• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,368 Views, 103 Comments

Swift, Knight of the Wind Chronicles - Windy Swift

Michael Winds was just the average teen, until the day he got super powers from a lightning bolt which turned his life upside down. When school starts back up, will he be able to handle his new double life or be dragged into a pit of solitude

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Chapter 5: Brunch Brawl

When the Knight’s eyes flashed green, Luna gasped and muttered, “Oh no!”

“Your highness, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

Before Luna answered, Celestia responded instead. “There was one other time, he was like this; it was when, he was pursuing his brother’s murderer.”

The mares gasped. “Something tells me that this might not end well.” Fluttershy said.

“It won’t, he will become careless and hurt those around him viciously.” the princesses showing true concern for the matter at hand.

“Isn’t there something you can do?” Twilight asked.

“There is something, dear Twilight, but The Knight has to be asleep or unconscious so we can talk to him.” Celestia stated.

“What about the second thing your highness’?” Applejack added only to have Luna respond.

“Being that his world is another reality, there are also another set of the Elements of Harmony in his world as well. Though we don’t know if they have a physical form there, we did find the spiritual forms, meaning there must be human bearers for the elements in that world with the Knight,”

Twilight put her hoof up to her chin and thought for a moment before her mental light bulb lit up. “So that means, one of the human bearers have to be asleep when the Knight is so we can create a link through the element’s spiritual forms.”

Celestia nodded, “Correct, that is the only way to calm him down.”

“All we can do though is hope that the cards are in our favor.” Luna said. “Sister I need to get the “gift” from the vault, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Faust speed sister.” The princess said as Luna galloped out of the room.

-Canterlot High, Cafeteria-

While the Equestrians had their conversation, the students along the walls of the lunch room Canterlot High stayed silent as the Knight got up and off the unconscious criminal. The human counterpart of Rarity was stunned, examining the young man as her eye caught something that made gasp. “What is it Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“Those gloves,” Rarity replied

“Ah for cryin’ out loud you're thinkin about fashion at a time like this!”

“No Applejack, those are the gloves that I was wearing in that dreadful nightmare.”

Rainbow joined in asking, “So that means that nightmare was-”

She was cut off by Twilight, “The Knight’s dreams.”

Rarity shook her head. “No his memories, they felt too real to be just a dream.” among everyone Fluttershy was cowering and shivered in terror as R0V spoke from near them.

“So, you’re the Knight that’s been getting in my way for the past three months.” he said spitting venom from across the room

“The one and only.” The Knight said in his modulated and menacing tone.

“Silence! Now that you’re here, we can finally kill you.”

“So I was right, this was a set up to get me, you just made it painfully obvious, I mean the way your henchmen spilled the beans was practically dead giveaway.” Mike said R0V then growled

“Enough, get him!” Rover pointed at the teen, ordering his men charged at him. Mike groaned in irritation and dashed toward him with his sword up at shoulder height on his left as he charged at his enemy. The first diamond dog threw a punch but Mike spun to the side dodging him effortlessly and hit him in the head with the flat side of his sword. His tooth sense went off as another henchmen decided to attack from behind, Mike flipped over him and struck him in the back as he landed. One more dog charged at him as the first got up and attempted to attack him again. The Knight jumped over both of them and dismissed his sword, crossed his arms, and fired both of his grapple gauntlets, attaching to both men. He pulled both arms away and their skulls collided with a crack and they fell on the ground, knocked out cold. ”That all you got Rover?” The Knight asked as he cracked his knuckles before drawing out his weapon in a flash of light.

R0V grew enraged. “That’s R0V you punk! Send in the metal mutts!” With that the man pressed a button on his forearm and five robotic dogs smashed through the windows and charged at Knight, one pounced onto him, attempting to have a meal of his face. “That guy wasn’t kidding about the robot dogs.” “Chew on this!” Mike shouted held up his sword. The dog bit onto his blade, knocking Michael down and pinning him to the ground. Michael immediately kicked the metal mutt in it’s abdomen, sending it flying over him and taking more than half of his sword with it. “Damn it i didn’t mean it literally!” exclaimed Mike as he was flipping back onto his feet. He dismissed his now useless weapon and got into a fighting stance.

Everyone in the room was either astonished by the Knights skills or afraid of how brutally he was attacking his enemies, all but Rarity, who was focusing on his movements, though she was still disgusted by the loud crack of breaking bones. “He moves he so quick, nimble, fast, so-. That’s it! That would make a perfect name.”


All the ponies stared in disgust, as much as the humans were, from his brutality, both versions of Fluttershy were so afraid that they couldn’t could even watch. Celestia and Luna, who had returned with a black case, stood firm as they watched the fight. Luna being the first to speak since Mike took out the third diamond dog. “He swore, he never swears in a fight, and his rage, it was just like-” The she said before Celestia answered her unfinished question

“Fret not sister, If this continues at this rate we may be able to get to him.”

“I hope that time comes soon.” Luna and Celestia gasped in shock upon seeing the screen. Mike dodged the mutts, but his ball wasn’t green, it was orange.

“I do too Luna, I do too.”

The knight kept dodging dogs by rolling and dashing away. He fought hard, but the dogs cornered him. The robotic hounds attacked him one by one. He shouted in agony from the claw strikes which left deep cuts as blood was now dripping down his body suit.

