heading toward the edge of the cliff, she gazed at the capitol she had built. It was mostly obscured by his fog, but her castle still floated above the city, the clouds illuminated from time to time as Discord searched the ruins for where they had gone.

Luna stepped up behind her sister, seeing a line of moisture stream down her face.

"Give me the elements," Celestia instructed.

"Princess, I know we can beat him if we just—" Twilight began.

"Twilight, I command you to give me your element!" she snapped. This was not as easy choice for her to make, but she knew what Discord meant when had told her to 'stop stalling'.

Without further hesitation, Twilight and the other elements removed their regalia and placed them at her hooves. Luna and the others were quite perplexed by her request, with the exception of Rainbow Dash, whose silent tears hadn't stopped flowing since sealing Discord in stone hadn't worked.

How she wished Discord was a liar, or that what he had shown her was simply to toy with her emotions, but alas, it seemed he was foretelling the future. Luckily for her, no one had noticed.

A golden aura surrounded the Elements and the gemstones embedded in them removed themselves from their bindings and reattached onto Celestia's chest plate. The power within them surged through her, causing her mane to light ablaze with orange fire. She was certain this would attract Discord's attention, so she knew she would have to be quick with her goodbyes.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Celestia looked into the same eyes she used to know when they were but fillies, playing in their mother's front yard.

"Discord is my mistake. I created him; he is a part of me, and I will destroy him. It will take everything I have, but I cannot allow him to survive any longer."

Luna realized what she was saying. Her bottom lip began to tremble, "You... you cannot mean... surely there must be another way to—"

"There isn't." she interrupted. "He knows it, and so do I." Celestia was trying her best to keep her composure, though failing miserably. "Luna, you must rule as I have ruled. You must be fair and gracious in all matters of governance,"

"Stop! Do not speak like that sister!" Luna cried as the reality of their situation finally set in. "Please don't leave me..."

"It is the only way! I must go and face him alone," she whispered as she embraced her sister for the last time.

She turned to Twilight, whose tears had been flowing since Luna's began.

"My faithful student, have I ever told you how proud you have made me?"

Twilight sniffed, unable to even form proper words, let alone a sentence. Celestia knelt beside her, and her student flung her hooves around her dirty coat, sobbing deeply into her shoulder. "Please... Don't go..." she whispered.

Celestia was just as emotional as Twilight, having some problems forming a reply. "I must, my dear. You are to advise Luna in all matters..." she cooed.

"Please don't do this princess!" Twilight begged, finding her voice, and hugging her as though that alone would keep her there forever.

"Twilight, energy can be neither created, nor destroyed. You'll never be without me, I will simply be all around you."
She lifted her chin with a hoof to look into Twilight's teary eyes one last time.

Celestia stood, looking at the tearing faces of her other Element Bearers before noticing Rainbow Dash. Celestia knew she would need a exceedingly fast pony to break through the fog so she could properly attack Discord. It seemed Rainbow knew it too.

"Rainbow... do you know what I must ask of you?"

Dash swallowed hard. She had thought about this choice a lot in the past few hours. She knew she would never be happy without AJ, but also knew that a life on the run, constantly in hiding was no life at all. The decision was clear.

"Yes, I do," she replied confidently, her voice cracking a bit.

"What are you talkin' about?" Applejack asked, turning towards her lover.

"AJ... I love you, more than any pony in this world... that's why..." she began to choke on her words. She didn't want this, she wanted to be with Applejack forever. She wanted to marry her, adopt foals with her, eat burned dinners with her, grow old with her, and be beside her bed as she took her last breath.

Life however, isn't about wants. It's about needs, and right now, the world needed to be cleansed of Discord, and she was the only pegasus able to help do it.

"That's why I have to leave you," she finished,

"No, no, no, no, no, you can't! Ah love you too, you can't just... what do ya mean leave?"

Princess Celestia stepped forward to explain. "I must fly as fast as possible and collide with Discord while transferring every ounce of energy I have into him. I will only get one chance, and it is imperative that I crash directly into him. Rainbow must fly ahead of me to perform a sonic rainboom to clear out the fog so that I may have a clear shot."

"So? Then Rainbow can just fly back here, right?" Applejack hoped as Celestia continued her explanation.

