• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 7,213 Views, 291 Comments

Crashed and Burned in Equestria - Gaz1997

Matrix, a young captain and pilot in the British royal air force who has been through so much goes flying for the last time on earth before ending on the brink of death and entering a new world only a sought few believe to exist

  • ...

Welcome to Paradise!

this chapter is waaaaaaaaay overdue and it is also a test as well for this chapter for some of it will be in 2nd person (mainly the first bit but the rest will either be in 1st or 3rd as normal) hope it meets you're expectations and feels


also zenasis's lines and thoughts are now in green

~~2nd person~~

you were matrix and you had thought that setting up a party was going to be easy, boy were you dead wrong, the holy crap amount of paperwork that had to be done that ranged from renting out space for a small DJ booth or stage, beverages and to hire additional acts to come along and perform and boost the fun, was to say ‘bloody boring’.

you had been sitting mostly inside you're new office room in you're new house, it was pretty big, two storeys high minus the attic and basement, the first floor had a kitchen, a dining room, a lounge area and a study, upstairs had a master room with walk-in bathroom and three smaller bedrooms and another bathroom, the basement was split into two sections which meant you had plenty of space for future things, the house itself was alarmingly low price, only three thousand bits, this may seem very cheap for you from back on earth but this was fairly high by equestrian standards, the mayor even said so when you went to buy the house, you had moved in very easily since you only accumulated a small amount of things in you're short time here.

Two days and a major crap tonne of paperwork later, vinyl and yourself had finally got pretty much everything done and sorted for the beach party in the next four days, you both had recruited another performer by inviting her to perform from her busy schedule, surprisingly she was actually willing to come along, she was the famous sapphire shores, the pony of pop, you had seen her brief appearance on that one episode of the show and you hoped that she would live up to her name.

you and vinyl had spent around two hours getting that song from you're laptop to her sound board system, then she had to get that processed and put it onto a vinyl record since they don't have CD or USB technology here yet, then finally you sent it off with lyrics to the singing pony, hoping that in the time you both had she would be able to sing it, the song in question was ‘do your thing’ by the basement jaxx , you had heard the song from a game a while back and thought the singers voice sounded almost like sapphires from the show.

when you finally had that one task done they still had to get the rest of the preparations sorted, you saw fit that you would want some form of security whilst there, who knows how much of the equestrian population had heard of you and you're musical partnership with pon-3, what kind of idiot wouldn't have some form of security

so you took the liberty of sending a letter via spike mail to the princess if she could spare a small contingent of guards to be security, and happily she said yes knowing that she and her sister were also going to be invited as well as being able to take a casual break from being a ruler of a country, that and she knew how much of a fan-mare Luna had become of you, you were beyond surprise when she had wrote that in the reply, you weren't even sure if Luna had even heard or been to one of you're performances?

you wouldn't be surprised if she 'had' a crush on you

Now with four days to go you both sat down in you're home in the living room, rainbow had stopped by from cloud duty for her lunch break and was splayed across you're lap with her eyes closed and ear pressed against where you're heart was, listening to the strong beating as she relaxed herself from a busy morning of cloud organizing, silver was upstairs in one of the rooms, since silver had said he was on the road and was currently living in a motel room, being the human you are with all you're generosity offered him to stay with you in you're home, so long as he helped out occasionally, silver didn't mind at all since the human-pony duo we’re now practically brothers, symbolically of course.

Vinyl was sitting on the opposite sofa from you and rainbow, listening to some music from you're iPod, slightly bobbing her head as some dub step played though the earphones, a quick thought came to mind as she fumbled with the touch screen to play the next track and glanced at the couple.

"Those two make a cute couple, almost like me and octy, I wonder how he managed to tame the pony that is the rainbow dash…………..hmm funny it feels like I've forgotten something?"

“Hey Dj humanz”

“yeeeeeees” you answered as you stroked a hand among rainbows messy tom coltish hair

“I feel like we've forgotten something, about the beach party?”

