• Published 24th Aug 2014
  • 1,090 Views, 14 Comments

Wish of a Princess - Tales Trails

Friendship and Love aren't the only magic in Equestria for sometimes a heart felt wish can literally reshape the world.

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Getting in the door

Getting in the Door

The dawn broke and Trixie, Applejack and Rainbow Dash carefully walked along the dry river bed toward the large puff of smoke they had seen earlier from their camp.

“I really don’t like this,” Rainbow said flying only a few feet from the ground. “What if it’s a trap?”

“If it’s a trap we have a traitor among us cause I dun told Spike long puff, three short puffs, three long puffs, then three more long puffs, and a long, short, long combo,” AppleJack said referring to the single they saw in the early morning.

“What’s that?” Trixie asked, “It sound very complicated.”

“Horse Code,” AJ answered.

“Whats it mean?” Rainbow asked.

“Book,” AJ chuckled.

“I think, I hear something,” Trixie said freezing in place.

The three mares got closer together and braced for a trap and collectively sighed in relief as they came face to face with a dragon and a white unicorn in a fashionable cape.

“Oh, Applejack there you are darling. We were starting to wonder if you had been captured,” Rarity said.

“Nope, Sugarcube, that’s your job,” Applejack replied.

“Rainbow Dash, Trixie,” she aknowlaged.

“Well, we all know the plan so, we might as well get to it,” Spike said before muttering something to himself…
“Wait!” Rarity said intrupting his spell. He stopped confuse until a pair of soft pony lips pressed to his. “I just needed one more. . . just in case.”
Spike smiled back at the mare of his dreams and began to speak the spell again. A golden glow shimmered around him as his long claws began to retrack, his tail began to shorten as he began to shrink down to the pint size assistant most ponies were familiar with.
“Okay, Trixie it’s your turn,” Applejack said turning to the mare.

“I hope you’re not waiting for a kiss, cause I don’t swing that way,” Rainbow said.

“You’re really missing something then,” Trixie shot back then levitated a pendant out of her saddle bag and placed it on her neck, closed her eyes and activated a spell. The illusion took hold and and the showmare disappeared replaced by the black insectoid shape of a changeling.

“Spike, Rarity, good luck,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’ll go join up with Shining and the princesses and wait for your single.”

“Thanks,” Rarity said, “But, I don’t think well need much when we unleash a dragon in the hive.”

“You becareful anyway,” AJ said.

“Since my legs are shorter you mind if I ride you,” Spike asked looking up at Rarity.

“Darling, you can ride me anytime,” she said giving him a wink.

Trixie rolled her eyes at the couple and lead the way out of the riverbed and toward the changeling hive. Spike stroked Rarity’s mane as the disguised Trixie escorted closer to the hive. The dragon could tell despite her outward confidence that she was getting more and more nervous as they got closer.

“I know you are a fashionista but did you really have to accessorize for a rescue mission?” Trixie said, her voice coming from the changeling body a slight bit disconcerting for her companions.

“The cloak is to keep my fine alabaster coat from burning in this sun and the necklace was a gift from princess’ Luna and Celestia, as symbol of my position as ‘Ambassador to the Changeling Court’,” she said glancing down at the medallion of a golden sun with and inlay of a silver crescent moon.

“You know they just made that position up,” Spike said.

“It doesn’t matter. Princess Celestia named me as Ambassador in the message to Chrysalis and that carries the weight of law,” Rarity protested.

“Well, I’m not calling you ambassador,” Spike grumbled.

“You get grumpy when you shrink down,” Rarity shot back.

“How about I call you, sexy flank?” he said scratching his claw against her cutie mark.

“How about you two get a room,” Trixie said.

“Only if we could,” Rarity said with a quick shudder.

The four stopped at the main gate, a large bolder that could be rolled in front of the entrance, where they were confronted by a half dozen of the pony like bugs. “I am Rarity, Ambassador from the court of Canterlot to see Queen Chrysalis on a matter of great importance,” the white unicorn said in a haughty tone.