The last dog attacked and the Knight was sent into the air. He was about to recover mid-air, when he noticed something strange, there what appeared to be a green dot with three parts of a larger circles surrounding it, all spinning clockwise. It took awhile to register what the symbol was or what it meant but he came to a conclusion on what it was. “A homing attack lock?!” Those words lingered in his head as he recovered and landed back on the ground. Mike gritted his teeth as he stared at the dog, his eyes turning green once more yet stayed green instead of turning back to purple.

One dog pounced at him again but he leapt over it. He spun around letting his mental Lock-on target the mutt, when it did he curled up into a ball of orange energy and dashed at the robot leaving an orange trail behind him. Michael hit The hound so hard that it went flying a few feet before exploding, thankfully the blast didn’t injure any civilians. The parts of the robot hit the floor with a thud Michael quickly noticed something glowing in the wreckage.

Mike ignored it for the time being and put his focus on the remaining dogs. He leapt into the air in a spin ball before homing in on another dog, but was swatted away, now knowing the direct approach wasn’t an option he let the hound pounce at him. His tooth buzzed warning him that an attack was coming from behind. He rolled out of the way to have both dogs smash into each other. This time he charged at a dog as it charged at him. He jumped over the dog and attacked it from behind, destroying it.

The last dog pounced at him and bit his leg. It flung him back towards the middle of the cafeteria. He grunted in pain and clutched his bleeding leg. He fought through pain on adrenaline alone. The Knight revved up in his ball of orange energy and blasted towards the dog fast enough that it couldn’t react in time to escape Mike sawing through the middle of it like a power saw through a wooden plank. the Knight turned toward R0V, who was staring daggers into him. He spat, “Is that all you got?”

R0V growled, “That’s it enough fooling around, Kill the bastard!” He pushed another button on the remote, having two more robot dogs enter the room and six more henchmen advanced towards him. Mike booked towards one of the dogs. The beast clawed at him, but he flipped over it, landing right on its back. He fired a grapple cable out of his gauntlet and wrapped it around the dog’s muzzle. The dog struggled as it tried to shake the Knight off, but he held his ground. He was able to steer the thing towards R0V’s men, in a panic, it clawed away at some of them, cutting them up like swiss cheese and threw another, who landed with a leg breaking crack. Celestia was outraged at what the boy was doing, he was going too far. Though she knew that she couldn’t do anything at that moment, but she did know what she was going to do when she will be able to intervene.

R0V was starting to get desperate seeing the Knight obliterate his men He quickly grabbed a wakie talkie and set it to another frequency, “Get the gunners and be quick about it, we’re going for Plan B.” there was a brief pause before the the voice on the other end responded. “Yes sir!” R0V then looked around for the bait when his eyes were set on one specific individual that was fairly close to him , Fluttershy. Among the fighting the girl had been terrified had kept her eyes shut in horror for the majority of the time leaving herself to be unaware of the robotic paw that grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to her feet. Flutters tried to scream but was silenced by R0V when placing his other robotic paw over her mouth. After the Knight cleared out the Diamond Dogs with the mutt he was going to use i to take out the last metal mutt but his tooth sense went off and was blind-sighted by it before he could even react and was sent off the the dog he was originally riding with his right grapple cable snapping in the process. He hit the ground hard the attack leaving a cut on his cheek. Mike got up and regained his bearings as eleven more diamond dogs charged through the cafeteria door holding what appeared to be guns but they didn’t have magazines, only cartridges that stuck out of the side that had the same glow as the unknown light in the wreckage of the metal mutts. They surrounded the teen aiming their weapons right at him. he took one step forward and the men cocked their weapons signalling the boy to stop.

“Well now that I have you where I want you ,” R0V started. “I can give you an offer, you can’t refuse.”

“Forget it, I would never work with criminal scum like you!” The Knight spat.

“Oh I’d beg to differ, give up now or this pretty little girl gets it.” he demanded as he pulled up Fluttershy who was pouring out tears of fear like Niagara Falls with one claw as the other started to change with the paw shifting outward at three points and a large metal cylinder protruding from the reshaped paw pointing at the girl's head. “Fluttershy!!!” All of the girls’ friends shouted. “Let her go you son of a-!” Rainbow Dash barked As she attempted to get on her feet, only to be pulled back down by her hair by Applejack who had been sitting next to her. “No RD, we can’t do anything, Only that there hooded clown can save her.” She assured the Rainbow haired girl. “And A’h hope he does.”

Mike on the other hand grew even angrier as orange energy enveloped over his body. “Let Her Go!” He he roared with a second voice echoing over his own, even more menacing than his original which sent chills up everyone’s spines, all except R0V who remained slightly aggravated. the Diamond Dogs smirked as his ‘Paw cannon' showing a blue light becoming brighter while still pointed at Fluttershy’s head. The intimidation tactic had not been successful and grew worrisome for the girl “Oh no that didn’t work. Fluttershy,” He around and ended his sights when staring at his new friends. “Girls, I’m sorry.” He thought as he looked back at R0V as his orange glow dimmed slightly. “Fine, I surrender.” He gritted through his teeth without the double echoed voice.

