• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 7,903 Views, 239 Comments

A Three Foal Wish - Seeking Dusk

Thrust into Equestria in the form of foals, three friends find they have a lot to deal with when a wish goes wrong.

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Show Stripes

“It was Sunday. The Sun’s Day, the day whose warmth and light guided the other five. It had been a day many eagerly waited for. A day sweat, tears, though hopefully not blood, would have been spilt on the battlefield. Instead, the foul beast of bureaucracy had stuck from the shadows and striped the hopes and dreams of the eager away from them, leaving little in its wake but broken spirits and despondent souls.”

“Okay Silver, we get it, you’re upset,” Flare muttered with a bored tone. Seated on the opposite side of the table from Silver, he didn’t grace his narrating brother’s antics with anything more than a roll of his eyes. Proud didn’t even bother to look up from his game, the sounds from his device a soft backdrop in the room.

“Upset? Upset!” Silver bristled, ears splayed as he half climbed on the table, knocking the book he was reading out of place. “I’m livid! How dare they take this opportunity from me!”

“Off the table, Silver,” Rain said as she walked into the room.

“But my honour will remained besmirched,” Silver whined as he retook his seat with reluctance. He whimpered slightly at Aunt Rain. “My suffering remains unavenged.”

“I’m sure a few water balloons were not that bad,” Rain commented as she got her saddle bags.

“It was,” Silver grumbled, passive aggressively flipping a page, muttering other things under his breath.

“And they didn’t cancel it. They decided to make it an official event in the Summer Wrap-up Festival when they realized how many ponies were going to take part,” Flare commented as he watched his aunt get ready. “Going out, Aunt Rain?”

“I am,” she confirmed with a nod. “I will be out for most of the day. I have left dinner in the fridge in case I get held up as well. Do you three have any plans?”

Proud just shook his head, sounding distracted, his attention on his game. “Wanna beat level 8 before Button does. Already got third shard for the fourth circlet.”

Silver muttered something under his breath, snorting at Proud’s response.

Flare sighed. “Thunderlane had to go to Cloudsdale and Rumble went with him, so I don’t have anything doing. He lent me his old guide from flight camp though, so I’m reading that. It would look weird to go and practice by myself.”

“Silver?” Rain pressed.

“My plans got ruined, so I’m probably staying home.” Silver grumbled. “Have a headache anyway…”

“I see,” she raised an eyebrow at him. “So what are you reading?”

“Oh, I got this book on enchanting crystals from Sparkler,” Silver said, brightening and even smiling.

“Of course he perks up when it comes to books,” Flare muttered.

“Shhh,” Silver said, waving a hoof at Flare. “I want to see if I can learn the spell to renew the charges for Proud’s joyboy for one. Maybe even work out something better for the Dukes. Twilight was telling me about her time in Canterlot, so I want to see how much magic I can do.” He hesitated, glancing off to the side for a moment. “Well, another reason to see.”

“You want to go to school in Canterlot?” Flare asked. He raised an eyebrow. “I mean, we kinda have… our thing doing.”

“What? No,” Silver shook his head. “I just want to see what I can and can’t do. And to see if I can replicate some if the simpler spells from books I read.”

Rain watched them with a slight smile. “I see. ‘Crystals; Magic and Frameworks’ should be on my bookshelf. It might be complicated, but it should help you. I unfortunately don’t have any books on pegasi flight that would help you, Flare.”

Silver let out a cheer hurried off to get the book Aunt Rain mentioned while Flare smiled. “Thanks anyway, Auntie. Not that reading about flying is fun anyway.”

“Well, when you are finished with just being indoors, there will be a show held in the town square this afternoon,” Aunt Rain continued. “A traveling stage magician. You may use the bits I left on the counter if you want to go to it. Actually, as I understood it, her show was one of the reasons they moved the game.”

“It sounds like it could be fun,” Flare admitted. He looked down on his guide with a frown. “And there isn’t really much I can do without somepony to help.”

“Meh… think I’ll pass, Aunt Rain,” Silver shrugged.

“Mah. Magic show. Game. Beating button,” Proud said, still enthralled. The sounds suddenly cut out as Proud gave Aunt Rain his full attention. “Wait, stage magician? Do you remember what her name was?”


They had time to spare before the show was scheduled to start, and they spent it split between deciding who was going, and on their own activities. Silver still wanted to opt out, books being a stronger draw than heading out. Proud was all for going, on the other hoof. Flare gave in to his enthusiasm after a little wheedling from Proud, admitting he would like to see the show for the show’s sake.

Flare had been practising the positions outlined in the book, intending to develop the muscle memory since he didn’t have much else to do. It was a bit tricky, since he didn’t have anypony experienced around to give him critique and feedback, but he practised anyway. He was also taking advantage of their aunt’s absence to get a little air time from the stairs and shelves, working on his gliding form.

Silver remained preoccupied with his work. He had fetched a few spare pages and writing tools, as well as the loose-leaf filled book he was keeping track of his personal magic progress in. It was filled with the notes he was making on what he was learning, rough work on paper and proper notes in the book. The pages of scribbles scattered over the table hinted that his book was going to have some new additions soon.

Proud was preparing for mischief, have decided that he could compete with Button for the next level. He chuckled to himself as he secured the buckles for his suspiciously packed saddlebags. “I’ve dreamed of doing this for a long time.”

