• Published 24th Aug 2014
  • 1,090 Views, 14 Comments

Wish of a Princess - Tales Trails

Friendship and Love aren't the only magic in Equestria for sometimes a heart felt wish can literally reshape the world.

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The alabaster alicorn lay buried in the sheets of her bed, a place she had not left for several days, with the exception of walking to her balcony to raise and set the sun. Her ethereal mane was plain and dull hanging limply sticking to her neck, she just hadn’t cared enough to take care of herself, something that was also evident by all the uneaten meals she kept sending back with the servants. It had been weeks since Spike had raised the alarm that Twilight was in mortal danger and the solar princess was blaming herself for her daughter’s peril. The guard outside her door had been strict instructions not to let anyone disturb her. The decision was not only because Celestia didn’t want to see anyone, but the sight of the solar diarch in such a depressed state could send the ponies in to a state of panic. The rumors the Luna had staged a coup had already spread through the nobility. A tale of her jelousy of the new princess and banishing her to Tartrus, then overpowering an unsuspecting Celestia to take sole rule had almost spun out of control a couple of times. The rumor was dispelled by none other than Prince Blue Blood who testified to the other nobles that the princess had indeed run off and the solar ruler was just occupied with the search. A deed he did partially because of his fear of Luna and the more he made Twilight look like a spoiled undeserving filly the better he felt.

“Step aside!” Luna called as she galloped to the door to the princess chamber.

“But, the princess…” a guard started then thought twice about earning the ire of the dark princess.

Luna snorted as she entered the stuffy room, a the stale foul smell not normally associated with the “example of pony perfection” that ruled Equestria.

“Sister! Sister! You must wake, wake now!” Luna said as she dashed into the room towards the blanket covered lump.
Celestia did not move.
“It’s about Twilight,” Luna said shaking the mattress with her hoof.
“Did, did they find her?” Celestia said shooting up.
“I am sorry but,” Luna began.
“No, no, she can’t be,” Celestia said her mood swinging like a mad pendulum.
“No, sister! We have no word on that,” Luna said placing a calming hoof on her sisters shoulder. “We do have a lead.”
“Well what is it?” Celestia demanded.
“We know who has her,” Luna said, the good news and bad news rolled into one word. “Chryslis”
The shock settled into Celestia and after a moment to collect her thoughts the face of the sad depressed mare gone replaced by the one of the cool and collected face of a monarch. Luna felt briefly sorry for the changeling queen or anypony that stood between Celestia and her foal.
“Do we know where the hive is? Do we know if she is even with the hive? And how did we come by this information?” Celestia said stepping down from her bed and looking her sister in the eyes.
Luna did her best to explain what she had discovered in the dreamscape, Celestia was shocked at the mention of the source being the troublesome showmare from her daughters friendship reports, but didn’t have any reason to doubt it.
“Luna,” Celestia thought out loud, “You will go and fetch Trixie and bring her back to the palace. I would like to talk with her myself. I will send messages to the Crystal Empire and our allies to see if they know where the hive is. We will also ready the Guard for when we do find them.”
“Yes sister,” Luna said walking out to balcony and pausing to look back at her Celestia, “Tia, we will find her, we will bring her home.”
Celestia said nothing as the dark alicorn leapt to the air and speed off to the north quickly becoming a black dot on the horizon.
* * * *

“Miss Lulumoon,” a guard pony said as he approached the door of her cell. She raised her head off the hard pillow as she watch a set of keys in the unicorns aura unlock the door. “You are free to go.”

Trixie stood and walked to the door stopping at the threshold as the guard then removed the inhibitor from around her horn. The pale blue mare didn’t say a word just raised her head and walked down the hallway toward the front of the station. A large white rump nearly blocked the exit, as she saw a pony laying prostrate on the floor, she then noticed a second and a third guard doing the same. It didn’t take long for her to understand why a dark alicorn stood in the front of the room with a stern look on her face her mane of stars and galaxies rippling in an unseen wind. Trixie tried not to be intimidated pausing in front of her ruler and bowing before looking over at the shaking pile of white fur in silver armor inches away. She recognized it at the lout that had tossed her in the cell and drew back her hoof to kick him, “I think our friend Twilight would not approve,” Luna said giving Trixie pause. She placed her hoof back on the floor.

“You are right princess. Twilight wouldn’t approve,” she smiled and nodded her head then sent a quick buck to his barrel. “But, fortunately is also full of forgiveness.”

Luna did not do well hiding her smirk as she watched the unicorn move around her and out of the door before following her out.

“Trixie would like to thank her majestiy for freeing her,” the humbled showmare said bowing her head in respect.

“We are happy to know you have information on our dear niece,” Luna said. “You are required to come to Canterlot where we will talk with Celestia of what you have witnessed.”

“Yes your majesty,” Trixie said.

“Luna, call me Luna,” she said.

“Yes, Luna,” Trixie said.

“Besides, you will be riding on my back, I think Luna is more fitting for something so intimate.

“Your back?” Trixie said tilting her head.
* * * *

The thought of flying was terrifying to Trixie, ponies that didn’t have wings should remain on the ground was a heartfelt belief she’d had since she was a filly. She was surprised how comfortable she felt nestled between the wings of the flying princess. A feeling of familiarity flowed around her like the breeze. She still wasn’t thrilled with flying, it was the alicorn she clung to that made her feel safe. She just imagined it was her connection with Twilight that made her feel that way.

Author's Note:

Well like I said things are speeding up here. I hope you are enjoying. My comment policy is as always, please do. I can't correct my mistakes or bask in your praise if you don't tell me what you think is right and wrong.