“Surrender? you’ve been on our case for months now kid, we’re the Diamond Dogs; we take no prisoners.” He said self-satisfied as he was somehow able to snap his fingers.With that each of the blasters that streaks of blue lights on the barrels of the guns turned orange.

“Oh shi-” was all The knight could say before each of the blasters fired at him simultaneously from all eight directions. Mike shrilled in pain as everyone watched as he was being decimated by laser fire, some covered their eyes or looked away and others just watched in horror, the mane 6 and the CMC included. Both Fluttershy and Flutters were so horrified by what each were seeing and both passed out, R0V noticed this and dropped her without remorse and hit the floor with a slight thud. Rainbow noticed R0V was distracted with his Foes approximate destruction so she crawled her way over to the unconscious girl and dragged her back to the others.

In Equestria the ponies were practically had the same responses as the humans did and now Rainbow was keeping an eye on Flutters for when she woke up though she looked back at the screen from time to time. The Diarchs watched the scene play out, Luna looked at Celestia before stating. “ He’s getting badly injured we need to do something Tia.”

In response the Alicorn of the sun raised hoof and said. “Not yet, we need to wait for the opportune moment,ready the (package/item) for the Knight in the meantime.” With that Luna opened the black case which she had been holding onto since she had returned with it and laid her hoof on the item inside as her horn glew cobalt blue as the inside of the case illuminated the same color. R0V seemed to be getting bored of this show by the now unamused look on his face while he watched the Knight being shot by his men still and not going down “This has gone on long enough, boys I think it’s time we ended this!” Celestia bit her lip doubting that this plan of hers would work as R0V aimed his claw cannon at Mike, the lights turning from blue to red as the red from inside the cannon began to glow brighter Luna began to worry and said “Sister it is ready we gotta do this now.”

“Wait.” was all she responded sternly while the boy was still being pelted and the noise originating from R0V’s claw cannon grew louder.


“Wait for it.” She said as her horn glew Gold signaling Luna to do the same as they prepared their spells. Mike felt as if all his energy was draining away as he began to feel drowsiness through his pain, his orange glow dissipated as his eyes began to shut he began to fall backwards, “I’m sorry girls, Solar, I failed ” He thought as a stray tear he let out a slight gasp .His eye fully shut just as R0V fired a large orb of red energy from his cannon. “Now!” Celestia commanded as a light shot out of their horns as well as the inside of the case and an orb of white light formed around Mike as as the item in the black case disappeared as both herself and her sister slipped into a blissful sleep along with Mike as the orb completed forming around him and R0v’s shot made contact and exploded. Sunset Shimmer had seen the orb and went wide eyed as she sensed the energy from long ago and realized what the orb was “Equestrian Magic?” She whispered to herself The man laughed maniacally as he watched the resulting explosion but he heard a noise as if a ball rebounded off the wall. He looked back to have the orb fly right at him. putting his robotic arms up to guard the orb and did so successfully and rebounded it to the right about a foot or so to be in front of the human Mane 6 and CMC but it did knock R0V back a few feet. after he regained his composure he looked to his men just dumbstruck on how the orb sustained itself from R0V’s shot as the metal mutts simply growled at them “Don’t just stand there, shoot the damn thing!!” He barked leading his men to aim their blasters at the orb and proceed to fire having the crowd needing to get down on the floor to avoid being shot.

Rarity was contemplating what should she do, try and help the Knight and risk getting killed, or stay put and watch her hero possibly die right before her and she knew she had to repay him some how. She began to crawl up to the orb ever so slowly so her friends and sister wouldn’t notice but, being so close to them, they realized right away. Twilight began to crawl after her when Sweetie Belle surprisingly Put herself in front of her saying “Wait, maybe she’s on to something.” as she turned back to to her sister “She knows more about him than anyone here right, then maybe she get the Knight out of there.” She finished as Rarity continued to plead to Mike who was in his own little world at the moment.

Falling, Mike was falling through the abyss first what felt like air, then turned to a sensation of being submerged underwater then returned to air but slower than before. he opened his eyes slightly only to see the darkness of the void. “Am I dead? , I don’t feel cold nor do I see any random arms coming out of walls to drag me to hell, if that's where I am going.” Then out the corner of his eye he saw a glimmer of light as he continued to fall towards it. after a few more minutes of falling which in turn felt like hours to the boy his body to shift horizontally as his descent slowed even more and was able to see a circular platform with two ponies one navy blue, the other as white as the clouds in a summer afternoon. “What am I even falling onto?” he thought. as he got closer to the platform his body shifted to the position with his stomach parallel to the ground when a suddenly a golden orb surrounded him and disappeared as soon as it came and felt the gravity return to normal. “Uh oh.” Was all he could say before plummeting towards the platform.”AAAAHHH!” he shouted as he fell only to land on it with an audible ‘oof!’ “Okay, not dead that's good at least.” He groaned in pain as he got back onto his feet. he looked around, surveying his surroundings when he noticed a familiar night blue alicorn standing on her respective side of the platform with her image staring into the darkness.”Hey Luna, why did you drag me into the dream realm, also why does Rarity have my memories, those are private things that shouldn’t be gossiped about.” he stated with no response. ”Hello there are people in danger and I can’t do anything from here.” the boy said as the princess kept her ground as if she was ignoring him which aggravated him as his eyes turned green and the orange aura returned. “I know you can hear me, Now stop having dreamception over there and wake me up before I make you-” he demands were cut short as his sense went off causing him to turn around to see another alicorn, this one’s coat was of a complexity of the clouds on a partly cloudy day with what appeared to be a tattoo of a sun on her flank.