The half dozen changelings gave way and “escorted” the three down the dark tunnel. Spike had amazing night vision, from being a dragon and a great memory from years as working as his sisters assistant, both becoming very valuable as he made a mental map of their path to the queen. The narrow passage way branched off in a multitude of directions creating quite a challenge. He took the added step of etching a crude map in to one of the scales on his arm, he knew this was not a place he wanted to get lost.

The narrow cavern opened into the grand throne room of the changeling queen. Spike and Rarity did their best not to react to the skin crawling presence of so many changelings all looking down at them from the hundreds of honeycombs in the walls.

“So…Ambassador is it?” a voice said in the darkness behind the daias. “I don’t recall ever exchanging Ambassadors with Celesita.”

“A situation that the Princess wishes to rectify,” Rarity said burying all her fear.

“You don’t have a need to be nervous yet,” the queen said stepping in to the light and taking her seat.

“You’re majesty,” Rarity said bowing as spike hopped off her back to do the same.

“A dragon? Well it’s been a while since I’ve seen one that small,” the queen said leaning down to get a better look.

“He is my secretary,” Rarity said.

“Oh, I’m sure he is,” Chrysalis said. “and so much more I’d imagine. I can just feel the lust pouring of the both of you. I’d say he’s a little young don’t you think?”

“I, uh,” Rarity attempted to speak.

“Ooooh not that I mind,” Chrysalis said smiling. “We changelings are more open minded than ponies.”

“I, um, have a petition from her majesty Princess Celestia,” Rarity said floating a scroll from her saddle bag. “Her majesty request the release of the Princess Twilight Sparkle, in exchange she is willing to receive a official ambassador from your court and negotiate (Rarity again buried her feeling of disgust) feeding rights.”

“And why would I do that?” Chrysalis said sauntering down from her throne. “The power of one alicorn can keep me and my hive strong for generations.” The green glow of the queens horn called down a beam of white light from somewhere above to illuminate the captured princess.

Rarity caught her breath in shock at the thin pile of flesh bones and feathers shackled to the floor laid motionless, she placed her hoof on Spikes shoulder, knowing it was his instinct to charge to his sisters aid, the hoof reminded him as much as it hurt, that they had a plan and had to wait. “Oh! That is an interesting taste, rage and sorrow with a hint of love,” the queen said. “I really wish you could feel the world like I do. The emotion you both are emitting is almost tangible.

“I must insist you let the Princess go,” Rarity shouted, unable to control herself.

“I must do nothing, Ambassador, I will however consider Celestia petition,” the queen said as two changelings came up alongside the unicorn and dragon and began herding them toward a honeycomb set into the wall. As soon as they crossed the threshold a wall of green crystal formed blocking the two in the small room.

A changeling stood in the back of the cavern and longingly looked to the spot where the princess lay. She also prayed to Faust that her emotions didn’t give her away. Trixie just had to bide her time until the throne room was empty and they could put their plan in action.
* * * *

The throne room was deserted for single changeling in the shadows. She crept across the grand hall pausing in front of the “room” holding Rarity and Spike and knocking three times before moving on. Twilight looked up from the cold floor at the changeling standing over her. “What do you want?” she said barely above a whisper. “I don’t think the queen would approve if you feed from me.”

The changeling just stood above her and tilted her head, “You just hang on we are going to get you out of here,” the changeling said in a gravelly voice as she knelt down and nuzzling her.

“Why? Why would you free me? Who are you?” Twilight asked trying not to let hope back into her heart.

“Someone who loves you,” the changeling said leaning in and kissing the princess and letting the illusion fade.

“Trixie?” Twilight said with the biggest smile she could muster.

The sound of something scratching echoed through the chamber, “Those claws of yours are quite versatile,” Rarity said as she followed the dragon through the hole he had cut in the crystal door of their cell.

