• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 569 Views, 7 Comments

The Stranger - Kaptein

The Princesses puzzle over a strange mare with no memory and two large horns growing on her head. Meanwhile, a reclusive stallion haunted by his past realises that it has come to catch up with him.

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Chapter 1

It was supposed to be a peaceful night - the Lunar Court rarely had anything more exciting than a crazy cat lady complaining about the pigeon population, or the eccentric noble petitioning for funds for his art gallery consisting mainly of oddly shaped noodles.

Princess Luna rubbed at her temples, trying to will the morning to come quicker. During the few blissful hours where she switched roles with her sister, she at least had little obligation to the courts.

The first sign things were about to go awry was the sudden magical surge reverberating through the castle. The second was a blood-curdling scream that chilled even the Princess of the Night’s blood.

Loud, sobbing screams started to echo through Canterlot Castle’s halls, the guards starting to shift uneasily.

“Captain, assembled your guardsponies,” Luna commanded, the Night Guard quickly flying off, as she descended from the throne. She turned to a servant. "The court is closed for the night, see to it that any nobles and petitioners are notified appropriately." Luna turned her head towards the remaining guards. "The rest of you, follow me."

The screams did not relent. Within minutes, Luna was striding, armed guards flanking either side of her, through the halls towards its source. A quiet flutter of alarm flared up in her chest, but she did not allow it to show on her stern expression. Whoever was generating such a bone-chillingly pained scream was coming from where the Crystal Mirror was once locked securely away. It had long since been moved to the Crystal Empire for better safekeeping.

Armoured guards filed into the chamber, Princess Luna following shortly behind them.

She raised an eyebrow, watching as they surrounded a form crumpled on the ground. A large, still-smoking scorch mark burned the ground underneath it.

The guards parted as Princess Luna made her way towards the crumpled form on the ground.

It was a young mare with a brick red coat. Her ashen grey eyes stared wildly around the room, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her mane was a pale green, matted and dishevelled. What alarmed Luna the most was the two, circular horns curling around the sides of her skull, just behind and underneath her ears.

Luna briefly thought she might be a goat, but the mare's equine build and non-cloven hooves ruled that out. Plus, her sheer size and build was stronger than most earth ponies Luna had seen in her long life. Despite her size, the young look on her face pegged her as being barely into adult-hood. But above all, she was most definitely equine.

The stranger shifted, unsteadily getting to her hooves. The guards tensed up, spears raised as they aimed towards her. The horned mare let out another agonising scream, gripping herself in a tight hug suddenly as she collapsed onto the ground. Luna winced internally, but she did not show it - it was not a Princess' place to show such emotions.

“Sister, what is going on?”

Princess Celestia walked in, a confused look on her face as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She still wore her sleeping robes, a shade darker than her alabaster coat.

Luna turned to her, giving a silencing look. Celestia stared, bleary eyed for a moment, before suddenly realising the tense look behind Luna's eyes. She nodded, moving to stand by her sister’s side.

The horned mare stood up again, legs wobbling under her weight. Her eyes darted around at the floor, looking at nothing in particular. A sickening dry heave forced its way from her throat as she collapsed onto the floor again. The white Princess visibly winced.

“Sister, do you sense it…?” Celestia whispered softly to Luna.

“It’s...I can feel something, sister. But I do not know what it is…” Luna closed her eyes momentarily, before turning to the nearest guard. “Quickly, summon the castle medical staff.”

With a nod, the guard hurried off.

The strange mare continued to heave, her stomach apparently trying to empty out contents that were not even there. A hoarse whisper finally escaped her lips. “Pain...burning so much pain.” Her words were frantic, bordering gibberish. “It burns make it stop.”

The castle’s on-duty doctor’s arrival was announced by a unicorn stallion almost pushing the royal sisters out of the way, several nursing staff tailing him. He bent down to examine the strange mare. “She’s burning up, but...there’s no sign of a fever or injury. She's clearly suffering from acute stress.” The doctor ushered over two of the nurses. “There’s nothing to do here except to put her into observation. Get a stretcher.”

The strange mare was shivering violently, but at least her screams were starting to die down. The two nurses quickly returned with the stretcher, but it took the combined strength of three of them to lift the mare onto it and to carry it out towards the medical ward.

Celestia gave a worried sigh, her expression matching her tone. “Luna...what is going on?”

“You felt the surge of magic, sister...and you can feel it still lingering in the air. I cannot place my hoof on it…”

“I’m talking about that poor mare,” Celestia said sternly.