“You shall not speak to royalty with that tone of voice!” She commanded, her voice all too familiar to Mike.

“Principa- I mean Princess Celestia I take it?” he asked.

“You catch on pretty quickly.” She complimented.

“Alright what's this about? I'm on tight schedule not dying and saving lives at the moment.”

“That's the point this may be considered an intervention you are not saving lives you’re nearly ending them, take the men you were fighting.”she said as an image of the diamond dogs appeared beside the princess causing the boys rage to intensify as well as the aura as he turned his back to her.

“So what there gonna get their slice of justice.”

“Not if some of these men die from their wounds before then, Your brother would be ashamed of you.”

Mike‘s frown turned into a sneer as he clenched his fist. “Don’t you dare say that as if you know him, or me!” he shouted as he spun around and swung right for her muzzle as she teleported back a few feet and fired a bolt of magic and it hit him in the chest before he could react, knocking him to the floor. he tried to get up only to be forced onto his back by a her hoof as she lowered her head so her eyes met his.

“Stop acting like a child and heed my words!” She shouted, then cleared her throat “Now look,” She started, her horn aglow as Mike’s vision was engulfed in white light. As the light died down was in the lunchroom. He arose from the ground to see the diamond dogs aiming their weapons at a white orb and the diamond dogs that were already knocked unconscious. The unconscious men’s skin faded until their skeletons and organs were visible. Upon closer inspection, he noticed multiple broken bones and bleeding of the organs. “Oh my god.” He thought.

“As you can see,“ Celestia started fading in right before the boy. “these men are severely injured and may have a chance of dying. From what I saw already, you wouldn't want an even heavier weight of guilt on your shoulders. Is this correct?.” The Princess asked.

“No, I don’t.” He replied, his head hung low, still with the orange glow. Celestia walked up to him and raised his head to see his eyes were still green and glowing through the darkness of his hood. She tilted her head head to the side and considerately asked. “You're mad at yourself, aren't you?”

Mike’s eyes widened before saying “Yeah actually, how did you know?”

“you mean you don’t feel it?”

“Feel what?” He questioned.

“This.” she said before she faded away and a mirror took her place. Mike’s looked straight at his reflection as he inspected his eyes followed by the aura. as she faded in on her right. “What is this?” He asked.

“It seems to be a magical representation of your emotions from what my mentor had taught me.” She replied. “As for the way I acted earlier, I’m sorry but it’s true.”

“yeah I know, he basically became my dad after our father left.”

“I see, and about your response to my statement, though I do not truly know you,” She started as she put a hoof on his shoulder. “I do know what it’s like to lose loved ones.”

“Really, who was it? ”

“It was my sister Luna she’s fine now obviously, now what is happening to you with your anger was the same with her jealousy, it changed her into something evil, as it will you.” The words sank into Mike’s heart as he turned to Celestia only to see her a blinding light filled his vision once more. When the light dissipated, he found himself on the platform once more ,turning back to Luna’s portion of the platform, he no longer saw her staring off into the darkness but a mirror, Celestia stood alongside her. He walked up to them. He saw her reflection, it wasn’t her at all. The alicorn was taller, about Celestia’s height, her coat was darker, her tail and mane were a blue mist with cobalt armor.

“Your eyes do not deceive you sir knight that is me.” Luna finally spoke, let this be a warning to never let your dark side take over.”

“She’s right, ” Celestia began, “ no matter how hard we try there will always be a dark version of ourselves locked inside of us, always trying to best us. she finished with Mike now looking at her reflection. It was mostly the same, though her mane was a mess, the color mainly being the pink shade out of all three with no shine in it at all, not even flowing in the non-existent wind even missing her crown atop her head. “One day, it may even happen to me. but it’s not about us today it’s about you.” She pointed to the mirror. Mike turned to face it. His outfit was just the same only the orange and green switched, a black belt, gloves and a silver buckle instead of gold.

“I’m so selfish.’ He said , the princess’ giving him the glare of confusion. “When I started this, I wasn’t doing it for the people of the city, I was doing it for myself.” He confessed. “I wanted them to feel the same pain as I did when I lost my brother and each time I do it, I always fight the urge to do more than just knock them out.” he said as he turned around and walked away from the mirror. “Everyone thinks I’m a monster, and they’re right.” he clenched his fists.

“Not in our minds sir knight, you can still change their minds,” Luna added.

“Yeah right, like that would ever happen, after all the pain and fear I’ve brought to those people,” he said.

Celestia knew that those students needed a center minded hero, not a distressed wreck. Luna put a hoof on his shoulder to reassure him. “Look, your past is a part of you no matter how dark it has become,” She started.

“Yet you can change your future to make it bright once more, not just for you, but for everyone,” Luna said.

Mike perked up, “Yeah, yeah you’re right. They need me now more than ever. I need to get back out there!”