“Put them back,” Silver advised around the pencil he was contemplatively chewing on. He hadn't even spared the effort to actually look up to confirm his assumptions.

“What? Put what back?” Proud asked with feigned innocence.

“The tomatoes most likely,” Flare commented blandly, poking Proud’s saddle bags. “It’s a bit rude.”

“But you can’t tell me she doesn’t deserve it!” Proud protested, dropping the pretense.

“Proud,” Silver said, looking up with a level expression as he chastised his brother, “I can honestly say ‘I don’t care’, but seriously. She’s a show mare. It’s her job to brag. Do you throw tomatoes at Rainbow Dash for going on about how awesome she is all the time? Instead, you’re gonna go assault a mare for doing her job just because you don’t like her.”

Proud glared defiantly at Silver.

“Actually; fine. Whatever. Not like I really care,” Silver snorted, waving a dismissive hoof in the air before going back to his books. “Go have fun at the show. Flare; keep him from doing something stupid. Well, stupider. And let me know if she’s a better illusionist that gran is.”

“Hey!” Proud complained with a frown. “You know I hate it when ponies call me stupid.”

“Then don’t do stupid things!” Silver grumbled, scratching his head as he tried to make sense of some of the material in the book Aunt Rain loaned him. “Stupid things make you look stupid. You, by extension, are therefore stupid.”

Flare glared in Silver’s direction and tried to lighten the situation with a joke. “Isn’t the older brother supposed to be the one to keep the younger brother from doing things like that?”

“Proud? Responsible?” Silver retorted in feigned shock. He waved his hooves in staunch denial. “Nopony ever said Proud was responsible. Whoever told you that was yanking your tail and should be brought to Applejack to be punished for their dishonesty. It’s kinda opposite, actually.”

“Jerk!” Proud stuck his tongue out at Silver and left in a huff, slamming the door behind him.

“Wait, what?” Silver looked up, confused. He glanced between the door and Flare, whose glare had returned. “Um… too much?”

Flare sighed in exasperation. “Yeah. Just a bit.”

Silver groaned. “Hayseed… I’ll apologize when he gets back, I guess.”

“Nope. You’re gonna do it now.”

“But I was just starting to make progress,” Silver whined.

“Silver,” Flare said firmly, quirking an eyebrow while giving him a stare.

“Bah…” Silver grumbled, shuffling his papers together with a bit of magic and setting the books on them by hoof. “He’s probably gone to the show.”

The show of the Great and Powerful Trixie went about as well as Silver predicted and Flare expected. Trixie, for all her bravado and bluster, was a skilled unicorn. While her magic was not quite at Twilight’s level, her flare and talent for showmareship was still worth it. Illusions, conjurations, a few enchantments and lots of flashing lights were employed, coming together in an impressive show.

Quite the crowd had gathered around the stage Trixie’s cart converted to, and most, if not all of them, were impressed. Neither brother could enjoy it, busy searching the audience for Proud, a task made all the more challenging due to the fact that as foals they mostly saw a mess of legs from their level. They split the mass between them, and met up again after a couple minutes of searching.

“Any luck?” Silver asked Flare when they got back together.

“No, I can’t find him anywhere,” Flare admitted. He looked back at the crowd, wings twitching slightly. “I thought for sure he was going to come here.”

“Ponyville is kind of a big place,” Silver said. He lifted a hoof for emphasis. “Just a little. It’s not exactly an easy place to search if we are looking for someone.”

“If somepony hadn’t been a jerk about things,” Flare grumbled, letting the thought trail off.

“Yes, yes; I’m a jerk with a horn, we’ve established that,” Silver groaned, flicking his tail. “Can we move on to other things? I’m not even the one who wanted to throw things at ponies… Next time somepony asks my opinion on something, remind me to keep my muzzle shut.”

“And will you actually listen?” Flare asked. Silver mused on it for a moment before grin at him. Flare sighed in exasperation and started walking off, shaking his head. “Typical. Come on. Let’s check the arcade.”

“The arcade? Really? Isn’t that the obvious place?” Silver asked as he followed. “What about Sugarcube Corner? Actually, three bits says he’s home.”

“If you left in a huff like that, you’d go to the library.” Flare didn’t even look at him. He just stated it like the fact it was.

Silver looked like he really wanted to contradict him, opening and closing his mouth a few times as he tried to formulate a counter. He was forced to settle for a snort. “Fine, you got me there. Arcade then. What do we do when we find him?”

“You need to say you’re sorry,” Flare continued to deadpan.

“Fine…” Silver groaned.

“And mean it!”

“I just said ‘fine’, didn’t I?” the frustrated colt huffed.

Flare let him brood as they trotted off to the arcade, seeing no further need to push for conversation, though he did wave politely to anypony who called out to them. Unfortunately for the brothers, Proud wasn’t at the Arcade when they got there. Button was there, though.

“Hey guys!” he called out to them. He didn’t look away from his game, his hooves working the joystick and button quickly as he controlled the earth pony pulling a wagon on the screen, a chipper soundtrack accompanying it. “Wanna play me in Track Racer?”

“No, we’re actually looking for Proud,” Flare said, peering around the area in case they just overlooked him.

“Weren’t you grounded?” Silver asked curiously. Button’s eyes widened and he bit his lips. Silver grinned and whispered happily to himself. “Blackmail material.”

