• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 408 Views, 1 Comments

Snow of the Soul - BloodSweatAndTea

Should Snowflake stay, she will be driven mental by the stallion that insists on joining her. Should she stay, she'll die of heat and dehydration. She stays. It will turn out to be the best thing that happened to her.

  • ...

Must've Been Love, Because He Hadn't Felt It Before.

"No, no, no... Please no!" Gigglebox said as he tossed and turned in his sleep.

He whimpered a little, until he shot up out of his sleep. His eyes were misty with tears, he was sweaty and breathing very hard. He was having another bad dream again. He was sleeping right outside Snowflake's tent. He peeked in, to see her peacefully sleeping. How he wished he could have at least one night like that without having a terrible nightmare.

"Hmm... I wonder..."

Gigglebox was very hesitant to do what he was about to do. He didn't want to change Snowflake's opinion of him, but he just needed this. He poked his head into the small entrance of the tent and did little bit of math in his head. He figured he would share the tent with Snowflake. So he quickly but quietly moved into the tent and lied down next to Snowflake, he was trying his hardest not to wake her up. He then closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Snowflake gently opened her eyes. She, for some reason, felt more comfortable than before. She was about to move until she realized something that nearly made her scream.

It was Gigglebox, sleeping next to her, and holding onto her like a scared child would hug it's mother. She was a little freaked out-

Well, a lot freaked out-

To see a stallion in her tent, holding onto her as she slept, but it still felt kinda nice to have somepony hold her while they laid there. Then Gigglebox woke up to see Snowflake awake as well. His eyes widened, and he blushed with embarrassment.

Then Gigglebox woke up to see Snowflake awake as well. His eyes widened, and he blushed with embarrassment.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry! I'll get out of here! I- I shouldn't have intruded!" He said in a loud whisper. As he was shifting to get out of the tent he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

"No, it's ok. Just tell me why you're here." Snowflake asked with a smooth, calm voice.

"I'm sorry, Snow, I just... I..." He couldn't continue.

"Well, what is it?" Snowflake asked with curiosity

"I had a nightmare, Snow, and usually back home, when I got nightmares... I would hold and hug a pillow until I fell back asleep. It was the only thing that would calm me down. Then I saw how peaceful you looked when you were sleeping and I figured... That you would be... as soft as a pillow."

Snowflake could see a hint of shame and embarrassment in Gigglebox's eyes. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him that he had to go for the majority of his life having nightmares and not having anypony to comfort him.

"I-I guess, you can stay, Giggle, just don't kick me in your sleep, okay?" Gigglebox couldn't believe what he was hearing. He never thought that somepony would actually let him sleep with them. He giggled a little replying,

"Ok, I promise."

And with that he put his arm over her and cuddled up to her. She was kinda embarrassed having a grown stallion sleeping with her because of a bad dream, but it did feel nice. As they were about to fall asleep Gigglebox said,

"Thank-you, Snow."


Snowflake awoke the next morning slightly colder than before. She turned around to see...


Gigglebox had just completely disappeared.

And from her experience, she knew it could only mean one thing.

One awful, terrifying, horrible thing:

He was a morning pony.

Snowflake groaned as she flopped backwards into the sheets. Of all the ponies- all the ponies- she had to get the morning pony. She lied there a little longer, wallowing in self-pity, before she noticed something.

A cup of tea, sat there. She wasn't sure how long it had been there, but it looked far from fresh.

A random cup of tea can mean many things. It can mean that somepony's trying to say thank-you, or sorry. It can mean that you've been sleepwalking. It can mean that you're dying for a cup of tea and have started to hallucinate.

She picked up the cup of tea, and, lo and behold, a note had been underneath it.

Thanks for last night. I guess I'm a bit of a sissy, but it meant loads to me, and I think it was one of the few nights I got more than 6 hours of sleep.


Snowflake smiled to herself, and took a sip.

And she immediately regretted it.

Her finely-tuned, tea-critic taste-buds had almost been maliciously destroyed by the mess that she was holding. It was stone-cold, had no sugar in it, no-where near enough milk, and to make things worse, the tea-bag was still in the cup.

But, if she could teach him properly, he might be the sort of morning pony that ponies wanted around.