“We also wanted to give you something we wanted to give you something .” Celestia said.

“Oh, is it another fake power?”

“Wait, how did you know the swordsmanship wasn’t the actual power?” Luna asked.

“Oh just because I’ve had previous experience with swordsmanship when i was younger, i just got really rusty.”

She cleared her throat before speaking, “Do you remember that monstrosity of a blade had broke during your battle?”

Don’t remind me, I was going to buy a replica of a sword anyway."

“There will be no need to, for we bring a gift.”

“Wait, how could you give it to me, we’re in a dream world and in separate worlds, remember?”

"Magic has strange properties to you, but still simple nonetheless.” she said, her horn glittered blue and an orb the size of a marble drifted towards him. “Go on, take it.”she said. At first hesitant, he reached for the orb with his left hand and closed his eyes, he felt a warm sensation coming off the orb of light. Then Mike felt a sudden weight in his hand. He opened his eyes to see a new sword. the hilt had a golden pommel, a smooth ivory grip, a gold symbol engraved into it and an embedded ruby that connected to a circular rainguard that dropped past its golden cross-guard that also had another ruby gemstone in it into the hilt portion of the weapon. it had a golden rim with rivets of gold with a the rest being silver and had a portion of gold that had a double helix design engraved into it go right through it and slightly onto the blade slightly which didn’t seem to have a fuller or central ridge but did have another symbol engraved on it.

Mike checked over every detail about the weapon “ Wow, this is amazing thank you both.”

“You are very welcome sir knight” Luna replied.

“Why give this to me though?” He asked.

“Well when we first saw you Luna and I seemed that as if the weapon was made for you.”

“Alright, what’s so special about this sword?” he asked, examining it as it vanished in a flash of light along with the sound of a sword being sheathed.

“Well first of all you can summon that weapon at any time through your pocket space ability without-,” Luna exclaimed before being interrupted.

“Actually the full the name is the Magical Limitless Pocket-space or the M.L.P for short, but anyway I digress continue.” he said.

“As I was saying, you can summon it without having to concentrate.”

“How did know I needed to concentrate to summon stuff?”

The Lunar princess smirked. “We knew because we see that you’re in deep thought before you summon an item, other than that your blade is very sharp, durable, and can cut through just about anything like steel for example.”

“Wait a minute, didn’t we get through the ‘don’t kill anyone’ thing already?”

“I did personally cast a small slumber spell on its edge and it shouldn’t hurt anyone, you’ll see when in use.” Luna ensured.

“If you say so,” Mike said with worry, summoning his blade and taking another look at it as he continued. “As long as this thing doesn’t send me to an alternate universe or something I think I’m good with this.” He finished right when his head began to ache as he heard a distorted feminine voice becoming more and more clear saying to ’Come out’ and ‘you can save us’ to the point where he can make out who it clearly was being that of Rarity. “What the- Rarity?”

“So it appears that our meeting must end for now.” Celestia informed.

“I guess it is, so when will I see you again?” Mike asked.

“Oh we shall see each other soon Sir Knight,” Luna ensured. “We shall send you back now, good luck.”

“I will.” The boy dismissed his new blade as the rulers of Equestria lit their horns brightly as they both recited the same statement. ‘“Oh brave knight, swift as wind, heed their call.” suddenly the area around him shifted to bright white feeling that he was no longer standing on ground but floating in the air, hearing loud zapping noises but past the noises, he heard the desperate cries of Rarity pleading “You need to come out of there we all need you, Sir Swift.” At the final words of that statement, “That name…” Mike flinched at the sounds that formed that name but felt a spark that overwhelmed it. When that spark went off inside himself, he knew what he needed to do.

After the past couple of minutes of trying to get through to the hero she was just about to give up but after her last statement she was soon responded by his voice which seemed to sound be less deep but slightly cocky that said “ I suggest that you back up m’lady.” Doing as told, the white girl made haste in her retreat as the orb began to glow brighter until the orb then it exploded shooting light outwards which knocked some of the hostages back and the Diamond Dogs Including R0V And his Metal Mutts even further and sending some of the weapons flying since they were the only ones who were standing. In the midst of the explosion, Fluttershy had stirred from unconsciousness and Rainbow was first to notice . “Fluttershy are you okay?” she asked with concern. Still somewhat drowsy it took a moment to respond.” oh yes Rainbow I’m fine I think.” She had looked past her friend’s shoulder and her eyes widened and pointed past dash “Look!”she said. Dash turned slowly until the corner of her eye caught him and completely turned around.

Standing there where the orb once was the knight with his suit was fully repaired of cuts and dribbled bloodstains,Mike feeling that he was healed completely. The hero raised his left hand up to shoulder height and moved it to his right, he then wiped his arm to his left as his sword appeared in his hand with the sound of it being drawn and smirked “Hey R0Vy I’m ready for round 2.” He said as he got in a semi-crouch and brought his right arm over to his left as his right gloved hand grasped his his left which grasped his blade tightly as it hung to his left.

“Shocked the leader asked. “How are you still alive?!?!”

“Well I must admit, your toys really hurt don’t get me wrong, but it did hurt in a ‘a bunch of tasers all at once’ kinda way.” The knight then chuckled. “You sure your boys didn’t have their phasers set to stun?”