“well, we can’t have, all the invites to our friends are out, all the girls are coming that's including Derpy, scoots is sadly still in hospital, Applebloom and Sweetiebelle as well as subtle rampage, sliver, frost and splits, although split second said he was coming, he mentioned he may have to do something before-hoof, heck even the princesses are coming along, the stage is being set up there as we speak and there are posters being put up in all the major cities and towns which i have no idea how you got hold of but now my face is everywhere!, what could we possibly have missed!” you answer

“what about the music?” rainbow piped in, you and the Dj pony locked at each other in complete shock as you had forgotten the most important thing as you simultaneously spoke


After the initial shock wore down, you had spent the rest of the day frantically running around the house going through both of you're own music and going through each other’s deciding which tracks would be best and some you would save for later shows and concerts

"whats all the bloody racket down there! cant a stallion have a lie-in for once in his life!"

"sorry brother!"

~~3rd person, three and alot of pissing about days later~~

“Pull up you son of a bitch!” Mat was flying high above the town, you know as you do, well if you can call flying high going into a vertical dive hundreds of miles an hour after failing trying to go to your jets maximum altitude.

Then stalling

Then falling into a vertical nose dive that if it turns unrecoverable you are royally screwed, but luck, thankfully, was on the human’s side as he expertly regained control over the jet and levelled it out at around roughly five thousand feet.

“Phew, note to self, never, do that, again, ever” he spoke to himself trying to regain some sanity of his failed test before he glance at his radar screen, there was something approaching from his six and fast, this was odd because he had the only jet in the existence of Equestria so how it was picking up anything baffled him, that is until a rainbow blur shot past the canopy and swerved around then went backwards over the canopy

“The hell is………..rainbow” he gasped before turning back to his screen to track her through the sky since he couldn't always keep his eye on her, strangely enough though, ten seconds ago she was there, now she wasn't?

“Playing games now are we?” he spoke playfully as he saw her in the corner of his eye heading towards a cloud bank

“Come out come out were ever you are”

"such childish behavior" zen spoke out of the blue materializing as a smaller version of himself and sat on the humans shoulder

"oh bugger off zen" mat retorted jokingly

He slowed the craft down and swiveled the engine into hover to get a better look at the ‘innocent’ looking clouds, he scanned over them looking for anything out of the ordinary, yeah like anything isn't out of the ordinary in this country.

He slowly strafed to the side and spotted a cloud big enough to land on and hoping that the cloud walking spell was still working and gently set her down, when he felt the aircraft no longer falling, he looked around the edges of the cockpit and saw he made a perfect landing.

On a cloud

A fucking cloud.

A jet fighter breaking all laws of physics in a world that literally breaks physics with a hammer, was standing on a cloud, he switched of the engine and undid the buckles that kept him in his seat, he popped open the canopy then carefully climbed out and landed with a small ‘puff’ as his boots touched the fluffy platform.

“and they said chuck Norris could swim through land” he spoke proudly, then he heard a small bout of laughter from the surrounding clouds, clearly rainbow was trying to be the ninja here, but clearly she wasn't doing the greatest of jobs doing so.

He then saw a small amount of movement on the far left cloud and he could clearly see a rainbow tail obliviously poking out from it, he grinned as he stealthily crouched up to the cloud and moved around it to where he saw rainbow was camping so to speak, she in turn looked through her spy hole and saw that he wasn't there, now was the time to strike, he slowly pulled one of his M9’s and slowly sneaked up to her and held it close to her ear, well obviously not that close that he could deafen her.


*insert girlish scream here*

“Bwahahahaha” after seeing his marefriend’s initial reaction he ended up rolling around on the cloud on his back laughing.

“Not funny”

“Was for me”

“That’s it!” she shouted as she made a dash at him, knocking into his chest, they tumbled across the cloud for a minute and they ended up with matrix on his back with dash standing on top pinning his arms to the cloud

“Not so funny now is it” she panted but she couldn't say anything else as he moved his head forward to kiss her, she didn't expect it but she quickly melted into it.

She had always thought that she would never fall for a stallion, she was different from most mares, being a tom-colt and was a little bit of a overachiever at times

Well she was dead wrong, but the strange thing was, she fell for him, but it was a good strange, the days that had gone by some ponies took notice that her attitudes had changed slightly ans she had noticed it as well, coarse she was still herself but when he was there she felt more............peaceful and less...............judged, he had noticed that and didn't mind it but she still did act like herself to maintain her image and when she acted differently around him he was there to make sure nopony took the piss, they still had yet to reveal themselves to the public

They eventually broke up the kiss and simply stared into each other’s eyes not before long mat’s iPod's alarm went of

“Crap, rainbow I need to head back and finish the rest of my packing for tomorrow, want to come back to my house for a bit and watch a movie or something?”