The next morning between Snowflake and Gigglebox was different from the others. They couldn't stop smiling at each other, and throughout that whole day, Gigglebox felt giddy every time Snowflake looked at him with a smile. They all travelled a little bit more, Gigglebox told a couple of jokes to Pinkie and Dash to keep them entertained, while Rarity was trying to get some answers out of Snowflake like an interrogator.

"Sooo, what happened?" She asked like a nosy school girl.

"What do you mean?" Snowflake asked with confusion.

"You know, you and Gigglebox." Snowflake quickly blushed at the mentioning of his name. The blush did give away something to Rarity to use.

"Do you want to die?" She said, the blush still not fading.

"Ah ha! I knew something was between you two!"

Gigglebox suddenly popped up between the two.

"Yeah, now I'm between you two! Hahaha!"

Snowflake was glad to see Gigglebox in his usual happy chipper mood. She did enjoy it at times. But depending on the mood she was in, she did kinda get annoyed by it, though. But that didn't change how she felt about Gigglebox.

"So, what's the marshmallow askin' 'ya, Snow?" He asked, trying to fight back little giggles, although the comment did get some laughs from Dash and Pinkie in the background. Rarity got embarrassed, and slowed down to Applejack's speed, to probably gossip to her. Then Gigglebox suddenly turned serious and looked at Snowflake, who was now looking back.

"Hey, uh, Snow... I just want to say... Thank you."

Snowflake couldn't help but blush and smile.

"Hehe, you know... I think you look pretty cute when you blush."

Snowflake didn't want to admit it, but she did like the compliments Gigglebox showered over her.

"Mother of Celestia, you are so cute together!" Squealed Rarity, her hooves on her cheeks.

"Right, that's it!" Yelled Snowflake, preparing to tackle Rarity.


It'd been about three days since Gigglebox and Snowflake began their journey with the others, and they'd learned a lot from the others. Gigglebox and Pinkie traded jokes and some pranks, while Snowflake and Rarity gossiped about the current events with celebrities and all the stuff that was going down in Las Pegasus. But as they travelled, they would always keep an eye out for the black orb, in hopes that they don't come across the demon.

But Gigglebox knew something about the black orb that the others didn't, and when ever he would try to tell Twilight or any of the others they would think he was joking or fooling around. They took Pinkie Pie more seriously then Gigglebox. The day went by pretty quickly, no problems or confrontations. But that night, Gigglebox would experience the black orb once more.


As everypony began to get ready for bed, Gigglebox made sure to post his sleeping spot near Snowflake's tent. He always felt comfortable and safe near her. Finally, everypony was asleep. So was Gigglebox, but he was having another dream.

He was in the same place as before, with the same white screen in front of him. Suddenly, his body materialized, and he could actually see his hooves. But then the black orb confronted him.

He tried to squirm out of it's grasp, but for some reason, it didn't attack him. To his surprise, he saw the white screen turn on and it showed the same mare as before only, she appeared to be covered in a gooey, black liquid. She had a sad but hopeful face. Once again she spoke,

"Hello, Gigglebox."

He couldn't reply, for the first part being he didn't know how to reply, second was because he couldn't speak at all. The mare realized this, and smacked her hooves together, giving Gigglebox the ability to speak.

"Gah! Geez, do you believe how difficult it was, just breathing through the nose?" He said, making the mare giggle a slight bit. She then turned very serious and said,

"Gigglebox, I need your help. Out of all the ponies here, you're the most pure. That's why I've only visited you." She said with her calm voice.

"But, I... I tried killing myself, what do you mean, I'm the most pure?" Gigglebox asked.

"That's the reason I need you to be at your happiest." She replied, getting closer to the screen.

"What d'ya mean?" He asked.

"I need you to get over your fear of your father, Gigglebox. I need you to gain closure." The mare replied.

"What! I-I'm not scared of my father!" Gigglebox yelled, clearly lying.

"You and I know both know that is not true, Gigglebox. That is why you still have nightmares. You need closure from your father, for the real threat is fear and sadness," But before Gigglebox was going to reply, but the mare continued, "I'm going to show you different scenarios of you and your father, and I need you to conquer them. Are you ready?"

"What do you mean, am I ready? W-what are you going to do?" Gigglebox asked, trying not to stutter.

"I'm going to put you through different scenarios from your life, you and only you will have to conquer those scenarios. But the last one will be the true test. That will not only test your bravery, but your love life altogether. Are you ready?"