“Come on,” Flare said, rolling his eyes and nudging Silver. “Let’s check Sugarcube Corner…”


Proud wasn’t a Sugarcube corner. Nor at Ace Condition, the Library, the park, at Berry Punch’s smoothie store or any of the other places they thought to look. Silver was getting progressively more irritable, though Flare was experienced enough to ignoring his brooding older brother. Defeated and tired, they headed back home, having wasted most all of the afternoon and early evening roaming the town.

Proud was on the couch, playing his joyboy again. He looked up when they opened the door and waved.

“Hey… Proud,” Flare called out, waving a hoof in a confused manner.

“You owe me three bits,” Silver murmured to Flare.

“Flare! Silver…” Proud narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at Silver. “I’ve been looking for you.”

“Imagine that, we’ve been looking for you,” Silver deadpanned.

“Really?” Proud sounded skeptical. Flare slapped Silver on the shoulder with a wing.

“Gah… okay look; I’m sorry.” Silver sounded like he was forcing out the words. “I was a jerk and should have thought things through more. And been more… respective? No, sensitive to your feelings.”

“Really?” Proud raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, really. I was a dolt of a colt,” Silver sighed.

“Okay, so long as you know it,” Proud said, grinning.

“Really?” Silver said, after a pause. “That’s it?”

“Yep!” Proud beamed and glomped Silver, who was even more confused.

“You had me run all over town and it's fixed just like that?” Silver said, eye twitching.

“Since when does Proud hold grudges?” Flare pointed out, shifting to stay out of range. “Aren't you the one who says you can read ponies well?”

“Not often,” Proud confirmed as Silver gently beat his hoof on the base of his horn. Proud grinned at his reaction for a moment but quickly became a bit more serious, getting back to his feet. “But that’s not important right now.”

“It’s not?” Silver asked, a bit confused about where Proud was going with his point.

“What happens next?” Proud pointed.

“… What?” Flare asked. Silver looked at him and shrugged.

“This is the first time Trixie appears. What happens after her show?” Proud asked again. “Green told me that Snips and Snails were looking for you, wanting to take you along while they did something awesome. I think they’re going to look for the Ursa.”

“How the… buck did I forget that?” Silver whispered.

Flare facehoofed. “Silver, have I ever told you that your friends can be dolts?”

“So you want to go and stop them?” Proud asked. He shuffled his hooves nervously. “I know you’ve been going on about not interfering much but…”

“No, this one we definitely should mess with,” Silver groaned, rubbing his temples.

“What’s different this time around?” Flare asked, raising an eyebrow at Silver.

“There are a lot of houses and businesses between the Everfree and where Trixie did her show today.” Silver raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think that a cranky giant bear cub would not damage a ton of them on the way there? I don’t think a pretty obvious lesson is worth the damage.”

“When you put it that way,” Flare said uneasily. “Plan?”

“Plan?” Silver raised an eyebrow.

“Do you have one?” Proud grinned.

“Why do you think I have a plan?” Silver frowned.

“You have those folders under your bed with a list of plans you’ve been putting together,” Proud’s grin became a smirk. “And the list of all the things the Crusaders have been up to.”

“And you did ask our opinions on them,” Flare continued. He waved a hoof in an encouraging manner. “So which one?”

Silver sighed. “Plan T…”

“Which one was Plan T again?” Proud asked. “Tell Twilight?”

“Tell Twilight.”


“What do you mean ‘she won’t help us?’ She has to!” Silver danced in place nervously, hooves beating out a rhythm on the library’s wood floor.

“It’s not my fault,” Spike shrugged, fuming slightly about something. “Twilight is getting all crazy about her magic, worried that everypony is going to hate her for being good at magic after Trixie’s show. She grabbed her books and just teleported out of the library.”

“Well… this is bad,” Silver started pacing, muttering to himself as he circled the table in the room.

“Your plan ran away, Silver,” Proud half joked. “Maybe you should catch it. Or go with Plan C. Or Plan L.”

“How would the Crusaders help in this situation?” Silver asked, confused. “And I don’t think we have enough time to do research.”

“What?” Proud asked after a beat.

“Plan C: Crusaders. Plan L: Library slash Research,” Silver explained.

“No, I mean tell…” Proud sighed, his shoulders slumping in irritation. “Which plan is ‘Tell the Princesses’?”

“Plan P: Princess,” Silver responded.

“So you don’t have any idea where she went?” Flare asked Spike, shaking his head at Silver and Proud.

Spike grunted and shook his head. “She didn’t tell me anything before she ran off. I don’t know why she’s so fussy about it. Nopony will care if her magic is good or not. So why did you need her?”

Flare contemplated how much he should tell Spike. Silver was mostly off in his own world, trying to come up with another plan, muttering. Proud’s attention seemed split, mostly a tuned to Silver but on Spike and Flare as well. Flare sighed and figured Spike would learn about it soon enough. “Snips and Snails are planning to call an ursa to town.”

“WHAT!” Spike yelled. “Dude! Why in Equestria would they do that?”

“Because they want to prove that Trixie is the best, I guess,” Flare responded, his ears flipped back from the yell.

Spike stared at Flare for a moment before he slapped his face with his palm. “Well that’s just awesome! Silver! Your friends are being stupid!”

“Hey!” Silver paused in his pacing long enough to glare at Spike. “They are your friends too!”

“They were your friends first!” Spike countered.

“Okay, this isn’t helping,” Flare interjected, putting a hoof on Spike’s chest and glaring at Silver. “We need to figure out what to do.”

