• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 3,053 Views, 141 Comments

A New World, And A Better Way - Recteik Shade

An approved expansion of A New World, A New Way. When Arceus was freed from his prison he chose to abandon Earth and take his pokemon and a few chosen Humans with him. Allen a trainer from Unova was one who was lucky enough to be chosen.

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Chapter 5: Family Reunions Suck

" It looks like that message was heard by every sentient being on the planet." The Doctor tapped at the keyboard as he stared at the screen. Ever since Arceus made his not so little speech the Earth stallion had been trying to assess the situation.

" But how did he do it?" Ditzy asked clearly worried. The Eevee, which her daughter had named Veevee, seemed peaceful enough but she worried for her daughters safety. She was leaning on the railing watching the two playing tag in the T.A.R.D.I.S. they seemed so happy, was it really possible such an adorable little creature could be dangerous?"

" It looks like he tapped into the morphic field surrounding the planet. " He looked over and saw the worried look on his wife's face. " Hey, hey, it's okay Derpy." He stepped away from the console and pulled her into a hug. " Veevee seems like a sweet heart, and if this Arceus guy is centered in the Everfree then Celestia is probably already on top of things."

" Do you think she'll want us to get involved?"

" I doubt it. In a situation like this she'll most likely get involved herself." He paused as he thought through deeper into it. " Or at the very least she'll send Twilight and the other Element Bearers." Ditzy relaxed in his grip and let out a small sigh," Better?"

Ditzy smiled up at him and kissed his cheek," Much, thank you."

" Can we go see Aunt Sparkler now Mommy?" Dinky asked excitedly as she and Veevee raced up the stairs. " I want her to meet Veevee!"

Ditzy smiled and scooped the pair up in her wings," Of course we can Muffin. I know she'll be so happy to see you. Why don't you go get your bags and then we can go." She set the excitable little filly down and watched her gallop off, Veevee right behind her. It only took a moment for the pair to reappear, and the family set out into the city Ditzy in the lead, Dinky and Veevee happily talking about the fillies aunt, and bring up a the rear of the small formation; a less than thrilled stallion.

" So what about you Veevee? Where is your Mommy and Daddy?" Dinky asked curious about her new friend.

The small Normal-type frowned and her ears drooped," I don't know where Mama is now. Daddy is probably still with his trainer. He only came to the Daycare when our trainer wanted to pick up another egg." She stopped walking and curled up on herself. " Or leave behind one of my brother's or sister's that were, wrong, like me."

Dinky moved to give Veevee a hug and comfort her only to see the Doctor reach out and give the tiny Pokemon a reassuring pat on the head. He looked down on her with sad brown eyes, and as she looked up into them she saw,or rather felt, that he understood her sadness. " Sometimes people can be very cruel, even if they don't mean to be. I'm not sure what that person thought he was looking for Veevee." The Doctor smiled down at the Eevee as he lightly scratched her ear," But I can tell you now that there is nothing wrong with you. And you can stay with us for as long as you like."

The little Normal-type smiled back up att he old stallion with teary eyes before blinking them away and nuzzling him," Thank you." Dinky pulled her friend into a tight little hug which was returned with equal vigor.

After a moment to let the youngsters hug that out The Doctor cleared his throat to draw their attention," Now then. I think we should catch up with your mother. We don't want her to get to your aunt's house and have us not be there do we?"

It took a moment for what he said to register, but when it did her eyes doubled in size and she squeaked in alarm as she looked in every direction for the mare," Uh oh!"

" Okay so I didn't give you ponies enough credit." Allen said as he looked over the large herd of photographers that the Mayor and police chief were addressing. The ponies had already been there eager to get the headline in tomorrows newspaper, but after Arceus made his announcement they had mobbed the the poor stallion with questions. The Lairon quartet had made a break for it after what Arceus had said, deciding that they didn't want to have to work to pay off the damage they had done.

