• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 407 Views, 1 Comments

Snow of the Soul - BloodSweatAndTea

Should Snowflake stay, she will be driven mental by the stallion that insists on joining her. Should she stay, she'll die of heat and dehydration. She stays. It will turn out to be the best thing that happened to her.

  • ...

I lived my entire life to go to Glastonburneigh!

It was a hot day, and a young pegasus by the name of Snowflake walked down a dirt road. Since she didn't like the hot weather, she only walked. She didn't want to fly, since that would mean she would get closer to the sun, and sun equals heat. It was simple maths.

She had run out of water about a day ago, her mouth was dry and she was getting light headed. Every bone in her body was aching and wanted to collapse, but one, and one thing only, made her keep going.

"No! I'm getting to Glastonburneigh, no matter what!" She yelled to nopony in particular.

It seemed the heat was getting to her head, until she saw a shadow cast over her. At first, she just thought it was a bird or some other flying creature. But she was more wrong then she thought.

"Hey! Hey, lady!" Yelled a mysterious voice that sounded like a manehattenite.

"What the...?"

Snowflake looked everywhere for the source of the voice, but she just couldn't find it, until a pale green pegasus landed right in front of her. He had dirty blond mane, and had pale green fur.

"Hey, miss, how ya doin'?" He asked.

Snowflake didn't know what to think at this point. She didn't know if she was hallucinating, or this was really happening.

"Uh... Hi?" Snowflake said hoping that she wasn't talking to herself.

"Hey, I was flyin' over here, and I see a mare talkin to herself. That's pretty odd, if you ask me... You crazy?" He asked.

Snowflake was very offended by this. She was not crazy but she knew that this stallion would soon point her in that direction.

"Excuse me?" She asked with an attitude, this made the stallion laugh to himself.

"Uh-oh, looks like we got a sass over here!" He said looking towards an invisible crowd.

"You have the sheer nerve to call me crazy, and yet you're the one who's talking to nopony! And it's over a hundred degrees outside! How are you not dying of heat right now?"

The stallion looked at her with confusion for a bit, but then he realized what she was talking about.

"You mean this? This ain't nothing! Why are you even complaining about the weather? I think it feels nice, you drama queen!" He said while flying above Snowflake.

"I am not a drama queen! It's very hot right now, and I'm not one to be in this kind of weather!" Snowflake yelled. This did make the stallion back off, though.

"Gee, lady, no need to whine about it. By the way, your accent... It sounds familiar. You a Brit, or somethin'?" Snowflake wasn't surprised to hear that guess, it was pretty obvious.

"Wow, you actually know the answer? I thought that brain of yours was too simple to understand such detail." She said sarcastically, "Besides, at least my voice is more gentle than your annoying accent!" Snowflake said making the stallion blush in embarrassment.

"What d'ya mean, lady? My accent is from the best place on this Celestia given earth, Manehatten!" He said in defense, but right after he asked a question sounding as if nothing happened just then.

"Name's Gigglebox, what's yours?"

Snowflake was quickly getting annoyed by this pegasus, so in hopes he would go away, she told him her name.

"It's Snowflake! Now leave me alone!" She said trying to speed up her walking.

"Ha! Hahahaha! No, didn't your mom teach ya manners? You don't tell somepony to leave them alone so rudely." He said annoyingly.

"No, but my mum most definitely did." She could help but mutter to herself. He was really getting on her nerves.

But he then said something that nearly made her punch his lights out.

"Well, your name does explain a lot. Hates the nice weather, and is the coldest pony I've ever met." Snowflake was very offended by this comment. She didn't hate the weather, she just wasn't used to the nice weather becoming the same degree as hell itself.

"Will you just leave me alone, you twit!" Snowflake yelled angrily.

"Well, I won't leave with that attitude." Gigglebox said with his annoying high pitched voice.

"Ugh! You're like a rash that won't heal, you know that?"

Gigglebox got a straight face and replied,

"Well... That was rude... You're mean!" He said, not at all unlike a five year old.

He then flew off towards the opposite way.

"Thank Celestia!" Snowflake said to herself. Suddenly without warning she felt a slight rumble under her hooves. At first it was small, and barely noticeable, but in only seconds it turned violent and major. She panicked, she didn't know what to do. Under the stress, heat and sheer lack of hydration, she fainted. In her slumber she saw something that really scared her.

She saw a giant black orb that swallowed other ponies. She heard the blood curdling screams from the ponies, and she couldn't do a thing about it. Suddenly, she saw herself, nothing too odd, but that would all change. She saw herself distort and turn into the same giant black orb.

