• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 3,053 Views, 141 Comments

A New World, And A Better Way - Recteik Shade

An approved expansion of A New World, A New Way. When Arceus was freed from his prison he chose to abandon Earth and take his pokemon and a few chosen Humans with him. Allen a trainer from Unova was one who was lucky enough to be chosen.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Square One [unedited]

Chapter 13: Square One

Day 2 12:17 a.m.

“You lot put your backs into it!” Amethyst called. “The sooner we get this done the sooner we can get some sleep!”

“You’re pushing them too hard hard Amethyst.” A black earth stallion standing close said. For an earth pony his size was nothing of note, though he was clearly very muscular. his cutie mark was a sharply sloped granite mountain with a firey ember of magma at its heart.

“What business is that of yours, Onyx!?” She snapped. “Leave worrying about the Guard to me. Just do your job and make sure the rock is stable.”

The stallion named Onyx glowered at the mare,”Which brings me to my next question.... What. The. Buck. Where you THINKING!!!?” the last word rose to a yell that the Guards working to clear the excess rock could clearly hear.

“I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT EQUESTRIA!” Amethyst countered raising her voice to match the stallions own.

Onyx paused scowling at Amethyst,”So you thought the best way to do that was to blast a massive hole in the mountain that holds up its capital city? You should know better than most just how fragile the foundations of Canterlot are. Or do I need to remind you what it is our family has done for the last three hundred years?”

The Captain gave him a look of disgust,"Your family." She replied bitterly.

The stallion just shook his head, it was always like this. "I'm so glad mum isn't here to hear you say that. It would break her heart."

Amethyst flared her wings as she scowled at him,”Yay know what On-”

“Captain Amethyst Edge! We’ve broken through!” Called the Lieutenant effectively derailing the volatile mares rant before it even began.

“Excellent!” She almost sang as she winged her way towards the new entrance to the Catacombs that would need to be sealed.

Onyx followed at a more sedated pace, now ready to evaluate the damage wreaked by yet another of his sister’s poor decisions. Already his eyes roamed over the massive fissure in the mountain side and a deep frown on his muzzle. Several unicorns had lit their horns giving him plenty of light to see by; it wasn't good but neither was it as bad as it could've been. The gaping hole was nearly eight feet across and there were still several large shards of stone and crystal, but it looked like the cracks didn't look like they ran very deep. It still promised to be an arduous rebuild. "Could be worse." He said to himself.

"Come on!" Amethyst cried looking around the debris in disbelief. "All this effort and they got away!? What kind of freaks survive a mountain falling on them!?"

Onyx rolled his eyes and continued his assessment of the damage. The actual granite of the mountain was less damaged than the frail gems that grew farther in, which wasn’t much of an issue anyway since it was expressly forbidden to remove any of the magic gems without the consent of the crown. Since his family had been mostly earth ponies for the last few centuries he had had the chance to study some of them, which was ultimately the reason for his frown. Without so much as an ear flick in the direction of the guards he walked into the Catacombs for the first time.

“Sir you can’t go in there!” One of the guards yelled.

Onyx ignored him and called,”Amethyst come and see this!”

The mare, whom was exceedingly disappointed, gave a defeated sigh and silently heeded the stallions summons. "What Onyx? I'm not in the mood to discuss rocks right now."

"Just look." He sighed holding out the crystal.

Amethyst made a show of rolling her eyes,"Fine... What the buck is that!?" She asked clearly confused as she eyed the unfamiliar blue gem. "How does it have bubbles in it!?"

"My point exactly." Onyx answered. "This isn't any kind of mineral formation I've ever seen. And it certainly doesn't belong here."

Amethyst tapped her chin,"One more question that needs an answer. Keep that for study and finish your assessment." The mare turned to issue orders to her tired guards,"Good work everypony! You're dismissed. I'll have a contingent sent to make sure nothing gets in or out. I’m also putting out a standing order. These creatures are to be arrested on sight and I’m authorizing the use of Deadly Force."

“Ma’am?” A unicorn Sargent asked confused. “Doesn’t it take the three Captains or the Princesses to order Deadly Force?”

Amythest rounded on the officer,”Is Princess Celestia here?” The guard shook his head and Amethyst continued,”I’m ordering it! Now you can follow my orders or you can join that traitor Iron Side in a cell!”