Sparkler gave him a odd look, as Tally preened his feathers from his favourite perch, before the older mare asked," What do you mean by that?"

" A god just shows up and talks to everyone on the planet and you brush it off like its nothing. Back on Earth there would have been mass hysteria." He looked over at Sparkler," Does stuff like this happen a lot on this planet?"

The pink mare giggled," Well no this is definitely a first for us too." Her smile dropped after a second," Would Humans really have reacted that badly to the situation?"

" Some Humans don't handle change or tragedy well." Nova offered. " After the cataclysm there was a fringe group that wanted to hunt down and destroy the Legendaries, believing they were too dangerous to let run wild."

The mare looked shocked and Allen groaned," Ya I remember reading about those idiots. It was a good thing they were so vocal because it made it that much easier for the Rangers to find them."

"Excuse me sir." A voice said. Turning they saw an officer looking haggard," The Chief suggested that you should leave now before the reporters find you."

Allen looked up to see that some of the ponies had broken away from the herd and were clearly stalking around looking for someone, or most likely the mon that had been sent in to take care of the Lairon. Allen groaned and ducked his head to be less noticeable, as if being a flaming horse didn't make him stand out. " Ya, I'd rather not have to deal with that." He turned to Nova and Sparkler," We should go before they spot me." He turned and thanked the officer before the trio did their best to bet a hasty retreat.

As they wondered through the streets Sparkler took the lead, Nova had dropped to all fours again and Allen brought up the rear. " Well that was an interesting way to spend an hour." The pink mare looked back at the Fire-types," Let's get back to my house, I'm starving."

" I could certainly use something to eat." Nova grumbled. "I wonder if there was anything tasty swimming around in that pond in the park."

For the second time that day Sparkler gave the Pokemon a horrified look," You eat meat!?"

Nova for his part shrugged at her as he walked," Sometimes, odds are I won't find any Sitrus berries around here." Behind him he heard Allen groan, " What?"

"I just realized that means no Leppa berries for Dawn, and now that I can understand her she'll probably bitch till she's blue in the face." The look of dread on his face reminded Nova of the time he had challenged Alder to a Battle not realizing the man had been a Champion.

"She was always spoiled." Nova said with an amused snort. " She'll just have to learn to make due like the rest of us. And who knows, maybe Lord Arceus brought a few berry plants with him."

" Maybe." The Rapidash sighed," It's one more thing I'll have to ask him." That comment earned an astonished look from Nova," What? He told us exactly where to find him and god or not I'm gonna lay into him about..." He motioned first to himself and then to the city around them," All this."

" Cussing out a god may not be the best plan Allen." Nova warned.

Maybe not." Allen said with a shrug," But somebody needs to do it. He sounds really high on himself"

" He's a god." Nova deadpanned.

Allen opened his mouth to make a retort when a high squeaky voice sounded to the right. " AUNT SPARKLER! From around the corner of a building a small pale grey unicorn filly did a flying tackle into the pink mare, driving the air from her lungs his a pained exhale.

" Whoa!" Tally cried as he launched himself into the air.


"Sparkler!" Both Nova and Allen yelled at the same time, as they rushed to the mares aid.

The little filly had wrapped her in a tight little hug and was nuzzling into her neck while the mare wheezed and gulped down air. She lifted her head looking the young pony over in confusion," Dinky?" She rasped. " Why are you in Fillydelphia?" She reasoned and then in a more panicked voice asked," Where is your mother!?"

" Right here sis." A pony that looked very similar to the filly that had Sparkler in an usra hug, save that she had a pair of wings instead of a horn, with a cheerful grin on her face. " Maybe you should let Sparkler up Muffin."

" Dog Pile!" Squealed a voice as a brownish blur rushed passed the grey mare and jumped into the air only to belly flop onto the two ponies. Allen and Nova stared with growing smiles as the two youngsters laughed with delight," So this is your Aunt Dinky? She smells like your mom."

