• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 3,053 Views, 141 Comments

A New World, And A Better Way - Recteik Shade

An approved expansion of A New World, A New Way. When Arceus was freed from his prison he chose to abandon Earth and take his pokemon and a few chosen Humans with him. Allen a trainer from Unova was one who was lucky enough to be chosen.

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Chapter 24: The Doctor Is In {Self Edited}

Personal Note: I had really wanted to give you guys something for Christmas as a way to say thanks for all the likes, comments, and support. Thank you so much for everything! Plus What's Christmas without the Doctor? However I guess SilverWolf has been having a little IRL trouble so i went over these myself a dozen or so times. While i'm confident i got mot of the spelling errors i probably missed some, if you spot anything i missed let me know and i'll correct it. Thx for making this the best story I've ever written! And happy Christmas!

Chapter 24: The Doctor Is In

"Ditzy!" Sparkler cried making her sister yelp and spin to face her.

"Sparkler!?" She asked astonished. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Canterlot!” She then pulled her sister into a hugs of arms and wings.

"We found who we were looking for." Sparkler explained. "You should see Dawn she's beautiful, like a cat with championship pedigree."

"Wow. She's sounds real pretty."

She turned back to the counter as Mrs.Cake walked up with a box, "Here's your order dearee. Have a wonderful day."

"You too." Ditzy said as she used her wings to gently slide the box onto her back.

As they left Sparkler asked, "So why did you buy something from Sugarcube Corner?"

"It's a special treat for Veevee." She explained.

Sparkler raised an eyebrow, "A treat for Veevee? Why?"

"You felt the explosion in Canterlot right?" Sparkler nodded deciding not to add that she saw it from the mountain city as well. "Dinky and Pip were outside when it happened and Veevee saved them."

"What!? How?"

"I'm still not sure of the details. I don't want to scare Dinky by making her think about it too much." Ditzy said as they walked down the street nodding to Ponies and Pokemon alike. "But we wanted to do something to let her know how much we appreciate what she did."

Sparkler smiled, "I suppose I should get her something too." Her smile faded. "Sis? Can I ask for your advice on something?"

"You're not sure whether to go help Allen or go back to Fillydelphia and your classes?" Ditzy asked calmly.

Sparkler gaped at her. "How did you know!?"

"Cuz we're sisters ." She answered pausing briefly to turn left and take a different route. "But I can't really help you. This is something you've gotta do on your own."

"I know that." Sparkler sighed. "I actually already decided what I want to do. I'm just not sure how to tell everyone."

"You're going back to Filly then?" Ditzy asked.

Sparkler nodded. "I just hope I'm not making the wrong decision."

"I don't think it's that cut and dry sis." Ditzy said as they walked. "There's no right or wrong choice here. They are both important and no matter what your going to have to give something up. It's one of those no win scenarios."

"So it's either leave Allen and his family to wander the world, or its drop out of school." Sparkler said dejected. "How am I supposed to know what to do? I know I have to finish my classes but, why does that feel so wrong?"

"You're the only pony who can make that decision." Ditzy said. "But if they're really your friends. They'll understand and respect your choice."

Her words helped Sparkler feel better but did nothing to tell her she was making the right choice. "How did you get so wise?"

"I'm a mom." Ditzy giggled. "I know everything."

"Alright Veevee." Dawn said with a smile,"Let's start with what moves you know already."

They were standing in the high walled backyard and she couldn't help but feel nervous. "Um its, Tackle, Sand Attack, Helping Hand, Growl and, Detect."

"Detect? Did you get that from your parents?" Dawn asked sweetly and Veevee nodded. "Well I'm sure it will be a very useful move to have. Would you like to learn Protect too?"

"You can teach me Protect too!?" She asked.

"The two moves are very similar." Nova explained. "One is used to sense danger the other is just a barrier. However when used in tandem it can both frustrate your opponent and keep you out of harm's way."

"Hmmm were either of your parents an Espeon or Sylveon?" Dawn asked.