Onyx began to step out of the Catacombs when something crunched and shifted underhoof. Glancing down he found a fine red crystalline dust,'Now what do we have here?'

Hall of Legends
Day 2 of World Summit

"Hi." Hoopa said while waving his free floating hand.

Dinky blinked a few times,"Who are you?" Nearly every Pokemon she saw was new to her but this one was something else,"Are you a Ghost too?"

Hoopa blinked,”What do you mean? Your Dinky aren’t you? From the party?”

Dinky stared hard at the apparition,”A party?” She looked over the Pokemon that knew her name, she would remember seeing something like him. ‘So that must mean...’ A quick grin spread across her face and she squealed happily.

“You okay?” Hoopa asked eyeing the filly as though she might use Selfdestruct.

Smiling brightly Dinky nodded,”Yeah I just needed to get that out of my system.” With a friendly smile. “I’m sorry but I haven’t met you before.”

Hoopa frowned,”But we talked for like an hour at the party?”

“Oh I don’t doubt it.” She chirped brightly. “I just haven’t gone to that party yet.”

Hoopa stared blankly,” It was only a week ago.”

“Yeah?” She suddenly wasn’t sure how to explain as she shuffled from one hoof to another. ‘How would Daddy say it? Her mind ran wild as she tried to recall every bedtime story the Doctor had ever told her…

“Anybody home?” A hand waved in front of her face startling her back to reality

“Thing is I’m a time traveler so I don’t always meet people in the right order.” She said quickly while shaking her head.

The Mischief Pokemon blinked a few times,”Huh?”

Dinky sighed,”Basically the party where you met me hasn’t happened to me yet… It’s still in my future.” Hoopa looked as though he where contemplating quantum mechanics for the first time, which he was, but he was nodding as though he understood.

Sighing she turned to Veevee hoping she was keeping up,”Dinky I feel dizzy.” Apparently not.

Turning, Dinky didn’t get a chance to do anything but retch as she was hit with the most horrible scent to every assault her senses. “Ghaaah!” She scrambled away as the offensive odor made her eyes water. “Veevee you stink!”

Hoopa laughed,"Man that Gengar got you good hang on." Dinky turned blinking the tears out of her eyes, to see Hoopa remove one of his gold rings and pull it over Veevees head. Then gasped as her head didn't come out the other side for several seconds. Right about the time her tail disappeared into the ring her head poked out the other side and the little Normal-type stepped out literally sparkling clean. "There that's better." Hoopa said with another grin at the shocked filly.

"That was so cool!" Dinky squealed happily. Your amazing Hoopa!"

Hoopa blushed under the sudden praise,"Oh it was nothing really."

Veevee puffed out her cheeks in a frustrated pout,"Hey I can do cool stuff too!"

Dinky pouted,"Aw Veevee I didn't mean it like that, that was just really cool."

"Well if we're done here I'll get back to what I was doing." Loki said vanishing back into his shadow.

Hoopa looked up to the Shadow Pokemon,"What exactly are you doing?"

Dinky grinned mischievously,"He's scared of Arceus."

"I am not!" Loki snapped.

"Then why are you hiding?" Hoopa asked suspiciously. "Cuz it looks to me like you're one of those Ghost-Types that gives us a bad name."

Loki scoffed,"Says the Legendary of Mischief." The obnoxious ghost may have said more but with a swift swipe of Hoopa's gold ring he vanished.

"Whoa where did he go?" Veevee asked caught off guard by his sudden absence.

"He's right here." Hoopa said with a devilish grin holding up the ring so the pair could see the panicked Ghost attempting to escape beating his small fists against whatever invisible barrier kept him contained.

"This isn't funny!" Loki cried though the impact of his words was lost as his voice sounded like he had sucked the helium from a party balloon.

The overly squeaky voice was more than Dinky could take and the little filly hit the floor laughing. "Oh my goodness. That is priceless."

"Let me outta here!”

"Hey Allen carry these bags for me."

"Were di- Whoa!" Allen yelped as Nova dropped a heavy saddlebag onto his back. The former human having to brace his legs to keep his knees from buckling,"What's in these bricks!?" He glared back at Nova, who grinned and set about fastening the strap and buckle.

