• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,367 Views, 103 Comments

Swift, Knight of the Wind Chronicles - Windy Swift

Michael Winds was just the average teen, until the day he got super powers from a lightning bolt which turned his life upside down. When school starts back up, will he be able to handle his new double life or be dragged into a pit of solitude

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Chapter 7: Celebrations

“Food- check, drinks- checkeruni, decorations-” Pinkie and the others had been preparing for the party. There were balloons, streamers, cake, just the necessities needed for parties. Now all they really had to wait for Rarity and Mike so they just sat around, others were in small conversation just like Rainbow Dash and Mike’s mother,

“Thanks for letting us have this get together Mrs. Winds.” Dash said.

“Oh don’t mention it, it’s nice to know that Michael made so many friends just in one day, before that attack from those Diamond Dog goons.” the young man’s mother responded.

“You said it, Though it kinda bugs me, why would you name him ‘Michael’ any way?”

“Oh that's not the name we picked, he actually had his named changed and added a nickname.”

“Really, why did he change it in the first place?”

“It’s complicated, his real name was-”

“Everyone Hide, They Just Pulled In!!” Pinkie interrupted as she heard a vehicle pulling in so everyone took positions and Pinkie turned off the light closest to the front door.

As soon as The car parked Mike immediately got out of the car and retrieved his bike from the back.

"I'm gonna put my bike in the garage and I'll meet you at the door.“ He said as he passed her. Rarity exited the vehicle and headed to the entrance. It didn’t take long for the young man to catch up to his friend, she was about to climb the steps when he arrived. She climbed the steps like any other person until they both heard a click, the door flung wide open and confetti flew right at her face, startling her and suddenly fell back. Mike, still shocked attempted to catch her, but ended up being her safety mat as they tumbled to the pavement with an 'oof'.

"Surprise!!!" The gang cheered with their heads popping out of the doorway to see Mike and Rarity laying on the ground in slight pain.

“Woops hehe, a little too much confetti.” Pinkie blushed.

After that little mishap the party got under way there were some games, most notably Uno where the young man beat his foes without breaking a sweat, all except for Rainbow who had just played her second to last card where Mike had three cards left. “Ha Uno, try and beat that!” With that the boy Smirked deviously and placed his card, a wild add four. “Green.” He said calmly. She growled in irritation and she picked up the four and examined them before picking another card as the ones she had didn’t match the color she had but placed the one she drew, a green five.

“You really thought that you could beat me, the king of Uno?!?”He placed a green skip. “Well think again. Uno,” Following up with a green six. ”and game.” Mike threw his arms up in victory while the athlete fought the urge to throw her arms up to flip the table since the top was made of glass as everyone else applauded him.

“Good Game there Mike.” Applejack congratulated. “four times in a row, how’d y’all do it?”

“A cardsman such as myself doesn’t give away such secrets.” He said getting up to get some more punch.

“This isn’t magic you know!” Rainbow shouted from the living room as he enters the kitchen to find Pinkie who was watching cartoons on the small TV in there..

“Pinks, I thought You were with the others.” The young man inquired.

“Oh after you played the wild card i knew it was over so I came in here to watch cartoons.” She said cheerfully as Mike refilled his cup. ”It’s pretty cool that have a TV in the kitchen I mean who has a TV in their kitchen these days?

“No clue, this one was actually my brother’s before he left.” he had let slip before realizing he did.

“You had a brother, I didn’t see anyone else new at the school.”

“Well that’s because he left for college before we moved, one of those out of country ones.” He lied to catch himself

“Oh that's neat, you’ll have to write him a letter sometime about your new friends.” Pinkie suggested.

“Sure I’ll get to that when I have time. Oh and thanks for throwing this party, it was a little too quiet for its own good.” he thanked as his pet dog rubbed up against his leg and then ran over to Fluttershy.

“No problem Mikey. Oh, I almost forgot!” She then pulled out a green box with an orange bow on the lid and handed it to him.

“Thanks but when did you have time to get me a gift?”

“I may have had some help, go on open it!!” she was bouncing in excitement as he opened it to pull out a green striped ball and a note which he read aloud.