“I’d say get Twilight, but…” Spike let it trail off.

“Plan T failed, yeah,” Proud agreed. “Any other ideas?”

“We stop them ourselves,” Spike finally said. “I mean, go on. It's Snips and Snails. Those two would have trouble finding their horns if it wasn’t attached to their heads. We should be able to catch up with them.”

“Wait, you’re suggesting going into the Everfree Forest?” Proud raised his eyebrow.

Flare stared at Spike with surprise. “I’ll admit, I never expected you to suggest that.”

“Um… well,” Spike stammered, realizing what he proposed.

“Plan D. Do it ourselves. Actually, D dash T,” Silver amended his statement mid-thought. “Spike! Where do you keep paper and writing implements?”

“Everywhere,” Spike said, a hint of grumpiness slipping out with his confusion. Silver ran off and pulled opened a random drawer, ducking his head in and coming up with a quill and sheet of paper, an inkwell following, held in the aura of his magic.

“D dash T?” Flare walked over to peer over Silver’s shoulder as he wrote out a note. “What is that one about?”

“We do it ourselves and we also tell Twilight,” Silver said, slightly muffled by the quill he was writing with. “Note for when she gets back.”

“Um, are you sure we should be going into a place like the Everfree?” Spike asked hesitantly, realizing just what his idea was involving.

“We’ll be fine!” Proud said happily, trying to reassure Spike. “Besides, it was your idea.”

“Can I change my mind?” Spike grinned with a nervous chuckle.

“Done!” Silver announced. He hoofed the note at Spike. “Okay, you go put this someplace Twilight will find it when she gets back and we can get going. Snips and Snails already have a head start.”

Spike swallowed nervously before repeating his question. “Can I change my mind?”

Flare shook his head slowly. “In for a bit, Spike.”

“Hey, the Brotherhood is going to take on the Everfree,” Proud announced suddenly. “And hopefully save the town!”

Silver grinned at Spike. “You don’t plan on abandoning your Brothers in Bond, do you?”

Spike groaned. “Fine. Let’s go already.”


The group took one detour, stopping by the colt’s home to pick up the Dukes, just as a precaution against the dangers that the forest might pose. With Spike and Proud armed, Silver and Flare sporting saddle bags stuffed with Aunt Rain’s stock of tomatoes and potatoes, they started after the fancolts at a fairly steady clip, leaving the town behind and making for the forest. It was somewhat surprising that nopony tried to stop them. The meadows and shrubbery that flanked the path from the town gave way to trees and wild growth. Soon enough, they passed the threshold that the Everfree seemed to be held to, and the canopy blocked most of the day’s dying light, forcing them to navigate through half darkness.

“Has anypony said this is a bad idea yet?” Spike asked, still the voice of reluctance. He hadn’t been in the Everfree before, having been too exhausted when Twilight and her friends went after Nightmare Moon to go with them. He was jumping at every sound and clenching his claws tightly around the Duke. “And how are you not scared?”

“It’s a forest,” Silver said, rolling his eyes. He glanced around, on the faint chance that he might spot the hoofprints or their quarry.

“You’re going to break it of you don’t ease up,” Flare observed. He was serving as Spike’s second, Silver paired with Proud. In true adventurer fashion, the main ‘fighters’ of the group, Proud and Spike, were in the lead with Silver and Flare, the ‘wizard’ and ‘rogue’ behind them.

“Haven’t you guys heard about the stories for this place?” Spike demanded, the brothers’ casualness getting to him.

“No, not really,” Flare admitted, shrugging his shoulders as if it were no big deal.

“Read them, did a paper on them,” Silver stated, not sounding impressed.

“Nope!” Proud said happily, trotting off to the side.

“Timberwolves! Cockatrices! Hydras! Trents!” Spike’s eye twitched as he waved his free claw in the air. “This whole place is bad news!”

“Quit being so melodramatic, Spike,” Silver advised, hopping over a fallen branch on the path. He frowned and concentrated a moment, setting his horn a glow.

“Besides, I kicked the ass of a timberwolf before. Two of them in fact. At the same time.” Proud said, brushing his chest with a hoof. “Hashtag Humble brag.”

Silver stuck his tongue out as the aura on his horn wobbled and flickered before a bright white orb of light formed at the tip, shedding green tinged light for them to see by. “There we go! Light Spell!”

“Where did you learn that?” Flare asked.

“The after school session from Merry Tone,” Silver said proudly. “Only me and Snails passed. Um, Snails and I.”

“Actually, how do we know we are going the right way?” Flare asked, kicking the branch off the path. Better to get rid of it now than leave it as an obstacle in case of the need for a haste retreat.

“That’s right!” Spike leapt on Flare’s logic. “How do we know that?”

“Sheesh, you’re jumpy,” Silver muttered. “Look, where else as would they have gone? It’s not like there’s another path, and I don’t think they would leave this one.”

“He has a point. Snips and Snails aren't very… imaginative,” Proud said hesitantly, reluctant to badmouth his friends. His tail waved as he scanned the forest around them, their trek taking them deeper than most ponies would have gone, save for the girls when they went looking for the elements. “Though, I’m not sure where they plan to find an Ursa Den close to town…”

None of them had a response to that, and the silence stretched on, punctuated only by the sound of hooves and claws on the winding dirt path. To be fair; it wasn’t much of a path, merely a trail beaten from the frequent travel of the forest residents. It had been slowly fading as well. By the time they realized it was gone, they were already surrounded by trees, brush and a tense atmosphere.