"Probably." He said with an amused tone. "Serves you right for being rude."

Allen raised an eyebrow before glaring at the bags being strapped to his back. "What? Where did you get this!?"

"I asked Lord Arceus for some of our things back." The Fire-type answered matter of factly.

"Like what?"

Nova stepped back and sat on his haunches scratching his chin thoughtfully,"Lord Arceus said 'Everything but the Pokeballs and the Apricorns'... He also said he threw in some things He thought might be useful."

Allen frowned but nodded,"Thanks Nova."

Nova just gave an amused snort,"I knew you'd be to stubborn to ask."

Allen glared at him until a thought accrued,"What does that mean he gave me a wallet full of useless money?"

Nova poked his whole head into the bag before resurfacing with a pawful of gold coins,"Looks like he converted it... You should thank him."

"I should, but I won't." Allen replied flatly.

"Hang on!" Sparkler said sounding alarmed. "Where did Arceus get the bits!?"

Allen snorted,"He's a god." He was still clearly annoyed,"He probably made it out of nothing."

"Can he do that!?" She gasped,"I mean that's counterfeiting isn't it!?"(1)

Allen raised an eyebrow,"God." He replied flatly.

"Shouldn't we tell the Royal Guard!?"

"God." Allen said again.

"I mean that's so illegal!"

"Sparkler he's a god! It's not like they can throw him in prison!" Allen was smiling now Sparkler's shocked reaction clearly amused him. "At best Princess Celestia will tell him not to do it again."

"Yeah but..." She sighed,"You're right. He's just trying to help."

"Alright everyone!" Arceus called drawing everyone's attention,"While I must say today has been interesting, we must part ways here for now." Without waiting he turned to face the TARDIS glaring hard at the jagged gash torn into the side. His eyes glowed gold and a sheen of light the same colour enveloped the capsule casting off tiny motes of flashing light. The sound of the engines could be heard groaning as the golden light started to crackle, if this was bad neither the Doctor nor Arceus said or did anything.

The TARDIS faded out of sight leaving only a pillar of golden hardlight, until a vague grayish shape appeared in the gold of Arceus touch. When Arceus eyes returned to their normal colour he balked at what he saw,"Umm okay. Didn't see that coming." He turned to see the Doctor pinching the bridge of his muzzle with a hoof,"What?

The TARDIS looked like a stone cylinder with a recess in its surface where two crude wooden doors hung. "It's fine Arceus. You did great she's as good as new... literally." The Doctor rolled his eyes and walked into the TARDIS muttering 'he had to fix the Chameleon Circuit too'.

He stepped through the rough sawn wood doors and seconds later the groaning, wheezing sound of the vessels engines sounded through the room as it started to fade from sight.

"TURNER WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" Sparkler shrieked making everyone in the room flinch. "HE'S OUR ONLY WAY HOME! DITZY WHERE'S HE GOING!?"

The magenta mare began going into hysterics about him abandoning them, when the cheerful Pegasus used a wing to cuff her sister on the back of the head. "Sparkler its fine! The Doctor wouldn't just leave us here!"

As if to prove her faith in her husband the TARDIS began to groan and pulsate back into view now once again the tall blue box that they were familiar with. With an almost gong like boom the box solidified and the same brown Earth stallion walked out of the now blue wooden doors. "Sorry about that everyone. I had to set the appearance manually and deadlock the circuit." Seeing that his wife and daughter were the only ones who understood he groaned,"Right... The TARDIS is meant to blend in so it has this thing called the Chameleon Circuit. Wherever it lands it takes on the appearance of a commonplace object. A few centuries ago the circuit burned out and it got stuck as a police box." He turned to see that everyone seemed to be following him. " I liked it so much I left it that way for nearly 200 years. Until one day I got bored and tried to fix the circuit, that was a mistake." He put on an almost nostalgic grin,"It kept turning into a grand piano, so I reset it and left it be."

"If it's supposed to blend in?" Sparkler asked incredulously," Wouldn't it make more sense to leave the circuit the way it was?"

"Hey! Who's time machine is it?" The Doctor grinned,"When it's your time machine you can make it look however you want!"

Sparkler huffed and looked anywhere but at the Doctor,"Whatever."