The man face palmed , wiping his face to reveal a scowl as he stared daggers at his men. ‘You Idiots,” He shouted. “I told you to not have those things set to C&D! Now change it to eliminate and kill him!” he commanded with the men who still had the weapons changed its color from orange to red.

“Me and my big mouth.” Mike thought,Making a break for the closest man and shouted.”Everybody stay down!” He quickly zipped past the armed men and stopped on the other side. the men turned around and took aim at the Knight while he stood there,not even in a fighting pose and they pulled the trigger which resulted in a clicking noise. ”Why isn’t it working?’ One of them asked as another took a look. ‘Hey our power cartridges!”

“Oh so that’s what those things were, I thought it was a fashion accessory.” he said with an innocent tone as he held up a small bag out of nowhere with the cartridges inside and vanishing into his M.L.P. before returning to his battle stance. He surveyed his surroundings and limited his options. “Okay, Eleven men, a couple with weapons nearby and two metal mutts, alright those dog are going for a walk to the scrap yard first.” Holding his blade at shoulder height he charged towards the group. The Mutts leaped past the men to attack first with the one he rode previously swiping his claw at Mike but instead of evading the attack he threw his weapon up to block the attack. moves making contact some people gasped to see that his weapon actually held up from the attack as the Knight pushed the claw away making the mutt stagger leaving open for an attack and swung his sword in a downward swing with a silver arching blur. As the attack hit, sparks of light shot off of the point of contact but that didn’t let Mike stop his combo as he swung his blade side to side and then finishing with a strong downward strike, knocking the robotic dog on its back, before it could recover Mike had homing attacked its underbelly and grunted “Take that!” as he bounced off of it doing a mid-air trick as it exploded soon after.

After destruction of the robotic tyke five of the men went after the knight, some with sports equipment possibly from being stationed in the gym. The one closest to Mike threw a punch but he leaned back and evaded it so he was able to attack the man with a full combo and light sparks flying with the finisher knocking him on the floor. mumbles from the crowd could be heard until everyone was became silent as they heard loud snoring originating from the man. Mike dismissed his weapon in replace of his restraints which he quickly dispatched on the sleeping henchman. “It’s just his nap time everyone don’t worry he’s fine.” He joked as he drew his weapon as he placed the blade in the ground leaning his weight against it like a cane as the original five men continued their charge. “ And look they want me to tuck them in too, How adorable.” He cooed as he then drew the sword out of the ground, spun it a couple of times before returning to his battle stance.

One man threw a punch which Mike ducked and swung his blade catching two men in his wide five-hit combo putting them both to a deep sleep he flipped over one man’s swing of their bat then with his open hand he tossed two restraints on the sleeping men respectively. Mike landed with a recovering roll and his tooth sense Blared with the sound of a very loud growl coming from behind him. He turned around to spot a lunch table flying towards him. “Hope what the princesses said were true!” He thought as he then flipped and brought the blade down and cut right through the table and both hit the ground and skidded across the floor.The one half hit a nearby support pillar while the other half was speeding off towards a group of tied up students. “Oh no!” Mike thought as he ran to a table as he picked up a food tray and zipped to the mutt and threw the tray at its head with a splat and it’s contents fell to the ground followed by his sword which knocked it on it’s side as someone from the crowd shouted. “Not The Muffin!!” He dashed towards the skidding table as it neared his peers he had leaped over the table and landed right in front of it as he held his ground and arms with the table slamming into his back causing him to skid with it and slowed down, stopping a foot or so in front of the group. “That was a close one.“

He sighed in relief before hopping over the table and summoned his blade from where it landed , took down the closest diamond dog , homing chained the other two and stabbed the mutt with his blade followed by flipping off of it right before it blew up. Returning to the other two men Mike dodged one’s punch and ducked the other bat swing before catching both in a strong upward slash which knocked one on his back and the other into the air which he leapt up and hit him with a 3-hit combo and brought him down with a front flipping slash and tossed a restraint on his unconscious form once he landed. He walked over to the last man as he was about to restain before his tooth sense blared right before he kicked Mike in the gut, knocking the wind out of him before he was hit in the face with the bat which knocked him back. He got onto his feet and walked up, dodging the next couple of bat swings before grabbing the goon by the shirt and ripping the bat out of his gasp and throwing it to the ground.

"What are you?" The criminal pleaded and the Knight wasted no time answering aloud so everyone could hear.

"What am I, well I'm the person that's make sure that you punks don't cause any more fear in the people in this city and live peacefully in both night and day, What am I?" He paused with a smirk on his face, "I am Swift, Knight of the Wind!" He shouted before flipping him over his head and planting him on the ground with a restraint on his chest, securing him tightly.

Whipping the sweat from his brow Swift began to make his way over to the closest group of students and started to cut the rope that had been holding them down ”Well that’s was easy, more or less.” He said as he cut the ropes off two more people.

“Forgetting someone?”

The Knight’s sense went off and turned around to be punched right in the face and sent flying and crashed into the serving line and sword sliding across the floor by R0V.

"Oh yeah, you I forgot you were there," Swift groaned as he removed a pancake from the top of his hood, a strip of bacon from his shoulder before stuffing it in his mouth and continuing. "What were you doing, having your belly rubbed?"