The pair shrieked excitedly as they rolled off the mare so she could stand," Ditzy! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" The two mares pulled each other into a hug," It's so good to see you again." The smile dropped from her face as she and her sister broke from embrace and Sparkler saw a light brown Earth Pony standing behind Ditzy. Sparkler narrowed her eyes and glared at the stallion," Time Turner." She said coldly.

Time Turner gave her a curt nod," Pink one." Allen heard a curious ascent and a touch of amusement in his voice.

Sparklers glare twisted into a scowl," Why is he here?"

The pegasus mare, whom Allen had just noticed was wall eyed, gave a nervous chuckle," Well I did marry him." She cast an uneasy look between the two ponies," Can we not do this right now? I really just want to catch up sis."

" Whoa cool! Mommy, Daddy look at those two!" Dinky called both excited and awed. She was staring at Allen with her little mouth hanging open," Are you a princess?"

Allen laughed at the question," No I'm a huma-" Allen stopped himself and looked down at his hooves," No little one, I'm just a Pokemon."

" You were about to say something else." The brown stallion said as he walked up to the former human.

" He was saying how he used to be a lot uglier than he is now." An all to familiar voice said from above the group and several pairs of eyes turn up to see Loki and his annoying grin.

"Where have you been Loki!?" Nova growled as he glared up at the Ghost-type who blew a Razzberry at the Volcano Pokemon as he drifted towards the assembled ponies.

" Just looking around." He glanced at Time Turner and gave him a creepy knowing grin. " You wouldn't believe the things you find on this Planet." The grin dropped from his face," Well there's something I never imagined I'd find myself saying."

Allen gave the Ghost a hard look," You didn't happen to see Dawn, Penny, or Drakarus did you?"

Loki shook his head, which was basically him twisting his whole body back and forth," Not a sign of the rest of our little freak show."

" You're an idiot." Nova growled.

"Mommy is that a Ghost?" Dinky asked as she poked her mother's foreleg, while watching the Shadow Pokemon make obscene gestures at the Fire-type.

" No of course not Muffin," Ditzy said with a smile. " There's no such thing as Ghosts."

" Actually he is." Tally said as he settle back onto his favourite perch atop Sparklers horn while giving Loki a dirty look. " He's a real jerk too."

Loki looked at the Taillow flatly," Flattery will get you nowhere."

Time Turner looked ready to make a comment but just as he opened his mouth several stomachs grumbled, including Dinky and Sparklers. Chuckling he smiled over at his wife," We should probably get something to eat. Haven't had anything since we got here have we Derpy?"

Sparkler shot the stallion a death glare that made Allen flinch,Nova leaned down," What do you think that's all about?"

" Ya." The former Human whispered back. " I'm not pulling the pin on that grenade."

" Maybe it has something to do with that box they showed up in." Loki added more than loud enough to draw the ponies attention.

Time Turner and Ditzy exchanged nervious glances, something Sparkler noticed," What's he going on about?"

" Oh ya, you should have seen it." Loki drifted towards her hanging upside down with a mischievous grin. " There I am just looking around, seeing the sights, and then I hear the oddest thing." The Ghost-type shifted his gaze to the married couple," The strangest wheezing sound. So I go to investigate and what do I see but a big blue box that just popped up up outta nowhere and smashes a trashcan." He floated up to the now sweating stallion," Nice place by the way. How did you do the whole bigger on the inside thing? Kinda wish that's how Pokeballs worked."

Sparkler locked her gaze on her sister, narrowing her eyes as though she was seeing her for the first time," Sis?"

After exchanging another nervious glance with her husband she gave a defeated sigh," I guess it's time you knew." She met her sister glare with a sad grin," But we had a good reason to for not telling you."

As Loki drifted back to Allen still wearing his smug, I caused trouble, grin; Nova caught him in the back of the head witha Fire Punch," Idiot."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I.R.L. has been kicking my ass.

On an unrelated note; TIMEY-WHIMEYNESS!!!