"Daddy was an Espeon." She said. "Why?"

"I was just curious who you got it from. Now then, on to the main event!" Dawn said as she looked around the yard. She spotted a tree stump near the wall, a perfect practice dummy for a Mon just starting. "Okay I'm going to walk you through the basics. Close your eyes and concentrate, take a deep breath and hold it." She saw Veevee do just that and nodded approvingly. "Now let it out slowly while still concentrating. Now breathe in again and out slowly. Focus on your tail. Picture in your tail in your mind. Picture it shining like silver and getting heavier and heavier."

Dawn continued to talk in a calm tone,"That's good Veevee. Now while focusing on your tail like you are now, I want you to hit that stump with your tail as hard as you can." She pointed with a paw in the direction of the wall.

"Right!" Veevee said her voice full of determination as she ran at the rooted piece of wood. She stopped short and spun on her forelegs swinging her whole hind end around and whacked the stump.... Nothing happened. She stared stare at the stump and her hindquarters,'It didn't work?'

"Fantastic Veevee!" Dawn cheered. "Your form was perfect!"

"Nicely done." Nova added nodded in approval.

"B- but it didn't work. I didn't use Iron Tail." Veevee said her eyes starting to water.

"Well of course it didn't." Dawn said moving to her side and pulling her into a hug. "No one ever gets it on their first try. It took me weeks of practice to get it right and weeks more to use it effectively. What matters is that you did everything right. Now we just have to keep practicing."

Veevee sniffled and tried to wipe away the wetness that was gathering in her eyes. "Okay." Her voice was a little shaky but Dawn could see she was ready to keep trying. "Can we try again?"

Dawn smiled, she was just so damn adorable. "Of course we can sweetie."

Allen and Dinky came into the backyard on her fourth go and as she tried Allen gave an impressed whistle. "Nice form! You may just get this quicker than Dawn did."

"Hey!" Dawn turned, reached up and, bopped the Fire-type on the nose with a paw.

Allen just chuckled and leaned down to nose Dinky towards Veevee, "Well go on. You're the trainer encourage her, cheer for her."

Dinky looked nervous but smiled,"You're doing great Veevee! Let's keep trying."

Veevee beamed at her,"Okay!" She said excitedly turning and running to strike at the stump again. This time, just for an instant her tail gave off a metallic flash.

It was brief only lasting a fraction of a second, but Allen, Nova and Dawn all saw it. "Veevee that was amazing!" Dawn cheered running up and hugging the Normal-type.

"What? What I do?" Veevee asked confused.

"Just for a moment you were starting to use Iron Tail." Nova explained grinning.

"I was!?" Veevee gasped she would have said more but she found herself getting tackled by a small grey blur.

"Veevee! Your so cool!" Dinky squealed as she wrapped her in an ursa hug.

Dawn laughed, "You ready to keep going you two?"

"Yeah!" Veevee cried jumping up and looking expectantly at Dinky.

"Let's go Veevee!"

"Well then." Nova said grinning. "While you help these two, Allen!" He turned to his trainer. "Time to start your training.

Allen grinned. "Let's do this."

"This looks like a good spot." Nova said and he stood on his hind legs looking out over the Ponyville reservoir. It was fairly far from town so there was little threat of a fire starting.

"Reminds me of when Mom and Silver took us to the beach to train you when we were little." Allen said. "But now I'm the one who's here to learn. Where do we start Nova?"

"By teaching you how to call on your flame at will." The Volcano Pokemon explained. "While your move set is advanced, you have only been using them instinctively without understanding where that power comes from."

"What do you mean?"

"Power in fire comes from the breath. It's not something that can be forced or used recklessly." Nova explained looking out over the reservoir. "So far your inner fire has been responding to your emotions. And that makes your flames extremely dangerous to both you and those around you."

"The nurse in Castelia." Allen said softly remembering one of the few times Nova had burned a person.