“Yeah! Watch it!” Silver yelped as he crashed into Proud who stopped without warning. His spell flickered, but he got it back up in a moment.

“Wha- !”

“I think we passed this tree before,” Proud said, pointing to the tree in question. The other youngsters quieted immediately.

“But we’ve been going straight!” Spike protested. He looked at the others for support. “Right?”

Flare shrugged. “You can get lost in regular forests. Much less this one.”

“I really really think we should have told an adult instead of going after them ourselves,” Spike repeated, his voice quavering slightly as his eyes darted from shadow to shadow.

“We are so getting grounded after this,” Flare groaned with resignation.

“It’s not that bad,” Silver said, the shadows cast by his light spell dancing as he shook his head. “I wrote a report on this, didn’t I? The Everfree is dangerous, sure, but it’s not that bad. You just have to watch out for certain creatures. And most of them don’t roam this close to the town.”

Silver hesitated, looking around. “Well, assuming we are still close to town.”

“Whose stupid idea was this?” Spike wailed.

“Yours,” Flare reminded him. “Maybe we should try turning back?”

“GAH!” Spike suddenly yelled. He whipped his duke around and fired it wildly, the hollow whump echoing slightly. A shadowy shape weaved to the side with a jumble of indistinct words, though it was an unneeded response, Spike’s shot going wide.

“Aaaaaahhhh!” the group yelled, huddling behind Spike.

“Don’t hide behind me!” Spike yelped as he realized what they were doing.

“Just what is happening in the Everfree tonight? First a star bear, now shot upon on sight?” A melodic and flustered voice came from the shape, eyes glowing.

“Wait… Zecora?”

“What’s a zecora?” Spike asked, still scared, his mind supplying all kinds of possible horrors that a ‘zecora’ might be.

“Zecora is not a thing, to say so you should feel shamed. Zecora is instead, that which I am named,” the zebra said, stepping properly into the lit area cast by Silver’s light, throwing her hood back with a toss of her head. Her gold jewelry glinted in the light as she raised an eyebrow at the ground. “So what are you, young ponyfolk and dragonfolk alike, doing this deep in the forest of the Everfree tonight?”

“Huh?” Spike was thoroughly confused.

Flare pushed past him. “Sorry Miss Zecora, we came to try and stop two friends of ours we got a really bad idea.”

“And lost,” Proud added.

“Paths through the Everfree are not easy or clear, they branch and wander with no warning I fear,” Zecora said in an understanding tone. She sighed slightly. “But even so, these woods are not a playground, but I can still get you home safe and sound.”

“Why’s she talking in rhymes?” Spike hissed at Silver, trying, and failing if one considered the eyebrow Zecora raised in his direction, to be inconspicuous. “And stripes? What kind of pony is she?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Silver hissed back, though he did want to find out why himself. “And she’s a zebra. From the western lands? You should know this. You live in a library!”

“I have other things to read,” Spike grumbled.

“As gripping as your chatter may be, it’s swift passing time that we should leave,” Zecora said as the faintest smirk tugged at her mouth.

“But they want to call an ursa to town!” Proud piped up, feeling a bit left out of the discourse.

“Ah, now I see! It’s why they did flee.” Zecora looked back in the direction she came from. “If that’s why you came, then you are late for your aim. Two colts already raced back to your town, and behind an ursa was bearing down.”

“They already got it heading to town?” Proud exclaimed.

“So this whole thing was a wash?” Flare glared at Silver. “What was that you said about where else they could have gone?”

Silver’s jaw dropped as he tried to figure out where he went wrong. “But we… we followed the path. How did we miss them?”

“As I said before, this forest is a mess. With little warning, your paths will digress. But still there’s no reason for you to be despaired. For from what I saw, the townfolk were quite prepared. Rather than flee, a group of ponies were waiting ahead, and eventually the lavender one put it right back to its bed.” She smiled and half turned, flicking her tail. “If you would follow my trail, I’d be sure to tell you the entire tale.”

Zecora had no trouble finding the path back towards Ponyville, the Everfree being her regular stomping ground. As she led them on a winding route that seemed to have twice as many turns as what they took to get in, your regaled them with the story.

“So Twilight and Trixie actually worked together to deal with the ursa minor?” Silver grinned when Zecora nodded.

“They employed clever use of their tricks and skills, and were able to send it back and keep damage near nil,” Zecora explained.

“I knew she could get Trixie on her side with the right advice!”

“Just what did you put in that note?” Flare asked curiously, an eyebrow climbing his face as well. He had been pretty sure Trixie was too insufferable to actually help out.

“Words, dear brother. Words!” Silver sang happily. He had dropped the light spell once Zecora had brought them into brighter lit areas, and was personally pleased for the release.

“Sounds like Twilight used number sixteen and came up with a new spell while Trixie distracted the ursa with Rainbow and the others,” Spike grinned. “I knew Twilight was the most awesome unicorn around. No offence Silver. How much further, Zecora?”

“Ponyville is not far from here, just one more slope and we'll be there. For the next point, you’d best take care. There were things there you’d rather not bear.”

Proud didn’t seem to hear her, running head of the group in a half gallop cresting the hill. “Aw man! I wanted to see Twilight deal with an ursa minor!”

