• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 7,903 Views, 239 Comments

A Three Foal Wish - Seeking Dusk

Thrust into Equestria in the form of foals, three friends find they have a lot to deal with when a wish goes wrong.

  • ...

Night at Aunt Rain's

Silver’s eyebrow was perched about as high as it could reach as he looked over the drawings that Proud and Flare had made up while Silver and Spike had been out. Spike, reading over his shoulder, mimicked the response. Finally, Silver tilted his head to one side in a questioning manner.

“He’s basically volunteering to be a living tank,” Flare said with a nod. They had reconvened in the basement. Considering the sleepover was a spontaneous idea, they didn’t have anything planned. Once Spike and Silver returned from the library, the latter with a bag of gems, a pillow, a blanket and assorted toiletries, the former with two new books, and stowed their prizes away, they got back to working on the cannons.

“He wants us to make a harness to strap two of those things to his back instead of just one?” Spike asked. He grinned. “That’s… pretty cool, actually.”

“I know, right?” Proud said as he grinned along with him. “It shouldn’t be too hard to do.”

“Um… maybe? I don’t know if I can come up with a way for you to operate it on your own though,” Silver said slowly. He rocked his head from side to side for a moment. “Eeee, actually… maybe we could come up with a way, but I don’t think I could actually make what we came up with. ”

“Not in two days, no,” Proud admitted, “but we can make it a pair weapon. I carry them, somepony else does the firing and loading.”

“We figured that could work,” Flare explained. He pointed to the rough sketch they made. “If we put a basket on his withers or saddlebags to sit near his flanks, he can carry both the load and the launcher together. The other pony can do the loading and the firing.”

“I suppose I could rig a trigger to run by his muzzle or something… there’s the old lamp I could cannibalize for parts…” Silver scratched at his nape with a less than certain expression on his face. “It would probably be pretty fragile…”

“Proud wanted it to be adjustable so he could change the aim and stuff, but I told him we probably couldn’t do that,” Flare added. “And didn’t you promise to put that lamp back together?”

“It’s just putting it on a crank and stuff,” Proud whined.

“And a framework to support it, and some sort of… shaft? Shaft I guess to connect a crank to gears?” Silver shrugged. “I don’t know a whole lot of details about that kind of mechanical stuff. Maybe something like a bicycle pedal and chain?”

“What’s a bicycle?” Spike asked.

Flare shook his head at Spike. “Don’t worry about it. And Proud? I told you the adjustable idea wasn’t going to happen.”

“Ah well,” Proud groaned. “But later?”

“Maybe?” Silver shrugged, setting the papers down and looking for a good starting point.

“No, we totally need to make that later,” Spike insisted with a grin.


“Dinner will be on the table in five minutes. Hooves washed by then, please,” Aunt Rain’s voice came down to the working youngsters. “Claws as well, I suppose.”

“Okay, Auntie!” Proud yelled back. They had made decent enough progress for one day, in any case. The extra cannons were half assembled, though they wouldn’t be able to complete them until they got the parts to make their triggers. Flare and Spike had also made the base structure for the saddle mount they planned for Proud. Not too bad for a short notice project.

“Before we finish up, shouldn’t we invite Spike already?” Flare asked.

“Oh, right! Forgot about that,” Proud admitted.

“Invite me to what?” Spike crossed his arms and leaned against the table, still littered with scattered parts and tools.

“You know the Cutie Mark Crusaders, right?” Proud started off.

“Who doesn’t?” Spike muttered. “The only reason they don’t trash the library is because they already tried for ‘Librarian’ cutie marks and none of them like reading that much.”

“You know about The Triple S too,” Silver grinned.

“You three keep offering me a spot,” Spike nodded.

“It’s a fad at school now. All sorts of little groups popping up,” Flare explained. “Most not all that serious or anything, but it’s pretty unofficial.”

“But with the big game coming up Sunday they are sort of the teams,” Proud left out the other reason they had made the little group in the first place. “Since you said you’d come play with us, and since you’ve been helping Silver out in his research stuff, we want you in our group.”

“Wait… aren’t you a part of Tripe S?” Spike cut in, pointing at Silver. “I thought that was just Snails, Snips and Silver!”

“I’m actually only an honorary member,” Silver grinned, waving a hoof dismissively. “I was in B-Four first, but we don’t really do anything big. Secret Society and all. Most ponies don't know about it. Just us, really. And Aunt Rain.” He shot Proud a look.

“Like you didn't almost tell Dinky,” Proud muttered.

“Ixnay,” Silver hissed. “Anyway, since nopony really knows about B-Four, I'm sorta in Triple S.”

“And he thinks Snails can teach him how to beat me in chess,” Proud added. Silver stuck his tongue out at him.