Gigglebox was still surprised at this, but he knew that the only way out of this was to go through these trials.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." He said shrugging his arms.

"Good. Good luck, Gigglebox."

Suddenly, the area changed. It turned into his old bedroom. He stood in the center and realized what time he was in.

This was his first night without his mother.

Suddenly, Gigglebox saw a younger version of himself, but only by a couple of years. The younger version of himself only looked at him in fear.

They then heard a loud crash. It was his father bursting through he door, who was obviously drunk.

Gigglebox stood aside as he watched his father beat his younger self. Gigglebox was a sobbing at the scene. He didn't know what to do, until his anger got the best of him.

He went to his father, who was too busy beating the young Gigglebox to notice the older one. Gigglebox went to his father's ear, and whispered,

"How's this for a fag, dad?" The middle aged stallion looked at him, but was knocked back by Gigglebox's hoof knocking him into the wall.

Gigglebox tackled his dad through the wall, making them go through another room. His father wasn't there, but he saw the same younger version of himself on a stool in an empty dark room...

With a noose hanging from the roof.

He saw the young stallion put his neck through the loop, and kick away the stool. He saw himself gagging and struggling, until off of nothing more than pure instinct, Gigglebox grabbed his younger version's legs and leveled them so that he could breath.

The young Gigglebox then pulled his head out of the loop and fell to the ground, looking at himself. Gigglebox couldn't help but try to comfort the child.

"Th-Thank you!" The young stallion said with a tight hug.

Suddenly, Gigglebox found himself in a large dark room with two over hanging lights. Then he saw two ponies, one he didn't recognize, and the other...


"What the...? Snow! Snowflake!" Gigglebox yelled, but was cut off by the orb's voice.

"Gigglebox, you are nearly finished with your test. All you need to do now is choose your fate. But for this one, you choose the one that makes you happier."

Gigglebox glanced at both ponies. One was a handsome black stallion, with gold eyes and orange mane, with a giant white smile. Then to the left of the stallion stood Snowflake. She seemed lost in thought, not at all aware of anything around her.

Gigglebox's mind was racing. He didn't know which to choose. Which one would make him happier?

Thoughts like 'You basically gave up what made you... YOU!' Ran through his mind. He quickly went to the stallion, but made no contact. He just stood there, not moving, not doing anything. Gigglebox then said to himself,

"Choose the one that makes me happy." He then turned to Snowflake, still staring off into the distance, still miles away.

He rushed to her, and simply inspected her.

His first thoughts were her distinct lack of patience, her snarky, sarcastic attitude.

But the more he thought about it, the more it became clear.

She wouldn't be her if she didn't have any of those qualities. That mare...

She was the one he had fallen in love with.

He smiled, but let out tears at the same time, and leaned in on her face. Only inches from contact, he then softly said,

"I choose Snowflake."

He could have sworn he saw her look at him and grin in triumph.


Gigglebox woke up with a start. An entire waterfall of emotions had suddenly drenched him, making him open his eyes to something that he should have seen since it had appeared right in front of him.

Gigglebox looked inside the tent to see Snowflake well and active, not asleep, and fully aware of his presence.

"Oh, hi, Giggle. Have another nightmare?"

He said nothing, he only stared at her and whispered in a low tone loud enough for her to hear,

"Choose what makes me happy."

"W-what do you me-" She was cut off by Gigglebox approaching her.

He put his hoof on her cheek, making her blush. Then, without hesitation, he planted his muzzle on hers.

Snowflake had no idea what to think of this moment, but she couldn't help but enjoy it.

Snowflake's lips were as soft, warm, and a little wet. He could help but notice that she had a very nervous breathing pattern. Gigglebox enjoyed this moment, for not just realizing who he loved, but what he was meant to be.

Snowflake on the other hoof, still couldn't believe this event happening. She didn't realize Gigglebox felt this love towards her, but she did enjoy the moment. His lips were firm and warm. Since they'd been camping for more than three days, she could feel a tiny bit of stubble on Gigglebox's muzzle. She couldn't help but close her eyes in pleasure. She stroked Gigglebox's mane. She felt Gigglebox's tongue dab at her lips, and, for some reason, she released hers as well.

Their tongues danced with each other for a while, until finally their muzzles departed. This was a new experience for the both of them, neither of them had kissed, let alone french kissed, anypony before.