Turning to the room the doctor grinned,"Alright everypony on board!" He pushed the doors open and motioned to his wife and daughter,"Ladies first." Ditzy walked up smiling and kiss her husband on the cheek before walking into the TARDIS followed closely by Dinky and Veevee, whom was looking curiously at the bag hanging from the fillies neck. Looking to Sparkler he smiled again,"I did say ladies first." Huffing Sparkler marched through the doors,Talley perched on her horn, refusing to return the Doctors friendly smile.

Allen and Nova exchanged confused expressions, neither one of them understood Sparkler's hostility but it was a question for another time. As the Doctor motioned the pair to get in Arceus stepped between the two Fire-types, causing both to step back though for different reasons. "So what do you plan to do youngster?"

"Find the rest of my Team." Allen answered. "I have to be sure they're safe and staying out of trouble."

Arceus smiled and nodded,"Good." In a flash of gold Allen was gone and from the open doors of the TARDIS they heard his voice call "NOT FUNNY!!!"

Nova looked to see a mischievous shine in the gods eyes,"My Lord?"

"That was for the Fire Spin." He said in an amused tone making Nova chuckle. The lighthearted mood deteriorated as as Arceus looked down on the Volcano Pokemon,"Show me my child."

Nova frowned but nodded,"I understand my Lord. We won't fail you."

Arceus nodded and stepped away moving towards the Doctor, leaving Nova to join Allen in the TARDIS. As the doors closed the Alpha Pokemon turned his gaze to the empty air,"And Trickster!" Suddenly Loki found himself very visible under Arceus gaze, staring up at him with wide eyes. He gave the Ghost-type a smirk,"Try to stay out of trouble. We don't need another incident like the one Rustboro do we?"

Loki's crimson eyes looked ready to pop out of his head,"Y- you know about that!?" Arceus simply nodded as Loki's fearful expression hardened,"I'll never let that happen again."

"Yet you continue to court disaster?"

To which Loki shrugged,"It's still fun. It just wasn't that time." Without another word the Shadow Pokemon phased into the TARDIS leaving the Doctor the last one in.

The Doctor sighed,"I doubt I want to try to figure that one out."

Mew giggled,"Every family has its dysfunctional members."

"I hope that wasn't aimed at me!" Arceus cried faking that her words had wounded him. A game he often played with Mew, whom rolled her eyes at her father's poking fun at her. Chuckling he looked back to the Doctor whom was also smiling,"Until next our paths cross Doctor. I shall have Dialga escort you home. And know your family is always welcome here." It had been a confusing hour or so, but in one way or another Arceus was happy to know the Doctor and that he would help protect Equus. Glad there was one more soul that help safeguard his children as well as the other races. 'I wonder why Celestia never mentioned the Doctor?' He would have to ask tomorrow if he had a moment.

The Doctor smiled,"Thank you Arceus, and you and Mew will have to stop by to try Derpy's muffins sometime." He looked at the TARDIS and his smile redoubled,"And thank you for repairing the TARDIS. She wasn't even in this good of shape when I took her. The old girls laterally like new."

Arceus smiled,"You and the soul within are extremely close. While I was examining it I could sense that it was ancient."

The stallion nodded,"Ancient would be the right word. She'd been in a museum since long before I was born." The Doctor sighed,"I tell most folks she's a Type 40 TARDIS and they just sort of nod."

Arceus frowned,"They do not understand the depth of the term."

The Doctor nodded again,"the first one hundred were numbered like that. After that they were given names and titles of historic Time Lords or events in my worlds history." He frowned again,"Then the war started and they were built as fleets of warships."

Arceus eyes widened,"So when you say Type 40..."

"She's the 40th type ever designed." Then the the stallion brightened,"And now thanks to you she's brand new again!"

The stallion held out his hoof which again caused the god to pause before he placed his own out and the two shook hooves.(2) "Until next time then Doctor."

The stallion smiled and nodded before turning and pushing past the blue wooden doors allowing them both to hear the sound of conversation and laughter inside. Seconds after the door closed the groaning of the TARDIS engines sounded and the vehicle began to fade from sight. Turning to Dialga the Alpha Pokemon smiled,"Would you escort them home my son?

"Of course, Father."