Her eyes quickly shot open to see that she was in the sky. She felt hooves under her arms and quickly looked up. She was surprised to see that Gigglebox was carrying her with ease.

"Gah! L-Let me go!" She yelled in fear. Gigglebox laughed a little and said,

"Your wish is my command!" He said with wittiness, he then let her go which she caught herself with her flight.

"What were you doing, carrying me? I can fly well on my own!" She yelled furiously.

"Sorry, Snow! Didn't know you didn't like somepony saving your life!" He said.

This offended her when he called her 'Snow'. he had no right to shorten her name like that. But what made her curious was when he said 'saved her life'.

"What do you mean? Saved my life?" She asked fearing the answer.

"Well, that earthquake was a big one. So big that it made a nearby tree fall. If I didn't pick you up you would find yourself under a tree. So, you kinda owe me an apology and a thank you." He said with a sly face.

Snowflake didn't want to apologize, nor say thank you, but he was right, if he didn't save her, she wouldn't be alive right now.

"Ugh! Fine!" She paused looking at the ground, and then said slowly, and quietly, "Thank-you, Gigglebox, and I'm sorry for insulting you."

"Sorry, what was that?" He said putting a hoof to his ear.

"I said, I'm sorry, and thank you!" She said, gritting her teeth.

"There, now that didn't kill 'ya, did it?" He asked with cockiness.

"Nearly died!" She replied, that actually got a good laugh out of Gigglebox. Didn't surprise her, though, it is known that simple minded ponies are easily entertained.

They flew for a little bit in silence, but Gigglebox broke the silence.

"So... Where 'ya going, anyway?" He asked with curiosity.

"If you must know, I'm going Glastonburneigh." Snowflake said with pride.

"Oh yeah? What's that about? What do you do there?" Gigglebox asked as he floated in front of Snowflake.

"Are you a complete hermit? Do you not know what it is? Glastonburneigh is the biggest event of the year! One doesn't 'do things' at Glastonburneigh!" Yelled Snowflake, with a lot of passion.

"Sorry, so what happens at this Glastonbur... Whatever?" Gigglebox asked dumbly.

"It's a long concert that lasts five days and- Wait, why am I telling you this?" Snowflake said with an annoyed tone.

"So what you're saying is... It's a hippy concert right?" He asked, this made Snowflake nearly knock him out of the air.

'It is not a hippy concert!" She yelled.

"C'mon, it has to be! It's a long concert that lasts five days, usually the length of a hippy concert. All it needs is a bunch of plant activists that want to, 'bring down the government man'" He said, mocking the voice of a hippy.

Snowflake was looking very offended at the comment, so offended that she blushed in embarrassment. "Ok, ok I'm sorry, it was just a joke, Snow, Ok?"

There was a slight pause, before she said,

"Call me that again, and I swear, I will knock you into next Tuesday."

"Temper, temper!" He said, shaking his head at Snowflake.

She didn't reply. She as done talking to the pegasus. Whenever she spoke, it gave him ammunition for a stupid one liner. It stayed silent for a while, until Snowflake took the chance to ask where they were going.

"Oh, we're going to Ponyville, a real laid back place. We can stay there until you're ready to leave."

This confused Snowflake. Where did this 'we' thing come from? Another awkward silence occured until Gigglebox broke the silence.

"Well, just so you know, I think I know another reason why your name is Snowflake." This got her attention. Whatever he was about to say was going to be either a rude comment or a lame joke.

"I think your name is Snowflake because you're kinda soft like it." This made Snowflake blush, she didn't know whether it was a comment or just a lame joke.

"Did that sound weird? I think it sounded weird." He said awkwardly. His awkwardness, however, did make Snowflake laugh to herself.

As they got to the edge of Ponyville, the sun was setting, and they needed to hurry so that they could rest at Ponyville. Once they landed, however, nopony was in the streets. It was sunset, but that didn't mean that a few ponies couldn't be out. It was like a ghost town.

As they walked the streets, they found a massive palace.

Snowflake let out a low whistle, "Somepony's loaded."

Gigglebox was now laughing hysterically.

"Hahaha! And you called me a hermit!"

Snowflake merely rolled her eyes at the pegasus.

"Here, we can check if anypony is in here, yeah?" Snowflake said, opening the door with Gigglebox at her side.

Without warning, she and Gigglebox were pulled in by a purple and orange hoof. This would be the moment when their lives would change their lives forever.

Author's Note:

Well, it's back, and it's funnier, sadder, and cuter than ever before! You owe the majority of chapter to GodOfBBQ, so if you liked it, drop by his page and tell him.