“Spike, Rarity?” Twilight said her weak state breaking the dragons heart as he rushed over to her side.

“I’m sorry Twilight. I was supposed to protect you,” he said.
“No, it’s my fault,” she said. “I shouldn’t have runaway.”
“I know we all have a lot to discuss darling but that can wait until we get her out of here,” Rarity said.
“How about I get those off you?” Spike said inserting his claw into the lock and feeling for the tumblers.
The sound of a single set of hooves clapping echoed through the chamber causing the rescuers too freeze. “That was so sweet,” Chrysalis voice echoed in the chamber as light began to filter down from the unknown source above. “The taste of hope is like a great seasoning you only need a dash to flavor the meal.”
The alicorn changeling strode out of the shadow looking down at the three ponies and dragon. “You really though that disguise would work. I could tell you weren’t one of mine the moment you stepped in here,” Chrysalis said. “I can sense my children. We are linked. I just think and they obey.”
“You two will taken to one of the feeding cells,” the queen said looking at Spike and Rarity. “and you, my dear, you will be kept right here. The love you and the princess share will add a wonderful spice to the stew.”
“I do not think Princess Celestia will take it well that you detained her ambassador,” Rarity said. “Spike, take a note.”
Chrysalis just stared at the strange display, trying to get a lock on the emotions they were having. The most often reaction she got when a pony was about to be dragged off to the feeding cells was begging and pleading and often running. But, taking a memo? That was new.
“Ready,” spike said producing a quill and parchment from the saddle bag. “What shall it say?”
“Plan B,” she said and he scribbled it down and quickly torched it with his fire.
The queen shook her head not really understanding, but brushed the odd act off and called to her children who began to creep out of the shadows by the dozens.
“Trixie, try and free Twilight,” Rarity said as a matter of fact as the insectoid ponies closed in around them. “and you my handsome drake, we get out of here and I’ll do things to you, you’ve only dreamed about.”
“The thing with the whipped cream and gems?” he questioned.
“and more,” she knelt and whispered his ear.
“You’re on,” he said.
“Why do they always want to fight? Fighting just has no real taste,” Chrysalis though as her children were about to seize the pony and baby dragon.
The sound echoed through the chamber as the child dragon grew in size, a size larger than before the adrenalin and want of battle fueling his growth now dwarfing the changelings closing in on him.
“You can’t protect all three,” the queen said mocking the dragon.
“Oh, he doesn’t,” Rarity said her horn glowing and levitating the sun madilleon and separating it it to two pieces, the sun and the moon. The sun with its radiating arms and the cresent moon hung over her shoulders.