“Before?” Spike asked, choosing to ignore the banter between the two.

“Brothers Bound By Blood.” Flare followed Spike’s initiative and ignored them as well. “You know the Bonds and Codes of Honour and stuff that the Royal Guard used to use centuries ago?”

“Codes of Honour I know. I’m considering making my own Code of the Dragon to follow,” Spike admitted. “That way I can be a valiant knight!”

Flare sighed slightly. Spike was as bad as his brothers were. “Honestly; Proud and Silver were bored while we were studying for history and got all dramatic in their re-enactments then decided to keep the idea. So it’s sort of a secret society.”

“Except it’s not all that secret, and we don’t really do much,” Proud shrugged.

“Yet. We don’t do much yet,” Silver insisted. “And it is secret and will stay that way if somepony keeps their muzzle zipped.”

“A lot of stuff seems to happen when Silver or Proud gets bored,” Spike deadpanned.

“It’s what we get in trouble for half the time,” Flare complained with a roll of his eyes. “I’m not supposed to be the responsible one. The name was a mouthful, so we shortened it to BBBB, then B-Four.”

“I guess that’s cool,” Spike admitted reluctantly. He paused before continuing. “You don’t run around trying to get cutie marks, do you?”

“Pfff, no,” Silver butted in. “Mostly just hang out, homework, occasional projects like this…”

“Besides, Silver doesn't want to get his Cutie Mark for some bizarre reason,” Proud added. He shook his head slowly. “My brother, the weirdo.”

Spike thought about it for a few moments. He had always been the one telling Twilight to make friends, but now that he was in Ponyville, Twilight had made more friends than he had. He grinned. “Sure, I guess.”

“Boys; there is a distinct lack of hooves leaving the basement,” Aunt Rain said from the top of the stairs.

“Sorry Aunt Rain, we were just initiating Spike into our secret society!” Proud responded, quickly trotting over to the base of the stairs to call up to her.

“Yes… secret society,” Silver deadpanned, tapping a hoof on the ground as he ground his teeth slightly. “There’s a part of that concept Proud fails to grasp…”

Aunt Rain was silent for a moment, then shook her head and walked away. “Finish up quickly,” she called as she did. “Your dinner is getting cold.”

“Be there in a bit, Aunty!” Proud said cheerfully before trotting back to the others. “Okay, initiation time!”

“Wow, your aunt’s more… chill than they let on,” Spike blinked. “I always thought she seemed so strict.”

“She’s nice when you get to know her,” Flare said. He watched as Silver and Proud positioned themselves in a loose triangle, with Spike in the center. He flicked his ears, trying to remember the words they had come up with when they set up the group. “Okay... How’d it go again? Um… I, Flare, the Wind in the Open Sky, stand as an equal before my brothers; may my voice be heard?”

“The Secret Keeper, Moon’s Shadow will hear you,” Silver said, slipping into his dramatic tones again. “Speak, brother.”

“I petition to nominate the one Spike to join our brotherhood,” Flare continued, rolling his eyes. “This is ridiculous…”

”Quiet and keep it up,” Silver hissed back before continuing. “The one Spica de Draco has the sponsorship of the Open Sky. Brothers, is there a second sponsor?”

“That’s not my name,” Spike pointed out.

Proud grinned. “I, The Protector of the Weak, Shield and Hammer, sponsor him as well.”

“The Open Sky and the Protector are recognized as sponsors,” Silver nodded. “Spica de Draco,” Spike groaned but didn’t bother saying anything about the name again, “do you accept the sponsorships of these two brothers?”

“Um, sure?” Spike responded.

“Do you vow to uphold our bonds, be as a brother and ally?” Proud asked, glaring at Spike in judgement.

“Will you stand beside us in times of need and want, as philosophy and tradition allows?” Flare followed, though with far less grandeur than Proud and Silver displayed.

“Yes,” Spike nodded, getting into the spirit. “On my honour, I do.”

“Witnessed by he of the Moon’s Shadow, the Open Sky and Protector, the petition is approved,” Silver said, stamping a hoof. Flare and Proud echoed the motion. “Spica de Draco, you have toiled and laboured with us, through that we have seen proof of your passion, your valour and your worthiness. We name thee brother, of bond, of honour and of blood. Um… we considered a blood-letting thing, but I wasn’t sure if that might be a real ritual or not, so until I finish the research we’re holding off on that one.”

“I’m pretty sure we are gonna keep holding off on that,” Flare said firmly. He had no intentions of messing with blood, not when blood magic might be a real thing.

“Anyway,” Silver glared at Flare, huffing a little. He extended a hoof towards the young dragon with a grin. “Spica de Draco; welcome to the brotherhood.”