“Maybe Trixie can show us what happened with one of her illusions,” Flare suggested as Spike increased his own pace a bit, leaving only Silver and Flare to walk beside a faintly concerned looking Zecora.

“If she does, I wanna see it to!” Spike called out. “Make sure you tell me if she does!”

“No problem,” Proud said, turning and trotting backwards for a while. “I’ll be sure to let yo-yikes!” Proud yelped as he tripped over his own hooves; tumbling out of view and over the crest of the slope.

“Proud!” was the collective cry as the foals, and Spike, raced up to see if he was okay.

“I’m okay!” Proud groaned back. As the others crested the slope, Proud got back to his feet, rubbing his head, coughing up a little bits of pollen and crush petals from the field of blue flowers he tumbled into.

“I fear in time that too will change,” Zecora sighed as Spike ran over to Proud to see if he hurt himself before she could stop him. She quickly blocked Silver and Flare’s path with a foreleg. “And for you two; stay out of range!”

“Wait, is that poison joke?” Silver’s eyes widened.

“With petals blue and stamen too, I see this plant’s not unknown to you?” Zecora seemed pleased. Her expression quickly flipped when Silver ducked under her leg.

“Allons-y!” he cheered gleefully, tackling Spike and Proud, kicking up another mess of pollen and knocking both Dukes away.

“Hey!” Proud complained as he was knocked to the ground again. He rolled over and glared at Silver. “What is with you?”

“What the hay, Silver?” Spike yelped when he was knocked flat on his belly.

“You foal! What have you done?” Zecora demanded, stomping the ground in her frustration. “Now you'll suffer as well when it’s begun!”

“Suffer? No way! This is gonna be fun!” Silver said, beaming even as he pulled a petal from his ear. “Poison Joke is mean but harmless. And the cure isn’t that hard either.”

“Cure? What are you talking about?” Spike asked, crossing his arms grumpily. Considering he had gotten a nostril full of flowers as a result of Silver’s tackle, he was quite a bit peeved.

Flare came up beside Zecora, shaking his head slowly. “Miss Zecora, my brother is crazy sometimes.”

“On that point I completely agree, fortunately the cure I can guarantee,” Zecora sighed. Silver nudged Proud and tipped his head in Flare’s direction. Proud blinked in confusion, not understanding what Silver was getting at. Zecora continued talking, casting a look in the direction of town. “The poison joke will wait till morn to strike and not tonight, and you should be home before your parents know fright.”

Silver frowned and jabbed a hoof at Flare and Proud made a silent gasp as he finally comprehended. Flare didn’t miss the exchange. Spike was more concerned about the plant. “Um, just what is this plant supposed to be doing?”

“That plant is much like poison oak, but its results are like a joke. It will inflict you with some magic effect, because its sense of amusement is suspect. The cure for the plant’s fleeting ‘whoopee’, it nothing more than some special potpourri.”

“So tomorrow I’ll wake up with some weird thing happening to me?” Spike asked. When Zecora nodded he facepalmed and glared at Silver. “Thanks a lot.”

“No problem,” Silver said distractedly as he and Proud traded a look, a dark glint in their eyes.

Flare raised an eyebrow. "Okay... what are you two up t-" The pair lunged, grabbing their younger brother and dragging him into the bed of flowers with them. Flare panicked, trying and failing to break free from their grasp. “No! Get off you two!”

“No way!” Silver declared before mercilessly tickling Flare's side. Proud joined in a moment later. With nothing to lose, Spike shrugged and joined the fun.

“It’s fortunate that the cure is somewhat simple, otherwise this would be quite the wrinkle,” Zecora deadpanned. She shook her head slowly. “The words of wisdom every mother knows, colts will be colts as the saying goes.”

“Gah! Haha-Quiddit!-ehehehe-No!--- Gah! Stahp!” Flare protested futilely, laughing helplessly under the assault, kicking up dust and pollen with his flailing wings and legs. In the end, all four of them were coated in yet another layer of pollen, dust and crushed petals before they separated from the wrestling match the tickle fight turned into.

Panting and glaring, Flare snorted. “I hope you're pleased with yourself...”

“I am,” Silver giggled, nursing sore muzzle were Proud’s hoof had accidentally collided with it. He nudged Proud. “You?”

“Eyup!” Proud said. Earth pony constitution, and being just plain tougher than his brothers, meant he came out relatively unhurt, excluding a smarting ear that Silver had latched on to in retaliation for the hoof strike.

“Spike?” Silver asked, still beaming.

“That was pretty fun, actually,” Spike admitted, a broad grin of his own on his face. Dragon scales pretty much guaranteed he was unharmed. Not even Proud accidentally stomping on his tail left a lasting soreness. “Dragon scales are tough.”

“Jerks. All of you,” Flare grumbled, trying to hide a grin of his own.

“If you four have had your fun, It might be best we start to run,” Zecora advised, having backed away to avoid the pollen they were kicking up. She even managed to look fairly disappointed with them.

“Sorry, Zecora,” Silver said, grinning sheepishly. He was the one that escalated things. Spike snorted and collected the scattered dukes and potatoes, distributing them to the right ponies.

The trek back to town was far more sombre compared to the impromptu wresting match and the story time that preceded it. Zecora had them remove all traces of the poison joke, so they wouldn’t inadvertently pass it on to their family members, before they left the forest. The lights of Ponyville were soon in sight and it added new vigour to their steps.