“What do you think we are a bunch of vampoinies? Scared by the symols of power,” the queen said.
“No, but you should be,” Rarity said and in a flash she directed the disks out and away from her spinning then slicing through a half dozen changelings in front of her.
The queen screamed and that was Spikes chance. He pounced on the alicorn his claws slashing his teeth snapping at her neck. The Rarity, the demure, Rarity the fashion icon, Rarity the simple seamstress, was well practiced at levitating sometimes six objects at a time and having them do complex tasks. But, there was nothing complex here, killing and mameing took little thought, and she didn’t really want to think about the harm she was doing either. She had a job to do. It was kill or be eaten. She just had to hold them off. She crisscrossed the spinning blades at a lightning pace creating a shield of sharp edges around them. The insectoids tried to drop in over the blades but multitasking is what she did best. Rarity pulled gems from the earth an fired them up word with procession slicing the bugs above her. She splattered the floor with the ichor of changling blood but didn’t flinch from her duty.
The other side of the room found the alicorn and the dragon locked in combat. Spike knew that the changeling queen would be strong, and her magic stronger, he just had to keep her distracted with physical tasks to avoid her focusing on her spells. Trixie tried in vain to break the locks holding Twilight to the floor, a loud crash and a cloud of dust filled the room, as teams of bat winged ponies streamed into the chamber. The bat winged Lunar Guard were smaller in stature than the Solar Guard but were considered a very elite fighters and very loyal to Princess Luna. The dark ponies engaged the changelings and pushed toward their target, the Princess Twilight.
The bugs, no matter how many were killed seemed to keep coming and also had Princess Twilight as their objective. Rarity franticly slashed and fired bolts from her horn as the bug just kept coming. She couldn’t stop, but the tempo was exhausting draining her magical reserves. A bug slammed into her side sending her off balance and momentarily breaking her concentration and that was all it took for three changelings to doge her spinning blades and pounce.
“Spike!!!!!” Trixie shouted as she watched Rarity get tackled.
The dragon didn’t need to hear anymore than the panic and concern in her scream. He roared and turned his head to see Rarity struggling under the pile of changelings, and that was all the queen needed to shove him back creating space between them. He was desperate to disengage the queen, but he knew the moment he did the advantage would be hers. The dragon knew if he didn’t end this fast the mare he loved would be lost. He tensed his mucles and prepared to pounce hoping he could generate a killing blow. A flash of light popped and a black alicorn stood between him and the queen.
“Go, nephew,” Luna said drawing up her power and aggressively huffing from her nose.
Spike didn’t need a moment to think he charged across the cavern bowling over changeling standing between him and Rarity. He plucked the creatures like ragdolls off her tossing them across the room sending them splattering into the walls. The dragon stood over her before roaring and blasting fire, incinerating several changelings, and daring anymore to approach. The battle raged around them as Spike used fire and claw to hold the line defending his sister and his love. The changelings kept coming threaten to overwhelm the dragon and the Lunar guard now forming a semicircle around the princess. A series of flash’s filled the hall as units of Solar Guards popped into existence.
“Spike,” Shining Armor said rushing with a team to the dragon’s side. “Get her out of her.”
“But,” he grumbled as he crushed a changeling in his hands. “We’ve got her and you’re hurt.”
Spike didn’t even notice the cuts and gashes across his legs and tail the adrenalin surge of the fight numbed him to the pain.
“Rarity, need medical help now,” Shining said. “I’ll get Twiliy.”
The Prince and Captain of the Guard didn’t need to say another word he just looked into his brothers eyes to convince him his part was played. Spike scooped up the white unicorn in his arms as if he was carrying a foal and stretched his wings before bolting forward following the map etched on his scaly arm to the surface.
Shinings skills with shield was well known, but often left his ability to use a sword overlooked. He and his guard merged into the line protecting the princess and repelling the changelings.
“Any luck back there?” Shining shouted.
“The locks are magical,” Trixie said her voice filled with frustration, “I think they were created by a spell, nothing I’m doing is working.”
“Well that’s not good. You keep working. We’ll give you the time you need,” he said trying to sound confident knowing that each moment came with the cost of a pony’s life.
“Well it’s nice to have a magical challenge,” Chrysalis said firing a spell at Luna who deflected it with her own conjured shield.
“You have taken something very dear to me and we want it back,” Luna said summoning her power for a strike.
“Yes, yes, yes, what is it about this princess that seems to drive everypony to such devotion?” Chrysalis said firing another bolt at the Lunar princess.
“I doubt it is something you’d understand,” Luna said sending her own blast at the changeling queen.
“What? What wouldn’t I understand,” the queen smirked as the two circled each other in an attempt to gain and advantageous angle. “The magic of friendship? The magic of love? I have tasted all of those and how well they taste. The little upstart princess I took does have a lot of power more than enough for me to take on you.”
A flash of light followed erupted between the combating alicorns as it suddenly got very warm.

Author's Note:

I really enjoyed the little scenes between Spike and Rarity. I hope to have time to explore their dynamic in the future. I will give kudos to anyone who noticed my homage to a famous film as the two get in the door of the changling hive.