• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 1,367 Views, 103 Comments

Swift, Knight of the Wind Chronicles - Windy Swift

Michael Winds was just the average teen, until the day he got super powers from a lightning bolt which turned his life upside down. When school starts back up, will he be able to handle his new double life or be dragged into a pit of solitude

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Aftermath

Swift entered the cafeteria once he made sure the coast was clear through one of the broken windows. He had to work fast, he knew the police were closing in, so he grabbed the broken cable from his left grapple gauntlet and his bag before he remembered the glowing object within the mound of scrap from the destroyed metal mutt. “Now what do we have here?" He questioned as he dug through the scrap. The Knight’s eyes widened as he pulled a beautiful fine-cut gemstone which was glowing a brilliant shade of blue. He then quickly summoned the small bag he used earlier and placed the gem inside. Moments later he heard footsteps approaching, quickly looting some more gems from nearby scrap piles and using his good gauntlet to escape through the same air vent he had used to make his entrance and made his way back to the bathroom, just before the screen on his gauntlet lost power yet again. "Aw Come On!!"

Meanwhile , outside the police had already gotten the students out of the building and sent a team in to secure it. Rarity, Dash, Pinkie, AJ, Fluttershy, Scoots, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle made small talk amongst themselves, while Twilight made her way over to her brother. When Shining Armor noticed her, he ran towards her with open arms, "Twily, thank heavens you’re alright." He said.

"Well I'm glad you're here actually."

"Why is that?" The police captain asked.

"Well I've got some information about the Knight of the Wind." She replied pulling out her notepad.

"Twilight, I thought we went over this already."

"But that kid that took down Rover single-handedly, was the Knight, he said so himself."

"Oh, he did? Well, what exactly did he say?"

"He said his name was Swift, Knight of the Wind, and from my observations," she paused to skim through her notes to the correct page, "he is left handed, in his mid to late teens, possibly early twenties and is about 5` 8``. " she finished as she handed the notes over to Shining, which he read through quickly.

"Okay, I’ll take this info, just this once, but you have to stop trying to figure out who this 'Swift' is, alright?" he asked sincerely.

"Okay, Shining." Twilight said as someone came through on Shining's walkie-talkie.

"This is bravo team one. Over." The officer said, signaling the captain to respond.

"Ten-four, Armor speaking ,what’s your status? Over." He said.

"We found another student in the boys restroom what do you want us to do about it? Over." they asked. Twilight's eyes widened as she whispered in her brother's ear before he responded.

"His name doesn't happen to be Michael Winds, does it? Over."

The other line went silent momentarily before they answered. "Yes, it is, sir, how did you know? Over."

"Just a friend of my sister, send him out here with another officer. Over."

"Ten-four, Captain Armor. Over."

Minutes later MIke exited the building. His friends immediately took notice, most notably Pinkie Pie; she zipped over to him and whisked him up in a hug.

"Oh my goodness you're okay, oh who am I kidding, we were in danger so you must have been just fine, oh we should celebrate us not dying and-"

Pin-kie you're crushing m-y lungs." Mike interrupted her. Pinkie released him. "She squeezes tighter than R0V’s tail did," He thought.

"Sorry, Mikey," She apologised before smiling sheepishly.

"It’s okay, Pinks." Mike gasped.

"Are you alright there, Mike? Y'all look like you were strangled by a rattlesnake." Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, how are you guys?” Mike replied.

“Oh we’re all fine Mike. Surprisingly, that hooded clown Swift manage to not get anyone hurt, besides those Diamond Dogs.” Rainbow said as the ambulance workers put some of the injured Diamond Dogs into an ambulance.

“Swift, who’s that?” He asked, thinking about how badly he injured them.

“Oh it’s the Knight of the Wind, guess he wanted the city to know his alter ego’s name or something.”

“Actually darling, I was the one who suggested that name, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity butted in.

“Oh, so that’s not his real name? Come on, Rarity, I really thought that he used his real name like an idiot.” Dash said with a frown as Twilight walked up to the group.

“Hey Michael, my brother is the police captain and would like to ask you some questions. Is that ok?” she asked.

“Ok, I’ll see you girls in a bit.” Mike and Twilight walked off. Rarity was about to make her way to another group before someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to find Fluttershy standing there.

“What is it, darling?” she asked

“Um, Rarity, do you mind if I talked to you, in private?”

“Why, of course not, just follow me.”

They walked until they got to a part of the campus with the least amount of people before they continued their conversation.

“So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?”

“Well, it’s about when I fell unconscious.” Rarity’s ears perked up.

“Yes, what about it?”

“Well, this may be hard to believe but well um- I had the same dream as you.”

“What?” Rarity asked..

“It all happened just as you told it for the most part.”

“And what do you mean by ‘for the most part’?”

“When I saw his hands, the colors weren’t the same, the gloves were black and the sleeves weren’t green but orange and I’m pretty sure his pants were green too.”

“How strange. Well, we can ponder about that later let's get back to the others.” Fluttershy nodded and they walked back to where they were previously to find Pinkie Pie zipping around, looking for someone until she caught a glimpse of them.

“There you two are. Where were you guys?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, we were just talking Pinkie.”

“Was it by chance that while Shy was out cold, she had the same dream you did but Swift’s outfit was a different color?” Pinkie asked.

“How did you know that?”

“Just a hunch.” Pinkie grinned. “Anyway, I need your help, Rarity.”

“What for, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“Something I should’ve done two months and three days ago.” She replied clasping her hands.

“So let's go over this again. Is that alright, Mr.Winds?” Shining asked the young man in question who nodded in response.”So you were using the restroom when the hostage situation took place and when a couple of diamond dogs entered said restroom you hid in the stall that you were in until my team found you, correct?

