• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 405 Views, 1 Comments

Snow of the Soul - BloodSweatAndTea

Should Snowflake stay, she will be driven mental by the stallion that insists on joining her. Should she stay, she'll die of heat and dehydration. She stays. It will turn out to be the best thing that happened to her.

  • ...

Of Cake, Near-Homicidal Ponies, And Awkward Silence.

After a long night of little sleep and mourning over the possible loss of his best friend, Gigglebox woke up in the morning to something he thought he would never see.


With a knife.

The knife dangerously close to him.

His body froze. He couldn't move. He silently cursed at himself for being such a coward at such a time at this, but then he remembered.



His body turned to jelly again.

The most brutal, most insane mare he knew, was wielding a knife, a look of insane joy on her face, and a sticky, red substance on the knife.

"Wake up, sleepy, or you'll miss out!" The same high-pitched, British quality was there, but it was more...

Well, insane.

"Twilight managed to conjure up some cake! Get up, or you're going to miss out!"

Panic over.

Sort of.

"Celestia, Snowflake, have you got no shame?! At all?!" He shrieked, covering himself with with the sleeping bag.

"Sorry?" She said, shrugging her shoulders, "I don't see what the fuss is about, myself. I mean, we're all ponies, right?"

Her pupils dilated, and she suddenly seemed to remember what the fuss was about. The memories of yesterday afternoon flooded back to her, almost to fast for her to handle. She hastily dropped the knife in the floor and dashed out.

"There I go again, ruining everything with my big mouth." He sighed, picking up the knife for closer inspection.


Just jam.

And he thought it was blood.

He couldn't help but chuckle at his mistake.

He walked out the tent, back into the clearing.

"You dropped your-"

"Well?" Said Rarity, somewhat accusingly.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Snowflake came dashing out of here, looking like she'd seen a ghost." Said Rainbow Dash, a mischievous look her face, "What've you been doing to her, you perv?" She continued jokingly, earning herself a kick in the shin from Snowflake.

"He didn't do anything. It's just something that happened yesterday." Snowflake said, in his defence.

It didn't stop her from budging slightly backwards when he came to sit near her, though.

"See! Ah told ya somethin' had happened last night!" Yelled Applejack, pointing at the two ponies.

The entire morning passed like this, with an awkward silence between Snowflake and Gigglebox, and the rest of the group jumping to conclusions whenever either one said something.

Snowflake was sat on the floor, in a world of her own, when a bit of paper was dropped on her lap.


Meet me in the same place as yesterday.



She immediately made her way towards the same clearing as yesterday, where she found Gigglebox in the very same tree. She wasn't so eager to sit on tree, purely because of the crippling ache in her wings and back when she woke up the next morning.

Before she even got a chance to sit down, Gigglebox had landed in front of her.

"You," he declared, pointing at her, "are driving me insane!"

"I've heard barely a word since this morning! All I wanted to know is if you liked me! And all I get is you becoming a stuttering mess on the floor!"

"So I became the mess? Because randomly popping a question like that out of the blue isn't going to turn someone into a stuttering mess! And how bad are you at reading body language?! When somepony freaks out, it quite usually means that they don't know, or that the question scared them!" Shouted Snowflake, quick to defend herself.

"Well, sorry, I don't speak woman-ese!"

They were arguing like little children argue over toys.

It was just like before.

And it was heaven.

"So, the answer to the question is..." Asked Gigglebox, making circular movments with his hoof.

"No, I don't. Happy?"

He sat down on the ground, and sighed.

"At least I got a proper answer off you this time." He said morosely, looking at the ground.

Snowflake couldn't help but feel guilty. All she had to do was say yes, and then she wouldn't be in this position right now. She was used to comforting ponies when they got rejected, but not when she rejected them.

"C'mon, it's not that bad," She said. She went to put her arm around him, but though against it, and ended up awkwardly patting his head, "besides, I'd make a terrible wife. I can't cook, I rarely clean, and to be honest, I'm just generally accident prone."

"I told you." He muttered, picking at the ground with his hoof.


"I'm just some unattractive faggot that nopony cares about." He said, a single tear running down his cheek, and hitting the ground.

"Don't you dare say that about yourself again!" Yelled Snowflake, jumping to her hooves, "I care! Your mum's still out there, somewhere!"

"Well, if you care so much, why'd you turn me down?!"

"Because I don't work like that. Caring about somepony isn't the same as liking them. We can still be friends, just not... like that."

He sighed yet again, and said, "Well, I guess I should just be grateful that somepony does actually care. Y'know, I haven't heard a mare say that to me in almost ten years." He said, looking up at her with a sad smile.

Snowflake had no words to reply to that, so instead, she hugged him.

"Stop crying, you're getting me all damp." Said Snowflake, slightly squished.

"Sorry." He said, wiping his eyes with his hoof.

"No, no, no... Stop, just stop! I should have a tissue somewhere..." She said, rootling around in her bag.

"You're going to have to make do with some paper. Sorry."

"Nah, that's fine." He said, shaking the paper in an attempt to get it open from it's millions of folds.

"Look, give it-" Snowflake was cut off by Gigglebox accidentally sticking the bit of paper in her eye.

She was hunched over, her hoof on her eye, and shaking.

"Sweet mother of Faust, are you okay?!"

She sat up, to reveal that she was in fact giggling at what just happened.

"I'm going to go right ahead and presume you're okay." Said Gigglebox, slightly bemused.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Said Snowflake, "Never better!"

"So, Snow-"

"Hey, hey, hey! When did we get the sudden transaction from Snowflake to Snow?!" She said, suddenly turning defensive. The only ponies who ever called her that were her sisters and her oldest friends.

"Oh, crap, you are okay with it, aren't you?!" Said Gigglebox, not struck on the idea of having another argument with her.

"Of course I am." She said softly, leaning her head on Gigglebox's shoulder.

Gigglebox honestly didn't know what to think at this point. Was this a normal thing in Britain? Did it mean something?

"And between you and me, I might like you, a teeny bit."

What she did next surprised both herself and Gigglebox.

She lifted her head of his shoulder, and ever so slowly, gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

This, of course, made Gigglebox turn a furious shade of red.

He freaked out inwardly. What did this mean?! Was it just for some comfort? Did she mean it? Freaking mares!

"S-so, about eariler... I-if I asked you again, w-what would you say?"

Snowflake gestured for him to come closer and the whispered in his ear,