Nova flinched at the statement. "Yes, that is an example of why Fire-types like you and me must control our emotions." He gave himself a light shake. "Now then, stand here and face the lake." Allen did as instructed and Nova continued his lesson, "Now I want you to start breathing."

"Aren't I don't that already?" Allen asked uncertain how to take the vague instruction.

"Yes." Nova sighed. "This is different. Breathe in through your mouth then out slowly through your nose. Focus on the feeling of the air in your lungs."

Allen closed his eyes and slowly sucked air in through his mouth, letting it fill his lungs until they were full. Then he let it out through his nose.

"Exhale slower." Nova added. "Keep it slow and even." To illustrate he performed the exercise and on the exhale he breathed out a flurry of burning embers.

Allen nodded and returned to the exercise, breathing slowly and evenly. At first he did notice but with each breath the tension in his muscles drained away. His heartbeat slowed, and he began to feel a familiar and comfortable heat seep into his lungs. The heat continued to gather there and he began to focus his mind in the feeling, the warmth like hot tea going down his throat. 'But where does it come from?'

At first he didn't notice, focused as he was on the heat radiating through him, but with every exhale tiny sapphire embers flicked out of his nose. "Allen. I want you to try and use Fire Spin on the lake."

Allen jumped,"What? Oh right!" He glanced down and saw a small smouldering pile of embers in the sand. He then looked back at the the lake he took a big breath filling his lungs and holding it for just a second. Then blew the air out through his mouth, the result was a spectacular vortex of azure blue flame that set the lake's surface bubbling and steaming.

"Thats enough Allen. Nicely done." Nova nodded approvingly.

Allen stopped exhaling and closed his mouth too quickly and the excess fuel in his throat found another exit. A gout of flame roared out of his nostrils and made him sneeze, which also expelled a great deal of flame. "Gah! That tickles!"

"Very good Allen." Nova said. "You were able to pull on your flame quickly. But you still need work before you can call on it at will."

"You know what dad always said." Allen smiled as he rubbed on his muzzle. "Practice makes perfect."

"Indeed. Next I want you to just breathe fire. Don't put a sp-"

"Hey!" Called a voice making both Fire-types jump. "Quit trying to boil me."

Turning, they saw the long elegant slender form of a Dragonair slither from the water. Nova rubbed the back of his head and looked ashamed,"Oh, pardon us miss. I was just trying to teach my trainer some of the basics."

"Hehe sorry." Allen said ducking his head.

The Dragonair gave them a pouty frown,"Fine, no harm done I suppose. I'll be on the other side of the lake, try not to boil it too."

"Can do miss." Nova said. He watched as she slunk back into the water and as the slender shadow moved to the far side of the reservoir. "Now then Allen, try to take the spin out of your Fire Spin."

The sun was setting by the time Allen and Nova returned from the lake. They were greeted by the Doctor and Dawn who were sitting outside the house.

"Well you two certainly took your time." Dawn said with a little grin. "And how did your students first lessons go?"

"Allen performed exactly as I expected." Nova replied with a smug grin of his own. "He's singularly talented, motivated, and a very quick study."

"So Allen as usual then?" Dawn smiled and casually walked between his forelegs pressing her body against him and purring. "How do you feel about you first day of training?" She asked Allen directly even as she continued her affection.

"I'm getting the hang of it." He answered. "But I still need more practice." He puzzled the top of her head making her purr even louder,"And Veevee? How's she been doing?"

Dawn beamed proudly at the house,"She's going to need something new to practice on. That stump is mulch now."

"She got Iron Tail down that fast!?" Allen asked shocked. "I knew she was good but to get down in one day?"

"Oh she still needs plenty of practice, she still can't quite make it to the target but she has the basics. Tomorrow I think I'll show her protect and Flash Cannon."

"Your not going to stick it through until your sure she has it?" Allen asked surprised.

"Don't need to. She has a talented trainer." Dawn smiled,"Dinky reminds me a lot of you when you were young. With a trainer like her, Veevee will become very strong."