“I will have two guardsponies assigned to her room - once she has had some rest and recovered we can ask her properly.”

Celestia shot her a disapproving look, causing the lunar Princess to shrink slightly under it. “Don’t you think that’s being a bit excessive?”

Luna let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding. Her head dipped low as she turned to face Celestia. “I am sorry, sister...I have been a bit on edge ever since Tirek’s return.”

She repressed a shudder. Having your very magical essence sucked out of you…it left an emptiness that gnawed away at your very existence.

“We’ve all been on edge, Luna - even if Tirek’s return was many moons ago. But what I saw wasn’t a threat to Equestrian security - I saw a young mare that was in obvious pain.”

Luna’s eyes darted to the side, a well of shame building up inside of her. “I’m sorry I acted so callously. I will amend my ways.”

Celestia smiled. “It’s okay, Luna. Let’s tend to our guest, first.”


Two guards, one Solar and one Lunar, stood resolutely at attention outside a medical ward. Inside, a young mare was rocking back and forth on the bed, the blanket laying discarded by her side, still sobbing occasionally. She held an empty gaze at her hooves, staring at each one for a long while before alternating to the other. Her tears had tried long ago, her cheeks stained and matted from the dry tears.

Moonlight dimly filtered into the window, offering little comfort. She didn’t like the moon - it’s pale chill sent an uneasy wave of dread into her core.

Her flank was blank - or so she had heard a guard mention it in addition to something about a cutiemark. She shrugged off the knowledge - the word was strange to her.

“I’m not supposed to be here…” she murmured to herself.

She closed her eyes and shivered again. The sound of hoofsteps and two guards suddenly saluting made her open them and look up. Two beings, one as glorious and beautiful as the sun, the other as dark and mysterious as the moon, walked in, followed by several other ponies.

The strange mare shifted uneasily. Her mouth opened for a moment, before she decided to simply stay silent.

“Who are you, my little pony?” the white one said. There was obvious concern on her face as she bent down to better examine her.

“I...don’t know. Beyond waking up I do not have much memory.”

“What do you remember?” the dark one asked - her tone was much firmer and strict. The stranger shivered under her gaze.

“Pain and suffering.” Her reply was strained, the memory still fresh. “I remember unimaginable pain as my body was being burned away. And…” she hesitated, turning away. “I remember great sorrow. I left someone behind…”

The two alicorns turned to each other, sharing a look.The white one opened her mouth as if to speak, when a loud gurgling sound rumbled through the room.

The stranger looked down at her stomach. “I think I’m hungry,” she stated, surprised by the fact as much as the sisters were of her presence.

“You are unusually calm considering your situation,” the dark one said. “Do you not realise who you are speaking to?”

The strange mare looked up at the two - her ashen eyes straying between them analytically. “Judging by your larger stature - I believe you are magically enhanced or of a higher power compared to the others. In either case, I believe you are both in a position of power.”

The dark one blinked a few times indignantly, trying to sputter out a response.

“Forgive my sister - and forgive my manners,” the white one spoke. “I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and raiser of the sun.” She gestured to her sister, a faint smile tugging on her lips. “And this is my sister, Princess Luna, who rules by my side and raises the moon at night.”

“Forgive my intrusions then, Princess.” The stranger bowed her head.

“There is nothing to forgive - I understand the confusion you must be suffering from right now,” Princess Celestia said. “But I believe that further questions can wait.” She nodded to one of the guards, who quickly set off. “We should get you appropriate living quarters and - at the very least - something to eat.”

The stranger frowned at Celestia, suspicion trying to worm its way to the forefront of her thoughts. She quickly beat it down, instead allowing herself to smile.


Somewhere, on the outskirts of of the Crystal Empire and buried deep in the Frozen North, a reclusive earth pony stallion woke up. He shuffled out of his sparse bed, walking out of his meagre hut into the raging blizzards. He did not shiver or or pay any mind the cold whipping at his tan-coloured coat. His eyes narrowed as he stared off into the distance.

“I know that feeling…” he whispered to himself, before shaking his head. “I hope it’s not what I think it is…” He turned back and went inside. There was no denying it - he knew exactly what it was, and did not like the consequences it was going to bring.

He emitted a low growl, clenching his teeth. “Goddamit.”

Author's Note:

This is an idea that's been rolling around in my head for a while now. I may or may not devote time to this fic depending on the feedback I get.

If you spot any spelling errors, please let me know.

Also, the last word 'goddamit' is fully intentional. It is not a typo.