• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 7,213 Views, 291 Comments

Crashed and Burned in Equestria - Gaz1997

Matrix, a young captain and pilot in the British royal air force who has been through so much goes flying for the last time on earth before ending on the brink of death and entering a new world only a sought few believe to exist

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airbourne again

Man it feels good to be back online and now I can finally get this chapter up I’m a thinking about having additional characters in the story as well so if you fancy being a part pm me and I’ll see if I think its good or not but you won’t come in until a bit later other than that back to the story

As the two sisters entered there carriage and went on their way back to canterlot the crowd that had gathered around us slowly began to disappear, I only had one thing to say “well how’s that for a welcoming committee” but as soon as I had said that pinkie pie had leapt into to air and let out a loud gasp and then spoke faster than the speed of sound “OMIGOSHICOMPLETELY FORGOT!!” then quickly sped off into town

“erm where did pinkie go in such a hurry” I asked out loud to the others then it hit me I hadn’t noticed that pinkie had been pretty quiet which wasn’t normal for her she was pretty hyper “ah think she gon t sugarcube corner t set up a welcome party for ya” “rrrriiigghhhttt I said breaking the sudden awkwardness “ well she off doing that could guys take back to where I crashed I need to see if my plane hasn’t taking and damage” “sure just follow us” said twilight and with that we made our way to where I had landed, well sort off landed,

character switch rainbow dash (POV)

I hadn’t noticed that I had started to fall behind everypony while else they talking about something or other, I was too thinking to myself trying to make sense of what happened earlier back at twilights house

“I can’t believe that even after I had hurt him he still apologized that quickly”

“And yet he did he must have seen your reaction we you realized that you had”

“Yeah I still feel a bit guilty for hurting him though I have to make it up him somehow”

“I know what you were thinking when you were staring at him without his shirt on”


“Oh please I’m your brain you can’t lie to me I see everything, you were crying your eyes out when he apologized to you and you were blushing a lot when he caught you staring at him and even more so when he winked at you and not to mention that you were really enjoying it when you were hugging him”


“Because I can and look at the facts, he likes the same music you do, he can be loyal when he needs to be just like you, and he also loves flying JUST like you! Plus he’s kind, caring and has other talents too, you have so much in common and you pretty much went through the same things when you were younger”

“Ok ok so you gotta point so maybe I like him a little bit but I barley even know him and the fact that he still isn’t a pony or from this world for that matter”

“Well why don’t you try and get to know him you never know and who cares if he’s not a pony”

“I guess you maaayybbe right”

“Of course im right I’m your brain”

And just I was thinking of an answer for that I was snapped out of my conversation with my own mind and back into reality
by someone

“Rainbow dash, yo rainbow dash!

character switch matrix (POV)

“Rainbow dash, yo rainbow dash….. HEY RAINBOW” “HUH, what who said that, oh it’s you matrix” I had noticed rainbow had started to fall behind all of us so I had asked what was up she looked like she was in deep thought. “You ok there rainbow, something on your mind” “erm…. No…. nothing, nothing what so ever” she puts her fore hooves around her back and smiled sheepishly “well ok then let’s carry on then” man she looked so cute when she did that even though I knew something was troubling her but I would have to find out later and with that we continued to walk towards where ever I had landed.
The girls were having small talk between themselves about their plans for the upcoming weekend when saw a bunch of tree’s not too far off on the horizon I pointed and said “hey twilight what’s that place over there” still keeping up the clues less act “oh that’s the everfree forest you’ll want to steer clear of it it’s not very safe” “really how” so was my reply “well the plants and trees grow, the animals live and grow, and the clouds move, ALL ON THERE OWN!!” they all said in unison
“Huh that sounds pretty normal to me”

“WHAT” they looked at up at me as if I was crazy “I said that sounds pretty normal to me” they were all stunned at this then spoke up “so what you’re saying is that your planet is like the everfree forest” said twilight “eeyup” is said (big mac much) “oh…my …It must be so harsh living In a world like that” said fluttershy but she was speaking so quietly I almost didn’t hear her “ well it wasn’t so hard from where I was living but in some parts of the world not so easy” eager to get of the subject I motioned for us to carry on.

After about 10 minutes we were on the edge of the town and I guessed it was around midday since a didn’t have a watch, we finally made it to the hill where I had parked and I was surprised at what I was seeing, the plane was actually intact, man I felt lucky, I guessed I would have to do some minor repairs to get her flying again but that would have to wait I was desperate to see if it would start at all there were a few guards surrounding the site to stop anypony who was curious to get a look but when they saw us bowed and then let us past since they now knew who I was then they took off.

“ok” clapping my hands together “first we need to get her of the ground and get the landing out so I can get a proper look to see if there any damage twi do you think you could lift her up but is must warn you it’s” I was cut off by twilight “ it doesn’t look that hard to lift” and with that her glowed as she tried to lift the plane of the ground but she had to stop from exhaustion “as I was going to say this plane is quite heavy as it does weigh around 30,000 pounds so I think you won’t be able to just do it on your own excuse me miss rarity do you think you could give a hand here”

“of course anything for you dear” she said then her horn began to glow as well and with twilight they managed to lift the craft of the ground and but keep it low enough so I could reach into the cockpit and flip the switches for the landing gear with surprise the actually came at some things still worked, I said they could let her down and they quickly did so with exhausted looks on their faces “right now that’s out of the way let’s check the damage”

I walked around the aircraft inspecting it from top to bottom looking for any damage what so ever but all I found was a few scratches on the paint job but nothing else the only thing left to do was to see if she would ever start up again, I hobbled up to the cockpit and lifted myself in and started pushing buttons, everything was working surprisingly so there I decided to test the engine but when I hit the engine start button I got a warning saying there was something wrong with the air intake fans “oh for f**ks sake I said out loud then I realised that I still had company and quickly apologized

I got out of the cockpit and nearly ended up on my arse after nearly falling over trying to jump out of it and walked over to one side of the craft and peered into the air intake fan and I quickly saw the problem, the was a huge amount of dirt jamming the fans and so I leaned in and tried to scoop as much out as possible and once I was satisfied I had I slid out and did the same to the one on the other side and then climbed back into the cockpit again hoping that had done it but before I pressed the starter I quickly told the girls who had been sitting there patiently “if this works you might want to take a step back and cover your ears as it might get a little loud” they all nodded and put there hoofs to their ears and when I saw that they had done so I turned back to the plane and t]put forward a lever next to the throttle to lower the engine at the back into hover mode then I flicked the starter switch

After a few nerve racking seconds “SUCCESS” I yelled as the engine came to life with a high pitched roar, I then put the throttle forward a little just enough to lift me of the ground and the wheels lifted off the ground. I turned my head to see that the five mares where staring in a amazement at what they were seeing, a giant metal machine was hovering right in front of them all I couldn’t hear I saw rainbow mouth the word “that is so awesome”

Now that I was satisfied that the plane could indeed fly I pulled back on the throttle and landed gently back on the ground and switched of engine once the noise had died down I climbed out of the cockpit and shut the canopy so nobody could get in and turned back to the mares who were still looking at me in amazement then rainbow shouted out “THAT WAS SO AWESOME” “hehe just wait to you see her fly at top speed then you’ll understand to true awesomeness of this machine.

“Don’t you know who your talking to, none over than the fastest flyer in all of equestria” said dash “O really” I replied sarcastically “is that a challenge” she said hovering right up in my face trying to look intimidating “Eeyup” (big mac much) “ok I challenge you to a race” said rainbow I folded my arms and said spoke challenged accepted but well have to do it later cause right now I need to check if my stuff is also still intact so twilight I you would kindly lift me up onto the back of the plane please” “easy” replied twilight and with her horn glowing again she floated me onto her the back of the plane a let her grip of me go. I then moved over the storage compartment hoping that all my stuff inside had survived the crash as well.

In opened the compartment hatch and I let out a sigh of relief as all my stuff had looked like it had survived I just needed to see if my laptop and iPod would still turn on. I pulled out the iPod and turned on and was satisfied be greeted by the lock screen so I put it my pocket along with my earphones, then I pulled out my laptop, flipped it open and turned it on and was also greeted by its lock screen I quickly typed in the password and put it down next to me as I waited for it load so I continued to rummage through the rest of my things.

I pulled out a small rucksack and began to put the rest of my stuff in: the extra pair of clothes, two small short wave radios with wireless headset’s, a Swiss army knife, a combat knife with sheath and a 9mm Beretta pistol with two spare clips and holster which I quickly shoved into the bag out of site, I hoped I would never have to use them except for an emergency then I heard somepony say something that shocked me deeply “what the hay! how do you have a picture of us on that thing of yours?”

I turned my head and I saw rainbow dash hovering over my computer obviously she must have wanted to get a better look at what was doing then saw my computer. I then realized that I had set the background of my desktop with a picture of the mane six from the show in my head I was screaming ohcrapohcrapohcrapohcrap! I realized that there was no hiding it anymore. “Matrix is there a’somethin you ain’t tellin us” applejack said from below me, I let out a long sigh and grabbed the bag, shut the compartment hatch and picked up my laptop and dropped onto the ground silently groaning as small wave of pain shot up my leg, I regained my composure and spoke “I guess I had better explain myself” so I sat down on the grass they did the same and I began to explain