The front door opened and Sparkler poked her head out," Oh good you're back! Dinner's almost ready, everypony should go wash up."

"Sure thing Sparkler." Nova said tapping Dawn and signaling her to follow him.

They walked in behind the Doctor and Allen moved to head in too, his stomach rumbled at the thought of a hot meal. "Allen can I talk to you outside real quick?"

Allen raised an eyebrow but nodded,"Of course Sparkler." He stepped outside and pulled the door shut behind him. "What's up?"

"Do you remember that 8 wanted to tell you something on the train?" She asked looking down at the ground.

"Yeah. It seemed like it was bothering you a lot." He sat on his haunches and smiled down at her. "So come on, spill it."

"I... I'm..." Sparkler stammered she knew what she had to say but it felt so wrong. "I'm going back to Fillydelphia tomorrow." She sighed as she said it, a knot twisted in her stomach and she glanced up to gauge his reaction.

"Nova told me about your school." Allen said still smiling down at her. "To be honest I'm not sure why you didn't tell me then."

"I... I don't know it feels like I'm abandoning you guys. Like I'm just walking away." She sighed.

"Sparkler you never had to come with us." Allen said calmly. "Everything you've done for us has been because you wanted to help." He nudged her with his shoulder which made her look up at him. "I'm grateful for that. And I'm happy to call you my friend." He gave her a sad smile,"And I know that sometimes things happen and friends have to part ways. It's sad but that doesn't mean we won't be friends anymore."

"That's true." Sparkler said sounding hopeful. "I still wish I didn't have to leave."

"It's not like we'll never meet again." He grinned. "Tell you what, once we find Penny well come see you in Fillydelphia."

"Really?" She asked.

"You bet! I'll bring you back some souvenirs too!" He stood and walked towards the door and held it open for her. "So let's go eat and have a good time."

"Alright." Sparkler said. "I just hope Dinky takes it as well as you did."

"Aunt Sparkler! Please don't leave you only just got here!" Dinky cried clinging to her foreleg.

'So much for Dinky taking it well.' She thought to herself.

Fortunately, Ditzy came to her rescue,"Muffin you know she has school to go to. Just like you will come Monday."

"I know." The little filly pouted. "But I wanted to spend time with aunt Sparkler and now she's gonna leave."

"Hey I'm not leaving until tomorrow, I'll spend all of tonight with you okay?" Sparkler offered.

"Really?" Dinky sniffled. "Why do you have to go back so soon?"

Sparkler sighed,"Mostly because my friends in Fillydelphia don't know where I am and they'll get really worried if I'm not back soon." Silently she added,'Nopony was expecting the time traveling brother in law.'

Dinky sniffled a few more times,"Okay." She finally conceited.

Allen watched from the door to the dining room having to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. Watching Sparkler try to placate the little filly was beyond adorable. He watched as Ditzy and Sparkler set out stacks of potatoe pancakes and crocks of sour cream, butter, soft cheese and, spicy salsa. Allen himself was quiet through most of the meal, particularly because it was the best meal he'd ever eaten. However he spent most of the meal watching his family mingle with Sparkler's.

Nova and the Doctor were discussing the Everfree Forest and it's many dangers. Sparkler and Ditzy were telling Dinky a funny story while Dawn and Veevee talked about their plans for training tomorrow. Loki was missing but that was probably for the best. Through the whole meal he said less than two dozen words, just watching with a smile and thinking about the last time they had been like this. Like a real family back when Brandon was still traveling with them. It felt good, like he had found a piece of something he'd forgotten he was missing.

As the meal came to an end there were full bellies to spare, Allen's included, and he tried to help clear the table. One broken crock and a mess of wasted cheese later he found himself grumbling about his useless Rapidash arms.

"Don't worry about it Allen things happen." The Doctor said smiling. "C'mon I'll show you the guest room." He turned and lead Allen up the stairway to the second floor. He lead him into a room with a single queen sized bed and dresser and vanity mirror, other than that the room was surprisingly barren compared to the rest of the house. "Sparkler and Dinky are going to have a little slumber party. So I'll leave you to sort out who gets the bed."