Snowflake didn't know whether to slap Giggle for intruding so quickly or surprisingly, or kiss him some more for actually doing what he did.

So she did both. She slapped him, making him scared of her for a second, but then kissed him once more. They fell to the ground, still kissing, still in each other's embrace. They finally stopped, and spent the rest of the night in each other's embrace. But, what they didn't know was that a nosy white unicorn was watching the entire scene unfold.


Gigglebox's eyes fluttered open. He could feel the gentle, calm breathing of Snowflake, who was laying close to him, her head on his shoulder. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel at a time like this, but damn, he felt amazing.

He looked at Snowflake once again. She moved a little, before waking up properly. She took a few seconds to recall the events of last night, and then brought herself ever closer to Gigglebox. He put his arm around her shoulders.

"Morning." She said, yawning a little as she did so.

If Gigglebox had the chance to wake up to that every morning, he would have snatched it up in a heartbeat.

"Sleep well?" He replied.

"I guess," She said, totally relaxed in his embrace, "You?"

He smiled, before repling,

"Best night yet."

"Good to hear." She said, nuzzling him a little.

He could feel a wave of warmth wash over him in that simple gesture.

It must have been love, because it wasn't a feeling he'd experienced before.

"I love you, Snow."

He braced himself for the impact. The taste of blood, possibly a few missing teeth...

But none of them ever came. The only thing he could taste was the sweetness that the word 'love' had left on his tongue.

"I love you, too." She said.

No sarcasm, no malice, just the words and the truth behind them.

Gigglebox thought he misheard her at first. How she could reply so casually, but so sincerely at the same time, was beyond him. He could barely even begin to comprehend why somepony would love him.

But here he was, hearing those very words. The exact way they were said, the very pronunciation of each syllable, would forever remain etched in his mind. If you asked him to do an impression of what they sounded like in ten years time, he could do it flawlessly.

"You do?"

"'Course I do, idiot." She said, smiling at him.

"Say it again." He demanded.

"I love you. Je t'aime. Ich liebe dich. How many ways do you want me to say it?"

"It doesn't matter how you say it, just as long as you mean it."

"Let me prove it to you, then." She said, stretching upwards, planting a kiss on his lips.

It didn't matter how much she did it, the same wave of warmth washed over him.

"Is that proof enough?" She said.

"More than enough." He answered, pulling her closer.

"Good. I was beginning to think that you didn't believe me."

"I have absolutely no reason to think that you were lying." Gigglebox said.

He wasn't lying. In all the time he had known Snowflake, she hadn't lied to him. Not once.

"You therefore have reason to believe that I wasn't telling the truth." She replied.

"Stop, you're freaking me out." He joked.

"Oh, and you didn't when your Mr. Mysterious alter-ego came slipping in here in the middle of the night."

The sarcasm and malice had ventured out to make a sudden appearance.

"What was even happening there? Y'know, I'm just sat, doing my thing, and then you come out of nowhere!"

"Well... it's just some stuff... that happened..." he said sheepishly.

"Because 'stuff' is so very descriptive, I know exactly what you mean by that." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"I don't wanna talk about it, 'kay?!" Gigglebox said, getting het up now.

"Then why didn't you just say so?! Geez!"

Gigglebox shook his head. He wouldn't ever understand mares.

Snowflake, however, was looking down at the watch in her bag.

"How?! How is it six?! I can't be functioning before eight!"

"What's wrong with six? Six is a pretty good time to be up, if you ask me." Gigglebox replied casually.

"Yeah, but I didn't."

They argued for a little while longer, before they heard something.

Rustling, coming from the next tent along.

So the pony in it had to be awake.

"Shit!" Snowflake screeched in a whisper, "Get out! Now!"

Gigglebox barely had time to register what was going on, before he found himself on the ground, outside of Snowflake's tent.

With Rarity, of all ponies, stood in front of him.

"Um... hey?" He said, trying to act like nothing had happened.

"Don't worry, I won't tell." Rarity said with a smile.

Gigglebox suddenly turned pale.

"You mean... you saw..."

The mare in front of him nodded.

"Just excuse me a minute." He said, before flying of into a small cluster of trees.

His yells of anguish could probably be heard in the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

As I'm sure many of you will be glad to know, since the last three chapters have been absolutely BURSTING with Snow-Giggle fluff, next chapter is going to be back to the nitty-gritty and (relatively) fluff-free! Yay!