“From this point on we will go separate way. You should be fine to get home without stray,” Zecora nodded. She pulled her hood back up and smiled at them. “I’ll return tomorrow with the cure you need, though to warm pooled water you will need to lead.”

“You… need a large tub or something like that to put the cure in?” Flare asked.

“A herbal bath is the magic’s solution, one quick dip will bring the joke’s resolution,” Zecora laughed. “Now my friends, I most return to my tree. I fear tonight I might go on a potion spree!”

“Bye Zecora,” Silver waved as the zebra trotted back to the forest, humming to herself.

“See you tomorrow!” Spike added. They didn’t linger, instead quickly heading homewards.

“Yeah Spike, we can walk you home, if that’s okay,” Flare offered. “It’s not that far out of the way.”

“Sure, that would be great,” Spike nodded. He smothered a yawn. “I would do anything for a sapphire cupcake right now.”

“Oh yeah, we did miss dinner,” Proud realized. “Funny the things you forget when you’re having an adventure.”

“Sure, an adventure,” Flare deadpanned.

“We saw the forest, met Zecora, messed around in a poison joke patch,” Silver itemized. “And I got to get some practical in for the light spell. Adventure.”

“I just want to curl up with a bowl of gems and a comic book,” Spike admitted.

“You should read something else. How did you not know what a zebra was?” Silver said, rolling his eyes at the dragon.

“I read plenty of other things!” Spike countered. “Just not that one.”

“You can’t expect everypony to know everything,” Proud snickered.

“You are actually worse than he is,” Flare commented.

“That’s why I keep Silver around. He can answer questions for me,” Proud said without shame.

Silver just stared blandly at him. Flare laughed. “Well, I have to admit, he’s good for that.”

“Give him some time, and he’ll be a mini colt version of Twilight,” Spike needled. “Does he make check lists?”

“I will bite you all,” Silver said in warning, which only served to make them laugh louder. The banter continued as they walked, switching targets a few times along the way. By the time they got to the library, their moods were high and quite chipper.

“Boys!” The exclamation came from two sources, Aunt Rain and Twilight, and both mares descended on them in a rush of motherhood and general guardian behaviour.

“Are you okay? How could you think to go into the Everfree!”

“You are definitely grounded again!”

“Not hurt anywhere, right?”

“Why is your muzzle swollen?”

“What were you thinking?”

“You are all filthy. You will need a bath. A proper one.”

“We were so worried about you.”

“That note was vastly insufficient.”

The rush of questions eventually petered off, allowing the boys a chance to look around as well as to breathe. The library was actually empty. Aside from Aunt Rain and Twilight, only Rarity and Trixie were around.

“Now, what were you four thinking?” Twilight demanded.

“That stopping Snips and Snails before they found an ursa was better than letting them bring one into town where it could wreck things?” Silver offered. Aunt Rain gave him a look that had him shrink back.

“We didn’t plan on staying out that long,” Flare added, his wings fluffing slightly. “We wanted to catch them before they got too deep, but we ended up lost instead. Miss Zecora helped us though. She even offered to prepare the cure for the poison joke.”

“Zecora of the Everfree?” Aunt Rain narrowed her eyes with suspicion.

“Poison joke? The Great and Powerful Trixie has heard stories!” Trixie suddenly exclaimed. She ducked her head bashfully when the other mares stared at her. “Sorry. What I meant to say was; I have only heard stories. Is it real then? The Curse Flower?”

“There are no such things as curses,” Twilight asserted. “They are merely silly superstitions.”

“Well I am far more concerned about them meeting that Zecora,” Rarity tutted. “I would hate to see that ghastly mare do something to these fine colts.”

Spike got a dazed expression in his eyes until Silver poked him in the side. Flare sighed. “Miss Zecora is actually very nice. She led us back to town and everything.”

“I have wondered about the rumours about her,” Aunt Rain admitted. “I’ve always been at work when she roamed Ponyville. Twilight, I suppose we should let the boys explain themselves before we decide on the punishment?”

The four traded nervous looks as Twilight nodded. Nothing good ever came from parental figures uniting on punishments. Twilight pulled out a notebook and quill. “Agreed. Well boys? Care to explain what happened today?”

Silver nudged Flare. “Well, you started. Keep going.”

“Why me?” Flare asked, quivering slightly.

“Just do it,” Silver insisted.

“Fine,” Flare swallowed. “Well, I guess it all started when Trixie did her show...”

Author's Note:

It's been 2 months? :rainbowderp: When did that happen? Sorry for the delay, the last quarter of this chapter did not want to see the light of day and put up quite a fight. Last half to be honest. First third had been done for a while... Maybe next time I'll just split a chapter if that happens.

Also, Zecora is not easy to write. No wonder she gets so little air time...

Comments ( 48 )

Damn you! You poison joked the story and then you end the chapter before we get to know what happens with it. :trollestia: approves, I feel otherwise.

It's been 2 months? :rainbowderp: When did that happen? Sorry for the delay

No worries on that.

You must be using the same shit I am. The little bastards refuse to grow.

“You want to go to school in Canterlot?” Flare asked. He raised an eyebrow. “I mean, we kinda have… our thing doing.”

"our thing going." Maybe?

Put I was just starting to make progress,” Silver whined.


Silver grinned at Spike. “You don’t plan on abandoning your Brothers in Bond, so you?”


Loved the chapter. Keep going and don't stop.