He turned to leave when a glittering wisp of golden smoke trailed in through the open window. It gathered together in front of the Doctor's face and from it a sealed scroll popped into existence.

"What the?" Allen asked confused.

The Doctor caught it as it dropped and quickly pulled it open to scan it's message. "Ballocks!" He cursed,"The Princess wants to see me immediately!" He turned and rushed out of the room Allen right behind him.

"Doctor what's going on?" Allen asked still not sure what was happening or how glowing ash turned into a scroll.

"Princess Celestia just sent me a message via Dragonfire." The Earth stallion explained. "She wants me to meet her in the dungeons."

"How are you going to get there?" Allen wondered. "I thought you couldn't use the TARDIS?"

"Not for time travel." The Doctor explained. "But it's still a spaceship."

"Oh." Allen sighed having to stop himself from facehooving. "Right... Can I come?"

"Sure." He answered quickly as he made his way into the kitchen to explain to Ditzy where he was going and what was happening.

"Tell the Princesses I said hi." Ditzy said waving them off.

"Alrighty then! C'mon Allen!" The Doctor called heading into the backyard and the TARDIS.

'I'm never gonna get used to this.' He thought as he stepped in through the wooden doors finding himself in a vast room of metal catwalks and branching metal supports. The Doctor was already fiddling with the controls when the door swung shut behind him and the crystalline structure began to work itself up and down. Much to his surprise the ride was less chaotic than the previous trips, though the whole ship rattled and shook.

"Oh I'm gonna love these stabilizers!" The Doctor cheered. "Thank you Arceus!"

Allen frowned at the mention of the god but kept it to himself,"So this is better than what normally happens?"

"Oh loads better." He said grinning. "And bringing is in..." There was a loud gong like sound and the shaking and crystals stopped. "And welcome back to Canterlot!"

Knock knock knock!

Someone outside the ship beat quickly and loudly on the doors and he quickly made his way to the door. "Hello Princess."

"Doctor thank you for coming on such short notice." Allen recognised Celestia's voice right away. "We have a situation that requires your eye for detail."

"What's happened?" The Doctor stepped out into a stone room lined with cells and heavy iron doors. The room was lit by a werelight, which had no source and cast light into every nook and cranny. The stone walls were blackened and towards the center cell wrap and half melted. "Whoa."

"Yes I take it you can see why we are concerned?" Celestia said motioning to Luna who stood by the heavily warped iron door.

"What happened here?" The Doctor asked walking up to Luna, who was staring forlornly at the cell.

"She didn't deserve this." Luna muttered to herself.

"What?" He asked following her gaze into the cell and staring hard at the horror scene inside. Near the back wall of the cell lay the mostly cremated remains of a pony. Nearly all that was left of her were cracked blackened bones, the only traces of soft tissue cling to the underside of bones and were now black leather. "Good Lord." The Doctor said. "Luna who was this!?"

The room was silent, Luna seemed not to hear him so he turned to Celestia, hoping she could explain. However Celestia was currently staring hard at a certain azure blue Rapidash who had stepped out of the TARDIS. Allen smiled sheepishly and gave her a small bow,"Hello again your grace."

"In recent days I had begun to suspect you were a Pokemon." She answered in a smooth even voice.

Allen smiled again,"Yeah I am. I never formally introduced myself. I'm Allen Swans. To be honest I'm surprised you remember me." He glanced at Luna,"It was a very long time ago."

"It is not something that I can ever truly forget." She turned to face the Doctor,"The remains in that cell belong to Amethyst Edge."

"The Captain of the Third Division?" He asked snapping his gaze back to the charred skeleton. "Why was she down here?"

"She was awaiting trial." Luna answered. "T'had been revealed that she was responsible for falsely persecuting many Pokemon, as well as falsifying official documents and hostile misuse of her authority. When faced with these atrocities she adamantly insisted the Pokemon were a threat to be eradicated."