Twice now Allen had traveled in the TARDIS and both times something had gone catastrophically wrong, needless to say he spent the the third trip tensed and ready to leap into action. So it seemed rather anticlimactic when the gong of the engines signaled the end of their trip, and the Doctor and family cheerfully filed out.

Cautiously stepping out behind the ponies Allen found himself in the back corner of a fairly large back yard. The first thing he noticed was the high brick wall that enclosed the property and connected to the rustic looking home opposite him. It was taller than he was and considering most ponies didn't even come to were his neck connected to his shoulders, it seemed unnecessary. The wall was so tall in fact that even the TARDIS could not be... seen... "Right. Makes sense." He muttered to himself.

Looking around the rest of the yard he saw poorly manicured shrubs and a fountain that was full of dead leaves and dirty water. There was a small garden with carrots, cabbage, and a variety of other vegetables,looking over the rest of the yard he realized it was the only thing that was immaculate. The grass needed mowing and in the middle of the yard was a little shed with windows that could use a fresh coat of paint but looked to be a little girls playhouse. The whole yard spoke of neglected chores but Allen was quickly distracted by the large Space/Time distortion thru which Dialga stepped and settled into the backyard.

"Thanks for the lift Dialga! Would you care from one of Derpy's muffins?" The Doctor asked before his upbeat expression fell,"Hang on? What's the date!?"

Dialga smiled, which didn't work for the Legendary,"For the sake of avoiding paradoxes I chose to bring you back an half hour before the arrival of the Pokemon."

"Good call." Ditzy smiled stepping up beside her husband. "Now then." she said turning to the group of Pokemon loitering in her backyard,"Who's hungry!?" She called out her question with a large happy smile.

A loud chorus went up that told her nearly everyone was, and the large group began moving into the house until Dialga held out a paw,"Hold a moment Doctor." The stallion held back giving the Deity of Time a questioning look,"You posses a unique view of the flow of time. So I should not have to remind you that for the time being it would be best to avoid trips to the future."

The Doctor nodded,"Yes that is pretty obvious. Events that involve me become fixed points in Time. But now those events are being rewritten to compensate for how the Pokemon's presence will change this universe." He sighed,"Frankly I'm surprised the whole Vortex hasn't ripped itself apart by now."

"You give the nature of time too little credit "Time Lord", it is far more resilient than that. Dialga chuckled.

The Doctor chuckled,"Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong."

Allen was ravenous, he couldn't remember ever being this hungry. Ditzy was delighted that he enjoyed her food so much but that was ten muffins ago. Now the three ponies present watched with a great deal of concern as he inhaled another two. Nova, whom had greedily wolfed down his first but was taking the time to enjoy his second, watched with an amused smirk.

"Allen slow down you're going to choke!" Sparkler said alarmed as she saw him reaching for yet another muffin.

It did make him stop but it also sent Nova to start chuckling,"Dawn would get a kick out of this."

"What?" Allen asked confused. "I haven't eaten since..." He paused,"Two days from now."

Nova laughed while Sparkler frowned at Allen's poor attempt at a joke,"It's not everyday you see a grown Mon go through Fire Feeding!"

"What!? I am not!" Allen countered sounding offended.

"Ya you are." Nova replied laughing.

The two began to bicker between themselves until Sparkler had had enough. "SHUT IT!" Both Pokemon stopped and stared at her,"What's Fire Feeding?"

Allen snorted and glared at the far wall, which just made Nova chuckle and answer. "Fire Feeding is a term used by Breeders, it happens to very young Fire-types when they first find their flame. In those early months using that fire burns up a lot of calories, as a result they eat like they've never seen food."

"Ya but I'm an adult!" Allen countered,"It's completely impossible for a fully grown Fire-type to have burn up all its reserves!"

Nova gave his trainer a smug grin,"Only because as we grow we learn to temper our flames so it doesn't happen." He pointed a finger at the Rapidash,"You've been a Pokemon at most three days. In fact I bet in the coming weeks there will be lots of Humans who find themselves as Fire-types that will end up like you."(3) To emphasize this he poked Allen's shoulder,"You just need to learn how to use your fire. Just like I did when I was young."

