• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 7,213 Views, 291 Comments

Crashed and Burned in Equestria - Gaz1997

Matrix, a young captain and pilot in the British royal air force who has been through so much goes flying for the last time on earth before ending on the brink of death and entering a new world only a sought few believe to exist

  • ...

sorry to pop in unannounced

(earth, about 1 week later, time goes differently on both worlds, sometimes one goes faster, ya know alternate reality time shit stuff)


what are we known for?

Great knowledge, great ingenuity, great power, great wisdom, there are many great accomplishments that humanity has made and discovered, throughout its existence.

But there is a darkness, to all living things.

We can be filled with bitterness, rage, selfishness, greed...........and the will to fight.

War, death and destruction, all part of the many things humanity cannot avoid, it in its nature, for it is a violent race, it always has been and it will always be.

it was once said that only the dead have seen the end of war.

it was once said that war never changes

and it was once said that all warfare is based on deception

it's always the same, it just takes different people to take the similar steps, to throw the first stone.

world war three

The rumours where true, for all those people who sat on the side of the street's everywhere, holding signs spouting 'the world is nigh', it was true.

they were right all along, Ben new it was true, he saw it, he saw the wheels of the world turn, and they had spun the wrong way. the world had spiralled into another global conflict.

it began just under 2 days ago, the new joint coalition of the north Koreans and the new Russian revolution army, with the dark horses at the head of the game, the engagement started on Berlin and Tokyo, Benjamin's birth town, his squad had no chance of getting there in time, the list of the dead was so high, Ben was greatfull none of his family where on the list, they had moved away from the city to the country many years ago, a smart move they had made.

but the dark horses didn't stop there, they spread, rapidly, attacking china, Alaska, Canada, the small parts of the U.S, Germany, Italy, Spain and France, everywhere, countries were locked in a stalemate with the new coalition, but they had yet to hit the final obstacle.

England and the whole of America, the two main country's left in the game where and and all the remaining forces were made to retreat.

over the past two days, Russian and Korean fighters had tried to penetrate the airspace and cross over from France and try and attempt to remove any kind of air support Britain had, but Ben's squadron and the rest of the RAF with the remnants of the other armed forces had stopped them sending any enemy jets into the channel, but they heard the worst was yet to come, they had intercepted the Russians radio signals and found something disturbing, the Russians were preparing for a mass raid, rallying fighters bombers and paratrooper planes.

the army, navy and air force's were drastically mobilized, setting up all along the south and eastern coasts lines and preparing AA battery's all in the major cities and coasts, and with the high casualties they has sustained over seas, the government declared any men or women over the age of sixteen to quickly sign up and get quickly trained with a gun and in combat and and any other pilots whether they where commercial or leisure, to join the air forces's .

but would it all be worth it.

all the lives that had been lost?

who knows?

for the endgame................begins now

"holy hell there's fucking hundreds of them!"

"where is the fucking navy, we need that anti air, now!"

"we got fighters and bombers incoming, get all our fighters airborne now!"

"where are the fucking *crackle* american carriers!"

"shit *fizz* mayday mayday, I'm taking hits! I'm heading in the ocean!"

"start the city evacuation procedures! we got incoming"

"incoming anti ship missiles brace for imAGGGGGGGH!"

"H.M.S. * cackle* do you copy *crackle*..............."

/-\ back in Equestria /-\

He held the ball in his hand, eye balling it and the equine players, to his left he could see his team of three others, two pegasi and a earth pony, to his front the other team of four earth ponies.

And then to his left where the group of mares who wouldn't stop staring at him, well he took his shirt of and that instantly got alot of attention, especially from the female population.

"lets go!" he shouted as he spun the ball of his finger before throwing it skyward and sending it over the net, one pony at the back dive bombed for it and sent it back over were his pegasi team mate knocked it back with a wing.

the round went on for thirty more seconds before Matrix Back dived bombed and used his foot to lob it over the net barely and hit the floor before they got it.

he sprung to his feet and let out a howl of pure win as the other team groaned at the failure whilst his team went for a round of high fives/hooves, the girls behind them kept on letting out giggles at them. but mostly at the human.

this time his pegasi team mate took the ball and launched it over with his wing and they bucked it back over, matrix cupped his hands and crouched leaped for it and sent it over again, one pony jumped for it and slammed it back down, one of his earth pony team mates headed kit back over and it landed on the ground before they got it airborne again

they knock it back over and matrix dived at it and nudged it up but it didn't get over the net and this time the other let out there howls, mat stood up and pushed his aviators up his nose and readied himself for the next round.

they played five more rounds before he checked his iPod in his pocket and realized the time, his friends should be here now, they where just about to start another game but he decided he'd had enough.

"alright guys I gotta go, got shit I need to do"

"aw come on friend we nearly have them" said his pegasi comm-padre

"sorry mate but I have friends to meet"

"aw come on please just one more game"

"nope sorry"

"please.....for me"

"don't try them puppy dog eyes on me pall I gotta go maybe later" and with that he started walking the other way across the beach with his sandals in hand and shirt around knotted through the loop on his shorts, that was until he heard somepony shout something

"hey come back here we ain't finished you pussy!" matrix turned and only laughed at that and flicked them of with the bird and walked away. not like they knew what the middle finger meant anyway but somehow they new some swear words.

(stop music if it hasn't already)

he walked off the sand and through the gate that parted the hotel complex and the beach and around the pool and into the reception building, thing is by now he would have expected to have his ass on the floor from being charged at by his friends, but strangely enough they weren't there, were they late, probably, oh well seen as they weren't here he went to go lounge around and take a dip in the pool/ but not before grabbing a towel from his room.