6059177 I'm actually fine with such a fertilizer, works wonderful when you use the right amount of love and keep them at that size.

And that my friend is the exact reason why I avoid Zecora at all costs! Rhymes are hard! :applejackconfused:

Well, next chapter will be a joke,
Things will probably end up in smoke,
All because some flowers of blue,
Colts will be colts is quite true.

6059540 Don't be silly, rhymes are not hard my little filly. I apologize if in fact you are a colt, though in that case you would be a dolt. When one has done rhyming as much as me, it becomes natural as you can see. So if any work you need to do for Zecora, just give me a ring and I will be sure to do my thing.

And just so you know.
I can also do haiku.
In case you need it.

I enjoyed this chapter. I think we can see here things are being derailed even further. Whatever happened with Trixie, it surely won't result in her suffering and returning with the amulet. The whole bridle gossip thing might be short circuited.

I'm just waiting for Discord to break free early due to increased chaos the brothers cause.

I love, love, love Spike getting some real friendship moments and being pulled along by these three. We need some more CMC interaction too I think. Both groups are crazy in their own ways, and we've barely scratched the surface of that.

Now I have to wait another 2 months to see the results of the poison joke. While it may be funny, I think I'd be disappointed if it turned them into their human selves, which has been a poison joke staple in more than one story.

Parting thought: if Fluttershy never becomes Flutterguy, does that mean that that episode later that revisits Flutterguy won't occur?

Timberwolves! Cockatrices! Hydras! and Trents! Oh my

What do you have plan for the poison joke.

*snerk* you're going to regret tromping through that poison joke. But, as Zecora said, "Colts will be colts"!

“Haven’t you guys heard about the stories for this place?” Spike demanded, the brothers’ casualness getting to him.
“No, not really,” Flare admitted, shrugging his shoulders as if it were no big deal.
“Read them, did a paper on them,” Silver stated, not sounding impressed.
“Nope!” Proud said happily, trotting off to the side.

Great work! And Trixie didn't become a villain while Zecora made an early appearance! Well done. :twilightsmile:

6531981 I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far and were able to be entertained! I held off responding to your comments till you caught up, but I've enjoyed reading each one! Makes me all tingly inside that my story can make someone smile!

To answer a few of your questions... Rain's relationship and interaction with the brothers is and will continue to be a bit awkward. Proud's cutie mark has had subtle effects on him, some his brother's have noticed more than others. Silver seems to be having difficulties actually returning that book he 'borrowed'. And Yes, I plan to give Spike something better than the buttmonkey ones he gets in the show (though he'll still get his moments, like some of the brother's references flying over his head.)

Is this story dead?

6577480 No, I just have way too many things writing at once :rainbowlaugh::twilightblush:

6577501 Can we possibly get a ETA on the next chapter if that's OK I mean:fluttershyouch:

6577568 Honestly? No clue... I've started it. But I've also started chapters for four other stories of mine... considering I don't know what to write next, and you've asked here, I might just try to focus on this one.

Is there by any chance an update coming soon? I hope so...

Update? Also I'm sorry I don't like your other stories. I just don't like ponys after people verse, the bureau verse..........

Ah, so got through Boast Busters and perhaps sidetracked Bridle Gossip? Nice! :yay:

Is this story over?


~Crystalline Electrostatic~

looks like after over a year this is going to go into my dead/incomplete bookmarks, a shame really I was really enjoying this story, I'll check it every month to see if it updates but until then it's no point in keeping it in my tracking for now

I finally got around to start reading this after canary talked sbout it so much. Now I see it's getting close to a year since the last update, ouch.

7551102 I know, I know... I've got a quarter of the chapter done, but I've made a major change to something I think was holding back my progress. Of course, that means rewriting most of what I have written, and actually sitting down and writing... which has been difficult as of late...

I miss the days I could do 1 to 3 thousand words in a day...

7551121 I know that feeling. Went to everfree nw, father was forced into early retirement, moved with them to a new town thus losing my job, depression and then a combination of getting a new part time job and getting enrolled into thd college. I feel like I get almost to freevtime, and what little free time I do get I have spent reading lately.

man why are some of the more creative stories out there always dead

Oh my... you suck!! You get us all in suspense for the effects of the poison joke, and then you stop?! :flutterrage: whatever:pinkiesad2:

Honestly? The poison joke left me hanging too... Came up with and tossed about four or six ideas. Got the one for Flare settled, but Silver, Proud and Spike... can't find anything good that doesn't seem too malicious for poison joke, unoriginal or similar to each other XD

Then The Great Slump happened and... yeah...

Meh, it’s fine. I do wonder what you’ve thought of though.

Hey, can't spoil the story in the comments XD

I do hope that you decide to break the hiatus, this is one of my favorite stories!

Now if only we could get more...

What? It ends there?! Nooooooo! :pinkiegasp:

I'll admit I'd be interested to see a continuation of the story. Especially if the protagonists' foreknowledge only covers a few seasons.

this story needs an up date but it has been so long, its such a good story.

its such a good story, it definitely needs an update. if you're stuck on something maybe i can help?

Oh no, the poison joke killed the story! RIP

Not that we'll ever find out, but to speculate:

  1. Proud Defender becomes humble and cowardly
  2. Blue Flare randomly sets on fire. To no self harm, of course.
  3. Silver Prose goes into permanent Colossus mode and sings everything he says.
  4. Spike basically becomes a walking cactus.
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