Meal times were the closest thing to the typical ‘family bonding time’ they managed. Ever since that first meal when they spilled the beans to their Aunt, it became the time to report on daily activities, bring up issues or just reflect on life in general. The addition of Spike to the table didn’t really change anything, though it might have censored certain topics. The meal that at night was a light vegetable curry with bread, a three bean salad and apple slices. There was an addition bowl of mixed gems for Spike.

“So; just how much of my supplies ended up being repurposed for your project?” Aunt Rain asked, dipping a hunk of bread in her curry.

“Um… a lot?” Proud tried, his mouth half full of food. The others looked at each other before shrugging.

“Manners. I will have to take a look at it later, then,” Pure Rain said, shaking her head slightly. “Fortunately; it should not be an issue replacing anything you four used. Did you get everything completed?”

“Mostly,” Flare answered, getting himself some more curry. “Silver still has a few little things left to put in place for them to be done.”

“Need to get some more parts from Nails and Things, or Time Turner’s place,” Silver said in response to the unspoken question in the look his aunt directed at him. “We have Spike’s own done, but I need another two triggers… and something for a more secure support for the saddle idea Proud had...”

Spike didn’t comment, content to watch the discussion, crunching on his bowl of gems. Pure Rain twitched her ear. “Do you have any other projects in mind?”

Silver avoided looking her in the eyes. “… maybe?”

Pure Rain sighed before turning her gaze on the other youngsters at the table. “Flare? Proud? Spike? Other projects?”

“Well…” Proud said, being just as evasive as Silver. Flare tried to sink into his seat. Spike choked on his gem.

“Proud wants to make a two cannon version that he can aim and fire himself but Silver said that he didn’t have the parts and might not be able to make it even if he did but Flare pointed out that we could use a small winch we found in the back of the basement or some parts from some toy carts and train to make it!” Spike gushed.

Pure Rain tilted her head slightly. “… I wasn’t interrogating you.”

“You… weren’t?” Spike gulped.

“I just didn’t want to mention it,” Silver muttered.

“Boys, I don’t greatly mind you using the parts in the basement if you want to make something,” Pure Rain continued. “But I would appreciate it if you let me know about them. I would rather you not hurt yourself working on it, or at least be forewarned. I am admittedly curious as to how well they will work.”

“Really?” Spike and Silver both asked.

“Against my better judgement, yes,” Pure Rain sighed.

“Um… I might need a raise in allowance,” Silver commented after a moment. “To get stuff for the ideas.”

She reached over and pushed Silver’s bowl of beans closer. “Maybe if you eat your beans. No giving them to your brother this time.”

Silver grumbled but reluctantly started on the beans as the conversation continued, moving on from the topic of the potato cannons. Flare started bugging Spike about why he didn’t go to school, which turned out to be because of home schooling and the same tutelage Twilight received. It turned out that Silver had to redo an assignment since he decided to write a paper on the origins of the names for the days of the week rather than what was assigned to him.

He at least got extra credit for it.

After the meal the activities got a bit trickier. The down side of setting up a spontaneous sleep over was that you didn’t have anything planned for it. They had hit a wall with the cannon project, so they couldn’t get back to that. Following advice from their aunt, they worked on the sleeping arrangements.

The plan was to move the beds in their room and lay the mattresses on the ground to make one big sleeping surface for all of them. A quick round of dice rolls split the chore; Silver and Spike worked on arranging the mattresses while Proud and Flare pushed the bed frames out of the way.

The first pair, having the easier task, finished up in no time, and got to talking with Flare and Proud were still at it.

“You could lend a hoof,” Proud pointed out as he and Flare worked to push the first bed, Silver’s, out of the way and into the corner.

Silver and Spike looked at each other and nodded over an unspoken agreement before turning, grinning broadly. “Nah!”

“You knew they wouldn’t; why’d you ask?” Flare grumbled, trying to put his back into it.

“You can’t blame me for being hopeful,” Proud responded gruffly.

Silver and Spike kept up their grins, perhaps taking a bit too much pleasure in the other’s discomfort. Flare tried to ignore them as the two relaxed and talked. Proud was shifting the second bed so it would take up the least amount of space, so he started shifting the last one, Proud’s bed on his own in the meantime. His ear twitched when the odd turn in their discussion caught his attention.

“It’s kind of weird,” Spike was saying. “You sure you want to do it?”

“One hundred percent,” Silver replied. “I’ve read up about it, and it’s not something I can really do to myself. I don’t have digits, but I want to know what it feels like.”

Flare glanced back confused as to what they were talking about, but the two were just sitting on the mattresses. He shrugged and got back to shifting.