"Shut The Hell Up!!" R0V shouted. He leapt at the knight, punching him, grabbing him by the hood, and throwing him through a window and leaping after him leaving the students to themselves.

The people that Swift did free got up and began to untie their peers, with Rainbow Dash taking notice, she called out to one of them saying " Hey Lyra, grab that clown's oversized letter opener and start uniting us over here will ya."

It has been some time since the Diamond Dogs had made their demands and Police Captain Shining Armor had been growing worrisome after the sounds of breaking windows occurred minutes ago. Not only did R0V have a cafeteria full of students, he had his sister and threatened to kill her first if they didn't meet their demands. Not just that, from the gang's history they were known to kill many of their hostages if SWAT was sent in and now he was in between a rock and a hard place. Looking around the students and staff that had been evacuated, his fellow officers, and of helicopters for both the local news and police , he realized something. "Strange, they didn't demand what's taking us so long." Shinning thought as his wakie talkie went off "SWAT team one request to breach the side entrance Sir?" The man on the other side questioned. The captain was about to respond but stopped by the crashing sound coming from the front of the cafeteria as Swift went flying through it as he flipped in mid air and outstretched his arm to fire his grapple cable at the building as R0V flew towards the Knight in a leaping motion and grabbed him by the ankle and threw him towards the front of the building and hit the building with a ground cracking smack and R0V jumped in front of him.

Swift groaned in place as the metal man approached him "Any last words Knighty?" R0V asked grimly before the Knight leaped up and homing attacked R0V in the chest, knocking him back.

"That's Swift to you and don't forget it pal And leave the name calling to me! " Swift said as he landed. R0V got up as he growled, "You're gonna pay for that !" As he swiped his robotic claws at him but Swift dogged him in a green blur. "At least I'm not acting like an enragement child." Swift jested which only made R0V more angry as he swiped faster and faster, roaring all the while but to no avail as Swift ran around his attacks at break-neck speed but was finally swatted back to the main steps by the blunt side of one of R0V’s claws. "Why won't you fight back!?!?" R0V growled.

“Oh no reason, just waiting for the audience to take their ‘seats’.” Swift said a he made air quotes with his fingers as the students that had been in the cafeteria had shuffled up to the entrance of the school the closest to the school doors with was Twilight a notepad and pencil. “Twilight!!” Shining called out in concern.

“Speaking of here they are now; hey can you guy step away from the windows, i don’t want either myself or that rust bucket crashing into any of you.” The knight added and the students complied and stepped back “Good now to put this oversized puppy in the dog house.”

Swift summoned his blade as he got into his fighting stance as R0V did the same, standing on his three robotic paws with the fourth hovering and scratching the ground “I’m gonna wipe the floor with you!” he shouted then he charged at the Knight on all fours.

“Man you want me to keep the dog puns pumping don't cha?” Swift joked as he Charged at R0V until they were only feet away from each other. The Dog-armored man leapt at him claws drawn but Swift slid under him and threw his blade back at R0V as he landed, stunning him momentarily as Swift made a U-turn for R0V to catch his sword before it hit the ground. He then lead into two Quick three hit combos , but before more damage could be done R0V Spun around with his tail whipping about in retaliation. Unluckily for him the Knight rolled out of the way before it even touched him. R0V ran up to Swift Swiping his claws a few times, which the Knight blocked , following by The Diamond Dog leaping up and slamming his paws down which Swift rolled out of the way with R0V’s claws getting stuck in the ground Which allowed Swift to land a few more combos before the Diamond Dog used his tail swipe again which Swift promptly jumped over and landed an aerial combo with finisher that had dislodged R0V's claws and knocked him back. R0V growled as the seems in his paws began to glow red and his paws shifted into its blaster form. "I'm gonna blast you to kingdom come!" He shouted as he fired red orbs at Swift. Taking notice the knight ran around in a green blur shouting "Everybody down!!!" As he evaded R0V's shots. R0V kept lay on the heat as he kept firing at Swift as he began to slow down which he then lowered a blaster arm which Swift took the opportunity to homing attack the Double D leader. Just as the Knight was moments away from coming in contact with R0V the leader swiped his once lowered claw which caught Swift in the chest, ripping his suit slightly. He yelped in pain as he was being knocked back before R0V’s tail caught and coiled the knight like a rock python R0V reeled his prey up close as he tightened his grip, choking Swift until he dropped his sword to the floor with a 'clang'. He then loosened the grip slightly and reeling him up close.

"Now i got you." he chuckles.

"Ugh, what is that smell?" Swift choked in question.

"Smell?" R0V asks in exasperation, his breath infiltrated the Knight’s nostrils.

"Mystery solved,” he chuckles “it's your breath." Swift joked only making the Diamond Dog furious.

"I've had enough of you!!" R0V yelled as flung Swift backwards and skidded to a halt right in front of the statue. The Knight panted, letting the oxygen back into his lungs as his pas shifted into its claw cannon as the build up made the in the inner barrel glow brighter and brighter. "Now Die!" Swift closed his eyes prepared for the inevitable.

