• Published 24th Aug 2014
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Wish of a Princess - Tales Trails

Friendship and Love aren't the only magic in Equestria for sometimes a heart felt wish can literally reshape the world.

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Twilight in Transit

Twilight in Transit

Twilight began to smile as she felt the gentle roll of the wagon beneath her, “I must have slept in” she thought, “I better get up before Trixie starts accusing me of being a pampered princess.”

The princess began to stretch then felt something pulling against her legs and cut into the tender skin of her fetlocks. The pain brought back the memories of the attack, panic began to fill her as looked around her. She instinctually cast an illumination spell, but nothing happened, she could feel something cold pressing against tender spot where her horn met her head, a suppressing ring she thought. She was and alicorn, she should be able to break it, she focused hard. Twilight screamed in pain as the magical surge cascaded back in to her body. The princess squinted her eyes trying to make out more of her surroundings but could see nothing in the dim light just a few slants of her mother’s sun penetrating the cracks in the wood. “Let me out!” she called. “Let me out!” suddenly realizing how stuffy it was in the box.

The sound of hoof falls around the box cause her to look up to suddenly be blinded by the light flooding in from the hatch that was just slid open. “You be quiet now. We wouldn’t want to have to gag you,” said one of the Pegasus she had seen the other night.

Twilight struggled against her chains trying snap at the disguised changeling. “HeEEEEELP!” she screamed, until silenced by the pain of her horn being flicked by the changelings hoof.

“I will gag you. If you think it’s hot and hard to breath now just imaging with a rag stuffed in your mouth,” she said.

“Where are you taking me?” Twilight asked.

“To our queen of course,” the changeling replied.

“But,” Twilight began but was cut off by another flick of the horn.

“I’ll make you a deal. You stay quiet and we’ll leave the hatch open,” she said.

Twilight thought for a moment and looked up at her mother’s sun taking comfort in the orb then nodded in agreement. The hours or she thought hours, passed slowly as her prison rolled along a bumpy road. She on several occasions tried to strain against her bindings in order to take a bearing of the sun. Her hopes were to figure out where she was by the suns relative position to the horizon. When sunset came she hoped to time try the same with the moon.
I will probably expand on this part in the future…
* * * *

Trixie was in awe at imperial grandeur surrounding her, the impossibly high arched ceilings (to cater to the Pegasus) the gilded furnishings, the red carpets, the ornate tapestries, and it was also . . . completely intimidating. The showmare had spent most of her life on the road with only the sky above her or the close quarters of her wagon making her feel save and snug. The palace was big as the sky but gave her no comfort just the simple feeling she did not belong.
The moment she left Luna’s back Trixie had been rushed away to the hospital wing to have a doctor check her injuries. Doc Colttol was a gruff old stallion but despite his less than winning bedside manner he was a skilled surgeon. She was diagnoses with magical burns, the healed quickly with a spell from the doctor, a bruised rib, and several puncture wounds from changeling fangs each healed with a finely cast spell.
A stark contrast to the gruff old doctor was the half dozen young mares that escorted her from the hospital to a bathroom that was as big as a spa. Trixie was resistant to the efforts to help her at first stating that she didn’t have time to be “primped” she had to save Twilight. But after being dragged into the tub of warm water and having the hooves of beautiful young mares drag sponges and combs through her coat and mane she quickly became putty in their care.
She couldn’t help feel guilty now that she was clean and refreshed and while her Twilight was in the hooves of those awful insect ponies. The sound she was lead down a hallway in the castle escorted by a pair of guards at which the sight of made her uneasy causing her tail and ears twitch after her last run in with stallions in uniform. A second pair of guards standing outside and unassuming wooden door nodded to her escorts who then turned and walked away without a word. “Trixie was told that she would be taken to the princess,” she said the inpatients clear in her voice. “I assume this is not the throne room.” The guard just stood there and gave her a look of intimidation he must have practiced a thousand times in the mirror to immediately make Trixie let out nervous whinny before composing herself, and the door in front of her opened.
The room was small compared to the other ones in the castle cluttered with bookshelves filled with tomes and scrolls, maps hung hap hazard on the walls, she wasn’t sure where she had been led but it wasn’t the throne room. “I guess this is a waiting room of sorts,” she thought. She could see the tip of a horn behind a stack of books sitting on a desk. The sound of a quill scratching on a sheet of paper was the only sound besides the crackling of a fire she could here. “Excuse me. But, Trixie is here to see the princess, it is very important. I don’t think this can wait any longer,” she said. “If Princess Celestia will not see, I WILL talk with Princess Luna. Do you not care Princess Twilight is in danger?” Trixie stomped her hooves in emphasis.
“I care a great deal,” a calm almost melodic voice said from behind the stacks.
“Then show Trixie to the Princess,” she shouted.
The horn from behind the stacks of books began to grow in height, or appeared to at least as its owner stood from behind the desk, its owner being a towering alabaster alicorn. Trixie swallowed hard and threw herself to the floor in a deep bow.
“I must say. I have not heard somepony talk in the third person so much since my sister came back from the moon,” Celestia said looking down at the mare.

“It…it…is a nervous habit your majesty,” she said still prone on the floor.

“I recall from my daughters letters,” Celestia said stepping out from behind the desk.

“You may get up Trixie,” Celestia said leaning down to look the mare in the eyes. “The doctor sent me a report on your injuries. You appear to have been, burned with magic, beaten, and bitten two dozen times by changelings.”

“Yes, your majesty,” Trixie said.