“Twilight said it’s not something I should do with other ponies, but okay… if you’re sure,” Spike’s hesitant response came. “Just… let me know if I’m doing it too hard and hurting you…”

Flare stumbled, tripping over his hooves and hitting the bed when Silver moaned. He whirled, eyes wide. “What the hay are you… two… doing?” Flare’s accusation trailed off when what he saw didn’t match his expectations at all.

“W-what?” Spike asked self-consciously. Silver was sprawled out on the mattress beside him, a contented and slightly goofy look on his face, Spike’s formerly active but now stilled digits at his ears.

“Um… what?” Flare blinked.

Proud popped up from behind the beds, curious as to what was drawing everypony’s attention.. “What’s going on?”

“Huh? Spike, why’d you stop?” Silver asked, sounding a bit dazed and out of it.

“Silver just asked me to scratch his ears,” Spike said defensively. He pulled his hands back to himself. “Yeesh. I’m not gonna do it if you act like that. What did you think I was doing?”

“Um… nothing!” Flare said quickly, turning back to his task, his red coat doing well to hide his blush. Proud was snickering but went back to work as well. Flare’s stumble managed to knock the box spring out of place. He sighed and moved to push it back in place when he noticed something stuck under it. He sighed again and tugged it out. Huh, it was a maga-

Flare yelped when he saw the cover and started back pedalling, only stopping when he tripped over the mattresses, his wings flared and eyes wide.

“What’s up, Flare?” Silver asked, recovered from the numbing effects of the ear scratch.

“It was in my mouth,” was all Flare said.

“What was in your…” Silver trailed off when he spotted the magazine. A bat winged pegasus mare was sprawled on a bed, feet done up in stockings and wearing lingerie, suggestively looking over her shoulder at the reader. The title spanned the top; ‘Playpony: Night Pegasus edition’. “Wow… Just… wow…”

Spike crawled over next. “What’s going… Holy guacamole, Batmare!”

“What are you guys going on about?” Proud asked, trotting over.

“So... you have a thing for leather wings, huh?” Silver said, smirking at Proud, pointing to the incriminating evidence. Proud’s face went red. “Shooting for the night guard instead?”

“I-i-i-it's not mine! I'm just holding it for... for Scootaloo!” Proud stammered.

“You… realize that makes it worse, right?” Silver commented. Spike looked like he was torn between walking away and flipping through the pages. Silver’s horn glowed, and the box spring shifted, revealing a few more magazines.

Spike’s eyes widened. “Haystacks, Proud… that’s… a collection…”

“Just because we are brothers doesn’t mean I won’t hurt you,” Proud hissed.

“You and what army?” Silver grinned.

Proud looked around, snagged Flare and dragged him over. “Two against one!”

Flare meeped, broke free and ran to hide behind the dresser, his wings popped out again. His sudden flight upset the collection, causing a few to fall on the ground, a few open. Spike was doing his best to imitate a fish. Silver’s eyes widened at some of the pictures, a blush taking over his face. “Bucking Ponyfeathers, Proud…”

Proud scrambled to kick them out of sight. “Hey! What I li- I mean what Scootaloo likes is her business!”

“Scootaloo… sure,” Spike said, finding both his voice and his sarcasm.

“Yes! Scoots! Her… her parents were… spring cleaning!” Proud said hastily, still pushing the magazine pile out of sight with a hind leg. “And she needed somewhere to hid them and asked me to keep them for her! Since no one would ask me! Her likes are her business!”

“Yours too, apparently,” Silver said, shaking his head as if that action could dislodge the images flitting about his mind. He did not want to see those. Even the pictures in the anatomy books had been weird enough. “And its summer going autumn. I’m going to have so much fun with this blackmail material…”

“Not exactly ‘spring cleaning’ time,” Spike grinned.

“You’d blackmail your best pony?” Proud asked, looking dismayed. He had managed to mostly hide his collection away by that point and pointed an accusatory hoof at Silver. “How could you!”

“Who said I had a best pony?” Silver grinned.

Behind them, Spike looked at Flare. “What’s best pony?”

“Best Crusader then!” Proud challenged.

“Nice try. Besides; Sweetie Bell is best Crusader,” Silver continued. “Even if she can’t cook.”

“Hay… I should have said her…” Proud muttered under his breath.

“Besides, the first one said ‘Property of Gibson’ on the cover,” Silver added. The room was silent, Proud’s face getting even redder.

“Gibson… as in… Button’s older brother?” Spike blinked. His face blanched, even with his scales.

“IT WAS IN MY MOUTH!” Flare yelled after twitching in a sporadic fashion for a moment. He fled the room, crying ‘ew’ repeatedly all the way to the bathroom.