A ball, in case you are in an emergency.
-Pinkie Pie ;P
P.S. Welcome to town. :)
P.P.S. Sorry for being 2 months and 3 Days late. :(

“Thanks Pinks” He said as he but the contents back in the box.

“No Problem!” She said as the party continued for a couple more hours.

“Thanks again guys!” Michael thanked everyone as they left and each person had replied with their thanks and a handshake, except pinkie who gave him a hug, the door closed with a smile still on his face. “That was fun.” He then walked into the living room where his mom was watching the news.

~This evening the vigilante known as The Knight of the Wind now with the surname of Swift, Knight of the Wind struck again during the day this time around and saved a school cafeteria full of students from the menacing gang the Diamond Dogs and put an end to their crimes by taking out their leader known as Rover, which now begs the question if This “Swift” is a threat to the people to the city, we saw if Police captain Shining Armor could answer that question~

it then went on to Shining talking about how he still works outside of the law but to have caution, followed by the reporter mentioning than he he put R0V’s right hand men, Fido and Spot away in the prior months but then the phone rang.

“I’ll get it, could you please take out the trash Kiddo? His mother asked as she pet Gizmo and picked up the phone. doing as told, the young man took the trash to the green bin out by the garage. he put the garbage in the container as he got a chill down his spine as if he was being watched and looked over towards the road where he saw someone wearing a black cloak staring out into the night sky. He approached the person realizing that he had feminine features. “You alright there mam?” the question made the woman jump and turn around, her face covered by the darkness by the hood.

they stared at each other for a few moment before the woman removed the hood, having grayish- light blue skin he recognized it as none other than his vice principal Luna. “Greetings Mr. Winds.

“Hello vice Principal Luna what brings you around this neighborhood?” He asked.

“Just on an evening stroll, admiring the evening sky.”

“Yeah, it's a beautiful night. he said as he walked beside her admiring the sparkling of the evening stars.

“You enjoy the night as well?”

“Well during the summer I get to stay up longer, and it actually gave me new appreciation for the night. he smiled. “the sense of the nightlife is pretty cool.”

“Well i thought that more people are asleep than awake during the night because they don’t have any use for it.”

“Don’t think like that, everyone just needs they’re asleep and the ones that are awake make up for the others with the energy at parties or clubs. I've been by a few when i take my dog out on long walks.” he said.

“Yes you are quite right Mr. Winds i should know better than to forget that.” Luna smiled which Michael rarely sees from the times that they spoke he then turned around and walked back.

“Have a good evening. Oh Vice Principal Luna I wanted to ask when-” Michael turned to ask Luna to find that she had vanished.”Where’d she go?” He shrugged it off and headed back inside as three stars were eclipsed by the moon.

Michael walked back inside to find his mother putting the phone on the base. “Who was it?” He asked.

“It was the robo call from the school, you got three extra days off school while everything is sorted out with the investigation.” as she continued to pet the dog. “You seem tired, that party must have taken it out of you huh?”

“No I’m good, not tired at all.” He yawned.

“Right, I’ll walk gizmo and you get some shut eye.” she said as she got up and ushered her son to the stairs.

“Alright fine I’ll sleep.”He said in defeat as he climbed the stairs but turned back to face her. “Just stay safe out there okay?”

“I’ll be fine just sleep.”

“Okay, good night then.” He said as he went to his room and closed the door “But before that I need to see the damages.” He walked up to the mirror and switched outfits and looked at himself confused as the suit was just fine.” where are the cuts, i'm pretty sure that R0V did a number on this thing. I wonder…” He then took his sword and proceeded to cut his sleeve and watched as a magical light that covered the cut and vanished, to reveal the cut disappeared as if it didn’t exist. “That’s a new one, this suit surprises me everyday.” He changed back and put his pajamas, throwing his prior outfit in the hamper and putting his present on the nightstand. Michael turned the light off fell asleep with a smile which changed to a frown as his nightmares haunted him once more and a princess wasn't there to save him.

-To Be Continued-

Author's Note:

Oh baby a triple!! :pinkiegasp:

yes three weeks in a row you're shocked now lets make like Cranky Doodle's hairline and recede

*giggles* okay, have a good week everyone :pinkiesmile: