• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 7,902 Views, 239 Comments

A Three Foal Wish - Seeking Dusk

Thrust into Equestria in the form of foals, three friends find they have a lot to deal with when a wish goes wrong.

  • ...



The mayor had declared it a holiday. Partly out of continued celebration for the return of the second princess, partly because too many ponies had ‘celebrated’ the day before for it to go any other way. The Rain household was quiet, but not for the reasons you would think. Flare was sleeping, curled up in one corner of the sofa, a wing over his face to block out the light out of his eyes. Silver was holding a puzzle sphere in his magic, shifting the pieces in their tracks as an idle hooves activity rather than in any attempt to solve it, a book before him.

Proud’s body lay strew on his back on the ground, his legs splayed out, head lolling to the side, tongue hanging limply out. For a long while, the only sounds were Flare’s soft breaths as he snoozed, the pages of Silver’s book turning and their aunt in the kitchen.

“Gah!” Proud said suddenly, rolling over so he lay on his belly, squirming and kicking his legs. “I’m BORED!”

Silver lazily looked over at the clock. “Three minutes and… forty seven seconds. You owe me two bits.”

“Bah… it felt like hours,” Proud whined incoherently as he squirmed some more. “I need something to do!”

“You could make another bet. You were only ninety seconds away this time. I could use some more bits.” Silver suggested impassively. “Otherwise… Read a book. Make art. Practice your cutie mark story in the mirror. Sleep the time away like that one other there.”

Flare’s wing shifted slightly and a single eye opened. “Shut up, Silver.”

“Love you too,” Silver said, flashing a half grin as Flare let his wing drop back into place. Proud wiggled over to the sofa and managed to get his chin on the seat without getting up.

“How can you just read?” Proud sighed. “I can’t focus on anything.”

“Kid’s brain. Biological fact that it’s hard for the developing brain, as in the organ, to just pass the time like an adult would. But it’s way easier to entertain them on the flip side,” Silver yawned. He noticed Proud raising an eyebrow at him. “I did biology.”

“Fine. Still; how can you just read?” Proud asked. “I started on Myths and Legends of Equestria you stole from the library and couldn’t make it past the first story… And yes, you made it very clear that you studied biology. Every single time I bring up... Anything not human, now that I think about it.”

“Pony” Silver corrected with a shrug. “Anyway, I like to read, both mes. And I didn’t steal it. It’s a library. They lend books. I borrowed a book.”

“The library was closed,” Proud pointed out, still hanging off the edge of the sofa.

“The door was open,” Silver said, deflecting it with a roll off his eyes.

“You took it without permission,” Flare said, adding his quarter bit without lifting his wing.

“There was no one there,” Silver said, glaring at the ‘sleeping’ pegasus.

“Because it was closed,” Proud grinned.

“Fine, I’ll take it back!” Silver groaned. He needed to get a library card anyway.

“Take what back?” Aunt Rain called from the kitchen.

“Nothing!” Silver said, stressing the word. Proud snickered and Silver bounced the puzzle sphere off his head.

“That didn’t hurt,” Proud said, sticking his tongue out. He peered at the book Silver was reading and made a face at the strange diagrams and symbols that took up some of the page. “What are you reading anyway?”

Progressing in the Early Arts. Unicorn stuff. It’s the accompanying material for that magic training set mom and gran got me for Hearth’s Warming last year,” Silver said. “I figure while I’m here, I should see if I can learn the fancy stuff. You’re already stronger than me and Flare put together, and Flare can glide, even if he can’t fly yet.”

“But you suck at magic. I mean, you got the basic illusion spell grandma taught you right, but that’s about it,” Proud said helpfully. The family has high hopes for the foals, having dreams of seeing Silver in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, Proud a high ranked officer in the guard, Flare either in the Wonderbolts or some upper management in a weather team or factory.

“Well, yeah… but that was before. This is now. I’ve got a mind honed from years of university study and DMing games, well used to abstract thinking and conceptualizing complex ideas coupled with the magical vitality and potential of this form,” Silver said grandly. “I will be dazzling you all with my prowess in due time!”

“Still can’t really get it, can you?” Flare asked, peeking out from under his wing.

“Enope,” Silver sighed, flipping another page. “I mean, I can understand it better than I remember ‘Silver’ understanding this stiff, and I’m actually more precise with my telekinesis, but the other spells? Still can’t get them to work the way I want to.”

“That’s because magic is more than just facts and figures,” Aunt Rain said, coming from the kitchen and heading towards the basement. “Even with your additional knowledge, you won’t make much progress if it’s against your affinities.”

“And the easiest way to find your affinities is when you get your mark,” Silver said, rolling his eyes. “I know, it’s in the introduction chapter. But I don’t want to get my mark. I want to learn magic!”

“That’s somewhat… contrary to most foals your age. I can suspect why though.” Their aunt’s expression was contemplative before she headed downstairs.

“Come on, Silver, getting your cutie mark is awesome!” Proud protested. “It’s the greatest feeling ever! Everything just makes sense afterwards. OH! We should get you involved into the cutie maaah--- Uhhh you know.” Proud said, looking to where Aunt Rain descended, then back to Silver, knowing how paranoid he'd be about the little things.

“Right…” Silver decided not to share his opinions on that subject with them at the moment.

“On the bright side, you can actually learn magic,” Proud said, a mite bit jealous. He muttered something under his breath that might have been ‘unicorn master race.’ Silver’s expression dropped, and not just because of frustration.

“You know… you could ask Aunt Rain for pointers on earth pony magic,” Flare pointed out.

“Huh?” Proud asked. “What do you mean?”

“… You didn’t notice it?” Silver said with disbelief. “It’s right there on the wall!”

Proud looked to were Silver was pointing. It was their Aunt’s graduation certificate, framed and proudly displayed. “Her degree from the Canterlot University?”

“Look at what it’s in,” Silver said, rolling his eyes. Being too far to make it out; Proud reluctantly got up and headed over. His expression turned dumb. Silver smirked and prompted him. “And..?”

“Um… Engineering, and… a minor in Magics, Earth Pony?” Proud read numbly. Silver could almost see the wheels in Proud’s head hitch.

“Honestly… it’s like you don’t pay attention to anything,” Silver chuckled. He was getting back to his book, ready to try and work his way through from the start again to see if something would stick.

“Earth Pony magic?” Proud repeated with a slow smile. He looked like he was about to burst out into a cheer or something, but a knock on the door interrupted him.

“Hey! Are you home?” a familiar filly voice called out from the door.

“It’s rude to yell,” another one chastised. A moment later the doorbell rang.

Silver made a face as Flare gave up all pretense of sleep and got up, stretching and yawning. Proud quickly trotted over to the door and opened it.

“Hi, Proud Defender!” Dinky said in cheerful greeting.

“Hiya, Dinky!” Proud said, just as cheerfully. His grin got wider when he saw the company Dinky brought with her. “Coronet, Rumble, Button Mash! What are you guys doing here?”

“We came to hang out and show you around town!” Coronet said, peeking past Proud. “Are your brothers around? Hi Silver!”

Silver chuckled nervously and waved weakly at her. Flare pouted. “I’m here too.”

“Hi Flare!” Rumble called out. It was about there that Aunt Rain emerged from the basement, looking at the sudden increase in the number of foals in the general vicinity of her living room.

“Miss Rain, can Proud and his brothers come out and play?” Dinky asked.

“No!” Silver said suddenly. He really didn’t think spending a day with other foals would be all that much fun. Still, he found himself shifting nervously as his outburst attracted all eyes towards him. “I mean, we got grounded for sneaking out during the Long Night. So it wouldn’t be right for us to go out!”

“Oh,” Dinky said, looking depressed, and honestly making Silver feel a bit bad for abusing the grounding like that.

“Actually, I’ve put some thought on that matter,” Aunt Rain said, motioning for the visiting foals to come into the room.

“You have?” Silver said, with a slight trace of dread.

“I have, and I think I will be adjusting the conditions,” Aunt Rain confirmed.

“You will?” Proud asked with an eager smile.

“Yeah! You got your cutie mark!” Dinky said suddenly. Of course, that exclamation shifted the conversation’s focus and the four visitors crowded Proud, who of course launched into his, by this point, well rehearsed cutie mark story. Which by this point, after generous applications of exaggerations, included him single-hoofedly taking down ten timberwolves while Silver and Flare fled.

“You were saying, Aunty?” Flare asked, smirking slightly.

“You three are new to the community, and your… situation is unique as well,” she said, being careful with her words. “In either case, it would be good for you to get to know some of the other ponies your age outside of just a welcome party. Actually; I should start making arrangements for a Mark-Mitzvah for Proud. It will be a few days a best before your parents get the message I sent them.”

“So… we’re not grounded anymore?” Silver fished.

“Oh, you still are,” Aunt Rain said with a soft laugh.

“Ponyfeathers…” Silver muttered.

“I want you back home by dinner for the next week, and I expect a full sheet on why sneaking out was a bad idea,” Aunt Rain said.

“Like… homework?” Flare groaned.

“I suppose it is exactly like that,” Aunt Rain said with a slight tip of her head. “Aside from that, you are free to go. And let Proud know as well. Also; that’s another bit, Silver.”