"The resulting energy released with incinerate anything within at least four thousand yards of he and myself. I'm afraid she will not have the speed to make it out in time."

"Horsefeathers!" Applejack swore, "You're the fastest there is! You can make it, Ah know you can!"

"AJ listen: Discord showed me my options. If I don't do this, he'll win. I can't let him do that, since I'm the one that let him out in the first place."

All parties gasped. "What?" Twilight muttered.

"My sonic rainboom over the gardens set him free. Now I have the chance to put him back, and I'm going to take it," she admitted, her ears pinned back in shame.

She turned back to Applejack. "Don't forget about me, okay?" she whispered, planting a final kiss on her lips. Applejack was overcome with a heavy mix of emotions. She wished this kiss would last until her dying breath, but she knew the sweet taste of freedom that was always on Rainbow's lips would be fleeting. After a few moments, their lips separated.

"Please Rainbow... Ah'm begging you," she whimpered, out of options, and out of time. "Don't do this."

She wasn't going to make this easy, and this was already the hardest thing she would ever have to do.

"I have to. I made this mess, and I'm going to clean it up, so you can live and fall in love again—"

"Don't you dare say that!" AJ snapped, "Ah'll never love anypony but you!"

Rainbow could see Applejack was angry. In time, she hoped she would forgive her, but now she knew she had to let this argument go.

"I'll always love you AJ," she said softly, turning to face her friends. "I'll always love all of you."

Applejack attempted to physically keep Rainbow from flying into the sky with Celestia, only to have Twilight hold her back with magic.

"So help me Twilight, Ah'll never forgive you for this!" she screamed, more hurt than angry. Twilight was just as upset, but she knew the importance of what the two ponies were about to do.

"Celestia and Rainbow flew into the frigid upper atmosphere high above Canterlot as Dash fought to keep her chattering teeth from interrupting her words.

"What's the plan?" she asked.

"I'll need a sonic rainboom in the heart of the fog." she replied. "It will only clear it for a few seconds, but that should be all I'll need."

"Well, it's now or never."

Celestia couldn't help but admire the Element of Loyalty's bravado in the face of almost certain death. "You are not afraid?"

Dash scoffed. "Of course I am. But I know what's on the line. If it means dying, to keep my friends safe... then that's what I'll do. That's who I am."

Celestia nodded, proud of the pony she had chosen to so well represent that trait. "I'll be as close behind you as I can."

Dash nodded. "Then let's fly."

Rainbow dove toward Canterlot, the princess only feet behind her. As they flew Celestia reflected on the life she had lived. She was ready to go, she had served her ponies for thousands of years. The mare in front of her however, had only lived but a fraction of her lifespan. She had a mare that loved her, and she would gladly give that up in order to protect her future.

Something inside Celestia demanded she correct this injustice—and correct it she would. This was her mistake, and she'd be damned if she let another pony's life be lost to it. It risked everything, but her conscience had to be clear.

Rainbow came upon Canterlot and performed her rainboom perfectly, clearing out the fog and revealing the powerful form of Discord himself, staring straight up at the princess.

With a quick glance, the solar princess cast a small shield around her guide before using her remaining energy to slam horn-first into Discord.

Rainbow rolled onto her back, convinced that if she was going to die, she'd at least have front row seats to his execution.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as she watched Discord and Celestia impact, creating a blinding ball of white light that moved outward in all directions. She could see it rushing towards her but could do nothing to stop it. Her entire life played back before her eyes on the white hot screen of death, finally coming to an end with all her cherished memories of Applejack. She would miss her more than anything.

Eternity was a long time to spend without the pony you loved.

She closed her eyes as the wall of flame reached her, praying that it would at least be quick.

From the cliffs edge, a burning comet and a rainbow streaked toward the center of Canterlot, before exploding in a multicolored mushroom cloud than obliterated the floating castle and loomed ominously over the city. The ponies on the cliff shielded their eyes before daring to look upon the ruins of the Equestrian capitol.

As the dust settled, the cursed fog began to evaporate and the land started to return to normal.

Celestia and Rainbow Dash had done it. Discord had been defeated.