/-\ Earth, English channel coastal airbase, 1 hour after Black horse coalition attack began /-\

"LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO! GET THOSE PLANES RE-FUELLED AND REARMED NOW AND BACK IN THE AIR MOVE MOVE MOVE!" shouted the commander of the airstrip that was at the front-lines of the attack. for over an hour missiles from ships, planes and ground vehicles had been volleyed at each other by both sides. Ben had just landed by the skin of his teeth just as a missile had shot past his canopy upon landing and was desperately impatient as was his team to get back in the air again.


"sir yes sir" Ben quickly saluted as he ran to get himself strapped back in, he and each of his team themselves were readying for another bout, they filed out onto the two separate runways and took to the skies to fight some more.

"alright guys you know what to do, anyone armed with anti ship or ground missiles go at them and the rest either protect there asses or the navy and armies asses"

"SIR" was his reply from them as they flew in formation over the white cliffs of Dover and over the channel where the greatest air battle since the battle of Britain had taken place over sixty years ago, Ben looked to the left and right at his squad mates then to his radar where thirty bandits came into few from there twelve o'clock.

"alright men, looks like we have a reception to host, LETS FUCK EM UP!"

'missile armed, target locked'



/-\ meanwhile /-\

since the guys hadn't arrived yet and the techs had set up the speakers so he could connect his laptop to the main rig, he decided to put on some relaxing music for the hole beach area to give it a bit more atmosphere from just being no music at all and besides the current hotels ambiance.

right now though, matrix himself was lying on a lilo in the middle of the pool in his swim trunks with his aviators on and a coconut drink in his hand as he idly floated around whilst singing along to the music coming out the speakers as it was played throughout the hotel complex (he offered them to play his music through there systems they let him do that and he got a bit of extra spending money for providing a 'musical service, for a 'free' service they payed well)

"don worry" he sang along in his best Jamaican accent

"abou a ting, cause every little ting is gonna be alrigh"

he took a sip of his drink and lay back down, but something blocked his sunlight and he didn't get a chance to see what it was just as a pineapple hit him square in the face, effectively making him lose his balance and fall in the water, at least he kept his drink above the surface.

"*cough, splutter* ok who's the cock bite that ruined my moment!"

"hay matrix breakfast!" shouted a familiar voice but again he didn't see who it was as another fruit made contact with his face again sending him underwater.

"ouch *cough* nice shot guess I owe you ten bits, bugger"

"silver, you prick, was there any need?" he questioned as he sipped his drink.


"well.....well fuck you anyway"

"hahaha-agh!" mat responded to his laughter by throwing his coconut at his head, it was clearly affective.

"that's what you get" he laughed back but something else collided with his face sending him underwater. a mixture of cyan, white purple pink then orange and purple.

/-\ British channel airspace /-\


"SHIT!" spin, a hard left, a hard right, a near missile miss here and a canon spray there, multitudes of flak and aircraft explosions appearing everywhere in the skies around Ben's canopy.

'was this it? is this what the world has become?'

Ben didn't have any more time to think as his radar lock screen went ape shit.

"today is just not my day"

Author's Note:

JESUS, this ones way way waaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue, *please dont hate me* but as you all must know right now that life is toe worlds biggest bitch going, so yah, tis why this ones been taken so long with college stuff and all, anyways hope this ones good enough to engorge you're reading taste buds for long enough so i can get my writing groove back on. tata.

Comments ( 26 )

What just happened...

3492779 you should read the previous chapter to get back up to speed

3492802what I remember is a vacation...

3492878 vacation/beach party/ concert type thing

3498390 yeah i know........................:twilightsheepish:

Man... your writing could be better. When you change speakers, you put the new speaker in a new paragraph.
You often forget to capitalize the beginning of sentences, and fail to use proper grammar.
I have to ask... is English your first language?
I would offer to edit, but my laptop... is no longer with us. Currently using a tablet, so... yeah.
If you ever put this story up on google docs, pm me and I'll see what I can do.

3557878 yes English is my first language, but that chapter i started writing many months and barely just finished it, also my pre-reader is god know's where, im still trying to come back to terms of writing from a long overdue writers block. i may just take you're offer but im still coming to terms with myself still and all that, college work and etc

Awesome story! Keep up the good work!

Are authors afraid to make their characters older or something. It seems like so many have to have this young guy. Early twenties if not younger. So few with a character actually older than mid twenties.

4303101 meh just felt like it. :pinkiecrazy:

Ace Combat anypony? Also, is there any hope of this continuing?

This is some good shit.continue. your god demands it!:scootangel:

On hitus until exams are over? I dont wanna take exams that take 2 years to complete :trollestia:

5688118 haven't been on this one in a while, I have another story that I'm more or less working on atm, may come back to this at some point, but whole thing needs a re-write.

5803972 i havent exactly had the time in months to come back to this, i kept on getting this nagging feeling just to restart the whole bloody thing.

6086857 when you have personnel problems that tear a mind apart its hard to focuse on the smaller things like writing. im in a mid life teen to adult crisis, i have to much coming at me from different directions and just thinking about this story just wants me to re write the whole entire damn thing....sorry.....

Can you do more chapters

THIS STORY IS JUST SO AAWWSSOOOOMMMEEE !!!!!!! Can't wait for the next installments. I got a feeling, that some darkness, is just around the corner.

Very nice story, I am waiting impatiently for continuation, good work👍:twilightsmile:

when will more chapters come out

hay do continue this its a good story:heart:

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