“Sure, but my wings are pretty tired from my exercise's”

“That’s ok; you can catch a ride with me back to town”

“You’re serious?”

“dead serious, I can give you a non-exhausting trip back to town and you get to experience flying in a new way, think about it”

“Hmm that’s really not a bad idea, sure let’s do it!”

“All right cool, hop in”

He climbed in first then got himself situated in the seat, then rainbow leaped up to the cockpit and sat in his lap like a dog would with her back resting all the way to his chest, it was awkward to say the least but mat could still fly and fairly see, the only problem was he had to move his arms around rainbows wings and body to use the stick on the right side and throttle on the left, he closed the canopy window and sealed it shut, rainbow was just in complete awe at how advanced the machine was to her looking at all the instruments he was just sitting there grinning as he fired up the engine albeit rather slowly.

“You ready to fly like humans do?”

“Heck yeah!”

“Well.........hold on then”

he started the engine, it growled with a low roaring sound then it grew and grew into a high pitched whine ,thankfully the canopy was sound proofed so ears where not shattered, he applied some throttle gaining lift from the cloud platform and floated away from it where he hovered there

“By the rainbow you might ‘really' want to hold onto something!”


Because where on an express elevator to hell! Going down!” he shouted before sharply angling the plane forward and cutting of the throttle, entering free fall, they began picking up speed, getting faster and faster as rainbow screams became louder and louder.

'show off!'

'bite me zen!'

~~the next day~~

"ok guys i'll see you all there in a few hours" matrix shout as he waved the whole gang goodbye at the train platform, they would be heading on a 1 hour trip to fillydelphia where they would then get on one of the cruise zeppelin passenger balloon things, twilight had shown him a few in a book and they where massive, almost as big as the zeppelins of the early twentieth century, apparently they were that strong they could probably carry his jet and more in its special designed cargo hold on the gondola thing, yeah he knew F all about balloons, and thankfully they were taking his luggage for him, such nice friends

"right, its just you and me zen old buddy, you now which way mare-ami is right?"

"what am I a freaking sat-nav"? said the smoky miniature Pegasus on his shoulder

"how do you even know what those even are?" mat looked at him

"i live in you're head! i see what you see and what you've seen!" he waved his little fore-hooves around for emphasis

"shut up! come on we've got a beach to get to!"

"amen to that!"

"i think humanity has corrupted you're stupid ass mind!"

"i try"

"righty-o then, let get a bloody move on!" he said as he sprinted back to his house, when he finally got there he rushed upstairs opened his wardrobe and pulled out his travel clothing, some swim shorts and a palm tree hula shirt, yeah just shows how awesome of a tailor rarity is!

he slipped of his current cloths and put his new clothes on, he then pulled out his flight suit, put that on and finally his flight boots, he had some sandals in his planes storage compartment, again curtsy of rarity, plucked up a pair of aviator sunglasses he bought and put them on his face, checking himself out in his mirror he couldn't help but visualize himself as tom cruise.

breaking away from his little moment, he rushed downstairs to pluck his keys, iPod and helmet of the dining table, he put on his helmet keeping the visor up and situating his iPod in his chest pocket, he sprinted out the front door, locked it and pocketed his keys then ran around to the back of his house, where his ride was ready and waiting for him, the grey metal beast shone in the light as he walked up to it, he took a second and looked left and right at the surrounding land behind his house

the land was mostly flat either ways and in the mid-far distance it rolled of into small hill, he guessed that on either side the flat land was around 2500 to 2600 feet long or about 800 meters, the ideal and more or less perfect take off and landing distance for his aircraft, he considered that he could buy the land and build a runway with a small hanger to store his jet properly, he had the bits just slightly but with the amount of money expected to come from the party tomorrow he'd be set for a while

noting down his thoughts and came back to real world and climbed up into his transportation, getting himself comfy in the seat whilst strapping himself in, he closed the canopy and pulled out his iPod earphones and slipped them under his helmet into his ears and plugged them into his iPod, turning back his craft, he begun the procedure of firing up the engine, flipping switches and buttons here and there, the roaring sound of the turbine spooling up filled the air outside the cockpit, he smiled as he listened to one of his favourite noises.

he took hold of the joystick and thrust lever and gently nudged it forward applying vertical take-off thrust, he reached his mark and the wheels left the ground, with one hand he whipped out his iPod and quickly selected his flight playlist and turned up the volume, as he gained height he moved forward gaining momentum and soon he was flying faster and faster.

"god i love this!

"as do i"

"hmm, right so which way is it?"

"pull a hard left now and just keep heading straight, from the speed we're going i guess we should get there in two maybe three hours? you cant miss the island"

"mare-ami is on an island? no one ever said anything about that?"

"you never asked"

"ok smart ass, banking left" he spoke before pulling a hard left

~~meanwhile back on earth, three months in the future, location; England, classified airbase~~

~~ Benjamin 1st/3rd perspective~~

Diary entry 12

I still cant believe its been three months, three months since that order i was given, to shoot down one of our own, a blue on blue, he just didn't know that he was classified airspace, I also didn't know he was going to be the newest member for our team, that's if he ever got the invitation, the news was all over it 'young R.A.F. pilot goes down over countryside in heavy storm, no wreckage has been found?'

They thought that he must of been hit by lightning or something that wasn't necessarily the truth, the young pilot call sign 'Matrix' I think it was, was flying over highly restricted and classified airspace, my high command ordered me to either fly him out of there.....or shoot him down with these newly developed top secret E.M.P air to air missiles, designed to disable the craft it hits sending it to the ground with enough time for the pilot to at least eject, no deaths involved

but this wasn't the case with him, the storm must have been jamming his comms, I couldn't get to him, so it left me with no choice.

I fired, it hit, it disabled, but he didn't eject, the storm was too strong , i saw him fall in a weird flash of light, then my radar was no longer active, it was like he just.....vanished of the earth the storm was so wild couldn't even see the impact, if there was one.

my 'mission' complete I headed back, every time I think about i feel and hear my ancestors looking down on me in dishonor, I know i'm american with a Japanese decent, but I can feel it somewhere, if only I could have done something more for him.

Benjamin, call sign 'Behemoth' sat in a flimsy garden chair with the rest of his squadron on the taxiway, all of them surrounding a barrel fire with there own jets circling them from behind, Ben was the leader of this classified mercenary squadron hired by the American or British government's, they weren't with the official air-forces but they got access to alot more than you're average pilot

Ben was a Japanese/American, born in japan to a Japanese mother and American father, he lived in Tokyo for a the first few years of his life but then his family moved to america cause of his dad, he still went back there every now and then to visit his other side of the family, when he was younger he was fascinated by the wonders of flight, so when he was old enough he joined the U.S.A,F (american air-force) where he met his rag tag team of friends and pilots, they did the best in trials training you name it, so good in fact the high command offered them a deal, a really good deal

they were looking for a team of top shot pilots for this small merc program, not your shady run of the mill type, a spotless type, to Ben this sounded an awful lot this the ghost recon and H.A.W.X games and surprisingly, they were, they could access most files about other pilots, test new planes and weaponry and do some other secret stuff, and the pay was good...........really good

his team of 'friends' well if you could call a group of obnoxious loud fun loving friends 'friends' , then you contradict yourself there.

first there was Randell, call-sign 'Talon'
american born and a dog-fighter at heart, flew the good old F-16 and wouldn't stop bragging about his 'skillz' but he is an overall nice guy and buys them all the drinks, most of the time.

next was Wingo, 'weird name?' call-sign 'Dagger'
originally from France but emigrated to america, he was the multi purpose fighter and Flew his country's plane, the Dassault Rafale, as much as he was a nice guy he loved his fights as well, despite his annoying accent and cravings for croissants.

next is Davidson, call-sign 'Bronco-5'
another american born and was the close-air support in his A-10 warthog, he was seen as the official 'tough guy' of the lot, he was the biggest on the base an no one fought up to him, unless you wanted you're head caved in, most times you would see him fitting out his A-10 out with the biggest fattest bombs he could get his hands on that would fit although he mainly went in him his massive Gatling gun blazing! another fact about him, never challenge him to am arm wrestle you will not win, only lose at the hospital, he broke both of one persons arms when he tried to use them both just to get his one arm down.

next it Matthew, (or Matt for short) call-sign 'Shade'
nobody actually knows his nationality and he hid well since nobody could describe his accent, that or he kept constantly changing it, he flew the F-117 Nighthawk and his role was mainly the anti-AWACS and scout, not sure yet how he does this with a stealth bomber so don't bother working it out, also, nobody question his status as a fully certified bad-ass, period..............he always wore aviators, even indoors, and in bed?

then there was Ming, call-sign 'Dynasty'
originally from china but moved to England spent a few years in and English college growing up before moving again to America, he flew the Russian MiG-29 super fulcrum and filled in the anti-air role, he smiled alot.............like alot............he loved a good joke despite he always managed to avoid being on the receiving end of one, he occasionally tells the guys to at least enjoy the scenery whilst on a 'joy-flight'.............some say he's high............like all the time.......or someone has successfully spiked his drinks

and lastly there mechanic, Manny, originally from Mexico, he worked wonders with his hands and tools, he could fix a plane it a week even if it had taken a direct hit and survived, the team never excluded him from the drinking celebrations, one time he built a midget jet plane, from spare parts, in his garage, he also kept there own personnel AWACS designated 'Bright eye' in check to with some other mechanics but they let him go at it mostly.

"do you think were gonna be at war?" spoke Wingo

"who knows frenchy, who knows?" spoke Randell

the guys where all staring into the fire , remembering the news from the past few months, the world was getting anxious and worried, news of a new war, bigger on scale than all of the previous wars of the last hundred years combined, ever since the incident with the young pilot getting captured over seas, the Russian didn't take responsibility for there 'deserters' the superpowers were getting suspicious of each other, Britain and america were already allies along with France and Germany, the Russian government was losing itself with most of it forces abandoning it all in the past week , they were actually siding with the 'the black horses' group just like those old pilots did, buts it wasn't just the Russian deserters, rumors said they had the north Koreans in with them as well.

war was near, Ben could sense it , probably the reason why he was sent to Britain for the last three to four months with his team, he looked back at his craft behind him

The Su-47 Berkut was his ride, it carried a wide range of weaponry from a 30mm GSh-30-1 Cannon to 14 Hard-points (2 Wingtip, 6-under-wing, 4-6 under fuselage) Air to Air Missiles: R-77PD, R-73, R-74, and Air to Ground Weapons: X-59M, X-29L, X-31P, all sorts of missile and bomb types.

Ben how ever decided he wanted better and Manny had been a great help doing so, now he had a 25mm GAU-12 Equalizer Cannon and it was fucking powerful, more than the original, Ben has modified the Su-47 to have internal missile bay racks instead of wing and under-fuselage hard-points for agility and improved stealth, new medium to Long Range Missiles: EMP-59 (Electro Magnetic Pulse Air to Air Medium Range Missile), XM-2 (Medium to Long Range stealth missile), Multiple Targeting Missiles (1 per six targets, or 6 per one target), some short-Range Missiles: Mitsubishi AAM-5, and a Jamming pod, a very expensive shopping list if there ever was one, bloody lucky it wasn't on his budget

"hey Ben......you alright" asked Ming

"yeah........yeah i'm fine"

"still thinking about that kid?" probed Davidson


"sorry i asked"

"just leave him for now Davidson" berated Ming

they were right, he still couldn't help but fell guilty for that young pilot, he read his file and felt even more sorry for him when read that he had next to nothing left.

~~meanwhile in Equestria~~


"holy crap now that is a view!"

"welcome to mare-ami my friend"

"this place looks alot more like Hawaii than Miami?"

"don't look at me i never named these places"

"ok ok calm you're tits Jesus, lets just find the hotel we're staying at, i never looked at the name because vinyl booked that bit only saw one photo, keep an eye out for the biggest one you see" Matt said as he flew over the water, churning it up behind him, he could see some ponies on the beach pointing at him whilst he chuckled to himself

"down there on the left, the one with the big blue sign"

"i see it nice spotting"

matrix pulled the craft down more and flew over the water closer than he would normally go , ponies on the beach stared on as the machine flew at speeds considered lethal, he pulled up and turned left, cut the throttle down and applied the brakes, flipping the engine into VTOL mode he hovered over the hotel as the turbine engine roared loudly, he found a nice flat area which looked like a car park or in the this case a chariot park and landed in a corner section.

wheels touched the tarmac with small screech and he cut the power dulling the noise, running over his instruments, he popped the hatch and climbed out and clambered onto the planes back to the compartment leaving his helmet in the cockpit, he opened the hatch up and pulled out his rucksack, all his travel gear was in there, his laptop, guns, knife and sandals, he opened it up and pulled those out and took of his boots and flight suit, depositing them into the compartment

slipping the sandals and pushing up his aviators on his nose, he plucked up the bag shut the hatch and closed the cockpit and jumped down, he looked to see a group of ponies staring at him, the situation couldn't have been any more awkward until one pony walked up to him wearing to some sort of clothing that looked like what a bellboy would wear

"erm excuse me sir but who or what are you?" this pony clearly didn't seem shocked by all means

"erm i'm Dj humanz, you must have heard of me or seen my posters?"

"oh yes now i know you you're that new Dj that's been going up in the world, I think I remember you're name the guest list, captain matrix was it?"

"yes you're right, erm could i get booked in or is this a bad time" as soon as he confirmed his name some of the mares behind the hotel pony let out small gasps and giggles.

"certainly not, its would be my pleasure to welcome a new celebrity to the blue oceans hotel and resort, would you like me to carry you're bags?"

"er no thanks, but I would like to get along and to my room before the mares here end up mobbing"

"of coarse follow me"

for the next half hour, he was booked into the hotel and got his room keys and unpacked in his room, well to say room it was more of a 4-5 star apartment, with two bedrooms, vinyl and Octavia would be sleeping in one room whilst he and rainbow would share the other, this was something else for him as it would be the first time he would be sharing a bed with her, his apartment also had a small kitchen and lounge area and a amazing sea view, after he finished dropping of his gear he walked down the the pool and beach area with his iPod and laptop in hand, so he could get a bit of a head start with setting up.

as he walk around the pool area with a some ambiance like beach music playing, he could hear the murmurs of his presence being said to the family's and couples as we walked he got a wave or too and waved back too to keep up his appearance, on his small walk he made note of where everything was, the shops, the pools and spa, the restaurants and beach bar.

'i think i'll be heading there quite a lot there over the next two days, thing is i'm surprised that some of the ponies here aren't scared shitless here! either news spreads fast or pinkie is god!'

'too right'

he spotted the stage that had been built on the beach facing the sea, the speakers where up and the Dj decks had been put together, he recognized the two ponies that were on the set putting stuff together, they were part of vinyl's tech crew that helped set up her equipment at the club, he nodded to the two as they nodded back, he moved up the to the decks and set down his PC.

"hey guys, is the main rig set up?"

"yeah sure, we just need to set up plenty more speaker's, lights and the such, should be down in about three hours ready for this evening"

"niiiiiiiice, ill give you a hand er i mean hoof with those speaker if ya want?"

"erm sure, the one right of the deck needs some cables sorted for it and plugged into the main system"

"got it"

mat turned to the said speaker and moved over to it, looking down at it, he wasn't pleased at was he saw

"crap, it gonna be like the fucking Christmas tree light scenario all over again"

"oooooooooooooooo i must engorge myself on this juicy memory"

"i swear zen"

he lent down and started to fiddle with the mess that was cable hell until zen called out


"what?" mat didn't say much more as his world turned into slow motion as he spun round, slowly, in his vision he saw a volleyball heading right for his general face direction so he stuck his hand out and slow speeds but seen as lightning fast in real time standards, he caught the ball in the palm of his hand just at time went to norm

"thanks friend"

"su bienvenida"

"didn't know you spoke Spanish"

"i have my moments"

there in mind chat was disrupted as a pony was calling there attention

"whoa that was awesome bro, where did you get those reflexes from?"

"a secret my friend"

"ah right, hey you wanna play a game with us?"

"um sure why not"

"you ever played volleyball before?

"only once but that doesn't matter, it time to play with the boys!"

well here you go for now and i know that in some places this is a little shoddy but i haven't had a pre-reader in a while so yeah deal with it unless you're up to the task on being it

right onto the next chapter and the good shit!!!!