The foals chatted excitedly as they left the Rain residence, though Silver was something of the exception to that, hanging towards the back of the group, and being the only one with full saddlebags. Proud, being the only one aside from Coronet to have a cutie mark, was still something of the center of attention, and Flare dropped back when he realized Silver was lagging behind.

“What’s wrong, Silver?” Flare asked softly once he was certain everypony else was too distracted to pay them much mind. “You okay?”

“No. Thrilled to be spending a day with little colts and fillies,” Silver deadpanned. “Can’t you see my excitement? It’s quite palpable.”

“Indeed,” Flare smirked, matching the sarcasm. “I’m practically overcome. But what’s really bugging you? You were the one who was always reminding us we’re foals now.”

“I don’t do well with kids,” Silver muttered. The main group laughed at something someone said, making both Flare and Silver look up for a moment before continuing. “It’s weird and awkward.”

“You were fine at the party,” Flare commented after a few moments of silence.

“One; it was a party. Two; I was running on local memories only then. I don’t think Fillitis ‘Scared of Fillies’ Silver is gonna be helpful,” Silver said bitterly. He was still embarrassed about that, but he really couldn’t help it. “And thirdly; admitting all this to Aunt Rain and the princesses kinda mixed up the memories a bit. It’s harder to keep them distinct.”

“Yeah, me too,” Flare admitted. He looked up at Proud being with a curious expression. “I’m not sure if he’s not having troubles, worked out a way or just doesn’t care.”

“He’s still talking about writing the princesses a letter warning them of stuff. I think he just doesn’t care,” Silver said cynically. “Either way, I’m not looking forward to this.”

“That why you brought the books?” Flare asked, nudging the saddlebags. Silver had but what remained of his allowance in it, as well as both his copy of Progressing in the Early Arts and the Myths and Legends of Equestria he borrowed from the library.

“Something to read,” Silver shrugged. In fact, he was looking forward to being bored. Of course, considering it was a tour, it wasn’t likely he would have a chance to read them, so they were little more than unnecessary weight.

“You know you aren’t going to have a chance to read those, right?” Flare asked, putting voice to Silver’s own musings.

“Twenty-twenty hindsight,” Silver sighed.

“Hey you two, stop lagging behind!” Rumble called. Flare and Silver picked up the pace to catch up with the group.

“Proud finished regaling you with the embellished tale of his Cutie Mark?” Silver asked, looking around and trying to figure out where they were. Thanks to the conversation, he had stopped paying attention and just walked.

“He did,” Rumble nodded, exchanging a conspiring glance. “How many timberwolves were there, really?”

“Just two,” Flare said. “It was bad enough though. Where are we anyway?”

“The first stop on our tour!” Coronet said, coming up being Rumble. “The school house!”

While it wasn’t the one room building from the show, it was still fairly small and rustic. A long building of several rooms and a walkway covered with an overhang, bell tower at one end. A low white fence encircled a fairly large land area with a typical looking playground included. The flag flapped gently in the breeze.

“You’re on our street, so you’re going to be coming to this school with us,” Dinky said happily. “We have the best teacher in all of Ponyville, Miss Cheerilee!” Dinky noticed the lack of enthusiasm from the three she was guiding. “Um… what’s wrong?”

“Well…” Proud said slowly. Coronet snickered.

“It’s just the school house,” Button muttered. “We should have started at the arcade.”

“Not everyone loves school as much as you do,” Coronet said, nuzzling Dinky teasingly. Dinky hmphed and stuck her tongue out.

“Well… now you know how to get to school!” Dinky declared, as if that made everything fine.

“What if we weren’t paying attention?” Silver asked, lifting a hoof into the air.

“You now know the way to school,” Dinky reiterated cheerfully, pointing back the way they came. “Next on the tour is Sweet Apple Acres!”

Dinky trotted off happily, leaving the rest to look at each other and simply shrug and follow. While the school house was near the outskirts of town, the farm was outside properly. It wasn’t exactly obvious, but the path was soon surrounded by farm land and tended apple trees, a barn roof poking up over the trees at one point. What was obvious was the smell of the fruit in the air.

Silver, well, Daine hadn’t been one for apples before, mostly because he once idly started scrapping the skin with a knife and was most… disconcerted when it took about a minute for wax to stop flaking off. But these apples… just wow. He said as much.

“Sweet Apple Acres is the original and ancestral home of the Apple Family,” Dinky said, well warmed up to her role as tour guide. “They’ve moved out since then, and there are Apple Family ponies all over Equestria now, but Sweet Apple Acres still grows the best apples out of all of them!”

“Yeah, there was a Apple Family farm near Vanhoover too,” Flare commented. “They really did end up all over.”

“Um, Dinky, are we actually going to visit them?” Rumble asked suddenly. “It’s kinda rude just to show up like this.”