Luna teleported the others back to the enormous crater where they had attempted to fight the god of chaos. Of Celestia, there was no sign. And all that remained of Discord was an eagles feather, a lions paw goat's horn a dragon scale, and a small, grayed lock of Celestia's mane.

Applejack looked up, hoping against hope that she’d see a familiar rainbow streaking through the sky… but there was nothing, save a few clouds blown by the wind.

Applejack wearily trotted away from her friends to the rubble of Canterlot castle, taking off her hat, flopping down on her haunches, and crying silently. She should have felt happy that Discord had been defeated at long last, but all she could feel was heartache. How would she break this to Scootaloo? Just when the filly thought she'd found a home, it was ripped away from her. She supposed she'd take her in now, though she knew it'd be no substitute for her idol.

"Ah don't know if you can hear me Rainbow, but Ah'm sorry Ah got so upset over somethin' you did such a long time ago," she sobbed, taking a seat on some of the rubble. "Ah just wish you were still with me. First my parents, now you... Ah don't think Ah'm allowed to be happy..."

Twilight noticed AJ leave and stowed her own hurt feelings, putting up a strong facade for her normally unshakable friend. "Applejack, I know there isn't much I can say to make you feel any better right now."

"You'd be right," she sobbed, not wanting anypony to see her like this. "What am Ah supposed to do without her?" she asked, honestly expecting an answer out of Twilight.

"I... I don't know. I do know that Rainbow would want you to live the best life you can, and be as happy as possible while doing it." Twilight put a hoof over Applejack's. "Otherwise, her sacrifice meant nothing."

Applejack threw her hat to the ground, unable to pull herself together. "Ya know... when my parents died, Ah thought the pain wouldn't ever go away. Ah finally accepted that they were gone, but it took years. It was the hardest thing Ah'd ever had to do, but Ah did it," she explained between shuddering breaths, "And now Ah have to do it all over again? Twilight, Ah just don't think Ah'm strong enough."

Twilight hugged her tightly, before pulling back and meeting AJ's teary eyes with her own. "You are strong enough Applejack, I've never met anypony stronger."

Applejack looked away, still unsure of herself. "What am Ah supposed to tell Scootaloo?"

"You tell her that Rainbow gave up everything she had to keep her safe, and that the best thing the both of you could do for her now is to live and be happy."

After a few more hugs and reassurances, AJ rejoined her friends to grieve.

Once true night had fallen, the clean up efforts were abandoned. Beneath a bit of rubble, a few bricks shifted, then broke loose, a cyan hoof reaching out of them, freeing the rest of her trapped body. Rainbow gasped for air as she freed her head from the debris, only buried up to her waist in stone.

"I'm... I'm alive?" she asked herself, biting her leg to see if she felt pain. She did. She had never felt so happy to hurt in her entire life. Discord was wrong, but she wondered what could have intervened. He had been right every time up until now.

She decided not to look at her blessing too closely, freeing herself from the rest of the pile and shaking the dust from her mane. Turning in the direction of Ponyville, she stretched her stiff wings and took off, ready to give a certain earth pony the surprise of her life.

That night, Applejack lay in the hay loft, still not having told Scootaloo the fate of Rainbow Dash. She remembered the happy times they had shared in her orchard. She would miss them, and doubted whether she'd ever even want to love again, after losing a pony she felt such a strong connection with.

All other bonds were but acquaintances compared to what she and Rainbow had. She sighed, tears still flowing from earlier in the day. She simply couldn't bring herself to stop grieving. Princess Luna had told her an entire temple would be erected in Dash's honor. She'd have traded a thousand temples just for one more day with her.

"Rainbow... Ah can't bring myself ta tell Scootaloo you're gone... it would break her heart, Ah just wouldn't be able ta take th' sight right now..." she whispered to the heavens.

"You won't have to!"

That voice... it came from below her. She peered out over the ledge of the barn, only to have the color drain from her face. She must be going crazy from grief! There was no way Rainbow Dash was standing below her, slowly flying up to the hay loft and now staring her in the face.

"R-r-r," she stammered.

"Rainbow? What's the matter AJ, you look like you've seen a ghost?" she smirked, as Applejack extended a hoof and felt the soft, if not matted coat of the lover she'd thought she'd lost.

"You're... you're really here," she gasped.