Guard the projectile boy

The words flashed into his suddenly as they disappeared he had to give it a shot as it was his last resort. The Knight got up just as R0V fired the large red orb of energy, his blade appeared in his hand and he held it up in a blocking stance as the blast made contact. It was silent, Swift opened his eyes and gasped to see see the red orb mere inches from his face with his sword holding the shot back. "Th-at's not possible;how?!?!

"Apparently you haven't met me."Swift gritted. "Now Fetch!!"Swift shouted as he sent the blast back at R0V with full force. Before he could react the ball, it hit R0V in an explosion send him up in the air. Swift took this advantage and ran over and up the school wall and. Jumped off to catch the Diamond Dog in an aerial combo with the front flipping slash finisher slamming him to the ground. Swift landed in front of R0V as he layed there in pain from the punishment Swift had given him and walked towards him.

"So who's really in charge here?" The Knight asked.

"I don’t know what you're talking about."R0V replied bluntly as Swift crouched by him.

"You went through all of this just to get a kid in a hood; i highly doubt that." Swift said as he gestured towards the environment around them. “Now I'm gonna ask again, who is your-" he continued before his tooth sense went off as his ankle was grabbed by R0V’s tail and tossed into the air as R0V took the time to get back up. Before Swift hit the ground the tyke suited man spun around hitting him in the chest and back due to his previous spinning decent and swatted him away with the tail as he was sent sailing front first towards the flagpole as a light bulb went off in the Knight's head.

"Fool me once-" he catches the the pole by the right and and starts spinning around it. "shame on me fool me twice-" building up momentum from spinning and draws his sword and lets go, spinning like a cyclone towards R0V. "Shame On You!!" R0V held up his arms in defense but it was useless as Swift practically went right through him with the attack and fell to the ground. Swift landed and spins his weapon around before dismissing it and walked back over to the Diamond Dog leader 's limp form. "As I was saying what's your boss' name, now!"

R0V looked over to the Knight with sleep in his eyes. "His n-ame is doc-tor-" that was all he said before sleep took took his consciousness away.

"Dang it." Swift mumbled as he got up. And turned towards the crowd. They're all yours officers and by by the way some of the Diamond Dogs in there need medical attention stat." He then saluted before revving up and spin dashing away in a green blur leaving everyone speechless before the police moved in.

"So that pathetic wimp actually beat the worthless box of scrap that calls himself a Diamond Dog." Said a mysterious figure among five others. They were all in a circular room each with their own chairs in which they sat around a table with a holographic projection of a scene where Swift delivered the finishing blow to R0V be put on repeat like it was a vine on a cell phone.

"Oh this one's a fighter, I always love it when my victims put up a fight. "Said another figure.

"Well to bad for you as a’h think he’s to weak to put up a fight." A third figure said as they scrunched up their nose after finishing their statement.

"Well I for one don't care about how strong he is all i want is that sword of his, it glew like like a diamond and I want it to be Mine!." Yet another figure spoke before the fourth figure prevent them from continuing.

"I don’t really care, as long as he doesn’t attack destroy my home I think I’ll keep him around."

"Well I don't care about what you do pipsqueak" the first figure replied.

"Oh yeah, well I-"

"Enough!!" The sixth figure of the group finally spoke from his throne like chair. "As you all can see our plan was a huge success."

"A success? You've gotta be kidding me boss the meat wiped the floor with that world's Diamond Dogs." the the second person had said as they whisked a locke of their hair to the side of their head.

"But remember what the the boss said, we want this 'Swift' to cause a fuss when fighting these foes as apart of our plan." The fourth said as the sixth nodded in agreement.

"Indeed as long as anarchy is created as a result of his heroics he will remain of use to us but, if he is to die so easily," he chuckles. "well then I have voted for the wrong party. Now we need another candidate since the last one didn't last this long, any suggestions?" The whole group went silent momentarily before the third figure spoke.

"Well we could always try another of our worthless business partners.

"No, we don't wanna lose all our assets in there just yet, anyone else?"

"Well there is one person i can think of but she doesn't live back at home so-" the fifth figure spoke before being interrupted by the 'boss' figure who had just appeared right beside them in a puff of smoke.

"Oh out with it, you could even whisper in my ear if you're too embarrassed to tell." The figure then leaned towards the other as the other whispered their suggestion into the boss's ear as he hummed in thought as he stroked his goatee.

"Yes such a good choice, she will do with our plan." He said as he walked away.

"And just what do we do now?" The first figure asked.

"All of you will return to your posts as i have left each of you your uniforms at those stations. I hope you like black by the way, and as for me, well it's time for the doctor to make a house call.

-To Be Continued.-

Author's Note:

Congrats Windy, you avoided the fun dungeon, for now. :pinkiecrazy:

*phew* Well anyway, I'm back guys, this chapter was a nightmare to edit and I am so sorry that this took so long, but its extra long so i hope that makes up, also there was something weird when i imported the doc so if you see a random Center command or grammar errors let me know as a big portion of this was edited by myself, thank you and -


Yes Pinkie?

Don't you need to give me something?

Oh Yeah, thanks for reminding me * Hands pinkie a gift box * you know what to do.

Aye, Aye Captain!

and I made one change and that is in all past and future chapters I shortened Michael to Mike but depending on certain characters They will say the name in full Hope you all enjoyed and have a good night!"