“They did leave after someone called them to the cafeteria, from a walkie-talkie, I think, but other than that that’s what happened.” Mike answered.

The police captain gave a look over the statement that he had written down before nodding. “Everything seems in order, you’re free to go.”

“Thank you, Captain Armor, have a good day and good luck getting this all settled down.” he said as he walked back over to the group giving him time to think. “Poor Flutters, having to go through my past like that, to see him die right before her eyes, but would my clothes still be the wrong color from Rarity’s dream, and who was that voice that told me to block R0V’s shot?” He thought before shaking his head. “That can wait for another time, I have other stuff to worry about.” When Michael had arrived, he could see everyone lost in their own conversations, the closest group being Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Mike walked silently behind the party fanatic and whispered in her ear “Hi.” Pinkie screeched as she literally jumped from the scare with Fluttershy and Rarity’s jaw dropping. “Was it something I said?”

“How did you scare me?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s simple, really, all I did was-” He said before Pinkie grabbed him by his shoulders.

“No, how could you scare me, it’s impossible to scare me, impossible, I tell you!!” Pinkie shouted as she shook the young man violently.

“I don’t know, I just scared you, I guess.” he said, then Pinkie stopped her shaking.

Pinkie was about speak again before the the feedback from a megaphone being turned on hurt everyone’s ears, Principal Celestia holding it. “Hello, students, I’m sorry to say that due to the attack, we must close school for the next few days for the police to conduct their investigation, so you may all go home, we will be sending out a robot call tonight with more information. Have a good evening, everyone.” When she finished the students began to cheer for the news.

“They all seem excited.” Mike said.

“Well why wouldn’t they be, darling? We’re getting a few more days out of school.” Rarity exclaimed.

“It was a rhetorical question. Say, Rares, if you don’t mind, could you-”

“Give you a ride home? No problem. I still have your bike after all.”

“Great, should we get going?” he asked.

“Indeed, we both have things we probably must attend to.”
So with that the two waved goodbye to their friends and went back to Rarity’s car. When they got into the car Mike realized that they were forgetting someone. ”Wait, what about Sweetie Belle?”

“She usually goes with the rest of the Career Minded Crusaders to find out what their careers are gonna be, hopefully they won’t try lion taming again.” She said as she started the vehicle’s engine.

“Okay, then- wait, what do you mean, Lion Taming?!?!”

On the ride back Rarity had explained what insane things the CMC had attempted which quite surprised Mike that some of them didn’t get any of the girls killed.

“Those are some stories, Rares.” He said, intrigued.

“Yes those three can be quite the daredevils sometimes.” Rarity said as her phone rang from within her bag.”You don’t mind, do you, Mchael?” the young man shook his head in response, so she answered the phone. “I wonder who she’s talking to..” he thought as she was looking away from Michael to prevent him from overhearing the conversation with Pinkie Pie.

“Heya Rares, where are you guys?” she asked happily.

“We are right by Sugarcube Cafe.” Rarity answered.

“Great, I just got permission, so all I need is for you to hold him off for about an hour, okay?”

“An hour. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Great. I’ll see you two there.” Pinkie beamed before hanging up as Rarity put the phone back in her handbag. She quickly thought of an activity to pass the time.

“Say, Michael, how about I show you around the city?” she queried.

The young man gave it some thought since he didn’t really remember any place special, he thought it would be a great way to know general land marks when setting up a general patrol of the city, so he nodded. “Sure thing. I've got time to spare.”

-An hour of driving later-

“And that’s just about a quarter of the city. Now, over there is-” Rarity was saying before she was interrupted.

“Rarity, I know you’re being generous and all but, besides the landmarks you pointed out did you have to point out all the shopping stores that you like or dislike as well?” Mike asked with with annoyance.

Rarity blushed. “Ah yes, my apologies shall we continue?”

He looked at his watch and said. “Nah, I’m good, it’s been about an hour, you're not holding me hostage, are you?” He asked leaving Rarity shocked before continuing. “You kinda left phone volume up, and Pinks isn’t the quietest of people.” he said.

Rarity giggled cutely. “My mistake.”

“Don’t worry I still don't know why you kept me so let’s keep this between us, don’t wanna see you sent down to Pinkie’s fun dungeon, am I right?” He joked nudging his friend’s shoulder.

“How did you know that she was going to do that Michael?” The designer asked, making the young man gulp as he realized that Rainbow Dash may have not been bluffing back at school.

“Just a guess. Shall we go?” He said gesturing forward.

“We shall, all I need is the directions to your abode.” Rarity said as they continued down the road.

“Sure thing. Say, how did Pinkie know where I lived?”

“I honestly have no idea, dear.”.

The schoolyard was desolate, only the vehicles of the investigative team were present, yet they were all inside the building looking through clues and rummaging through security footage on the cameras from outside the building so none of them were recording at the moment, one of which pointed at the statue. That statue being of a horse rearing on its hind legs on a tall base slightly taller than the average adult male height. What was special about this statue is that the base of each side is like a mirror and the side that faces the school is special, in that every thirty moons that mirror acts as a gateway between Equestria and this world for only three days, but what about the other sides? What if there is more than one Equestria linked to that portal? Well no need to question it as the mirror on the side facing the road began to glow as a male figure in a black hooded cloak, so no one could see his face, though he had a wicked smile, stroking the hair on his chin before saying, ”The doctor is in.” Before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

-To Be Continued-

Author's Note:

Ha 2 weeks in a row :pinkiehappy:
also letme knowif i left any errors, thanks everyone.
Enjoy. :moustache:

EDIT: Edited by Eagle75777