"That's right, now are you gonna gawk all night, or are you gonna kiss me?"

With that, Rainbow lunged toward her partner, collapsing in a sea of giggles, as AJ's tears finally began to dry up.

"How in Celestia's name did you survive?"

"I dunno, I guess somepony up there likes me," she answered, planting a kiss she never thought she would have the chance to share on Applejack's waiting lips.

After their kiss, AJ remembered what Celestia had done for them all by sacrificing herself. "Yeah, Ah guess somepony does."

Comments ( 35 )

Big thanks to my usual editor FanNotANerd and Comma-Kazie for their efforts in finally getting the last chapter of this thing released. Only the epilogue remains.

At last. Dunno the last time i wondered if you would write again at this fic.

Now then, let's read *starts reading*

FINALY! So.... much..... emotion........
It's still tagged incomplete, so, more soon?

The wait was long, really long... a quarter of a year... but damn, it was worth it!
Heartbreaking? Yes, but worth it! :fluttershyouch::fluttershysad:
Well done. :rainbowdetermined2:

Asdfghjk yes <3

oh ho ho ho
whats going to happen next?

1080010 This was my second story ever, so you are correct at parts not being very well thought out. I just wanted to get this one finished and get it off my conscience. Also, smarter than charlie sheen, the great warlock?


As much as I like this story, I don't like this chapter. The quality is very sub par for the rest of the story.

1080996 I kinda phoned this one in, admittedly.

I got the biggest damn smile on my face when I saw this in the unread section. :pinkiehappy:

im glad that was a happy ending. YAY :yay:

This is perhaps one of the best fan fictions I have ever read on this site. Great story!:rainbowkiss:

Wow, excellent story there. Can't wait to read the epilogue!

1086930 You don't know how freaky mac and twi get when they're alone.

Tsssssss..... that ending felt...weak if i'm honest. Though it would be faaaar longer and faaaaaaaaaaaaar more epic considering the wait... minorly disappointed. Doesn't do this fic the justic it deserves. :applejackunsure:


I like it. I will now build a time machine so I can go back and read it again. Because scrolling up is for losers.

1090036 this was my second story ever written. It's not that great.

Makes comment about the huge wait for a chapter. Next chapter comes out 3 days later.

>>Bronius Maximus
>Implying that I don't know villains.

>Implying mortals can understand the glory that is Discord.

(this is fun!)

>Implying that I am mortal

>Implying implications

> Implying that I am implying implications.

I eagerly await a next chapter.
I feel bad for Discord and Celestia though. All Celestia wanted was a friend but then she made the mistake of turning her back on him

1900647 chimera is a generic term for a mythical monster.

Confusion. Other comments here act like this is the end. The story itself says "Incomplete."

However this is... sort of conclusion'y. Albeit perhaps unsatisfying.


this is an amazing fanfic! i stayed up all night reading it! :rainbowlaugh: then i fell asleep and i woke up and checked to see if there was anything new and chapter 25 came out! :yay: can't wait for epilogue i wants it i will gets it!

If you dont mind me asking, at what point to you intend to release more chapters for this fic? Given that it is late march and the last chapter was released in august.

2299530 it's over for the most part. I thought about adding an epilogue but I probably won't.

I can't wait for the epilogue. Great story I thought it was gonna leave me hanging but it didn't. :D

How soon until the epilogue comes out? Also, is this fic dead?

Mind officially blown away :applejackconfused:

As much as I like this I can't help but feel Celestia was the one in the wrong here. Discord did all of this so he could become strong enough to leave her no choice but to sacrifice her self so he could die. I was also very surprised that Twilight didn't realize Discords plan once he shouted that Celestia was out of choices. And lastly, did Discord or Celestia save Rainbow Dash? I honestly think Discord would.

I'm crying... I found this story on fanfiction.net 4 years ago and have never forgotten it since. Despite the fact that the version i found was unfinished It remained my favorite fan fiction until it was tied with another for the #1 spot. I never thought it would be finished and just now in 2018 i found this. the last chapter i was dreaming of... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love it! I honestly had no clue how this story would end. That's actually why i thought it got abandoned i thought you wrote yourself into a corner. I'm so glad that wasn't the case!

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