'She must be the one who tried to kill Dawn!' Allen tried to keep the frown from his face as he stepped towards the cell to see for himself. It wasn't pretty and he felt his stomach clench as he saw the mostly skeletal remains. "Oh god!" He gagged.

"Yes it is very unpleasant." Celestia agreed. "As you can imagine Doctor the current situation has our resources stretched thin. Who or whatever is responsible for this must be held accountable for its actions. The Royal Guard is attempting to keep order across the kingdom." She looked the Doctor straight in the eye, her face a mask of neutrality. "Due to her actions of late we have to consider the possibility that a Pokemon may be the culprit."

"This wasn't a Pokemon." Allen stated. "The source of the fire was from inside the cell."

"How do you know that?" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.

" You can see it in the way the iron is melted. Look." He pointed with a hoof. "See how there are lines where the iron got so hot it started melting? You can see those same lines in the stone inside the cell."

All eyes turned to the scene scrutinizing it," by Jove! He right!" The Doctor cried. "If we could just get these bars off... Look there, near the bodies hooves."

Even as he pointed Luna's horn flared and a deep blue aura surrounded the melted bars. With no show of effort on her part, Luna pulled her head back and the bars were ripped from the wall and placed to one side. "... That works."

The Doctor walked into the cell and began to examine the burn pattern on the floor. He poked at it with what Allen at first thought was a handheld flashlight. That was until it pinged and popped open, he held it close to his eyes reading what he'd found. After 'raising an eyebrow he leaned down and licked the charred stone floor. He gagged and tried to wipe the foul tasting carbon from his tongue. After a great deal of spitting he muttered,"High concentration of magnesium. Allen? Can you think of any kinds of Pokemon that are capable of this?"

"Any mature Fire-type." He answered staring at the dead body. "But there's only one fire move I know of that could be shot and then explode."

"And that is?" Luna asked stepping up and getting very close to his face. "Speak quickly! I want those responsible found!"

"It's a move called Flame Burst. If this was a Pokemon and I doubt it is, that move could do something like this." Allen looked passed Luna and to the body, something wasn't right. "It's not a very common move. I guess there's a trick to it."

"The Doctor nodded,"Thank you Allen. I don't want to think a Pokemon was responsible for this either. But I have to consider every option." Allen nodded but continued to stare at the corpse.

Celestia stepped up to Luna and draped her wing over her back and slowly stepped out of the cell,"Please calm down Luna. I'm certain the Doctor can handle this. But there is still much else going on and we will likely have a very busy day tomorrow."

Luna sighed,"You are right sister. We should retire for the evening." She gave another forlorn look at the charred remains of pony. "Let us hope this is brought to a swift conclusion."

"Your Highness?" Allen called from inside the cell. "What kind of pony was Amethyst?"

Celestia turned and raised an eyebrow,"What? She was a Pegasus..."

"The winged ones right?" He asked just to clarify. Celestia nodded again. He looked down at the pony remains much more skeptically,"I don't know anything about pony anatomy but if this was a pegasus shouldn't there be something left of her wings?"


"What!?" The Doctor cried trotting up and leaning over the corpse once again. "No, this is somepony else!? Who are you!?"

"Doctor!? Are you saying that this is somepony different and not Amethyst Edge!?" Luna asked raising her voice. "How is that possible? Then where is Amethyst!?"

His eyes got wider as he turned to face the princess,"Either she's escaped and involved with this poor souls death. Or she was abducted by whatever force killed this pony and damaged the room."

"There's also the chance she's dead somewhere else." Allen suggested.

"Oh great you're a grim one huh?" The Doctor jabbed.

Allen shrugged,"Just trying to consider every possibility."

"Then I am tasking you with discovering the truth Doctor." Celestia instructed. "I want to know the fate of Amethyst Edge and those responsible for this farce brought to light."

The Doctor nodded,"You can count on me your Highness."

She turned,"Come Luna, she should prepare for bed."