“No, it’s just a tour!” Dinky said cheerfully. “Make sure to stay together and not wander off! Next, we’ll be heading back into town, passing a few more interesting points before our rest stop and meal break. I hope you all brought spending bits!”

“She’s having too much fun with this,” Silver muttered under his breath as started lagging behind again.

“Just let it happen… she took my joyboy to make me come,” Button warned, glancing remorsefully at his saddlebag, a single side style, unlike Silver’s with bags on both sides. “She can be scary when she’s mad.”

“Dinky? But she’s so...” Silver waved a hoof, groping for a word. He snorted with frustration.

“Cute? Adorable?” Flare offered. “Sweet?”

“Stop helping,” Silver shot at him.

"Awww, you like her," Proud teased.

The look Silver gave Proud was of horror, an eye twitching. “Stop… talking. Now.”

Proud snickered as Button muttered, “I know what you mean. Just trust me.”

“Are you wasting time back there again?” Dinky called back at them, her little voice huffy and irritated. She was pouting a bit as she glared in their direction.

“No!” They chorused guiltily. It was enough to satisfy her. The ‘tour continued without further disruptions, Dinky, with Rumble and Coronet’s help, pointing out different points of interest along the way; the toy store, the flower shop and one of the best candy stores on that side of town, among others. They were also introduced for some of the locals when they passed them on the streets. It wasn’t all that long before Dinky led the group as they trooped into Sugarcube corner.

The smell of pastries and desserts filled the air, and even having already partaken of some of their products at the welcome party, the brothers took a moment to appreciate the heady aromas.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Cake!” Dinky and Coronet sang out.

“Oh, hello dears! My husband is out at the moment.” the tubby blue mare replied before she looked up from the pastries she was stocking. “Oh, there are quite a few of you today!”

“Hi, Mrs. Cake!” Proud said. “I’m Proud Defender, these are my brothers Silver Prose and Blue Flare. Dinky and her friends are showing us around town.”

“Hello,” Flare said, waving his wing slightly. Silver just nodded and looked at the treats behind the display glass.

“Well isn’t that nice! How about I get you all something to nibble on, no charge,” Mrs. Cake offered. The suddenly yelps of happiness and the general rush for a table that left the brothers on their own was answer enough. Mrs. Cake chuckled softly. “Well then, you three go on. I’ll bring a tray over in a bit.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Cake,” Silver said before trotting over with Flare and Proud to the table their ‘tour group’ had claimed. He hopped up on one of the free chairs, one between Rumble and Button.

“So what do you think?” Dinky asked. “Ponyville is neat, isn’t it?”

“We already knew that,” Silver muttered.

“Ignore him. He’s a sourpuss,” Proud said, waving a hoof dismissively. “So, anything else in town to see?”

“There’s the library, and the swimming hole, and the climbing rocks. Oh! And there’s also the Tower!” Dinky said, listing things out.

“There’s a bowling alley and the joke shop,” Rumble added.

“And the arcades,” Button said. “We could go there.”

“And the spa,” Coronet pointed out. The others looked at her. “What? Sometimes Mom and Miss Rarity take me and Sweetie Bell there. It’s fun.”

The colts, excluding the brothers, made gagging motions, just as Mrs. Cake arrived with a tray of treats. She looked at them with concern. “What? Is something wrong? Is it the food?”

“No, it’s nothing, Mrs. Cake,” Flare said quickly.

“They were just being stupid,” Coronet said, glaring at the colts on a whole. “There’s no way your cooking could be bad.”

“Well it you’re sure,” Mrs. Cake didn’t look convinced, but set the tray, with a couple small baked treats on it, for them. “Enjoy!” Treats delivered, she went back to watching the register.

“Anyway, after we finish here, we can show you were everything else is,” Dinky said with enthusiasm.

Silver snagged something that looked glazed and cinnamon-y with a groan, pulling out his book and finding the page he left off.

“Hey, you really starting to read now?” Button asked, poking him in the side.

“Yep,” Silver nodded.

“But that’s not nice!” Coronet protested.

“I can read and listen,” Silver said, sounding a bit distracted. “Comment too. Like I’m doing now.”

“No, trust me, he really can,” Proud said, rolling his eyes. “He might be a bit slow to respond while he’s doing it, but he can.”

“I can listen and play my jo-”

“No you can’t,” three voices said, cutting Button off before he could finish the comment. He swore in what almost certainly wasn’t the language the rest of them were speaking.

Silver looked up suddenly, startled by a revelation. None of them had been speaking English the entire time they had been in Equestria. They had subconsciously switched over to the local version of it, translating everything without realizing it. Well, that was certainly something to look into, when they were alone anyway.

“Got an idea, Silver?” Dinky asked.

“Um…” Silver blinked. He shrugged and just went with something. “Is there a book store?”