Allen had a fair idea of what that entailed however the Doctor walked into the dining room,"Well I'm starved hope you saved me some." He tone was light and meant to be joking until he saw the few that were left on the platter. "Whoa, who smashed the muffins?"

"Allen of course." Nova said casually,"It's because he used up so much fire."

"I still say it's impossible." Allen persisted glaring at the far wall.

The Doctor laughed,"Well at least he's recharging on the best there is” He reached out and grabbed one of the few remaining baked goods. “So this is something similar to your blood sugar crashing, heh?” He said with his mouth half full.

Allen sighed,”Yes basically.”

“If that’s the case.” Ditzy said happily,”I should get started on another batch! You wanna help Sparkler? It’ll be like when we were fillies.”

Sparkler smiled,” Sounds like-”

Crash!!! A deafening boom shook the house on its foundations and rattled the windows so hard that one could see them rippling like water in their frames. Nearly everyone hit the floor, Dinky and Veevee where at Ditzy’s side faster than light and the grey mare had her wings wrapped protectively around them both. Allen and Nova both had their bellies pressed to the hardwood while Loki floated near the rafters mimune to the effects of the shaking. Sparkler scrambled under the table as Tally took to the air. The Doctor was the only grounded being present who was able to weather the violent shaking, though at most it lasted ten or fifteen seconds.

“Is everypony okay?” The stallion asked as he looked around the room, surprised that nothing had fallen in the quake.

“We’re okay.” Ditzy said softly from where she still laid quieting Dinky’s fears.

“I’m good!” Sparkler called from under the table.

“What was that!?” Allen asked wide eyed, even laying down he was tall enough that you could the see the panic in his eyes over the tabletop. “Cuz I don’t do Earthquakes!”(4)

“Welcome to Equus!” The Doctor said with a cheery grin, completely ignoring the former humans rising anxiety.


“Dialga mentioned it.” The Doctor explained. “That was the Hall of Legends landing in the Everfree.” The stallion grinned,”Pokemon have officially arrived on the planet.”

The fear drained from the Fire-types expression,”Wha? But I’ve… We’ve! …” After a moment Allen rubbed on his temple with a hoof,”Uhg! Time travel!” He cursed.

The Doctor laughed,”I takes a while to get used too.”


“That’s probably Berry.” The Doctor said leaving the dinning room,”Probably lost a lot of stock with all that shaking.” The group went about picking themselves up as he left moving through the living room and up to the fron door just as another series of knocks rattled the door. “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Opening the door his eyes and ears were assaulted respectively, first was the sight of the only mare he knew who could out pink Sparkler. “Oh, hello Pinkie Pie.”

“OhmygoshDoctor! Iseveryponyokay? Didyoufeelthathugeexplosionitwasalllike BOOM andthen WHAAAAAAA andIwasalllike! UHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHHUHUHUHUHH!”

The Doctor watched as she seemed to expand as though she were about to explode then hit the ground so hard it made him wince. Then pressed against the ground she started to vibrate like she was experiencing the quake all over again. Smiling the Doctor put a hoof on her should o end her reenactment,”Yes Pinkie we felt it too, but everypony's okay now.”

Pinkie smiled and picked herself up,”That’s good. The Cakes are okay too so now i’m just going around making sure nopony got hurt.”

“Thank you for checking Pinkie. Do you need any help?”

She waved a hoof,”No thanks. I should go check the other homes.” She turned and started to hop/bounce towards Berry’s Tavern when she stopped mid hop. “Oh by the way. My Pinkie Sense went off a little bit ago.”

The Doctor’s smile faltered, though not because the mare was now just hanging in mid air.(5) “And what did it say?”

Pinkie shrugged,”Don’t know. But it’s gonna be a Doozie.”

Author's Note:

1.Like any sensible nation; Equestria has laws prohibiting the private manufacture of legal tender... Duh.
2. Several thousand light years away; A withered, scarred, unicorn stallion in a life support chair shuddered violently. It went unnoticed by his hateful children.
3. About two weeks away in Canterlot; an Infernape who had just been stuffing his face sneezed as he stepped out of the dining hall.
4. True story. None of Allen’s team knows Earthquake.
5. After everything he’s seen in the last 24 hours: it doesn’t even make his top ten

Hey guys if u see anything wrong let me know and I'll fix it.