“You told Princess Luna that you received these injuries trying to protect my daughter from the Chrysalis’ agents,” Celestia said.

“Yes,” she said looking down at the stone floor the emotions she had thoughts of failure and sadness she attempted to keep buried began to boil to the surface as the first of the tears began to flow. “I tried. I failed. Trixie failed to protect the most important pony in her life and now she is gone. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry princess, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she pleaded not knowing what else to say, she didn’t know if she could say anything else as sobs began to rack her body.

She suddenly felt something warm and feathery wrapping around her and the feel of forelegs pulling her close. Trixie inhaled the diarchs scent, she smelled like Twilight and she began to calm her sobs, that was at least until she felt the drip of a tear trickle on to her shoulder, the tears of a princess and mother missing her daughter and the two mares began to cry together and after a moment
“Trixie, my sister tells me that she found you causing quite a commotion on the dreamscape,” Celestia said giving the pale blue mare a quizzical look from across her cluttered desk as they took their seat after a the cathartic and intimate moment of tears.

“Trixie has apologized to Princess Luna and has explained that it has never happened before,” Trixie nervously apologized her sovereign and more so the mother of her marefriend.

“I am not upset,” Celestia said her calming voice soothing the nervous mare, “I’m a just impressed. I can’t even travel the dreamscape without Luna’s guidance.”

“Trixie, I have a few more questions,” Celestia asked. “Would you like some tea?”

The princess then produced a pot of tea with magic and poured two cups, not waiting for Trixie to answer.

“Yes, I will do anything to help Twilight,” Trixie responded.

“You don’t have to worry Luna and the Guard is working on a plan as we speak. The questions I have are about you,” Celestia said then taking a sip of tea.

“What would you like to know your majesty?” Trixie said squirming on her chair.

“Well Trixie the letters from Twilight that mention you spin a rather interesting tale,” the princess said making the mare even more uncomfortable. “She never mentioned how ever that you two were shall we say, involved.”

“Oh,” Trixie beginning to flush. “It has been a recent development. We have spent the last several weeks together.”

“Well, then we really should get to know each other better if you are my daughters marefriend,” Celestia said.

Trixie couldn’t help the smile growing across her face as the for the first time she was called someone’s marefriend, and not just that Twilights marefriend.

“Is it just Trixie or do you have a second name,” Celestia asked. “I have to say very little documentation on you exists, with the exception of dozens of outstanding parking tickets. We don’t even have school records.”

Trixie tried to hide under her white mane.

“I don’t really care about that if my daughter sees something in you I trust her. She is an amazing judge of character,” Celestia chuckled.

“Lulumoon, your majesty, Trixie Lulumoon,” she stated. “I was schooled at home.”

“Your parents taught you?” Celestia asked.

“The couple that raised me taught me what they could,” Trixie said. “I was a foundling. They were kind but simple ponies.”

“Would you mind if I tried a spell on you?” Celestia asked her curiosity peaked.

“You are the princess, how could Trixie refuse,” she chuckled awkwardly before furrowing her brow as a pinch came from the top of her head.

The golden aura of the solar princess held one of the fine white hairs from Trixies’ mane. The showmare looked on as her name appeared in floating letters of light at the end followed by two further down, Night Gazer and Star Light, then several more as they worked their way down to the root.

“The names below yours are your parents,” Celestia said. “If you would like we could try to find them.”

Trixie didn’t answer unsure if she wanted to know them or what happened to them.

“The names at the root are what are of interest to me,” Celestia said. “Moon Lux and Luna.”

“Who, was that?” Trixie finally spoke up after being absorbed in reading the names of the ponies she descended from. “Did you say Luna? As in Princess Luna?”

“Yes, I wasn’t aware my sister had any descendants and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t think she does either,” Celestia said. “But, Moon Lux happened at a difficult time for Luna.”

“What do you mean?” she asked her world upheavaling.

“Well, Moon Lux was a priestess of the Lunar cult and was in love with my sister. I was pretty sure the two were having a secret affair. But, each time I asked Luna would avoid it. But, Luna wasn’t herself a thousand years ago.”

“You mean Nightmare Moon,” Trixie interjected.

“Yes, the two parts of her mind were warring with each other. She would have whole days of missing time, most likely when the Nightmare took over,” Celestia said still feeling the pain and regret that she didn’t notice.

“So, you think that Moon Lux was my ancestor mother and that would mean that … Nightmare Moon is my ancestor father?” Trixie tried to understand.

“In a way yes,” Celestia asked.

“Moon Lux and the Princess is well a princess. How is that possible,” Trixie said more confused.

“Well, there are spells that can help two mares conceive. It just takes very powerful magic,” Celestia explained. “After I…” she trailed off..”After the nightmare Moon Lux and most of the cult disappeared. I imagine she kept the pregnancy secret fearing reprisals for being a priestess in the cult.”

“So this is the reason I can walk through dreams,” Trixie reasoned aloud.

“Yes,” Celestia said taking a second sip of tea and dismissing the heritage spell. “You have alicorn blood in you.”

“So, that means I’m related to Luna,” she continued to reason and her eyes began to widen in shock, “That means that I’m related to you and Twilight.”

“Don’t worry my dear. You are so distantly related it doesn’t matter,” Celestia laughed dispelling the mares fear. “I’m actually surprised that any of my sisters talents made it to you this far down the line.”

A sudden puff of smoke appeared above the princess and she took the materialized scroll in her aura and began to read. “We should get going. It appears a plan has been formulated and you are part of it. Besides I can’t wait to call Luna Grandma,” the white alicorn said with a smirk.